NationStates Jolt Archive

A Galatic Message (FT, intro)

15-04-2009, 20:44
The people of Dyroff are a people with a somewhat unique yet clichéd story to tell. They were a small group of people ranging from rich merchants to every-day families who scraped together enough money to aid with the trip who all wanted to flee the new Germany on their original home-planet of earth that was crushing down on not just monarchies but general freedom of speech and expression as well. Thus these people, a majority of them monarchists themselves, fled with the help of Doctor Jonas Mahler: their first kind when they finally touched down on their first ever planet. Said planet was a planet akin to Earth which was found mostly abandoned except for a strange, lanky, gray-skinned people who seemed to completely ignore their presence as they set up a small site in an area similar to the Germany of Old Terra. Soon though the Lanks, as the Dyroffians called them for the lanky appearance due to lack of any real muscles, decided that they were a threat but at that moment it was too late for them to do anything effective about it with several small communities set up in the local area...which seemed to be the only area holding some form of current life. The Lanks fell quickly in to the bonds of servitude to the Dyroff as punishment for the spontaneous and unreasonable attacks against them. They were to do tasks for the Dyroffian people and were oppressed to the point to where they weren’t allowed to vote in any affairs of any kind and were considered even worse then second-class citizens.

After this minor threat was abolished the Dyroffians found out that they were not the first to come to this planet. They found countless ruins and destroyed cities that clearly indicated life had been there before them. The Lanks would say nothing, simply saying that they came after the ‘Before Time’ and only saw it’s end: not it’s beginning. This put the Dyroffians on edge and they immediately started mandatory military service for both the Lanks and Dyroffians themselves ins case whatever, or whoever, wiped out the ones before them tried to come back for a second round. Fortunately nothing came at first and the Dyroffian king, His Royal Majesty, King Jonas Mahler the II of Dyroff: a descendent of Doctor and King Jonas Mahler the I of the ‘First Ones’, ordered that the ruins be examined and it was soon found out that the ruins were amazingly alike Earth designs. Everything seemed designed for homo-sapiens…and it unnerved them once again to the point of reestablishing the mandatory military service: permanently this time. This was due to the fact that scientists predicted the ruins were fairly young: less than six hundred years old in fact. Now the Dyroffians and the Lank slaves were all on edge at this discovery...this being brand new information to both parties.

After all these discoveries slavery was abolished to try and decrease tension between the two races in the event of war. King Jonas Mahler the II died of cancer several months after and his son King Jonas Mahler the III, the Crippled King, took his place. Under his reign, which is still in existence, the two moons around their planet were soon taken. One measuring the size of Earth’s and the other was half that size. They are now both occupied by small research stations to monitor both space and their own planet for anything that might be out there which they couldn’t detect for some reason or another while sending probing messages out in to space while waiting for a response from any outside force. At least until some sort of emissions were detected approaching the planet’s atmosphere. At this His Majesty’s Royal Hunters to find out what it was that had landed on their planet. When they found what it was it was discovered to be a trashed alien vessel of some kind with various pieces of technology. Upon being studied and reprogrammed they came up with an extremely powerful radio transmitter and began broadcasting to the galaxy on constant loop.


"Achtung an alle fühlenden Lebewesen, wir sind das Volk der Dyroff. Wir meinen nicht schaden: nur Frieden. Wenn Sie hören, antworten Sie bitte diese. Wir wiederholen: Wenn Sie hören, antworten Sie bitte diese.” Were the contents of the German form of the message. The people of Dyroff had no idea if other Germans had fled from Earth to find a new homeland or not and they didn’t want to take any chances if some had.

“Attention to all sentient beings, we are the people of Dyroff. We mean no harm, only peace. When you hear this, please reply. We repeat: if you hear this please reply.” Was the heavily accented English version that would broadcast through space on a constant loop until the time came.

“Loleh olpeep fo het lxayag, ew maen uyo on marh: pnodser esaelp.” The language of the Lanks, or as they simply called it: ‘Their Tongue’. They simply declared they meant no harm and asked politely for a case anything like them happened to exist: translated by one of the few Lank military scientists serving King Jonas the III.

Dominik Kruger, Five Star General of His Majesty’s Highborn Guard, knew all the messages and knew that he had to be prepared for whatever came of them. He hated the idea of a continuous loop that could be easily tracked by a not-so-friendly alien species like whatever it had been that wiped their planet clean of it’s original life. Regardless of his arguments he still stood in neatly pressed gray uniform and jack-boots while Dom, the Lank that had personally made the third message, monitored the air for any possible responses. Dominik slowly walked across the gunmetal-gray metal floor so he stood behind the 6’5, gray-skinned scientist in his oversized coat. Dom looked back, Dominik’s reflection coming back to him in those large black eyes that never seemed to blink except in extreme surprise or when he was exhausted...which seemed to never happen...and he never seemed to get tired either.

“What do you think?” Dominik asked, speaking in German.

“What do you mean?” Dom asked, also speaking German only with a buzz of some kind in his voice that they all seemed to have.

“What do you think the response will be?” Dominik clarified.

“I believe that the chances of response from a third species...” Dom paused as he mentally went through the calculations, his massive brain calculating them as if it was 2 + 2 “ 5,764-to-1.” Dom set one of his bony, long-fingered hands in to a pocket of his coat while he let his opinion sink in.

“This is better than what we thought in the 21st century.” Dominik replied as he moved to a display screen showing the dull gray surface of the weißen Mond, or ‘White Moon’, and it’s crater-marked face as it hurled through space with it’s larger brother the gelb Mond, or ‘Yellow Moon’, off in the distance looming at twice their size.

Dominik liked gelb Mond, it was an easy assignment to pull off given the fact that it was mainly designated for scanning their own planet for life. That would probably change soon though, once command finally was satisfied enough to tell the Crippled King that there was no chance of there being any other life besides the Lanks and themselves. Dominik pushed his cap back across his head to reveal a receding hairline and the start of gray hairs interspersed with the dirty blonde hairs that covered most of his head. He could only pray that if that to-1 chance came true that it was with a friendly species or better yet, it was fellow Deutschen who had escaped the former Motherland’s cruel ways to the freedom of deep space. Though Dominik had a feeling that the chances of THAT was even less likely then meeting a third species given how hard they had been forced to fight in order to escape to freedom.

OOC: Basically I need one or more fellow FT nations to just RP intercepting the message(s) and responding in how they see fit.
15-04-2009, 21:13
Not recognizing any of the languages used in the course of the transmission, the Aumanii diplomatic corps arranged for one to be returned in Interlac.

'We are peaceful. We are your friends. Let us meet and become better friends.'

