Defense Corporations
18-03-2009, 21:58
A clarification: Ammunition is sold separately, except in package deals.
Therefore, we strongly recommend you purchase ammunition along with whatever else you order.
Infantry weapons
Assault - R-25 (, 6.8x43mm, $1000
__R-25D (, 6.8x43mm, $750
Sniper - R-25S (, 6.8x43mm, $1200
__R-14 (, 8x57mm, $14000
Hunting - R-25H (, 6.8x43mm $700
Training - R-25T (, 6.8x43mm, $750
Carbines: R-25C (, 6.8x43mm, $965
Machine guns:
Light - R-25L (, 6.8x43mm, $1100
Medium - MG-6I (, 6.8x43mm, $5800
__MG-6IN (, 7.62x51mm, $6600
__MG-6IR (, 7.62x54mm, $6850
Heavy - MG-15 (, 15x124mm, $8000
Grenade - GL-10 (, 25x60mm $20000
Missile launchers:
Light AT - ATGM-11 (, $4200 (launcher)/$11000 (missile)
__ATGM-12 (, $7500 (launcher)/$60000 (missile)
MANPADS - SAM-12 (, $5000 (launcher)/$42500 (missile)
Ground vehicle weapons
SAM - SAM-97 (, $410000
__SAM-100 (, $2500000
__SAM-12V (, $44000
ATGM - ATGM-85 (, $500000 (missile)/$200000 (FCS & launch tube)
Tank guns - Mk.30 90mm ETC (, 90mm/53-caliber, $625000
__Mk.14 105mm ETC (, 105mm/50-caliber, $1500000
__Mk.24 122mm ETC (, 122mm/56-caliber, $1400000
__Mk.40 140mm ETC (, 140mm/50-caliber, $1750000
IFV guns - Mk.111 37mm chain gun (, 212kg, 37x257mm caliber, $37000
__Mk.123 chain gun (, 150kg, 22x122mm caliber, $23000
Machine guns:
Medium - MG-6 (, 8kg, 6.8x43mm caliber, $5200
__MG-6N (, 9.5kg, 7.62x51mm caliber, $6000
__MG-6R (, 9.5kg, 7.62x54mm caliber, $6250
Heavy - MG-15 (, 21kg, 15x124mm caliber, $8000
Grenade - GL-10 (, 28kg, 25x60mm grenades, $20000
Minigun - MG-106 (, 100kg, 6.8x43mm caliber, $26800
Ground vehicles
ICVs - ICT-11 (, 14.5x114mm HMG & Kornet ATGMs, $2900000
IFVs - IFT-11 (, 35mm/50-caliber cannon & Kornet ATGMs & 14.5x114mm HMG, $4900000
__IFT-11E (, 35mm/50-caliber cannon & Kornet ATGMs & 14.5x114mm HMG, $5900000
__IFT-11+ (, 37x257mm cannon & 6.8x43mm GPMG & ATGM-85 ATGMs, $5500000
__IFT-11E+ (, 37x257mm cannon & 6.8x43mm GPMG & ATGM-85 ATGMs, $6250000
__IFV-67 (, 37x257mm cannon & 15x124mm HMG, $3400000
__IFV-67-B (, 37x257mm cannon & 15x124mm HMG, $3000000
__IFV-67+ (, 37x257mm cannon & 15x124mm HMG & 6.8x43mm GPMG, $4000000
Command vehicles - IFT-11C (, 14.5x114mm HMG, $5000000
__GT-11C (, $7500000
__CV-67 (, 6.8x43mm GPMG, $2250000
Engineer vehicles:
ARVs - IFT-11R (, $4500000
AVLBs - T-11B (, $3000000
Mortar vehicles - IFT-11M (, 120mm twin AMOS mortar, $5500000
SPGs - GT-11 (, 155mm/57-caliber howitzer & 14.5x114mm HMG, $6000000
Light - LTV-67 (, 90mm/53-caliber gun & 2 15x124mm HMGs, $1980000
__LTV-67-B (, 90mm/53-caliber gun & 7.62x51mm MG & 12.7x99mm HMG, $1340000
__LTV-67+ (, 90mm/53-caliber gun & 6.8x43mm GPMG & 15x124mm HMG, $4050000
__IFT-11L (, 105mm/50-caliber gun & 14.5x114mm HMGs, $5500000
__IFT-11L+ (, 105mm/50-caliber gun & 6.8x43mm GPMG & 15x124mm HMG, $6750000
__IFT-11L-B (, 90mm/53-caliber gun & 6.8x43mm GPMGs, $4650000
MBT - T-11 (, 122mm/56-caliber gun & 14.5x114mm HMGs, $11000000
