Létatian Foreign Ministry / Embassy Thread
Stupid ad. Election thread has begun (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=14703556)
As Acting Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs, I welcome you to establish a bilateral embassy with the nascent People's Republic. Having finally dethroned the tyrannical Philippe-Michel IX, the people of Létat now move closer and closer to democracy, holding our first national elections in five weeks. We look forward to peaceful relations with the nations of the world
~~Yves Mainlevé, Acting Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs
Embassy Application
Part I. Your Nation
Full Nation Name:
Form of Government:
Chief of State:
Chief of Government:
Minister of Foreign Affairs:
Capital City:
Do you recognize the People's Republic of Létat, as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution, acknowledging the government thereby created as sole sovereign of Létat? (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=589300)
The Interim Government wishes to make clear that recognition is a necessary prerequisite to establishing official relations with the People's Republic.
Would you like to participate in international oversight of upcoming Létatian elections?
Part 2. Embassy Information.
Chief of Mission:
Embassy Specifications:
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought?
Embassy grounds shall be considered the sovereign territory of their respective owners, and embassy staff granted diplomatic immunity from prosecution under Létatian law. Embassies will be permitted a staff of as many as seventy persons, including as many guards as foreign powers may find appropriate to safeguard their nationals. Guard personnel may possess and carry firearms, but all firearms must be registered with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Létat. Foreign governments may bring non-military vehicles for embassy staff. Significant accommodations, such as helipads, will be difficult to provide given the present resources of the Interim Government.
During this time of transition, incoming ambassadors must be subject to the inconvenience of a four-hour overland transfer from the national airport in Ville-Sur-le-Champs to the governmental seat in Paname. Unfortunately, visitors will be subject to this inconvenience until the Paname airport project is completed - target date 2081 (blame the Teamsters). The Interim Government of the People's Republic thanks you for your understanding.
OoC: Thanks to the Pacifican Commonwealth, whose Embassy application form I shamelessly stole without permission, making only cosmetic changes in a tacit admission of my own guilt.
Established Embassies
Boulevard des Héros de la République
Boulevard des Héros was the first location in Paname to be set aside for foreign missions. Embassies constructed there are regarded as revolutionary-era fixtures of an epoch sooner out of mythology than history.
1. Pacifican Commonwealth (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=589822)
2. Nationalist Federation of Greater Americania (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=589909)
3. The Most Serene Republic of Avenio (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=585168)
4. The Republic of Zinaire (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=555943)
5. The United States of PA (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=589423)
6. The Republic of the Marktoria State
7. The Ancient and Uninterrupted Empire of Eastern Rome, Ruled from New Chalcedon (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=554033)
8. The Holy Imperium of Angenteria (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=557940)
9. Dominion of Takaram (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=585409)
10. The Royal Commonwealth of Kingdoms of Cal (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=583553)
Rue des Anges - Running perpendicular to Boulevard des Héros de la République, Rue des Anges was the second site to be designated for foreign missions.
12. Rutianas (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=564860)
15. Noordeinde (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=588360)
List of Election Observers in the Order I More-or-Less remember:
Pacifican Commonwealth, Avenio, the Marktoria State, New Chalcedon, Takaram, Angenteria, Kingdoms of Cal
A thread will be started soon!
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 00:15
((OOC: No problem, mate.))
Part I. Your Nation
Full Nation Name: Pacifican Commonwealth.
Form of Government: Federation with parliamentry democracy.
Chief of State: Acting President Jackson Bryce.
Chief of Government: Acting Prime Minister Matthew Charlestown.
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden.
Capital City: Salisford.
Currency: Pacifican Commonwealth Dollar.
Demonym: Pacifican.
Do you recognize the People's Republic of Létat, as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution, acknowledging the government thereby created as sole sovereign of Létat? Yes.
Would you like to participate in international oversight of upcoming Létatian elections? Yes.
Part 2. Embassy Information.
Chief of Mission: Mr. Joseph Davies.
Ambassador: Doctor Laura Fairhill.
Diplomats: 10.
Guards: 10.
Vehicles: 3 Armoured BMW X5s.
Weapons: SIG P226s.
Embassy Specifications: Western style, four stories, national flag sculpted onto entrance.
