We have an Emperor now? Really? (Very Open)
There are certain individuals who believe that they are great heroes, destined to lead their nations into glories beyond the people's collective imagination and all such individuals are usually proven to be great heroes, though some of them are little more than false heroes who seek only to seize power for themselves. Such men seek nothing but their own gain. In Chelsea, the capital city of Howesia, there was one such individual. It would be through him that Howesia would experience the most radical change to its politics since it had been founded. As the sun rose over Chelsea, citizens emerged from their townhomes to hear the words of a stoic speaker over their radioes or on their televisions. This wasn't the usual morning greetings that they had once been accustomed to, long before this day came to pass. The speakers announced that a man by the name of James Reagan had declared himself the Emperor of Howesia and had, in the process of the said action, abolished both Parliament and the Constitution. As citizens began to worry over what they began to understand was the cold hard truth, they were told to wait one week for the impending coronation of Emperor James I of Howesia in Chelsea. No one would have thought that the upstart politician they elected to Parliament - elected their Prime Minister - would have done something like this at all. Yet, no matter how much anyone protested, it seemed pointless.
The day of the coronation came with the blasting of trumpets and the marching of soldiers down the streets while citizens watched - in awe and fear - the carriage carrying James Reagan heading towards the intended site of his coronation along with that of his wife as the Empress Consort and his firstborn child, the eighteen year old Alexandra, as the heir apparent. Both his wife and daughters, four in total, never expected this sudden move from James but neither questioned him about it. They just sat there and let it all come to pass. As the carriage sped onward to its destination, certain alleged opponents of the soon-to-be Emperor were detained by security forces. This was the prelude to what some would call a purge of undesirables but, to some, it could have been merely an act of making sure the self-proclaimed Emperor was safe from harm.
The coronation seemed to go through smoothly without any problems. No foreign leaders took the time to attend while the citizens weren't really happy - or sad - to see that an absolute monarchy was now in place to rule over them. Some people questioned the validity of the coronation but were soon to be silenced when Emperor James the First, as he preferred forevermore to be called, declared such things to be sedition. He would preach a single message to the masses. Why did he make himself a monarch? Because it would make Howesia look greater than it already was. In the spirit of the man who conquered under the Tricolor Flag, James the First would bring Howesia into a golden age of success, no matter what the cost was. What the masses were not told, at all, was that certain individuals including opposing Members of Parliament had already been executed. In the Empire of Howesia would there be no more democracy or supposed weakness. There would only be power - only the Emperor - only an Empire. Days following the coronation, the Emperor proclaimed that the Howesian Empire would see numerous changes to how things were run. First of all, the Emperor said to the masses, there would be a swift vengeance unleashed on individuals deemed dangerous to Howesian society at large. The institution of parole was abolished for all people found guilty of killing children and for unrepentant criminals who were convicted of the rape and/or murder of women. Bail for such individuals was abolished. The Emperor declared that such individuals were to be forevermore locked in prison, regardless of good behavior, and all those who had been paroled prior to the proclamation were to be treated, unofficially, with suspicion. Secondly, the Emperor proclaimed the complete and total separation of religion and politics. It became forbidden for any clergyman - of any religion - to hold any political office.
The third part of the proclamation declared that the Howesian Empire would emphasize the need of education for all citizens. The private schools that had often been seen as abodes of wealthy children, bastions of the lucky children, were to be preserved by order of the Imperial Court. The national cirriculum was to be influenced by English nationalism, the Empire deeming the love of Howesia's English heritage to be very important. The proclamation also declared that the military was to be barred by decree from serving in foreign conflicts but that, should it be willed, volunteers would be permitted to go and fight. The Howesian Emperor finished his speech with a statement that he hoped the world would recognize his administration as legitimate. He also declared his hope for a revival of diplomatic relations with the outside world, that any foreign ambassadors already in Howesia would be guaranteed protection, and that the Empire would protect the civil rights of all individuals.
