Jihad Declared Against Allanea
Blackhelm Confederacy
02-04-2009, 21:14
Holy War Against Allanea
Currently Occupying Egypttiansstan and Kergalistan
It should not be hidden from you that the people of Islam had suffered from aggression, iniquity and injustice imposed on them by the Allanean-Confederate Crusaders alliance and their collaborators; to the extent that the Muslims blood became the cheapest and their wealth as loot in thehands of the enemies. Their blood was spilled in Kergalistan and Egypttiansstan. The horrifying pictures of the massacre of New Cairo, in Egypttiansstan are still fresh in our memory. Massacres all throughout the Blackhelm Confederacy took place, massacres that send shivers in the body and shake the conscience. All of this and the world stood by, and not only didn't respond to these atrocities, but rather sent forces to return our brothers to enslavement.
The people of Islam awakened and realised that they are the main target for the aggression of the Allanean-Confederate Crusaders alliance. All false claims and propaganda about "Human Rights" were hammered down and exposed by the massacres that took place against the Muslims in every part of the world.
From here, today we begin the work, talking and discussing the ways of correcting what had happened to the Islamic world in general. We wish to study the means that we could follow to return the situation to its' normal path. And to return to the people their own rights, particularly after the large damages and the great aggression on the life and the religion of the people. An injustice that had affected every section and group of the people; the civilians, military and security men, government officials and merchants, the young and the old people as well as schools and university students. Hundred of thousands of the unemployed graduates, who became the widest section of the society, were also affected.
Your brothers in Kergalistan and in the Blackhelm Confederacy are calling upon your help and asking you to take part in fighting against the enemy -your enemy and their enemy- the Allaneans and the Confederates. They are asking you to do whatever you can, with ones own means and ability, to expel the enemy, humiliated and defeated, out of the sanctities of Islam. Exalted be to Allah said in His book: { and if they ask your support, because they are oppressed in their faith, then support them!} (Anfaal; 8:72)
And our last supplication is: All praise is due to Allah .
"Shit. This could be serious. Check this development out, Amra."
Amra Tan'it, Lord High General of the Royal Xeraphian Forces, soon to be crowned Emperor, read over the message. "You got that right, Captain. Just what we need. Another loudmouth Arab waving the banner of Jihad. All Jihad is to people like that is an excuse to steal, kill and destroy what doesn't belong to them." He paced the floor for a minute. "Take this down and broadcast it to those camel-jockeys: To all anti-Allanean forces of the so-called Jihad. Be advised that the full weight of the Empire of Xeraph will come to bear against the perpetrators of ANY attack against the sovereignty of Allanea. An attack against Allanea will be considered an attack against Imperial Xeraph. I further call upon all members of CSS come to the aid of Allanea should they be attacked. This is the only warning I will give. For your sake and the sake of your children, reconsider this call to Jihad and seek a peaceful solution to your problems."
Captain Perkins looked the message over. "Pretty strong language, m'lord. If they choose to ignore it, all hell's gonna break loose."
Amra chuckled. "I'm counting on it, Captain. I'm counting on it."
Official Message from Marshal Abdullah Ghassan Al-Ghazi
Dear friends!
I have been informed that a chain of terrorist explosions have struck the cities of Kergolastan, killing sixty-four Allanean servicemen and forty-eight civilians, of whom twenty were local Muslims . They were not collaborators of any sort – their only crime was that of eating in the same fast-food joints as Allanean soldiers. To the fascists that were behind the attack, that didn't matter. The lives of their fellow Muslims didn't matter to them.
These are the people who claim now we are committing massacres in Egyptianstan. They forget to say, of course, that we give every civilian – and even every terrorist – in any city where we operate forty-eight hours to evacuate before the we commence military operations. They forget to say, of course, that it is their forces who started the war by committing a series of undicriminate terrorist attacks against Blackhelmian civilians. They forget to say that the Allanean government and many charities within Allanea will be rebuilding New Cairo – to a standard of living better than existed before the war.
The islamofascists who wage Jihad against us are not true Muslims. The major Muslim scholars are united in the proclamation that suicide attacks against civilians, terrorism and murder are crimes against all humanity. He who commits such an act is not worthy of the Shuada.
However, I am not a Muslim myself. I will therefore speak in a clear language to you. As of now, I announce thus: All bullets, bayonets, sabers, canister shrapnel, and similar implements of death used in Egyptiansstan and in Kergolastan by our forces will be treated in pig lard before combat. You get shot or stabbed by these? No shuada for you. Further, combat dogs will be deployed on all fronts of combat against the islamofascist enemy. You get gnawed to death by these? No shuada for you. Further, any bodies of terrorists seized by our forces will be buried wrapped in pig entrails and pigskin. Piss Allanea off? No shuada for you.
Finally, I would like to advise the people of Port-Said, Egyptiannstan that they have 72 hours to leave the city on foot. Any vehicles will be fired upon. That is all for now.
May God continue to bless Allanea.
03-04-2009, 05:42
(OOC: A nation which was formerly mine, then subsequently taken over by a friend, is now mine again...it is a Muslim nation and heavily based upon Afghanistan. I'll be supplying my Mujahideen in this fight...as per Blackhelm's invitation :P)
New Manth
03-04-2009, 11:43
Versions of this article appeared in print in the Arabic, Greek and English editions of The People's Daily on April 3, 2009. The English translation of the original Arabic has been reproduced for the online edition.
OPINION - A History of the War in Egyptiansstan
By Fatima Kamal
Many of us (you, me, a thousand others, dear reader - and isn't it understandable?) have followed the situation in Egyptiansstan with more interest ever since the Allaneans threatened us with war. But although the news and pictures coming out of Egyptiansstan have done their share to publicize the atrocities there, the real history of the conflict is, all too often, obscured by rhetoric on the part of politicians and biased ideology from reporters. And getting the truth out is important! - critical! - for even a brief overview of Egyptiansstan's recent history shows us that we cannot afford to bury our heads in the sand. Many in this country - and our President and government are parroting this line too - say that we should not, or ought not, or cannot (or cannot afford to, which is the same thing) intervene. That it is not our business.
Egyptiansstan first came to international attention due to widespread rebellion in the country against a tyrannical government; the dictatorial government of the country had descended by degrees from merely harsh oppression to simply insane punishments and reprisals against its own citizens. Thousands of Egyptiansstani citizens took to the streets, first to protest and then, when peaceful protest was met with indiscriminate slaughter, to overthrow their government.
As often happens in this world of ours, the actions of the Egyptiansstani government inspired not only resistance at home but also condemnation abroad, both from those few nations that make it their task to protect liberty worldwide, and also from those who find that justification a convenient cloak for darker motives. The Blackhelm Confederacy here entered the scene as one of the latter parties.
Confederate forces invaded Egyptiansstan using the tyranny of the government as a pretext; but instead of aiding the Egyptiansstani people in defeating their oppressors the Confederacy merely exchanged one tyranny for another. Confederate forces did not leave after destroying the remnants of the Egyptiansstani government; instead, the country was forcibly annexed to the Confederacy with the help of the Griffencrest Corporation, and added to the long list of territories which that "corporation" milked for profit at the point of a gun. No doubt only a few well-placed bribes to the right Confederate officials were necessary for the Corporation to gain its new, forcibly captive market.
One might think that being held in a state of virtual corporate slavery was bad enough, but that would be before the Confederate government, driven by who knows what - ideas of racial purity, religious fanaticism, or simply need for a scapegoat to deflect attention from the mass poverty and unemployment caused by its corrupt administration - launched an utterly massive purge of Muslims throughout its territories. Killings continued for years on a scale which, if it is not unmatched in scale in the annals of human history, has not been surpassed through lack of effort but only through lack of enough victims. Pre-purge the Muslim population of the Blackhelm Confederacy stood at roughly 17% of the total - over a billion people! That is the total of how many were beaten and tortured to death, or died in the hard labor camps, or were torn apart by mobs, or burned alive in their homes, or who starved to death, or who were simply shot on sight by the Confederate military and police - or who died in a thousand other ways! Someday perhaps someone will write a book of their stories, but until then all we can do is think of the statistics. Our feeble consciousness is too narrow in its bounds to grasp what such numbers mean.
And what was Egyptiansstan's role in all this? As one might expect such a widespread slaughter of Confederate citizens did much to destabilize the Confederacy for many years; insurgencies blazed in the countryside and in the cities, and the Confederate government and military temporarily lost control of large areas of the country. Egyptiansstan, like much of the Confederacy, was left to fend for itself for years. Yet unlike the rest of the Confederacy, Muslims were in the majority rather than a minority, and so instead of the vast slaughter in the rest of the country, in Egyptiansstan a sort of peace reigned! While outside the storm grew louder... Even the Confederate-appointed governor sided with the locals (overcome by pragmatism? Or moral outrage?), and he helped to defend and increase the region's new autonomy and to provide much-needed security. And so Egyptiansstan became the only province in which no persecutions happened, no slaughters and massacres took place, and because of that it became the destination for every Muslim who could escape from the Confederate purges.
This brings us up almost to the present day, and all that is left is to fill in the minor details. Muslims are today essentially eradicated in the Confederacy: of the roughly 3% of the Confederate population (one in six Muslims) that escaped death at the hands of the Confederate government and populace, almost all are those that already lived in Egyptiansstan or managed to escape there. As the slaughter wound down in the rest of the Confederacy, order was gradually restored. The militias and insurgents that had fought against the Confederate government were ground down and eliminated over the years -starving rebels in the countryside, however strong their convictions, ultimately cannot hope to overthrow a state with as much wealth and military power at its command as the Confederacy. And as its security grew, the Confederate government turned its eye back towards its recalcitrant province. Confederate forces were massed on the borders, drawing suspicion and (righteous!) anger from the people of Egyptiansstan - clashes broke out - and the Confederate government used these as a pretext for an invasion!
Are we not familiar with this story?
It was at this point that two new governments entered the scene; Allanea, which is one of the few nations with more blood on their hands than the Confederacy (though they use the ideology of free market and libertarianism to justify their mass-murders, instead of the ideology of religion), and Cormoranstan, where the religious fundamentalists in the government were glad - eager! - to send troops to foreign lands if it would mean an opportunity to kill infidels. These three nations have allied in a partnership of tyranny to crush the remnants of autonomy in Egyptiansstan and bring the area back under Confederate rule. The rewards? Power for the Confederate government, profits for the Allaneans, religious satisfaction for the Cormoranstani.