The message was simple. Aumanii Interlac, a simplified dialect of the universal language, didn't allow for much in the way of grandiosity in form or function. It was easy to decipher, if you had some time on your hands that is. The meat and 'taters was all that was necessary in such an early stage. As ominous as it might seem to some.
15-04-2009, 22:46
Coredian Deep Space Communications Station

It was what amounts to nighttime as the Semi-Nomadic Coredian Empire's Deep Space Communications Network began its daily scan of the skies for potential nations to make friends with. It seems like today would be just another uneventful day for Lieutenant Keisuke Narate when something occurred on his watch.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Message received! Message received! Beep! Beep! Beep!

"Hmm?" The young Lt saw a message that appeared to come from a nation deep in the galaxy. "Hey, looks like there's someone new."

"Achtung an alle fühlenden Lebewesen, wir sind das Volk der Dyroff. Wir meinen nicht schaden: nur Frieden. Wenn Sie hören, antworten Sie bitte diese. Wir wiederholen: Wenn Sie hören, antworten Sie bitte diese.” Were the contents of the German form of the message. The people of Dyroff had no idea if other Germans had fled from Earth to find a new homeland or not and they didn’t want to take any chances if some had.

“Attention to all sentient beings, we are the people of Dyroff. We mean no harm, only peace. When you hear this, please reply. We repeat: if you hear this please reply.” Was the heavily accented English version that would broadcast through space on a constant loop until the time came.

“Loleh olpeep fo het lxayag, ew maen uyo on marh: pnodser esaelp.” The language of the Lanks, or as they simply called it: ‘Their Tongue’. They simply declared they meant no harm and asked politely for a case anything like them happened to exist: translated by one of the few Lank military scientists serving King Jonas the III.

"Hmm...better send this up the line." The Lt. said, firing a message to High Command with the message. "Three messages which appear to say the same thing. Weird."

The message bounced around the galaxy for a while until it reached the High Command. Then someone realized the language was a lot similar to Dornalian German, yet it was coming from the wrong sector.

They sent back a message to this new nation in Basic (english) and a translation.

"Dyroff. This is the Semi-Nomadic Coredian Empire. We respond. We also seek peace. Please respond to this message."

"Dyroff. Dieses ist das Halb-Nomadische Coredian Reich. Wir reagieren. Wir suchen auch Frieden. Reagieren Sie bitte auf diese Mitteilung."

OOC: I used Babelfish.
15-04-2009, 23:10
The entire staff on the weißen Mond base were ecstatic at the fact they had recieved a response. It was in a language they didn't understand but it was still a language!!! Even Dominik had to fight to not scream with joy at the fact that he had something to present the kid. Taking a small disk no bigger than his palm, Dominik handed it over to a nearby scientist: one of Dom's own aids.

"Get this news to King Jonas immediatelly." Dominic ordered.

The aid nodded, put the disk in a container, and ran with it to destinations unimportant.

They called him the Crippled King. He had been badly injured in combat against the Lanks when they had first turned hostile, losing his left leg below the knee and having to amputate his left arm below the elbow. Now though, the arm was replaced with a highly functional gold-plated animotronic that commonly held one of the arms on his wheel chair. Why not replace his leg as well? His father, King Jonas the II, had insisted he do so. It would have been a waste of their resources which were already stretched at the time given the war because even if he had gotten it he wouldn't have qualified for the military given how poor limb construction had been at the time. If he hadn't bothered to get one then, why get one now? People recognized him for his wheelchair and they viewed it as one of his signs of power.

King Jonas the III looked up from the disk at the people in front of him in the ovular disk. His son, Prince Ulrich Mahler, stood in front of him eagerly awaiting the opinion of his stony-faced father. Meanwhile his daughter, Princess Stefanie Mahler stood with her eleven year old arms supporting her eleven month old adopted brother while she stood just behind her nanny also awaiting his opinion. The nanny, a rather young lady who had delivered the message, looked down at him while he read over the report that came with the disk in his other hand. Jonas nodded and slowly wheeled over to his desk where an in-set computer rested. Slipping the disk in he listened intently twice before looking to the maid with a smile, knowing what the strange language meant.

"Tell the general to get translators on this immidiatelly, tell him I want every Lank with free time on their hands to work at it too." Jonas added.

The nanny nodded that she understood and his son was just about beaming at making his father so happy. His daughter and oldest son came to his side, his cybernetic arm wrapped around his son and his real one around his daughter and second son. The mother could sadly not join in on the group-hug, having sadly passed not too long ago due to cancer. Still, happiness existed as Jonas spoke.

"I knew it, I knew we weren't alone my Kinder. "


The responses were as follows:

To the Coredian people: "Coredian Reich, wir sind Seine Majestät Königreich Dyroff unter König Jonas III. Wir sind auf der Flucht aus unseren Heimatplaneten, in der Hoffnung, der Freiheit und des Friedens. Wir werden uns gerne treffen."

Meanwhile, after several long hours of translation a reply was sent to the Aurman people as well: "Hello people of Aurman, we are His Majesty's Kingdom of Dyroff under King Jonas the III. We apologize for the repeat of messages. We did not know any nearby races. We wish for peace and will gladly meet."

OOC: Free Translation Online for me. Also, save for the 'We did not know any nearby races' thing the messages say almost the exact same thing.
15-04-2009, 23:44
The day was moving quite slowly at the Uehid system Naval Command. Based in orbit around the sector capital, the massive Ramilies-Class Star Fort monitored the daily traffic of coming and going starships, as well as acted as the home base for any naval units in the system. Positively bristling with gun, lance, missile, and torpedo batteries, it was certainly a formidable fortress. However, today wasn't the day to test it's defenses.

"Sir." One of the officers manning one of consoles in the command room reported. "We're picking up something."

Vice-Admiral Johan Colburn looked up from the data slate he was reading, peering down towards the officer from his position in the commander's balcony. "A lot of things get picked up here every day, lieutenant. Would you care to elaborate?"

"It's some sort of long-range transmission. Out-of-system, from the looks of it."

"Patch it through."

The group was treated to a series of transmissions, two of which were in unknown languages. The Universal Translator quickly kicked in, revealing their meanings.

"So, another race had made it to the galactic stage." Colburn said aloud, listening to the transmission as it came through. Finally, something interesting to take care of!

"Send a ship out there to meet them." He said simply. "Also, send them a reply. They're probably waiting to hear a response."

"Yes, sir."

To the people of Dyroff,
This is the Holy Imperium of Angenteria. We have recieved your message, and wish peace. We are sending a ship to the source of this transmission to meet with your representatives.
16-04-2009, 00:04
"We thank you for responding, we will await the ship eagerly and request you land on the smaller of two satalites around our planet. We have a welcoming party to take you to the king." Came the reply.

