Astholm Trade Important Announcement No.1 [IC]
Here in Astholm, our motor trade system has changed considerably. Any automobile manufacturer wishing to establish a base in Astholm will have to find a manufacturer to work with; they cannot establish independently.
The following manufacturers are available for any automobile manufacturer from outside Astholm to work with:
Manufacturers in the bordering nations of Kilcanada, Kilmunitedstates and Irelandsham have all signed agreements with our nation.
This law was passed as of 08 Apr 2009 - and is now in force. All previous trade agreements are now null and void, and you will have to negotiate new contracts.
All automobile manufacturers must apply now if they wish to trade in Astholm.
Chris Smith
Astholm Trade & Exports Minister
*brings thread to top for attention*
New Chalcedon
11-04-2009, 17:40
From: Maximilian DeVeers, Imperial Secretary of Trade.
To: Open Letter.
Re: Events in Astholm.
To whomever is paying attention;
It has come to the attention of the Empire that the nation of Astholm has struck null and void existing law and forced international corporations to renegotiate under terms that much more strongly favour Asthonian corporations.
The Empire of New Chalcedon wishes to register a formal protest at this blatant violation of standing international legal principles; namely, the violation of contract. Further, the Imperial Ministry of Trade hereby officially advises all Imperial corporations to re-base away from Astholm and to leave the market there alone, as Astholm's flagrant disregard for basic commercial practice may not simply stop at forcing renegotiations of contracts on governmental whim.
Maximilian DeVeers
Imperial Secretary of Trade.
Van Luxemburg
11-04-2009, 17:41
From: Hans Schmidt, Sales Division, VLT Automotive Group N.V.
To: Chris Smith, Astholm Trade & Exports Minister
Subject: RE: Trade regulations
Dear Sir,
We have noted the changes in trade regulations in Astholm. However, as far as we know, we already own a company in Astholm, namely Cevan Motors. Does this mean that we already have a partner company at our disposal and are free to continue our export into the region?
Hans Schmidt,
Sales Division
VLT Automotive Group N.V.
Esch-sur-Alzette, Van Luxemburg
VLT Automotive. Won fir die Welt
From: Chris Smith, Astholm Trade & Exports Minister
To: Hans Schmidt, Sales Division, VLT Automotive Group N.V.
Subject: RE: Trade regulations
Dear Mr. Schmidt,
your agreement is unaffected by this new law, since Cevan Motors works with other automobile manufacturers in the region anyway. Also, you are free to continue exporting vehicles into the country, but by law you have to work with a manufacturer from our nation (one of, or all three, of the ones mentioned earlier - not just Cevan Motors!)
VLT Automotive Group N.V. is exempt from this law, in part, as is Cevan Motors.
All enquiries about this new law will be answered.
Chris Smith
Astholm Trade & Exports Minister
From: Hans Schmidt, Sales Division, VLT Automotive Group N.V.
To: Chris Smith, Astholm Trade & Exports Minister
Subject: RE: Trade regulations
Dear Sir,
We have noted the changes in trade regulations in Astholm. However, as far as we know, we already own a company in Astholm, namely Cevan Motors. Does this mean that we already have a partner company at our disposal and are free to continue our export into the region?
Hans Schmidt,
Sales Division
VLT Automotive Group N.V.
Esch-sur-Alzette, Van Luxemburg
VLT Automotive. Won fir die Welt
New Chalcedon
11-04-2009, 17:54
OOC: Interesting. No comment as to the Imperial protest?
From: Maximilian DeVeers, Imperial Secretary of Trade.
To: Open Letter.
Re: Events in Astholm.
To whomever is paying attention;
It has come to the attention of the Empire that the nation of Astholm has struck null and void existing law and forced international corporations to renegotiate under terms that much more strongly favour Asthonian corporations.
The Empire of New Chalcedon wishes to register a formal protest at this blatant violation of standing international legal principles; namely, the violation of contract. Further, the Imperial Ministry of Trade hereby officially advises all Imperial corporations to re-base away from Astholm and to leave the market there alone, as Astholm's flagrant disregard for basic commercial practice may not simply stop at forcing renegotiations of contracts on governmental whim.
Maximilian DeVeers
Imperial Secretary of Trade.
With regard to the question regarding Imperial trade - it is about establishing premises in Astholm, not trade with them.
OOC: Interesting. No comment as to the Imperial protest?
OOC: I replied to it above.