But we remember what started this - those Confederate soldiers killed in rocket attacks, and their deaths justify a hundred apiece in the military, government, society of Egyptiansstan! But if behind every single one of those dead Confederate soldiers stand five hundred thousand ghosts of murdered Muslims? Well, as Solzhenitsyn would have put it - don't dig up the past, comrade! Don't open old wounds. Tend to the murderers of millions in their prosperous old age, but as to those few who slipped through their grasp, who are still inconveniently around?
"We know what to do with them!"
In this country we know too well what happens when we tear out the roots of justice from under people's feet - ten years of madness. And through the decades we have worked to renew those roots, to rebuild those broken foundations, and step by step we have dug out evil, brought it to light, and condemned it. And so our society, slowly and hesitantly, grows better.
But we are not alone in the world, not even as isolated as we were a hundred, or fifty, or twenty years ago.
And if we sit back, claim things are not our problem because it's not our backyard, if we through sloth or wilful ignorance or fear, refuse to take action - well then, we are revealing the cracks in that edifice of justice we have so carefully rebuilt! And on what foundation will we then ask for aid if someday the tyrants of the world turn their pretexts on us?
Don't think it won't happen - you have seen it with your own eyes, when Allanea threatened our Union with war and destruction after a statement - not of intentions of war, not of mobilizations and alerts - but merely of our moral disgust at their actions!
And if the government turns its blind eye, blandly reassures the international community that it will not take action against these crimes in other nations, hesitates in the face of threatened force even to reserve its own administration of the ancient law of the high seas - then we must defend justice as private citizens, as community organizations, as fraternities and congregations, as mosques and synagogues. And we must work to change this view, to make the protests of courageous people heard in Alexandria.
But do we not already know what we must do? Do I not simply tell each of you what your heart has already said?
But say it louder!
"Hmmf...seems like the typical Allanean scene. A lot of yelling, screaming, people being killed by factions and their allies in so tangled a union that no one can figure out who is on who's side." Amra studied the reports, then said, "OK, here's what we're gonna do." He pointed to several points off the coast of Allanea.
"I want three CBGs deployed to the area off their coast. Just outside their sovereign territory. Have the subs patrol 24/7, the missile destroyers ready at high alert. Have AirWings 34 and 88 at high alert and ready to scramble at my word. Have BomberWing 10, the Pythons, ready to take off right after the 34th and 88th scramble. At his point, I don't want any kind of a ground war. We can't get any appreciable amount of troops there in less than two weeks, so let other CSS members worry about that. Have the 102nd AirBorne ready just in case of a quick extraction scenario. The CBGs are to be the IceStorm, the FireStorm, and one of the two Vampyr CBGs we have."
Major-General Simmons was mildly surprised. "IceStorm AND FireStorm, m'lord? Surely it's not as serious as all that! If I'm not mistaken, Xeraph hasn't ever had both in one operation. Not to mention the fact that the Vampyr units alone could handle just about anything that these Jihadists could come up with."
"Yes, quite right, Simmons. But if history has taught Xeraph one thing, it's that history tailgates. You know as well as I do all the times my father miscalculated the enemy and we paid dearly. We eventually won, but it shouldn't have been as hard as it turned out to be. We are in a different time now, and we need to meet each potential threat with overwhelming force. I'm not going to pussy-foot around with ANY enemy. Theyr'e going to back down or I'm going to eradicate 'em. Simple as that."
Simmons snapped to attention. "Aye, sir."
Aurum Domus
03-04-2009, 17:11
OOC: Any chance I can get it on this? I'm trying to get back into RPing but I don't know where to start.
03-04-2009, 19:06
The Birkanian goverment would like to announce both its (current, and possibly not permanent) neutrality in the conflict and the extreme disaproval of the inmoral Allanean methods of psychological and religious warfare used, and we insist in that these needless measures are not used in the conflict. So far we're stepping away from the conflict, although should it escalate, the Birkanian military will commits some of its resources into civilian aid in the form of transport convoys with supplies for the refugees and people afected by the war.
However, we insist on a diplomatic solution to this problem, and we would be glad to provide the necesary resources for an encounter between the leaders of the two countries.
Of course, we would like to help any of the two countries involved with direct military action if an adequate incentive is given, such as trade concessions and alliances.
03-04-2009, 19:22
Federation of Cukarica
For the glory of the people and the Fatherland!
Federal Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Re:Stance on the oncoming conflict
Federation wishes to inform all sides of the conflict that its military neutrality is guaranteed,but we wish to place some facts and show support to justice and peace loving Allanean troops.Millitant Islamist fundamentalists are making bloody terror strikes all around the world.We have felt the pain of the terrorists attacks on our own skin,and our grief is huge so we simpatise with the Allanean democratic and justfull cause.
Also if Allanean troops need support our cargo freighters and our merchant fleet is available to deliver logistics to them.We regret that we cannot help more as we are currently facing an open war against Islamists in our own backyard.
God bless you all.
Sincerely President
Srecko Ilic
Mind if i get involved with the small force of Mercenaries Allanea hired earlier?
The post is >>>here<<< (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=14615520&postcount=16) .
03-04-2009, 19:50
The sun rose steadily above the golden horizon, stretching its fiery fingers towards the heavens. Deep within the city of Maktub, Capital of the Holy Islamic Republic of Shiistan, from atop a minaret in the Grand Mosque, the Muezzin sang. He sang out across the city, using a megaphone which straddled the underside of the minaret’s balcony. He sang the adhan, the holy call to prayer which all Muslims must perform.
“Allah-u Akbar! Ash-hadu anna lā ilāha illallāh! Ash-hadu anna Muhammadar-rasūl ullāh! Hayya 'alas-salāt! Hayya 'alal-falāh! Hayya 'alā Khair 'il-'amal! Allah-u Akbar! Aṣ-ṣalātu khayru min an-nawm!”
Quickly the streets, only minutes before silent with the waning throes of night, bustled into life. Mothers grabbed children and led them along, while fathers chided the mischievous. Cars pulled into the road to go about their daily business, while shops began the process of beginning. The crowded lanes filled with devout and dedicated people, heading to prayer and forgiveness seeking, and to perform their daily ritual of life.
At least, this is what the Tahakis told themselves. Since the Tahaki Revolution following the repulsion of the Soviet Union, they had reigned with absolute control. The old government, a monarchy, had been torn down in recent years to wipe away all resistance to Sharia Islamic Law. Now, without hindrance, the Word of the Prophet was at last law in Shiistan.
The old Palace, however, was not without its uses. In the Grand Chamber, from which Grand Ayatollah Aaban, Supreme Ruler of All Shiistan Under Allah issued his most Holy decrees, were massed Imams, Clerics, and Mullahs from across the nation. The topic upon the lips of each of them was Jihad: holy war, the duty of all Muslim men in defense of Islam and its teachings.
“The Confederacy has overstepped its bounds this time my brothers!” called out Imam Hassan al-Farah. “This wanton extermination of our fellows cannot go without retribution! It is Allah’s will!”
The crowd roared, “Allah-u Akbar!”
“But if we go to War, do we not risk bringing the whole of the west down upon us?” called out a faceless Mullah from within the crowd. “They are intolerant, and will jump at the opportunity to wage war against us. Can we defeat such a force and keep our freedom?”
al-Farah shot back, "And would you condone, my brother, the deaths of millions of our fellow Muslims? And you call yourself a believer in God!"
Taken aback, the Mullah cried out, "I shall kill you where you stand!" A group of Clerics pulled him, kicking and shrieking away, preventing a violent outbreak within the chamber.
“I say yes,” uttered the Ayatollah. “Abu Bakr, blessings be upon him, once said, “To fight against the infidel is a cause most holy,” and I concur. These people are weak. They nestle themselves, content to live their contrived and meaningless lives of splendor. They cannot stomach the nature of the Divine Wrath we shall bring down upon them. I decree that from this moment on, the Mujahideen shall begin immediate attacks on all Confederate territories! May they find hell most accommodating!” Roars of laughter and applause resonated echoes from deep in the cavernous palace.
The Confederate people would know Jihad.
Approximately eighteen miles off of the coast of Allanea, over seventy warships of the Imperial Xeraphian Navy lay glittering in the intense sunlight of a bright April morning.
The Imperial taskforce stretched itself out in the traditional Xeraphian formation of a staggered line, each ship one-half mile away from the one on either side, creating a wall of steel forty miles long. Each Carrier Battle Group was comprised of the same exact number and type of ships: Battle Carriers, Standard Carriers, Missile Cruisers and Missile Destroyers, Submarines, Destroyers, Battleships, Fast-Attack Boats and MEDIC Units.
Commander Jack Malone had been hand-picked by Amra Tan'it to head up this Task Force. Malone had decades of successful leadership in the Royal Navy and so was a natural to plan out any eventuality.
He was looking over various reports coming in in a steady stream. He was most interested in who was on who's side. "Hmmm, let's see. Cukarica on our side, Birkaine on theirs, and Shiistan definately not a friend." He turned to his Chief Petty officer, Joe Gregg. "Chief, whattya think? Who's our biggest threat?"
"Well sir, be beggin' yur pardon, but it seems ta me dat dose Shitstani's are out for blood. And dey don't seem ta care whose, if ya catch my meanin'."
Malone chuckled. "My thoughts exactly, Chief. How far are we from their territory?"
"I don't rightly know exactly, sir, but I know we're within striking distance of at least fifty percent of what they hold dear, dat's for sure."
"Good, good. Amra has ordered all commanders to return fire only if fired upon, and that goes for any of our allies who are here with us." Malone lowered his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. "Chief...do we have those 'special' warheads to throw onto the missiles if needed?"
"Aye, sir. We can have anywhere from 10 to 500 replaced in less than two hours."
"Good, good. Amra, unlike his father, seems to want to keep the infrastructure of any given enemy intact instead of destroying it. Something very hush-hush about it."
"Yeah, well ya know sir, it's someting to do with all that hubbub down in Four Eagles and the cutting off of all communication in that old city....Ssyn, I believe it's called."
"Hmmm, yes, quite. Well, Chief, not for us to concern ourselves with such things. All I want is just one report that a bullet was fired in our general direction, and I'm gonna unleash Hell on these people. And Allanea seems to be gearing up for some kind of defensive operation. We'll see how THAT goes, eh?"
