VNB Report: "Italy is ours by God's will and our right!"
01-04-2009, 02:48
"Italy is ours by God's will and our right!"
Italy, Tunisia is Reclaimed as ViZionarian Land Announces President Gio
Vitalita, ViZion
President Barry Gio today made an announcement today that sent chills through every ViZionarian's body and caused many around the world to do a double-take in shock. "Italy is ours by God's will and our right!" he announced in front of a crowd of 75,000 in Vitalita today, causing a delayed reaction as the announcement registered, before getting a reaction that shook the city, cheers and celebrations, hoots and hollers.
He proclaimed that Italy and Tunisia are both lands of the ViZionarian people, land that had been ViZionarian long before most countries had ever been created.
"Get out!" President Gio yelled, "Every non-ViZionarian, get out! Out of our land! Out of Italy, out of Tunisia! It is our land! Not yours! You take take your guns and blood soaked hands, the very guns and hands that killed hundreds of millions as you stormed our land and ripped it from our grapse illegally! It is our land, not yours! God willing, leave our land or you will be dragged down to Hell by Satan himself, and God will only laugh at you for your wrongful deeds! You are soaked in innocent ViZionarian blood forever, and you will only go to Hell. Get out! Get out of our land. Italy is ours by God's will and our right!"
President Barry Gio spared no participant, "The shipmakers. The politicians. The troops that are doing 'What we were told.' The people who stood by without condemning such actions. You are all part of this. You only helped the slaughter of innocent ViZionarian civilians, you acted against people that did you no harm, and you worked against God. Pray to Him, because only He will save you now."
To end his speech, he once again announced, "Italy and Tunisia are once again ViZionarian lands. It is rightfully ours. It is our God-given land. Leave our land now, as you are in ViZion illegally."
Steel and Fire
01-04-2009, 03:31
"No it ain't," says this commentator.
Imperialist moves by ViZion: Do they hold the next good war?
Editorial section of the Camlann Star
"Italy and Tunisia are once again ViZionarian lands. It is rightfully ours. It is our God-given land. Leave our land now, as you are in ViZion illegally."
The new ViZionarian President Barry Gio's controversial announcement indicated a kind of "manifest destiny" policy regarding ViZion's former Italian and Tunisian claims. Displaying a full range of incendiary vocabulary and dramatic oratorical gesture, Mr. Gio seemed in his element, faithfully delivering a master performance surely worthy of at least a nod at the Arcadia Film Awards.
The performance may have been masterly, but the content, less so. Using some transparently flawed logic, Mr. Gio suggested that these former ViZionarian territories -- now primarily occupied by the Imperium Doomanum -- still belong to it, despite the fact that they have been settled by Doomani and have become accustomed to Doomani rule. Moreover, he suggested that they had always belonged to ViZion, and that ViZion's claim on those lands was primarily historical: they had been the first to settle, so the land was rightfully theirs. Both are outright lies and fabrications as should be evident to any kindergartener. Before ViZion occupied those lands, they were occupied by the nations of Italy and Tunisia -- as the names suggest -- and before then by other nations, too many to list here. To find primacy one would have to go back to the ancient Etruscans and Moors, who have long since become absorbed into the general population anyway.
How did ViZion obtain those lands? It settled them, or it formed from their governments, or it purchased them, or it conquered them. All are legitimate ways of obtaining land. Land ownership is primarily determined by who lives on the land and is capable of defending it; if a nation or group is incapable of self-defense, it is no legitimate nation, and is justifiably overthrown in favour of a nation more capable. Thus, while the lands may have once been ViZionarian, they no longer are. If ViZion wants its land back, it may attempt to purchase it (which is unlikely to be successful), or to trade it in return for other pieces of land controlled by itself, or to seize it by force of military arms. However, until one of these transactions is finalized, the land belongs to those who inhabit it, not to a foreign government that once occupied; it is Doomish, not ViZionarian.
It strikes me as interesting that ViZion's imperialism will probably be supported by a certain group of nations who pride themselves on democratic and anti-imperialist policies, and opposed by a certain group of nations widely regarded as anti-democratic and pro-imperialist, simply due to the nature of the alliance system. Where the new Steelian Government -- excuse me, Corporation -- will weigh in is quite certain as well, and I wouldn't be surprised to find them offering significant discounts to anyone against ViZion itself.