Heavy - T-11H (, 140mm/50-caliber gun & 6.8x43mm GPMG & 15x124mm HMG, $16000000
AD vehicles:
Light - ADV-67 (, 37x257mm cannon, $4000000
__ADV-67M (,37x257mm cannon & SAM-12V missiles, $5500000
Medium - ADT-11 (, 30mm cannon & SAM-97 missiles, $32000000
Supply vehicles - GT-11S (, 14.5x114mm HMG, $5500000
Field ambulances - CV-67A (, $2000000
__CV-67A-B (, $900000
Tank transporters - TTV-8 (, $425000
Police vehicles - PV-8 (, water cannon or 25x60mm grenade launcher, ADS, $4250000
__PV-8-B (, water cannon, $750000
Air superiority - F-21 (, 25mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & four 2250kg pylons & four 500kg pylons, $100000000
__F-21D (, 20mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & four 2250kg pylons & four 500kg pylons, $79800000
Interceptor - F-7 (, 27mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & six 200kg pylons, $58250000
__F-7N (, 27mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & six 200kg pylons, $58000000
Strike planes:
Light bombers - AT-36 (, 12.7x99mm HMG & two 200kg hardpoints & one 300kg hardpoint, $34000000
Fighter-bombers - FA-21 (, 25mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & four 2250kg pylons & four 500kg pylons, $102500000
Wild Weasels - EF-21 (, 25mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & four 2250kg pylons & four 500kg pylons, $102500000
Gunships - AC-62 (, 60mm gun-mortar & two 12.7x99mm miniguns & two 977kg hardpoints, $75000000
__AC-15 (, four 35mm/50-caliber cannon & one twin 120mm AMOS mortar & four 250kg hardpoints, $210000000
__CAH-4 (, two 6.8x43mm miniguns & two 400kg pylons & two 200kg pylons, $7500000
__AH-4 (, 22x122mm cannon & six 300kg pylons, $10000000
__AH-4+ (, 22x122mm cannon & six 300kg pylons, $18000000
Patrol planes:
Maritime patrol - SC-15 (, nine 1500kg pylons & four 1000kg pylons, $190000000
__SH-4 (, two 1000kg weapons stations, $20000000
__SC-62 (, five 1000kg pylons, $50000000
AEW&C - C-62NA (, $135000000
__C-15A (, $180000000
__C-303A (, $116000000
Weather - WC-15 (, $108000000
__WC-62 (, $40000000
__WCD-22 (, $500000
Rescue - C-15R (, $95000000
__SH-4R (, $18000000
Police - SH-4I (, one 6.8x43mm GPMG, $18250000
Light - C-62 (, $38000000
__C-62P (, $40000000
__C-62N (, $39000000
__C-303 (, $17000000
Medium - C-15 (, $88000000
__C-15P (, $90000000
Medium-lift helicopter - CH-4 (, 6.8x43mm minigun, $6500000
Naval aviation:
Carrier on-board delivery - C-62N (, $39000000
Carrier-borne AEW&C - C-62NA (, $135000000
Carrier-borne interceptor - F-7N (, 27mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & six 200kg pylons, $58000000
Carrier-borne trainer - T-36N (, two 200kg hardpoints & 1 300kg hardpoint, $32000000