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought? None.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 00:20
Part I. Your Nation
Full Nation Name: Nationalist Federation of Greater Americania
Form of Government: Nationalist
Chief of State: Garrett Curry, President
Chief of Government: Same
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Michael Smith
Capital City: Curriopolis
Currency: Dollar
Demonym: Citizen
Do you recognize the People's Republic of Létat, as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution, acknowledging the government thereby created as sole sovereign of Létat?
The Interim Government wishes to make clear that recognition is a necessary prerequisite to establishing official relations with the People's Republic.
You have Greater Americanian recognition.
Part 2. Embassy Information.
Chief of Mission: Charles "Chuck" Hennessy
Ambassador: Same
Diplomats: 2
Guards: 50
Vehicles: 5 Greater Americanian armed vans
Weapons: AK-108's, M1041 Shotguns, M1911 handguns
Embassy Specifications: Spacious
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought?
Plants for decoration
We request that you establish an embassy in our nation as well. The application can be found in our signature.
Embassies have been approved.
The Most Serene Republic of Avenio
Official Telegram - Published by the Cultural Ministry Subcommittee on Official Publications
To: The People's Republic of Létat
The Most Serene Republic respectfully submits an application form for an embassy in The People's Republic, and welcomes further diplomatic discussion between our nations.
Prime Minister
Sophie D'Invierre
Foreign Affairs Minister
Urbain D'Iberville
Embassy Application
Part I. Your Nation
Full Nation Name: The Most Serene Republic of Avenio
Form of Government: Federal Social Democracy
Chief of State: Prime Minister Sophie D'Invierre
Chief of Government: Same as above
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Urbain D'Iberville
Capital City: Belle Insula
Currency: Pax (p)
Demonym: Avenese
Do you recognize the People's Republic of Létat, as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution, acknowledging the government thereby created as sole sovereign of Létat? Yes
Would you like to participate in international oversight of upcoming Létatian elections? Yes
Part 2. Embassy Information.
Chief of Mission: Georges Cuvier
Ambassador: Professor Auguste Duméril
Diplomats: 4
Guards: 8
Vehicles: 2 Hydrogen fuel cell-driven Peugeot 207s
Weapons: Tasers, Glock 17s for emergencies
Embassy Specifications: Postmodern/contemporary building, preferably with attached garden and library
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought? N/A
Approved... with a vengeance.
To: Yves Mainlevé
Part I. Your Nation
Full Nation Name: The Republic of Zinaire
Form of Government: Republic
Chief of State: Chief Executive Gregory Bishop
Chief of Government: The Second Executive Council of Zinaire as presided over by Chief Executive Gregory Bishop
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Lady Valérie Bardet
Capital City: Zinaire City
Currency: Numer
Demonym: Zinairian
Do you recognize the People's Republic of Létat, as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution, acknowledging the government thereby created as sole sovereign of Létat? Yes
Would you like to participate in international oversight of upcoming Létatian elections? No
Part 2. Embassy Information.
Chief of Mission: Lady Melanie Dunn
Ambassador: Lady Melanie Dunn
Diplomats: 15
Guards: 10
Vehicles: 3 ZMW X78D SUVs (armored), 2 ZMW X58D SUVs (armored)
Weapons: P270B Diablo Combat pistol (6.5mm CBJ), VP90 Velociraptor PDW (6.5mm CBJ)
Embassy Specifications: Reinforced construction
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought? None
We hope you will take the time to reciprocate and establish an embassy in Zinaire (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=555943).
Lady Valérie Bardet
Minister of Foreign Affairs
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 05:15
Part I. Your Nation
Full Nation Name:United States of PA
Form of Government:.Democracy
Chief of State:President Andrew Hundley
Chief of Government:President Andrew Hundley
Minister of Foreign Affairs:Scott Adler
Capital City:Philadelphia
Demonym:? sry i odnt know what this is
Do you recognize the People's Republic of Létat, as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution, acknowledging the government thereby created as sole sovereign of Létat?
The Interim Government wishes to make clear that recognition is a necessary prerequisite to establishing official relations with the People's Republic.-Yes We do
Part 2. Embassy Information.
Chief of Mission:Scott Adler Jr
Ambassador:Scott Adler Jr
Guards:25 USPMC Troops
Vehicles:3 Armored Suburbans, 1 UH-60D
Weapons:M-8 Carbines, M92SF Berrettas, 10 Guage BeanBag Shotguns
Embassy Specifications:at least 2 million Square Feet
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought?Dogs, Cats, a Cougar
Zinaire - approved
PA - cougar must be caged, accommodating the helicopter will take time and will be among the last features finished on your embassy.