This correspondent will be watching the situation carefully in the hope of discovering an entertaining war. The rhetoric certainly promises one.
George Waikalekasharavadhithemorthanny
I think Doom occupies Italy and Tunisia. It's been awhile.
Official Memorandum
Due to principles and a preexisting contract, the Steel and Fire™ Private Military Contractor Group will be offering a 50% discount on all products and services to any individuals or governments seeking to defend the lands of Italy and Tunisia from foreign incursions. The ViZionarian Government will also be greylisted for all such products and services, with no military-related services provided to that Government for the duration of the greylist. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. If you have questions, please write to Mister Pink, our public relations representative, or call our toll-free number at +166 9 250 0000 0014 extension 86.
Mr. Jamie Verdance
Sales Department, SaF PMCG LLC
Official Allanean Press Release
We in the United States believe that the lands of Italy and Tunisia are the ancestral property of the ViZionarians. The Doomani are evil, decadent, barbaric bastards and deserve to be treated accordingly. That said, we believe that President Gio's behavior could provoke a joint SICON invasion of his nation, an event that would be highly unfortunate, and though we have no doubt that, with the help of its allies, ViZion would be able to fight off Doomingsland, such behavior is entirely irresponsible.
Further, we see Steel and Fire contributing to this conflict – people so responsible and sane they once declared war on us at random and then ran away like little girls when our allies turned up. Actually… that's an insult to little girls. We in the United States of Allanea are amused by their behavior.
So, to recap: While we believe the Doomani shouldn't be in Italy, we see no opportunity for dislodging them at this moment, and don't think provoking them is worth it. And Steel and Fire mercenaries shouldn't be intimidating anybody.
Steel and Fire
01-04-2009, 13:59
Official Memorandum
While ordinarily we would not involve ourselves in national conversations, we at SaF PMCG LLC feel we must clear up a slight misapprehension on the part of the United States of Allanea. It is claimed that SaF PMCG has gone to war against Allanea, which is not true; the SaF PMCG has undertaken no contracts within Allanea or against its forces in its history of operation. Indeed, the full range of SaF PMCG products and services is available to Allanea should it desire to obtain them. Complaints about the behavior of the government of Steel and Fire (with which SaF PMCG is in no way affiliated) should be taken up with the appropriate representative of that government; I am sure they will be more than happy to resume any prior conflicts and prosecute them to their conclusions should the Allanean Government so request.
Mr. Ignatius Pink
PR Representative, SaF PMCG LLC
There was a Steelian Government, technically. It consisted of several thousand citizens, all residing in the capital, all bureaucrats and magistrates and various officials. They existed mostly to provide SaF PMCG a home country on which it could be prosecuted if need be, and to authorize the hire of SaF PMCG's toll roads, police officers, hospitals, schools, et cetera, et cetera.
.: Northside Tower, Arcadia :.
"Great. Two days old and you're already greylisting people," said Bernard Aaronson, tapping his fingers impatiently on an armrest.
"Hey, it's the Board of Directors' decision," La Grenouille said lightly, sitting across from him. She sipped from a glass of a politically acceptable non-alcoholic beverage. "I was all for allowing the ViZionarians full access -- hell, even extending the discount to them, too, in light of our prior interests in the area."
"You know damn well that's a lie," said Aaronson. He'd once been part of the Triumvirate, which had ruled Steel and Fire for years, and still held a good deal of influence on government despite being technically retired. "If you don't control the Board of Directors at least indirectly, I'll buy a hat and eat it."
"It may surprise you immensely, but the Directors are people, just like you and me," La Grenouille said. "They have their own opinions. They vote on all greylists, redlists, and blacklists. Anyway, it's not like they would have bought from us in the first place. We'd probably have to change our name to do that."
"Still, great work encouraging people to buy from you," Aaronson said. "By which I mean, y'know, not great work. Haven't we already received a message criticising our decision from someone?"
