Operation Horn (FT, OPEN)
05-04-2009, 10:43
The Venator Class Star Destroyer Reliant pursued a fast, small vessel through space. The Vessel that had been raiding the outer Star Republic Colony and the Senete had finally had enough. The Reliant had been ordered to seek out the Pirate home system and destroy them. Turbolaser shots sped from the Reliant across at the Pirate ship. The Ship had so-far used it's speed and agility to evade some of the shots but one shot hit their engines and the Pirate ship slowed to a stop.
The Reliant moved into position to dock with the small craft. At the Docking Port a platoon of Clone Troopers prepared to board the Pirate ship.
"RC-5555 to Bridge, we're ready to board" RC-5555 "Tapper" reported in the comm system that was intergrated into his helmet.
"Alright 5555, go in now" The Bridge responded.
Tapper nodded to the Clone by the door who activated the controls and allowed them access to the Pirate ship. The Clones hefted their DC-15's ready to go once the Pirates ship docking port opened.
OOC: Need someone to play the Pirates, they can be independent or they can be supported by your Nation
05-04-2009, 20:43
06-04-2009, 11:10
Red Talons
06-04-2009, 11:40
The pirate ship (http://fc05.deviantart.com/fs8/i/2005/352/0/b/AFF__Loki_destroyer_by_failurecrusade.png) was of unkown origin, it appeared to be a modified cruiser. The 200 odd meter vessel was a deep red in hue and bore tribal markings along its sides. The airlock door remained shut for a long while, before suddenly snapping open. The sudden gale was enough to knock most on their face. The pirate ship had no atmospheric pressure, and in fact had its outer doors open to vent the Venators atmosphere as much as possible.
06-04-2009, 11:45
"Stand fast boys!" Tapper called as the Clones held their postions "Bridge, seal of the section, we're going in!"
The Clones began to make their way into the Pirate ship. Once inside they secured the first corridor.
"Team one, hold postion here and make sure nobody gets onto the Reliant" tapper ordered "Everyone else move out, watch your corners!"
Red Talons
06-04-2009, 11:56
As the boarding team entered the ship, the airlock doors to the Venator closed, sealing the boarding party off from any reinforcements. A moment later the ship went dark inside as the artificial gravity and lighting turned off. An instant after mag-pulse defense turrets dropped from the celing, one every ten feet in the corridors. The turrets wouldnt kill, but the more one was struck the more disoriented they would become untill they blacked out.
06-04-2009, 12:00
"Switch to low light mode, activate Magnetic locks!" Tapper called as the clones took cover. They activated the Low Light mode on the HUD in theri helments and activated their boots to seal to the deck. Once secure and able to see they began to fire theri DC-15's at the Turrets.
Red Talons
06-04-2009, 12:05
As the boarding team was distracted clearing the turrets from their current location, a few small round spheres cam rolling around the corner. in the vaccume of the ship, and the lack of light, it was impossible to hear them, and difficultto see if you werent looking. The spheres would attempt to roll as close as possible to the clones before detonating violently with white-hot plasma.
06-04-2009, 12:07
"Fierfek!" Tapper cursed as the forward four clones were killed and the middile bunch were injured but saved by their armour He hand signled to other clones and seconds later Thermal Detonators were thrown down each of the corridors that split of from the one they were on as the futher back ones continued to fire at the Turrets.
Red Talons
06-04-2009, 12:13
the detonators from the right-hand corridor came flying back down the way they came, the ones on the left detonating down the hallway. Around the right corner, a team of pirates stood, weapons at the ready, they set down two more of the plasma bombs, which rolled of single mindedly towords the boarding team. The plasma on the walls cooling rapidly, but providing dim light for the area.
Meanwhile, a second assault team was moving in on the other side of the point of entry, a few plasma rifles poking around the corner to spray on full auto at the guard team.
06-04-2009, 12:20
Guard Team
The Guard Teams Personnel Shields on the Armour protected them long enough to get to cover and returned fire back at the Pirates.
Main Team
Tapper shot the two Plasma Bombs whilst they were still out of range. Exploding well clear of the main team. Quietly moving to the corner were they enemy were assumed to be they prepared to go round the corner.
Red Talons
06-04-2009, 12:46
the team that was intercepting the boarding part, team A, was led by a rather strong willed Ctarl, who brandished a vibro-chainsword, as did many of her team, in her off hand was a plasma rifle set to full auto. They got the signal from the bridge and charged around the corner.
Team B, attacking the boarders guard detail, lobbed half a dozen plasma grenades down the corridor while spraying down the hall with their plasma rifles.
Each team consisted of 12 men.
06-04-2009, 12:53
Guard Team
As soon as the Enemy team came round the corner the Clone Troopers fired at them. Now in the open the Clones had clear Shots.
Behind them the airlock door began to glow at the edges as something appeared to start cuting it's way in.