__F-7NT (, 27mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & six 200kg pylons, $59500000
Shipborne maritime patrol - SH-4 (, two 1000kg weapons stations, $20000000
__SH-4R (, $18000000
__SH-4I (, one 6.8x43mm GPMG, $18250000
Tankers: C-15F (, $95000000
Jet, primary - T-36 (, two 200kg hardpoints & 1 300kg hardpoint, $28000000
__T-36N (, two 200kg hardpoints & 1 300kg hardpoint, $32000000
Fighter - F-7T (, 27mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & six 200kg pylons, $59750000
__F-7NT (, 27mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & six 200kg pylons, $59500000
__F-21T (, 25mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & four 2250kg pylons & four 500kg pylons, $100500000
Other specialized planes:
Airborne battlefield management - C-15ABM (, $180000000
Psychological warfare - PC-15 (, $100000000
Transport - C-62C (, 7000kg payload, $38000000
__C-15C (, 36500kg payload, $85000000
__Model 303F (, 2700kg payload, $15500000
Agricultural - CD-22 (, $200000
__CD-22T (, $205000
Water bomber - CD-22W (, $190000
VIP - VC-15 (, $95000000
__VC-303 (, $20000000
Airliners - Model 303 (, 39 passengers, 1620km range, $16000000
__Model 303S (, 39 passengers, 1620km range, $16100000
Patrol subs - PS-5 (, eight 660mm torpedo tubes, $360000000
Cruise missile subs - MS-5 (, six 660mm torpedo tubes & one 16-cell Mk.42U 19-tonne VLS mount, $395000000
__MS-14 (, four 720mm torpedo tubes & two 30-cell Mk.14U 150-tonne VLS mounts, $5000000000
Cargo subs - CS-14M (, four 720mm torpedo tubes, $4000000000
Minisubs - HS/SDS-217 (, $160000000
Light surface combatants:
Sloops - HS-12 (, one 16-cell Mk.42S 20-tonne VLS mount & 3 8-cell Mk.6 2-tonne VLS mounts & one NG-31 90mm/55-caliber naval gun & two triple 350mm torpedo tubes & two MG-15 HMGs, $325000000
Supply ships - SS-13 (, two 16-cell 23-tonne Mk.42S VLS mounts & four 14.5x114mm HMGs & two 6-barrel 30mm cannon & SA-N-11 SAMs & 111SG depth-charge rockets & 111SO decoy rockets & 111SZ minelaying rockets, $400000000
Civilian ships - SS-13C (, $250000000
__CS-14 (, $3350000000
ATGMs - ATGM-11 (, $11000
__ATGM-12 (, $60000
__ATGM-85 (, $500000
__Mk.14 LAHAT (, $75000
__Mk.24 LAHAT (, $80000
__Mk.40 LAHAT (, $81000
SAMs - SAM-97 (, $410000
__SAM-100 (, $2500000
__SAM-97S (, 105kg, $420000
__UAM-97 (, 105kg, $530000
__SAM-12S (, 11kg, $45000
AAMs - AAM-97 (, 100kg, $390000
__AAM-97H (,110kg, $430000
__AAM-100 (, 550kg, $2100000
__AAM-100LR (, 675kg, $2500000
__AAM-12 (, 11kg, $45000
AGMs - AGM-100 (, 650kg, $2300000
__CM-39L (, 1800kg, $800000
__AGM-100C (, 650kg, $2250000
AShMs - CM-39 (, 1800kg, $700000
__SCM-39 (, 1800kg, $745000
__TCM-39 (, 1800kg, $725000
__UCM-39 (, 1800kg, $750000
__CM-8 (, 1800kg, $825000
ARMs - ARM-97 (, 108kg, $430000
__ARM-97D (, 105kg, $418000
__ARM-100 (, 600kg, $2200000
Torpedoes: Mk.90 lightweight torpedo (, 300kg, 350mm diameter, $3000000
