NationStates Jolt Archive

Foundation of a Home (Intro MT)

Free Bigtopia
11-04-2009, 19:28
(OOC: My take on the infamous 'Bigtopians' that turn up in various NS issues and occasionally referred to on the forums. Thought it may be an interesting backstory for a nation. I know I'm not the first person to think of this idea, so my own take on the Bigtopians is based on a combination of several groups; physically similar in appearance to the Mongol ethnicity, language a combination of Russian and Mongolian, albeit in Cyrillic script, and a couple of Chinese and Arab influences thrown in for good measure. The country itself is geographically in the location of Mongolia. The main difference will be a Bigtopian religion I will be designing as the main worshipping force for the people. Fingers crossed this goes well. Hope you enjoy.)


'The area that comprised the newly-declared Republic of Free Bigtopia had been ethnically and culturally Bigtopian for thousands of years. What little is known of that early period suggests a migration of hunter-gatherer groups to the area that eventually turned into a group of agricultural economic bodies based around several historic 'city-states' within the modern borders of the country. The earliest references to Bigtopians as a people can be found in secular and religious scriptures of the 7th Century with the alleged revelation by God of the 'Book of Holiness' to the Prophet Bigtopha and the subsequent conversion of much of the regional population by his disciples. The city-states were then unified under the 'Holy Empire of Bigtopians' in the 10th century under a dynasty based on the Prophet Bigtopha's blood lineage. The family ruled the Empire until the 16th century when its northern neighbour, the Imperial Malkoyavich Empire, invaded and annexed the Bigtopian Empire into its ever-widening imperial borders, wiping all known trace of the Bigtopha lineage from existence. Bigtopia remained a reluctant and troublesome colony of the Malkoyavich Empire until January 2009, when financial pressures on its colonial master forced the Malkoyavich Empire to hastily withdraw a sizeable proportion of troops from many regional colonies in order to suppress dissent at home by anti-monarchic forces. Seizing the initiative, the indigenous commander of the locally-raised defence forces, General Vladimir Qing-Bashir declared the 'Republic of Free Bigtopia' and fought a short but bloody campaign against the remaining Malkoyavich forces, finally throwing them from historical Bigtopian territory in late March. On April 2nd, the Malkoyavich Empire formally recognised the Republic of Free Bigtopia and withdrew all territorial claims, far more concerned with internal economic and political issues that threatened the home borders of the Imperial Empire. General Qing-Bashir announced his intention to stand for government democratically and announced elections for April 9th for a Presidential Executive and a Unicarmel Legislative to be called the Great Congress. The elections saw a massive turnout of voters, with attendance rates in the high seventies by official figures. What would follow would mark Bigtopian history and politics for years to follow...'

~ 'A Rock and a Hard Place: A History of Free Bigtopia' by Charles Maximillian, Professor of Political History at Oxford University.


The roar of the assembled officials was deafening, pounding their hands against their wooden desks like the beat of tremendous war drums, their voices the cries of elation and victory-fuelled aggression. Over a hundred people, all dressed smartly in suit and tie, each a newly-elected representative for the citizens of the Republic, baying and crying like a terrifying crowd of rioters. The flags of the newly-declared Free Bigtopia, the gold seal of the country centred on a field of red, hung from each archway with resolute defiance to the controlled chaos of its occupants.

All directed at a single man on a raised podium.

General Vladimir Qing-Bashir stood quietly, his calm eyes passing over each Congressional Deputy that currently shouted his name with adoration. The seats of the Congress were arranged in semi-circular stacked lines, a sloping hill of political power rolling away from the podium that each seat faced due to the arrangement. Beyond the podium and seperating the platform from the Deputies' seats was a gigantic seal of the Republic, the torch of freedom stark and resolute in its newly-painted glory. The General was dressed smartly in his characteristic dress uniform so adored by the Bigtopian press, his trademark of power and control before, during and after the 'Great Struggle for Freedom' they had all undertaken. Soldiers of the Bigtopian Defence Force stood at attention on either end of the podium platform, their uniforms smartly presented for the occasion.

Vladimir let the shouting go on for a few more minutes, relishing the adulation and the exhultation of victory. He allowed himself a slight smile, hands clasping either side of the podium as he lapped up the shouts and cries with silent fervour. Then, he raised his hand for silence, and the room went dead.

"My friends," Vladimir began, stretching his arms outward in an expression of encompassing comradeship. "My fellow Bigtopians," he then added with relish and fervour, eyes sparkling with pride. "We have made ourselves free."

The room exploded in noise again, cheers and stamping feet, clapping hands and hammering desks. The General held out his hand for silence again, and once again the noise subsided. "We have achieved what many called impossible," he declared, clenching a fist in expression. "We threw off the yolk of those who controlled us for so long, exploited our country and all of which it is made for their own benefit, leaving our people little more than slaves to their own whims and desires. They took away our freedom, tried to take away our culture and leave us nothing but their own self-important values. And now we stand tall, whilst they retreat into their own borders in fear!" Vladimir slammed the clenched fist onto the podium with a hammering echo that reverberated around the chamber. "We did this because we never forgot who we were, never believed anything different than that one day we would be free again, that one day we would stand in proud defiance and breathe our own air with full control of our lives and our homeland!"

