NationStates Jolt Archive

Rise Up Comrades! (OPEN MT)

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11-04-2009, 17:22
Kicirlik, Neoslavia.
"GO GO GO!" The three men ran though the rubble filled streets, sliding through the ash and chunks of concrete landing behind cover. The government sniper had already taken out two of them, they didn't know what to do at this point. One of the men poked his head up for a look, not a second later his brain was spread on the debris ridden road. "NO! YURI!" The other rebel stood and fired his GP-25 grenade launcher at the tower the sniper was held up in. It exploded in a sea of fire as the brick tower came crasing down. The remaining two men rejoiced at their victory. "Those facsist bastards will fall! No longer shall they rule over our lives!" The man reached into his backpack and unfurled a revolutionary flag. He ran to the church the sniper was in and ran to whar remained of the top. He planted the red flag above the town for all to see. "One town down,one more to go." The last battle, for the capital was next. It wouldn't be easy, but the blood spilt would bve worth it for the cause. No longer shall the facsists dictate their lives, no longer shall they live in fear! The battle for Kicirlik had cost many lives, but they did not die in vain. The facsists would pay, in the only currency worth anything in war... blood.

Neoslavic Liberation Army:
Troops: 40,000 rebels armed with AK series weapons, RPGs, Dragunovs etc.

The Neoslaivic Supreme Party:
Troops: 30,000 Armed with Chinese weapons IE. Type
95, QBZs, etc.

((OOC: Basically there is a giant civil war in my nation of facsists vs. communists.feel free to support either side or deploy troos. They can be peacekeepers, or fll time killers. Lets have some fun!))
Pacifican Commonwealth
11-04-2009, 17:36
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Ministry of Defence.
The Pacifican Commonwealth.

To: The Neoslaivic Supreme Party, Neoslavic Liberation Army.
From: Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden and Defence Minister Arnold Reid.
Subject: Civil War in Neoslavia and Pacifican peacekeeping deployments.

Dear all,

The Pacifican Commonwealth's Intelligence Command confirm that a civil war has erupted in the nation of Neoslavia, one which has already seen many deaths we are sure of. The Commonwealth has unconfirmed reports that the rebels, a communist group known as the Neoslavic Liberation Army, has already taken one town in Neoslavia currently in ruins.

As the first military action of our new country, Acting President Bryce has ordered 1,000 peacekeepers to be deployed to Neoslavia to attempt to create a peace in Neoslavia. Both of our Ministries hope that a ceasefire agreement between the two forces will be reached soon, and possibly a permanent truce which could see peace in Neoslavia. If either side feels that peace discussions should take place, the Commonwealth feels a good location would be our capital, Salisford.

While the Commonwealth does not support either side - one of the principlies on which the Commonwealth was founded was democracy - we do hope that our peacekeepers will assist in the creation of a peace in Neoslavia. Our peacekeepers will do their best to evacute innocent citizens caught up in the conflict. Our main goal is to save lives.

Our peacekeepers, from our Rapid Deployment Command, will arrive on Tuesday or Wednesday. Aid workers from the Commonwealth Aid Foundation will also arrive with the soldiers on Tuesday/Wednesday.

Operation Buddha: Pacifican Order of Battle.
1000 RPC peacekeeping troops.
745 FFR Land Rovers.
100 M113 APCs.
20 F/A-18 Hornets.
10 C-130 Herculeses.
30 Blackhawks.
4 Anzac class frigates.

Commonwealth Aid Foundation.
55 thousand pounds of foodstuffs.
100 thousand bottles of Pacifica water.
500 Land Rovers from the Pacifican Army.
30 Blackhawks. (evacution of innocents/aid workers).
1,000 aid workers.

Katherine Hayden
Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Arnold Reid
Acting Minister of Defence.
11-04-2009, 17:56
Official Communique from the Volzgradien Government

From: Grand Duke Alexander Kavinkov II

Due to the rapidly escalating conflict in the nation of Neoslavia, the Volzgradien Government would like to confirm its full support for the most righteous Neoslavic Supreme Party. While we usually advise that diplomacy be the first course of action, this is now impossible as Communist rebels must be crushed before they can spread. Marxism and all of its offshoots are virulent plagues, and like plagues they must be quarantined and eliminated immediately. For this reason, the Volzgradien Imperial Military is more then ready to begin shipment of arms and equipment to equip Neoslavian Supreme Party soldiers. An expeditionary force of 15,000 Volzgradien troops shall also be sent immediately to provide both military support and to act as instructors to train NSP troops.
11-04-2009, 18:04
Offical Communique.
To: Neoslavic Government.
From: The Chernoblian Ministry of the Exterior.

Due to the severe political unrest gripping Neoslavia at this time, Chernobl will be deploying 2,250 peacekeepers from our rapid deployment force. We will also be movin the RCN Impeccable Supercarrier into Neoslavian waters, allowing us a greater capacity to provide humanitarian aid.


John Van De Kaamp, Minister of The Exterior.

The First Rapid Deployment Battalion.
2,250 Troops.
Red Leaf Humanitarian Aid:
5,000 pounds of Wheat and other foodstuffs
10 million bottles f purified water
200 Humanitarian workers.
RCN Impeccable CVN-21
RCN Reaper Kongo Class Frigate
RCN Edmonton Kongo Class Frigate
RCN Assassin Sea Wolf Class Submarine
Greater Americania
11-04-2009, 18:14
Official Statement from the Nationalist Federation of Greater Americania to the World

Greater Americania has noticed the eruption of a civil war in the nation of Neoslavia. In the interests of containing the Communist influence and to greater spread the cause of Nationalism, Greater Americania shall commit an expeditionary force on the side of the Fascist government.

The expeditionary force shall consist of:

-The 208th Infantry Divison, 10,000 strong, 500 tanks, 100 artillery guns

-5th Naval Fleet, 10 Aircraft carriers Curry class, 10 battleships Revolutionary class, and 5 Destroyers Imperial class

-32nd Air Force, 3,000 strong, 400 fighter planes, 100 bombers

The Communists will not prevail.
A Balanced Breakfast
11-04-2009, 18:28
Broadcast of the Balanced Breakfast propaganda station Radio Free Slavia

Freedom fighters, your struggle against the fascists will not go unnoticed or unaided. The friendly army of A Balanced Breakfast is arriving to aid your battle for equality and justice!

A Balanced Breakfast intervenes on the side of the Marxist rebels, seeking to gain an ally in the region and take down a hostile fascist government. The BB army lands amphibiously in the first light of the morning, surging immediately to rebel-held territory to aid in the battle.

Order of battle:
105,000 A Balanced Breakfast regulars, armed with M16 facsimiles, javelin recoilless, etc.
5,000 Zubr class LCAC for the landing
10,000 T-90 type main battle tanks
2,000 Boxer-type armored fighting vehicles

BBS May Revolution Juan Carlos I - type multi-purpose warship
BBS Liberty Charles de Gaulle - class carrier
BBS Vigilant and Stevens Guided missile cruisers
BBS Victorious Submarine-hunting frigate

The BB army and navy have strict orders not to interfere with humanitarian aid to civilians.
11-04-2009, 18:33
Broadcast of the Balanced Breakfast propaganda station Radio Free Slavia

Freedom fighters, your struggle against the fascists will not go unnoticed or unaided. The friendly army of A Balanced Breakfast is arriving to aid your battle for equality and justice!

A Balanced Breakfast intervenes on the side of the Marxist rebels, seeking to gain an ally in the region and take down a hostile fascist government. The BB army lands amphibiously in the first light of the morning, surging immediately to rebel-held territory to aid in the battle.

Order of battle:
105,000 A Balanced Breakfast regulars, armed with M16 facsimiles, javelin recoilless, etc.
5,000 Zubr class LCAC for the landing
10,000 T-90 type main battle tanks
2,000 Boxer-type armored fighting vehicles

BBS May Revolution Juan Carlos I - type multi-purpose warship
BBS Liberty Charles de Gaulle - class carrier
BBS Vigilant and Stevens Guided missile cruisers
BBS Victorious Submarine-hunting frigate

OOC: This is what I'd call semi-godmoding. While it is perfectly fine to RP your troops landing, having them just suddenly appear in another country with no real notice is widely considered godmoding. While it is plausible if your force is small, having an army of no less then 105,000 just poof out of thin air is ridiculous.
11-04-2009, 18:41
OOC: This is what I'd call semi-godmoding. While it is perfectly fine to RP your troops landing, having them just suddenly appear in another country with no real notice is widely considered godmoding. While it is plausible if your force is small, having an army of no less then 105,000 just poof out of thin air is ridiculous.

^ this. My nation has excellent force projection. I'm deploying a fraction of the men you are and I don't plan on arriving until tomorrow.
United States of PA
11-04-2009, 18:42
The Government of the United States of Pennsylvania, our Government has decided to support the Facists, to support the Facists we are going to deploy 3 Gerald R Ford Class Carriers, 8 CGMs, 42 DDGs, and 45 FFGs from the Home Fleet based at Dover Delaware, with them will be sailing 32 San Antonio Tarawa Amphibious Assault ships carrying 2 Active duty Mechanized Infrantry Division, and 3 Reserve Infrantry Divisions, these units are as of now leaving the port, and will arrive off of Neoslavia in about 4 Days

OOC:i'll RP the landing in a little bit and may i ask What ocean is Neoslavia on, Atlantic or Pacific?
11-04-2009, 18:46
OOC: We are on the Mediteranean. Balkan Peninsula.
United States of PA
11-04-2009, 18:47
OOC:ok thanks, that means my oringinal time is accurate, 4 days it is, soon as i get done working behind my house i will RP the landing
Rolling Dead
11-04-2009, 18:58
Over the Loud Speakers in the Dead Kingdom

"This is Steve Henderson the Head of Deadman Armed Forces. Today, April 11th, Deadman Forces will be Deployed to the Capital of NeoSlavia. A Raging Civil War tears through their nation, and it is our job to help reinstate a Fascist Government, and destroy the Communist Terrorists. A 1000 Man Force will be landing by Helicopter tommorow. Over the next 6 hours I will be reading off names to be sent to NeoSlavia. Once your name is called you are to report to the nearest armory and gear up. At the Armory you will be given a number, this number will be the helicopter you are to board. After Gearing up you will be shown to our newest carrier the DMS Immortal. Remember, tommorow you may all die, but your spirits will live on in the hearts and minds of those you protect from the slaving chains of Communism. Now please listen closely and give a silent prayers to our future heroes. Michael Aarons, Paul Aarons-"

1000 Deadman Deathmarch Troops (AK-108,P-90,Five-SeveN,RPG-32,etc.)
DMS Salvation Dr'Klow Frigate
DMS Hope Dr'Klow Frigate
DMS Immortal Kratik Class Carrier
50 UH-63
10 AV-8B Harrier II
11-04-2009, 19:06

To the Neoslaivic Supreme Party of Neoslavia:

The Third Empire of Fluffywuffy is dedicated to the defeat of socialism, communism, and progressivism, and shall commit its forces to the defeat of this ugly hydra that is gripping your nation. After our own dealings with socialists, we have found that it is best to defeat them in battle before they grow too strong; our own forces made the mistake, and our Emperor has paid the price for his indecisiveness. III Corps, composed of two armored divisions and two infantry divisions, totalling 90,000 troops, shall be dispatched for your nation, along with the 10th fleet.

Zachary Stewart
Minister for Defense
Greater Americania
11-04-2009, 19:11
^ this. My nation has excellent force projection. I'm deploying a fraction of the men you are and I don't plan on arriving until tomorrow.

OOC:I agree, what he did was unacceptable.
11-04-2009, 19:24
Offical Communique.
To: Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden and Defence Minister Arnold Reid.
From: The Chernoblian Ministry of the Exterior.

Seeing as both of our nations are deploying peacekeeping forces, I suggest that we work toghether to increse effectiveness and avoid friendly fire incidents. We would like to suggest that we divide Neoslavia into zones and concentrate all of our operations into individual zones instead of randomly across the nation.

John Van De Kaamp, Minister of The Exterior.
Greater Americania
11-04-2009, 19:35
To: Chernobyl
From: Jason Lee, Greater Americania Ambassador to the WA

Greater Americania requests that Chernobyl stand down in it's attempt to deploy peacekeeping forces in Neoslavia. Greater Americania is intent in fighting this war and wishes to avoid any negative international entanglements with your nation.


Jason Lee
Pacifican Commonwealth
11-04-2009, 19:54
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Pacifican Commonwealth.

To: Minister of the Exterior John Van De Kaamp, Chernobl.
From: Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden, Pacifican Commonwealth.
Subject: Joint Chernoblian-Pacifican Peacekeeping operations in Neoslavia.

Dear sir,

We too believe that peacekeeping inside Neoslavia would function much better if our two nations worked together. We would too believe that our joint peacekeeping forces should each take different zones, and we would suggest that each province/state/etc. inside Neoslavia could be one of these zones. Since the total of peacekeepers between our two nations is 3,250, we feel that about five hundred peacekeepers should be deployed into each province, more if that province is reliatvely unstable.

Otherwise, we would suggest a 'north, east, south, west' approach with one thousand peacekeepers in each area. This would mean that 750 more peacekeepers would have to be deployed, something we will do if your nation approves of this approach.

We thank Chernobl for offering this joint peacekeeping operation between our two nations, and we hope future co-operation with Chernobl lies in the near future.

Katherine Hayden
Acting Foreign Minister of the Pacifican Commonwealth.
Greater Americania
11-04-2009, 20:07
To: Katherine Hayden
From: Jason Lee, Greater Americania Ambassador to the WA

Greater Americania requests that the Pacifican Commonwealth stand down in it's attempt to deploy peacekeeping forces in Neoslavia. Greater Americania is intent in fighting this war and wishes to avoid any negative international entanglements with your nation.


Jason Lee
11-04-2009, 20:18
OOC:Greater Americania, do you have AIM/MSN/anything that we could use to coordinate our attacks?