Main Team
The Team dived behind cover as the Plasma Grendades approached. Four More clones were killed, more injured. Once the Greandes had blown the Entire Team opened up with Blaster fire.
Red Talons
06-04-2009, 13:02
team B, charging the guard team took cover as blaster fire scorched their armor, two pirates staggering to a halt, standing there eerily in zero gravity. They returned fire on automatic.
Team A rushed the corner just after the grenades went off. the first around the corner took the brunt ofthe blaster fire, his suit rupturing. The team leader, behind him grabbed the body, ripping the boots off the deck and using it as a human shield, leaving the plasma rifle in favor of the blade as she rushed into the clones, her blade swinging in a deadly arc for the nearest one.
(Their armor is similar to the star wars sith armor from KOTOR in appearance, but black instead of shiny)
06-04-2009, 13:08
Guard Team
The Battle for the Guard Team was soon a pitchted battle with the clones behidn cover at one end of the corridor and 'Team B' behind cover at the other.
The Airlock door was nearly cut through
Main Team
The Unlucky clone to be closest was killed by the blade. His comrades continued to fire their blasters at any targets they could see.
Red Talons
06-04-2009, 14:28
Team B- They continued to spray down the hall, two of them setting up a mounted gun on the deck a little ways behind the main team. The fire stopping for a moment as the team took cover, the pirate on the gun opening up with a cohesive stream of electricity, tracking it across the walls where the guard team was taking cover.
Team A- the comanding officer continuedto use her comrades body as a shield as she lunged for the next one, therest of the team coming around the corner, usingthe same tactic. For each that was felled by the blaster fire another used the body as a shield to close with melee weapons drawn.
On the bridge, the captain in his own combat armor, which bore the markings of the Red Talons, engaged the ships self destruct in silent mode, and set to hold at five seconds untill his verbal command to begin the countdown.
06-04-2009, 14:40
Guard Team
The Door was kicked in as it had been cut through. Againt the darkness of the Doorway all that could be seen was a beam of Blue Energy. The Jedi entered the ship and immediatly began deflecting the incoming fire away from the team. He reached out with force and began to bring the ceiling down above the mounted gun.
Main Team
The Clones popped smoke, once the smoke was ready the dropped a five second Thermal Detonator and legged it back along the corridor.
OOC: How longs the countdown?
Red Talons
06-04-2009, 15:05
((OOC: The countdown will start when the captain orders it, basically as a last resort to keep his ship from being captured. Also, does your jedi have a suit to protect against vacuum?))
Team B- The two pirates dove away from the gun as the roof panels crashed down on it. they took cover with the others, directing fire on the jedi. one of the pirates activating a shortwave com. "They have a jedi, we're going to need backup!"
Team A- They fell back, two more getting cought in the blast of the thermal detonators. leaving ony four left. The commander radioed in. "Team one, they look to be falling back to their point of entry, i'm going to need more marines down here sir..."
06-04-2009, 15:12
OOC: Yea, he sensed the situation before he left, there's also more clones coming with him
Boarding Team
"Welcome aboard Master Jedi!" Tapper said as the clones regrouped as more Clones continued to board the ship.
"Thank you Capatin, alright here's the plan" Jedi Knight Denga Fol said "All teams secure the ship, focus on disableing their engines, someone get to the environmentaal controls and see if you can reach the engine room take a look at the self destruct sequence, I don't like the feel of this in the force, me and the Commando's will head to the bridge"
With that the clones advanced back into the ship. There were nearly a hundren aboard and more still Coming aboard. Denga and a team of Clone Commando's set of through the ship
Red Talons
06-04-2009, 17:52
The ship, carrying just under 200 special forces soldiers of the Red Talons Mercenary Republic, wasnt going to submit to boarding by simply being out-numbered. The captain, along with a detail of "pirates" were sealed in the bridge. The engine room had been sealed from the inside, its doors having been welded shut, and had plates braced and welded, so the lightsaber alone wouldnt get through. A good 30 heavily armed marines holding the room.
Blast doors had been sealed across the ship to prevent easy movement. The rest of the crew was holding back bit, watching on their HUD's to see what the boarding party would do.
Meanwhile, The captain was on the bridge with a good 30 "pirates". The room was sealed with two heavy troopers guarding the door.
The captain sent an encrypted transmission via Quantum Entanglement. The message was not only encoded, but, as with most transmissions of the like, was converted into 5 different languages, three of which hadnt existed in hundreds of years.
the remaining 130 odd "pirates" were in fire-teams of four. three soldiers, and one heavy weapons specialist. They were prepared to fight for every inch of the ship.
06-04-2009, 19:56
The Clones spread out throughout the ship. Traveling in teams of Twenty so as to overwelm any small-scale resistance they met.
Denga and the Commondo's made their way through the ship. They found themselves a console and whilst CC-2245 'Tricky' began to slice into the Computer system the commondo's and Denga stood guard.