Noise broke out again with near-religious fervour. Vladimir allowed himself a moment to breathe, calming his anger before continuing. As he began, the noise dropped away as if cut away with a blade. "Two days ago," he said in a much calmer voice. "The people of Free Bigtopia took their destiny into their own hands and voted for the first time since our country began for its own government. They spoke with confidence, with enduring belief in the future, and with lively debate between all candidates. Numerous political parties and hundreds of candidates put their names forward to declare themselves ready to serve their fellow Bigtopians in building a better future for us all. And the people, in the most humbling gesture of my entire life, chose me to continue the work I have done so far."

Vladimir stopped, visibly tearful as he spoke, his voice breaking with emotion. Several other delegates were similar, tears of joy streaming from their eyes as a hammering of fists and shouting began again briefly.

"I promise," the General continued with energy, causing the noise to cease. "I promise," he repeated with greater calm. "That my government and my party will work to bring Bigtopians everwhere into peace and prosperity, to provide them with a true homeland for their culture and way of life, and to help them find a new way forward in their lives." The General raised his hands as if in prayer. "Thankyou, and God Bless Free Bigtopia."

The chamber erupted once again, louder and more vibrant than before. The structure of the building seemed to shake with emotion as the entire Congress stood to give the General an ovation that would stand in Bigtopian history as one of its greatest moments.


CNN: Republic of Free Bigtopia elects government amidst democratic controversy

The Republic of Free Bigtopia today formerly announced its new government following its independence from the Malkoyavich Imperial Empire.

In an unsurprising move, the Presidency was taken by General Vladimir Qing-Bashir, former commander of indigenous colonial defence forces and the self-styled 'Father of the Bigtopian Revolution'. The General, who led the military struggle against colonial control of Bigtopia since January this year, was elected by a landslide majority with estimates showing over 90% of presidential votes in his favour.

The legislative Great Congress is dominated by the Bigtopian Independence Party (BIP), headed by General Qing-Bashir, with 112 of the 130 seats going to members of the BIP.

General Qing-Bashir has yet to formerly announce his cabinet, but has put forward several proposals that have already been formerly approved by the Great Congress. The Bigtopian Defence Force, what was left of the indigenous colonial force formed under Malkoyavich rule, has been officially renamed the Bigtopian National Army and will encompass all land, air and sea warfare. Furthermore, all civilian police forces have been officially encompassed into the Bigtopian National Army as a 'civil paramilitary' wing of the armed forces. Furthermore, the General has put forward the 'Bigtopian Enacting Law', which would allow all Bigtopians living outside the borders of the Free Republic to claim citizenship upon arrival.

As celebrations in the streets of towns and cities across Free Bigtopia continue into the night, some international observers have voiced concern over several aspects of the new government. Criticism and questions have been raised about General Qing-Bashir's position as Head of State & Government as well as Supreme Commander of the National Army. Linked to this has been concern regarding the political neutrality of civilian law enforcement agencies as an incorporated paramilitary force. However, with near-unanimous approval in the Great Congress for these policies and overwhelming popular support, General Qing-Bashir appears to have no cause at this time for any concern over dissent among Bigtopian citizens.

Mike Ralphington, CNN News


Republic of Free Bigtopia - Official Government Statement

'To our friends in the international community, I bid you greetings and reassurances.'

'Over the last few months, the Bigtopian people have asserted themselves to independence and freedom from an oppressive people. We are used to this state of affairs; our people have been harrassed and subjugated across the globe in countless nations. Those nations will never be anything but enemies to the Republic.'

'However, we also know that many Bigtopians live abroad as free, independent and intergrated citizens of many fair-minded and honourable nations. To those nations in particular we offer the hand of diplomatic friendship.'

'To this end, I wish to formerly declare my government's intention to open wide-ranging diplomatic, political and economic ties with the international community. I do this in the spirit of friendship and cooperation, in a desire to create a world where all of our mutual citizens can have the prosperity and happiness they truly deserve.'

'Please accept the hand of the Republic in friendship, and together we may step forward into a brighter world of peace, prosperity and happiness.'

General Vladimir Qing-Bashir
President of the Republic of Free Bigtopia
Free Bigtopia
12-04-2009, 18:30
The Bigtopian Voice
'The Defiant Voice Against Oppression'

Republic accepts diplomatic credentials from Malkoyavich Empire, Zhongguo People's Republic

General Qing-Bashir today accepted the diplomatic credentials of the Republic's two neighbours and acknowledged official mutual recognition of Free Bigtopia by the two countries.

The Imperial Malkoyavich Empire, until recently the harsh oppressors of the Republic, and the southern Zhongguo People's Republic both sent diplomatic ambassadors to Sharbaatar in what was described by General Qing-Bashir as "another step forward in advancing the international status of the Republic and Bigtopians everwhere."

In particular, the sending of a diplomatic representative by the Malkoyavich regime was lauded by the Republic's government as "a sign that our former oppressors are no longer in a position to oppress."

In return, the General sent diplomatic representatives to the capital cities of both the Empire and People's Republic, and it is understood that negotiations regarding establishing permanent embassies are now underway.