"Aye sir......dat we will."
03-04-2009, 21:31
Department of Defence
The Republic of Reijvajik
The Republic of Reijvajik wishes to pledge its economic and medical support to Allanea; however, we also wish to affirm our neutrality for now.
Ardon Wyjsten
Ministry of Defence
03-04-2009, 21:41
You know, this sucks. I'm allied with Alleana through one debunked alliance and Xeraph through another.....
An editorial in the Heston-City Independent
The battle continues to rage in Kergalistan and Egyptiannstan. Last we hear, another explosion – in a Cute Bunny Burger branch, this time – has killed 34 civilians and two police officers. The Territorial Governor of Kergalistan, Ahmad Abu-Mustafa, formerly a tribal leader in Southern Kergalistan, has called for a “Holy war” against the terrorists – and the local militias are preparing, even now, to fight the Kergali terrorists with Allanean support. To them, these people are a threat to their life and liberty.
Yet to people in New Manth and Wanderjar, the Kergali – and the Egyptiannstani – are not terrorists, but freedom fighters. Allanea, supposedly, is an aggressor and enemy of all Islam. Nevermind, here, that Allanea has fought a war against the Blackhelm Confederacy – in which thousands of sailors lost their lives – for the explicit purpose of getting the Blackhelmian leadership to repeal their anti-Muslim legislation and recognize the inalienable rights of all Muslims.
Yet, once the Blackhelmian government – for the first time in history – recognizes equality for all, what do these champions of Islam do? They attack Blackhelm, killing civilians and soldiers alike. Unlike the Allanean military, which repeatedly took steps to limit the casualties of civilians by issuing warnings to the local population, these men issued no such warnings. They struck first.
There is a set of words rarely used in foreign affairs, but one that the world's most suave diplomats would be well-served to remember:
They started it.
The Egyptiannstani had willingly started a war against nation several times their own size, whose security was guaranteed by the United States of Allanea. Now they complain that they're incurring heavier casualties than we are? I wish to introduce the world's suave diplomats to to more words they'd be well-served to remember: tough shit.
Allanea had gone to war, time and time again, to defend Muslims from thoses who would genocide them – to protect the Kahanistani from the Doomani and the Kravenites, for example. Hundreds and thousands of Allaneans of all ranks lie dead, fallen to defend Muslims, Christians, nekos, and other minorities against genocidal evildoers. The names of these heroes – Jay August, Grand Admiral Blake Cameron, and many others – are known to any Allanean child. At the very entrance to Liberty Harbor, a gigantic statue of Blake Cameron – a man who sacrificed his very life to save the Muslims of Kahanistan from genocide – stands, a symbol of our dedication to liberty and justice for all.
And yet the Shiistani, Egyptianstani, and New Manthians hold us up as evildoers and genocidal murderers! And yet they murder Allanean Freemen in restaurants and fast-food joints!
The Doomani, who murder and torture Muslims on a daily basis, are not so attacked. No, it is the Allaneans who are the enemies of Islam, it seems. Perhaps what they hate isn't the oppression of their brethren – there are 60 million Muslims in Allanea who experience greater freedom than any Manthian or Egyptiannstani – but rather, freedom itself. For do you not think that a radical Mullah of the kind that lead the Kergolastani terrorists would not have done the very things to Christians that Doomani do to Muslims – if he had but the slightest chance?
Even as these words were written, two strike cruiser squadrons were being rotated into the sea north of Egyptiannstan. In Kergolastan, the local militia being backed up by fifty CJAF L0egions and ten Allanean Mechanized Infantry Division. The Allaneans were also rearming the militias that supported them, issuing over 200,000 FAL rifles to replace their elderly AK rifles.
"Attention Xeraphian vessel. You have entered Allanean and Prussian waters. Several strike squadrons will be deployed to link up and coordinate with you.”
Aurum Domus
03-04-2009, 23:18
"..a gigantic statue of Blake Cameron – a man who sacrificed his very life to save the Muslims of Kahanistan from genocide.."
OOC: Umm, Doom did genocide the Kahanistanis so why have a statue of a hero who supposedly saved them if they weren't saved at all?
OOC: Blake was fighting the Kravenians, not the Doomani. Further, the Kahanistani were not all killed - I evacuated a vast amount of them in the last war.
04-04-2009, 00:43
Sadik-Medina, Islamic Community of Kominski New City
The strong barbaristic housing blocks which punched into the sky like large ugly warts bore down upon the sheltered Islamic community, though often referred to as a ghetto for the under trodden minority.
IndentA crowd of destitute Muslims stood outside the Mosque, barricaded by the interference of the thin tall man stood over a makeshift podium come barricade. "Our brothers of the Egyptianistani nation languish in suffering and intolerance under the imposition of the Confederacy and its ally Allanea!" He roared, inciting the crowd further. "The Toopoxicans count themselves among allies of the bastard Confederates!"
IndentClosing on the area were the daunting riot control squads of the Straznuk Storma ready to break up the unlawful and treasonous sermon. "Anyone know whut that skug is bashing on about?" One asked oblivious in his ignorance.
Indent"Allah demands we ally ourselves with our brothers. Spare nothing for the allies of the Confederacy, Allahu akbar!" The crowd began to chant along with the group leader as the Straznuk closed in to meet the riotous crowds.
Podruka, Business District Kominski Old City.
Podruka was, by comparison, a fine community. The streets were clean and the people smartly dressed for their next business meeting. Midnight blue buses dotted the busy streets ferrying workers from one end of the city to the other.
IndentThe presence of Muslims on the bus was not questioned and luggage was not searched, given the prevalence of the religion in the city. Perhaps a sign of tolerance or foolish as the quiet somber young man stood at the back of the bus took in a deep breath before blasting a hole into the side of the large vehicle.
Recourse for these actions would be demanded. The Straznuk engaged in the New City riots, upon hearing of the attacks, intensified their ferocity. A cordon rose up around Sadik Medina as the community took on the image of a war-torn ghetto.
IndentThe riots would likely continue if encouraged by the potential successes of the Allanean Jihad.
Message from Waldemir Deskot
Toopoxia is now among the targets of the radical Islamic terrorism sweeping through its long standing ally of the Blackhelm Confederacy. We will stand alongside our allies in vanquishing our enemies at home and those who threaten our allies!
04-04-2009, 00:50
(OOC: My apologies to everyone in this tread, most especially my buddies blackhelm and Allanea: I'm having trouble with Shiistan posting on the forum, so all threads pertaining to them will henceforth be done by using Wanderjar. Shiistan is, however, a puppet state of mine (www.nationstates.net/shiistan) with a population of around 6 billion (it died for awhile, so it says 1.5 but I made it shortly after creation of Wanderjar). So...please forgive my failure to state this, I didn't realise it until I'd posted and Allanea made his response. To save him the trouble though, just read the post regarding "Wanderjar's" position on the "freedom fighters" as Shiistan instead. It is the official position of the Wanderjarian government to support Allanea in all of her national objectives.)
Blackhelm Confederacy
04-04-2009, 00:56
It was a normal day in Greenarrow Square, with people going about their business as usual through the crowded area. The smell of dormice filled the air, with vendors all over the place selling the delicacies so enjoyed by the people of Paradise City. Small children held onto the hands of their mothers as the looked up at the large buildings nearby.
A Arabic looking man entered the square at around noon, and since the Sacrament Law had been suspended, nobody thought of his presence as being suspicious. The man made his way towards a fountain in the center of the park, where a small band was set up, playing jazz music for the entertainment of all those around. As he neared the band, he reached down into his pocket and felt the detonator. The group of people in the area was large, and he knew what to do. With a last scream of "Allah Ackbar!" the man exploded, the bomb belt strapped to him sending ball bearing screaming in every direction. The square erupted into a panic as people rushed to flee the scene.
In a few minutes, emergency response teams had arrived. Twelve people were killed, and dozens more were wounded in the terror attack. Warnings were issued to the people of Paradise City to prepare for more attacks, and murmurs of reinstating the Sacrament Law began springing up throughout the country.
04-04-2009, 01:32
The nation of Blackhelm was not easily penetrated, at least not by Shiistani people. The intelligence agencies within the Confederacy may have been consistent of infidels, but they were certainly not fools. As such, great pain was taken to legally create false identities, such which would pass even a rigorous background check. This would, of course, be necessary in order for them to achieve any kind of success in their operations. Incursions into Egyptianistan would be much less difficult, which was being done at a rapid pace. But in no way could the same be said for Blackhelm.
The operators would move in small groups, maybe only of two or three at a time. Young men, early to mid twenties typically, well dressed in Armani suits and ties, symbols which the Western dogs seemed to value more than their own morality. Rayban sunglasses covering their eyes, and wads of cash in their pocket, they would be welcomed into the money hungry Confederacy with open arms, their passports reading nationality from any number of inconspicuous countries. By the time the infidels realised what mistake they were making, the mission would be completed.
Making their way into the deserts, they would meet with the surviving Muslims and incite them. Shiistan had both the money and the weapons to arm the people for the war they so desperately wished to bring about. They would have little to work with at first: a few home made explosives, some old dusty rifles maybe. But for Allah's Warriors of Islam, anything was possible. They were his chosen.
Assad Schulube was among the cells which were infiltrating the Confederacy. As he approached the customs official, he flashed a smile to the pretty girl behind the counter, ready to stamp his entry visa. Despite his feigned interest in her, which she percieved and attempted to make flirtacious small talk back, this escaped him. Inside he sneered at her decadence: too much make up, black skirt hiked up to her thighs, and the black brazerre screaming of sexuality. It was disgusting.
"Have these people no shame?" He thought to himself, still smiling, retrieving his visa and waiting for his comrades. "Of course they don't, which is precisely why they must die." His compatriots Hassan and Zaidi followed suit. He nodded to them, and they walked hastily through the terminal towards the exit. They hailed a taxi to drive them into the city, where they had a hotel reserved for them. Driving through, he did note that he was impressed with the intricasies of their architecture. He had always found western building designs be fascinating, but this did not imply that he did not prefer the mental image of them as smoldering ruins.
Finally they arrived, taking their light luggage in carryon bags, they walked inside and were greeted by bellhops. Hassan went to check in for the group, and retrieved their room entry keycards. Each man had his own room, all right across from each other at the end of a hallway. Tonight they would rest and make peace with Allah. Tommorrow: Jihad.