__Mk. 97 heavyweight torpedo (, 1990kg, 660mm diameter, $3225000
__Mk. 97S heavyweight supercavitating torpedo (, 2100kg, 660mm diameter, $3750000
Bullets: B-15 (, 15x124mm, $4.50-10
__B-77 (, 6.8x43mm, $4.50
Grenades: 25x60mm (, $15-75
Shells: 22x122mm (, $30-150
__37x257mm (, $50-175
__90mm/53-caliber (, $1800-2700
__90mm/55-caliber naval (, $975-20000
__105mm/50-caliber (, $2000-3000
__122mm/56-caliber (, $2000-3000
__140mm/50-caliber (, $2000-3100
__155mm/57-caliber (, $5000-90000
Magazines: M-68 helical (, $13
Other equipment
Suppressors: SR-25 (, $62
Diesels - EJ-FD-10 (, 686kW, $155000
Wankels - TE-WG-175 (, 175kW, $6750
__TE-WG-148 (, 148kW, $3175
__TE-WG-205 (, 205kW, $10125
Turboshafts - TE-TS-904 (, 904kW, $425000
__TE-TS-1150 (, 1150kW, $475000
__TE-TS-421 (, 421kW, $45000
Turbofans - TE-T-219 (, 156.4kN, $4000000
__TE-T-44 (, 88.3kN, $5100000
__TE-T-52 (, 127.5kN, $7200000
Decoys: CS/TD-7 (, $6500000
Naval guns: NG-31 (, 90mm/55-caliber, $1250000
Radars: XR/ANR-22 (, $600000
__XR/AEW-303 AEW & C system (, $96000000
__XR/GWR-22 (, $650000
Trailers: Type 22 (, 100kg radar, $20000
__Type 72 (, 72000kg tank, $45000
Active protection systems:
Soft-kill - VE/APS-4 (, $150000
Hard-kill - VE/APS-5 (, $600000
Missile launch systems: Mk.300 LML (, 3 SAM-12V, $16000
__Mk.309 SLML (, 6 SAM-12S, $50000
__Mk.310 CIWS (, 30 SAM-12S, $325000
Shelters: HS/DDS-216 (, $24000000
Active Denial Systems: CS/ADS-1 (, $2750000
Back catalog (includes older equipment and packages using older equipment) (
Policies (
Facilities abroad (
Packages (
Therefore, we strongly recommend you purchase ammunition along with whatever else you order.
Infantry weapons
Assault - R-25 (, 6.8x43mm, $1000
__R-25D (, 6.8x43mm, $750
Sniper - R-25S (, 6.8x43mm, $1200
__R-14 (, 8x57mm, $14000
Hunting - R-25H (, 6.8x43mm $700
Training - R-25T (, 6.8x43mm, $750
Carbines: R-25C (, 6.8x43mm, $965
Machine guns:
Light - R-25L (, 6.8x43mm, $1100
Medium - MG-6I (, 6.8x43mm, $5800
__MG-6IN (, 7.62x51mm, $6600
__MG-6IR (, 7.62x54mm, $6850
Heavy - MG-15 (, 15x124mm, $8000
Grenade - GL-10 (, 25x60mm $20000
Missile launchers:
Light AT - ATGM-11 (, $4200 (launcher)/$11000 (missile)
__ATGM-12 (, $7500 (launcher)/$60000 (missile)
MANPADS - SAM-12 (, $5000 (launcher)/$42500 (missile)
Ground vehicle weapons
SAM - SAM-97 (, $410000
__SAM-100 (, $2500000
__SAM-12V (, $44000
ATGM - ATGM-85 (, $500000 (missile)/$200000 (FCS & launch tube)
Tank guns - Mk.30 90mm ETC (, 90mm/53-caliber, $625000
__Mk.14 105mm ETC (, 105mm/50-caliber, $1500000
__Mk.24 122mm ETC (, 122mm/56-caliber, $1400000
__Mk.40 140mm ETC (, 140mm/50-caliber, $1750000
IFV guns - Mk.111 37mm chain gun (, 212kg, 37x257mm caliber, $37000
__Mk.123 chain gun (, 150kg, 22x122mm caliber, $23000
Machine guns:
Medium - MG-6 (, 8kg, 6.8x43mm caliber, $5200
__MG-6N (, 9.5kg, 7.62x51mm caliber, $6000
__MG-6R (, 9.5kg, 7.62x54mm caliber, $6250
Heavy - MG-15 (, 21kg, 15x124mm caliber, $8000