"Yeah... Can't remember who, exactly...." La Grenouille looked thoughtful. "And I'm receiving complaints from more people, not just you. We won't be able to meet quotas for the second year, et cetera, et cetera. I suppose I'll give it a few more days for the mercs to get prepared and then put out advertisements. Someone's bound to show up eventually, even if we do keep the greylist."
"Sure. With all the other corporations out there? Maybe Bigfoot and the Lake Champlain Monster will have a baby."
"It's not impossible...."
"I rest my case."
"Anyway, we can always hand the reins back over to the government, and make it and thousands of pissed-off shareholders their problem."
02-04-2009, 12:19
The following excerpt is taken from www.newsleaknow.kmpf, a popular news website that presents information in a quick and compact form similar to twitter.
"Italy is ours by God's will and our right!" has 6 comments
----in b4 pwnt
----Anonymous, 5:22:44
----Anonymous, 5:25:18
----lol@them. can't wait to see them get slaughtered by the doomies again
----Anonymous, 5:34:06
----rofl pwnt. are they going to drive straight for teh minefields again
----User:WkPer, 5:45:31
----SICON is fully functional and stronger than ever. Doomingsland now has a more united and larger group of allies since the last time it was in --------APOC. Does the president of ViZion really believe he can get away with this?
----Anonymous, 6:02:58
----if the doomies are selling ViZionarian slaves for under 500 bux a head i'll get one, otherwise i guess i'll buy a few more kstani's.
----Anonymous, 6:15:20
02-04-2009, 15:13
Thought for the day: Only in death does duty end.
Once more Vizionarian warmongering has brought us to an impasse. I do believe that this is the fourth time in forty years or so that Vizion has attempted to sieze Imperial soil, and as we all remember the previous three occasions were all comically spectacular failures. Tell me then, do you intend to trick foreigners into doing all of your fighting for you once more, Gio? Do not forget what happened last time: those you considered your greatest allies were slaughtered to the man and surrendered by the millions to the righteous Crusade, while the cowardly armies of Vizion were nowhere to be seen in a war that they had initiated.
It seems fairly clear to me now that the Allaneans, for all their foolishness and barbarity, will not be your lapdogs. For all your firey rhetoric, Gio, I would be quite surprised if you had the spine to fight your own wars after what I've seen.
So come then, if you dare. If you truely believe you can dislodge the holy legions of the Imperium from sacred Doomani soil, than back your words up with actions. You believe that God fights for you; why, then, did the Lord see fit to deliver heathen lands unto us, and subsequently bless all of the Crusades that have turned back the barbarian tide that have tried to sieze them from us? The Truth should be clear to all: None can stop the Crusade of the Righteous, and all those who oppose shall be crushed like insects by the might of the Imperium. The hordes of the unbeliever shall be haulted, and the rivers shall run red with their blood.
Deus Vult!
It was business as usual for the forces of Segmentum Mediterranica began total mobilization to counter the likely Vizionarian threat. The Holy Fleet's Classis Mediterranica Occiduus was directed by the Magister Militum of the Segmentum, Titus Liberius Otho, to the Straights of Gilbraltar, the likliest invasion route, as it had been used on the previous occasion. However, Imperial Guard legions throughout North Africa were also activated due to a possibility of an overland attack from the south. Satellite reconnaisance of Vizionarian naval bases and ports were stepped up and submarine patrols in the Atlantic were stepped up to provide an early warning of the enemy attack.
Naval units in the Red Sea were also prepared for an attack through that route, and drills for the mining of the entrance of the sea were now being undertaken on a regular basis in the event the Vizionarians attempted to attack via that route.
Once more Vizionarian warmongering has brought us to an Impasse. I do believe that this is the fourth time in forty years or so that Vizion has attempted to sieze Imperial soil, and as we all remember the previous three occasions were all comically spectacular failures. Tell me then, do you intend to trick foreigners into doing all of your fighting for you once more, Gio? Do not forget what happened last time: those you considered your greatest allies were slaughtered to the man and surrendered by the millions to the righteous Crusade, while the cowardly armies of Vizion were nowhere to be seen in a war that they had initiated.