So, as the days turn into weeks, and the weeks into months, the Emperor of Howesia sits in the massive complex that he had labeled as his palace while his wife was out with friends, socializing and discussing womanly matters. He could hear his daughters chatting with friends - thier friends from the private schools they attended - and he chuckled. The Emperor already had ordered Augustine Strickland, the Foreign Minister of Howesia, to send messages to all world leaders in pursuit of diplomatic recognition. His aide-de-camp, Stanley Morrison, was standing behind the Emperor as he sat at his desk, wondering if he'd be called upon at all. Would the Empire of Howesia be a recognized nation or would the world call upon it with scorn, feeling that it was nothing more than a bastardized monarchy?
OOC: If you have decided to get involved in the changes taking place in Howesia, you must either post your nation's recognition of the autocratic monarchist government or your nation's rejection of the said government. Be neutral if you want. I ask that everyone go as far as sanctions if they dislike the new government, as invasion attempts will be ignored. The Empire of Howesia is based off the story of the Central African Empire under Jean Bedel Bokassa for all those wondering if there is a real world foundation. All nations are free to send diplomats to meet with the Foreign Minister of Howesia upon request and foreign leaders may invite the Emperor to their nation if they see it fit. All assassination attempts, sabotage attempts, etc will be ignored as well.
The Fanboyists
13-03-2009, 01:41
From the Desk of Generalissimo Steven Phillip Grimmeberger (OOC: God, I haven't used that intro in a while)
To Emperor James I of Howesia,
I would like to first and foremost, congratulate you on your assumption of power and the reforms you have already begun inititating. While there are people that will question your right to rule, rest assured that sometimes the best medicine for a corrupt and decadent nation is a strong leader such as us.
Second, I would like to propose full open trade, and potentially an alliance between our nations. A new empire can always use friends.
Finally, I would like to inquire if a proper meeting between us two rulers would be possible, either in your country or mine, or at a neutral site. It matters not to me, only that you be comfortable with any such meeting place.
Offering friendship,
Generalissimo Steven Phillip Grimmeberger
Head of State, Fanboyist Federation of North Atlantic Territories
OOC: Excellent first post, by the way. Very refreshing to see a 'first' post that isn't a declaration of war or INUKZUZZOMGSTFU!!!!!11!!
From the Desk of Generalissimo Steven Phillip Grimmeberger (OOC: God, I haven't used that intro in a while)
To Emperor James I of Howesia,
I would like to first and foremost, congratulate you on your assumption of power and the reforms you have already begun inititating. While there are people that will question your right to rule, rest assured that sometimes the best medicine for a corrupt and decadent nation is a strong leader such as us.
Second, I would like to propose full open trade, and potentially an alliance between our nations. A new empire can always use friends.
Finally, I would like to inquire if a proper meeting between us two rulers would be possible, either in your country or mine, or at a neutral site. It matters not to me, only that you be comfortable with any such meeting place.
Offering friendship,
Generalissimo Steven Phillip Grimmeberger
Head of State, Fanboyist Federation of North Atlantic Territories
OOC: Excellent first post, by the way. Very refreshing to see a 'first' post that isn't a declaration of war or INUKZUZZOMGSTFU!!!!!11!!
OOC: Thank you.
From the desk of His Majesty, the Emperor of Howesia, James the First,
I wish to thank you for the support that you have given me, following my ascension into power in my beloved homeland. I assure you that it is my goal to provide strong and efficient leadership for the citizens of Howesia and that my reforms are part of my overall plan to secure this. My goal is to see to it that a future for Howesian children has been secured, that the people will become prosperous, and that the world will look upon Howesia as being a fully developed nation. This will never cease to be my goal as long as I shall live.
Secondly, the establishment of full open trade is fully supported by the Empire of Howesia. I suggest that we discuss this, the possibility of an alliance, and other diplomatic matters over a diplomatic conference which, I believe, ought to be held in your nation. Keep in mind that you are invited to tour the Empire of Howesia whenever you wish and that you will be an honored guest in the palace where my family and I live. My newfound responsibility force me to cut my reply short. Adieu, Generalissimo, and may we become good friends.