The Third Empire of Fluffywuffy agrees with Greater Americania that all peacekeeping forces should withdraw from the conflict in Neoslavia; this civil war is not one that can be ended in negotiation, due to the great ideological chasm that exists between the two combatants. The Third Empire will not tolerate the evils of socialism, and it shall commit her troops to the conflict in order to stop socialism. Though we do not agree with Fascism, and we sincerely hope that the people of Neoslavia will eventually overthrow it, we feel the blackness of socialism is darker.
Pacifican Commonwealth
11-04-2009, 20:36
To: Katherine Hayden
From: Jason Lee, Greater Americania Ambassador to the WA

Greater Americania requests that the Pacifican Commonwealth stand down in it's attempt to deploy peacekeeping forces in Neoslavia. Greater Americania is intent in fighting this war and wishes to avoid any negative international entanglements with your nation.


Jason Lee
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Pacifican Commonwealth.

To: Greater Americania Ambassador to the WA Jason Lee, Greater Americania.
From: Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden, Pacifican Commonwealth.
Subject: Response to Greater Americanian request for the Commonwealth to end peacekeeping operations in Neoslavia.

Dear sir,

I have personally read your request for our nation to end peacekeeping operations inside the wartorn nation of Neoslavia and I must say that all of the Government will not discontinue peacekeeping operations and allow countless more lives to be lost which could be saved by our peacekeepers and aid workers.

Our goal is to save lives.

Katherine Hayden
Acting Foreign Minister of the Pacifican Commonwealth.
United States of PA
11-04-2009, 20:36
News Report

"Well Jackie what do you have for us today in Neoslavia?"
"Well John, today at about noon, the leading Elements of the Pennsylvania fleet enter Neoslavian Waters, and about 3 hours ago the first groud troops, of the 101st Guards Airborne Division and 45th Marine Division, landed on Palmentoro beach near the Neoslavian Capitol"
"Now to Gen. Wheeler Ret."
"General, what do you think the Pennsylvanian objective will be in this campaign?"
"Most likely it will be to move at least the 101st and 45th into the City in order to keep the reds from taking it, after that they will probably chase down any Red Remnants with the 1st and 4th Mech. Infrantry to hunt them down"
"So basicily this battle should be a no brainer?"
"So long as no foreign countries get involved"
"well viewers that all we have right now on the incident evolving in Neoslavia"

Greater Americania
11-04-2009, 21:35
OOC: No, but you can contact me through telegrams.
The Fanboyists
11-04-2009, 21:44
OOC: I'm surprised GWO hasn't said anything.
Greater Americania
11-04-2009, 21:50
***Greater Americanian forces have now begun to enter the Neoslavian capital city and have been setting up defensive positions in and around the city. Local residents have been angered by the local troop movements, complaining about things such as the decoration of neighborhoods with Greater Americanian flags, Nationalist symbols, and propaganda and the forced eviction of houses. Greater Americanian troops are preparing to both defend the city and to assault the nearby cities, towns, and villages.

The local Neoslavian International Airport has been shut down to house Greater Americania's 32nd Air Force. Planes are landing and preparing to bomb nearby targets. Anti Aircraft guns are being set up to defend from any assault from the air.

Offshores, the 5th Naval Fleet prepares for any potential naval engagement and to provide shore bombardment assistance whenever it may be order to. Greater Americanian naval aircraft are on standby status.***
United States of PA
11-04-2009, 22:22
Letter of request
To Greater Americanian Commander
From Pennsylvanian Commander

I See that we are both fighting for the same thing in the same area, i would like to request that my countries Air Force be allowed to use the Airport as well so that we may have our own Land Based aircraft in the region, and that we set up Sectors of the city, each secotr being assigned to different Army to defend.
Greater Americania
11-04-2009, 23:28
To: Pennsylvanian Commander
From: Greater Americanian Commander

I must deny your request. We have 500 planes to store, and this airport is far too small for that, let alone another force. You will have to wait until we secure the nearby cities and their airports. Then I will allow Pennsylvanian aircraft into the capital.
Greater Americania
11-04-2009, 23:33
***Greater Americania's bombing squadrons have begun strategic bombardment missions in major cities across Neoslavia. Greater Americania's fighters have begun flying air superiority missions around key areas in order to ward off peacekeeping forces.***
United States of PA
11-04-2009, 23:36
Well i guess the f-35s on the Carriers will have to make due, and did you forget that i asked 2 questions?, you failed to answer my one on the defense of the city matter.
Greater Americania
11-04-2009, 23:41
Right, I agree. The Pennsylvanian forces can handle the Northern section of the city, with the Greater Americanians will handle the Southern.
11-04-2009, 23:41
Statement from the Interim Government of the People's Republic of Létat

The People's Republic deplores the decision of Greater Americania to intensify the violence in war-torn Neoslavia through invasion and bombardment. The images being broadcast across the world can only be described as portraits of utmost horror and tragedy. We similarly condemn the respective decisions of the Volzgrad, A Balanced Breakfast, the United States of Pennsylvania and Fluffywuffy to intervene in this conflict in a fashion certain to exacerbate the conflict and harm innocents.

We call on the nations of the world to cooperate with international peacekeeping efforts being coordinated by Chernobl and the Pacifican Commonwealth, rather than pursuing their ideological and geopolitical agendas in Neoslavia.

~~Yves Mainlevé, Acting Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs for the People's Republic of Létat.
12-04-2009, 00:01
OOC: The nation is Fluffywuffy. My nation was deleted a long time ago, in 2006 or so, and I've just come back and revived it. Jolt deleted the Fluffywuffy account on the forums, and the game did not recreate it. However, the nation remains. forum_Fluffywuffy is just what it sounds like: the account I use to post on the forum.


The Third Empire of Fluffywuffy does not intervene in this conflict for geopolitical aims; it is our aim to prevent the creation of a socialist tragedy in the land of Neoslavia, the tragedy that would beam the images of broken bodies, burned out homes, and mass killings. That is not to say the fascist government is much better; it is only a smidgen better. However, we would not condemn half a nation to the lost cause of socialism. The war, itself, is an atrocity that must be waged if the sanctity to liberty is to eventually be acknowledged in this land.

We will not, at this time, cooperate with the peacekeeping movement in Neoslavia, for we feel a peaceful resolution will be possible only once one side has been totally defeated on the battlefield. No mediation is possible with the ideological extremes of both sides of the conflict.

Alexander Ramius
Regent and Foreign Minister of Fluffywuffy


Meanwhile, the 10th Fleet kept up its rush towards Neoslavia, setting all engines to full power to attempt to reach the conflict and deposit the troops before a total socialist victory was achieved.
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 00:04
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Pacifican Commonwealth.

To: President Garrett Curry, Greater Americania.
From: Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden, Pacifican Commonwealth.
Subject: Greater Americanian bombing of major cities in Neoslavia and attempts at warding off peacekeeping forces.

Dear sir,

The Pacifican Commonwealth is horrified by the Greater Americanian bombing of major cities in the already wartorn nation of Neoslavia, and attempting to ward off the current peacekeeping forces in the nation. While our peacekeeping forces have not arrived yet, we are horrified to learn of such clear acts of aggression towards nations whose peacekeeping forces are already inside the country.

Bombing major cities is also a source of criticism, not only due to the likely large number of lives lost, but also that you have probably killed many supporters of your nation's actions, which is something which may turn a large amount of public opinion against Greater Americania.

The Commonwealth's peacekeeping forces will be arriving on Tuesday, and any attempts to ward them off will result in the Commonwealth severing all ties, diplomatic and non-diplomatic, with the Nationalist Federation of Greater Americania.

Katherine Hayden.
Acting Foreign Minister of the Pacifican Commonwealth.

((OOC: Greater Americania, please don't start a war over this, on Tuesday - if you roleplay warding off my peacekeeping forces - then I'll sever diplomatic ties, and I may allow a cold war of sorts. Telegram me if you wish to discuss such matters, but don't post a declaration of war, please.))
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 00:07
Statement from the Interim Government of the People's Republic of Létat

The People's Republic deplores the decision of Greater Americania to intensify the violence in war-torn Neoslavia through invasion and bombardment. The images being broadcast across the world can only be described as portraits of utmost horror and tragedy. We similarly condemn the respective decisions of the Volzgrad, A Balanced Breakfast, the United States of Pennsylvania and Forum Fluffywuffy to intervene in this conflict in a fashion certain to exacerbate the conflict and harm innocents.

We call on the nations of the world to cooperate with international peacekeeping efforts being coordinated by Chernobl and the Pacifican Commonwealth, rather than pursuing their ideological and geopolitical agendas in Neoslavia.

~~Yves Mainlevé, Acting Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs for the People's Republic of Létat.

Dear Sir

All my government wishes to do is to end the Civil War, followed by helping to rebuild the nation, we do not wish to further the war, just end it.
12-04-2009, 00:09
OoC: Fixed. Many apologies your fluffiness.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 00:14
To: Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden, Pacifican Commonwealth.
From: President Garrett Curry, Greater Americania.
Subject: Re: Greater Americanian bombing of major cities in Neoslavia and attempts at warding off peacekeeping forces.


Greater Americania, as stated before, is intent on continueing this war. I can assure you that any bombardment going on in the country is for military purposes, rather than terror bombing.

The Air Force Air Superiority runs will continue as well in order to help us obtain our military objectives.

If you will suspend diplomatic relations with us over this then that is response we will have to accept.


President Garrett Curry
12-04-2009, 00:21
From The Office of the President of the Republic and Lord Chancellor of the Commonwealths

The Wolfenhaller government has decided to deploy troops to Neoslavia. Both sides spread a different message but are the same economically and politically. We have deployed two fleets and 250,000 troops as a peacekeeping force and to insure that the people's wishes and not those of foreign aggressors are recognized.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 00:23
From The Office of the President of the Republic and Lord Chancellor of the Commonwealths

The Wolfenhaller government has decided to deploy troops to Neoslavia. Both sides spread a different message but are the same economically and politically. We have deployed two fleets and 250,000 troops as a peacekeeping force and to insure that the people's wishes and not those of foreign aggressors are recognized.

OOC:As stressed earlier, a force that large is god modding. Size it down quite a big.
12-04-2009, 00:24
The People's Republic acknowledged the expressed good intentions of all Foreign Powers in Létat. Nonetheless, we see the present path as sure to intensify the conflict as opposing foreign powers increase their military commitments to Neoslavia. While the People's Republic of Létat will not be able to directly aid militarily, we nonetheless feel compassion for the suffering people of Neoslavia and insist on the following:

[1] Chernobl and the Pacifican Commonwealth be permitted to conduct peacekeeping operations and humanitarian relief immediately and without interference.

[2] All foreign powers not willing to participate in good faith assistance of the aforementioned peacekeeping operations should cease military activity in Neoslavia and withdraw all forces.

[3] A national reconciliation council should be established to reform a stable Neoslavic government without recourse to more violence. This council should be overseen by international observers, which ought to include nations with a demonstrated good faith interest in seeing peace and freedom in Neoslavia.

~~Yves Mainlevé
12-04-2009, 00:28
OOC:As stressed earlier, a force that large is god modding. Size it down quite a big.

OOC:err, im a 2003 nation, lol.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 00:29
***Seeing as multiple foreign powers are dedicating their forces against the side of the Fascist government, Greater Americania has decided to drastically increase her force to 150,000 ground troops. The additional forces are scheduled to arrive in one day.**
Elven People
12-04-2009, 00:32
To: The factions of Neoslavia, The interventionist forces in Neoslavia, and to The Pacifican Commonwealth.

From: The Empire of the Elven People

The Empire of the Elven People are appalled by the situation happening in Neoslavia. Our government see the actions of the intervention nations as blanlt attempt of expansionism. We join the Pacifican Commonwealth in comdeming the nations currently involved in the fighting.

We ask the Pacifican Commonwealth what support they require from us

Lord Yuelnor Sha'rua,
Vice Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The Empire of the Elven People
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 00:37
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Pacifican Commonwealth.

To: Acting Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs Yves Mainlevé, Letat.
From: Acting Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden, Pacifican Commonwealth.
Subject: Proposal of the People's Republic regarding the situation in Neoslavia.

Dear sir,

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs wishes to thank you for your proposal regarding the situation in Neoslavia, and expresses our deepest gratitude that Letat supports the Chernoblian and Pacifican peacekeeping operations in Neoslavia. We too believe that an internationally observed 'national recounciliation council' should be established in Neoslavia to reform Neoslavia without more violence.

We hope that relations between our two nations prosper.

Katherine Hayden.
Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Pacifican Commonwealth.
12-04-2009, 00:42
Official Comunique of John Henry Eden

The Democratic States of Jakra support the effort led by the Pacifican Commonwealth to regain peace in Neoslavia and denounce both factions of the civil war. Both sides should lay down their arms and establish a coalition government of National-Socialisim to appease both parties.

OOC-National Socialism doesn't mean Nazis it means pieces of both, and it's the only solution that can appease both sides.
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 00:44
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Pacifican Commonwealth.

To: Vice Foreign Minister Lord Yuelnor Sha'rua, The Elven People.
From: Acting Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden, Pacifican Commonwealth.
Subject: The Empire's approval of Pacifican peacekeeping in Neoslavia and offers of support.

Dear sir,

The Commonwealth thanks your nation for supporting our peacekeeping efforts in the wartorn nation of Neoslavia, though we wish to make it clear that our peacekeepers have not even arrived yet, and that Chernobl is conducting a much larger peacekeeping effort in Neoslavia.

Following the agreement reached between our nation and Chernobl to establish a joint peacekeeping operation in Neoslavia, we must ask of the Empire to assist us in our operations. The joint operation needs 750 more peacekeeping troops in order to bring the tally of peacekeepers up to 4,000, what the Commonwealth believes would be the required amount for such peacekeeping operations.

We thank the Empire sincerely for supporting Chernobl and us.