Red Talons
06-04-2009, 20:05
"Tricky" would find the console to not only be code locked, but in a different language. Galactic basic not even existing in the the computer system.
Meanwhile, the troopers would fine various boobytraps as they spread out from the entry point. and having to breach each blast door to proceed a good 50 feet made for slow progress.
On the bridge, the captain watched with a half smile. "Vent drive plasma into deck six along the corridors that have been breached by the boarding teams. Have marines standing by to board the destroyer"
the corridors occupied by the clones, without warning, would be flooded with white hot plasma. The molten gas flowing along their channels of entry back into the star destroyer via the breached airlock.
06-04-2009, 20:19
Small Room of Corridor
"Damn, it's code locked" Tricky cursed.
"Can you do it?" Denga asked
"Give me some time, but yea should be able to" Tricky replied
Rest of the Ship
"Secure your armour!" Team leaders across the ship yelled to their teams.
"How long will they last?" One Clone asked.
"Depends!" A team leader replied.
"How hot it is, but we'll have to move slowly to optimise it"
The deck had already been sealed off following the earlier breach so the Plasma only effected the initial section. Unforutuably the four clones that had their helmats off and were killed instantly.
OOC: Your Going to board A Venator Class Star Destroyer?
Red Talons
06-04-2009, 20:26
((OOC: Never give up, never surrender, and when opportunity strikes, sieze it by the testicles :3))
The plasma would remain stagnant in the corridors, and only got denser as it spread as far as it could. The white-hot plasma venting from various points along the compromised sections, building up quickly in the corridors.
Meanwhile, the fire-teams used the time to set up barricades on the other side of blast doors, almost point blank range from the door. A heavy specialist with a plasma flamer was ready, covered by three rifleman.
A team of 40 marines were prepped to make a counter-boarding OP against the Venator when the captain gave the word.
06-04-2009, 20:32
OOC: Fair enough, good motto, but theres at least 4,000 CLone troops onboard a Venator Class at any given time.
Small Roof Of Corridor
"Got it!" Tricky said after some Very hard work "Not sure how long for"
"Alright, vent this gas, by any means neccisry and deactivate any Self Destruct mechanisms, immediatly" Denga ordered.
Red Talons
06-04-2009, 20:57
on the bridge- Sir, we're reading a systems breach from one of the access panels inside the breached zones. They're attempting to subvert control.
The captaion responded swiftly, "Overload that conduit yesterday!"
The tactical officers hands flew across his console. "Already on it sir." The suited mouse keyed the conduit to recieve over a hundred times more power than it would normally handle in a matter of seconds
The captain continued "Activate weapons systems, target their command bridge and fire at will!"
Across the ship, panels in the armor slid back as a dozen plasma drivers rose into place, only eight of them capable of executing the fire order, they angled up and opened fire on the Venators bridge structure. a dozen fusion laser point defense guns immitating their larger plasma driver cousins a few seconds afterwords.
06-04-2009, 21:03
Tricky was just able to get the Plasma Gas to vent before realsing the console was going to blow and dove away from it. The Console exploded, much of the explosion was held back by Denga as the commando's exited.
Bridge, Reliant
"I thought we had disabled their weapons" The Captain commented standing up from the flor as the Repliants shields absorbed the impact with a rumble.
"Obviosuly not" The XO replied
"Fire the Light Turbolasers in a concenrtrated pattern, overload their systems without destroying them, we've got clones aboard and they right next to us"
Red Talons
06-04-2009, 21:13
The tacticalofficer called out as the ship shook from the impacts ofthe turbolasers. "Their targeting our weapons grid, dispersing energy into tertiary systems to prevent overload."
The captain nodded. "Fire multikill torpedoes, target their active weapons systems!"
Four torpedoes slipped out of hidden forward tubes, burstinmg as soon as they were clear to release hundreds of pop can sized antimatter micro missiles that would home in on various turrets on that side of the Venator.
The corridor nearest the conduit slipped open as the smoke and plasma cleared, showing a hastily errected barricade, and the eruption of a 300 foot stream of raw plasma from the heavy weapons specialist waiting behind the barricade. As well as streams of automatic plasma fire from the three riflemen.
((OOC: Just so you know, i doubt i'll be able to turn the tables on the fight, but i plan to put up one hell of a fight, as these arnt poorly organized ruffian pirates, their a crew of special forces operatives posing as pirates to steal technology for the Red Talons, they have more than a few contingincy plans for such a situation. not all of them involve them coming out alive, but mostof them involve a long and bloody fight.))
OOCPS: i gtg for a bit, friend tweaked her ankle and she needs a ride to the ER
06-04-2009, 21:20
Bridge, Reliant
"They're using antimatter torpedo's aimed at our light turbolaser batteries" The Tactical officer reported.
"Damange assesment" The Captain ordered.