Grenade - GL-10 (, 28kg, 25x60mm grenades, $20000
Minigun - MG-106 (, 100kg, 6.8x43mm caliber, $26800
Ground vehicles
ICVs - ICT-11 (, 14.5x114mm HMG & Kornet ATGMs, $2900000
IFVs - IFT-11 (, 35mm/50-caliber cannon & Kornet ATGMs & 14.5x114mm HMG, $4900000
__IFT-11E (, 35mm/50-caliber cannon & Kornet ATGMs & 14.5x114mm HMG, $5900000
__IFT-11+ (, 37x257mm cannon & 6.8x43mm GPMG & ATGM-85 ATGMs, $5500000
__IFT-11E+ (, 37x257mm cannon & 6.8x43mm GPMG & ATGM-85 ATGMs, $6250000
__IFV-67 (, 37x257mm cannon & 15x124mm HMG, $3400000
__IFV-67-B (, 37x257mm cannon & 15x124mm HMG, $3000000
__IFV-67+ (, 37x257mm cannon & 15x124mm HMG & 6.8x43mm GPMG, $4000000
Command vehicles - IFT-11C (, 14.5x114mm HMG, $5000000
__GT-11C (, $7500000
__CV-67 (, 6.8x43mm GPMG, $2250000
Engineer vehicles:
ARVs - IFT-11R (, $4500000
AVLBs - T-11B (, $3000000
Mortar vehicles - IFT-11M (, 120mm twin AMOS mortar, $5500000
SPGs - GT-11 (, 155mm/57-caliber howitzer & 14.5x114mm HMG, $6000000
Light - LTV-67 (, 90mm/53-caliber gun & 2 15x124mm HMGs, $1980000
__LTV-67-B (, 90mm/53-caliber gun & 7.62x51mm MG & 12.7x99mm HMG, $1340000
__LTV-67+ (, 90mm/53-caliber gun & 6.8x43mm GPMG & 15x124mm HMG, $4050000
__IFT-11L (, 105mm/50-caliber gun & 14.5x114mm HMGs, $5500000
__IFT-11L+ (, 105mm/50-caliber gun & 6.8x43mm GPMG & 15x124mm HMG, $6750000
__IFT-11L-B (, 90mm/53-caliber gun & 6.8x43mm GPMGs, $4650000
MBT - T-11 (, 122mm/56-caliber gun & 14.5x114mm HMGs, $11000000
Heavy - T-11H (, 140mm/50-caliber gun & 6.8x43mm GPMG & 15x124mm HMG, $16000000
AD vehicles:
Light - ADV-67 (, 37x257mm cannon, $4000000
__ADV-67M (,37x257mm cannon & SAM-12V missiles, $5500000
Medium - ADT-11 (, 30mm cannon & SAM-97 missiles, $32000000
Supply vehicles - GT-11S (, 14.5x114mm HMG, $5500000
Field ambulances - CV-67A (, $2000000
__CV-67A-B (, $900000
Tank transporters - TTV-8 (, $425000
Police vehicles - PV-8 (, water cannon or 25x60mm grenade launcher, ADS, $4250000
__PV-8-B (, water cannon, $750000
Air superiority - F-21 (, 25mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & four 2250kg pylons & four 500kg pylons, $100000000
__F-21D (, 20mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & four 2250kg pylons & four 500kg pylons, $79800000
Interceptor - F-7 (, 27mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & six 200kg pylons, $58250000
__F-7N (, 27mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & six 200kg pylons, $58000000
Strike planes:
Light bombers - AT-36 (, 12.7x99mm HMG & two 200kg hardpoints & one 300kg hardpoint, $34000000
Fighter-bombers - FA-21 (, 25mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & four 2250kg pylons & four 500kg pylons, $102500000
Wild Weasels - EF-21 (, 25mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & four 2250kg pylons & four 500kg pylons, $102500000