The Marktoria State
12-04-2009, 17:08
Full Nation Name: The Republic of The Marktoria State
Form of Government: Democratic Socialist Republic
Chief of State: Prime Minister Mark Davis
Chief of Government: Prime Minister Mark Davis
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Minister Robert Henderson
Capital City: Marktropolis
Currency: the Marktorian Mark
Demonym: Marktorian
Do you recognize the People's Republic of Létat, as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution, acknowledging the government thereby created as sole sovereign of Létat? Yes
Would you like to participate in international oversight of upcoming Létatian elections? Yes
Chief of Mission: Secretary of Foreign Embassies, Hillary Picard
Ambassador: Henry Smith
Diplomats: 12
Guards: 7
Vehicles: 1 Armoured Limo, 1 Security Van, 1 Delorean DMC 12
Weapons: 7 handguns, 7 tasers, 7 rifles
Embassy Specifications: At least 88 square meters, with 38 square meters (of the 88 square meters) for a front courtyard with garden.
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought? several wall pictures and bust of Marktorian origin. Medieval style architecture. If possible, engrave the Marktorian Flag on the main hall floor.
The Marktoria State hopes that the building of this Embassy will establish a continued peace between our two people.
New Chalcedon
13-04-2009, 01:00
From: Helena Draskovic, Secretary to the Crown.
To: Yves Mainleve, Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Peoples' Republic of Letat.
Re: Embassy Application.
Your Excellency,
Pleae find the appropriate documentation below. I hope that Ambassador Romas makes himself friends over there - he is so young to be carrying out official duties.
Helena Draskovic
Secretary to the Crown.
Embassy Application
Part I. Your Nation
Full Nation Name: The Ancient and Uninterrupted Empire of Eastern Rome, ruled from New Chalcedon. In all but the most formal of situationsm 'The Empire of New Chalcedon' is both sufficient and correct.
Form of Government: Semi-parliamentary constitutional monarchy.
Chief of State: His Imperial and Serene Majesty, Michael Doukas-Palaiologos, Emperor of New Chalcedon, Grand Duke of Constantinopolis Secundus, Defender of the Real, Defender of the Faith, etc., etc. (Again, for all but the most formal of purposes 'Emperor Michael VI' is both sufficient and correct)
Chief of Government: Emperor Michael VI of New Chalcedon.
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Helena Draskovic, Secretary to the Crown. (Under the Constitution, foreign relations are exlusively the purview of the Crown, with the Senate's only role being to ratify (or not) treaties and declarations of war.)
Capital City: Constantinopolis Secundus.
Currency: Denarius (pl. Denarii)
Demonym: Chalcedonian
Do you recognize the P.eople's Republic of Létat, as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution, acknowledging the government thereby created as sole sovereign of Létat? Yes.
Would you like to participate in international oversight of upcoming Létatian elections? Yes.
Part 2. Embassy Information.
Chief of Mission: Mr. Marius Romas.
Ambassador: Mr. Marius Romas.
Diplomats: Five others - two deputies and three attaches.
Guards: Twelve.
Vehicles: None initially. Ambassador Romas is looking to purchase official vehicles from within Letat.
Weapons: Each guard is issued with a Beretta 92F sidearm, a taser and a stungun.
Embassy Specifications: No especial requirements - it must simply be large enough to fit the mission.
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought? A dozen Chalcedonian Jasmine plants, to decorate the Embassy.
Part I. Your Nation
Full Nation Name: Dominion of Takaram
Form of Government: Democratic Republic
Chief of State: High Councilor David Marshall
Chief of Government: High Councilor David Marshall
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Cynthia Rose
Capital City: Takaram City
Currency: Takaran
Demonym: Takarian
Do you recognize the People's Republic of Létat, as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution, acknowledging the government thereby created as sole sovereign of Létat? Yes
Would you like to participate in international oversight of upcoming Létatian elections? Yes
Part 2. Embassy Information.