Daniv Al-Ming, Foreign Affairs Correspondent

(OOC: Basically a slightly more complex 'bump'.)
12-04-2009, 18:36
(OOC: Welcome to the game. I am looking for some people to join my region, North Aliados, besides me and my puppet that lets me post on the forums. Care to join?)


The Third Empire of Fluffywuffy welcomes to the international stage the Republic of Free Bigtopia. The Third Empire would like to fully establish economic and political relations with this new nation in a desire for peace and prosperity for both nations. We have lowered all tariffs in the hope for free and fair exchange between our two nations.

Alexander Ramius
Foreign Minister
Free Bigtopia
12-04-2009, 19:45
(OOC: Welcome to the game. I am looking for some people to join my region, North Aliados, besides me and my puppet that lets me post on the forums. Care to join?)


The Third Empire of Fluffywuffy welcomes to the international stage the Republic of Free Bigtopia. The Third Empire would like to fully establish economic and political relations with this new nation in a desire for peace and prosperity for both nations. We have lowered all tariffs in the hope for free and fair exchange between our two nations.

Alexander Ramius
Foreign Minister

(OOC: Thanks for the offer, I'll think about it.)

Official Government Response

'On behalf of my government, I thank the Third Empire of Fluffywuffy for its welcome to the Republic and for its desires to begin economic and political relations. To this end, I have authorised an exchange of diplomatic representatives to be carried out at your own time and discretion. Furthermore, I invite the Third Empire to join the Republic in officially pledging to maintain zero tariff trade between our two nations to better assist our mutual economies, possibly through the signing of a trading pact to reflect this.'

'Again, on behalf of the people of the Republic, I thank you for your progressive steps.'

General Qing-Bashir
President of the Republic of Free Bigtopia
I Eldalante
12-04-2009, 22:59
Bureau du Roi d'Eldalante

Le Générale Vladamir Qing-Bashir:

The Eldalantean government wishes to express its concern over the recent bloodshed in what is now Free Bigtopia. However, given the current situation our government extends formal recognition to the current Free Bigtopian government, despite our concerns.

The Eldalantean government hopes that your government maintains the rule of law, promotes individual freedom, practices transparent minimal government, and remains dedicated to a free market system of international relations and domestic law, as we beleive these to be maximizing of all types of liberty.

Specifically, our government is concerned about the lack of seperation between military and civillian command at the current time, and also the lack of a firm governmental order. However, we are cognizant that many of these problems are unavoidable given the recent independence of Free Bigtopia.

Thus it is with a cautious touch and an optimistic spirit that the Eldalantean people welcome you as an equal amongst the nations of the world and hope to foster mutually beneficial relations for a brighter future.

Bureau du Roi d'Eldalante
Office of the King of Eldalante
12-04-2009, 23:02
The United Kingdom of Telvira wishes to welcome Free Bigtopia into the world and hopes for a long a prosperous relationship.
Free Bigtopia
13-04-2009, 17:37
Bureau du Roi d'Eldalante

Le Générale Vladamir Qing-Bashir:

The Eldalantean government wishes to express its concern over the recent bloodshed in what is now Free Bigtopia. However, given the current situation our government extends formal recognition to the current Free Bigtopian government, despite our concerns.

The Eldalantean government hopes that your government maintains the rule of law, promotes individual freedom, practices transparent minimal government, and remains dedicated to a free market system of international relations and domestic law, as we beleive these to be maximizing of all types of liberty.

Specifically, our government is concerned about the lack of seperation between military and civillian command at the current time, and also the lack of a firm governmental order. However, we are cognizant that many of these problems are unavoidable given the recent independence of Free Bigtopia.

Thus it is with a cautious touch and an optimistic spirit that the Eldalantean people welcome you as an equal amongst the nations of the world and hope to foster mutually beneficial relations for a brighter future.

Bureau du Roi d'Eldalante
Office of the King of Eldalante
Official Government Statement

'I thank the government and people of the Kingdom of Eldalante for their welcome onto the international stage. I take account of their concerns regarding the political and economic situation of the Republic and wish to allay any fears about my government's intentions. The Bigtopian people, having been oppressed and subjugated for far too long, will not be subject to the same conditions under a government of the Bigtopian people. The Republic will encourage freedom of speech, private ownership of property and the overall welfare of all Bigtopian people in striving to change the historical precedent of Bigtopian oppression that I will not allow to continue any longer. I hope we continue to have a long and fruitful relationship between our two states.'

General Qing-Bashir


The United Kingdom of Telvira wishes to welcome Free Bigtopia into the world and hopes for a long a prosperous relationship.

'I thank the United Kingdom on behalf of the Bigtopian government and wish to echo similar hopes for relations between our two states.'

General Qing-Bashir.
Free Bigtopia
13-04-2009, 20:38
Bigtopian Voice

General Qing-Bashir announces Cabinet

General Qing-Bashir today announced the positions of the first cabinet of the Republic since its inception.

The nine-man Cabinet, including the General himself in his position as President, comprises positions for Education, Defence, Environment, Public Information, Agriculture, Industry and Intelligence. The General also announced the first Vice-President of the Republic, a non-voting position in the Cabinet.