Katherine Hayden
Acting Foreign Minister of the Pacifican Commonwealth.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 00:47
Address to the World

Because this conflict is becoming one of great international proportions, we request that all nations involved with the conflict, regardless of which side they may be on, apply to create an embassy in the Greater Americanian capital in order to have better diplomatic communication.


Michael Smith
Head of the Greater Americanian Foreign Relations Department
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 00:49
Official Comunique of John Henry Eden

The Democratic States of Jakra support the effort led by the Pacifican Commonwealth to regain peace in Neoslavia and denounce both factions of the civil war. Both sides should lay down their arms and establish a coalition government of National-Socialisim to appease both parties.

OOC-National Socialism doesn't mean Nazis it means pieces of both, and it's the only solution that can appease both sides.

Nazism is two peices of both. Nationalist Totalitarianism combined with a Socialist command economy. You're probably saying the racism should be excluded?
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 00:49
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Pacifican Commonwealth.

To: President John Henry Eden, Jakra.
From: Acting Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden, Pacifican Commonwealth.
Subject: Jakran support of our joint peacekeeping operation with Chernobl.

Dear sir,

All of the Commonwealth thanks the Democratic States for supporting our nation in our joint peacekeeping operation with Chernobl, and we believe that a good result for Neoslavia, after all this conflict ends, would be a national government consisting of people from all sides of the political spectrum, rather than just fascism and communism.

Katherine Hayden.
Acting Foreign Minister of the Pacifican Commonwealth.
12-04-2009, 01:00
OOC- ya, racism and any Master race BS+ a real socialist economy (commitees of workers decide needs based on polls) or a command one if the local commies want it.

IC- Response of JHE,
I understand the Pacifican Commonwealth's concerns and will continue to support the peace effort despite our difference on reconstruction strategy, an issue that can be resolved later.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 01:04
OOC- yay, racism and any Master race BS+ a real socialist economy (commitees of workers decide needs based on polls) or a command one if the local commies want it.

IC- Response of JHE,
I understand the Pacifican Commonwealth's concerns and will continue to support the peace effort despite our difference on reconstruction strategy, an issue that can be resolved later.

Well, we disagree. The current Fascist government should be maintained.
12-04-2009, 01:05
OOC- a racist facist gov or just a total facist gov?
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 01:06
ooc- a racist facist gov or just a total facist gov?

OOC: What?
12-04-2009, 01:08
Out of charecter: when you're Role playing charecter (ex. JHE) isn't speaking, sort of a time out to talk about technacalities or clarify something. And IC is: In Charecter
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 01:11
Out of charecter: when you're Role playing charecter (ex. JHE) isn't speaking, sort of a time out to talk about technacalities or clarify something. And IC is: In Charecter

OOC: I know that, I meant what did you mean by your post?
12-04-2009, 01:13
OOC:Well, we disagree. The current Fascist government should be maintained.
I meant is it currently a racist facist government or is it just facist without racism. And what was the pre-civil war government like?
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 01:15
I meant is it currently a racist facist government or is it just facist without racism. And what was the pre-civil war government like?

OOC: All the Neoslavia described was that it was Fascist. Whereas National Socialism and Fascism are two different things, I assumed he meant it to be like Mussolini's Italian Fascist government which was anti-racist.
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 01:16
I meant is it currently a racist facist government or is it just facist without racism. And what was the pre-civil war government like?

((OOC: Jakra, he doesn't about know that. The OP, Neoslavia, should be the one you should talk to about the pre-civil war government. Telegram him.))
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 01:18
OOC: guys i would suggest stop clogging this up with OOC talk take it to TGs or another thread not here
Elven People
12-04-2009, 01:24
To: Acting Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden, Pacifican Commonwealth
From: Vice Minister Lord Yuelnor Sha'rua

I am Happy to announce to you that his Imperial majesty Celanor Ap Vyshaan has issued a decree ordering the 7th Avariel Regiment to support your peacekeeping mission in Neoslavia. The Regiment consists of 3000 Avariel (Winged Elves) soldiers. Full equipment list will transmitted to military command at a later time. These soldiers are rapid response troops and should be there within a day.

If have any concerns please contact me

Lord Yuelnor Sha'rua
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 01:28
The Office of the President.
The Pacifican Commonwealth.

To: Whomever it may concern.
From: Acting President Jackson Bryce, Pacifican Commonwealth.
Subject: International summit regarding Neoslavic Civil War?

Dear all,

As Acting President of the Commonwealth, I have been well informed on the current situation in the wartorn nation of Neoslavia. With many nations deploying forces, for peacekeeping or for the different factions of the civil war, I would to suggest the need for a peaceful agreement among all of us to end this conflict before it escalates into a full blown bloodbath.

I would like to put forward the suggestion for an international summit regarding the current crisis in Neoslavia, and one of the locations we put forward is our capital, Salisford. The Commonwealth notes the violence already circulating throughout Neoslavia, and would hope a summit could end this civil war before it completely engulfs Neoslavia.

That is why we suggest that a summit in Salisford could forge a peace in the country. The Salisford Summit could stop this fighting which is destroying all of Neoslavia.

I await your opinions.

Jackson Bryce.
Acting President of the Pacifican Commonwealth.
12-04-2009, 01:29
To: Minister Katherine Hayden, Pacifican Commonwealth
From: Jakran Foreign Minister, Daniel Bird

President Eden has dispatched the Jakran crisis battalion to reinforce the peacekeeping efforts, they will deploy as soon as you specify where they are needed.
600 Army Troops
200 Leopard 2E MBTs
250 Puma IFVs
30 Kamov V-100 Attack Helos
50 V-22 Osprey transports
12-04-2009, 01:39
As has been made clear, the People's Republic of Létat supports a non-violent resolution to this tragic situation. At this time, the People's Republic hereby takes action in the following manner:

[1] Wholeheartedly supporting the Salisford Summit process, and forcefully insisting that all parties take part in said summit.

[2] Dispatching to Neoslavia a shipment of medical supplies including first-aid kits and basic medical supplies and infrastructure along with a detachment of one hundred Revolutionary legion medics and one hundred volunteer nurses. In addition to medical supplies, the People's Republic shall provide a shipment of foodstuffs sufficient to provide three meals a day for a month for 5,000 people, to be supplemented as needed. While we cannot provide much, we will give what we can. These personnel and supplies will be escorted to Neoslavia by the destroyers Truth to Power and Strelnikov to ensure their safe arrival. Supplies and personnel will ultimately be entrusted to either the Pacifican or Chernoblian missions, whom we trust to oversee their safe and efficient distribution.

~~Yves Mainlevé, Interim Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 01:48
As has been made clear, the People's Republic of Létat supports a non-violent resolution to this tragic situation. At this time, the People's Republic hereby takes action in the following manner:

[1] Wholeheartedly supporting the Salisford Summit process, and forcefully insisting that all parties take part in said summit.

[2] Dispatching to Neoslavia a shipment of medical supplies including first-aid kits and basic medical supplies and infrastructure along with a detachment of one hundred Revolutionary legion medics and one hundred volunteer nurses. In addition to medical supplies, the People's Republic shall provide a shipment of foodstuffs sufficient to provide three meals a day for a month for 5,000 people, to be supplemented as needed. While we cannot provide much, we will give what we can. These personnel and supplies will be escorted to Neoslavia by the destroyers Truth to Power and Strelnikov to ensure their safe arrival. Supplies and personnel will ultimately be entrusted to either the Pacifican or Chernoblian missions, whom we trust to oversee their safe and efficient distribution.

~~Yves Mainlevé, Interim Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Pacifican Commonwealth.

To: Interim Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Yves Mainlevé.
From: Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden.
Subject: Letatan aid to Neoslavia and offering of overseeing supplies by our mission.

Dear sir,

The Commonwealth thanks Letat for supporting our nation in regards to our joint peacekeeping operation with Chernobl and approving our suggested Salisford Summit process, and we wish to gurantee you that your aid workers and supplies will be looked after well by our peacekeepers, and hopefully the Commonwealth Aid Foundation and your aid workers can work together to save more lives than could be saved otherwise.

We would suggest that our peacekeeping ships could meet with your ships in the Mediterranean Sea, so as to provide further security for both of our missions.

We would like to name our joint operations the 'Joint Peacekeeping and Humantairian Aid Operation in Neoslavia', or the 'JPHAON'.

Katherine Hayden
Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Pacifican Commonwealth.
12-04-2009, 02:02
Comunique of John Henry Eden;
On behalf of Jakra I fuly support this peace summit and will aid it's advancement in whatever way is possible.
Also the Jakran Crisis Battalion will be put under the command of JPHAON, please send all orders for the JCB to Col. Gregory Bishop the unit commander; he currently awaits your orders to deploy whereever you need the troops.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 02:05
Greater Americania will attend such a summit if you decide to carry it out.

Michael Smith
Head of the GAFRD
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 02:16
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Pacifican Commonwealth.

To: Whomever it may concern.
From: Acting Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden.
Subject: The Salisford Summit.

Dear all,

Following approval of the proposed Salisford Summit by some of the states involved in the Neoslavic Civil War, As Acting Foreign Minister of the Commonwealth I will feel I must give details about the aforementioned summit.

The summit will be held at the Villa Pacifica, a large villa in Salisford built specifically for international meetings in Salisford. There we will all meet and discuss the Civil War in this country and it will hopefully end with a treaty that could end this civil war.

We will invite the following to the summit;

The Neoslavic Supreme Party (approved).
The Neoslavic Liberation Army (approved).
The Grand Duchy of Volzgrad.
The Federale Republiek of Chernobl (approved).
The Nationalist Federation of Greater Americania (approved).
The Democratic States of Jakra (approved).
The People's Republic of Letat (observor).

Approval of the summit is needed from all of the aforementioned nations/factions for the summit to happen.

Katherine Hayden.
Acting Foreign Minister of the Pacifican Commonwealth.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 02:17
Approval is granted.
12-04-2009, 02:30
OOC:err, im a 2003 nation, lol.

OOC: Doesn't matter. Nobody can realistically mass and prep a force that soze for immeadiate deployment.


Chernobl will gladly attend the summit.
12-04-2009, 02:36
Both the Neoslavic Supremacy Party and the Neoslavic Liberation Army will attend this summit.
12-04-2009, 02:40
The Mediteranean Sea.
The small Chernoblian battle group began to pass through the Strait of Gibralter. The Journey from North America had been long and tiring, but now the force had almost reached its target. Once they passed into the Mediteranean they held position and waited for both the Pacifican and Jakran fleets to arrive.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 02:46
***The Greater Americanian Fleet, taking heed of the massing peacekeeper naval force, massed the majority of it's ships in a defensive position outside of the harbor nearest to the capital city, awaiting any potential attack and staging a blockade on the harbor. The remaining forces continue to patrol the Neoslavian coast.***
12-04-2009, 02:48

Union Socialist State of Martilia
Classified CommunicationMinistry for Foreign Affairs

To: The Freedom Fighters
From: Union Socialist State of Martilia

We the Union Socialist State of Martilia hereby supports what your cause. We are both Marxists and both deny fascism. Our forces need the location where we will disembark our forces that will support you. This is a secret and classified decision. Our forces will not bring any flags/marks of the Martilian nation. But our forces will be lead by Colonel Henrik Kayuga. This will be the only support that we will be given for now. I hope you succeed and overthrow the current Fascist government.

Military Aid/Support:
2 Infantry Brigades (w/ an Engineering Brigade and Rocket Artillery Brigade)
-4000 Infantry men (Armed with AK-72 Assault Rifles/Mosin-Nagant M101/45 Sniper Rifles)
-100 2S25 Volga
-500 Engineering Troops
1 Armored Battalion
-165 T-101/103 Main Battle Tanks

Yours truly,
Mateo Umaga,
Premier of the Union Socialist State of Martilia

Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 02:55
To: The United Socialist State of Martilla
From: Michael Smith, Head of the GAFRD

On behalf of the Greater Americania, I tell you to stand down your forces in Neoslavia. The moment your troops set foot on Neoslavian soil, they too will become targets of our bombing campaigns. I can only hope you back down from this endeavor.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Smith
Rolling Dead
12-04-2009, 02:56
OOC: I guess I will sit outside the summit and see where it goes.

12-04-2009, 02:57
Approval is granted and Jakra urges all other involved nations to do so as well.
12-04-2009, 02:57
OOC: This thread disapoints me. From the title I thought it would be a about communist zombies.
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 02:57
((OOC: Greater Americania, Martilla's message was encrypted and his decision was secret.))
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 03:04
(OOC: Perhaps you've never heard of decryption technology?)
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 03:10
The Mediteranean Sea.
The small Chernoblian battle group began to pass through the Strait of Gibralter. The Journey from North America had been long and tiring, but now the force had almost reached its target. Once they passed into the Mediteranean they held position and waited for both the Pacifican and Jakran fleets to arrive.

Aboard the frigate PCS L'Pariqu, Captain Marcus Roberts was talking with the Chief of Staff of the Navy, Admiral George Winston, via telephone.

"The Chernoblians are already there, sir?"
"Yes, yes...I see."
"We're about to enter the Strait, sir. We have arrived here much quicker than expected, sir. We may be in Neoslavia by Monday."
"OK, thank you sir. Bye."

Roberts walked out of quarters and quickly made way onto the deck of his ship. Behind him, 1,000 peacekeepers and 1,000 aid workers were aboard various transport ships, ready to disembark by Monday into Neoslavia, along with Chernoblian and various other foreign forces.

He spotted one of the sailors on the deck, his name he didn't quite know.

"Sailor?" saluted Roberts. "Get into communications and tell them to send a message to the nearest Chernoblian ship around!"

"Yes sir!"


Message from: PCS L'Pariqu.
Directed to: Nearest Chernoblian vessel.
Highly encrypted. Secret.

Hello, friend. We are a frigate vessel from the Pacifican Navy. We are hear to provide our peacekeeping forces safe passage into Neoslavia. We request permission to join your fleet and sail together towards Neoslavia.