"Sustained attack may short out some of the BAtteries, they're off no major threat to the ship however"
"Keep up the fire"
The Commando's got themselves behind cover quicktime. Denga behind cover also. He leant round the cover and threw his lightsaber at the enemy postion. Once the damage done he pulled it back with the force and it landed back in his hand.
Red Talons
06-04-2009, 23:34
The soldiers behind the barricade managed to duck aside, one of them not in time, the blade cleaving into the marines armor, his left arm floating free as blood pooled into the air, The marines cry of rage went unheard in the corridor through the vacuum. one of them recognizing the lightsaber for what it was and aiming a stream of plasma bolts for the flying hilt. the other three took cover on at the door and continued firing. one of them slapping the door controls, the blast door sliding shut again.
On the bridge, "Sir, we've lost most of the dorsal turrets" The captain growled, "tubes one through four, fire!" His blade was drawn, gripped in his armored hand. He could sense the jedi aboard, which made him growl even more.
Four more torpedoes shot from the front of the cruiser, bursting into approximately 800 micro-missiles in total the small missiles streaking out to target the same turrets as before.
The point defense guns, most of which had been destroyed, continued to fire their red streams of energy, the last plasma turret sending two bolts of white plasma a moment before being destroyed.
07-04-2009, 09:45
Jedi Team
Denga inspected his saber, a plasma blast had shaved the bottom off.
"Another Inch and I'd be building a new one" Denga commented
The Commondo's followed \Denga on another route to the bridge.
Clone Team A
Clone Team A, comprised of a hundred clones had set up a large breaching charge at the door to the Engineering bay, ready to enter they detonated the charge and stormed through the door.
Bridge, Reliant
"sir we just lost a dozern of our Light turbolasers!" The Tactical officer reported
"Target all Light turbolasers at the Torpedo tubes, open fire!"
Red Talons
07-04-2009, 13:12
The captain, seeing the fire focusing on the bow of the ship, called across the bridge. "Focus shields to the starbord bow, tubes one through four, FIRE!"
Four more torpedoes shot out of the tubes, one catching a turbolaser shot as it exited, the torpedo curving slightly before exploding, the other three bursting, their micromissiles seeking out more active turbolaser batteries. before the turbolaser fire managed to chew into the launch tubes on that side of the ship, rendering them useless.
The jedi's team would find another sealed blast door, though this one seemed to be heading in the right direction. The jedi would be able to sense he was getting closer to the bridge.
In the engineering room, the stormtroopers were met with a rather compromising situation. The 30 marines bunkered in had set up heavy positions inside the engineering section, using the immediate entry-way as a dead-man zone. The charging troopers were cought in the crossfire of four automatic railguns, each one loaded with tungsten flachette, and the concentrated fire of two dozen plasma rifles, as well as grenades that were lobbed back through the door after the charge went off. The marines had been waiting.
07-04-2009, 13:23
Jedi Team
"I sense a trap" Denga commented "It's too easy, we've not met serious resistance at all, follow me"
Engineering Team
The First Twenty clones in were killed outright, the next twenty badly injured the rest were able to find what cover they could. They then got their thermal grenades and set them to explode on contact, so that the enemy couldn't thrown them back
Bridge, Reliant
"We've lost five more turbolasers, but we took out the torpedo tubes" Tactical reported.
"Target any other torpedo tubes on that ship and fire!" The Captain ordered
Red Talons
07-04-2009, 14:09
((OOC: Cant target something on the side of my ship away from you without missiles :3 ))
The captain growled "continue torpedo bombardment. whats the status of the engine room?" There was a pause before a tactical officer responded, "They've made contact with enemy boarding parties." The captain nodded. "Have back up teams flank the forces assaulting the engine room. Have counter-boarding operations commence immediatly"
Two more torpedoes, from the far side of the cruiser shot forward, bursting to send their micro-missiles streaking in wonderous arcs through space to home on active turrets.
Engineering- The marines lost two of the rail cannons, the other two managing to be pulled out of the way. They continued to provide suppressive fire against the clone troops. The rail guns punching their bundles of flachette through bulkheads, making any cover inside engineering like hiding behind sheet metal. nine marines lost their lives in the opening minute of the fight. Plasma grenades were launched back into the hallway where the clones were funneling from.
a little ways behind the fighting, between the clones and the airlock, one of the side passages slipped open, a good two dozen plasma grenades flying in both directions, followed by suppressive plasma fire as another 30 marines, split into two groups on eithe side of the hall, began flanking maneuvers.
Meanwhile, on the side of the ship facing the Venator, the area's marked for the escape pods burst, 10 pods shooting out, magnetic clamps and micro-wire plasma boring heads hungry for the Venators hull, each pod bearing 10 marines, loaded to the teeth and ready to raise some hell.
07-04-2009, 14:43
OOC: Oh shit yea, whoops my bad
Bridge Reliant
"Launch Alpha and Bravou ARC-170's tell them to engage the torp launchers we can't hit
"Sir...something just hit the hull, looks like a series of escape pods!" Security Chief reported.