Meanwhile, on the same base holding Dominik several men in spit-shined jackboots, neatly creased and recently cleaned black pants, and other such such dressings ( along with each of them carrying ceremonial swords ( with beautfiul ivory handles and various gold designs. They were King Jonas's official welcoming party who would escort the occupants of the coming ship down to neue Erde (New Earth) to meet with the King himself for diplomatic discussions and the trading of culture. All twelve men would wait on the base for the ship to arrive
The Rotan
16-04-2009, 00:33
“Attention to all sentient beings, we are the people of Dyroff. We mean no harm, only peace. When you hear this, please reply. We repeat: if you hear this please reply.”

As the broadcast was sent out, an observer picked it up as it simply listened to the chatter on it's many frequencies. Realizing it to be a type 2 message, it immediately directed it to The Conclave.

There it was listened to, and deliberated upon to see if it contained some hidden meaning. Deciding it to be a standard greeting to whoever might be out in the stars, The Conclave decided to return the greeting.

"Greetings people of Dryoff, I am Judicator Nystroff of The Rotan, and The Conclave is interested in an exchange of knowledge. To this end it is proposed that a Probe be sent to construct a Pylon to enable the free exchange of knowledge and information. If all goes well, perhaps one day in the future it can find itself in the company of a Nexus, and the simple exchange of information grown into something stronger. As has already been mentioned, we will send a Probe to build and maintain the Pylon. This Probe requires no maintenance or upkeep on your part, and the Pylon will scarcely take up ten cubic feet of space. The Probe will get all its needs answered by the Pylon, and what the probe does not need, can be transformed into excess energy to be used in any fashion you see fit. I should warn you, that attempts to investigate or otherwise tamper with the Pylon will cause it to collapse into that which it was built from. Please respond with your thoughts on this subject."
16-04-2009, 00:40
"We do not wish for some sort of unidentified structure the likes of which we have never encountered to be built on our planet, we would like more information before we agree to this." Came the reply after several more long hours of translation on the part of the Lanks.

This level of response was magnificent.
16-04-2009, 01:00
To the Coredian people: "Coredian Reich, wir sind Seine Majestät Königreich Dyroff unter König Jonas III. Wir sind auf der Flucht aus unseren Heimatplaneten, in der Hoffnung, der Freiheit und des Friedens. Wir werden uns gerne treffen."

It took some minutes to translate, but once the message was translated, it was surprisingly big for a small message. It appears this nation too had a great plight and needed help. But learning the lesson of the last time a nation like this made contact with the Coredians, the first contact situation will have to take its time instead of rushing ahead.

"King Jonas III, I am Emperor Jacob Masaki of the Semi-Nomadic Coredian Empire. I wish to extend a diplomatic greeting to you and respectfully requests an audience with an ambassador that I shall sent fortwith."

Translation for the benefit of the Germans in Space(;)):

"König Jonas III, ich bin Kaiser Jacob Masaki der Coredian Reich. Ich möchte die Möglichkeit, einen diplomatischen Gruß an Sie und respektvoll fordert das Publikum mit einem Botschafter, die ich gesendet mitgeteilt."
The Rotan
16-04-2009, 01:26
"We do not wish for some sort of unidentified structure the likes of which we have never encountered to be built on our planet, we would like more information before we agree to this." Came the reply after several more long hours of translation on the part of the Lanks.

This level of response was magnificent.

After a full minutes worth of Deliberation, the answer came from a different Rotan.

"Greetings friends, I am The Executor, leader of The Conclave, and leader of The Rotan. The Law is quite clear in that we cannot share the secrets of our technology with outsiders, but as much as can be shared shall be, what precious little it is.

"The Pylons form The Khala, a massive network organized upon higher planes than most can reach and accessed through the Pylons. When we die we become a part of it. It is upon this network that all Rotan communication is sent and received, and how we are speaking to you now, though the distance between us is great indeed. This however is a matter of public knowledge.

"The Pylons have not been known to interfere with Terran style technology thus far, and so your own nation would be quite safe. The energy the Pylons radiate are of the network mentioned once before. These energies can be picked up and transformed into a variety of energies. I believe the offer of allowing the use of the excess as a power source was mentioned?

"The Pylons can do other things, but Terrans and other non-Rotan are unable to enjoy their benefits. As for the probe, it is a simple Android capable of building any Rotan structure in any environment that can support one. While maintaining the Pylon, it would also learn what it could of your culture, while at the same time, sharing what it could of ours.

"Meanwhile, you mentioned not wanting it on the planet. It could be on a space platform that has access to your network, that the probe can access to both learn and teach with.

"I have shared all I can, and no Rotan can share anymore, I pray it is suffecient."
16-04-2009, 01:33
"Don't worry too much, sir." The female voice said as she brushed off the shoulder section of her uniform. Commander Regina Burke smiled as she patted her captain on the shoulder, and fixed the captain's pips on his chest. A young woman neck length brown hair, she was second in command of the Exorcist-Class Destroyer ( Saint's Requiem, a newly-christened ship in the Imperial Navy. This was to be their shakedown cruise, and was pretty straight forward. Go to unknown system, meet with unknown aliens, talk with unknown aliens for awhile, and then go home.

Captain Daniel Rivers ( chuckled despite himself, and straightened his beret. The new uniforms issued by the Ministry of Military Affairs were a lot lighter than the old, black ones they used to have. These uniforms, a shade of blue, were supposed to make them look less intimidating, while still keeping up the idea of military excellence. Instead of all black, it was blue and gold, with a blue beret. While Dyroff was previously unknown to the universe, making their first contact only a short while ago, Rivers was already nervous. Promoted to the rank of captain just a few weeks ago, he still had to get used to his new position. So far, they had managed to make it almost to the Dyroff homeworld (or what was thought to be such by the old people at command) without an incident. Below him, the bridge ( of his vessel was abuzz with activity. Officers manned their consoles, managing the data coming in and out. Outside, the miasma of the Warp flew by on the massive viewscreen in front of them, propelling the ship at FTL speed toward their destination.

"Sir." One of them chirped up. "We're approaching our destination. ETA three minutes."

"Thank you, Ensign." He replied, nodding. He looked toward his XO. "You'll be in command here."

"Sorry, captain." Burke said, grinning. "But protocol requires that the XO be present for first-contact. I'm going with you"

Rivers raised an eyebrow. His inexperience was showing. "Right. Okay."

"Sir, we're exiting the Warp now."

A portal seemed to open in the middle of space, and the Angenterian Destroyer moved through, making the transmission into real-space from warp-space.

"They've instructed for us to land at the smaller of the two satellites." Burke said, consulting a data-slate that contained their orders.

"Well, we're obviously way too large for that." Rivers replied. "Assume standard orbit and prepare a shuttle."

"Yes, sir." Came the reply.