End of message.

((OOC: So you're saying that you have several sources which have a high position inside their government so as to find out they sent they message? Nevermind.))
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 03:15
[[OOC: No, I'm saying my military is decrypting all encrypted communications the rebels receive or make.]]
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 03:16
((OOC: Let's not clutter the thread further, shall we? Let the OP of the topic we're discussing (encryption of a highly encrypted secret message) decide, OK?))
12-04-2009, 03:19
OOC-i've got a light armor battalion ready to start peacekeeping, what airport should they fly into in Neoslavia?
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 03:19
((OOC: Let's not clutter the thread further, shall we? Let the OP of the topic we're discussing (encryption of a highly encrypted secret message) decide, OK?))

((OOC: We'll decrypt any message we please.))
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 03:20
OOC-i've got a light armor battalion ready to start peacekeeping, what airport should they fly into in Neoslavia?

OOC: All airports are controlled by either my military or the rebel forces. Remember, the rebel forces had pushed the government's all the way back to the capital, and I am now in control of the capital.
12-04-2009, 03:22
OOC: well...,will you allow me to fly my peacekeepers in? Or do I have to scure an airport for myself?
12-04-2009, 03:23
OOC: You'll need to capture an airport. Also, Greater Americania you can't just quickly decrypt his message. thats mega BS.
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 03:24
OOC-i've got a light armor battalion ready to start peacekeeping, what airport should they fly into in Neoslavia?

((OOC: I'd think our peacekeeping forces are arriving via sea, Jakra. I'd assume Greater wouldn't take it kindly if you landed at an airport, due to him seeming to be the most active force supporting the facists and would most likely destroy your battalion. If Volzgrad doesn't approve of the Summit soon, it'll probably end up me and Chernobl at war with Greater. And, thanks to DragonForce's songs firing me up, I'm all ready to war with Greater. And thank you Neoslavia.

Anyway, no more OOC for the time being!))
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 03:27
(OOC: If you're so ready for war, then why insist on peace?)
12-04-2009, 03:28
Message from: RCN Impecable
Directed to: PCS L'Pariqu
Highly encrypted.

Feel free to pull your ships into formation. We have already set course for Neoslavia and are ready to move when you are.

End of message.
12-04-2009, 03:28
The Jakran troops knew something was wrong when they were issued parachutes and full combat gear as they boarded their transports for Neoslavia. As the flight started they recieved their brief; in around 3 hours they would parachute into a rebel controlled airfield and secure for the rest of their battalion, for any regular unit it was an insane mission, but for the Crisis Force it was all too familiar.
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 03:30
((OOC: Greater, I mean as in that since I listen to DragonForce a lot and their songs always fire me up for something - sport and games - that I would be ready to sink one of your frigates. IC'ly, I am being the pussycat of the whole RP and doing all that sh*t like calling for peace and that. Meow.))

Message from: PCS L'Pariqu.
Directed to: RCN Impecable.
Highly encrypted, top secret.

Thank you. Our ships are pulling closer to your fleet now.
Rolling Dead
12-04-2009, 03:36
From: DMS Immortal
To: Peace Keeping Ship Fleets Nearby

This is Captain Harold Teal of the DMS Immortal, we are seeking naval assistance. Our small fleet is a sitting duck. We can provide minor air support throughout the operation for all nations willing to help with the landing.
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 03:36
To-All Peacekeepers
From- Pennsylvanian High Command

Due the the recent actions carried out by the Greater Americania, we have decided to join the Peacekeeping Forces, we have 5 divisions in the country(95,673 men) and are willing to use them to conduct peacekeeping operations.

OOC:yes i know that is a large Peacekeeping force, but i already had them in country plus the fleet off the coast
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 03:39
(OOC: If you're not really a peace fanatic in RL then why are you RPing one?)
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 03:41
OOC: are you targeting that at me?
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 03:41
From: DMS Immortal
To: Peace Keeping Ship Fleets Nearby

This is Captain Harold Teal of the DMS Immortal, we are seeking naval assistance. Our small fleet is a sitting duck. We can provide minor air support throughout the operation for all nations willing to help with the landing.

Message from: PCS L'Pariqu.
Directed to: DMS Immortal.
Highly encrypted, top secret.

If your fleet will assist our peacekeeping operations, feel free to join our Peacekeeping Fleet. Our forces are en route to Neoslavia, and we have just joined the Chernoblian Fleet and we would encourage yours to join us as well, if you will assist our operations and are not just a Trojan horse.

End of message.

(OOC: Greater, I am a peace fanatic in real life. Its just that the songs of DragonForce fire me up, OK? Please stop cluttering this thread and start to defend your airport from the Jakrans, OK?))
12-04-2009, 03:41
To: DMS Immortal
From: The RCN Impeccable

Of course. Pull into formation behind the Pacifican fleet.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 03:42
***Due to recent events in the war, more troops have been dedicated to the war. The new Greater Americanian forces will arrive tomorrow and will boost the troop levels in Neoslavia to 300,000.***
12-04-2009, 03:42
(OOC: If you're not really a peace fanatic in RL then why are you RPing one?)

OOC: Are you facsist in RL? WTF! 300,000 TROOPS! THAT IS INSANE! YOU COULD NEVER.. why do I even bother. How about you research modern military tactics huh? There is't a nation on Earth that can do that. Not the US, the UK, France, China NOBODY. You can't either. kthnxbi.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 03:43
OOC: are you targeting that at me?

(OOC: No, Pacifican)
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 03:44
OOC: Are you facsist in RL?

(OOC: I'm not a Fascist in game. I just do not feel Fascism is an evil thing and it is similar to my Nationalistic beleifs.)
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 03:46
Message From-USS Gerald R Ford
To- PCS L'Pariqu, DMS Immortal

Since my Navies government has just decided to join the Peacekeepers, we would like you to allow our Food Stores convoy with 7 300,000 ton container ships with1.75 million tons of Food and other supplies along with its escort force, 7 FFGs, 3 DDgs, 1 CGM and one CVE, if that is alright with you 2 please contact USS Mount Washington CVE-23.
Rolling Dead
12-04-2009, 03:47
To: RCN Impeccable and PCS L'Pariqu.
From: DMS Immortal.
Encrypted, Secret.

We will pull in behind at once. 10 Harriers will be on standby for Defense.
12-04-2009, 03:47
OOC: Are you facsist in RL? WTF! 300,000 TROOPS! THAT IS INSANE! YOU COULD NEVER.. why do I even bother. How about you research modern military tactics huh? There is't a nation on Earth that can do that. Not the US, the UK, France, China NOBODY. You can't either. kthnxbi.

Answer please? You can't deploy 300,000 troops in one day. The PLA which has 2 million more soldiers than you has a maximum foreign one day deployment cap of 50,000 men. You have 2 million less than them.... do the math.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 03:48
OOC: Are you facsist in RL? WTF! 300,000 TROOPS! THAT IS INSANE! YOU COULD NEVER.. why do I even bother. How about you research modern military tactics huh? There is't a nation on Earth that can do that. Not the US, the UK, France, China NOBODY. You can't either. kthnxbi.

(OOC: Let's look at what I'm against:

4,000 troops from Pacifican, you, and Jakra
100,000 from PA
250,000 from Brybot
30,000 from the Communist Rebels

You all still outnumber me. Do not forget I tried to start this off realistically with 10,000.)
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 03:49
Message from: PCS L'Pariqu.
Directed to: USS Mount Washington.
Highly encrypted, top secret.

We thank your fleet for the food supplies and are certain they will be put to good use. Two of frigates have dropped behind and will assist in defending the food supplies.

End of message.
12-04-2009, 03:53
OOC-my bad, I don't remember anything half asleep, i'll get off and RP it later.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 03:53
(OOC: He attacked the Communists so he's supposed to RP it out with Neoslavia)
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 03:54
Message From-USS Mount Washington
To- PCS L'Pariqu

Thank you for allowing us to do this, as soon as we arrive off the coast, our Warships will have to join up with our 15th Fleet, if your Peacekeepers need any air support, let it be known, we have 330 F-35Vs, 15 AV-10Fs, and 120 Helicopters for air support, our troops will also start the construction of a Small Port and Large Airfield in a safe zone
12-04-2009, 03:54
he he... yea, we are gonna RP this right.
12-04-2009, 03:56
(OOC: Let's look at what I'm against:

4,000 troops from Pacifican, you, and Jakra
100,000 from PA
250,000 from Brybot
30,000 from the Communist Rebels

You all still outnumber me. Do not forget I tried to start this off realistically with 10,000.)

OOC: Did I even say I wanted to fight you? Brybots and PAs are loads of bulshit that I refuse to recognize.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 04:01
(OOC: Well, I'm going to go ahead and consider it tomorrow because these forums operate by Brit time)

***The masses of Greater Americanian forces pour into the capital city. A force of 20,000 infantry soldiers and 300 tanks assault the nearby city of Saskaya, currently controlled by Communist forces.

Saskaya, a city targeted by the Greater Americanian Air Force, has already been leveled significantly by the bombings. Greater Americanian forces enter the city using an urbanized form of blitzkreig tactics, storming the streets quickly, taking as much territory as possible as quickly as possible.

The first major resistance encountered was in the Trestroyat neighborhood. Greater Americanian tanks fire relentlessly on rebel buildings and Greater Americanian infantry storm the houses one at a time.***
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 04:01
OOC: Did I even say I wanted to fight you? Brybots and PAs are loads of bulshit that I refuse to recognize.

OOC: i said 5 Divisions, cause i also had some special plans, thus so many troops, and it wasnt 100,000 it was roughly 94,000 though only 63,000 are combat troops, most of the rest are engineers etc., and most of them will be going home soon, thought the ships will stay
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 04:01
OOC: Did I even say I wanted to fight you? Brybots and PAs are loads of bulshit that I refuse to recognize.

(OOC: Recognize them or not, they are being accepted by everyone else.)
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 04:02
OOC: i said 5 Divisions, cause i also had some special plans, thus so many troops, and it wasnt 100,000 it was roughly 94,000 though only 63,000 are combat troops, most of the rest are engineers etc., and most of them will be going home soon, thought the ships will stay

OOC: Essentially the same thing.
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 04:04
OOC: Essentially the same thing.

OOC:i wouldnt deploy a additional Combat Brigade unles si had too, and i didnt have to
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 04:05
OOC:i wouldnt deploy a additional Combat Brigade unles si had too, and i didnt have to

(OOC: Enough OOC.)
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 04:08
(OOC: Enough OOC.)

OOC:you've done most of it so you should be telling yourself that


As of one week from now the Pennsylvanian High will be dropping the Number of troops in region from 94,000 to 43,000, leaving the 7 and 45th Marine Division, with a Brigade of Engineers behind.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 04:13
(OOC: I just attacked Saskaya. What is your response?)
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 04:15
OOC:For right now nothing
Elven People
12-04-2009, 04:23
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
The Pacifican Commonwealth.

To: Whomever it may concern.
From: Acting Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden.
Subject: The Salisford Summit.

Dear all,

Following approval of the proposed Salisford Summit by some of the states involved in the Neoslavic Civil War, As Acting Foreign Minister of the Commonwealth I will feel I must give details about the aforementioned summit.

The summit will be held at the Villa Pacifica, a large villa in Salisford built specifically for international meetings in Salisford. There we will all meet and discuss the Civil War in this country and it will hopefully end with a treaty that could end this civil war.

We will invite the following to the summit;

The Neoslavic Supreme Party (approved).
The Neoslavic Liberation Army (approved).
The Grand Duchy of Volzgrad.
The Federale Republiek of Chernobl (approved).
The Nationalist Federation of Greater Americania (approved).
The Democratic States of Jakra (approved).
The People's Republic of Letat (observor).

Approval of the summit is needed from all of the aforementioned nations/factions for the summit to happen.

Katherine Hayden.
Acting Foreign Minister of the Pacifican Commonwealth.

To:Katherine Hayden ,Acting Foreign Minister of the Pacifican Commonwealth
From The Empire of the Elven People
CC: The Neoslavia summit

Sir, we notice that the Empire of the Elven People was not included in your invitation to the summit. We were wondering why we are not included in the statement?

Please contact us when you received this message

Lady Arianna Sha'cla
Ambassador to The Pacifican Commonwealth
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 04:26
We Would also like to Attend
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 04:27
I'm sure the Pacifican Commonwealth will provide you both with invitations.
12-04-2009, 04:35

Union Socialist State of Martilia
Classified CommunicationMinistry for Foreign Affairs

To: The Freedom Fighters
From: Union Socialist State of Martilia

We the Union Socialist State of Martilia hereby supports what your cause. We are both Marxists and both deny fascism. Our forces need the location where we will disembark our forces that will support you. This is a secret and classified decision. Our forces will not bring any flags/marks of the Martilian nation. But our forces will be lead by Colonel Henrik Kayuga. This will be the only support that we will be given for now. I hope you succeed and overthrow the current Fascist government.

Military Aid/Support:
2 Infantry Brigades (w/ an Engineering Brigade and Rocket Artillery Brigade)
-4000 Infantry men (Armed with AK-72 Assault Rifles/Mosin-Nagant M101/45 Sniper Rifles)
-100 2S25 Volga
-500 Engineering Troops
1 Armored Battalion
-165 T-101/103 Main Battle Tanks

Yours truly,
Mateo Umaga,
Premier of the Union Socialist State of Martilia


To: The United Socialist State of Martilla
From: Michael Smith, Head of the GAFRD

On behalf of the Greater Americania, I tell you to stand down your forces in Neoslavia. The moment your troops set foot on Neoslavian soil, they too will become targets of our bombing campaigns. I can only hope you back down from this endeavor.