"They're boarding...US?" The Captain asked.
"Either that or they can't aim escape pods for shit!"
The Clones continued firing at the enemy troops, and continued to throw explode on contact grenades at the enemy. Behind them in the corridor the clones were caught by surprise by the grenades, 20 clones were killed those left threw themselves to the floor adn returned fire.
Jedi Team
Denga had led the Commando's threw the matineces condiuts and had gotten them closer to the Bridge. Now Back in the corridor again they continued on their way.
Red Talons
07-04-2009, 17:07
The pods, not normal breaching pods, would continue to drill into the ship after getting through the outer hull. Tearing through internals, boring a path a good twenty meters into the Venator before their doors popped open and the marines exited the pods, guns hot, aiming for anything moving that wasnt one of their own, using quick focused bursts of plasma. The ten teams proceeded along the fastest round towords the Venators Bridge. Hitting hard and fast and not slowing up. Two men from each team bearing automatic rail cannons mounted on gimbaled support arms.
Two more torpedoes shot from their launchers, when they burst, the micromissiles they bore picked out enemy fighters as primary targets and the atmospheric shield emitters on the Venators hangar as secondary targets.
On the bridge, the captain turned slightly, looking behind him. The security officer calling over "Enemy breaching team has bypassed bridge defense team, initiating defense systems, ship wide." The captain nodded. "Signal the bridge guard that an enemy team has bypassed them, ready the room for a firefight." The command staff looked around, a few of them nervous but ready. a team of six marines moving to cover the blast doors to the bridge.
the team flanking the boarding team assaulting the engine room leapfrogged, half moving up to the next side-corridor and repeating the same tactic, lobbing grenades while spraying plasma down the hall, meanwhile in Engineering. The marines were having to take cover from thermal detonators. A few heavy troopers with shoulder mounted light gattling rails opened up on the doorway while staying mobile.
07-04-2009, 17:35
Bridge, Reliant
"Boarders multiple decks!" Security reported.
"All clones repel boarders!" The Captain called, activate the Turrets!"
Across the ship the turrets began to activate and shoot at the enemy marines. Along every corridor every ten feet they popped down. Clones began to make their way towards the compromised sections and security bulkheads activated.
The Fighters engaged in a bob and weave course, to attempt to evade enemy attacks. Once in range they began to fire their Lasers and Missiles.
Jedi Team
The Team continued down the corridor. Firing at anything that appeared to be a threat. Reaching the Bridge blast door the Commando's covered Denga as he plunged his light saber into the door to begin cutting through.
Engineering Team
"We're surronded sir!" A clone yelled before being shot in the head
"Damn it, Stragtergy nine!" THe Team Commander called. The Clones began to concentrate their firepower on one enemy at a time, it would cause them alot of casualty's but it was the best chance.
Red Talons
07-04-2009, 18:38
Two more torpedoes slipped from their tubes, one of the launch tubes taking sporatic strikes, its doors jamming closed, the torpedoes bursting to target fighters and active turrets, as well as the atmosphere shields on the Venators hangars.
one of the marines, seeing the blade of the lightsaber poke through the door, waited a moment before sticking the barrel of his plasma flamer to the molten hole behind the lightsaber and letting loose a stream of plasma through the blast door.
The two marine groups that had surrounded the boarders outside the engineering section continued their assault, a dozen marines loosing their lives inside engineering durring the firefight. they continued to throw grenades and lay down suppressive fire.
The boarding teams continued to advance, using their vibro-chainswords to cut through blast doors in a similar manner to the jedi, the heavy weapons specialists focusing on suppressing resistance while rifleman focused on the defense turrets and covering the others against the clones with grenades and automatic plasma fire. The turrets and clones claiming atleast two from each of the teams. three of the teams meeting at the base of the bridge tower and holding the position, waiting for more to arrive.
07-04-2009, 23:20
Jedi Team
With the hole burned through Denga removed it satistifed. A burst of plasma flame sped throug the hole, igniteing Denga's flowing Jedi robes. Quickly removing the Robe and using a force shield to stop any more Flame Denga cursed.
"That was my faveorite robe"
Tricky grinned "I'm sure you can get another one"
"Yea right" Denga mutted as the door to the bridge began to fall inwards to the Bridge "Conncussion on contact grenades" Denga ordered. Once a the door was open enough to throw a grenade throug the commando's each threw a grenade through the gap. The Grenades that exploded on contact were designed to Dis-orinate opponants.
The Marines were probably wondering why so few of the 4000 Clone troopers stationed aboard a Venator class ship had engaged them. Well they were about to find out. The Ship was split into Tactical Security Sections. The Boarders had been permitted to take one of these sections but they would find that the permiter of this TSS was sealed off from the ship and Hundreds of Clones were waiting on the other side of any entry point, in most places an E-Web repeating blaster station set up.