OOC-open, correct? if not, will delete post
Official Statement
From Prime Minister Edward Caithana
These terrorists are the scum of the earth. Their "religion of peace" is a sham and an excuse for the murder, rape, and destruction of all who oppose them. They shall be crushed like the insects they are. We offer our full support, including military forces, to Allanea. We shall stand by our allies.
04-04-2009, 01:47
From his concealed position within the second story building he could see the Confederate checkpoint situated two hundred yards down the road. The intersection led to a major highway, and thus was under the supervision of several soldiers. He could see an officer, or perhaps an NCO, giving orders to some of his men. They pulled a man out of his old buick, and hastled him, roughly throwing him against the hood, and searching both his clothes and his car. Finding nothing they slammed him again into the car, where he wearily, and in obvious pain staggered back to the drivers seat of his car. Through the scope of his Dragonov SVD, he could see the man sink into his chair for a moment and exhale deeply. The Blackhelm soldier, a young kid screamed at him to move along, a long of fierce, utter hatred on his face.
"See you in hell," Mulayl whispered under his breath. He lined up the kid, walking up to the old man no doubt to smack him, with the uptick arrow in the center sight. Holding his breath, he squeezed the trigger, sending it recoiling hard back into his shoulder. He saw at first a look of shock on the kid's face, followed suit by agony as he collapsed in a heap into the dust. The others, wide eyed, took defensive positions while the officer ran over to check on the kid.
"Fool," he smiled. He lined the man up and again squeezed the trigger, sending 7.62 millimeters of death screaming towards him. The back of his head exploded into a pink mist, jerking his neck back in a sickly, unnatural motion. He was done with that position, soon enough they would figure out where the firing had come from, and he could not allow that. It was not yet his time. No, instead he packed his now broken down rifle into a suitcase and disappeared into anomyity within the street crowds below.
(OOC: sorry for not explaining: this is in Egyptianistan in some city somewhere...feel free to fill in the blanks BC my man)
04-04-2009, 04:24
<<Sveno 6, this is Blue 1, checking instrumentation>> The pilot said. The Birkanian Air Force M-55 recon plane was now flying at its ceiling, bordering the edge of the atmosphere. He took out a paper block and started to scribble notes on it under the dim light that managed to get into the cockpit. Everything was silent, and he could only hear the dull buzz of the engine behind. They had been on an unofficial recon flight over Egyptianistan.
<<Done, nothing new to report.>> He concluded. <<We'll be heading back home now, our flight over here is complete. The only large movement so far is the Xeraphinian fleet, otherwise there's no large scale activity so far. Blue 1 over>>
<<This is Crizev AFB tower: understood, Blue 1. Congratulations for the perfect flight>> the air traffic controller inside the tower of a distant airfield said <<Change your course to vector 120, lower your altitude to 12 once you've made it into safe airspace. Blue 2 will proceed to continue the mission>>
Another M-55 started to prepare for take off to do another recon flight over the hot zone. They were colored white with a single blue line across the fuselage, and curiously were unmarked. Seemed the Birkanian Goverment's neutrality was questionable.
"The Xeraphian are gonna be a burden"
A general said, looking at the recon pictures with an analitical gaze. He and other high-grade officers and politicians of Birkaine were meeting in an undergound bunker, a relic from the Birkanian Civil War.
"If the Navy is deployed, can promise you an engagement, and I can promise you a victory" Lavrenty Krakev, leader of the Birkanian Navy intervened in a dry tone, always imposing himself over the other officers "I cannot promise you that it will be cheap in terms of men and material, and I cannot promise you that our force will be strong enough to resist a counterattack. He then laid back on his chair and started to look at the pictures again.
"Anything you suggest?" Another officer said, this time from the air force
"We need to get as many factions either out of this mess or on our side..." Lavrenty continued "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, and this is quite the oportunity to rebuild our pride and gain a respectable sum of money... I know the kind of irrational people we are dealing with in this situation, but with the adequate provisions we will be capable of having somewhat of a grip on the conflict"
"Are you saying we're gonna play both sides? This is shameful for our country!" An officer shouted, and rose up from the table
"No I am not." Admiral Lavrenty said in his usual slow-paced tone "I say that whatever side proves to be more rentable should be ours. I know it's not the most honorable thing to do in this situation, General Guzev, but I am just following orders, and you should too, for the good of Birkaine... And, gentlemen, please keep close tabs over the Xeraphian" He concluded, then they left the bunker in their own private cars in the middle of the night. Despite that Lavrenty had no official political stature, his veterancy and position within the military gave him a lot of influence in the Birkanian High Command.
<<...This is Blue 2, entering the radar range of Xeraphin fleet. Beggining recon flight>> The pilot of another M-55 called.
Torturous Chamber
04-04-2009, 04:27
Addressed To: Marshal Abdullah Ghassan Al-Ghazi
From: Generalissimo Darius Tamga, President of Torturous Chamber
The Chamberlain government would like to offer the 16th 'Teutonic' Armored Division to help defend against the infidels. We recognize the severity of this war, and we wish to help you crusade and pummel these infidels into the ground.
From:Marshal Abdullah Ghassan Al-Ghazi
To:Generalissimo Darius Tamga, President of Torturous Chamber
While currently my troops are handling themselves pretty well, any assistance is welcome.
OOC: Do you want to RP your troops, or may I do so?
Aurum Domus
04-04-2009, 17:20
OOC: Mind if I deploy some anti terror spec ops units?
OOC: Sure. If you want to deploy in Egyptiannstan, though, there's already a thread for that sort of thing. Here. (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=578874)
04-04-2009, 18:39
(OOC: I'm no longer going to use this thread for my Jihad. Instead I'm going to take every militant related post and transform it into a single post for a new OP.)
The city of Farnorth was, obviously, the most northern city in the United Kingdom of Telvira. It was the ex-capital of the Kingdom of Saarland, which had been conquered and annexed by Telvira in 1835. From time to time, someone would try to start a liberation, culminating in the Grand War. After that, Saarland, now a province, had stayed quiet.
Until now.
At 2:15PM, a massive blast tore through a large outdoor market. Seconds later, similar blasts occurred. They severely damaged a Telviran Royal Army barracks, and took a chunk out of the Provincial Building, the capital building of the Saarland province.
At 3:00PM, a message was delivered to the Telviran Broadcasting Corporation by an unnamed man. The message read as such:
We are the Army for the Liberation of Saarland, the ALS. We are the ones who have a mockery of your security, and killed your citizens. We will not rest until the Kingdom is reestablished. We declare this, as well as our support for the brave warriors who are fighting the Allanean tyranny. All who oppose us will die.
"Sir, incoming message from Allanean authorities."
Commander Malone surveyed the note. "Captain, let them know we have received their message and await their escort teams. If they wish to board, arrange it. I'll meet them in my quarters."
"Aye, sir."
(A few hours later):
"Sir. it appears that Birkaine has taken an interest in us." A slew of photos showing Birkaini intelligence collecting photos of the task force drew a smirk from Malone. "So, they think because they have a relic of a recon plane able to take pics of us from a few miles up they can engage us with a positive outcome, eh?"
He walked over to the bridge, staring out over the ocean, looking towards the shoreline of Allanea. "My inclination, Captain, is to not only blow that piece of shit outta the sky, but to launch a surgical strike against Birkaine. They have, after all, violated Allanean airspace, which is technically an act of war." He glanced over to the map table. "What do you think, Captain? Strike, or hold off for a while?"
Captain Mitch Carson was a veteran of many a sea-going battle. His opinion carried some weight on the Commander's bridge. "Well, Commander, it's like this. Yes, we can hurt these...what the hell are they?...Birkanians. We can hurt 'em bad. But do we want to start the shit, or do we want to finish it? Alaric always wanted to wait until fired upon, but Amra isn't of like mind. Hit 'em first, and hit 'em hard. The real question is: do WE want to be the ones to start a shooting war and be looked at as the bad guys, or just say 'fuck it' and start shooting, consequences be damned?"
Malone rocked back and forth on his heels. "Here's what I say, Captain. I'm gonna choose a middle road. Find that spy-plane, destroy it and send pieces of it and the crew back to Birkaine...as a message. Got it?"
Carson grinned. "Got it, Commander." In less than a minute, six Rattlesnake VF-118 fighters were streaking towards Birkanian airspace, chain guns and missiles locked and loaded......
04-04-2009, 20:47
The second M-55 reached the Xeraphian fleet, or at least got close enough to start taking pictures. However, it took a detour, and flew towards the Allanean mainland instead. However, it would still pass over the Xeraphian vessels.
<<Blue 2, this is ground control. Change of plans: please head towards the mainland and take the pictures there. We'll send the satellites once you and Blue 3 are done with the recon>> The operator on the control tower said.
While most of the Birkanian Air Force was grounded because the alert level was minimal, the radars of a Birkanian Navy Hatchet-class radar picket frigate detected the aircraft. It was no secret that those small vessels were in charge of Birkaine's coastal defense. They patrolled the waters in wide formations, always centered around two Ticonderoga-class AEGIS destroyers, and a single Commonwealth-class (http://i43.tinypic.com/2h54tjm.jpg) escort battlecarrier, and sometimes there was a Tatum II-class submersible cruiser (http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll31/DemonLordRazgriz/TatumIIClassSSCGN-1.png[/IMG]) beneath the other ships. The frigates didn't have the authority to intercept the aircraft, so the captain of the battlecarrier took up the microphone.
<<This is the BkNV Tretij Interregionall to unindentified aircraft>> The captain said, in a bored tone <<You are heading towards Birkanian airspace. Please identify yourselves>>
No other major action was taken, other than waking up the F-35 pilots onboard the battlecarrier.
United Earthlings
04-04-2009, 22:06
Though our government is sadden to see yet another war erupt involving Allanea not to mention one of our former allies, our government while opposed to the use of suicide bombings and the deliberate targeting of non-combatants, couldn't in good conscience get involved in this conflict and as such we hereby declare our official neutrality and ask all participating nations to recognized that neutrality. Once this new terrible conflict is over, our nation would be willing though to send food, water and medical supplies along with building materials and construction equipment to any side that request it.
Sincerely, Chancellor Muller
The second M-55 reached the Xeraphian fleet, or at least got close enough to start taking pictures. However, it took a detour, and flew towards the Allanean mainland instead. However, it would still pass over the Xeraphian vessels.