Internal and foreign political commentators have highlighted the positions being filled mostly with hardline former activists of the General's closest staff during the struggle for independence. This includes Dimitri Al-Mahd, a former Colonel in the Bigtopian Defence Forces and an ardent Bigtopian nationalist famous for comments during the revolution about "chasing the Malkoyavich b*stards back to their homes and burning them in their living rooms." This is added to Salizov Dyn-Li as Minister of Education who has been quoted as wishing to educate children "in a curriculum based highly around pro-Bigtopian history and values." A further list of Ministers is to be released shortly. All are members of the Bigtopian Independence Party.

Meanwhile, General Bashir formerly signed into assent the 'Bigtopian Naturalisation Law', a piece of legislation that allows all Bigtopians born or citizens abroad the right to claim citizenship in the Republic upon arrival. The President also announced plans to expand the Bigtopian National Army and promised to put a budget in front of the Great Congress in the next week.

These positions have been intriguing for political commentators inside and outside of the Republic in aiming to understand the ideological direction of the General's administration. Although elected by a landslide majority, the BIP has very little in the way of concrete policy issues and a platform more surrounding vague comments about "ensuring independence and freedom for the Bigtopian people." When pushed, the General has indicated that further policy announcements would follow.

Michael Al-Tariq
National Commentator
13-04-2009, 21:39
General Qing-Bashir.

Sir may I congratulate you and your people on your worthwhile and successfull struggle to achieve independece.

My fellow rechurgians would wish me to extend to you and your people all the aid and friendship that you require. Though we are based in the South Pacific, we view the whole area as a area of interest. With that view in mind we are conscious of the need for new nations to gain economic strength through trade and security by alliances.

If in the future you require assistance in any of these please do not hestitate to call on me

Duke Blaise
Free Bigtopia
14-04-2009, 00:19
General Qing-Bashir.

Sir may I congratulate you and your people on your worthwhile and successfull struggle to achieve independece.

My fellow rechurgians would wish me to extend to you and your people all the aid and friendship that you require. Though we are based in the South Pacific, we view the whole area as a area of interest. With that view in mind we are conscious of the need for new nations to gain economic strength through trade and security by alliances.

If in the future you require assistance in any of these please do not hestitate to call on me

Duke Blaise
Official Government Communication

'Your Grace,'

'I would like to thank you on behalf of myself, my government and the people of Free Bigtopia for your offer of friendship and aid. We hope this to be the start of a long and prosperous relationship between our two nations, and similarly offer diplomatic relations between our states.'

'At the moment, our governmental budget is being coordinated. Should we require aid, we thank-you for supporting us in this matter.'

General Qing-Bashir
President of the Republic of Free Bigtopia
14-04-2009, 01:28
Dear President Qing-Bashir,

On behalf of the state of Zwangzug, I offer my congratulations to the young republic. Some survivors of the disaporas are planning on claiming Free Bigtopian citizenship upon their homecoming, under the new naturalization law. We await increased stability and democracy in the region.

Felix Wainwright,
Composite Minister
Free Bigtopia
14-04-2009, 15:43
Sharbataar, Capital of Free Bigtopia
April 14, 0900 hours

A veritable sea of Republic flags waved amongst the throng of people lining the Central Boulevard, cordons along the sides of the road holding citizens back with steel barriers and steely-eyed soldiers of the Bigtopian National Army. The noise was immense as thousands of excited citizens spoke loudly to each other, shouted and yelled over the din of their surroundings and blared foghorns into the sky like a fleet of battleships. A resounding wave of noise passed along the crowd as the Presidential limousine made its way along the road, elated cheering and shouting following the vehicle as it passed through the city towards the Great Congress building, sandwiched front and back by machine-gun mounted jeeps crammed with stern-faced soldiers.

The deafening noise was little but a muted roar inside the limousine itself, where General Vladimir Qing-Bashir sat in air-conditioned comfort opposite his newly appointed Vice-President, Esmeralda Chang-Fahd. The two shared a glass of champagne from a flute in the vehicle’s miniature refrigerator and occasionally glanced out the tinted windows of the vehicle. The General, Esmeralda noticed, was in a quiet mood, staring moodily into the middle distance of the crowd. She sipped from her own glass and then tilted her head in an inquisitive gesture. “Dollar for your thoughts?” she enquired with a brief smile.

Vladimir glanced around, blinking like a man awoke suddenly, and then smiled wearily. “Just the usual,” the General said with a brief shrug. “And a little more today,” he added, looking back out of the window.

Esmeralda’s eyes glinted mischievously. “Hey, you wanted the job, Vlad. This was always going to be harder than just kicking the Malkos out.”

Vladimir smiled. His Vice-President was a life-long friend and former military officer in the colonial Defence Force that he had commanded. An ex-Colonel, she had retired from her post following an injury in a 2003 firefight, but had struggled past her physical incapabilities to pick up a pen instead of a rifle and utilise her experience in the military as a key member of the rebellion’s command staff during the conflict. The General trusted her opinion dearly, which was deepened only further by a brief liaison many years before, and she had subsequently earned the right to jest with the otherwise straight-laced, serious-faced senior soldier that now employed her. Vladimir sighed, rubbing one palm against the back of his opposite hand in a nervous fashion. “I know Ezi, I know,” he said in a tired voice. Then he glanced out of the window once again. “Still doesn’t make it any easier,” he added with a distant voice.