Yours sincerely,

Michael Smith

OOC: Uh, our message is HIGHLY ENCRYPTED. You cant just decrypt messages. It's a HIGHLY Encrypted one, it might take even you days or weeks to Decrypt it. :)
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 04:37
OOC: Uh, our message is HIGHLY ENCRYPTED. You cant just decrypt messages. It's a HIGHLY Encrypted one, it might take even you days or weeks to Decrypt it. :)

OOC:he obviously doesnt get that idea, just use TGs from now on caus ehe doesnt get the basics of the forums
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 04:45
OOC:he obviously doesnt get that idea, just use TGs from now on caus ehe doesnt get the basics of the forums

OOC: To PA, settle down. This doesn't need to get personal.

To Mastilla, just let it go. Just take my message keep it in mind when you make your actions.
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 04:46
OOC:i wont settle down till you stop godmoding like your the Big Man himself
12-04-2009, 04:47
The Martilian Military Aid to the rebels still continued. Later that day, they landed on the Neoslavian soil, disregarding the bombing that they have received from the GAFRD. They quickly try to make communications with the rebels. "Move! Move! Move! Let's go!!", yelled by the ruthless but highly-skilled commander Colonel Henrik Kayuga. The Martilian forces landed in the Neoslavian soil continued going to the countryside. "Alright, men! We have other military forces within this area! Remember! From now, you're not a Martilian, you're a Neoslavian Communist Rebels!!", Kayuga said. "Sir, yes sir!!", his forces answered. And they move in deeply through the Neoslavian soil.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 04:48
OOC:i wont settle down till you stop godmoding like your the Big Man himself

OOC: And I won't stop "godmodding" until peacekeeping forces stop sending hundreds of thousands of troops as well.
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 04:49
OOC: learn to read, i didnt send 100s of thousands, and whatever his name is is the same as you, thinks he can godmod because hes a big nation
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 04:50
The Martilian Military Aid to the rebels still continued. Later that day, they landed on the Neoslavian soil, disregarding the bombing that they have received from the GAFRD. They quickly try to make communications with the rebels. "Move! Move! Move! Let's go!!", yelled by the ruthless but highly-skilled commander Colonel Henrik Kayuga. The Martilian forces landed in the Neoslavian soil continued going to the countryside. "Alright, men! We have other military forces within this area! Remember! From now, you're not a Martilian, you're a Neoslavian Communist Rebels!!", Kayuga said. "Sir, yes sir!!", his forces answered. And they move in deeply through the Neoslavian soil.

OOC: Lol the GAFRD is the Greater Americanian Foreign Relations Department. You're being bombed by the Nationalist Federation of Greater Americania.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 04:50
OOC: learn to read, i didnt send 100s of thousands, and whatever his name is is the same as you, thinks he can godmod because hes a big nation

OOC: Get him to stop god modding and I'll start a draw down as well.
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 04:56
OOC:notice he hasnt posted in how many pages, so i dont even think he is paying attention to this anymore
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 04:59
(OOC: Fine, I'll consider his post to be illegitimate.)

***In a response to unexpected financial strains of fighting a war with 300,000 men, Greater Americania has begun a draw down of troops to 65,000 men. The draw down will be complete on Monday.***
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 05:05
OOC:Thank You, if he comes back and continues the 250,000 man Peacekeeper force you can take it back up


General Kennedy and Admiral Mancuso JR Breathed sighs of relief, after that report, Gen. Kennedy decided to draw down the PA Peacekeeping troops by another 7,500 men, bring the total to 35,500, most of whom were solely for rebuilding and security after the Civil War
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 05:09
***Artillery peices were moved into the area surrounding Saskaya in order to provide fire onto targets radioed in by troops in the city.***
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 05:11
After 3 weeks at sea, the 7 Food Container Ships made it to Neoslavia with her escorts, at the same time, the Runway that was being built by PA Engineers was finished and Peacekeeper Aircraft were free to use it
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 05:13
We strongly encourage PA to establish an embassy in Greater Americania.
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 05:16
OOC: put a link up here i'll get to it tomorrow
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 05:17
OOC: On my signature
12-04-2009, 05:17
OOC: Is the capital under the rebels or not??
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 05:19
OOC: Is the capital under the rebels or not??

OOC: No, the capital is my stronghold.
12-04-2009, 05:22
OOC: Where are the rebels situated??
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 05:24
OOC:to the north i know that much
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 05:27
OOC: Where are the rebels situated??

OOC: Everywhere outside the city except for the nearest harbor to the city and road/area around the road connecting the two. I'll fight you tomorrow in the city of Saskaya which I'm currently attacking, but I'm too tired right now.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 05:29
Martilia, establish an embassy in our nation.
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 05:31
OOC:also free is a section of Coastline that myself and the other peacekeepers control
12-04-2009, 05:32
OOC: Ok. I will. :)
12-04-2009, 06:40
OOC: And I won't stop "godmodding" until peacekeeping forces stop sending hundreds of thousands of troops as well.

Thats it. Your fucking this up. Delete your posts and get out. You suck at RPing and you clearly don't understand how shit works. GO.
12-04-2009, 08:34
OOC: To clarify, the rebels are anarchic-left, government is fascist. Right?

Department of Defence
The Republic of Reijvajik

While the Republic of Reijvajik, in all its free market policy, condemns the obvious over-regulation of the economy of Neoslavia should the rebels come to power, we see the right to free speech and free will as an issue of greater importance. That is why, today, we announce that Reijvajik is in a state of war with The Republic of Neoslavia and its allies. God bless the Republic of Reijvajik.

That is all.

Die slowly -

Ardon Wyjsten
Ministry of Defence

1st Reijian Naval Fleet
2 Enterprise-class Aircraft Carrier
3 Nimitz-class Aircraft Carriers
4 Wasp-class Amphibious Assault Ships
6 Ghost-class SSNs
6 Virginia-class Submarines
14 Adelaide-class Frigates
10 Ticonderoga-class Cruisers
6 HS-12 Sloops
6 Arleigh Burke-class Destroyers

2nd Reijian Naval Fleet
2 Enterprise-class Aircraft Carrier
3 Nimitz-class Aircraft Carriers
4 Wasp-class Amphibious Assault Ships
6 Ghost-class SSNs
6 Virginia-class Submarines
14 Adelaide-class Frigates
10 Ticonderoga-class Cruisers
6 HS-12 Sloops
6 Arleigh Burke-class Destroyers

Reijian Army
3rd Division
2,000 Troops
1x Lee-Nordenfeldt Rifle No. 7 - 6.5x55mm
2x Allanean Arms Bayonet Knife Mark I
2x M18 Smoke Grenades
2x M67 Fragment Grenades

4th Division
2,000 Troops
1x Lee-Nordenfeldt Rifle No. 7 - 6.5x55mm
2x Allanean Arms Bayonet Knife Mark I
2x M18 Smoke Grenades
2x M67 Fragment Grenades

6th Division
2,000 Troops
1x Lee-Nordenfeldt Rifle No. 7 - 6.5x55mm
2x Allanean Arms Bayonet Knife Mark I
2x M18 Smoke Grenades
2x M67 Fragment Grenades

7th Division
2,000 Troops
1x Lee-Nordenfeldt Rifle No. 7 - 6.5x55mm
2x Allanean Arms Bayonet Knife Mark I
2x M18 Smoke Grenades
2x M67 Fragment Grenades

8th Division
2,000 Troops
1x Lee-Nordenfeldt Rifle No. 7 - 6.5x55mm
2x Allanean Arms Bayonet Knife Mark I
2x M18 Smoke Grenades
2x M67 Fragment Grenades

Reijian Air Force

Electronics Warfare Fleet IV
25 EF-11A Ravens

Electronics Warfare Fleet V
25 EF-11A Ravens

Electronics Warfare Fleet VI
25 EF-11A Ravens

2nd Division
40 Lockheed AC-130H "Spooky" "Spectre" Attack Craft

3rd Division
40 Lockheed AC-130H "Spooky" "Spectre" Attack Craft

4th Division
40 Lockheed AC-130H "Spooky" "Spectre" Attack Craft
12-04-2009, 08:49
To: Whomever it may concern.
From: Acting Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden.
Subject: The Salisford Summit.

Dear all,

Following approval of the proposed Salisford Summit by some of the states involved in the Neoslavic Civil War, As Acting Foreign Minister of the Commonwealth I will feel I must give details about the aforementioned summit.

The summit will be held at the Villa Pacifica, a large villa in Salisford built specifically for international meetings in Salisford. There we will all meet and discuss the Civil War in this country and it will hopefully end with a treaty that could end this civil war.

We will invite the following to the summit;

The Neoslavic Supreme Party (approved).
The Neoslavic Liberation Army (approved).
The Grand Duchy of Volzgrad.
The Federale Republiek of Chernobl (approved).
The Nationalist Federation of Greater Americania (approved).
The Democratic States of Jakra (approved).
The People's Republic of Letat (observor).

Approval of the summit is needed from all of the aforementioned nations/factions for the summit to happen.

Katherine Hayden.
Acting Foreign Minister of the Pacifican Commonwealth.

In accordance with its previously-stated commitment to the Salisford Summit process, the People's Republic is pleased to accept the Pacifican Commonwealth's invitation. The present diplomatic staff at the Pacifican Commonwealth will be temporarily supplemented with ten additional staff, with Thierry Odéline appointed as Special Envoy to the Salisford Summit.

~~Yves Mainlevé, Acting Interim Minister of Foreign Affairs
12-04-2009, 09:15
Kayuga's forces positioned onto the northern part from the capital. They met several leftist rebels and quickly joined them. Their soldiers increased by 600. They quickly made a base of operations within the area. And they plan to strike by tomorrow.
12-04-2009, 09:55
OOC: Martilia, can my troops land alongside yours?
12-04-2009, 10:04
To: Interim Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs Yves Mainlevé.
From: Foreign Minister Katherine Hayden.
Subject: Letatan aid to Neoslavia and offering of overseeing supplies by our mission.

Dear sir,

The Commonwealth thanks Letat for supporting our nation in regards to our joint peacekeeping operation with Chernobl and approving our suggested Salisford Summit process, and we wish to gurantee you that your aid workers and supplies will be looked after well by our peacekeepers, and hopefully the Commonwealth Aid Foundation and your aid workers can work together to save more lives than could be saved otherwise.

We would suggest that our peacekeeping ships could meet with your ships in the Mediterranean Sea, so as to provide further security for both of our missions.

We would like to name our joint operations the 'Joint Peacekeeping and Humantairian Aid Operation in Neoslavia', or the 'JPHAON'.

Katherine Hayden
Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Pacifican Commonwealth.

The People's Republic will participate in JPHAON, our vessels - presently passing through the Suez canal - should rendez-vous with the JPHAON fleet in the Mediterranean Sea soon.

~~Yves Mainlevé
12-04-2009, 11:00
OOC: Martilia, can my troops land alongside yours?

OOC: Are you also siding the leftists?? :)
12-04-2009, 11:40
OOC: Mmhmm.
Off for now.
12-04-2009, 14:38
OOC: I leave for a little bit, and find a massive argument, lots of OOC, and a crap load of other nations. And a summit I wasn't invited to :confused: OK, let's try to steer this thread in a better direction. This post will be directed towards Greater Americania concerning decryption of messages.

Alright, so you have a message that is encrypted with a key. Let's assume that this key is 32 bits long. This means there are 2^32 combinations, which is over 4 billion. If you can try one key per second, it would take over 4 billion seconds, which would be 136 years. Many keys are not 32 bit keys, they are 64 and 128 bit, which would take exponentially longer to decode. I will leave that math to you.

Reijvajik: I believe the rebels are socialists, not sure how totallitarian or not. Perhaps Neoslavia can answer that question.


The 10th Fleet finally steamed into Neoslavian waters after a long voyage from the Third Empire of Fluffywuffy. Since the fleet lhad left, the situation in Neoslavia had changed. More nations had joined the fight, and the Empire, for the moment, felt that it might be best to requisition more troops for the fight. The 90,000 of the III Corps would not be enough to win any protracted fight, and as the largest nation in support of the fascist forces, more had to be done.

The III Corps was command by General John Caldo IV, who came from a long military tradition. John Caldo I had led the First Empire to glory against The Bisons, many moons ago, and his descendant hoped to match the glory and power of his ancestor. He ordered the 1st Armored Division of III Corps to land first in the port that Greater Americania had secured. The 20,000 men of the Division would be the spearhead by which the General hoped to reach the capital and disrupt enemy activities. The 1st Armored would also be in a better position to defend against enemy attacks with its complement of helicopters, tanks, artillery, IFVs, and its anti-air battery. The 2nd Armored, with similar equipment, would come in last, behind the 3rd Infantry and 4th Infantry.

General Caldo had ordered a very strict set of rules of engagement designed to try to rebuild the international support that had been lost by Greater Americania's bombing campaigns. Imperial troops would fight with honor to protect civilians, they would not invade houses save when suspected enemy soldiers are there, and they would not bombard populated areas with artillery or with bombers. In fact, the Emperor himself was to issue a statement condemning the Greater Americania bombing campaigns and to reassure the peacekeeping forces that the Third Empire would quickly end the civil war and remove its forces, leaving the peacekeepers to do their humanitarian work. In fact, he announced that the Third Empire would be sending supplies and money to the humanitarian campaign.
12-04-2009, 14:39
The Jakran transports of the Crisis Force Battalion banked and turned, for their approach on to the USPA peacekeeper aistrip. It took around 8 hours for the entire force to land and set up it's CP and tempoary facilities within the USPA peacekeeper base. Also, Col. Bisop went to seek out the base commander and get his JPHAON briefing on the situation and his orders.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 15:01
Thats it. Your fucking this up. Delete your posts and get out. You suck at RPing and you clearly don't understand how shit works. GO.