More and more clones fell, but the tactic appeared to be slowly working.
OOC: The Venator doesn't havve an atmospheric shield on it's hanger, its a solid door.
Red Talons
08-04-2009, 11:50
((Remember, your still in a zero atmosphere enviornment, and theres alot of plasma spraying out >.>))
The captain turned, clad in black scaled body armor, The katana in his hand shone in the light of the plasma fire. three gems on his left hand glowing a dark purple as he turned and entered a combat stance, The five other marines inside the bridge firing sticky plasma charges onto the walls of the corridor.
The concussion grenades detonated amongst some of the bridge crew, the crew diving behind their consoles, unholstering personal defense weapons, better known as SMG's(X (http://fc46.deviantart.com/fs40/f/2009/048/b/a/Tavor_Tar_21_by_Burningplain.jpg)) The captain, having ducked to the side, avoiding one hitting him in the chest. The bridge crew opened fire on the side of the bulkhead, the sng's flashing with bright blue flares as armor piercing rounds exited the barrel with enough speed to go through the bulkhead like a meteorite. The marines moving to directly cover the captain, who began to move for the doorway, his voice coming across the general com channel. "Come jedi and taste my blade" He growled, his free hand pulsing gently with purple light that seemed to swirl.
Meanwhile, the marines gathered at the base of the bridge out of the one hundred that had boarded the Venator, there were 75 remaining marines. They each activated a device on their backpacks, three of the marines bore a long-rifle with a large magazine. The marines took defensive positions just long enough to collectively stick a remote shaped charge to the celing. The marines, having choose to defend the position at the highest internal point of the venator just before the slope of the bridge tower
The charges blew, the entire corridor began to vent into space. Bridge crew would be able to see fite blossom into space followed by a white fog that begin to wafe up from the hull as 75 armored figures exited the hull and shot silently up along the tower. The three marines with rifles(X (http://fc39.deviantart.com/fs8/i/2005/348/c/5/C20_A_Rifle_no__2_by_oninross.jpg)) taking aim at the bottom of the bridge structure, two of them began to repeatedly fire, bright blue-white muzzle flares as the anti-armor slugs were accelerated to thousands of kilometers per second, the third, fired a small missile from his rifle, then slid a bolt foreword and began to fire as well. The single missile bore a warhead normally used against heavily armored vehicles, The rest of the marines opened fire with their plasma rifles as the party continued to accelerate towards the bottom of the bridge.
Engineering- The two teams of marines alternated between covering fire, forcing the clone troopers to change their targets more often. Some marines simply poking their video-scoped plasma rifles around corners and firing bursts. They were starting to target soldiers that bore unique colors to the rest of the clones, seeking to demoralize their structure.
08-04-2009, 12:45
"What are they doing?" The Captain asked as their shots slammed into the Reliants shields
"Shields could develop a hole if they concentrate their attacks" Tactical reproted "Theres a small one, half a metre in diamiter"
"Use the Point Defense turbolasers to pick them off" The Captaoin ordered
The Ships PD Turbolasers, that were usually used for firing at incoming starfighers, began to fire the enemy marines
Jedi Team
Denga was using the force to stop the marines grenades from getting close, the explosions ripped up the bulkhead on the bridge side of the door, hurting no-one. The Commando's had stacked up on either side of the door and were firing into the Bridge as the ships Captain attempted to Taunt Denga. Denga was deflecting the plasma fire with his LightSaber but keeping a watchful stance against the Captain.
"Fierfek, they got the Captain!" A Clone yelled before being killed himself.
"How many we got left?"
"Not sure!"
Red Talons
08-04-2009, 13:35
The missile, slipping through the gap in the shields and slammed the ships hull, driving into the armor like a nail before its micro-antimatter warhead detonated, opening a good 4 meter hole in the durasteel hull. The marines, having accelerated out of the hole along with the atmosphere, were slipping through the hole as the AA batteries turned on them. The last of them taking the first of the fire and loosing 5 men. The team having been traveling at nearly 35 meters per second(roughly 70-75mph). They impacted the ceiling of the lowest deck of the bridge section at the top of the spire.
On the bridge. The captain walked forward, holding his left hand forward, incoming fire seemed to impact some form of dark purple/black barrier. His form shifted in the darkness in such a way that would make a sith jealous. Some of the bolts appeared to be impacting his armor, but simply reflected off the crystal carbon plates. The bridge crew werent faring quite so well. The tactical officer near the door took a spray of blaster fire, the bolts tearing through his simple space suit. A similar fate befell the sensors and navigations officers. The battle seemed to be a stand off, the marines behind the broad console at the back of the bridge. The rest of the bridge crew, now only 12 plus the captain, were divided out on either side, firing high velocity rounds through the bulkhead walls in the back of the bridge.