It seems fairly clear to me now that the Allaneans, for all their foolishness and barbarity, will not be your lapdogs. For all your firey rhetoric, Gio, I would be quite surprised if you had the spine to fight your own wars after what I've seen.
So come then, if you dare. If you truely believe you can dislodge the holy legions of the Imperium from sacred Doomani soil, than back your words up with actions. You believe that God fights for you; why, then, did the Lord see fit to deliver heathen lands unto us, and subsequently bless all of the Crusades that have turned back the barbarian tide that have tried to sieze them from us? The Truth should be clear to all: None can stop the Crusade of the Righteous, and all those who oppose shall be crushed like insects by the might of the Imperium. The hordes of the unbeliever shall be haulted, and the rivers shall run red with their blood.
Official Response from the United States Government
We in the United States, first of all, oppose any kind of implication by the Doomani that the United States of Allanea is somehow a 'lapdog' to anybody. The United States holds the position of General Secretary of the Confederacy of Sovereign States, of which ViZion is a member. This does not mean we will deploy as part of some insane scheme of aggression against SICON or anybody else. This is not because we like SICON. SICON is composed of a variety of subhuman barbarians, but we do not see it as useful to attack them in a situation where their numbers are superior to our own.
However, we would like to recommend that Maximus III, the Imperator Doomanorum, install the OpenOffice 3.0 text editor or similar program. These programs come with spell-checking plug-ins, and will help His Imperial Majesty avoid errors such as 'hault', 'sieze', or 'truely'. When one wants to condemn others for being 'barbarian', it is best to check one's spelling first.
Sincerely yours,
Foreign Service Cadet Marusia Monningham.
"Hah, have you read this, Derrig?" The Naval officer handed over a piece of recently printed paper, with two main articles. Taking a moment to read it, Derrig simply let his head fall on the table as a reply.
"These people. You'd think we were watching over some scholum brats fighting over their side of the play pen. You'd never think people were actually dying in the names of these fools. Sometimes it just makes me want to turn the active launch key."
"I could right you up just for saying that, Derrig," the commander warned coldly, "our mission is to observe from this point only, by order of the war council." The ship turned slowly in the pitching tide. Even for a Serpentine-class, these seas were dangerous. The ship was designed to curve in segments so as to navigate heavily cluttered minefields, but with the currents sloshing the dangerous Doomingslandi orbs, that task was becoming ever more precarious.
"Well why are we just watching, anyhow? Surely the Emperor would want us to take more proactive measures?"
"Indeed he would want to, but not by us. We're simply here to ensure things go according to plan."
"What plan?" This made the commander smile.
"You watch, Derrig. See that bunker the Doomies are setting up, facing the Allay's?" He wondered if the commander had some kind of precognition as, when he brought up the periscope, he could see a rather decently sized bunker being erected by Doomy troops, their physically intimidating armor obstructing their task.
"Yeah, I see it. What of it?"
"Well, Derrig," he said, leaning back on his command seat, "what do harsh words always come to?" he asked, quoting the old rote hammered into both of their head by the scholum-masters. "Harsh blows, of course." Derrig could only assume as to what was going to happen, but he prayed a quick benediction for the souls of the Doomingslandi soldiers he had seen.
OOC: Nice to see a lot of fellow 40k fans
OOC: For clarification, there are no Allanean troops on the ViZion-Doomingsland border (do they even have a land border at the present), though there are troops on the Kahanistani-Doomingsland border. As I stated repeatedly ICly, my government does not like Doomingsland and they do not like us, but we do not think Gio's statements are responsible nor do we support war with Doomingsland.
03-04-2009, 02:09
Tiger Exports Operations Building,
13.15 PM
Paul Guischard puffed on a cigarette carelessly as he read the morning news. He had woken up not much longer than an hour ago and was not fully dressed yet, but such was the way of things. Grunting with approval as his servant brought in a typical Questarian breakfast, a bowl of rice and bacon and soy sauce, he noticed something very interesting on the news. Vizionarians acting up again -- ordinarily, he wouldn't give a shit, but war meant business -- for Guischard was CEO of TIGEX, a Questarian mercenary company consisting of war veterans who did not feel like returning to peace life after up to twenty years of war. Many fought on the frontlines in the civil war, but others simply didn't care anymore. They had seen too much killing and dying to care about patriotism or causes or ideology.