<<Blue 2, this is ground control. Change of plans: please head towards the mainland and take the pictures there. We'll send the satellites once you and Blue 3 are done with the recon>> The operator on the control tower said.
While most of the Birkanian Air Force was grounded because the alert level was minimal, the radars of a Birkanian Navy Hatchet-class radar picket frigate detected the aircraft. It was no secret that those small vessels were in charge of Birkaine's coastal defense. They patrolled the waters in wide formations, always centered around two Ticonderoga-class AEGIS destroyers, and a single Commonwealth-class (http://i43.tinypic.com/2h54tjm.jpg) escort battlecarrier, and sometimes there was a Tatum II-class submersible cruiser (http://i284.photobucket.com/albums/ll31/DemonLordRazgriz/TatumIIClassSSCGN-1.png[/IMG]) beneath the other ships. The frigates didn't have the authority to intercept the aircraft, so the captain of the battlecarrier took up the microphone.
<<This is the BkNV Tretij Interregionall to unindentified aircraft>> The captain said, in a bored tone <<You are heading towards Birkanian airspace. Please identify yourselves>>
No other major action was taken, other than waking up the F-35 pilots onboard the battlecarrier.
Lt. Col. Vince Brinkman broke radio silence. "OK, ladies, we've got two of the old M55 recon planes headed toward Allanean airspace. Markings those of Birkaine. Me, Capt. Blake and Capt. Vance will intercept M55 coordinates NNW. Capt. Markham, you and Lt. Jones and Lt. Eick intercept M55 coordinates ENE. Targets are hot and we have a "GO!" Good luck, gentlemen."
Three Rattlesnakes veered off towards the west, two rising above the doomed aircraft as the third locked onto it's contrail and fired two AA missiles. In just seconds, the Birkanian recon aircraft blew apart as the missiles impacted simultaneously. A similar scenario had just occured six miles to the east, the second M55 falling out of the sky into the ocean.
"Nice shooting, gents. Now let's get the fuck outta here before that battle-carrier scrambles those F-35s." Switching channels, Brinkman reported. "Attention Task Force Commander. Rattlesnakes have delivered fatal bite to two aggressors. Request further orders and back-up. Looks like the Birkies are pissed. Brinkman out."
You know, this sucks. I'm allied with Alleana through one debunked alliance and Xeraph through another.....
ooc: well, then you are on both our sides because Allanea and I are allied....
Commander Malone had watched the whole operation from the bridge of the Vampyr Batttle-Carrier. "OK, people, battlestations! I want AirWings 23 and 88 in the air NOW! I want twelve Pythons in the air NOW! Have the AirWolf HCGS from the IceStorm carrier provide cover for the bombers until they are in Birkanian airspace. The Mambas from the Vampyr will take over at that point."
He paused to check the maps. "Bomber commanders! You are to proceed due north to the capitol cities of Birkaine. All weapons will be dispersed. You will be covered by two squadrons of Mambas. AirWing 23 commander, you will attack that enemy carrier, doing damage and getting the hell outta there. AirWing 88 commander, you will hit those two AEGIS destroyers and retire to base. Both commanders, there will be hostiles up after you. Engage and destroy. Malone out."
Malone was contemplating a second sortie when a voice grabbed his attention. "Well, Commander, I asked for a little action and I get a whole fucking war!"
Commander Malone spun around to see Lord High General Amra Tan'it, Supreme Commander of all Xeraphian forces. "My Lord, I was not expecting you! I followed orders. We are engaging the enemy as we speak."
"Yes, yes, well done Commander. I'm glad you took it upon yourself to expand on your orders. I intensely dislike timid military commanders." Amra scanned the reports, then the maps and the commscreen. "Might I suggest and additional raid against all Birkanian airports, military as well as commercial. I wanna cripple these amateurs before they become a problem."
"Consider it done, m'lord."
"And Commander, ditch that m'lord crap. I'm a soldier just like you. Save the niceties for the Court."
Malone smiled. Just like his old man. "Aye aye, sir!"
05-04-2009, 01:50
OOC: You shooting down my M-55s just like that was godmod, since you can't say what you did or did not kill. However, I'm going to take that post as canon, if just to make it quicker, but don't do that again.
In any case, here's (http://i40.tinypic.com/33ogvna.jpg) a map
<<Blue 2, respond! Blue 2? Dammit, they shot them down! Confirmed hostiles, sir!>> The radar operator of the Tretij Interregional said
<<All hands to battle stations!>> The captain shouted trough the radio <<I want all airworthy planes in the air, now! Get me the High Command in the radio, we're being attacked!>>
The pilots onboard the battlecarriers were awoken, and they rushed to the hangars where their F-35s were stored as the alarms onboard the ship started to blare.
<<Wing A on deck!>> The controller said trough the comms system of the ships. A few F-35s were elevated into the flight deck, and they started to heat up their engines. Back in the mainland, a few A-50s took to the air, and the national air defense system was put online.
The capital region was guarded by the Zenitij Flotijia of the Birkanian Navy, charged with the air defence of the country.
<<Scan for any unindentified contact and shoot on sight. I want the rest of the defensive battlegroups join us!>> The captain said. There were at least 12 more of these battlegroups, although they were too far away in the moment. However, the Tretji Interregional had done its job, which was to alert the main body of the Birkanian Navy.
OOC: These are the ships of said flotijia
-40x Alvaro de Balzán-class frigate
-32x Arleigh Burke-class AEGIS destroyer
-12x Ticonderoga-class AEGIS cruiser
-6x Ambassador-class AA battleship
-3x Emissary-class AA battleship
-2x Kiev-class carrier
-1x Nimitz-class supercarrier
OOC: You shooting down my M-55s just like that was godmod, since you can't say what you did or did not kill. However, I'm going to take that post as canon, if just to make it quicker, but don't do that again.
In any case, here's (http://i40.tinypic.com/33ogvna.jpg) a map
<<Blue 2, respond! Blue 2? Dammit, they shot them down! Confirmed hostiles, sir!>> The radar operator of the Tretij Interregional said
<<All hands to battle stations!>> The captain shouted trough the radio <<I want all airworthy planes in the air, now! Get me the High Command in the radio, we're being attacked!>>
The pilots onboard the battlecarriers were awoken, and they rushed to the hangars where their F-35s were stored as the alarms onboard the ship started to blare.
<<Wing A on deck!>> The controller said trough the comms system of the ships. A few F-35s were elevated into the flight deck, and they started to heat up their engines. Back in the mainland, a few A-50s took to the air, and the national air defense system was put online.
The capital region was guarded by the Zenitij Flotijia of the Birkanian Navy, charged with the air defence of the country.
<<Scan for any unindentified contact and shoot on sight. I want the rest of the defensive battlegroups join us!>> The captain said. There were at least 12 more of these battlegroups, although they were too far away in the moment. However, the Tretji Interregional had done its job, which was to alert the main body of the Birkanian Navy.
OOC: These are the ships of said flotijia
-40x Alvaro de Balzán-class frigate
-32x Arleigh Burke-class AEGIS destroyer
-12x Ticonderoga-class AEGIS cruiser
-6x Ambassador-class AA battleship
-3x Emissary-class AA battleship
-2x Kiev-class carrier
-1x Nimitz-class supercarrier
Check Your TGs.....................
05-04-2009, 02:05
OOC: Done, no big deal
05-04-2009, 03:49
The III Duce listened in about this news of a Jihad declared against Allanea, and he laughed.
"This is exactly why we don't allow religion in this country." said the III Duce.
The Grand World Order
05-04-2009, 04:59
((OOC: Il Duce means "The Leader", so what you're saying is "The The Leader."))
05-04-2009, 05:33
OOC: Erm... something turned out. I won't be able to log back in until friday. So well, I'll see if I still can re-join this later.
Third Spanish States
05-04-2009, 05:35
It was a meeting room. a simple one, where a man, wearing a turban, and a woman, dressed in a plain jacket, sat side by side to discuss the matters of the Confederation Internationale in person. The foreign policy of the Algerian Communes, probably the only confederation of direct democratic communes of the known world with an Islamic majority, was ruled by the voice of its people, by their hopes, dreams and values, and nothing, not even the will of Third Spanish States, could change that. It was perhaps ironic that the International Confederation of Anarchist Communes, for now, packed a Muslim majority, and he primary reason why Third Spanish States preferred to never integrate formally the EDDNet of the Confederacy with the EDDNet North African communes, as their people feared the consequences of being a minority in an unified civilization.
However, although separate, Third Spanish States and Algerian Communes were still united, and for such reason, two of the most respected individuals of both Confederacies were meeting, to discuss the so called "libertarianism" of the nation of Allanea, which seemed as willing to kill innocents and oppress other cultures as it was to help them against real tyrants rather than constructs of rhetoric and doublespeak.
"Ahmed, like I explained, the Allaneans are not our friends," waving a hand through a map of Egyptianstan, the young head of State explained, "they are capitalist pigs, genocidal monsters using rhetoric of a supposed libertarianism to disguise their atrocities. But at the same time they commit their atrocities across, they are being useful to our fight against the communist genocidal monsters, and that is a war we have the strategic conditions to win, while a war to defend the victims of Egyptianstan, and it saddens much for me to say, is far beyond our current capabilities."
"I understand your point, Cecily Lockhelm," pointing to the hot spots over the map, Ahmed said, "but many in the Algerian Communes don't, and they are waiting for you to prove that you stand for the freedom of the followers of Islam as much as you stand for the freedom of those who follow nothing or other faiths."
Sighing, Cecily simply explained: "And the consequences? Our defeat, our fade into the oblivion of loss. Be patient, for eventually, we will take measures to stop this. I am sick of those Allaneans, their... pathetic existence and depravity, those zoophile freaks. Between us, I'd agree with the overall Olmedrecan opinion about them, but for now, it is beyond our grasp"
"Or maybe every follower of Islam shall have been exterminated by then." Ahmed grimly affirmed.
"There are sixty million of people at stake in Spain Ahmed," Cecily emphasized, "a number far greater than that of those oppressed by the Allanean scum and corporate thugs. Do you really want to condemn sixty million of innocents? Do you think," she said in a more aggressive tone, "that the people of Egyptianstan are more important because they worship Allah?"