The captain closed distance on the Jedi, lunging with a practiced swipe with his katana.
In the engineering section. The two teams launched a volley of plasma grenades, coordinating to spread across as much of the occupied area as possible, using their wrist mounted flachette guns to maintain supressive fire between bursts of plasma
08-04-2009, 13:54
OOC: Is htere somethng special about that Katana? Other wise the LightSaber will have cut it in half
Jedi Team
Denga eisly parried the attack as the commando's continued firing at the enemy. One Commando went down, injured but alive and still shooting.
The Clones that had remained in the Bridge towers moved to intercept the enemy troops.
The Clones continued to fire, one managed to crawl over to a console and was covered by his squadmates as he worked the console.
Red Talons
08-04-2009, 14:31
((OOC: Yea, its a superdense crystaline material, basically a lightsaber that isnt so complex when it comes to cutting and blocking ability.))
the captain twisted the blade around for an upward slash, it was immediatly apparent that he was trained in the art of melee combat as he pressed his attack, idly sending a lance of purple black energy towords a group of clones.
The marines, now 70 in all, moved swiftly forward, placing another set of breaching charged to the celing, the bulkhead the only thing between them and the Venators bridge. They blew the charges, the area being opened to the eptyness of space as the marines launched themselves up the three holes in the deck they had made, the first ones up firing plasma grenades into the clear plates at the front of the bridge, blowing them out, causing the compartment to vent faster. The others layed down fire on anything moving on the bridge.
The marine teams guarding the engine room, now only 40 in number including their reinforcements, continued to fire, a few of them throwing thermal detonators recovered from dead clone troopers, others throwing their last few plasma grenades. The heavy weapons specialists maintaining a stream of fire form their shoulder mounted gattlings. the whole of them disregarding damage to anything the clones were hiding behind or near.
On the bridge- The bridge guard finally arrives, the bulkhead to one side of the clones position sliding open to allow the flow of 30 automatic plasma rifles.
08-04-2009, 14:40
The captain had had enough, as soon as the marines had moved from the main section to the Bridge section they had moved across to the Starfighter bridge. The Main Bridge was empty. Yet in the Bridge had been set up Tweleve antimatter bombs and as soon as the enemy stepped foot in the Bridge they exploded. the Main bridge was blasted apart of course and at least four deacks down the spire but the bridge crew was in the Starfighter bridge.
Jedi Team
Denga immediatly and smoothly slipped into Djem'So and smoothly parried the Captains attack before countering with his own, the Force guiding his hands at his enemy's weaknesses.
Ten more clones fell as the Clone at the console got access and pressed a button to activate something at the same time he locked out the Self Destruct sequence so no one could blow it up.
Red Talons
10-04-2009, 14:00
The Captain got a signal from the ships computer, noting that the boarding party had failed. The captain growled, deflecting a lightsaber swipe with the blade of his katana. parts of the black crystal glowing red from the hits but otherwise holding up fine for now. The captain called across the bridge com. "Manual command over-ride. Activate secondary docking thrusters, twist us free and accelerate away from the star destroyer."
The ships bow and aft secondary thrusters lit up, the bow pressing down as the stern lifted up while the side thrusters push away from the ship in an attempt to sheer the connection. The marines in the engineering section were ready, braced behind cover as the aft was wrenched upward. The inertial dampners remaining shut off. Likewise, the bridge area, in the bow, suddenly wrenched down-ward. The marines and bridge crew, having magnetic boots, simply continued to fire.
The pods, detecting their collective teams were terminated, initiated their secondary programing, their thrusters and boring heads activated once more.
10-04-2009, 21:09
Denga pushed with the force, unless the Captain was a force user he shouled be thrown across the bridge, if he was able to withstand it he would at least be stunned and open to attack. The Commando's also continued to fire at the enemy bridge crew, as they and all the other clones and Denga had been equiped with magnetic boots.
"Those blasted pods are at it again" The Tactical officer reported.
"Launch a StarFighter, tell them to fireIon cannons at that part of the ship, they'll burn out the circuits in those blasted things, we'll have to rebuild the ships systems in that sectin but it'll do" The Captain ordered.
A Starfighter emerged from the Hanger and flew to the section and fired it's Ion cannons at the compromised area
Red Talons
11-04-2009, 01:32
The captain was indeed launched back, twisting in the zero gravity to land on the far wall, he stuck his katana in the wall next to his feet and focused his hands together, a purple blot forming between them and growing in both brightness and shade, rapidly becoming a gleaming red bead.
The pods seemed resistant to the ion cannons. their progress slowing momentarily while the area took fire, but due to the dispersing nature of the weapon, it took more hungrily to the Venators systems than the pods insulated and contained systems. It wouldnt have mattered much. The pods detonating their micro-fusion cores in rather horrendous flashes. Causing the ships outer hull to blister and sheer in places as 30 meter holes were ripepd in the ship.