He sent out an email to each of his company leaders; RE: JOB, with the text "Doomingsland vs. CSS. Prep mp report. Sit nomine digna."
Within an hour he had a report from his company commanders that a sufficient amount of men were open and willing for operations. With this in mind he picked up the phone and found the number of an old contact in the Doomani General Staff. With the time difference, he would be on his lunch break now; convenient, Guischard thought. He dialed the number while pouring himself a drink.
"I hope you are enjoying your lunch monsieur Agrippa," Guischard said in his relatively obvious French accent. "Yes, it is me. I have a proposition for you, if you should care to hear it. No, you stupid bastard, I do not want to suck your cock." Guischard rolled his eyes. He had managed to not pay off that bet so far and had no intentions to. "There is going to be a war involving your country. This is good because I am now a mercenary. Yes, it is working out well. Five companies ex-SAS and one company ex-SBS, two fifty million per quarter. Contractual. You agree? Yes? Yes, it is a good offer. I will inform my men. I will be speaking to you again soon monsieur Agrippa."
Guischard hung up and rubbed his hands. Money and war... the two things he liked best in life. He took a sip of cognac and smiled. That was the third thing fulfilled... today was a very good day, a very good day indeed.
Now where did that whore go?
04-04-2009, 00:20
Unencrypted Message
I find it quite amusing that you would call us warmongers. I made no mention of any attack upon you. I made no mention of any strike to forcefully retake Italy and Tunisia. In addition, you and your cronies are the ones that slaughtered millions to take part of our land away.
Now you are the ones talking of war, of bloodied battles, and you call us warmongers when it is clear that you, not ViZion, is the one thirsting for blood.
We have not asked our allies to go strike you down for us. We have no lapdogs. We stand as a peaceful nation that has decided to peacefully reclaim the land that is rightfully ours. We made no plans to add more blood to our soil in Italy and Tunisia. Yet you are biting at the bit to have more blood, aren't you?
It is clear I am not the mad man here. It is clear you, sir, and those who are apparently ready to fight now as well are the blood-thirsty warmongers. We have asked you to leave our land, and that God - not us - would exact revenge should you chose to disobey such orders from God and ourselves.
ViZion has no interest in fighting you on the battlefields. It is not worth our time and our young mens lives to entertain such a filthy event that seems to be a ritual of yours. We simple expect Italy and Tunisia to be left alone, as it is our land. Not yours.
Do not call us warmongers. We are not the ones who are lusting for the blood of the innocent. For the smell of the battlefields. And for more death. That, sir, is you and your cronies.
President Barry Gio
Official Announcement of the United States Government
As of this moment, we would like to issue a condemnation of Barry Gio's behavior in office as President of ViZion. While technically peaceful, his behavior does nothing but provoke the Doomani and Praetonians. As we fear that the Doomani 'defensive' buildup may turn offensive at any moment, we hereby declare a shifting of 10 armored and 10 Mechanized divisions into Angola and Zambia. The ships and aircraft moving them will be available to ferry ViZionian civilians out of the area on the return trip.
We would also like to point out that anybody willing to insure his possessions in these colonies from 'damage-by-Doomani' can always do this by paying a premium to either the Mulligan Bank, the Confederate Bank, or any of a range of Allanean-based insurance agencies.
04-04-2009, 01:19
From the Desk of his Lordship King Harold Wallace III
You claim that we are the warmongers, the bloodthirsty. Yet it was you who cried for all non-ViZionarians to leave lands that you do not govern, to call for such action and then claim to be peaceful will only fool those who are lead by incompetent morasses and lackeys to ViZonarian policy.
I would strongly urge you to choose your words and more importantly your actions carefully, tread softly Gio, playing with fire will only get you, and those who follow you burned.
While the time our two great nations have spent as allies has been short when measured with others whom the Imperium holds in the highest regards,
I wish to assure you the military forces and the people of the Reich stand firmly behind their Doomani brethren.