A few minutes later, a single shuttle would be seen departing the Angenterian ship, heading for the designated coordinates. Onboard, Rivers leaned back in the passenger compartment.

"Are you alright, sir?" Burke asked, tilting her head to the side. "You look a little pale."

"Eh? It's nothing..." Rivers replied, the butterflies in his stomach once again returning.

Landing in the hangar safely, the boarding ramp extended to meet the floor with a sharp metalklang. As the doors opened, the two officers stepped out.
16-04-2009, 01:58
"We have two satalites which orbit our planet, you do not need to build it upon a station but instead on the larger of our two moons. Be mindful that all construction will be under close watch but once completed expect it to be entirely safe even without your direct guard, from this point on we approve." Was the next response.


As the two officers walked down the ramp two rows of four men in the black uniforms and helmets came walking up with a third row of six in between them. As the men approached the did so in tight formation, their steps hard and dedicated all the way to the two officers who they examined carefully while trying to seem inconspicous. Once they stopped in front of the two officers the first row parted in have to reveal Dominik and Dom who both contrasted in appearance. Dom was tall, around 6'5, and he had pale gray skin. Long, bony arms connected to long, bony hands and the same went with his legs and feet. He wore a coat that seemed three sizes too big for his scrawny yet tall frame and his large black eyes reflected everything before him back to the people watching.

Meanwhile Dominik was 5'11 with dirty blonde hair with stains of gray in tiny wisps here and there. He wore a uniform to the guards save for his cap ( which covered most of his hair. His light blue eyes watched the two officers as both he and Dom stepped forward and his five stars glistened on each shoulder in the hanger's overhead lighting. With lightning speed Dominik raised his hands and Dom followed a tad moment later with slightly less speed. Then both dropped their hands to their side with Dominik's drop being more crisp and controlled while Dom's swayed a little which showed his lack of military training.

"Hallo, ich bin General Dominik Krüger Seiner Majestät des Highborn Guard, und ich freue mich, Sie kennen zu lernen." Dominik said in fluent German.

Dom translated with his people's buzzing voice.

"He says he is General Dominik Kruger of His Majesty's Highborn Guard and he looks forward to getting to know you." Dom said rather slowly, almost as if he was relaxed and did this kind of thing every day.
16-04-2009, 02:14
"Achtung an alle fühlenden Lebewesen, wir sind das Volk der Dyroff. Wir meinen nicht schaden: nur Frieden. Wenn Sie hören, antworten Sie bitte diese. Wir wiederholen: Wenn Sie hören, antworten Sie bitte diese.” Were the contents of the German form of the message. The people of Dyroff had no idea if other Germans had fled from Earth to find a new homeland or not and they didn’t want to take any chances if some had.

“Attention to all sentient beings, we are the people of Dyroff. We mean no harm, only peace. When you hear this, please reply. We repeat: if you hear this please reply.” Was the heavily accented English version that would broadcast through space on a constant loop until the time came.

“Loleh olpeep fo het lxayag, ew maen uyo on marh: pnodser esaelp.” The language of the Lanks, or as they simply called it: ‘Their Tongue’. They simply declared they meant no harm and asked politely for a case anything like them happened to exist: translated by one of the few Lank military scientists serving King Jonas the III.

Location: ISS Rak'Mina - Deep Space Reconnaissance Vessel

Commander Louis Weber was on watch when the message came in. He looked at the panel, then tapped a button. He raised a brow at the German and English versions. He tapped a second button and spoke with an amused tone. "Captain, you're going to want to hear this."

The Captain, a young woman named Alicia Faulkner, arrived moments later to hear the message for herself. "Send a copy to Rutia Prime," came her instruction.

Alicia composed a message in return, in both accented English and fluent German.

"To the people of Dyroff, the Republic of Rutianas hears your peaceful message. We offer no hostility toward you. Peace be with you. We send the blessing of the Emperor."

The message was sent and both captain and commander waited to see how it would be met.

OOC: I can't be bothered to go to a free translation site. I'm lazy. :p
16-04-2009, 02:32
'The Co-Prosperity Sphere of Auman would like to send representatives to meet with your leaders in person. Perhaps a great and last peace may be had between us. Arrange a time and place and we will be there. May both our nations live in prosperity as one.'

Intelligence officers huddled around a computer screen deep within the bowels of Zhamssassar Fortress. Every word was carefully worded to avoid offended the aliens... Though the limitations of Interlac were apparent.

'Tell them to send pictures of tits, and if they refuse then tell them to get the fuck out.' Said one of the officers. The more senior man in charge grinned, but then shuddered at the thought of alien tits.

'Let's just wait on that one...'
The Rotan
16-04-2009, 02:37
"We have two satalites which orbit our planet, you do not need to build it upon a station but instead on the larger of our two moons. Be mindful that all construction will be under close watch but once completed expect it to be entirely safe even without your direct guard, from this point on we approve." Was the next response.

"A ship will be in your system shortly, and only long enough to deposit a drone."

Nearby, a colony fleet, out looking for new places to inhabit, was halted long enough for a lone arbiter to do it's duty. The ship entered the sytem, approached the largest moon, flew once around it, and disappeared without even pausing. However, in one spot it passed, a small blue vortex was fading, and left behind was a strange machine that looked like an ungainly huge boomerang with an engine and a camera.

This of course was a probe. It hovered inches above the surface, and upon exploration of it's surroundings, chose a suitable spot on top of a hill. It approached the apex, and glowing streaks of energy appeared just in front of it.

Shortly an intense blue sphere of energy could be seen. Any technology of a sufficiently advanced level, or any astronomer familiar with Quantum Physics and Mechanics, would realize that when the Rotan built, they didn't utilize any standard building method, they simply re-ordered the universe itself around them according to specific formulas, plans, and designs. A pylon structure was a simple design though, appearing to be little more than a ten foot diamond encased in a mysterious yellow metal. This metal had streaks of red in it, as did the strange thing that built it.

The Pylon took less than a day to build, but while the vortex was going, it would register on sensors everywhere in the system, but mostly as just a minor disturbance. as for the probe itself, after getting the process started, it simply hung back and watched.

As the Pylon finished, a side effect occurred, a beautiful ringing temporarily flooded local communications for a whole entire five seconds as bright white light escaped the finishing Pylon. Then the light subsided and the ringing stopped. Both lasted only five seconds.

Then the excess energy could be felt, and the more advanced nations present could easily discover it capable of powering most warships with ease. That the people of Dryoff got to use it's excess if they wished was quite a boon. It also made one wonder more about Rotan technology, was it simply so powerful it required so great a powersource, or was it so ineffecient that that it took so much power to work properly?

As there were no records on Rotan technology in action, no one would know.

