1800s War OOC
United States of PA
13-04-2009, 05:39
Was just wondering how many of you would be interested in doing a Thread about a war in the 1800s, using Muskets, Cavarly, Breech Loading Cannons, Sail Ships etc. etc.
all chat in this thread will be considered OOC Chat
Rolling Dead
13-04-2009, 22:31
Would be interesting
13-04-2009, 22:44
OOC: I'd be interested, but more in this if it was early 1800's and less towards the American Civil War. Maybe like War of 1812 era.
United States of PA
13-04-2009, 22:53
i was thinking mid to late 1700s and early 1800s to 1830s say
The Wolf Hold
13-04-2009, 22:57
Sure, I'm up for it.
Count me in. Do we get assigned populations?
Blackhelm Confederacy
13-04-2009, 22:59
My country in this time is an ass backwards place alot like China at the same time, just with white people instead of Asians. I'd be interested in playing a part here, but you guys would have to come to me, as I would lack any sufficient navy to get to you from my country.
United States of PA
13-04-2009, 23:03
Greal-no, basically you just start up a country with any name and any population, all i really ask is no massive army like 10,000,000 people, individuall armies of 90,000-130,000 is ok, but over all no larger than 1,000,000 please, populations as i said i dont really care
Blackhelm-Ok Mr Ass Backwards Country lol (Dont take insult from that, just repeating what you said)
Im starting the actual thread for this up right now, put the link up in a bit
I was suggesting we use 5% of our NS populations and count that as our early 1800s population. ;)
13-04-2009, 23:06
OOC: Cool, works for me. Falkasia, in this sense, would likely take the place of the Austrian/Prussian Empire.
United States of PA
13-04-2009, 23:07
The Link
Greal-You could put your Population as 11 trillion for all i care, just the size of the Army and Navy is all i want limited
Holy Marsh
13-04-2009, 23:10
So what is the reason we want this war to start?
United States of PA
13-04-2009, 23:14
Basically all i plan is a sort of Diplomacy at first, and if someone wants to go to war against someone else whois doing it, than they go ahead and start a war, really its just the person who declares war reason.
My nation is in the middle of conquering a country to the north. Maybe that starts it off?
United States of PA
13-04-2009, 23:20
Sounds good to me, I myself and fighting Indians who are attacking settlers in the east parts of my country