The Vice-President leaned forward, touching the General gently on the forearm. “It’s never easy finding the compromise between various groups,” she said gently. “No-one is ever going to be completely happy with these things.”

Vladimir smiled for a moment, tapping the woman’s hand gently in a sign of gratitude as the limousine pulled up outside the Great Congress. As a soldier opened the door and saluted smartly, Vladimir took a deep breath and stepped out onto the concrete to be met with resounding cheers and a cacophony of chanting. Standing tall in his dress uniform, the General waved to spectators on either side of the entrance before stepping down the pathway to the main entrance, the Vice-President and his entourage of aides and military personnel in tow.


The Great Congress was preparing for session, with Deputies milling by their seats and in the walkways. The murmur of conversation was low, a muted echo in the cavernous chamber of the Debating Chamber. Several members of the press snapped photographs from the Press Enclosure, camera flashes dotting the corner of the room as they recorded yet another moment in Bigtopian history.

The Debate Bell clanged twice, and the Deputies began to make their way to their desks. Conversation fell quieter as the groups dispersed, and the clicks and flashes of cameras became more prominent as they focused on the podium. From overhead, a speaker system turned on with a muted click, and a hidden voice spoke. “Honourable Deputies of the Great Congress, the President of the Republic.”

The Chamber roared with noise, the Deputies banging their tables with fists and clapping their hands in adoration and support as the General stepped out onto the stage. Dressed in his dark green uniform with gold braid and medals, peaked cap under one arm bearing the insignia of the Republic, the Head of State was a sight to behold; proud, defiant and strong-looking in the harsh light of the overhead bulbs. He stepped up to the podium and stood for a moment as the cameras recorded the show of support for the General. Then, after a few minutes, he raised his hand and the noise subsided. “My friends and comrades,” he announced into the microphone, looking around the table. “After my initial cabinet meeting earlier today, I stand here before you to outline the policy objectives of this government and this party. You will then be able to vote on keeping these objectives in the national policy and to be enacted by the ministries of our government.”

There was a brief spatter of applause as the General looked down at the documentation in front of him. “First and foremost,” Vladimir declared, “this government and this party, as put forward in the manifesto of our election, is dedicated to preserving the Republic of Free Bigtopia and everything that we have fought for, to ensure that…” the General was briefly interrupted by applause and cheering restarting once more. “To ensure that we continue the development of the Bigtopian people and the Bigtopian nation in the fields of economics, culture, prosperity, welfare and happiness across every citizen of our country.”

The chamber roared with approval, and Vladimir allowed a moment of ovation before silencing the room with a hand once more. He then declared, “To ensure this development, we intend to do the following; firstly, I am putting forth a declaration to the objective of legally confirming the status of the Republic as a Bigtopian state, for the purposes of the Bigtopian people primarily and above all. Let us be clear from the start that this will in no way show prejudice against citizens of the Republic other than Bigtopian; all citizens of the Republic will be accorded the same rights and benefits as any other citizen. However, the government of the Republic will unashamedly promote, fund and develop awareness of Bigtopian religion, culture and society. In this way, we shall be the ‘Promised Land’ to our people, the one place they can be ensured a prejudice-free environment and a nation of prosperity and wealth dedicated to ensuring the continued oppression-free existence of our people in the face of hostile international elements.”

Further applause. Vladimir continued. “Third, we will invest in the technology and training of the Bigtopian National Army to ensure that we will never again be the subject to oppression by either our neighbours or any other international groups, states or bodies. We will ensure that the Bigtopian National Army becomes a feared, dedicated and committed force standing as a defiant testament to our enemies and former-oppressors that we will never again be enslaved.”

Howls of support, and a hammering of fists. It was near to ten minutes before the General could continue. “Fourth, we intend to invest heavily in the education of our children, ensuring the future of Bigtopian future for generations to come. We promise a vibrant and well-rounded curriculum to ensure able and apt citizens for our Republic, and we will mix this with lessons on Bigtopian cultural awareness to ensure that citizens of the Republic are proud of their cultural heritage and recognise that never again will there be a situation in this country where Bigtopians are oppressed again.”

