NationStates Jolt Archive

1800s Era Thread (Not OOC)

United States of PA
13-04-2009, 23:06
The Carriage clanked down the street behind the 4 Geldings. Inside was the President of the United States of Pennsylvania, Kurt Shaffer. He Was on his way to Fort McHenry to view the Local 1st Pennsylvanian Division. He Began to remember his old days in the 8th Pennsylvanian Militia Brigade during the Revolution. When he arrived he saw 3,000 of the 12,000 men of the Division lined up with their 1763 Springfield Rifled Muskets, 24 Pounder Rifled Cannons, and all the pride they could fit into their chests. As He Observed them, he became proud once again of the Army. Despite its massive downsizing since the end of the war, it was still the most powerful one around.

PA Factbook
Population=21 million
Army=300,000 people

Army Factbook
300,000 soldiers
23,000 Cannons
42 Army Bases

Navy Factbook
2 132 Gun Ships
6 108 Gun Ships
5 98 Gun Ships
10 86 Gun Ships
21 64 Gun Ships
43 48 Gun Frigates(OOC:Copies of the USS Constitution etc. etc., im gonna refer to them as 24 Pounder Frigates)
61 38 Gun Frigates
63 32 Gun Frigates
100+ 26 or smaller gun Brigs and Sloops
13-04-2009, 23:18
Metros, Capital of Telvira
General Dwayne Hanson looked over his forces from the reviewing booth as the 3rd Army marched down the parade grounds. In a matter of days these men would be thrown into the war against the Principality of Welshire, one of the two nations to the north who had refused to submit to the King. With the fresh troops, Telvira would be in the Welshiran capital in days.

OOC-sorry for crappy post

Telviran Factbook
Population-17 million
Army-1 million total
Navy-45 ships
13-04-2009, 23:34
President Vladimir Kazyenko sat in his favorite parlor off to the side of the main hall in the Kazyenko Independence Tower, his palce of residence and government. The sun was just rising, slowly filling the room with a warm light; the kind of which you get when taking off in an airplane at dawn or rolling up you Venetian Blinds for the first time after a storm. Reaching for his coffee, a small book, dusty book resting amongst the others on one of the room's many rosewood shevles, caught his eye. Resting his cup once more on a marble coaster, and he got and walked across the room towards the book. He took it in his hand, dusting the bindings and front cover. A History of Falkasia, it read. Intrigued, Vladimir took it back to his chair and sat down, opening up to the table of contents. Although there wasn't much he hadn't learned about Falkasia during his days in school as a child, there were still topics he was a bit fuzzy on. Glancing over the book's contents, he found a section, entitled "1770-1850- Changing Tides." Curious as to what the title could imply, he flipped to the page designated, and began reading.

"Falkasia by this time had long established itself as a world power, defeating the forces of Russia and the States of Germany numerous times in the forests and plains of eastern Europe and the Crimean. The large tracts of land that Falkasia controlled, stretching from the port city of Sevastopol on the Black Sea, all the way to Warsaw, were quite the challenge to defend. Despite lacking a powerful navy, the Falkasian Empire made up for this apparent disadvantage by focusing on what truely mattered, the field of combat and practices thereof. As a result of this, it is without a doubt that the Empire of Falkasia fielded some of the best light infantry in the known world, capable to wearing down an opponent to the point of retreat and perpetual desertion even before contact with a larger force could be made...."


It was early morning in Falkasia, the sun just creasting the horizon and nearby hills as General Vassili Zhukov made his morning rounds on horseback, patrolling the full length of the camp. It housed around 4,000 men, each just waking up after a night's sleep. From their mouths came streams of complaints, and if one looked upon them at the right moment, might have assumed they were green and freshly recruited from the nearby village. This, however, was one of the most common underestimations foreigners or inexperienced officers often had. These were not simply a band of new recruits, but instead, one of many battalions of Falkasia's elite Light Infantry, having camped for the night in a horse pasture before moving on.