"No!" the man shouted angrily at the offense, fisting the table as he felt she was mocking his faith, "how do you dare? You don't truly respect my beliefs, I see, but nevermind, I cannot change your mindset. It is my people that will not understand this. They want for you and me to take actions, but we don't have naval capabilities to conduct such operation without your Confederacy's support."
"Then don't do it Ahmed... I will," a deeper sigh came,"I will formally state our condemnation of their atrocities. Losing the Allanean support isn't as relevant as losing the support of Algeria in our future struggles, and perhaps they will not send them back because of this."
"You are doing the right thing Cecily," Ahmed said, "you cannot fight evil by siding with other evils."
"You know that I am far more pragmatic and less inclined to believe there are absolute good and evil," Cecily explained, "but I cannot repeat the same mistakes of the CNT/FAI as they sided with enemies of their enemies, forgetting that such were also their enemies. Every government of the world, might eventually try to destroy us, that is why we must be careful"
Anarchist Confederacy International
From Cecily Lockhelm, Third Spanish head of States
Human civilization sometimes is capable of achieving the greatest contradictions, and the old adage that "one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter" seems to repeat itself over and over through human history, as a work of rhetoric and doublespeak, or as a fact regarding the inexistence of absolute definitions of good and evil beyond antiquated beliefs, and sometimes, it seems that certain civilizations, are able to, at the same time, commit atrocities and fight for the victims of atrocities they didn't commit. Judging such nations can be fairly difficult. Logically, if their atrocities far outweigh their humanitarian interventions, the latter can be nothing but mere smokescreens to hide their ruthless and imperialism and place them in good light as "World's Policemen". When they even out, there is no way to truly determine whether they see atrocities as necessary means to a greater end, or their commendable deeds as means to hide their atrocious and inhuman purposes. When they have a few dark hours among days of fighting for liberation, they may be judged as pragmatic, but perhaps well intentioned, yet like some say, the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
In light of these facts and of recent events concerning Egyptianstan, of every contradiction between means, ends and intentions, I find it difficult to state a definite stance regarding the nation of Allanea, and believe that it shall be a task for future Historians to take. While I commend their efforts in fighting against totalitarianism in its different shapes like fascism, Nazism, Stalinism and Maoism, I cannot close my eyes to people who die not by the hands of tyrants, in their Gulags and death camps, because their beliefs or ethnicity contradict the beliefs and ethnic "superiority" of their rulers, but who die by the hands of people who supposedly call themselves freedom fighters, bringers of reason in a world of ignorance, intolerance and fanaticism, and therefore, I, and many people around the Confederacy and the Algerian Communes, condemn the unjustifiable atrocities Allanea has committed against the people of Egyptianstan, their desecration of human dignity, to which many of our people has felt appalled.
Reckless violence breeds reckless violence. The path Allanea currently treads can only end in two consequences, both which shall cause suffering and misery which cannot fade if compared to those provoked by the greatest tyrants and genocidal psychopaths of mankind's history: for either the relatives of the innocents caught in the so called "collateral damage" shall be fed with greater hatred against them, and become increasingly fanatical and intolerant in face of what can only be described as a protracted genocide, or every Muslim across Egyptianstan, like millions who were slaughtered by the monsters who now, something I don't wanted to believe, Allanea supports, will be massacred, and the Allaneans shall raise further into the ranks of Nazi and False Communist Totalitarian States regarding innocent death toll statistics they paradoxically fight against so they can no longer commit atrocities like that Allanea currently performs.
Know that the first to die are always the tolerant and good people, that together with the extremists, women, children and innocent blood will lie in the pen through which those who approved such atrocities write. The suffering and death toll provoked by a terrorist bombing is a speck in face of the massive crimes against mankind that Allanea seems to be willing to share responsibility for together with Blackhelm, which I would not be so eager to put my trust into regarding their "reformation". And by killing them, by desecrating their corpses, you are doing exactly what the extremists among them wish: you are giving them new recruits for every Muslim child from whom you took parents, for every hopeless father from whom you took family. And that, like I mentioned, will only end in a perpetual cycle of vengeance and violence, or with the total extermination of the Muslim population in such country.
Do not be deceived, my opinion regarding Islamic extremism is extremely negative, and I personally would rather it didn't exist, but a culture of murder cannot be changed through murder, a culture of fanaticism cannot be changed through fanaticism, and a culture of intolerance cannot be changed through intolerance. The Islam practiced in Algerian Communes is radically different from the Islam practiced in Egyptianstan, and different from how it was before we gave a new purpose to the people of Algeria. We have changed their culture for better, taught them tolerance and respect for everyone regardless of belief or origin. And never in Confederacy history, a terrorist attack motivated by religious fanaticism happened, never we had any case of suicidal bombers. Because we have bred a culture of humane values, by giving the first example, by not stomping on people because they had different beliefs regarding the existence of a god, by not forcing people to comply to our cultural standards, but simply showing them as an option. Only a desperate man would kill himself in a suicidal attack, and few things can cause as much desperation as having one's family slaughtered, one's dignity ruined, and one's freedom taken away. Thus we still have hope that you might understand this: you cannot fight terror with more terror and despair, but with hope. Terrorism should be dealt through civilian law enforcement and humanitarian actions, not through such atrocious actions.
I am personally asking to the president of Allanea, to consider the consequences of this offense. To think about the two only ways such violent solution can end. I recognize that the justice of the Confederacy is unforgiving, however, we do not kill the families of murderers, we do not murder the babies of those who killed or raped those among our very people. Because we know that by doing such actions, all we shall achieve is to create monsters out of human beings, to drain away their humanity through despair and suffering, and to proliferate a perpetual cycle of violence, inhumanity and criminality.
The wounds that are left won't be healed by throwing salt at them, by gashing them further. I hope that I will have the fortune of reading decisions to truly bring peace, tolerance and humanity to those nearly bereft of them as an answer to this message rather than egotic threats and empty rhetoric, that perhaps you shall understand the extent where proceeding with such policy shall breed oppression and hatred, and only perpetuate terrorism rather than vanquishing it, for I still have hopes that such actions are a consequence of misguided thoughts across Allanea rather than of sheer corruption, imperialism, ruthlessness and individual ambitions and greed placing themselves ahead of human freedom. I hope Allanea shall not disappoint us, that it has good intentions after all, but sometimes get too far in the means they take to achieve them, rather than being, in truth, among others who we once thought to be our allies in the struggle for true freedom, regardless of faith or ethnicity.
We are not picking sides in this conflict, however. We know that most of those leaders proclaiming Jihad are would-be tyrants dreaming to manipulate the desperate minds to die so they might have a chance to ascend as supreme rulers of a Caliphate or of a Theocratic tyranny. We stand for the innocents, for the misguided, but not for those who exploit their despair for their selfish ends, and who taint the name of the god they worship with their blood and with their greed for power. However, their actions do not justify any other death than their own, or perhaps their fair trial through a civilized court system, as others, driven into despair and placed into ignorance, may see their deaths as martyrdoms.
Regardless, all we ask is that Allaneans stop targeting those inconsequential to these events, bring justice to the sadists and tyrants among their ranks who probably have delighted to commit such atrocities, and rethink their actions, their priorities, their means to end with such fanaticism, and to perhaps consider that they are not less deserving of sovereignty because their religious beliefs do not match ours.
Otherwise, History might remember the United States of Allanea for such events rather than for its actions to fight against tyranny, and our people would become deeply saddened to see that there is no exception to the claim that "One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter", beyond the ranks of anarchists.
Cecily Lockhelm
Head of State, freelance vigilante and military advisor
United States of PA
05-04-2009, 06:14
This is just a join in correct?, because if i so i would like to join in on Xeraphs and his allies side
New Manth
05-04-2009, 06:27
ooc: more opinion papers
A Simple Ideology, A Simple Message
By Ioannis Klaras
Many people do not understand the danger our state now stands in, where it came from, what are the reasons that we who bled to defeat communists and fascists are now under threat again. Of course everyone understands why governments such as that of the Blackhelm Confederacy might be opposed to our state. But some people have looked at Allanea and wondered why they are against us and not on our side. It's a simple question to answer, but you would have to be somewhat familiar with the Allanean worldview to answer it; and because these people do not understand those who have threatened us, they look for rational explanations in vain. It's not hard to see that a rational explanation is not what these people have, but not everyone realizes that a rational explanation is not what they are looking for.
The average Allanean is a simple person and loves simplicity, and this very basic fact is the key to unraveling the famously tangled Allanean diplomacy. The leaders of that nation understand what their populace wants, and they do their best to feed it to them: every action they take on the international stage must be cast in black-and-white terms for the Allanean layman. Every victory against some black-and-white foreign evil strengthens the Allanean government of personality cults and soundbites back home; moral ambiguity and complicated situations are that government's deadly enemy.
When we understand this we can begin to understand what we have heard coming out of the Allanean press about both our own nation and the nation of Egyptiansstan. The interests of the wealthy and powerful in the Allanean government - the ones who are profiting from the contracts with the Griffencrest Corporation and pocketing the treasures, stolen from looted nations, that form the base and underpinning of all that company's wealth, are what is at stake here - but this is not the sort of simple explanation the Allanean political layman requires. They do not wish to hear that all it took to buy off the blood of the Allanean servicemen killed by the Griffencrest corporation was a trillion-and-a-half dollar contract. That would force them to think about their government in a complicated way.
So the Allanean government simplifies things. It's not that hard with a press full of cronies eager to follow the government line.
The years-old conflict between Muslims and the Blackhelm government, for example, becomes in Allanean propaganda a new war. And why should it not be? Allanea made peace with the Blackhelm Confederacy and declared to the world that it must now treat them as if they had a clean slate - and so if the battles between the sad remnants of the Muslims and Confederate forces continued regardless - then this is a new war of Muslim aggression! They did not heed the Allanean commandment to immediately drop their weapons and welcome those who had raped their sisters, tortured their brothers, and shot their parents and children with open arms! That means they are the aggressors! And so we see how Allanean propaganda jams things into these simple, black-and-white categories, and how anything that could introduce that enemy of the Allanean state, moral complexity - anything that could cause the good sheep back home to second-guess their government - is just ignored.