Chief of Mission: Marcus Holcomb
Ambassador: Marcus Holcomb
Diplomats: 5
Guards: 15
Vehicles: 2 SUV, 1 limo, 1 VH-71 Kestrel
Weapons: 16 Beretta 92, 16 P90, 16 M4A1, 16 TASER X26
Embassy Specifications: Helipad
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought? Ambassadors pet German Shepard
13-04-2009, 01:15
Full Nation Name: The Republic of Australiazia
Form of Government: Republic
Chief of State: Ashley Brown
Chief of Government: Campbell Brown
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Bradley Button
Capital City: Melbourne
Currency: US
Demonym: Australiazians
Chief of Mission: David Jules
Ambassador: David Jules
Diplomats: 4
Guards: 10
Vehicles: 3 DOZOR-B (http://www.morozov.com.ua/eng/body/dozorb.php) (no mounted gun), 1 UH-60 Blackhawk (http://www.army-technology.com/projects/black_hawk/) (once helipad is built, if request is accepted)
Weapons: FN F2000 Tactical (http://www.fnherstal.com/index.php?id=184&backPID=182&productID=2&pid_product=232&pidList=182&categorySelector=1&detail=)
Embassy Specifications: Helipad funded by Australiazia, Embassy exchange (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=588339)
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought? NO
13-04-2009, 02:39
Full Nation Name: The Holy Imperium of Angenteria
Form of Government: Empire
Chief of State: His Majesty Emperor Marcus Riektal
Chief of Government: High Chancellor Uriel Quinlan
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Tiberius Reginus
Capital City: Angenteria City
Currency: The Argent
Demonym: Angenterian
Do you recognize the People's Republic of Létat, as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution, acknowledging the government thereby created as sole sovereign of Létat? Yes.
Would you like to participate in international oversight of upcoming Létatian elections? Sure, why not.
Part 2. Embassy Information.
Chief of Mission: Johan Harrison
Ambassador: Johan Harrison
Diplomats: 25
Guards: 20
Vehicles: 1 Armored Limousine, 4 Armored SUV, 1 Transport Helicopter
Weapons: ANG-99 Assault Rifles (Heavily Modified QBZ-95), Beretta M9 Pistols
Embassy Specifications: Helipad. (The Holy Imperium will fund this)
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought? None.
Please take the time to establish an embassy within the Holy Imperium.
Kingdoms of Cal
13-04-2009, 03:45
Embassy Application
Part I. Your Nation
Full Nation Name:The Royal Commonwealth Of Kingdoms Of Cal, Sae and Emass
Form of Government: Conglomerate constitutional monarchy/ Parliamentary Democracy
Chief of State: No single one, but Barron Leck is the head of the monarchs council.
Chief of Government: Prime Minister Eye Salato en.
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Al
Capital City: Tel
Currency: Mep
Demonym: Multiple, the commonwealth is a state rather than a nation, it is a state based on economic and defence issues, not cultural so no term exists for them all.
(Think EU +75 or more years)
Do you recognize the People's Republic of Létat, as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution, acknowledging the government thereby created as sole sovereign of Létat?:
Yes, we have no reason not to.
The Interim Government wishes to make clear that recognition is a necessary prerequisite to establishing official relations with the People's Republic.
Would you like to participate in international oversight of upcoming Létatian elections?: We have a long history of democracy in many parts of the pre-unification commonwealth and would welcome your observers from your nation to ours in exchange as that would be only fair. We will prep people from our electoral commotion our appointed commotion that ensures our elections are clean (appointed by the previous generation).
Note we are not a human nation.
Part 2. Embassy Information.
Chief of Mission: Dame Sanie
Ambassador: Dame Sanie (same person)
Vehicles: To to be acquired locally.
Weapons:Ceremonial only (Blades and bows)
Embassy Specifications: Accommodation for our staff and where possible due to our nature a number of consulates in economic centres to allow trade links.
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought?: The staff may be classified as animals.
We request that our non-human passport holders are treated like other foreign passport holders. But only our passport holders, not all not non-humans, that is an internal issue to your nation.
This is a pre-requisite to us opening an embassy.
OCC: Would you open an embassy where your people were classed as animals?
Cal, Takaram, Angenteria approved, Calian nonhuman staff will receive equitable treatment.
Australazia's approval is pending recognition of the People's Republic.
OoC: Cal, is that addressed to me personally or the impersonal "you"?
Kingdoms of Cal
13-04-2009, 18:12
To: Australazian Foreign Ministry/state department.
