12-04-2009, 08:01
Breaking News
After a long investigation into the terrorist attack near a government building in downtown Lepage the suspects have finaly been caught. 6 men ranging beetween the age of 26-35 were arrested for the crime, they face the harsh Bohovian justice system, the judge sentenced them to 25 years in jail, no bail allowed, 30,000$ treason charge, 500,000$ charge for commiting terror in Bohovia, 2,000,000$ in order to re-build the destroyed complex, 10,000$ in assault charges, and 30,000 hours of community service. When they leave prision they will be monitored closely by Bohovian security, they will have severe restrictions put upon them.
Today Bohovia continue's on living. Everything in back to normal, roads are being fixed, as another bomb went off underground collapsing part of the road. Security is still tight as over 30,000 soliders are spread out throughout the nation, they will stay put for 4 weeks, then there will be 20,000 for another 4 weeks, then 10,000 for 4 weeks then the soliders will be not be present in the country anymore.
We thank nations that offered to help as they helped keep are nation stable and are economy strong, Bohovia has been deemed once again safe for tourists, a title many nations cannot achieve, but in Bohovia its a title expected and demanded by the people.
Picture of the peacefull city (Lepage) with the BN Towers in it as well.
After a long investigation into the terrorist attack near a government building in downtown Lepage the suspects have finaly been caught. 6 men ranging beetween the age of 26-35 were arrested for the crime, they face the harsh Bohovian justice system, the judge sentenced them to 25 years in jail, no bail allowed, 30,000$ treason charge, 500,000$ charge for commiting terror in Bohovia, 2,000,000$ in order to re-build the destroyed complex, 10,000$ in assault charges, and 30,000 hours of community service. When they leave prision they will be monitored closely by Bohovian security, they will have severe restrictions put upon them.
Today Bohovia continue's on living. Everything in back to normal, roads are being fixed, as another bomb went off underground collapsing part of the road. Security is still tight as over 30,000 soliders are spread out throughout the nation, they will stay put for 4 weeks, then there will be 20,000 for another 4 weeks, then 10,000 for 4 weeks then the soliders will be not be present in the country anymore.
We thank nations that offered to help as they helped keep are nation stable and are economy strong, Bohovia has been deemed once again safe for tourists, a title many nations cannot achieve, but in Bohovia its a title expected and demanded by the people.
Picture of the peacefull city (Lepage) with the BN Towers in it as well.