Uranium Enrichment Facility completed in Marktoria.
The Marktoria State
29-03-2009, 01:02
The Imperial Republic of The Marktoria State announced Saturday March 28th that the Uranium Enrichment facility is complete. Now the Government hopes to begin the construction of a Nuclear Plant to power many more towns. It will be located near the City of Elliot. Marktorian Prime Minister, Mark Davis, held an opening ceremony at the new Enrichment Facility.
"Today marks a great day in Marktorian history. For on this day, Marktoria has achieved its goal of creating its Uranium Enrichment Facility. Now Marktoria will prosper and thrive with its new, clean energy. This day will mark the begining of Marktoria's technological advance. Carpe Diem!"
What remains unclear is the PM's last claim of building nuclear weapons. The World Assembly is preping to vote on the resolution to Repeal the Nuclear Arms Possesion Act. If Marktoria constructs Nuclear Weapons and the Nuclear Arms Possesion Act is repealed, other nations may view Marktoria as an aggreser.
Studly Penguins
29-03-2009, 05:43
Unless the repeal goes thru, and even if it does, theres nothing on the books to prohibit you from building nukes. Go until then your legal to do so, unless you arent in the WA then the laws passed dont apply to your nation.
29-03-2009, 05:46
WA doesn't exist in international incidents.
The Marktoria State
29-03-2009, 19:08
I believe the resolution at vote right now will conseqently lead to some other resolution that will restrict(in some way) the building of Nuclear Weapons. The Marktoria State doesnt want to take any chances.
Minucular Bob
29-03-2009, 19:26
I'm with you Marktoria state. I believe this repeal will lead to worse things in the future of the world.
Minucular Bob has recently been mining for uranium after finding deposits in our forests. We could use this uranium to make bombs that can protect the interest of our country against others wishing to harm us.
If the WA passes this repeal which as I speak appears to be happening, the WA will be doing more harm then good. Imagine a world where all World Assembly members cannot have nukes, might sound peaceful but in fact it is the opposite. Without nukes the World Assembly cannot defend itself from others outside the Assembly who already have nukes or who intend to make it. I do not want to be ruled by uncivilized powerful nations outside the assembly because of a dumb resolution prohibiting my nations security.
If this measure is passed I may just leave the assembly to protect my people.
Studly Penguins
29-03-2009, 23:15
Actually even with the law on the books, should it not be repealed, one can still write a law legislating the use, manufacturing of, proliferation, etc. All the law being repealed is is the guarantee of the right to possess nukes. Until they actually write a bill and get one passed to outlaw them, they're legal till told otherwise.
We are against the repeal, but those are the facts.
The Grand World Order
30-03-2009, 00:00
The World Assembly doesn't matter in International Incidents. They could pass all the laws and resolutions they want, but it doesn't matter worth a rat's left testicle.
United Earthlings
30-03-2009, 20:15
What remains unclear is the PM's last claim of building nuclear weapons. The World Assembly is preping to vote on the resolution to Repeal the Nuclear Arms Possesion Act. If Marktoria constructs Nuclear Weapons and the Nuclear Arms Possesion Act is repealed, other nations may view Marktoria as an aggreser.
Well, for starters if it helps, even though my nation isn't part of the WA and before that the UN, much more fun being a rogue, even if you posses a massive arsenal of nuclear weapons I wouldn't consider your nation an aggressor. For me to consider your nation an aggressive nation to worry about you'd have to do more then posses a few nuclear warheads. Besides, that resolution is only repealing a resolution that said nations could have a nuclear arsenal it's not banning nations from possessing or using nuclear weapons, so you should be fine. However, just in case I have a few suggestions to alleviate your worries.
1. There's one way to get around the repeal resolution even if it should pass, resign from the WA until after the resolution is voted on and then simply rejoin the WA after the resolution is off the books. Since, you wouldn't be part of the WA at the time, the repealed resolution would not effect you since you were not officially part of the WA at the time the resolution was appealed and only those resolutions you were in the WA at the time effect you. It's what those in the legal world like to call a loophole and no one will think less of you if you use it. It is your nation after all.
2. Instead of building a nuclear arsenal you could always discreetly purchase them instead. I'm sure you'd fine many nations willing to sell a nuclear stockpile to you for a good price.
3. This one is the most extreme, but also the most fun. You could always join the rest of us and go rogue by permanently resigning from the WA. No more busy-bodies telling you what you can or cannot do.
However, what GWO said is correct so it's kind of a mute point, II has no influence in anyway on what happens in the World Assembly and the World Assembly has no effect in anyway on what happens in II.