Meanwhile, the cruiser continued to spin away from the star destroyer. The marines in engineering taking turns firing charged shots from their plasma rifles, charging single shots to roughly three times power before discharging a single condensed bolt. A few of the plasma flamers settled in around the boarding team on the bridge as 4 more officers died on the bridge. The flamer marine on the bridge taking some well placed blaster fire, enveloping the aft end of the bridge in a zero-g cloud of blue fire as the tank ruptured, spraying plasma before exploding, taking out a good chunk of the plating in the area, aswell as two marines.
11-04-2009, 10:20
Jedi Team
Denga gathered the Strenght of the force, ready to resist what ever this new threat was, taking advantage of the captains concenrration one of the Commando's fired a steam of blaster shots at the Capatin. One of the Commando's was caught in the plasma fire, he fell to the deck, the other commando's couldn't tell if he was dead or injured.
"Hull breachs!" Tactical reported
"Damage control teams dispatched"
"Helm officer, take us after that ship" The Captain ordered and the ship began to follow the smaller pirate ship.
Red Talons
11-04-2009, 11:42
The captain ignored the blaster bolts, flashes of purple around his bodyseemed to dampen the blasters power, the black crystaline armor deflecting the energy away, leaving gently glowing red spots. He flicked his arm out with a gesture, the bright red bead shot across the bridge like a bullet, aimed directly for the jedi on the other side of the dissipating plasma fireball. The marines diving away from the doorway as the remaining bridge crew took cover.
11-04-2009, 13:06
Jedi Team
Whatever the red bead was, Denga force pushed and stopped whatever it was less than a metre from him. Keeping it held he lept backwards away from the bead, the commando's threw explode on contact thermal detonators at the covering bridge crew before taking cover themselves
Red Talons
11-04-2009, 14:22
The bead pressed strongly against the jedi's force control, when the jedi took cover it was enough, the bead finishing its path in less than half a second, detonating in a massive ball of what looked like fire, but acted much like plasma. The captain focused on the thermal detonator as it flow in the zero gravity of the bridge, mentally catching it gently and slinging it back towords the clones.
11-04-2009, 17:44
Denga was in cover and had just enough strength to put up a force shield to avoid death. The Clones scattered as the thermal detonator came back their way. Denga got back to his feet and readjusted his grip on his saber
Red Talons
12-04-2009, 11:21
The ship had shifted direction, the docking thrusters propelling the ship directly at the star destroyer, accelerating at a lazy pace. The marines in the engineering took this time to use breaching charges planted on the walls along the side facing the attacking clones. breaching charges on the deck below on the celing also detonated under the lot of the boarding party. The bridge guard had taken the time to make some surprises. The marines and crew left on the bridge covering behind consoles as chunks of bulkhead were torn free like tissue paper. The aft of the bridge becoming little more than a smoking gap in the internal hull, in a much similar manner to the area outside engineering.
12-04-2009, 11:40
Denga got his communicator and contacted the Reliant "Reliant, this is Jedi, I've got you an ID, it's the Red Talons, their Captains got their insignia on his uniform, I've lost contact with most of the CLones, the Commando's and I are going to Plan Theta, fire all Heavy Turbolasers at this Ship!" He said as he got a briefing unit from his utility belt, he also used the force to prepare his body for what was going to come next. The Commando's had placed charges on the outer hull and detonated them, they and Denga were pulled into space, Commando's breathing through their emergency supply helmats and Denga through his unit.
The Reliant's main Turbolaser Batteries turned to face the Pirate ship, with an order from the Captain they fired. Then fired again and again at The Pirate ship, now knowing the Identity of the pirates, prisoners were not needed.
Red Talons
14-04-2009, 05:52
((OOC: Actually, The captain doesn't bear any markings on his armor in the way of symbols. And unless you've interacted with one of my ships, you wouldn't recognize what my captain's look like in full battle gear.
SECOND. for this entire encounter my ship has been at a state of ZERO ATMOSPHERE, aka meaning that i opened my airlocks and equalized with space. That means that your commando's and jedi have been in a Vacuum since they set foot aboard my cruiser.
Third, plasma breaching charges detonated a matter of inches below the jedi's feet, as well as most ofthe area along the corridor's the clones are occupying.
I'm not posting untill you edit accordingly.))
14-04-2009, 08:26
OOC: It states in one of your post he a the emblam of Red Talons, but I'll get on te others soon
Red Talons
14-04-2009, 08:37
OOC: hmm.. my bad, in any case, our nations havent interacted, so you wouldnt know that it belonged to the Red Talons.
14-04-2009, 08:47
OOC: Guess not, if i encounter one of your ships though if it's the same ship they'll recognise it, I'll edit post soon
Red Talons
14-04-2009, 09:21
OOC: Thats why i use different ships for my "pirate" operations. You'll have to get prisoners to interrogate before you'll know who they're working for at this point.