Gunships - AC-62 (, 60mm gun-mortar & two 12.7x99mm miniguns & two 977kg hardpoints, $75000000
__AC-15 (, four 35mm/50-caliber cannon & one twin 120mm AMOS mortar & four 250kg hardpoints, $210000000
__CAH-4 (, two 6.8x43mm miniguns & two 400kg pylons & two 200kg pylons, $7500000
__AH-4 (, 22x122mm cannon & six 300kg pylons, $10000000
__AH-4+ (, 22x122mm cannon & six 300kg pylons, $18000000
Patrol planes:
Maritime patrol - SC-15 (, nine 1500kg pylons & four 1000kg pylons, $190000000
__SH-4 (, two 1000kg weapons stations, $20000000
__SC-62 (, five 1000kg pylons, $50000000
AEW&C - C-62NA (, $135000000
__C-15A (, $180000000
__C-303A (, $116000000
Weather - WC-15 (, $108000000
__WC-62 (, $40000000
__WCD-22 (, $500000
Rescue - C-15R (, $95000000
__SH-4R (, $18000000
Police - SH-4I (, one 6.8x43mm GPMG, $18250000
Light - C-62 (, $38000000
__C-62P (, $40000000
__C-62N (, $39000000
__C-303 (, $17000000
Medium - C-15 (, $88000000
__C-15P (, $90000000
Medium-lift helicopter - CH-4 (, 6.8x43mm minigun, $6500000
Naval aviation:
Carrier on-board delivery - C-62N (, $39000000
Carrier-borne AEW&C - C-62NA (, $135000000
Carrier-borne interceptor - F-7N (, 27mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & six 200kg pylons, $58000000
Carrier-borne trainer - T-36N (, two 200kg hardpoints & 1 300kg hardpoint, $32000000
__F-7NT (, 27mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & six 200kg pylons, $59500000
Shipborne maritime patrol - SH-4 (, two 1000kg weapons stations, $20000000
__SH-4R (, $18000000
__SH-4I (, one 6.8x43mm GPMG, $18250000
Tankers: C-15F (, $95000000
Jet, primary - T-36 (, two 200kg hardpoints & 1 300kg hardpoint, $28000000
__T-36N (, two 200kg hardpoints & 1 300kg hardpoint, $32000000
Fighter - F-7T (, 27mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & six 200kg pylons, $59750000
__F-7NT (, 27mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & six 200kg pylons, $59500000
__F-21T (, 25mm cannon & two 125kg hardpoints & four 2250kg pylons & four 500kg pylons, $100500000
Other specialized planes:
Airborne battlefield management - C-15ABM (, $180000000
Psychological warfare - PC-15 (, $100000000
Transport - C-62C (, 7000kg payload, $38000000
__C-15C (, 36500kg payload, $85000000
__Model 303F (, 2700kg payload, $15500000
Agricultural - CD-22 (, $200000
__CD-22T (, $205000
Water bomber - CD-22W (, $190000
VIP - VC-15 (, $95000000
__VC-303 (, $20000000
Airliners - Model 303 (, 39 passengers, 1620km range, $16000000
__Model 303S (, 39 passengers, 1620km range, $16100000
Patrol subs - PS-5 (, eight 660mm torpedo tubes, $360000000
Cruise missile subs - MS-5 (, six 660mm torpedo tubes & one 16-cell Mk.42U 19-tonne VLS mount, $395000000
__MS-14 (, four 720mm torpedo tubes & two 30-cell Mk.14U 150-tonne VLS mounts, $5000000000
Cargo subs - CS-14M (, four 720mm torpedo tubes, $4000000000