It is a similar mental process that has turned the Egyptiansstani rocket attacks against Confederate military bases on their border (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=14372717&postcount=1) into, in the Allanean news, attacks on innocent Blackhelm civilians. The Allanean at home might be unhappy to hear that his government ordered the torture and slaughter of Egyptiansstani civilians for supporting rocket attacks against legitimate military targets, but if the story is changed only slightly so that the victims are innocent civilians? Then the Allanean citizen can happily indulge in his righteous anger, reassured by the simple comparison of right against wrong and black against white. It is acceptable to flay clerics alive, to force millions of people from their homes (to where? The empty desert will support these millions? But simple Allanean media does not bother with such questions - it is enough that they were given the chance to leave their homes!), to destroy their property, to torture and murder if the victims plotted attacks on civilians!
And it is simple not to mention that Allanea has repeatedly treated enemy civilians as legitimate military targets during its own wars. At the time, Kazansky justified the bombing of London with expediency - the more Questarian civilians died, the quicker the war would end. And now that it is more convenient he has relabeled those who kill civilians in war as terrorists. It's hardly difficult, since popular prejudices are much eager to see Muslims who kill civilians in a war as terrorists than is the case for other religious groups.
It is really a simple process that has turned the Egyptianstani militias into, as the Allanean media now calls them, Islamofascists. What a wonderful term! Any Allanean who hears it must understand immediately that these are evil people!
And if an Allanean reads in this paper or a hundred others about the real state of affairs - for although few do the government technically cannot stop them - then what is he to do? Well it is simple enough to lump all Allanea's enemies into such convenient categories, and perhaps I too will become an Islamofascist. Or if it would be too much for a Greek and a Christian even in the Allanean media, no doubt they will cook up something else to hang on me.
And so, with matters simplified for his consumption, the average Allanean falls into line behind his government's actions, and Kazansky and his cronies come home covered in military glory, to be greeted with parades instead of trials.
It is because of this that we in Manth cannot rely on the standard processes and actions of international diplomacy to preserve peace with the Allaneans. We have already seen how just cutting trade with the Allaneans caused the Allaneans to view us as their enemy. There is no room in the Allanean worldview for a nation such as ours - if we do not agree with them then we are wrong and must be threatened with military force until we fall into line.
Our diplomacy must be adjusted to take into account this view of the world. It is impossible to prove to the Allanean that we are not supporters of evil fascists and murderers, since this does not fit with their preexisting worldview, and since their government can twist anything we say to fit into the simple categories: enemies of freedom. Supporters of terrorism. Aggressors. Islamofascists.
And so what should we do about our own safety? Don't speak in terms of international laws, of abstract (or even concrete, but distant) conceptions of justice. Speak of warships, and guns, and missiles. Speak in terms that they can understand, terms of force, give simple people a simple message: if they bring their armies to our shores in search of their black-and-white enemies and the glory of such victories, what they will leave with is defeat, and death.
That, at least, is simple enough. It is how the Allaneans conduct their own diplomacy, and so they will understand it, and understand it clearly.
United States of PA
05-04-2009, 07:30
The United States of Pennsylvania's Response to Growing Jihad
Speech Delivered by President Andrew Hundley in response to Jihad
In Response to the recent Jihad Declared upon Allanea by the Jihading States, the United States has decided, that, in order to protect our citizens in All of the Countries involved in this incident, this is our formal response. Our Country formally deplores this incident, as nowadays religion is a very small reckoning power in modern power, this incident could have easily been avoided, but due to the fact that some leaders nowadays still hold onto the religious beliefs that held much precidence in the Medieval Ages, but not today. As a result of our country having more than 300,000 citizens in primarily The Jihading Areas and Allanea as Tourists and in our 2 Embassies there, we have decided to send 2 Carrier Battle Groups, the 7th and 8th, with the Supercarriers USS Mancuso and USS Edmund Burke JR, along with 3 AEGIS class Cruisers, 23 AEGIS Destroyers, and 32 Frigates, to Evacuate our Citizens and Embassy personnel from the Jihading States, while entrusting that the Country of Allanea will protect our citizens within their boundaries. We are also sending the Amphibious Assault Group 7, consisting of 13 Tarawa Class Amphibious Warfare Ships, 1 AEGIS Cruiser, 4 AEGIS Destroyers, and 42 Frigates, carrying the 1st Marine Divsion, containing 23,458 men, 1,543 MBTs, 1,786 IFVs and APCs, 234 Cannons, 34 MLRS Units, 210 Attack Choppers, 438 Transport Helos. These units are being sent that in case war breaks out between our States and those of the Jihadists, we will have a ground force nearby, to land and defend our interests. Our Country has also sent a request for Alliance to Xeraph and Allanea, plus any of its allies, in the case that war does break out between the States and the Jihadists. Thank You
State of the Union Address Delivered by President Hundley in response to the Recent Jihad
Half and Hour Later
"What do we have ready to deploy incase those Jihadists decide to go after our citizens since most of are Christian and Most of them support Allanea and Xeraph?"
Secretary of War Burke "Well sir, we can deplo the 482nd, 31st, and 567th Fighter Bomber Wings, the 8th Infrantry Division, the 12th Mechanized Infrantry Division, and the 2nd Armored Divison, as well as the Carl Vinson and Ike(Dwight Eisonhower) Battle groups, totaling 2 Carriers, 1 Battleship, 8 Tico Cruisers, 45 Burke Destroyers, and 105 Zumwalt Frigates, totaling 161 ships, 79,483 men, over 15,000 Armored Vehicles, 3,000 Artillery and MLRS units, 1,000 helos"
"But just how would we get the ground units into the theater?"
"We got 3 Options, either transfew 40 AWS Vessels from the West Fleet and trasnport them by sea, have the Marines land and secure a Airport to land C-5s at so we can Airlift them in, or we can Airlift them into a Allanean airport or sealift them into a Allanean Port, the first 2 are very risky, though it would take some work for the third"
"Very well, contact Allanea's President, and request permission to move troops through his territory if we end up at war on his side"
"Very well Sir"
"Very Good, This Meeting is Adjourned Men"
A simpler message
[i]Joe Shepherd, a random Allanean blogger[/b]
It's interesting how the foreign press completely misunderstand Allanea. I would like to ask the following questions to Mr. Ioannis Klaras:
1.What international law do you speak of? Is Allanea signatory to any foreign treaty that limits the manner in which we treat enemy troops or wage war?
2.What torture do you speak of? Has even one Egyptiannstani been tortured by Allanean forces? What is his name?
3.Are you aware of the fact that the shores of the Egyptiannstani Nile are lush and fertile, and that men evacuated to those shores have no problems finding sustenance -as that is, after all, where the food is grown that feeds the cities?
4.Are you aware of the fact that the Egyptiannstani army fired the first shot in this war?
5.You claim that Allanea has a 'crony media'. You do realize that the leading paper of the nation is staunchly anti-administration?
6.You do realize that supporters of this new Jihad have in fact attacked civilians in both Allanea and Blackhelm, multple times?
Thank you for your attention.
Another opinion, from the Metros Daily
What Everyone Else is Missing
By Juan Lynch
Lately, there have been a lot of people who have spoken out against the supposed "persecution" of innocent Muslims. Those quotes are there for a reason.
First off, in the current war with Egyptiannstan, the Allanean forces have made every effort to keep the war confined to the enemy. This has been hampered by Egyptiannstani insurgents using the cities as bases and using the inhabitants as human shields.
In this current crisis, the jihad was declared against Allanea. Allanea had done nothing, yet once the jihad was declared, terrorists have attacked a marketplace with suicide bombers, Confederate troops in Egyptiannstan with snipers, and have supported and taken part in the takeover of the Lingard embassy in Telvira. One out of these three was a attack on a military target. That's 1/3.
Not exactly a good track record of keeping the war confined to warriors.
These terrorists are using the Muslim religion as a shield. They say because they are Muslim, they have the right to blow up civilians and take hostages. The "religion of peace" has been so distorted by these scum that actually peaceful Muslims (practically an oxymoron these days) are few and far in between.
05-04-2009, 19:14
FROM: Ministry of Foreign Affairs
I'm fully aware of the violence happening between Egyptiannstani and Allanea. And right now, the Union Soviet State of Martilia will be on neutral on this war. The Opinion of Union Soviet State of Martilia is these war is a not a Holy War, but a war where a country wants to gain power, territory, and even fame. Holy War is a cause that has been started for centuries, but behind that is leader's true intentions. Egyptiannstani's aggressiveness and declaration of war is not because they are oppressed, it's because of their officials in their government, those people who wants to say that you must be afraid with Egyptianstanni. Egyptianstanni's military tactics is a cowardly tactic who use IDEs and kill innocent civilians. They dont fight like soldiers who face their enemy soldiers. They hide in cars and suicide.
Union Soviet State of Martilia is on the side of the Allanea. The Red Aid is in support of Alleanea. Medical supports will be sent to Allanea to assist civilians, and their troops. The status of USSM in terms of military is still undecidable. But I purge the Egyptiannstani Forces to stop this "ridiculous" war they have started. If this continues, the relations of Egyptstanni and USSM might not be even made at all.
Blackhelm Confederacy
05-04-2009, 22:47
Paradise City, Blackhelm Confederacy -Two suicide bombers posing as army recruits struck an military base just east of New Atlanta on Tuesday morning, killing at least 28 army recruits eager to enlist and wounding 63, according to police and medical officials in New Atlanta. The attack came as troops prepared to reclaim large areas of northern Egypttiansstan that remain one of the last sanctuaries for the Islamist rebels.
The bombers, wearing belts packed with explosives, wandered into a crowd of more than 200 recruits just after 8 a.m. and blew themselves up about 30 seconds apart in front of the headquarters of an army brigade where the recruits had gathered. The attack happened at the St. George military base, which is about 4 miles east of New Atlanta, deep in the heart of the Blackhelm Confederacy.
BCNN News, Reporter Marcus Painter
United States of PA
05-04-2009, 23:27
Recorded Speech Delivered by Secretary of State Scott Adler
In Response to the Suicide bombings commited earlier today by Jihadists against people enlisting to fight for Blackhelm, President Hundley has ordered me to offer any sort of Assistance to the Countries that have been attaqcked by the Jihadists, i they want it, we shall provide it to the best of our ability, thank you.
Delivered Live by CNNBC Reporter Evan White
Liberty-City, Allanea - A suicide bombing in a Taggart Trains passenger car has killed 22 and injured over 60 Allanean Freemen today. At least five men and women are in unstable condition at the Concord Teaching Hospital, where medics fight for their lives even as we speak.