“Fourth, we will pursue an economic policy based on primarily providing wealth and prosperity to Bigtopians.” Vladimir hesitated for a moment; this was where things got a little trickier. “Let me make ourselves abundantly clear from the outset; after years of subjugation and slavery to a foreign power, my government firmly believes in the notion of private property. We will not stand in the way of Bigtopians spending their money as they see fit, investing in private assets and property within the boundaries of decent morality. However, we believe that the people of the Republic have an endemic duty to their fellow Bigtopians to ensure that no member of our society is left behind after such a time of hardship and deprivation. To this end, citizens of the Republic will be taxed progressively on their income according to their ability to pay to ensure a fair distribution of the governmental burden. For businesses, the Bigtopian government will seek to invest financially in assisting the development of indigenous agriculture and industry whilst also promoting the influx of capital and investment from abroad. We will however, in the spirit of encouraging the distribution of wealth, prosperity and power to the majority of Bigtopian citizens, be putting forward legislation to promote the development of business models based around shareholder ownership. Under this legislation, companies both domestic and foreign will be ensured financial relief for costs and expenses if they meet a minimum limit for their shares being held in the hands of Bigtopian citizens in their employ. This minimum would be decided during further deliberation of this legislation. Our government also promises to businesses that taxation on profit held within the Republic will be non-existent to ensure a healthy reinvestment of profits into the economy. However, to ensure the avoidance of wealth leaving the country in figures greater than the desired, there will be a flat tax rate levied to discourage this outward flow of capital and profit.”

There was applause and shouting once again, but less so. Vladimir looked around the room. The majority of the Congress was still cheering, but more Deputies seemed half-hearted in their cheers. A minority was silent behind their desks. Vladimir kept his face stoic; he had expected this. The BIP was an alliance of ideologies across the political spectrum united by the prospect of Bigtopian independence and nationalism. The General himself being a left-leaning moderate in his politics had been bound to find a compromise between the various factions of the party. Some groups would be happy, otherwise less so. Others would be downright furious.

The General continued the speech, ending with restating the promise of the BIP to compose a new Constitution for the Republic that would be placed to public referendum. He then left the podium to the cheers and calls of the assembled deputies, but with a lower level of volume then before.

When they were back in the limousine and pulling away from the Congress building, Esmeralda looked across at Vladimir. “How do you think it went?” she asked.

Vladimir sighed, leaning back in his chair and reaching for a fresh glass of champagne. “I think we ruffled some feathers today,” he said, sipping the glass. The General then looked out at the throngs of people still lining the route as the limousine accelerated in the direction of the Presidential Palace, mounted soldiers ahead and behind as before. “I think we’ll ruffle a few more before all this is over,” he added, and took another gulp of alcohol for relaxation.
Free Bigtopia
14-04-2009, 19:18
Dear President Qing-Bashir,

On behalf of the state of Zwangzug, I offer my congratulations to the young republic. Some survivors of the disaporas are planning on claiming Free Bigtopian citizenship upon their homecoming, under the new naturalization law. We await increased stability and democracy in the region.

Felix Wainwright,
Composite Minister
Official Government Communication

'I thank the state of Zwangzug and Composite Minister Wainwright for their welcome to the Republic. We welcome the Bigtopian people of your country wishing to return home with open arms and hearts and will render them our brethren as their right.'

General Qing-Bashir
President of the Republic
Free Bigtopia
15-04-2009, 14:12
(OOC: Bump)
Free Bigtopia
15-04-2009, 20:49
(OOC: Bump)
Free Bigtopia
15-04-2009, 22:39
(OOC: Bump)
Free Bigtopia
17-04-2009, 14:39
The Constitution of the Republic of Free Bigtopia

As ratified via referendum by the Citizens of the Republic with two-thirds of the vote in favour


We the People of the Republic of Free Bigtopia, of sound mind and fervent spirit, do hereby establish and ordain this Constitution to safeguard the freedoms and outline the responsibilities of citizens and government in the aforementioned Republic.

Section 1 – Rights & Responsibilities of Citizens

Article 1: The Right to Freedom of Expression – verbally, written or visually – for all citizens of the Republic will not be infringed.

Article 2: The Right to Free Assembly of citizens will not be infringed.

Article 3: No soldier shall in time of war or peace be quartered in any home without the permission of the owner except in a manner proscribed by law.

Article 4: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, and no warrants shall be issued expect upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized.

Article 5: No civilian shall be held upon any criminal charge without indictment by a legally-established Court of Law. Military personnel are exempt from this Article and will be indicted according to the laws placed in effect regarding military personnel in times of war and peace.

Article 6: No civlian will be tried for any crime without a jury of their peers being the lawfully designated judges of their culpability. Military personnel are exempt from this Article and will be indicted according to the laws placed in effect regarding military personnel in times of war and peace.

Article 7: Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

Article 8: Citizens shall be required to provide finance and labour to the collective welfare and defence of the Republic, albeit not to exceed the levels of support determined by law.

Article 9: Citizens shall be required to provide support and assistance to the state in times of war as laid down under the stipulations of Article X.

Section 2: Rights & Responsibilities of Government

Article 10: The Government shall comprise a seperate Executive, Legislative and Judicial body at the Federal and State level. The Executive and Legislative bodies shall be elected regularly by popular vote once every five years at a minimum.

Article 11: The Government shall provide for the defence, welfare and prosperity of the citizens as required by legislatation lawfully passed and implemented.

Article 12: The Legislature shall provide for Article 11 through the utilisation of compulsory taxation of the citizenry as defined by lawfully proposed and implemented tax legislation.

Article 13: The Legislature will maintain the right to declare a State of War or Peace with a foreign body, organisation, nation or state subject to a majority of votes in favour of that desire.