Roll was called twenty (20) minutes later, and all 4,000 troops lined up in their respective companies on the makeshift parade grounds, shouldering their Roberts rifles against the crouck of their arm. They had since dawned their uniforms and equipment, going from undergarments to full-on travel dress, and ready to take on the day. In the sun, their gray uniforms became apparent, much easier to camouflague in with the forests and hills of Europe than the brightly colored uniforms of other powers. If anything, it also discriminated them from the other infantries, proclaiming their superior status by their dull gray jackets and clothing.
United States of PA
13-04-2009, 23:38
General William Hull was in command of a Militia Force of 3,000 Militiamen from The State of Virginia, he was attempting to overrun a Indian Village, but a Force of Indians had stopped him cold uisng Indian Warfare, he had so far lost 456 men using the European style of war, he was reluctant to switch to Indian Style, but that would only cause most of his force to be killed. That problem was cut out, when a Indian Arrow hit Hull right in the left eye, killing him, his 2nd In Command, Colonel of the Militia William Hundley, instantly ordered Indian Style Warfare.
13-04-2009, 23:41
OOC: Figured I need to post this.

The Empire of Falkasia
Population: 36 Million
Army Size: 400,000
Navy Size: 31 Vessels
United States of PA
13-04-2009, 23:51
Colonel Hundley, even though as soon as he ordered the fighting to go Indian Style, the casulties declined, and effectiveness went up, by nightfall he had to retreat with only half the oringinal Force he'd had, 1,486 remained, against a estimated 5,500 indians. The Colonel ordered the men to set up on a 1500 ft tall hill, and set up defenses, essentially making a makeshift Fort.
13-04-2009, 23:59
OOC: Hate to point out fallacies, but most mountains are around 1500ft. That would quite a steep climb, and even harder to camp.
United States of PA
14-04-2009, 00:01
OOC:I live on a hill that is 1500 ft high, and its sides are only 27 degree angles i believe, but just forget it, in the Appalachians that enitirely possible
14-04-2009, 00:08
OOC: Ok.
14-04-2009, 00:27
OOC: Sorry, Forgive me. I totally wasn't paying attention to the "No OOC".
United States of PA
14-04-2009, 00:33
The Next Morning, the Indians Attacked the hastily made and named Fort Neccessity, it was 1,500 Militia against 6,500 Indians. The Militia had the advantage in the high ground and in having a few cannons. The Indians attacked, overunning the initial line of 400 men, leaving 324 to retreat the second line. When the Indians approached the 2nd line, the remaining 1400 Militia all shot at once, 700 Indians dropped dead or wounded, and the 4 3 Pdr Cannons opened up with Grapeshot, dropping a futher 75, this repeated for 4 minutes, until the Indians finally gave up, the tally was, 154 Militia Dead, and about 2,000 Indians down in front of the lines. Colonel Hundley opted to send a Messenger back East, to Request at least 1,500 more men, before he would Persue the Indians.

OOC: i didnt say no OOC, i made another thread under a similar name that was OOC only so i decided to put Not OOC to differate the 2
14-04-2009, 03:57
(OOC: Quick factbook on the Kingdom, I hope to have an IC post soon)

The Kingdom of Avenio at this time controlled Provence, Burgundy, Savoy, Belgium, Genoa and Florence. After a failed revolution in 1782, Kind Phillipe III de Savoie introduced democratic reforms and drafted the Code civil des Avenais (Civil Code of Avenio) which outlines the rights of Avenese citizenry and the rights of the National Assembly to overrule the monarch. During the French Revolution in 1789, Avenese troops took advantage of a lack of leadership in France to make large territorial gains.

Map in 1789 ( - Superimposed on modern borders
Light blue is traditional territory, blue are recent additions.


Capital: Avignon
Population: 16.4 million
Military: 140 000
60 000 - Line Infantry
20 000 - Chasseur
5 000 - Canon Obusier (12-pound howitzer)
20 000 - Chevau-légers
20 000 - Carabiniers
Navy: 32 ships
10 - Third-rate ships of the line (74 cannons)
8 - Magicienne class frigate (32 cannons)
6 - Brigs (18 cannons)
4 - Sloops-of-war (18 cannons)
4 - Provence-class steamships (Hybrid sailing ship/sidewheel steamer)
15-04-2009, 19:23
OOC: This die already?