NationStates Jolt Archive

Terms of evil, OOC.

15-04-2009, 00:26
The point of this thread is to outline several responsibilities on the part of all signatory players in regards to roleplaying etiquette.

It has come to my attention that there is a shortage of legitimate old nations that properly fufill the role of menacing badguy. It is in this thread that I swear to provide that service and fufill my duties in that role. To avoid butthurt, bitching, flaming, ignores and retcons, I am writing this contract that will be upheld by all the signatories. If you wish to have an opponent that is respectful of your nations integrity in regard to its future viability as an independent galactic body, please feel free to sign on and arrange roleplays with me at either of these locations:

MSN - #Nationstates.

The terms of the contract are as follows:

1.) Both the badguy (Auman) and the goodguy will respect the Castle Doctrine. A man's Home World is off limits to direct attack unless negotiated previous to the commencement of roleplaying.

2.) If a thread becomes too adversarial, meaning that if both players get angry and attempt to "win" or "defeat" the other player, both sides will disengage from combat. The typical "I'll get you next time, Gadget" Is bellowed by the villain (myself) and I leave. The goodguy always wins, unless otherwise negotiated.

3.) Main characters shall not be killed without the express written consent of each player. Heroes can't kill off villains and vice versa, unless it suits the story line.

4.) I will not be a punching bag. I want to win sometimes, or else it's just no fun.

The idea here is to give the older nations an enemy worth fighting. It's no fun to kick around new nations, for any of us. Furthermore, new nations don't quite have the statistical capability to give any of us a run for our money. I'm trying to make things intense and be a worthwhile opponent.

These are the terms and conditions... If you want a real opponent, be it through warfare, diplomacy, trade or spycraft, then feel free to post in the thread and ask questions.
15-04-2009, 00:32
I have been looking for something like this for a long time. I simply cant find anyone worth crushing beneath the treads of my tanks anymore. :(

Now in all seriousness, I would be more than willing to be a part of this. I also have a few questions:

Firstly: By Home World, do you just mean a MT homeland or the center of a nation/empire from FT also?

Second: How active are you? I only ask because on the few days I manage to steal the interwebz from my neighbor, I post several times.
15-04-2009, 00:38
I haven't been active in awhile, but I've been busy getting other things organized in regards to a business I've just started. I'm FT, but I play at a level that is compatible with MT and PMT, so if you wish to have evil invaders send a raiding party to steal virgins and firstborn sons that can work... Hell, even if you want a full scale planetary invasion it can work out because the Aumanii still use guns, tanks, airplanes and bombs.

The way I'll be playing the Aumanii, as a desperate nation low on resources, means that, if you're interested, you could still probably beat them because of poor logistics on our part. I don't do the space alien thing either, they're 100% human with no fancy powers... MT dudes in space, pretty much.
15-04-2009, 00:45
Thats nice. I am considered MT on NS but in real life would be considered the most militarily advanced nation on Earth making the US look like Mexico. (Disclaimer:No offence meant to either party) So it could work out very well. :)
15-04-2009, 00:47
Thats nice. I am considered MT on NS but in real life would be considered the most militarily advanced nation on Earth making the US look like Mexico. (Disclaimer:No offence meant to either party) So it could work out very well. :)

Well, let's thrash something out man. I want to write.
15-04-2009, 00:53
I have been toying with the idea of a FT nation attacking one of my newly aquired colonies (RL Central Asia) in an Independence Day style fashion. I dont like the quiet secret alien invasion style. A few hundred thousand people could be killed (Nothing Big :P ) and maybe then my military could move in and try to fight you out.
15-04-2009, 00:55
May I suggest an intense orbital bombardment followed by a bloody invasion and prolonged liberation campaign, in which many human stories of heroism and hardship are played out? I'm gay for that.
15-04-2009, 13:27
As someone whos been slowly building up a facade for an evil genius's enterprises this comes as a pleasent surprise, as such I will certainly watching any of your adventures. Also I agree entirely with the terms with which you laid out. There is a pattern to the universe, and for a not-so-evil villain the true thrill of their operations if the devising of plans, the construction of machines, and the inevitable battle that follows at the peak o their acheivements!!!

Running the world would alas be boring, better on all sides if he simply starts from square one.
15-04-2009, 16:41
As someone whos been slowly building up a facade for an evil genius's enterprises this comes as a pleasent surprise, as such I will certainly watching any of your adventures. Also I agree entirely with the terms with which you laid out. There is a pattern to the universe, and for a not-so-evil villain the true thrill of their operations if the devising of plans, the construction of machines, and the inevitable battle that follows at the peak o their acheivements!!!

Running the world would alas be boring, better on all sides if he simply starts from square one.

I like you, man.
15-04-2009, 17:02
Very interested. It's been a while since I've done any serious RPing, and I've only got 1 thread right now.
15-04-2009, 18:48
Same ;)

How about, a litte idea ventred here, a little non-canon RP between me an yourself in a kind of stand off between our two relevant sides to hone our megalomanical stereotyped skills for our enterprises against the world. You know, all in good fun, two evil bases facing each other in a box canyon that kind of thing :P