Should a call for aid come from the Imperium the Reich will answer. Our men are prepared to fight and bleed the ground red side by side with the mighty legions on the fields of battle. Until together we share in the spoils and celebrations of our great victories against our foes be they few or be they many in number.
Divine Might, Glory, and Power.
To the Allanean Government
Sub Human barbarians?
This is how you speak of your friends?
Have you such a short memory that you have forgotten that it was with the assistance of the Reich that you were saved following your foolish execution of operations in the Clan-Presto war?
Have you forgotten it was the Reich whom opened its borders to your confederacy, a fool I was for following your pyramid scheme known as the CSS but sub human barbarian I am most certainly not.
You hide now behind your wall of known as the CSS, playing as the puppet master for those too afraid, too foolish, to incompetent, and to gullible to rule their own lands without Allanean overlords. As it is, such men should not be allowed to lead, and in that regard, I suppose you are doing the world a favor by being their herder.
Henceforth as you have shown the true measure of your worth the Reich formally cuts all diplomatic ties with the United States.
To the Unkerlantian Government
You ally yourself with the Doomani. The people who invade countries, enslave their citizens, and lobotomize them to use as servants. Let us restate it again: there are about a billion people in Doomingsland who have been enslaved through the use of electroshock, lobotmy, or torture and are being held as property. Yet you befriend these people – and you expect us to respect you? Why, we doubt that you respect yourself after having done that.
To what purpose have you befriended that Doomani? Unkerlantum is a powerful nation and a member of SASH, and surely does not require the protection of Maximus' armies. What kind of 'realpolitik' interest justifies an alliance with the Doomani?
One understands that sometimes, considerations of practical national need justify an alliance with a somewhat unsavory nation. However, Doomingsland is more than somewhat unsavory. And a nation of your stature can do better.
As for us 'ruling' people's lands through the CSS, this is simply laughable. The Confederacy has not deployed a single policeman on the streets of Anghele, nor taken a single dollar from a nation against their will. On many occasions we have deployed in the defense of CSS member-states, even in situations where it was not in our direct interest. Any CSS member is free to leave at any time.
During Unkerlantum's membership of the CSS, have we ever exerted 'rule' of any kind over your sovereign lands?
Surely, Allanea takes a leadership position in the CSS, as the founder-state of the alliance. But we do not rule over anybody.
That is all.
May God continue to bless Allanea.
04-04-2009, 21:52
Official Communique: International
The Pure Democracy of Jarridia
To whom it may concern
Jarridia has always been a staunch ally of ViZion since our inception. We have fought many a war with them, and often support their actions. However, we cannot condone these actions that their new President, Barry Gio, has undertaken. It is our belief that Italy is their ancestral homeland, and that under the right circumstances it should be returned to them. But at this time, and under these conditions, it is not an appropriate move. Jarridia has often opposed Doomingsland and its allies on the world stage, but today Jarridia will not take that stance. We feel that ViZion has made the wrong move and disturbed the delicate peace that many a Jarridian died for in the past.
Though it is hard for me to do, as an ally, personal friend of the nation, and confidant, I must refuse support to ViZion and suggest that they quickly rethink their motions. This world has seen enough bloodshed, and it is time to call it an end.
To peace,
President of the Purest of Democracies
04-04-2009, 21:55
Segmentum Mediterranea
9343.C21 Anno Domini (April 4th, 2043 Doomani Calendar)
0800 Local
The Emperor was not amused by President Gio's belligerence, nor by his apparent stupidity, and certainly not by his numerous blasphemies. He had realized that not destroying the Vizionarian state during the last war (or the two before that, for that matter) had been a mistake, one that had come back to ruin an otherwise pleasant weekend. Maximus couldn't help but laugh at Gio's latest "diplomatic response" in which he'd mistaken being called a coward for being called a warmonger.
Of course the Doomani enjoyed nothing more than the spilling of heathen blood!