Minisubs - HS/SDS-217 (, $160000000
Light surface combatants:
Sloops - HS-12 (, one 16-cell Mk.42S 20-tonne VLS mount & 3 8-cell Mk.6 2-tonne VLS mounts & one NG-31 90mm/55-caliber naval gun & two triple 350mm torpedo tubes & two MG-15 HMGs, $325000000
Supply ships - SS-13 (, two 16-cell 23-tonne Mk.42S VLS mounts & four 14.5x114mm HMGs & two 6-barrel 30mm cannon & SA-N-11 SAMs & 111SG depth-charge rockets & 111SO decoy rockets & 111SZ minelaying rockets, $400000000
Civilian ships - SS-13C (, $250000000
__CS-14 (, $3350000000
ATGMs - ATGM-11 (, $11000
__ATGM-12 (, $60000
__ATGM-85 (, $500000
__Mk.14 LAHAT (, $75000
__Mk.24 LAHAT (, $80000
__Mk.40 LAHAT (, $81000
SAMs - SAM-97 (, $410000
__SAM-100 (, $2500000
__SAM-97S (, 105kg, $420000
__UAM-97 (, 105kg, $530000
__SAM-12S (, 11kg, $45000
AAMs - AAM-97 (, 100kg, $390000
__AAM-97H (,110kg, $430000
__AAM-100 (, 550kg, $2100000
__AAM-100LR (, 675kg, $2500000
__AAM-12 (, 11kg, $45000
AGMs - AGM-100 (, 650kg, $2300000
__CM-39L (, 1800kg, $800000
__AGM-100C (, 650kg, $2250000
AShMs - CM-39 (, 1800kg, $700000
__SCM-39 (, 1800kg, $745000
__TCM-39 (, 1800kg, $725000
__UCM-39 (, 1800kg, $750000
__CM-8 (, 1800kg, $825000
ARMs - ARM-97 (, 108kg, $430000
__ARM-97D (, 105kg, $418000
__ARM-100 (, 600kg, $2200000
Torpedoes: Mk.90 lightweight torpedo (, 300kg, 350mm diameter, $3000000
__Mk. 97 heavyweight torpedo (, 1990kg, 660mm diameter, $3225000
__Mk. 97S heavyweight supercavitating torpedo (, 2100kg, 660mm diameter, $3750000
Bullets: B-15 (, 15x124mm, $4.50-10
__B-77 (, 6.8x43mm, $4.50
Grenades: 25x60mm (, $15-75
Shells: 22x122mm (, $30-150
__37x257mm (, $50-175
__90mm/53-caliber (, $1800-2700
__90mm/55-caliber naval (, $975-20000
__105mm/50-caliber (, $2000-3000
__122mm/56-caliber (, $2000-3000
__140mm/50-caliber (, $2000-3100
__155mm/57-caliber (, $5000-90000
Magazines: M-68 helical (, $13
Other equipment
Suppressors: SR-25 (, $62
Diesels - EJ-FD-10 (, 686kW, $155000
Wankels - TE-WG-175 (, 175kW, $6750
__TE-WG-148 (, 148kW, $3175
__TE-WG-205 (, 205kW, $10125
Turboshafts - TE-TS-904 (, 904kW, $425000
__TE-TS-1150 (, 1150kW, $475000
__TE-TS-421 (, 421kW, $45000
Turbofans - TE-T-219 (, 156.4kN, $4000000
__TE-T-44 (, 88.3kN, $5100000
__TE-T-52 (, 127.5kN, $7200000
Decoys: CS/TD-7 (, $6500000
Naval guns: NG-31 (, 90mm/55-caliber, $1250000
Radars: XR/ANR-22 (, $600000
__XR/AEW-303 AEW & C system (, $96000000
__XR/GWR-22 (, $650000
Trailers: Type 22 (, 100kg radar, $20000
__Type 72 (, 72000kg tank, $45000
Active protection systems:
Soft-kill - VE/APS-4 (, $150000
Hard-kill - VE/APS-5 (, $600000
Missile launch systems: Mk.300 LML (, 3 SAM-12V, $16000
__Mk.309 SLML (, 6 SAM-12S, $50000
__Mk.310 CIWS (, 30 SAM-12S, $325000
Shelters: HS/DDS-216 (, $24000000
Active Denial Systems: CS/ADS-1 (, $2750000
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