Article 14: Members of the Legislature shall propose, debate and vote upon legislation that will pass into lawful enactment and enforcement upon a majority vote in favour of that outcome subject to Executive approval, apart from legislation that would defy any Article of this Consitution.

Article 15: The Executive may propose legislation to be debated and voted upon in the Legislature.

Article 16: The Executive may sign into law or veto legislature enacted by the Lesiglative branch, the act of which can be overturned by a two-thirds majority vote in that favour by the Legislative branch.

Article 17: The Executive shall be Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Republic

Article 18: The Executive shall appoint a body of Ministers, subject to approval by Legislative majority vote, that shall undertaken the roles of policy implementation, management and administration under the relevent ministerial departments.

Article 19: The Judiciary at the level of Federal Government shall be comprised of five judicial officials proposed and approved by the Legislature by majority vote.

Article 20: The Judiciary shall oversee the legislature passed by the Legislative and Executive Branch and shall veto any legislation passed into law that violates any article of this Constitution. This act may be overturned by a unanimous vote in favour of this by the Legislative branch.

Article 21: The Judiciary shall be tasked with the legal interpretation of the articles of this Constitution in cases of dispute between Federal agencies, local agencies and individual citizens.

Article 22: States of the Republic, the borders of which shall be defined by law, are entitled to select a local government structure of their choosing, providing it meets the criteria of democratic government set forward in Article 10 and comprises separated executive, legislative and judicial branches restrained by law.

Article 23: Federal government shall be tasked with the management of defence, economics, foreign policy and issues of law and order deemed the responsibility of Federal rather than Local agencies as determined by the Judicial branch under the due process already set forward for the handling of disputes between agencies of government and individual citizens.

Article 21: The Government shall be granted the right to conscript citizens to the service of the state in times of War as legally declared by the Legislative branch.

Article 22: Amendments or additions to the articles of this Constitution will require proposal to the Legislature by either a member of the Legislative body or the Executive and be subject to a two-thirds majority vote in favour of that outcome to authorise said amendment or addition. It will then require signing into law by the Executive and oversight by the Judiciary to ensure its legality, and shall be subject to the lain-down procedures of legislative due process already stated.
20-04-2009, 23:15
(editorial in one of Zwangzug's biggest newspapers)

April 20...a day thankfully devoid of connotation for most of Zwangzug, but that hasn't always been the case. Remember Chappo Buterbaugh's proposal for Bigtopian Pride Day? No? Being forgotten is probably the most good it'll ever do.

Still, there's no better time to turn one's attention to the Pacific, where the Republic of Free Bigtopia may have improved upon its predecessors by managing to exist in a relatively stable manner for nine consecutive days. To its credit, the recently-ratified constitution codifies citizens' rights before explaining the details of elected officials.

Such encouraging signs from a historically troubled part of the world bode well for the future, yet it cannot be forgotten that newly-elected president Qing-Bashir originally took power in a bloody revolt. While he was returned to power through a seemingly fair election, the World Assembly still classifies Bigtopians' political freedoms as "few". There's plenty of work to be done.

Nevertheless, Bigtopia seems "free" indeed for the time being--and that is, indeed, something in which to take pride.
21-04-2009, 00:20
Office of the Governor-General
Tian, Hainac Islands
Tolvanic Far East Colonial Holdings

Governor-General Lord Adam Hunt (The Fifth Earl of Norchester) reclined in his richly appointed leather chair as he read the NDI reports about the formation of "Free Bigtopia". The development of a indepentent Bigtopian state presented a unique oppurtunity for the Commonwealth. The Hainac Islands were home to nearly 75,000 Bigtopians and the "Biggie" population had long been a source of tension with the islands native Chinese population and the Tolvanic settlers, who were mostly White or Hispanic. The situation was made even beet er by the decision of the Bigtopian government to grant citizenship to any Bigtopian who relocated there. Hunt would require permission from Governor Chang and Home and Foreign Offices, but he was sure he could pull it off.

Two days later


TO: General Qing-Bashir, President of the Republic of Free Bigtopia
FROM: Governor-General Lord Adam Hunt (The Fifth Earl of Norchester), Tolvanic Hainac Islands

RE: Bigtopian Immigration

Dear Sir,

The Tolvanic Crown Colony of the Hainac Islands is home to population of native Bigtopians some 75,000 strong. The Bigtopians have never fully assimilated into the colony's society as a result considerable racial tensions have developed. After consulting with the Home and Foreign Offices, I have been authorised to present the following proposal for your consideration.

While an exhaustive poll has not been completed, some 78% of Bigtopians srveyed indicated that they would relocate to Free Bigtopia if they were financially able (the sample size is 2,135). Unfortunately, very few Bigtopians have the resources to do so. As a result the Commonwealth of Tolvan proposes a joint endeavour with your nation to relocate those Bigtopians who cannot afford to emigrate to do so free of charge. Most of the Bigtopians in question have the benefit of the excellent Tolvanic education system and many have possess skill sets that would invaluable to a nation such as yours.