James the First,
Emperor of Howesia
13-03-2009, 05:36
From the Desk of His Imperial Majesty
To: His Majesty Emperor James I
Your Majesty,
I would like to take a moment to congratulate you on your flawless rise to power, as well as the state reforms you have already begun to initiate. I am quite pleased to hear that the transformation to a state of absolute monarchy went so well, without a single bullet fired in anger. It takes an individual of great strength and intelligence to pull off such a feat.
I would like to take this time to inform you that the Holy Imperium of Angenteria officially recognizes the Empire of Howesia as a sovereign nation.
At this time, I would also like to formally invite Your Majesty and Her Majesty, the Empress, to the Holy Imperium of Angenteria to discuss the future relationship between our two empires.
Hoping to hear from you,
Marcus Riektal
Emperor of the Holy Imperium
From the Desk of His Imperial Majesty
To: His Majesty Emperor James I
Your Majesty,
I would like to take a moment to congratulate you on your flawless rise to power, as well as the state reforms you have already begun to initiate. I am quite pleased to hear that the transformation to a state of absolute monarchy went so well, without a single bullet fired in anger. It takes an individual of great strength and intelligence to pull off such a feat.
I would like to take this time to inform you that the Holy Imperium of Angenteria officially recognizes the Empire of Howesia as a sovereign nation.
At this time, I would also like to formally invite Your Majesty and Her Majesty, the Empress, to the Holy Imperium of Angenteria to discuss the future relationship between our two empires.
Hoping to hear from you,
Marcus Riektal
Emperor of the Holy Imperium
From the desk of His Majesty, the Emperor of Howesia, James the First,
I am thankful for the support which the Holy Imperium of Angenteria has given me following my coronation as the Emperor of Howesia. The reforms which I have begun to implement are all interconnected with the common goal being the preservation of order and peace within our nation's borders. It is one of the methods by which, we hope, the Howesian Empire can become a prosperous nation in our world. We are very thankful for the recognition given to us by the Angenterian nation and my wife and I would be happy to visit Angenteria, whenever it is most convenient for you.
James the First,
Emperor of Howesia
To His Highness James I of Howesia;
The Kingdom of Bardar congratulate the nation of Howesia for having embraced the great government type of monarchy and is purging out anarchy and disorder from their nation. The Kingdom rejoice that a strong man as James I has taken the helm of the new monarchy and recognize the Imperial Government of Howesia.
Asmolach II, Prime Minister of Bardar, Patriarch of the Church of Bardar.
To His Highness James I of Howesia;
The Kingdom of Bardar congratulate the nation of Howesia for having embraced the great government type of monarchy and is purging out anarchy and disorder from their nation. The Kingdom rejoice that a strong man as James I has taken the helm of the new monarchy and recognize the Imperial Government of Howesia.
Asmolach II, Prime Minister of Bardar, Patriarch of the Church of Bardar.
To Prime Minister and Patriarch, Asmolach II
The Empire of Howesia wishes to thank the Kingdom of Bardar for its support and desires the creation of full diplomatic relations between our two nations, starting with an exchange of embassies.
James the First,
Emperor of Howesia
13-03-2009, 18:05
"An interesting place"
That was the thought of the woman (http://www.hji.co.uk/hjimages/images/qhs27243/hji/medium/2006-redhead-vibrant.jpg) who walked down Chelsea main street on her way towards an important interview with the new Minister of Transport. She could sense the air of fear amongst the Locals, the worries of the average People against this man who had seen fit to declare himself as an Emperor in a formerly democratic people. She was interested in how it had come about, how a Parliament had given away to a Dictator for life. This...James the First was intruging for her.