OOC: Quality over Quantity. I'd rather spend one billion on one good thing, then one billion on one billion questionable things. Thus you can rest assured that of anything I have, I don't have a lot of it, and it's not something to sneeze at.
16-04-2009, 02:45
To the Rutians: "Greetings people of Rutianas. We are glad to know you mean no harm, it is a pleasure to make contact with so many species." Was the reply.

Meanwhile, to the Auman: "Whenever you decide to send a vessel, simply contact us once more and prepare to dock a small transport vessel on the smaller of our two orbitting satalites." Was the reply, also in Interlac.


Several people watched through viewing cameras on the Yellow Moon base as the strange device touched down on their domain and began to build a brighter yellow colored object with red highlights on the duller yellow sand of the moon. Several people watched in amazement as energy scanners picked up what was already beginning to pump out, though just as a weak anomoly that was just outside their compounds. All they could do was wait for construction to be completed.

"We are happy we could come to an agreement." Came a message.

OOC: Good to know.
16-04-2009, 02:58
To the Rutians: "Greetings people of Rutianas. We are glad to know you mean no harm, it is a pleasure to make contact with so many species." Was the reply.

Alicia smiled faintly at the response. She was about to send a reply when Louis interrupted her.

"Captain, we've got an official response from Rutia." He handed her a tablet.

Alicia took the tablet and read the message. "Oh no. I cannot do this." She looked up at Louis. "I'm no first contact specialist."

Louis shrugged a shoulder. "Can't help you there. Orders are orders."

"You're enjoying this. Aren't you?" Alicia turned her attention back to the message she had been composing.

To the people of Dyroff. We have been given authorisation from our government to act as liaison between our people should you wish a meeting. We have also been given complete authority to negotiate a non-aggression treaty with your government should you be interested in such a treaty.
16-04-2009, 03:07
"We request that you please arrive at the larger of the two moons orbitting our planet to be greeted by a welcoming commity."Came the reply.

Meanwhile, a welcoming party similar to the one on the White Moon base was prepared.
16-04-2009, 03:15
"He says he is General Dominik Kruger of His Majesty's Highborn Guard and he looks forward to getting to know you."

Rivers nodded, sharply saluting the General, with Burke following suit. "I'm Captain Daniel Tobias, and this is Commander Regina Burke, representing the Holy Imperium of Angenteria. It's a pleasure."
16-04-2009, 03:16
"We request that you please arrive at the larger of the two moons orbitting our planet to be greeted by a welcoming commity."

It will take us some time to arrive. We must make some preparations first.

Alicia sighed as she looked at the tablet again. "I can't believe I'm doing this. Why couldn't they just send a diplomat?"

"Probably because you went through the training?" Louis smiled faintly at the discomfort his Captain was feeling. "Shall we set course?"

Alicia shot Louis a wry glance. "Maybe I should let you deal with this?" She had no intention of allowing the Commander to set foot on the moon alone.
16-04-2009, 03:30
"Ich bin Kapitän Daniel Tobias, und das ist Commander Regina Burke, was der Heilige Imperium der Angenteria. Es ist ein Vergnügen." Dom said.

Dominik nodded and promptly replied to Dom in German before he turned to him.

"He says it's a pleasure to meet you captain, and he welcomes you to New Terra. They will be ready to take you to the king soon." Dom said.

He then held out a hand to shake.

"I am Dom, head Lank military scientist of this facility." Dom said.


"As soon as you are ready to land, contact us and we'll have the welcoming commity ready for your arrival."
16-04-2009, 03:58
It took some minutes to translate, but once the message was translated, it was surprisingly big for a small message. It appears this nation too had a great plight and needed help. But learning the lesson of the last time a nation like this made contact with the Coredians, the first contact situation will have to take its time instead of rushing ahead.

"King Jonas III, I am Emperor Jacob Masaki of the Semi-Nomadic Coredian Empire. I wish to extend a diplomatic greeting to you and respectfully requests an audience with an ambassador that I shall sent fortwith."

Translation for the benefit of the Germans in Space(;)):

"König Jonas III, ich bin Kaiser Jacob Masaki der Coredian Reich. Ich möchte die Möglichkeit, einen diplomatischen Gruß an Sie und respektvoll fordert das Publikum mit einem Botschafter, die ich gesendet mitgeteilt."
OOC: My apologies, but I think you missed me. Understandable with so many RPers. I suggest you close this thread to further RPers to avoid this sort of thing in the future. :wink:
16-04-2009, 05:39
"He says it's a pleasure to meet you captain, and he welcomes you to New Terra. They will be ready to take you to the king soon."

"It's a pleasure, Dom." Rivers said, shaking hands with the Lank. He wondered what exactly a Lank was, but figured that it would probably be brought up at a later time anyway. Besides, it probably wasn't right to ask right now anyway.

"Your King?" He asked, hoping for a few more details. He'd never met a king...well, he'd never met a head of state before. This was certainly something, he could be sure of that.
16-04-2009, 11:55
And, that simply, a small diplomatic transport craft jumped into the Dryoff system. An assortment of dignitaries, diplomats, intelligence operatives and military representatives, dressed in civilian attire were all in attendance.

'We're supposed to dock at "The smaller of the two moons." I'm kind of wishing there was more to go on than that....' Said the pilot to Auman's leading diplomat, Colonel Dirk Gar Mantooth. A man of incredibly charisma, Mantooth stood at about six feet, two inches in height, with a thick black mane of slicked back hair. 'I'm sure you'll figure it out, lieutenant. Just keep at it and I'm sure you'll be able to find some sort of direction. I'll be in the back if you need me.' Said Mantooth, before walking back into the passengers cabin.

Mantooth rubbed his face with both of his hands, trying to find the strength to carry out his mission.

'I hate these things too, Mantooth.' Said Bolizar Marduk, comforting his old friend.

'Smoke?' Asked Marduk, pulling a pack from his breast pocket and offering it to Mantooth. Mantooth looked up at a no smoking sign, shrugged, and took a cigarette anyway. The two men had a cigarette and chatted lightly for awhile.

'The others are in the other room, discussing the specifics and preparing a briefing for you. Typical bullshit, really. Say hello, see what the future holds and come back later to drain them of what ever we can get. Standard operation...' Marduk took a long drag from his smoke.

Mantooth just sighed heavily. 'Whose idea was it to select members of the diplomatic corps from the combat branches? You'd think after Navarrone's stint, he'd have scrapped the whole fucking concept!' Spat Mantooth, truly disappointed with his position.

'The answer would be that it was my dad's idea, Dirk. An old throwback to the Vascilian Cold War, I guess it's tradition now.' Said Marduk. Mantooth grimaced a bit and stomped his smoke out on the rug.


Several hours later, the Aumanii diplomatic ship Weary Nomad, arrived at its location. Mantooth straighted out his tunic and stood at the exit ramp of the transport. He looked over his shoulder and gave the thumbs up to his men. He looked back on the good ol' days, when he used to jump out of planes for a living and sighed.

