The Battlehawk
25-03-2009, 09:58
<Presidential Mansion>
"Todays the day then" Daniel commented with a grin as Theresa stepped into his office.
"Yes Sir Mr president" Theresa replied "The habitat section is going up today on four shuttles, no scientifc or anything yet, just enough to keep them alive"
"The space station'll be in geo-syncrinus orbit right?" Daniel asked.
"Not quite sir, the orbit will pass over us, at least 10 times a day" Thersa smiled
"Drop the sir will you?" Daniel asked "I'm nervous enough as it is"
Theresa smileed and walkeed over to the window and looked up at the sky
<Mission Control Ba'Ku, Eastern Battlehawk>
"Ok, all four shuttles are T-30 minutes" A technition reported
"Good" The lead replied "Are the crews ready?"
"And rearing to go"
"And they remember how to get all the equipment working, the life support for example"
"Yes of course"
"I hope so"
<Mission Control Ba'Ku, Briefing Room>
"Ok, good luck and safe flight, we'll speak again when the station is opperational" Wing Commander Gutsy of the BAF said to the Shuttle crew and the additional crew for the space station.
"Err sir, when will the rest of the station be up?" One astronaught asked.
"We're intending to send a new section up every month, we've been planning this for years and spent shedloads of money into this, so we want it up and running as soon as possible, our only restriction is the amoung of shuttels we have"
Mission Control Ba'Ku, Take-off platform (Twenty Nine Minutes Later)
"10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1" The Controller counted down and the Engines burst into action and the Shuttle took off "Lift off of the Space Shuttle Valiant!"
<Presidential Mansion (Some Hours Later)>
"Wake up Mr President!" Theresa said knocking on the door.
"What is it?" Daniel asked sleepily "It's 2 Am"
"Ba'Ku is receiving a transmission, it's from the Station!"
Daniel was up in seconds and was walking with Theresa To the Tele confernace room.
"Astronaughts, the President Of the Republic" Theresa stuck her head in first to annouce this as Daniel walked in.
"Congratulations" He siad to the Station Crew "whats it like up there?"
"Tired" The Leader replied "Know how tireing it is to put part of a station together?"
"Very?" Daniel ventured.
"Yes sir"
OOC: I tried this a few months ago, no one looked at it, so in light of the sudden interest in outer spaceness we've had recently, I retconed that and Started again.
"Todays the day then" Daniel commented with a grin as Theresa stepped into his office.
"Yes Sir Mr president" Theresa replied "The habitat section is going up today on four shuttles, no scientifc or anything yet, just enough to keep them alive"
"The space station'll be in geo-syncrinus orbit right?" Daniel asked.
"Not quite sir, the orbit will pass over us, at least 10 times a day" Thersa smiled
"Drop the sir will you?" Daniel asked "I'm nervous enough as it is"
Theresa smileed and walkeed over to the window and looked up at the sky
<Mission Control Ba'Ku, Eastern Battlehawk>
"Ok, all four shuttles are T-30 minutes" A technition reported
"Good" The lead replied "Are the crews ready?"
"And rearing to go"
"And they remember how to get all the equipment working, the life support for example"
"Yes of course"
"I hope so"
<Mission Control Ba'Ku, Briefing Room>
"Ok, good luck and safe flight, we'll speak again when the station is opperational" Wing Commander Gutsy of the BAF said to the Shuttle crew and the additional crew for the space station.
"Err sir, when will the rest of the station be up?" One astronaught asked.
"We're intending to send a new section up every month, we've been planning this for years and spent shedloads of money into this, so we want it up and running as soon as possible, our only restriction is the amoung of shuttels we have"
Mission Control Ba'Ku, Take-off platform (Twenty Nine Minutes Later)
"10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1" The Controller counted down and the Engines burst into action and the Shuttle took off "Lift off of the Space Shuttle Valiant!"
<Presidential Mansion (Some Hours Later)>
"Wake up Mr President!" Theresa said knocking on the door.
"What is it?" Daniel asked sleepily "It's 2 Am"
"Ba'Ku is receiving a transmission, it's from the Station!"
Daniel was up in seconds and was walking with Theresa To the Tele confernace room.
"Astronaughts, the President Of the Republic" Theresa stuck her head in first to annouce this as Daniel walked in.
"Congratulations" He siad to the Station Crew "whats it like up there?"
"Tired" The Leader replied "Know how tireing it is to put part of a station together?"
"Very?" Daniel ventured.
"Yes sir"
OOC: I tried this a few months ago, no one looked at it, so in light of the sudden interest in outer spaceness we've had recently, I retconed that and Started again.