From: Foreign Secretary Al, Foreign Office, Executive Spire, Parliamentary Complex, Tel, Kingdoms of Cal, TL2 4AG.
The Royal Commonwealth here by formally recognises the nation of Australazia as a sovereign people and would welcome normalisation of relations with your people. We would be more than receptive to an application to open an embassy* in our nation, so as to form trade and other links between our peoples.
How ever we ask that you extend equitable treatment to all our passport holders, not just our diplomats to facilitate trade and obviously tourism. We are a wealthy and generally peaceable nation who are heavily reliant on trade. Our markets are open to all peoples that are our friends and hope yours are open to us, as trade is the engine of peace.
To this ends I have been informed that the CMT, the mutual that runs and controls our mass transit and freight rail network, would be open to an application from your nation to join. Along with their flagship CAT trains, that run at three hundred miles per hour and multi-megaton pulling MAT systems, they would bring their work horse HST, commuter trains and tram systems. The CMT is an NGO and operates currently in three nations, at little expense to the tax payer. It is a third owned by it's employees, a third by it's customers and a third by the governments of the nations that it operates in. Public transit and freight transit is too important to be left to politicians so we long ago passed the responsibility over to the mutual.(1)
We may bring in more staff if you agree to allowing us consulates in other economic centres out with your capital to facilitate trade. Though like our embassy we will employ largely local staff for support and non-confidential positions.
(Foreign Secretary)
*Thread yonder (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=583553).
(1) Up to you if you wish to pursue this, just an idea to get things going.
OOC: It was impersonal, as in how stupid would you be to do so ;-P
OOC: If I'm the first non-human nation that you have had contact with there might be a thread there.
13-04-2009, 19:16
To: The Government of The Peoples Reupublic of Létat.
From: The Department of State, The Grand Duchy of Noordeinde
Hereby we send our custom application form to establish an embassy in your great country.
Full Nation Name: The Grand Duchy of Noordeinde
Head of state of Nation: The Grand Duke of Noordeinde
Head of Government: Prime Minister Jonathan Roosevelt
National Political Orientation: libetial-social democratic
WA Category: inoffensive centrist Democracy
Diplomatic Stance on The Peoples Republic:open-minded,NAP,International Trade agreements.
Ambassador's Name: The Honorable Anne G. Johnson
Ambassador's Family (if any): Jason Johnson, the Ambassadors husband.
Ambassador's background: former Member of The House of Representatives.
Ambassador's political stance:verry open-mined he always has a listening ear for people,actually very neutral.
Crimes committed:none.
Preferred Location: Rue des Anges 15.
Embassy Personnel :5 Diplomats,6 Personal Secretaries,1 Advisor,1 Butler,1 Chief of Staf.
Security: 20 in total. 5 men Ambassadors Protection Group,10 men Diplomats Protection Group,5 Uniformed Embassy Guards.
Weapons: All security personnel carry a M1911 (http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/M1911_Pistol_US.jpg)
Vehicles: 1 armoured Lincoln Continental Limousine (http://web.inter.nl.net/users/interniek/hagazine/evenementen2002/claus/limo.jpg)(ambassadors vehicle) 1 armoured Ford Econoline (http://image.dieselpowermag.com/f/8565892/0612dp_12_z+2007_Diesel_vehicle_news+ford_econoline.jpg)(Diplomats vehicle) 2 armoured Chevrolet Suburbans (http://images23.fotki.com/v866/photos/4/49373/210525/rnpca2562-vi.jpg)(Diplomatic Protection Group)
Special Requests: we would appreciate a press conference room in the Embassy. And we would appriciate if you would join our International summit on the Typhoon that struck The Ang Phillepines, hereby the link: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=590010
And we would appriciate if you would apply for an embassy in our country, hereby the link to apply: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=588360
Sincerrely Yours,
Louis Wilson VI
Secretary of State
The Grand Duchy of Noordeinde
OoC: Silly Cal, you need to approve Letat's statehood, not Australazia. Australazia forgot the recognition line, so his approval is pending still. I'll respond to more rp-y things maybe later in the week, it's late and I have a lot of work this week.
IC: Noordeinde and Australazia - embassy requests will be approved once you extend official recognition of our government.
15-04-2009, 00:02
The Republic of Reijvajik
La République de Reijvaien
Vacones ç Reij
Please find attached the requested form, completed. We trust all is in order.
