Heretic preacher in Bardar
This is Radio Baradech!!
There has been rumors about a heretic spreadinf fasle beliefs and lies in villages close to the southern edge of Central Moutnains. The Church of Bardar has rightly iisued an arrest warrend on the man called Thegres Habzal for trying to pollute the Bardarian minds. As you all remember from the Imre Nagvar incident heresy is dangerous and criminal. It's up to our brave people to dismiss these dirty lies and embrace only the true words of the Prophets and the Might of the Lords of the Mountains. Our bleoved Patriarch and Prime Minister Asmolach II has mentioned hersy as the worst form of terrorism imaginable.
Long Live Bardar! Long Live the Queen!
The teachings of Thegres Habzal;
It has been a great honour for me to have been able to visit one of our times' great religous thinkers, Mr. Thegres Habzal. Mr. Habzal told me he got a vision from the Bardarian deities; The Lords of the Mountains while he was walking in Central Mountains. He stayed to learn from the Gods deep in the Mountains in three years, and only left due to the "terrible noise" of the fighting in Central Mountains during the Bardarian War of Patriotism. Thegres Habzal told me the Gods had given him a deeper insight in the holy wisdoms and made him a Prophet. It is now his duty to spread his message to the ignorant masses. His message contain a total rejection of violence, the removal of women from workplaces and a vegetarian diet. He also preach for large families and destruction of all weapons (there's a rifle in every Bardarian home). The religous authorities have called him a heretic and issued an arrest warrend. If mr. Habzal is arrested he'd proabably face torture and execution. Any kind of questioning of traditional religous authorities are seen as a serious crime in Bardar after Imre Nagvar and his acts of terrorism.
Hans Steiner,
The Times
18-03-2009, 16:34
Terrorism succeeds when it terrifies.
The government and people of Fatatatutti are pleased to offer Thegres Habzal refuge in our country. He will find that Fatatatutians are not terrified by ideas.
(We would like to reassure Thegres Habzal that reports that we eat vegetarians are exaggerated.)
This is Radio Baradech!!
The terrible terrorist and heretic Thegres Habzal has been arrested. He will be tried by a religous court here in our great capital Baradech, where he will be condemned for his perversions! Rumors already indicate that he might be exiled to a foreign country, where he can rot with the foreigners and suffer by their evil!
Long Live Bardar! Long Live the Queen!
18-03-2009, 19:32
The government of Iantatia, being nearby to Bardar and having no diplomatic or cultural ties to the country have heard the plight of Habzal and are willing to negotiate in return for his exile to our Gran Duchy. Grand Duke Lehn, upon convening with his head advisors, feel that Mr Habzal have much to offer the people of Iantatia as far as spiritual leadership and political expirience. A demand by many local prominent advocacy groups have encouraged the Grand Duchy to take matters into their hands on behalf of concern for the preacher to be turned over to the Grand Duchy's sovereign soil. In return for the cooperation of Bardar, we implore the queen, most humbly and respectfully, not wishing to intrude upon her nation's methodology or ruling class, that she will grant Habzal expatriot status to our nation. In return we will offer what resourses and help we can in afair and balanced sense.
With Great Respect,
Sir Corey Gray, Iantatian Foreign Affairs Secretary
18-03-2009, 19:51
This situation has greatly interested His Majesty's Government in Tantranesi. We find the actions carried out against Thegres Habzal by the leaders of Bardar reprehensible. We strongly urge the government of Bardar to allow religious and philosophical freedom to come to the people of their nation. These actions against a peace-loving man who has caused no harm to anyone are unthinkable and, therefore, with the full support of HRH the King, the government of Tantranesi feels it is appropriate to give its full support to Mr. Habzal and his followers and further welcome anyone oppressed by the leadership in Bardar into the lands and dominions of Tantranesi.
On behalf of HM Government,
The Rt. Hon Pel Thet'at'ran, FRT, Minister for Foreign Affairs.
Asmolach II sat in his office considering the Thegres Habzal situation. There were some hard questions involved. The clergy clearly wanted him dead, while that isn't necessary in the interrests of the state. Asmolach's role as both Prime Minister and Patriarch of the Church of Bardar felt very heavy at the moment. If the heretic preacher was killed he could be seen as a martyr and gather many more followers than he'd ever be able to alive, but turning him loose was not an option. A heretic preacher this soon after the Imre Nagvar chaos was certainly not a good idea. The Prime Minister sighed, he knew the judges in the religous courts would listen to him and judge according to his wishes. According to the law heresy must be punished by death, but there was another option, send him in exile somewhere, turn the problem over to another nation. An interresting offer indeed, but how would he sell it to the rest of the clergy and the people. There would be many expecting blood. However he knew the decision he had to take, but he didn't take it lightly.