OOC: lol I drew my troops down.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 15:07
***The Greater Americanian Army launched an all out assault on the northern section of the capital, throwing 10,000 men into the fight. Air force planes bombed Martilian and rebel positions while tanks and infantry stormed the streets.***
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 16:48
***Greater Americanian forces continue to advance shooting the Communists out of their fortified positions.***
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 16:53
OOC: Reijavjik, potenially getting close to using my own Subs against me lol, glad i sided with the peacekeepers now lol
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 16:56
***Greater Americania, noting it's naval disadvantages, is sending another fleet to reinforce the first fleet currently stationed in the harbor nearest the capital. The will bump the amount of ships to around 30.***
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 17:01
The Jakran transports of the Crisis Force Battalion banked and turned, for their approach on to the USPA peacekeeper aistrip. It took around 8 hours for the entire force to land and set up it's CP and tempoary facilities within the USPA peacekeeper base. Also, Col. Bisop went to seek out the base commander and get his JPHAON briefing on the situation and his orders.

General Mastermans at the HQ on the Beach
12-04-2009, 17:02
OOC: GA, please stop posting until someone from the otherside posts losses/ reaction. You'll notice I haven't made any posts since I ordered my troops to disembark. I'm waiting for the reaction from the world, from the rebels, and from the people before I take my next course of action.

Also, my own fleet would be near that harbor.

EDIT: which reminds me, I still need to post the ORBAT for that fleet....
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 17:08
***Garrett Curry sat in his President's office watching his plasma TV. The media in Greater Americania was under government control, so the announcer's comments were all about easy, swift victories in Neoslavia against the tyrannical peacekeeping and Communist forces.

As he watched the program, he saw images showing Greater Americanian troops storming houses, tanks firing, cheering Neoslavians waving Greater Americanian flags and giving NFGA troops baked goods, as well as lines of Communist prisoners being led away out of their fortified positions with their hands on their heads.

The topic turned from Greater Americanian victories to what the news station portrayed as futile and very evil attempts by more liberal nations under the cover of the name "peacekeeping forces".

He wondered to himself why it is that so many nations rally against Greater Americania in the name of peace. Did they not realize peace would be much more swift if we would win? Do they not realize that stability cannot last under a weak democratic government? He was sure that Greater Americania was right in it's quest for Fascism in Neoslavia as well as increased Greater Americanian influence.***
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 17:10
OOC: GA, please stop posting until someone from the otherside posts losses/ reaction. You'll notice I haven't made any posts since I ordered my troops to disembark. I'm waiting for the reaction from the world, from the rebels, and from the people before I take my next course of action.

Also, my own fleet would be near that harbor.

EDIT: which reminds me, I still need to post the ORBAT for that fleet....

OOC: All I've said is that I'm storming the northern part of the city and that I've taken some prisoners which is realistic and fair. I've left much room for Martilia to post for a tactical response.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 17:15
To: Fluffywuffy Supreme Commander in the region
From: The Greater Americanian Supreme Commander


We wish to know how loyal your nation is to the cause here in Neoslavia. Due to the recent defection of PA to the peacekeeping forces, we are hesitant to trust other factions in the area. If you are loyal to Greater Americania and the cause then we would like your full cooperation in this theater.

Thank you,

{Supreme Greater Americanian Commander's Signature here}
12-04-2009, 17:27
Encrypted with a 128-bit one time key

To the Greater Americanian Supreme Commander

The Third Empire of Fluffywuffy is absolutely dedicated to the defeat of the socialist forces in the nation of Neoslavia, and we have already committed our III Corps and 10th Fleet to the region in order to assist your forces and the forces of the Neoslavian government. We believe more troops will be needed in the struggle ahead, and I have personally requested that the I Guard Corps and V Corps be dispatch to Neoslavia to reinforce the III Corps. With these reinforcements on their way, we feel we will be able to make progress against the rebel forces.

However, we must request that your forces adhere to strict rules of engagement to avoid international condemnation. We want to fight as clean a fight as is humanly possible, and we hope to avoid civilian casualties. If your nation is unable to maintain a control on its trigger finger, we will consider your forces terrorists and engage them as such.

John Caldo IV
General, Imperial Forces, Neoslavia
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 17:35
To: John Caldo IV
From: Henry Castle, Field Marshall, Supreme Commander of Greater Americanian forces in the region

We feel that the movements of our forces have been in a decent matter and have adhered to what liberal nations dub "human rights".

We have two requests to the Third Empire of Fluffywuffy

1) We want you to submit your forces under the command of Greater Americania.

2) We want you to move northwest until you reach the city of Saskaya and which point we want you to assist us in our attack on the Neoslavian Liberation Army.

Yours sincerely,

Henry Castle
12-04-2009, 17:52
(response sent via telegram)
The Northern Baltic
12-04-2009, 17:59
Bay of Nations, The Northern Baltic
The sea-side military depots were busy, working through the night. Cranes were lifting crates of weapons onto ships and all forms of vehicles were loaded directly into the hulls of transport ships. The 13th, 19th, and 23rd Merchant Fleets were recruited for the task. As dawn broke, a division of Shujunese Light Infantry were marched onto their transport ships and the fleet set off, rendezvousing with elements from the 8th fleet, ten Longboat Class Cruisers, 5 Grisha V Class Corvettes, and 3 Oscar-II Class submarines.

Weapons for the rebels
10,000 Type 81 Assault Rifles with GP-30 Under barrel grenade launcher
6,000 Type 81 Squad Automatic Weapon
3,000 DShK Heavy Machine Gun
20,000 IMI Desert Eagle
1,000 FIM-92 Stinger (5 missiles each)
3,000 RPG-7 (20 rockets each)
300 AT-7 (7 missiles each)
700 UAZ 469
200 BTR-70 Armored Personal Carrier
50 T-62 Main Battle Tank
25 OTO Melara Mod 56 Light Artillery
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 18:01
(response sent via telegram)

(I responded.)
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 18:01
Bay of Nations, The Northern Baltic
The sea-side military depots were busy, working through the night. Cranes were lifting crates of weapons onto ships and all forms of vehicles were loaded directly into the hulls of transport ships. The 13th, 19th, and 23rd Merchant Fleets were recruited for the task. As dawn broke, a division of Shujunese Light Infantry were marched onto their transport ships and the fleet set off, rendezvousing with elements from the 8th fleet, ten Longboat Class Cruisers, 5 Grisha V Class Corvettes, and 3 Oscar-II Class submarines.

Weapons for the rebels
10,000 Type 81 Assault Rifles with GP-30 Under barrel grenade launcher
6,000 Type 81 Squad Automatic Weapon
3,000 DShK Heavy Machine Gun
20,000 IMI Desert Eagle
1,000 FIM-92 Stinger (5 missiles each)
3,000 RPG-7 (20 rockets each)
300 AT-7 (7 missiles each)
200 BTR-70 Armored Personal Carrier
50 T-62 Main Battle Tank

The NFGA abhors your descision.
The Northern Baltic
12-04-2009, 18:05
The NFGA abhors your descision.

OOC: Since I never said anything official yet, you don't really know that I'm siding with the rebels yet...
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 18:07
OOC: Since I never said anything official yet, you don't really know that I'm siding with the rebels yet...

OOC: I suppose you're right, but we do notive a Communist fleet movement heading towards Neoslavia.
Dostanuot Loj
12-04-2009, 18:14
Open Declaration of the Dictorial Republic of Sumer

To whom it may concern,

While I have no personal interest in this matter, nor do I see why my nation would either, both the Popular and Civil Senates are in an uproar in regards to the actions of some elements of this situation. The blatant disregard for the will of the people of the nation of Neoslavia is simply abhorrent, to anyone, and a proposal to dedicate Erimkalam forces to this situation is underway in the Civil Senate as I write this.

This is Neoslavia's war, not yours or ours. I can not see how their factions are not united to expel foreign invaders from all sides, as they are willing to give up sovereign control of themselves to weaker, less capable states and foreign cultures. This alone sickens me to the core, and is the only reason I willingly await the decision of the Civil Senate. If it were for any other reason, I would leave you to your petty squabbling, and still may if a majority is not reached. But if that is not the case, be forewarned, I have no tolerance for petty warmongering of political influence, and no wish to participate.

- Head of State, Dictator of Sumer, Priestess of Inanna,
Ridingir Kisikil Dumumiapuabiak Dumuaninatumak Urukak Leshbarkingdu Kalamak Ninuru

Signed: Kisikil Ninatuma
Brittanican Adenia
12-04-2009, 18:15
OOC: I suppose you're right, but we do notive a Communist fleet movement heading towards Neoslavia.

OOC: How would you know it's a communist fleet? Do they look different to a capitalist one somehow?
12-04-2009, 18:18
With the request from General Caldo for more reinforcements, the Third Empire has dispatched the 4th and 8th fleets from Fluffywuffy, along with the 1st Guard Corps and V Corps, bringing the land total forces deployed to:

90,000 troops in I Corps total (combat and noncombat)
1,000 tanks
1400 IFV
40 Transport helicopters
72 SP Artillery
8 Trench Mortar regiments
160 Attack Helicopters
5 x headquarters regiment
5 x signal regiment

Army En-route
(2x Above)
180,000 Troops total (combat and non-combat)
2,000 Tanks
2,800 IFV
80 Transport Helicopters
10 x headquarters regiment
10 x signal regiments
148 x SP Artillery
16 trench mortar regiments
320 Attack Helicopters
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 18:36
OOC: How would you know it's a communist fleet? Do they look different to a capitalist one somehow?

OOC: Good point as well.
The Northern Baltic
12-04-2009, 18:37
OOC: I suppose you're right, but we do notive a Communist fleet movement heading towards Neoslavia.
OOC: Firstly, my nation is not Communist, its Socialist and secondly, you can suspect we're going to side with the rebels, but you can't just make IC assumptions like that.
OOC: Can you provide specifics on the actual types of military equipment you're using? It would help me determine your troop's combat effectiveness. Thank you.
12-04-2009, 18:41

I'm in a bit of a transition stage right now, having just resurrected my nation and having to redo all the old charts, graphs, purchases, etc. I am digging through some ancient threads to find out what stuff I purchased back in the day, what stuff I purchased now, and putting it all together in some coherent way. For now it would be fair to assume my troops are well equipped, as they were in the old days.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 18:43

1) What's the difference? Historically many nations claiming to be Socialist were just Communist all along, ex. USSR.

2) True, as of yet all I'd know is that there is a fleet heading for Neoslavia. However, if you started unloading your weapons in a Communist area, you would be identified by recon as a Northern Baltic Fleet yourself if your ships are decorated with Northern Baltic flags and Communist symbols. At the very least we would realize what you're doing.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 18:46
To: Approaching Fleet (OOC: Northern Baltic)
From: NFGA military

Attention approaching fleet!

You are entering restricted waters. Identify yourself immediately on behalf of the Nationalist Federation of Greater Americania.
12-04-2009, 19:14
Army equipment:

SOV-6 ( for IFV
M-29 (ancient design, can't find thread, it was designed by Doomingsland)

The IAH-2000 Attack Helicopter (

FAR-11 Rifle (

I can use the Hannibal Lector MK II tank from here and Timothy McVeigh SP Artillery (

Navy equipment:

Comming soon.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 19:15

SOV-6 ( for IFV
M-29 (ancient design, can't find thread, it was designed by Doomingsland)

Still looking for the rifle / artillery / whatever, but the jolt search is annoying and only goes back to 2004 for me. *sigh* I need back to 2002!

OOC: ? Your join date is this month. Did you just come back?
12-04-2009, 19:23
OOC: Considering you recieved the telegram from the Third Empire of Fluffywuffy, as opposed to the Republic of forum_Fluffywuffy, I thought you would have figured it out :p

I joined in 2002, got deleted due to inactivity, came back, and got deleted for inactivity again. Only this time it deleted my forum account and the game did not revive it on resurrection. So in steps forum_Fluffywuffy, savior of all. Also, how else is my population 5.7 billion?
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 19:26
OOC: I haven't been paying attention to any of that.
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 19:29
Aboard the Anzac-class frigate, the PCS Pacifica, Captain Joseph Chamberlain was admiring the aircraft carriers of the foreign fleets. They were huge, making the small frigates of his fleet look like dwarves. He longed to captain one of those fine vessels, but it would be long before the Commonwealth's fleet could acquire one of those.

Chamberlain could, in the distance, just make out Neoslavian waters. There were various ships guarding it, probably the occupying Greater Americanians. They weren't offically occupying it, of course, but everybody aboard the Pacifica agreed those bastards were just looking to expand their nationalist hellhole, as most of those nations like Greater did. And they were usually eventually collectively fucked by the forces of a nation or nations. Chamberlain had a feeling Neoslavia would grow into a full blown war between the peacekeeping nations - irony! - and GA. Unless the politicians started Salisford soon.

He liked the sun almost as much as the first prospect of battle.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 19:35
To: Approaching Peacekeeping Fleet
From: NFGA Military

Attention approaching peacekeeping fleet!

By orders of the Nationalist Federation of Greater Americania, we demand that you maintain a distance of 5 milies away from the harbor we are currently guarding.

OOC: Also, go ahead and get Salisford started up.
12-04-2009, 19:48
Offical Communique.
To: Neoslavia.
From: The Socialist State of Mandanisia
Seeing as I am a Socialist State, I am in support of the CComrades.Once your state is officaly communist We will start trade. I will send 50,000 Troops to your naton in the hope I will conquer over the facsists!

With Socialist greating
*Salutes picture of the dictator*
Zachary Schaumman.
The Northern Baltic
12-04-2009, 19:53
You are entering restricted waters. Identify yourself immediately on behalf of the Nationalist Federation of Greater Americania.

"Sir, seems the NFGA fleet is hailing us. What do you recommend our course of action to be?"
"Give me the radio. I'll make a response back... they don't know whos side we're on yet..."
This is The Northern Baltic fleet. We were not aware these waters were restricted, over.
The Captain then leaned back in his chair and spoke to one of his Commanders.
"Alert the rest of the fleet to proceed with caution. This could get hot very quickly."
"Yes sir."
They both saluted and The Northern Baltic fleet continued heading straight forward.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 19:57
The radio buzzed in a response from the NFGA operator.