Amra was up on the bridge of the command ship when word came that a nation named The United States of Pennsylvania sent a request for a full alliance.
He looked at the message, looked up and asked, "Who the hell are these people? Are they worth being allied to?"
Commander Malone answered. "Well, Amra, it seems that they are a relatively new nation, but in the possession of some fairly advanced hardware." He looked up with a puzzled look on his face. "Pennsylvania....that was one of the old Amerikan states, wasn't it?"
Amra grunted. "I believe your'e correct, Commander. Amerikans......they had a real good thing going and they fucked it up. Once considered the premier nation on the planet. All gone now. Divided up by opportunists. But that would explain where these Pennsys got their equipment." He paused. "Send 'em a message, Commander. I will consider a full alliance with them pending the outcome of this operation. As for right now, they have nothing to fear from us or the members of the CSS as far as deploying their forces. Welcome them with all due respect, etc, etc, blah,blah, blah."
"Aye, sir."
United States of PA
06-04-2009, 02:33
Amra was up on the bridge of the command ship when word came that a nation named The United States of Pennsylvania sent a request for a full alliance.
He looked at the message, looked up and asked, "Who the hell are these people? Are they worth being allied to?"
Commander Malone answered. "Well, Amra, it seems that they are a relatively new nation, but in the possession of some fairly advanced hardware." He looked up with a puzzled look on his face. "Pennsylvania....that was one of the old Amerikan states, wasn't it?"
Amra grunted. "I believe your'e correct, Commander. Amerikans......they had a real good thing going and they fucked it up. Once considered the premier nation on the planet. All gone now. Divided up by opportunists. But that would explain where these Pennsys got their equipment." He paused. "Send 'em a message, Commander. I will consider a full alliance with them pending the outcome of this operation. As for right now, they have nothing to fear from us or the members of the CSS as far as deploying their forces. Welcome them with all due respect, etc, etc, blah,blah, blah."
"Aye, sir."
Thank You for at least considering the request Emperor Amra Tan'it, if you want us to carry out any strike ops, let it be known, for about 4 hours ago a suicide bombing inside the city of New Cairo killed about 2 dozen of our people, and wounded at least 20 more, with 34 missing, even if you do not accept the request, we will work together with your forces to end these Jihadists, for now the 2 CBGs we have in the AO are under your full command, they have complements of 55 dedicated Air To Air F-35 IV Lightnings, 4 AWACS Birds, 16 Anti-Sub aircraft, and another 75 Multi-Role F-35 Vs amd F-22 Ds.
We Have ordered Admiral Mancuso Jr to coridinate with your naval forces, and we will land our Marine Division in a attempt to stem some of the suicide bombings per Allanea's amd Blackhelm's Permission.
And within 2 weeks we will have a further 161 vessels and 643 aircraft, depending on how badly they are needed
End Transmission
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-04-2009, 02:40
OOC: How did you have people in New Cairo?
United States of PA
06-04-2009, 02:43
OOC: How did you have people in New Cairo?
OOC: Tourists, mostly, a group of them were meeting up, old friends, to discuss what was happening, and it is believed that it was carried out in response to the speech delivered by President Hundley as a sort of threat
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-04-2009, 02:45
OOC: Tourists, mostly, a group of them were meeting up, old friends, to discuss what was happening, and it is believed that it was carried out in response to the speech delivered by President Hundley as a sort of threat
OOC: Wait, the New Cairo you referred to is in your nation? I thought you were referring to the one in Egypttiansstan, where the major conflict is taking place.
United States of PA
06-04-2009, 02:57
OOC: No i got confused i put in my nation but i meant the one in Egypttiansstan, it was a group of high school buddies, they were sitting in restuarant when a bomb went off. I Gues si got the news a little faster than you
Torturous Chamber
06-04-2009, 02:58
OOC: Do you want to RP your troops, or may I do so?
I might hop in from time to time, but I have so much to do right now you can just RP them.
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-04-2009, 03:16
OOC: No i got confused i put in my nation but i meant the one in Egypttiansstan, it was a group of high school buddies, they were sitting in restuarant when a bomb went off. I Gues si got the news a little faster than you
OOC: Gotcha
United States of PA
06-04-2009, 03:20
OOC: Gotcha
OOC: sorry about the confusion, i got a concussion last week so i have been making a number of mistakes recently
United States of PA
06-04-2009, 03:27
OOC: Blackhelm check your TGs
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-04-2009, 04:00
OOC: Responded
On behalf of all of the Blackhelm Confederacy, I would like to offer my apologies to the families of the pilot recently shot down by over zealous Xeraphian forces. I would like to distance myself and my nation as much as possible from these events, and hope that our two nations can continue peaceful relations.
Lucius Blackhelm,
Chancellor or the Blackhelm Confederacy
United States of PA
06-04-2009, 04:11
OOC: got it
To Lucius Blackhelm
From President Andrew Hundley
In Response to the recent Terroist bombings, we would like to request permission to Target one of our V-9 Radio Interception Sats. to try to locate terroist leaders, and we would also like to deploy 120 men of our Rainbow Spec Ops forces to try to hunt down and either capture or remove these people from the equation.
Thank You
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-04-2009, 04:22
Dear President Hundley,
Feel free to deploy your forces to the region. They can set up with our forces near Nasqut, the major Confederate military base in the province. We wish luck to your men, as the situation is very dangerous out there, and advise your men to use extreme caution when going anywhere north of New Cairo.
Lucius Blackhelm
United States of PA
06-04-2009, 04:29
Dear President Hundley,
Feel free to deploy your forces to the region. They can set up with our forces near Nasqut, the major Confederate military base in the province. We wish luck to your men, as the situation is very dangerous out there, and advise your men to use extreme caution when going anywhere north of New Cairo.
Lucius Blackhelm
OOC: dont need to worry about the Rainbow boys, ever play Rainbow 6 Games or read the book, their the guys i am talking about
Thank You very much, in order to free up some of your men, i am going to land the 1st Marine Divsion that is offshore, tell me where you want them, as for the Rainbow troops and my V-9 Sat, we will commence operations as soon as i can get the men in theater and the Sat. in a GeoStationary orbit over the country.
Thank You again
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-04-2009, 04:46
Advisory to USP Troops
We are going to ask that you land in the Blackhelm Confederacy, and then march north to Egypttiansstan. Link up with Confederate/Allied forces in New Cairo. The press north should occur within the week.
OOC: Thread is here (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=578874)
United States of PA
06-04-2009, 04:53
OOC:so in that thread we are going to finish off the Egyptiansstani army or what?
Ok, the 1st Marines Commander, General Marion Diggs has however, requesed, that once 3 more Division arrive from the mainland, the Pennsylvanian troops land on the north coast and do a pincer, with the Spec Ops Teams operating in the center to clear out as many terroists as possible, if that is ok, that is what we would prefer to do
To: All Parties Concerned
From: Grand Duke Ozgood the Third
Grand Duchy of Tarlag
The Grand Duchy of Tarlag in support of Allanea and CSS troops operating against Egypttinansttan would like to offer additional troop support to help in your war effort. My Government would like to offer a mixed force of two Regimental Combat Teams of Naval Infantry and one Regimental Combat Team of heavy armor to aid in your drive against these Muslim extremists.
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-04-2009, 19:29
The Blackhelm Confederacy refuses to allow any members of the Confederacy of Sovreign States onto our soil. The Allaneans are an exception. The reckless acts committed by their alliance involving Birkainian aircraft has caused us to seriously doubt the abilities of the entire alliance, and thus cannot tolerate any members of the Confederation into Egypttiansstan.
Thank You,
Lucius Blackhelm
United States of PA
06-04-2009, 20:23
The Blackhelm Confederacy refuses to allow any members of the Confederacy of Sovreign States onto our soil. The Allaneans are an exception. The reckless acts committed by their alliance involving Birkainian aircraft has caused us to seriously doubt the abilities of the entire alliance, and thus cannot tolerate any members of the Confederation into Egypttiansstan.
Thank You,
Lucius Blackhelm
If You order them to withdraw, the States has troops we can deploy to assist you if you so wish, but only if you wish, as for the Birkanian Incident, the States will wait and see what happens
The Blackhelm Confederacy refuses to allow any members of the Confederacy of Sovreign States onto our soil. The Allaneans are an exception. The reckless acts committed by their alliance involving Birkainian aircraft has caused us to seriously doubt the abilities of the entire alliance, and thus cannot tolerate any members of the Confederation into Egypttiansstan.
Thank You,
Lucius Blackhelm
OOC-HEY!! Don't let one ruin it for the rest of us! I'm not totally incompetent. LOL :D
Blackhelm Confederacy
06-04-2009, 22:43
OOC-HEY!! Don't let one ruin it for the rest of us! I'm not totally incompetent. LOL :D
OOC: You are allowed in too, I didn't kmow you were CSS.:tongue:
OOC: The Army Times is, of course, an official Army periodical.
Allaneans Build Hospitals in Egyptiannstan
Army Times, Allanea
Even as deadly battles rage on in Port Said, the Allanean government is already working – to win the peace. While terrorists still hold on to their stronghold of fear and hatred, other Egyptiannstani are already working with Allanean Freemen and military personnel to construct new, state-of the art hospitals – like the one above, built by Allaneans in Kergolastan – throughout the beleaguered province.
Foundations for three hospitals had already been laid down – the Ramses Hospital, the Cleopatra Hospital, and the Gates of Mercy Hospital. All three of them will be constructed in New Cairo, through the use of local labor.
OOC: You are allowed in too, I didn't kmow you were CSS.:tongue:
OOC-woohoo!! lol :p
07-04-2009, 00:34
The Emir Ilhami Darzl condemns the acts of all involved in this conflict: The Blackhelm Confederacy and those puppets who would rush to his side for their grossly disproportionate retribution on a nation whose civilian population can only suffer at the hands of these xenophobic imperialists.
The Egyptianistani terrorists for targeting- with purpose- the innocent civilians caught up in their war for liberation. This is not the purpose of the great struggle nor is it conducive to the efforts of world Islam. It brings me great shame and despair to see my brethren acting like murderers but I urge you to consider a more organized effort against those who might shun you from your homelands.
To the Confederacy and those who support them; I ask that you seek diplomatic resolution to this conflict or take your dreams of retribution elsewhere. Any compassionate nation would not extol upon innocents the suffering and bloodshed of a prolonged conflict.