Secret diplomatic wire to the governments of Iantatia and Fatatutti;
Both you governments have shown interrests in taking in the man Thegres Habzal. The Royal Government of Bardar would be happy to let another nation bear that burden. The man himself has declined to leave Holy Bardar, but the Bardarian government would gladly hand him over to any interresting foreign government.
Asmolach II, Prime Minister of Bardar, Patriarch of the Church of Bardar.
19-03-2009, 00:21
To: Prime Minister of Bardar
From: Government of Fatatatutti
We will gladly give sanctuary to Thegres Habzal. However, if he refuses to leave his own country, we can't keep him a prisoner here.
We urge you to overcome your fears and allow freedom of expression in your country.
This is Radio Baradech!!
The trial of the shameful heretich and traitor Thegres Habzal will today begin in the Highest Religous Court in Baradech. His lies will all be revealed and his evil intent will be punished! He will recieve the holy judgement of the Gods!
Long Live Bardar! Long Live the Queen!
Imperial isa
19-03-2009, 13:15
unless this man blown up something and killed people, he is not a terrorist ,but a nut job
Rolling Dead
19-03-2009, 17:35
The Nation of Rolling Dead is willing to have him killed free of charge. Hunting Heretics is a job our youth are taught from the day they can walk.
19-03-2009, 17:58
Hunting Heretics is a job our youth are taught from the day they can walk.
In Fatatatutti, our youth are encouraged to think for themselves before they can walk. "Heresy" is a useless concept for thinking people.
Asmolach II sat at a meeting with one of the older members of the clergy; Jirsheil Zum, or just Old Jir. The man was over 80, but still one of the leading men of the Church of Bardar. Even though Asmolach II was the patriarch he still had to respect his elders, especially really old ones like Old Jir.
"So what bring you here, Your Eminence", old Jir smiled.
"We don't need to be so formal, you know I am here to seek advice regarding the heretic issue".
"Yes, I know, you wonder what to do about him. Law and reason tell you to sentence him to death, but then he might become a martyr and all the mad men will gather under his banner. Young Lavriv, that answer you must find yourself, have you even spoken to him?"
"No, why would I speak to a maniac and liar? I am the leader of the Church and the Prime Minister of our Great Nation."
"How do you know how dangerous he is if you don't talk to him?"
"Oh, well, I have never seen it from that angle before", the Prime Minister said ashamed. He was just walking out of the room when old Jir said;
"If you are not going to kill him, make sure he'll be severely punished".
This is Radio Baradech!
The heretic scumbag Thegres Habzal has been declared guilty of heresy, lies, witchcraft, terrorism and treason by the Highest Religous Court here in Baradech! He's been declared an outlaw and he has been cursed by the highest members of our clergy. Further he will be whipped in public and then suffer a fate worse than death!! He will be exiled from our Great Nation and condemned to live with evil foreigners for the rest of his sorry life!
Long Live Bardar! Long Live the Queen!
This is Radio Baradech!
The heretic scumbag Thegres Habzal was whipped in public on Central Square in Baradech this morning! His sorry self was covered in blood when he recieved his divine punishment for his dirty lies!! Soon he will be deported from our Great Nation and will suffer the evil of foreigners for the rest of his life!
Long Live Bardar! Long Live the Queen!!
22-03-2009, 21:51
Soon he will be deported from our Great Nation and will suffer the evil of foreigners for the rest of his life!
Clearly a step up.
The Emmerian Unions
22-03-2009, 22:19
Official Communiqué from The Republic of the Emmerian Unions
To: The Government of Bardar
Form: The desk of the President of the Republic of the Emmerian Unions
The government of The Republic of the Emmerian Unions would like to inquire as to why the Kingdom of Bardar views all foreigners as evil?
Tazuren Savu'len
President of the Republic of the Emmerian Unions
Official Communiqué from The Republic of the Emmerian Unions
To: The Government of Bardar
Form: The desk of the President of the Republic of the Emmerian Unions
The government of The Republic of the Emmerian Unions would like to inquire as to why the Kingdom of Bardar views all foreigners as evil?
Tazuren Savu'len
President of the Republic of the Emmerian Unions
OOC; Bardar has suffered from foreign invasions and foreign support for terrorist organizations too many times for anyone to regard foreigners highly.