"We repeat our demand that you immediately reroute your course around these restricted waters. The restricted area spans until 10 miles off the Neoslavic coastline. We also demand to know what is your purpose here with a military fleet?"
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 20:20
((OOC: Link to the Salisford Summit. (

Message from: PCS L'Pariqu.
Directed to: NFGA Military.
Highly encrypted, top secret, known only by Greater Americania and JPHAON.

We wish to make it clear that we intend to start peacekeeping operations in Neoslavia today. We request permission to dock at the Neoslavian harbour you are 'guarding' from which our forces will spread out amongst Neoslavia.

End of message.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 20:24
((OOC: Link to the Salisford Summit. (

Message from: PCS L'Pariqu.
Directed to: NFGA Military.
Highly encrypted, top secret, known only by Greater Americania and JPHAON.

We wish to make it clear that we intend to start peacekeeping operations in Neoslavia today. We request permission to dock at the Neoslavian harbour you are 'guarding' from which our forces will spread out amongst Neoslavia.

End of message.

The operator set the speaker down.
"Well, sir, what are your orders?"

"Of course not!" exclaimed the naval captain. "They talk of war with us and now they request to use our port to get their positions set up? No!"

The operater nodded and spoke the Captain's message into the speaker.
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 20:28
((OOC: We never talked of war with you. I talked out-of-charactorly of war, but that doesn't count in RP.))

Message from: PCS L'Pariqu.
Directed to: NFGA Military.
Highly encrypted, top secret, known only by Greater Americania and JPHAON.

Sir, JPHAON has never talked of war with the Nationalist Federation. We are here to save lives and spare innocents, and we need to dock at the harbour you are 'guarding'. We are not here to fight you, Sir.

End of message.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 20:34
The operator replied "We have decided to allow humanitarian aid workers in only. Any military units will be turned away by our Army at the harbor."
12-04-2009, 20:39

I have finally formulated my fleet stationed off the coast of Neoslavia, feel free to comment on it, attack it, etc. etc.

4 Emperor-class battleships (BB-04)

5 Lunar-class carriers

60 Vandal-class frigates (IFG-60)

40 modified Spruance-class destroyers

Changed the 8 Harpoon missles to 4 Yakhonts, 5 inch to 6 inch

20 Saxon-class missle cruisers

50 NASN-01 SSGN submarines

I will post links to each ship as I can dredge them up from the down of time
12-04-2009, 20:41
Aboard the RJN Tenerive
Approaching Neoslavia

"Yes, cap'n?"
"Prepare those planes for take-off, in case those fucking fascists give us any trouble on water."
"Yes, cap'n! Anythin' else, cap'n?"
"Nay, that's all, skipper."

The captain looked out at the line on the horizon that was slowly becoming Neoslavia. Today, he thought: today is the day we liberate their people.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 20:43
***Greater Americanian planes launch themselves off the ground in order for potential combat with the Reijvajik Navy.***
12-04-2009, 20:44
OOC: How many?
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 20:45
OOC: 25. Many more will arrive if combat begins. Your move.
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 20:49
The Pennsylvanian Carrier USS Gerald R Ford Launched 35 Fighters of VFB-102, all F-35Vs loaded for Full Air to Air Combat, to make sure that the battle did not spill over and endanger Peacekeeper Forces
12-04-2009, 20:52
75 F-22 Raptors flew from the deck of the various aircraft carriers, and engaged the approaching formation with a volley of 150 (2 each) AIM-120 AMRAAM Missiles.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 20:53
If you need a harbor, my forces Engineer Brigade has built a small one near the Airport that we have also built, you are free to land there

OOC: You don't even know they're looking for a harbor, yet. They sent a highly encrypted commique to me.
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 20:54
OOC: You don't even know they're looking for a harbor, yet. They sent a highly encrypted commique to me.

OOC:deleted it, was more focused on my nephew at that time than what i was reading
12-04-2009, 20:54
OOC: GA, where are you troops located currently?
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 20:56
OOC: GA, where are you troops located currently?

OOC: The capital, the nearest harbor to the capital, the area between the two, and the City of Saskaya.
12-04-2009, 20:56
Warning sirens went off. Bells chimed and a sailors scrambled frantically to get into position. The fleet from Reijvajik had arrived, and it had to be defeated if it opened fire. The reinforcement fleets were still days away, and the ground forces, if attacked, would have a hell of a time without naval air support and bombardment.

Admiral Christopher Newman was aboard the Lombard Emperor-class battleship, flagship of the fleet, outfitted with an array of electronic warfare devices. "Shit," he swore. "Shit! This is going to be a tough fight, a fight we might lose. Gentlemen! Prepare to engage the enemy. I want all fighters launched, repeat, I want all fighters launched. Engines, go to full flank speed, I want us moving, and I want it now!"

The fleet accelerated to full flanking speed, approaching the Reijvajik formation at top speed. The carriers launched the full complement of 200 Ann Coulter-class fighters, hoping to seize control of the skies.

Meanwhile, the NASN-01 Hammerhead submarines continued on their stealthy approach to the enemy fleet, but they did not fire when in range. Instead, their goal was to sail around the enemy fleet and engage from behind and keep the path open for future reinforcements.
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 20:59
OOC:Pacifican, was i accepted to Sailisford?
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 21:04
The operator replied "We have decided to allow humanitarian aid workers in only. Any military units will be turned away by our Army at the harbor."

"Bastards," breated Captain Marcus Roberts of the L'Pariqu. "I'm missing my mother's funeral for this."

Roberts began gto the think aloud. "Well, there's no use in trying again. And the politicians will go crazy if we attack."

That was whenever he remembered the aircraft. They had brought along a few Blackhawks for evacution and that. He also remembered that a few Hornets and Herculeses had been brought along. It didn't take a Captain to figure out what you do with all that.

* * *

Message from: PCS L'Pariqu.
Directed to: JPHAON forces.
Highly encrypted, top secret.

Friends, the NFGA forces in the harbour have prohibited us from docking in the harbour. I wish to make it clear to you all that, due to the aforementioned circumstances, all Pacifican forces will be making their way into Neoslavia via our transport aircraft.

Our forces will be flying around the harbour, hopefully far away enough from the Greater Americanians.

End of message.

* * *

They would have to go in rounds. 30 Blackhawks couldn't take a 1,000 troops at once, could they? Half of the troops were going now, the other half would be going as soon as the damned Blackhawks came back. If they did.

You just didn't know with a nationalist dictatorship, did you?

((OOC: Yes.))
12-04-2009, 21:13
The air on the deck of the huge Nimitz-class aircraft carrier was electric. The enemy; as it turned out, had launched some two hundred fighters into the air, probably hoping to take control of the air. In response, the four Enterprise-class Carriers launched 280 F-15 Eagles into the air, which at once engaged the enemy with a volley of 1020 AIM-120 AMRAAM missiles. A further 30 planes were launched, this time, Am-22NELs, created by Yanitaria, and these launched forty EW pods at the fleet, hoping to disrupt communications.
Meanwhile, the destroyers formed a raft at the front of the fleet, aiming to shoot down any incoming missiles.

((Could I get some info on those Hammerhead subs, please?))
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 21:14
***Noting the movements of the Pacifican Commonwealth and their blackhawk helicopters, Field Marshall Castle dispatched 10,000 Greater Americanian soldiers make a land-grabbing run pursuing all territory to the north of Saskaya in an attempt to capture any territory that could be held by peacekeeping forces.***
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 21:17
***The NFGA dispatched 200 more fighters from it's airport in the capital in a response to the Reijvajik attack. They concentrated their fire on enemy aircraft, firing missles and bullets alike at the Reijvajik fighters. Two squadrons however flew low and launched missles onto the decks of the Reijvajik destroyers.***
12-04-2009, 21:18
Meanwhile, approaching the capital

Several planes, adorned in the colours of Chernobl, flew towards the capital. The head of the formation, Charles Nicholas, radioed the Americanian force there, informing them of their arrival.

"GA, this is AX-112 from Chernobl, we're going to drop some humanitarian aid for the capital, could you please be ready to receive. Over."
12-04-2009, 21:19
***The NFGA dispatched 200 more fighters from it's airport in the capital in a response to the Reijvajik attack. They concentrated their fire on enemy aircraft, firing missles and bullets alike at the Reijvajik fighters. Two squadrons however flew low and launched missles onto the decks of the Reijvajik destroyers.***

OOC: I fired 150 missiles at you, losses?
Oh, and also, it'd be nice if you declare approximately how many missiles you're firing. It helps me calculate losses and shit.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 21:24
Meanwhile, approaching the capital

Several planes, adorned in the colours of Chernobl, flew towards the capital. The head of the formation, Charles Nicholas, radioed the Americanian force there, informing them of their arrival.

"GA, this is AX-112 from Chernobl, we're going to drop some humanitarian aid for the capital, could you please be ready to receive. Over."

"This could be some sort of a trap, Colonel." said the GA radio op.

"Yes, but if it is we'll blow the shit out of them on the tarmac. Let them in." said the Colonel.

The radio op nodded. He spoke into the radio "Proceed, AX-122. You are cleared to land on Runway 6."
12-04-2009, 21:24

The Anne Coulter Mk III, main aircraft of the Imperial fleet. With a load of 27 missiles each and the capability of engaging multiple targets at once, it appeared as if the skies would either belong to Imperial forces, or to no one, depending on how many survived the fire fight. The fighters had seen combat in Axackal, in Yasmarea, and they would see battle done in Neoslavia.

The 200 aircraft would launch a blistering barrage of 5,400 AIM-120 missiles at the enemy formation, before turning around and retreating back to the carriers for more ammunition, fuel, and supplies. Of the original 200, only 50 would make it back after the barrage of over 1000 missiles; how many remained of the enemy, the Admiral could not know, but he was confident he would win the air war.

OOC: NASN-01 information:
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 21:25
OOC: I fired 150 missiles at you, losses?

11 of the initial 25 planes plummet into sea as Reijavik missles collide with them. At this time, the reinforcements arrive and proceed as previously noted.
12-04-2009, 21:34
"This could be some sort of a trap, Colonel." said the GA radio op.

"Yes, but if it is we'll blow the shit out of them on the tarmac. Let them in." said the Colonel.

The radio op nodded. He spoke into the radio "Proceed, AX-122. You are cleared to land on Runway 6."

Finding the airspace to be clear, the now Reijian formation dropped their payload on the unsuspecting capital: a total of one hundred electronic warheads, designed to take out most sensitive electronic equipment; before doing a dive, 180 degree vertical turn, and flying off in the direction they came from.
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 21:37
"Aww fuck," muttered Private James Winchester. "Their landgrabbing."

Reports had just been confirmed that the NFGA were starting to landgrab and positions where they could set up a base. Those damned warmongers were making another attempt at fucking the Blue Sea Army, as nicknames went. Everbody on the airplane was starting to get pissed; why the fuck couldn't they just let us get down there and save people?

"The government consists of peace fanatic pussy cats who don't have any balls at all," muttered Private Jack Ryan, smoking a ciggarete.. "If I had my way, we would be carpetbombing those fuckers down there."

Winchester turned to Ryan; "That's the point of this operation beaten, then."

"Jennifer," Corporal Darren Cox said to Winchester. "Apparently, you're supposed to drop all that aid onto the ground."


"Don't question orders, Kathleen."

* * *

Suddenly, bags of first aid were floating down from the sky onto the towns the Blaackhawks were flying over and even onto NFGA forces. It was clearly a sign of 'for fuck's sake, just let us land, OK?' or as some called it, good will.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 21:40
At the moment of seeing cargo being dropped instead of the planes attempting to land, the AA crews were ordered to open up to the planes. Exploding shells could be been seen throughout the sky tearing through the planes.

OOC: Didn't think I'd let you get away with that, did ya?
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 21:45
At the moment of seeing cargo being dropped instead of the planes attempting to land, the AA crews were ordered to open up to the planes. Exploding shells could be been seen throughout the sky tearing through the planes.

OOC: Didn't think I'd let you get away with that, did ya?

((OOC: My planes? If yes, Greater Americania, then we are now at war.))
12-04-2009, 21:47
Of the initial 320 planes engaging the Imperial formation, only 58 found their way between the huge barrage of roughly 5500. They returned to the carriers, most of them damaged, but still usable, and waited for the next attack.

From the three Nimitz-class carriers of the 2nd Division came the full compliment of 250 F-22 Raptors, engaging at once the enemy with a barrage of 1500 AIM-20s. Several of these then turned around and followed the planes that had decided to attack the ships, and would attempt to shoot down whatever the anti-aircraft systems of the ships didn't.
One cruiser was struck hard and began sinking; the helicopters on its deck taking off and landing on one of the Enterprise-class carriers, as was one frigate, but the rest stayed intact.
12-04-2009, 21:50
((OOC: My planes? If yes, Greater Americania, then we are now at war.))

No, I launched EWs at him.

OOC: Didn't think I'd let you get away with that, did ya?
Nah, not really. Main point was to take out your communications. Like I give a crap about twenty planes. :o

Seeing their obvious plight, the planes launched the forty missiles they were equipped with upon the city, before all but one were shot down.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 21:51
Private Jacob Marsh was riding on the back of a M1A2 Abrams tank with his squad as Pacifican blackhawk flew over head dropping first aid. One of the packages landed on the top of the tank. Marsh leaned closer and grabbed it with his left hand, holding on to his standard-issue AK-108 assault rifle with his right. Setting the rifle on his lap, he tore open the package to peer at it's contents.

"What the hell are they doing, Sergeant?"

"Beats the hell out of me, Private. What's inside? A first aid kid, a MRE, crap like that."

"Damn, liberal pussies. Why can't they just leave the damn place alone? There are thousands of nations in the world. They can't save the people of every last one."
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 21:52
((OOC: My planes? If yes, Greater Americania, then we are now at war.))

No, Reijavik's.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 21:58
Of the initial 320 planes engaging the Imperial formation, only 58 found their way between the huge barrage of roughly 5500. They returned to the carriers, most of them damaged, but still usable, and waited for the next attack.