I anxiously await your reply.
Free Bigtopia
22-04-2009, 12:34

TO: General Qing-Bashir, President of the Republic of Free Bigtopia
FROM: Governor-General Lord Adam Hunt (The Fifth Earl of Norchester), Tolvanic Hainac Islands

RE: Bigtopian Immigration

Dear Sir,

The Tolvanic Crown Colony of the Hainac Islands is home to population of native Bigtopians some 75,000 strong. The Bigtopians have never fully assimilated into the colony's society as a result considerable racial tensions have developed. After consulting with the Home and Foreign Offices, I have been authorised to present the following proposal for your consideration.

While an exhaustive poll has not been completed, some 78% of Bigtopians srveyed indicated that they would relocate to Free Bigtopia if they were financially able (the sample size is 2,135). Unfortunately, very few Bigtopians have the resources to do so. As a result the Commonwealth of Tolvan proposes a joint endeavour with your nation to relocate those Bigtopians who cannot afford to emigrate to do so free of charge. Most of the Bigtopians in question have the benefit of the excellent Tolvanic education system and many have possess skill sets that would invaluable to a nation such as yours.

I anxiously await your reply.
[B]Official Government Communication


'It is with deep joy that I agree to the proposal you have set forward, the Bigtopian Naturalisation Law allowing my office to take the authority to put forward funds from the approved budget to assist in this endeavour. We will welcome our brothers and sisters home with open arms and ensure them a place in our community.'

General Qing-Bashir
President of the Republic of Free Bigtopia
Free Bigtopia
22-04-2009, 12:47
The Bigtopian Voice
'News from the Bigtopian People'

Bigtopian Naturalisation Law takes effect

The Ministry of Resettlement Affairs, in conjunction with the Ministry of the Treasury and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, today announced that the first usage of the Bigtopian Naturalisation Law was under offer to the Tolvanic Government.

Under the Law, Bigtopians will be allowed to claim citizenship in the Free Republic upon arrival, and those that are unable to relocate upon their own financial means will be given support by the government.

General Qing-Bashir welcomed the move by the Tolvanic government, and indicated that the Tolvanic-Bigtopians would be "welcomed home with open arms."

The Naturalisation Law, passed by Congress earlier this month, allows the Ministry of Resettlement Affairs to fund Bigtopians unable to relocate of their own accord by providing them with interest-free loans, the level of which is determined by a means-tested system based on their income in their country of departure. Part of this involves the provision of "start-up homes" for migrants, often based around government-built estates in various towns and cities across the Republic. General Qing-Bashir has already indicated that a massive public works programme is to be announced shortly, including the construction of government housing for these migrants. Once established, the migrants then pay the loans back to the government as a progressive tax on their levels of income.

The details of the deal are yet to be announced, but the Ministry of Resettlement Affairs has declared that "the arrangements will be formalised shortly."

Omar Al-Wei
Foreign Affairs Correspondent
22-04-2009, 17:27

TO: General Qing-Bashir, President of the Republic of Free Bigtopia
FROM: Brigadier Andrew Santos, Royal Air Force, Bigtopian Relocation Task Force Commander

RE: Bigtopian Immigration

Dear Sir,

As agreed between our governments out operations to being relocating Tolvans of Bigtopian heritage to Free Bigtopia is set to commence within the next four days. Our current plan is to utilize Royal Air Force transport aircraft to relocate those who wish to emigrate, along with their possessions (not to exceed 300 kilograms), to your nation. We request the necessary navigational data so as to direct our transports flights in the most effective manner.

Additionally, I have been asked to inclued the following census data for the Bigtopians who wish to relocate:

62,508 individuals in all
31,401 men
31,107 women
4,307 have college degrees
592 have graduate degrees
17 are doctors
21 are engineers
937 men and 51 women have Tolvanic military experience
10,034 are under the age of 18
2,306 are over the age of 65
Greater Americania
22-04-2009, 17:50
We request that Free Bigtopia establish an embassy in Greater Americania.
Free Bigtopia
24-04-2009, 10:06

TO: General Qing-Bashir, President of the Republic of Free Bigtopia
FROM: Brigadier Andrew Santos, Royal Air Force, Bigtopian Relocation Task Force Commander

RE: Bigtopian Immigration

Dear Sir,

As agreed between our governments out operations to being relocating Tolvans of Bigtopian heritage to Free Bigtopia is set to commence within the next four days. Our current plan is to utilize Royal Air Force transport aircraft to relocate those who wish to emigrate, along with their possessions (not to exceed 300 kilograms), to your nation. We request the necessary navigational data so as to direct our transports flights in the most effective manner.

Additionally, I have been asked to inclued the following census data for the Bigtopians who wish to relocate:

62,508 individuals in all
31,401 men
31,107 women
4,307 have college degrees
592 have graduate degrees
17 are doctors
21 are engineers
937 men and 51 women have Tolvanic military experience
10,034 are under the age of 18
2,306 are over the age of 65
Official Government Communication
Ministry of Resettlement Affairs

'Brigadier Santos,'

'I have been passed this matter from General Qing-Bashir due to its jurisdiction within my office. I thank you for the information you have provided here, including the breakdown of census data included. Please find attached the neccessary navigation details below.'

Veronica Mei-Ling
Minister for Resettlement Affairs

<Attached File: "Navigation Details: Tolvanic-Bigtopian Relocation">