Embassy Application
Part I. Your Nation
Full Nation Name: The Republic of Reijvajik
Form of Government: Minimal republic
Chief of State: Olimar Seukle-Van Kabrinsky
Chief of Government: Olimar Seukle-Van Kabrinsky
Minister of Foreign Affairs: Michael Vaughan
Capital City: Wysken
Currency: Reijian Dollar [RJD]
Demonym: Reijian
Do you recognize the People's Republic of Létat, as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution, acknowledging the government thereby created as sole sovereign of Létat?
Would you like to participate in international oversight of upcoming Létatian elections?
Chief of Mission: Dr. Thomas Wyndham
Ambassador: Dr. Thomas Wyndham
Diplomats: 6
Guards: 2
Vehicles: 1 Ford Lincoln Town Car.
Weapons: Batons and tasers.
Embassy Specifications: An adjacent garden, native if possible. A one-story wooden house would be preferable; as the Reijian Government wishes to cover the house in turf, in order to replicate an old Reijian turf house.
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought? Two Old English Sheepdogs, belonging to Dr. Wyndham.
15-04-2009, 16:27
OoC: Silly Cal, you need to approve Letat's statehood, not Australazia. Australazia forgot the recognition line, so his approval is pending still. I'll respond to more rp-y things maybe later in the week, it's late and I have a lot of work this week.
IC: Noordeinde and Australazia - embassy requests will be approved once you extend official recognition of our government.
(OOC: I answered on your embassy request in my country, in the approve letter to your nation is an official statement included about officially recognizing your country)
15-04-2009, 18:27
Part I. Your Nation
Full Nation Name: The Republic of Rutianas
Form of Government: Socialist
Chief of State: Emperor Shein Darson
Chief of Government: Emperor Shein Darson
Minister of Foreign Affairs: The Honorable Gordon Pohl
Capital City: Rutia
Currency: For trading purposes, the Rune.
Demonym: Rutian, Comideran, Danite. We have three primary races within our Republic.
Do you recognize the People's Republic of Létat, as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution, acknowledging the government thereby created as sole sovereign of Létat?
The Republic officially recognizes the government of Létat established by the will of the people.
Would you like to participate in international oversight of upcoming Létatian elections?
The Republic has laws which prevent us from participating in any foreign election in any fashion.
Part 2. Embassy Information.
Chief of Mission: Kaleb Lishen
Ambassador: Kaleb Lishen
Diplomats: 5
Guards: 3
Vehicles: Rutian 268i armored sedans (2)
Weapons: We request that each guard be allowed to bring their own sidearm. It is a small caliber pistol, non-lethal, but will disarm.
Embassy Specifications: Kaleb Lishen requests that the embassy have access to trees on the lot.
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought? Kaleb could potentially be classed as animal. He is of the Comideran race which share multiple features with felines. He is the only member of the staff which is not Rutian. We do request that he is treated as any other individual on the diplomatic staff.
Embassies have been approved and Noordeinde's welcome recognition has been noted.
The Marktoria State
25-04-2009, 22:07
ooc: I have recently started an embassy program. So could you fill out an embassy application in my country?
Official Communique
The Federation of Oseato
Ministry of Foreign Relations
Part I. Your Nation
Full Nation Name: Federation of Oseato
Form of Government: Military Junta/ Federal Republic
Chief of State: General Zackary Hamilton, President of the Federation of Oseato
Chief of Government: General Zackary Hamilton, President
Minister of Foreign Affairs: General C. Allen Gates
Capital City: Oseato City
Currency: Oseaton Dollar
Demonym: Oseaton
Do you recognize the People's Republic of Létat, as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution, acknowledging the government thereby created as sole sovereign of Létat?
The Interim Government wishes to make clear that recognition is a necessary prerequisite to establishing official relations with the People's Republic.
The Federation fully recognizes the People's Republic of Létat as established by the 2009 Easter Constitution.
Part 2. Embassy Information.
Chief of Mission: George Vander
Ambassador: George Vander
Diplomats: 20
Guards: 25
Vehicles: 5 Armored Mercedes-Benz CLS-Class
Weapons: All guards armed with G36's and M9 Pistols
Embassy Specifications: High Concrete walls, Iron Gate, Main Compound, Ambassador's Quarters
Any plants/animals/etc. being brought? The ambassador has a pet German Shepard he would like to bring along.
Please place an embassy in Oseato.