'Prepare for jump!' shouted Mantooth to the chuckles of his comrades. The ramp slowly opened, revealing the inner sanctum of Dryoff's... Well, Mantooth didn't know what to call it.
16-04-2009, 12:31
"Yes sir, that's right: King Jonas the III of Dyroff." Dom replied to the captain "You will be meeting him as soon as the vessel is prepped, security and all." Dom said.


As the Aurman vessel moved to touch down three rows of people, similar to the other welcoming party, came approaching. They possessed no General but they did have a Lank to speak with the people as needed. As they approached the ramp the front row once more parted and this time it was to reveal a 6'4 Lank in a uniform identical to those around him minus the helmets they all wore. He stepped between the four men of the front row and stood in a rigid military stance while he spoke.

"Hello, I am Fiedler, diplomatic liaison under His Majesty King Jonas the III." The Lank said, giving a tight salute.


It took some minutes to translate, but once the message was translated, it was surprisingly big for a small message. It appears this nation too had a great plight and needed help. But learning the lesson of the last time a nation like this made contact with the Coredians, the first contact situation will have to take its time instead of rushing ahead.

"King Jonas III, I am Emperor Jacob Masaki of the Semi-Nomadic Coredian Empire. I wish to extend a diplomatic greeting to you and respectfully requests an audience with an ambassador that I shall sent fortwith."

Translation for the benefit of the Germans in Space(;)):

"König Jonas III, ich bin Kaiser Jacob Masaki der Coredian Reich. Ich möchte die Möglichkeit, einen diplomatischen Gruß an Sie und respektvoll fordert das Publikum mit einem Botschafter, die ich gesendet mitgeteilt."

"King Jonas III grants this audience but informs you that it may be some time before the other first-contact parties are cleared and taken care of. He will contact you personally once this is done and wishes you the best until that time comes." Was the reply.
16-04-2009, 15:06
"King Jonas III grants this audience but informs you that it may be some time before the other first-contact parties are cleared and taken care of. He will contact you personally once this is done and wishes you the best until that time comes." Was the reply.
"We understand this and will await the time when he will be cleared." Came the Coredian reply.
The Alliance of Terra
16-04-2009, 15:22
OCC: is there still room for one more nation?
16-04-2009, 21:05
Mantooth and his gang spread out in front of the ramp, looking over the welcome wagon. 'They sent a bunch of Jarheads to say hello? At least we had the decency to dress our apes up in suit. Eh, Bolizar?' Laughed Mantooth, jabbing his friend in the ribs playfully. Marduk scowled as he ushered Mantooth toward the Lank.

"Hello, I am Fiedler, diplomatic liaison under His Majesty King Jonas the III." The Lank said, giving a tight salute.

Mantooth returned the salute in the traditional Aumanii fashion, palm facing outward with the thumb and pinky finger outstretched. 'I'm Colonel Dirk Gar Mantooth, pleasure to make your aquaintance Fiedler.' Dirk said in a jovial way.
16-04-2009, 21:43
OOC: I'm pretty packed, sorry. Also, Auman, this is what they look like this ( with these ( swords. The difference with Fiedler, besides physical appearance, is he wears no helmet. IC post coming soon.
The Rotan
17-04-2009, 00:20
The Probe, previously hovering there, began to look about and roam the lunar surface so that in some fashion it might begin to learn about this nation, and in turn pass along information about it's makers.
17-04-2009, 01:12
OOC: Keep in mind, a majority of the populace is on the main planet and all you're really going to find on the moon is scientists and soldiers with the occasional officer's family.

"We will be ready to take you to the king as soon as the escort vessel is prepared." Fielder said curtly "Until that time, do you have any questions?" Fielder asked.

Meanwhile, the exact same question was asked by Dom: "Are you curious of anything?" Dom asked the Captain.
The Rotan
17-04-2009, 02:00
Ooc: yes, but the probe is incapable of feeling boredom, and will relentlessly pursue it's goal of information exchange. But this is a two part thing. I can't just assume I find you, unless you want to skip finding each other, exchanging information, building a friendly relationship and earning one another's trust, visits to each other's nation, and eventually becoming allies and just build an embassy now.
17-04-2009, 02:53
OOC: No, good point. I was just warning you to expect a rather classified response and only a little info when on the base. If you actually went planet-side there would be more liberal info exchange but whatever, that can come later.

As the probe moved across the surface of the moon, it would quickly enter the fields of fire that belonged to several automated turrets. These double-barreled turrets, only two at first, sent a signal from their camouflaged gun 'hills' which rested over them to a command center. Upon seeing video feed of the probe a man in a recently pressed military uniform authorized it's passage with a few key presses and the turrets, for the most part, ignored the probe as it moved along: only acknowledging it with a cursory scan before looking away once more. It was obvious the humans didn't want to take any chances with the situation of so many strange new peoples around them.

Once the probe began to approach the actual compound it would see...nothing. Just bulbs and ovular shapes potruding from the surface with hidden cameras making 'windows' for those insideand more of the turrets from before both on the roof and around the base with few hidden and all monitoring the probe on it's approach. The only visible entrance from that side of the compound would be a steep descent where it leveled out once again in front of a large bulkhead for an airlock controlled from within that had more hidden cameras watching the probe.
17-04-2009, 12:01
"We request that you please arrive at the larger of the two moons orbitting our planet to be greeted by a welcoming commity."Came the reply.

Meanwhile, a welcoming party similar to the one on the White Moon base was prepared.

As previously noted by the Rutians, the ship was a while in arriving. When the ship did come close enough, a small shuttle was dispatched. When the shuttle was in orbit around the large moon a message in German was sent.

This is Captain Alicia Faulkner of Rutianas. We were given instructions to arrive here. If this invitation still stands, please send us coordinates on where to land.

OOC: Sorry for the delay. I get busy this time of year.
17-04-2009, 12:29
In a reply, a message that was also in German was sent out to the shuttle.

"Greeting Captain Faulkner, we will send you the coordinates of where to land immidiatelly."

The coordinates were at the mouth of the hanger bay, a sleek square-shaped building with a a large storage area for ships and crew to be kept.
17-04-2009, 12:38
In a reply, a message that was also in German was sent out to the shuttle.

"Greeting Captain Faulkner, we will send you the coordinates of where to land immidiatelly."

The coordinates were at the mouth of the hanger bay, a sleek square-shaped building with a a large storage area for ships and crew to be kept.

Acknowledged and thank you.

