NationStates Jolt Archive

A day In the life (Open FT)

The Fedral Union
20-03-2009, 06:52
The churrs and whizzing of machines echoing down the hall woke him up, him being thirty two year old Martian fisher. His blue eyes stared on to the mundane white ceiling above him, his well toned built body still on the bed covered in the pale pastel blue blankets. The noise of machine work echoed in to his room and in to his ears. The smell of freshly replicated food wafted unto his form. He breathed in, taking in the cornucopia of smells associated with his occupation this included smelted metal, hearty foods and various personal smells. He stood up from his bed stretching out and yawning. His blue eyes peered over to his avatar, she nodded to him an said in a perky voice.

“Good morning Martian, I have your food ready for you, and a few messages from the foreman..”

Martian said in a still half a sleep voice as he wandered in to the bathroom. The door shimmering open in front of him as he made his way towards a cylindrical clear built shower, the doors swished open in front of him. Grumbling a bit from waking up so early he started to undress, his clothing that where thrown on the floor of the shower where beamed by the avatar in to a folded pile in the storage compartments. The lights of the bathroom bathed it in soft yellow accents, the chrome and white utilitarian construct of the place was normal for these types of quarters. This wasn’t Martian’s cup of tea but he couldn’t do much about it nor did he mind to badly. The Shower engaged, a soft stream of particles bathed him emitters all around the cylinder moved up and down and side to side this would dislodge the dirt from his body.

Second came a steaming stream of water with anti viral and bacterial agents, it poured over his slender muscular body. His brown hair matted with water as the shower stopped running, the doors opened, and his work cloths where beamed directly in-front of him, it consisted of an environmental suit complete with helmet. He got dressed in this white plated yet flexible suit, keeping the helmet unfastened he wandered out of the small bathroom in to his living room, the various couches, arranged around a pedestal in the center of the room, every thing was grey and standard. The couches where accented by the white lamps of the living room making them a bit lighter then the mundane grey carpet. Martian spoke out his voice was deep and some what loud.

“All right Play this stuff in here.”

He said this as he went over to the fabrication unit, he picked up a metal plate filled with eggs, bacon, ham and grits.. He smiled a bit at the selection the AI had given him and sat down on one of the couches starting to eat the food. A fork filled with brown meat and soft eggs entered his mouth. His supple lips closing as he started the chew. The messages started to play.

“Hey Marty, we’re going to need you down in C sector today, one of the new guys was rotated out to your sector so we need some one to replace him down there, don’t worry its only temporary for today.”

Martian rolled his eyes the avatar appearing as he ate the last byte of his food. She spoke out to him in a soft friendly voice.

“Martin your going to be late for work , hurry up hun!”

Martian stood up rushing over to the fabricator , and placing the plate in there. It promptly disappeared in to a flash of crackling light, he grabbed his helmet with one of his hands and said walking out as he placed the thing over his suit.

“Lock down.”

The lights of the place went dark, the doors shimmered shut behind him as he made his way through the carpeted grey hall, the walls where smooth and metallic, the lights where white they started to beat down on him as walked fully suited towards the transpad, he noticed various other workers in orange yellow and the same white suits he was in on the pad, he nodded to them and they nodded back one asked.

“Hey where are you headed ?”

Martian responded to him.

“Sector C”

The other raised an eyebrow and nodded tapping a holographic console, one by one they teleported to different parts of the facility. Martian had ended up in Sector C as he was supposed to. Sector C was in the heart of the industrial complex, he nodded to the foremen on floor as he walked off of the pad, the churring and whizzing and roaring of machinery filling the echoy several hundred meter long wide and tall chamber .The forman was a female, she said directing him to one of the machines.

“You will be working on the N space compressor unit over there make sure the operations are going smoothly I know you are better use up in alpha sector but you know the case..”

He nodded and said as he walked by.


He made his way over the force walk towards a massive spherical machine with various holo consoles plastered on to it, N-Space compressors in this facility where used to compress dark matter in to a solid state, from there it is transported in its highly condensed state to sector D, where it is turned in to Dark energy plasma for fuel. He sighed as he mundanely started to tap on a few consoles with a few mumbles. He thought of his life, single, unmarried to a male or female, sitting here working on machines or holo work. He wasn’t bored but he thought he could do better. His life had always been hard, no family ,no lovers. People weren’t interested in him really. He shook it off thinking he had more than he could ever wish for a stable home a good job to keep him busy, entertainment , friends.

He nodded to various people in their own suits working other machines Quantum converters raged with crackling energetic bursts of energy as dark matter was extracted from their singularities , Black holes , or large gravity wells or any ole singularity was a gathering place for dark matter..

Martian just sighed a bit, holo projections running on the latest news of the nation, the presidential race was heating up, various candidate where flipped Through on the screen, he Knew he was going to vote for some one strong, it was a choice between a female and a male now . Charles Roger Nelson , or Martha Westhouse...

He shook off every thing and went back to his work.

(ooc this is a character/ story thing one of my normal people in my country working at a refining plant, they do hire foreign workers as well, and they also give tours to other companies.. so feel free to jump in on any one of those tickets)
The Beatus
20-03-2009, 07:12
(OOC: Could we get a company name, and maybe what they do?)

Edwin R. Furrow, lead the group of Gray Corp. employees. They were here to learn more how other companies, in other nations operated. He had worked out an agreement with the company, which appeared more than happy to provide him, and his group with a tour. The lobby of the building was quite different than Gray Corp.'s lobby, however that was to be expected. Edwin waited patently for their tour guide to arrive.
The Fedral Union
20-03-2009, 07:16
((Ah right knew I left some thing out, companies name is En-pro cooperation, they dabble in reactor making refining of fuel, and such. Post comes tomorrow as its time for bed!)