Gio's latest statement sealed the fate of his nation. There would be a Crusade to end the Vizionarian people once and for all, and so the Emperor could finally not have to worry about some fool from the same country periodically annoying him for the rest of his life. Thus, it was to much jubilation that it was announced to Segmentum Mediterranea's legions that they would soon be plunged into combat in Vizion, free to kill, maim, and burn as they pleased. Tanks were already being loaded by the hundreds, and, soon enough, thousands onto transports, and thousands of fighters and bombers could be seen from satellite waiting on the tarmac for the order to strike to be given.
The vanguard of the invasion force, a large compliment of Legionarii Marinus, was already making its way out of the Straight of Gibraltar under heavy escort by the Holy Fleet. These men were especially eager to pour onto the shores of Angola and stain their bayonets and blades red, and given the number of inhabitants of Vizionarian Africa, there would be plenty of people to kill.
Steel and Fire
05-04-2009, 00:09
Dear Emperor Maximus:
Our information leads us to believe that you are mobilizing for a confrontation with the nation of ViZion. But mobilizing a full-scale army is not a simple task! Here at Steel and Fire™ Private Military Contractors, we realize this, and have a wide variety of packages and services available. Whether it's logistical support to ensure that everything's running smoothly, or aerial and naval support for an amphibious assault, or even just extra security forces to make sure the homeland's not undefended while your army goes on the march -- we urge you to consider S&F PMCG for all your defense needs. Due to ViZion's longtime enmity with our home government we're also offering a 50% discount on all services, meaning that we've estimated it's a third less expensive to hire S&F than to pay your own soldiers and logistical personnel for the same task! If you're interested, call us back at the number supplied below and we'll get to work providing a package tailored to suit your needs. If not, do keep us in mind if there's any future occasion on which you'd consider seeking our assistance. Thanks!
Mr. Lou Harrington
Sales Department, SaF PMCG LLC
+166 9 250 0000 0176 extension 43.
Third Spanish States
05-04-2009, 02:02
(OOC: Too bad I can't recognize this ICly because having this Italy in Confederacy's unnamed "Earth" would be far more interesting, because of the implications, like the existence an artificial gorge loaded with biohazard and radioactive materials all across the the border between Algerian Communes and Tunysia, Fallout Vaults (, AFRIKAKORPS o/, a full fledged extension of the air defense grid there and France as the only buffer zone to a direct land link. However, as this image shows (, it would unfortunately conflict with In-character geopolitical logic. :( )
Brutland and Norden
05-04-2009, 05:01
For the Nord-Brutlandese Foreign Ministry, it was quite some change. The people there consider Vizion was one of the South Pacific kingdom's friends in the international scene; those close ties were cultivated when Tanner Kilo was the Vizionarian President. But now, Vizionarians have a new president, and the Nord-Brutlandese diplomats are getting nervous. Gio seemed belligerent, and the reports being sent by Ambassador Canellotti further intensified this view of Gio in the Foreign Ministry. Certainly, Brutland and Norden's friend had changed, and it wasn't for the better.
For a peaceful nation, there is some sort of disgust of having its commitments dragging it into some foreign wars; as one cabinet minister put it in the recent (closed) cabinet meeting, "I don't want to see our men in a foreign land, being used as cannon fodder for reasons we don't even give a sh*t about."
Most of the cabinet were of the same opinion, but very-toned down in their words...
To: the World
The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden renounces war as an instrument of national policy and hopes that peaceful solutions will be found before resorting to force.
The United Kingdom of Brutland and Norden declares itself neutral on the recent provocations by the President of Vizion and the subsequent responses of Doomingsland and its allies. The military of Brutland and Norden, including those in the Confederacy, shall not and will not be engaged in any military action on this particular conflict.
While we understand Vizion on its hopes pertaining to its homeland, we will neither support the means it intends to achieve it, nor will we stake a stand on who has the right to occupy the land. We caution Vizion not to make rash decisions which can jeopardize itself or its relations with the international community.
Thank you.
05-04-2009, 05:10
OOC: B&N, continuation here...
Brutland and Norden
05-04-2009, 05:17
OOC: B&N, continuation here...
OOC> I was supposed to sneak that in before Gio was assassinated, but was too busy back then... :$ 'twas meant to be sent in before the new thread started. :p
05-04-2009, 05:19
OOC: ahh k lol :-p