The shuttle makes a slow and graceful entrance, surprising since the shuttle seems to be built from spare parts. Perhaps an older model. Once it lands, a hatch opens on the side. Out steps one female and two males. One of the men could easily be mistaken for a large feline walking on two legs and wearing clothing. The other two are very much humanoid and could pass for human were it not for the rapidly changing eye color and the fact that the male has a pair of tawny wings folded against his back. All three wait to be greeted.
The Rotan
17-04-2009, 14:34
...Scanning area, scan type: passive non-intrusive...
...Potential entry way detected, life-forms not detected on surface, underground habitation strong possibility...

The drone hovered up to the door, and ran a little jolt of energy through the door that caused it to vibrate as though it were knocking. If there was the equivalent of a doorbell, the energies would activate that too.
17-04-2009, 22:53
Though the door's vibrations were picked up on scanners it was the loud buzzing sound that brought the probe outside to the guard's attention. With an order in the mike two security personel were suited up and sent in to the airlock. Then the guard remotely depressurized and the outer door slowly opened. The room was big enough that the probe was capable of fitting inside as long as the guards kept to the wall to avoid contact: the warning that it would destroy itself on forced investigation thoroughly drilled in to their minds. As the two men stepped to the side of the chamber they waved the probe in. They couldn't wait to get in the halls where there would be much more room for movement in most halls.


As the people stepped from the ship, they were greeted with people identical to the first two parties in appearance but not in numbers. Instead there were only four this time around. There had been important people within the other escorts to warrant extra security but due to staff there were no more 'important' people on-station. The apparent leader of the group, a Chief Petty Officer, stepped forward. He was a large man of obvious African descent who came in at approximatelly 6'2 and his muscular frame filled the uniform and helmet quite well. The man looked over them all with dark green eyes and then looked at the woman of the group. The man assumed the woman was the leader of the group and promptly snapped to attention with a gloved hand resting just against his right eyebrow and his arm forming a closely compacted, side-ways V.

"Ma'am, Cheif Petty Officer Furst of His Majesty's Naval Corp: welcome to Dyroff." The man bolted off, waiting for something resembling a salute to be returned.
The Rotan
18-04-2009, 00:20
...warning, small entryway detected!, turning into Probe type 2...

Even before entering, the probe would begin to twist and morph, more of it's strange blue energy running along it's body, and finally it would finish in a humanoid form, no longer hovering, and walking instead. It lacked any defining features, and it's camera was in the center of it's head, as a sort of Cyclops eye. It had no mouth.

The probe followed them men to wherever it might lead them, but sensing their distrust of watching it, spoke, not with sound, but with thought.

"Do not fear touching me, for that shall cause neither me, nor the Pylon harm. I will not tell you what marks experimentation and what does not, but my creators and masters are not so cruel as to have me destroyed over minor touch."

It's voice sounded mechanical, and reverberated upon the air, created by small sparks of it's energy.
18-04-2009, 00:36
Both men stared for a minute and were forced to shake their heads at the weirdness of being talked to in such a manner. One shot him a quizical look at the activity moments later while the second soldier moved to the control panel. With the press of a few keys the outer door shut and soon the hiss of oxygen being forced in to the room could be heard. Moments later both Navy men took off their suits' helmets and hung them on a nearby rack before stripping off the rest of the suit to reveal sleek gray overalls and clean white socks. Both men then grabbed combat boots and laced them up. Then the same soldier who had pressurized the room pressed so me more buttons and the inner door opened up with a hiss of hydraulics.

Then the soldier who had shot him a quizical look earlier spoke, physicaly of course.

"Follow us this way, and we reccomend you not disturb the Highborn." The soldier said as they stepped forward in to a sleek hall where people walked back and forth busily and the roof gave a virtual display of the stars. Automated cleaning bots went here-and-there while scientists and military workers alike all strode up and down the halls.

"Follow us this way please." The same soldier who had told him not to disturb the Highborn Guard said with a wave.
The Rotan
18-04-2009, 01:25
The drone followed quietly, recording everything it saw into it's memory banks.

It wondered who it was being lead to, and if everything planned would still work.
18-04-2009, 02:02
22-04-2009, 01:49
OOC: Keep in mind, a majority of the populace is on the main planet and all you're really going to find on the moon is scientists and soldiers with the occasional officer's family.

"We will be ready to take you to the king as soon as the escort vessel is prepared." Fielder said curtly "Until that time, do you have any questions?" Fielder asked.

Meanwhile, the exact same question was asked by Dom: "Are you curious of anything?" Dom asked the Captain.

As they made their way through the halls the two men in coveralls were swapped for two men in actual German Navy uniforms and led through the halls even further until they reached a solid gunmetal-gray door. It slid open with their approach and revealed a well-lit room with a large steel table in the center of the room with chairs surrounding it's ovular perimeter. The two uniformed soldiers escorted the probe inside the room where they led him across the room from the door. Pulling out a chair one of the two men motioned to it.

"Please have a seat." He said, a heavy German accent in his voice.
22-04-2009, 11:29
OOC: Bump.
The Rotan
23-04-2009, 02:04
As they made their way through the halls the two men in coveralls were swapped for two men in actual German Navy uniforms and led through the halls even further until they reached a solid gunmetal-gray door. It slid open with their approach and revealed a well-lit room with a large steel table in the center of the room with chairs surrounding it's ovular perimeter. The two uniformed soldiers escorted the probe inside the room where they led him across the room from the door. Pulling out a chair one of the two men motioned to it.

"Please have a seat." He said, a heavy German accent in his voice.

The probe had a seat, it's cyclopean eye taking in the room in full.

Static emerged from it's head, as though it were changing frequencies on a radio. Bursts of messages came from the drone, forming a message during the static.

" is an honor to be here..."
" the start of a new age..."
"...may our two nations prosper peacefully together..."
"Incoming Holographic Communications, please stand by sir."

It's eye glowed brightly, and a miniature person appeared on the desk. It was, alien, and only vaguely human like. It appeared to have no mouth, and it's eyes were glowing with immense energy. It's skin was as white as snow, and it's clothes were glowing.

"Greetings, I am Artanis, High Judicator to The Conclave. This is but a holographic construct, in case you aren't aware. I'm not actually here. I'm sure you understand, meeting new civilizations can be dangerous and full of unknown variables. It's much safer to send in a disposable drone and initiate contact via Holographic methods first, until Environmental conditions can be ascertained as hospitable to our, unique, biology."
23-04-2009, 11:38
"Greetings Artanis, I am Lieutenant Commander Torsten Faust and this is my friend Ensign Jan Drescher of His Majesty's Royal Navy, it is a pleasire to meet you." One of the two men in Navy uniforms said.

"Please tell us, what qualifies as hospitable for your people?" The Ensign asked.
The Rotan
23-04-2009, 16:20
"Well, based on atmospheric samples of this room, this is acceptable. If the world itself is like this, then I'd much rather visit non-military personel on the world below. I'm certain you gentlemen have much bigger concerns beyond what one curious alien is discussing with a group of historians, scientists, and politicians."