From the three Nimitz-class carriers of the 2nd Division came the full compliment of 250 F-22 Raptors, engaging at once the enemy with a barrage of 1500 AIM-20s. Several of these then turned around and followed the planes that had decided to attack the ships, and would attempt to shoot down whatever the anti-aircraft systems of the ships didn't.
One cruiser was struck hard and began sinking; the helicopters on its deck taking off and landing on one of the Enterprise-class carriers, as was one frigate, but the rest stayed intact.

110 of the planes that had arrived in reinforcements were now nothing more than debris falling into the Mediterranian.. The remaining 103 planes peeled away from the attack. The majority of the pilots glanced back to see the damaged Reijvajik fleet, along with the sinking destroyer. That was a beating they'll definently feel.
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 21:59
((OOC: OK.))

"Sweet Jesus, their fucking each other happily over there," Captain Marcus Roberts spoke as he saw the NFGAs going head on with forces from some foreign nation.

All the JPHAON forces were still here, sitting comfortably. The only way they could hope to get the peacekeepers in there was via air, unless the NFGA allowed them to dock at the harbour - unlikely and an unfavoured prospect considering all the AA guns being fired and planes flying about. Truely exciting.

"They better not hit the food supply ships," worried Roberts, watching in awe at the battle overhead.
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 22:04
To- Captain Marcus Roberts
From-General Morris Wheeler

Proceed to a point 150 miles NE of the capitol city, we have a Runway and a makeshift harbor there ,you may use them, we also have a Division of troops defending the area due to the risk of attack.
Pacifican Commonwealth
12-04-2009, 22:14
The peacekeepers were beginning to land. Following the agreement reached in Salisford, it now meant that they could set up a base in GA and Imperial territory. Of course, it was hardly enough for the entire nation, but he would leave it to Chernobl and the rest to deal with that. They were bigger, more powerful than the Commonwealth in terms of political, military and economic power.

The Blackhawks landed on the nearest patch of land with a large building on it. This was probably the old headquarters of some organisation which was forced to evacute thanks to the War, but it could do a perfect job as the base of operations for the Commonwealth peacekeepers in the country. They wouldn't risk an headquarters in the capital, due to the capital probably being a target of bombardment and the politicians making it clear they don't want to snuggle up too closer to Greater Americania.

Soon after the peacekeepers landed, the Blackhawks took off again, away to pick up the last of Commonwealth forces from the ships in the Med and soon pick up the aid workers. The peacekeepers were taking it into their hands to set up the tents for themselves and the victims of the War.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 22:22
To: Pacifican HQ
From: NFGA Military

The NFGA requires you to keep it updated on your activities via commique. Commiques are to be directed to the capital city, where they can be documented.


Henry Castle

OOC: You don't really have to post every time you go give food to some refugees.
12-04-2009, 22:23
Col. Bishop jogged to the USPA Beach HQ and after identifying himself to the sentry, he was directed to General Masterman. He entered the General's quarters, identified himself and saluted.
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 22:27
"Colonel, no offesne meant by the comment i am about to say, but i once had a Colleague also by the name of Bishop, and he was something of a cad, lets hope you arent like him, for we do not have the time for it"

After a losse salute, Masterman put his gaze back on the map he had been studying

OOC:Map of the Area with Security Positions etc. etc.
12-04-2009, 22:33
The Admiral was pleased at the first of his air wing having taken out so many enemy fighters. The skies were on more even terms, for the moment, as not all planes had been sent to battle. Each carrier could carry 80 craft, and with 150 craft shot down, 170 were left, more than enough to do some serious damage to the enemy. For the moment, however, it was time to launch phase two of the operation, and hopefully clear out some of the enemy fleet itself.

The 50 NASN-01 submarines all surfaced in unison as the battle raged overhead, their deadly payloads being readied for launch. Each submarine had 24 VLS tubes for the launching of cruise missiles, with a total payload of 168 missiles per sub. Not that all of the missiles could fire at once; it took precious time to reload. But a single volley could be launch at the enemy fleet, with their deadly Yakhont cruise missiles. A total of 1,200 of the deadly missiles streaked out towards the enemy carriers, hoping to destroy, damage, or disable the carriers.

(OOC: Info on the Yakhont:
12-04-2009, 22:46
Reijvajik Naval Facility
Runway 6

On the runway, a small formation - around 80 - of P-8 Poseidons took to the skies, their objective to take out the enemy submarines.


"Shit! Shit shit shit shit shit!"
The volley of 1,200 was hard to defend from - while the destroyers guarding the fleet did an acceptable job of shooting some 400 of them down, and the rest of the ships did their fair share as well, some 450 still hit the carriers, causing immense damage to two of the Enterprise-class carriers. One of the Nimitz-class carriers also began sinking - albeit slowly - giving time for the planes to transfer. Nearly all of the carriers were damaged in some way.
It would be a tough fight without the Poseidons, still some five or six hours away. Nevertheless, the cruisers in the first fleet fired off 1,260 ARSOC Anti-Submarine missiles at the submarines, and it was hoped that due to their proximity to the fleet they would be more vulnerable.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 22:54
***The remaining 103 planes returned to the airport, refueled and rearmed themselves, and took off in attack formation towards the straggling Reijvajik fleet.

When the arrived, they launched 412 missiles at the remaining ships and airplanes, concentrating the fire on the floating aircraft carriers.***
12-04-2009, 22:57
The submarines were stealthy, and could evade passive detection for a long time. However, the ASROC torpedoes with active sonar were simply too much for half of the force, with 25 of the ships going down before being able to fire again. The rest of the submarines simply would fire again and dive, but they would meet the same ultimate fate, save for 5 submarines. Another 400 missiles from the now-sunk submarines streaked out towards the enemy carriers, hugging the waves and flying in at Mach 2.5, far faster than a Tomahawk cruise missile.

The remaining 170 fighters of the 10th Fleet Naval Air Wing were ordered by the Admiral to be equipped with the air-launch version of the Yakhont. Due to the immense size and weight of the missile, only four per aircraft were available, but they would target the escorts of the enemy battlegroup.
12-04-2009, 23:19
Response to Fluffywuffy

The fleet directed its attention to the skies, shooting at the planes with the heavy guns. The first fleet of cruisers was being quickly reloaded with RIM-162 ESSMs, designed to take out planes, but the second fleet, having not done much yet, fired off its compliment of the missiles, targeted at the various planes flying around the fleet. A total of 1,260 was fired by the second fleet, followed by another volley of 1,260 some twenty minutes later.
The raft at the front of the fleet was proving surprisingly effective; and while they weren't godly, they prevented much of the enemy fire from ever reaching the aircraft carriers. 170 of the Imperial cruise missiles were successfully shot down by various cruisers, destroyers and frigates, and anti-missile systems shot down a further 50. However, this left 180 free to impact the carriers; and they ripped apart the hull of one Enterprise-class carrier.
The rain of 680 missiles from the fighters did considerable damage to the fleet. While most ships did a valiant job of defending themselves, one destroyer was completely ripped apart, while a frigate was also sunk and another left almost unusable.

1 Enterprise-class Carrier
1 Destroyer
1 Frigate
1 Frigate left almost unusable.
12-04-2009, 23:22
(OOC: You forgot the 680 from the fighters. Perhaps I should have multiplied it out for you, so you'd notice it a bit more. They were targeting your carrier escort)

Of the fighters, only a single solitary plane limped home after the massive engagement of missiles.
Dostanuot Loj
12-04-2009, 23:32
OOC: Just reminds me, Fluffy, a lot has changed in technology and realisim since you've gone. More then 100 aircraft from a single carrier (Ragardless of size) is pretty much unlikely. Take a stop over to the new NS Draftroom ( that Mac set up.
12-04-2009, 23:38
OOC: My bad. I knew I was forgetting something. :)
How far are your ships from my fleet?

Response to Americania

The cruisers, having dealt with the Imperial rain, were now virtually useless in defending against the Americanians. As a result, one was sunk, with two being damaged quite significantly. It was now the destroyers' job to shoot down the planes, and with their larger VLS systems, they were capable of doing so. Six of them launched their full compliments of RIM-162 ESSMs, totalling 1080, at the enemy formation, while ten frigates also launched a total of 160 of these, bringing the total to 1240. Their defense was not bulletproof though, and one frigate was ripped apart, and one Nimitz carrier slowly began to sink, aircraft taking off from its deck and landing on the decks of others.

1 Nimitz-class Carrier, slowly sinking
1 Frigate
Several damaged.
12-04-2009, 23:42
(OOC: Okay, cool then)

With the submarines and fighters gone, the Imperial forces had no choice but to finally use the massive missile capability of the 10th Fleet surface fleet to deliver the knockout blow while it awaited reinforcements from the homeland. Two fleets still steamed towards Neoslavia with two corps, but they were still too late to partake in this initial battle.

The Saxon-class missile cruisers were the main firepower of the fleet, aside from the carriers and battleships, and would now have the most important role to play. With a full 20 of them, and 120 VLS tubes, they would let fly 2,400 missiles alone. The 60 Vandal class frigates would launch their own 240 missiles, while the 40 Spruance class frigates would supply an addition 160 Yakhonts. The 4 Battleships closed to range to pound the enemy ships with their 16" guns.

All total, 2,800 Yakhonts were launched in a single salvo, this time hopefully fully overwhelming the enemy fleet and driving it underwater.
Greater Americania
12-04-2009, 23:43
The counterattack was devastating to the Americanian presence in the air. Out of the 103 returning planes, only 56 now remained. Those that did fled quickly after firing their weapons. Back at the GA base, Field Marshall Henry Castle was pleased to see that the joint Fascist sympathetic forces were able to annihilate the Reijvajik fleet.
United States of PA
12-04-2009, 23:54
OOC: Just reminds me, Fluffy, a lot has changed in technology and realisim since you've gone. More then 100 aircraft from a single carrier (Ragardless of size) is pretty much unlikely. Take a stop over to the new NS Draftroom ( that Mac set up.

OOC:100 is not the estimated full size, newer carriers inder construction can carry as many as 110-120 aircraft be fully operatable
12-04-2009, 23:57
OOC: I'll have to take a look at that, but I thought I did 80 per carrier. Maybe I messed up my math somewhere.

EDIT: I'm pretty sure I did 80 per ship, with 320 total. 150 got shotdown, leaving 170, which then attacked
United States of PA
13-04-2009, 00:00
OOC:Nimitzs and Enterprises carry 80-100 depending on the Operations, Gerald R Fords(i consider them modern tech since tehy are under construction) can, depending on future aircraft, carry as many as 140
Greater Americania
13-04-2009, 00:08
***The NFGA has received communications from a group calling itself the "People's Fascist Reactionary Army" that is fighting Communist forces all across Neoslavia. The PFRA has the full support of Greater Americania as of this time as well as the supply of weapons to the Fascist rebels.***
13-04-2009, 00:18
With the air perhaps securely in Reijian hands, the entire compliment of planes on the aircraft carriers joined up with the P-8 Poseidons, which had arrived at last, and flew high up into the sky, where shooting them down would prove to be a lot harder. The 80 Poseidons, along with roughly 300 F-22 Raptors, created a large square, and proceeded to fly over the enemy fleet and deliver a carpet bombing attack.
Meanwhile, a there was a state of havoc at sea. The raft of destroyers had dispersed and moved to the back of the fleet in anticipation, leaving the lightly armored frigates wide open. All of them were damaged in some form or another, and thirteen were turned into scrap metal. Next in line were the cruisers, which shot down a good deal of the enemy volley. Still, seven were sunk, leaving the final 500 missiles up to the sloops, destroyers and carriers to deal with. Four sloops were sunk, as was one destroyer. One Nimitz-class carrier had slowly begun sinking into the ocean.
It was payback time. With the carpet bombing in progress, the enemy would hopefully be overwhelmed. The remaining destroyers - numbering ten in total - fired their full compliment of 1800 Tomahawk Cruise Missiles. The twelve cruisers, too, fired off a volley of roughly 1400, bringing the total to 3200. Below the water, the Virginia class submarines fired two rounds of 48 Mk-135 Torpedos at the hulls of the enemy ships.
13-04-2009, 00:42
OOC: The Yakhont would travel far faster than your destroyers could get out of range. It travels at 2.5 times the speed of sound, which is about A km in 1.1 seconds. With a range of 120 km, you'd have two minutes to get out of range. Not really doable. Also, the Tomahawk is really for land targets. The Harpoon is the U.S. anti-ship missile. But I guess I'll take that, the harpoon would be deadlier.

Plus, how many F-22s have you deployed? With 5 carriers, you'd expect a max of 500 aircraft, if each had 100. How many were lost in each attack on the carriers?

Finally, flying higher up is actually worse than being on the surface. The surface provides some cover from RADAR, while being up in the stars allows for much easier radar tracking. It's why all of these anti-ship missiles do it.


The Admiral laughed as the enemy approached in a box formation from a high altitude, allowing his RIM-7 missiles plenty of opportunity to open fire.

From the Spruance class came 120 missiles, from the Vandal class came another 180 missiles, and from the carriers came a total of 64 missiles. Finally, the battleships, equipped with more anti-air than the carriers, fired of 128 missiles in a single volley, for a single volley of 492 RIM-7 missiles.

Meanwhile, as the enemy Tomahawks reached range, the Phalanx weapon systems engaged the slow-moving sub-sonic missiles with their heavy anti-missile cannons, resulting in most of the missiles being shot down. However, enough made it through that 10 Spruance class and 5 Vandal class ships were sunk, along with moderate damage to one of the Emperor class carriers. The ships let out another 2400 salvo of Yakhont cruise missiles, hoping to finish off the pathetic remnants of the enemy fleet.
United States of PA
13-04-2009, 00:46
OOC:there is a Naval Attack version of the Tomahawk, which, is far more deadly that a harpoon