He turned to his right, apparently discussing things with people off camera.

"Allow me to rephrase that. What THREE curious aliens are discussing. Apparently certain parties find the concept of me going by myself too much of a risk to allow, no matter what sort of promises you might make, so I'll be traveling with a Dark Templar and a High Templar." Artanis said.
23-04-2009, 22:49
Both men snapped to a salute, more out of respect than obligation.

"Ja Herr!" Both men answered in unison, German for 'yes sir'

"Would you like your probe to be waiting for you planetside?" The senior of the two men asked as they stood at ease.
23-04-2009, 22:57
OOC: Have the rest of us been forgotten? :p
The Rotan
24-04-2009, 00:57
OOC: I feel special. :P


"It must remain with the Pylon. It shall return to the Pylon to maintain it. However, We have other matters to discuss, such as setting an appointment date and time. Just as well, a suitable location must be determined."
24-04-2009, 11:33
OOC: You shouldn't Rotan. lol.

As the people stepped from the ship, they were greeted with people identical to the first two parties in appearance but not in numbers. Instead there were only four this time around. There had been important people within the other escorts to warrant extra security but due to staff there were no more 'important' people on-station. The apparent leader of the group, a Chief Petty Officer, stepped forward. He was a large man of obvious African descent who came in at approximatelly 6'2 and his muscular frame filled the uniform and helmet quite well. The man looked over them all with dark green eyes and then looked at the woman of the group. The man assumed the woman was the leader of the group and promptly snapped to attention with a gloved hand resting just against his right eyebrow and his arm forming a closely compacted, side-ways V.

"Ma'am, Cheif Petty Officer Furst of His Majesty's Naval Corp: welcome to Dyroff." The man bolted off, waiting for something resembling a salute to be returned.

Aurman and and Angenteria:
"We will be ready to take you to the king as soon as the escort vessel is prepared." Fielder said curtly "Until that time, do you have any questions?" Fielder asked.

Meanwhile, the exact same question was asked by Dom: "Are you curious of anything?" Dom asked the Captain.

Thus it was not me that forgot the rest of you, but the rest of you that seem to have forgotten me. lol. I'll make an IC post soon.
24-04-2009, 12:37
OOC: You shouldn't Rotan. lol.


Aurman and and Angenteria:

Thus it was not me that forgot the rest of you, but the rest of you that seem to have forgotten me. lol. I'll make an IC post soon.

OOC: Oops. I did miss those posts. I did notice that you're not always clear on who you're addressing though, so it may be that which made me overlook it. I'll post IC later. :)
24-04-2009, 21:39
OOC: Sorry.

"Very well, simply give us a signal to follow and we will send you the proper information shortly." The senior of the two sailors said to the Rotan.
The Rotan
25-04-2009, 00:47
"Ahh, just direct it at The Pylon itself. Meanwhile I shall begin my journey."
25-04-2009, 19:55
"Give us one moment, sir." The senior sailor said to the Rotan.

Both men walked out of the room and the door shut behind them.

After a few minutes a planet-based landing pad and it's coordinates were loaded up and beamed to the Pylon. Moments later it was aimed for the pylon and transmitted. After a minute or two the sailors re-entered the room.

"You should be recieving the coordinates shortly, have a fair day sir." The senior sailor said with a final salute.
26-04-2009, 01:00
OOC: Bump. Need that IC post Rutianas.
28-04-2009, 21:55
OOC: Bump. I'm pretty sure this is dead...sadly enough.
28-04-2009, 21:57
OOC: Bump. Need that IC post Rutianas.

OOC: Sorry! It's been a little hectic recently. I'll try to post tonight. Otherwise, I'll catch up tomorrow.
29-04-2009, 12:10
OOC: Okay.
The Rotan
29-04-2009, 12:21
"Give us one moment, sir." The senior sailor said to the Rotan.

Both men walked out of the room and the door shut behind them.

After a few minutes a planet-based landing pad and it's coordinates were loaded up and beamed to the Pylon. Moments later it was aimed for the pylon and transmitted. After a minute or two the sailors re-entered the room.

"You should be recieving the coordinates shortly, have a fair day sir." The senior sailor said with a final salute.

"Thank you kind sirs. We shall arrive within a few days." Artanis said, then winked out.

The Drone itself exited the base via the exact path it took to get there, then return to it's normal form and went back to The Pylon.

Five Days Later, an immense carrier arrived, of the rare Rotanian classification known as a Super-Carrier. That is, it was a normal carrier, and thus had a great many fighters inside its bays, but unlike most ships, the carrier itself also had weapons. This meant it was a command ship. It bore all the same power signatures as the Pylon on the moon, and thus it was obvious who it was. The ship maintained a respectful holding distance and launched a trio of fighters. They headed directly for the landing coordinates, and all could see Artanis piloting one, a different Rotan piloting the other, and the third operated by an invisible Rotan. It could be detected, just not with sight.

OOC: Totally forgot with all the Swarm stuff I've been a doing.
30-04-2009, 13:47
As the people stepped from the ship, they were greeted with people identical to the first two parties in appearance but not in numbers. Instead there were only four this time around. There had been important people within the other escorts to warrant extra security but due to staff there were no more 'important' people on-station. The apparent leader of the group, a Chief Petty Officer, stepped forward. He was a large man of obvious African descent who came in at approximatelly 6'2 and his muscular frame filled the uniform and helmet quite well. The man looked over them all with dark green eyes and then looked at the woman of the group. The man assumed the woman was the leader of the group and promptly snapped to attention with a gloved hand resting just against his right eyebrow and his arm forming a closely compacted, side-ways V.

"Ma'am, Cheif Petty Officer Furst of His Majesty's Naval Corp: welcome to Dyroff." The man bolted off, waiting for something resembling a salute to be returned.

The woman offers no salute as she looks up at the towering Chief Petty Officer. Instead, she just raises a delicate eyebrow at the rank the man gives. "Captain Alicia Faulkner, Rutianas Exploratory Survey Corps. We thank you for your welcome, but let me assure you, the pleasure is ours. Welcome to the larger universe." The corners of her lips twitch just a bit into a small smile.

The feline creature with her shakes his head slightly and returns the Dyroffian salute. "Greetings." His voice sounds slightly odd, almost a hissing. "I'm First Lieutenant Liam Kittran. You'll have to forgive our Captain. She's not as well versed in first contact as I am." The slight rebuff gains no reaction from the Captain.

The humanoid male also returns the salute. "Commander Louis Weber, second in command." His strange color changing eyes flicker around the four Dyroffians as if he may be assessing a threat.

OOC: Sorry it took so long.