Her name was Ella Bannon. She had been born in Illesia City, the capital of the Alversian Republic, a peaceful Democracy that took it's freedom and civil liberty very seriously indeed. Her Mother and Father, both Civil Servants, had watched her acedemic progress with pride and indeed they might, for she had graduated from both Grammar School and University with high marks and notable attention from the Journalist Collegues that she had then attended. Upon her graduation from St. James Collegue, Illesia, the biggest and most reputable Journalist Collegue within Alversia, she had gone freelance and ended up here.
Her intentions were simple, to investigate rumours of corruption within the new government and simply see if she could dig up any dirt on the new Government, stuff that she could sell to the papers in Alversia. She reached the Headquarters of the Department of Transport and headed to the main Desk,
"Hello, my name is Mrs. Bannon and I am here to meet with the Transport Minister," She explained.
13-03-2009, 19:46
Imperial Diplomatic Communication
I find it unusual, though mildly pleasing, that such a revolution took place in non-violent fashion. If the reports my intelligencers give me are correct, the new government has come into being without a shot being fired.
I am forced to assume faith in the previous government system was horribly low if so few people objected, and no organized resistance came out to fight it. Of course, I could be wrong, and this could all be a deception. As such we intend to withhold recognition until such time as we have investigated events in Howesia leading up to the present state of affairs.
~ Her Imperial Majesty Taunja I Lockeheart, of the Imperial Federated States of Romandeos.
New Chalcedon
13-03-2009, 20:26
From: His Imperial and Serene Majesty, Michael VI of New Chalcedon.
To: James Reagan, Head of State for the nation of Howesia.
Re: Recent Developments.
Your Excellency,
Whilst the Empire of New Chalcedon does not make a habit of interefering in the affairs of sovereign states , We hope that you will not take a few words of advice amiss.
We urge you to remember that the institution of monarchy can, as has happened within Our domain, be tempered by democratic institutions, and emerge all the stronger for having attained the support of the people. Further, We urge you to remember that all of the great leaders of history, good, evil or indifferent to morality, have possessed the affection of their people.
Further, those leaders who made great and lasting changes to their nations did so by enlisting the support of their people, not demanding their adherence. Look through history, Your Excellency. Napoleon, Roosevelt, Churchill, even Hitler, Stalin and Mao embraced the ideal that their people must support them for change to happen. And each of them made great changes thereby. One may argue the nature of those changes, but their substance cannot be argued.
Looking through history, all great leaders have attempted to persuade their people to follow their causes willingly. Caesar, Justinian of happy memory, even the warlord Muhammad of Mecca made their great accomplishments with the willing aid of their people. Likewise, Catherine of Russia and William of Hanover always attempted to secure the affections of their peoples, rather than simply demanding obedience.
We urge you to follow their inspiration. Give your people a say in their leadership - take steps to engage their affections, and your rule shall be far more durable and full of achievement than any number of secret police or troops can make it.
At the present time, the Empire of New Chalcedon, by Our order, shall neither recognise nor deny the new regime of Howesia. Rather, We shall observe the situation and make a further decision anon.
With regards,
Michael Doukas-Palaiologos
Emperor and Lord of New Chalcedon
Father of the People
etc., etc.
Happy Acres
13-03-2009, 23:56
Looking through history, all great leaders have attempted to persuade their people to follow their causes willingly. Caesar, Justinian of happy memory, even the warlord Muhammad of Mecca made their great accomplishments with the willing aid of their people. Likewise, Catherine of Russia and William of Hanover always attempted to secure the affections of their peoples, rather than simply demanding obedience.
A group of rebels has staked out a 4 by 4 block in the center of the city and is not leting people in.
OCC I was hoping to play a grope of people who want to vote at least moer than once in there life. if i can not just forget this post.:)
The Howesian Empire began to experience what may be termed a radical transformation in the way that society operated. The new flag of the Empire was raised over all schools and government buildings while the Emperor began to go on publicity visits to cities all over the land, trying to get the people involved in the construction of his vision. His wife and children appeared in local publications, their pictures being taken at military parades and royal visits. One may say that they were mere non royals masquerading as royalty but, then again, perhaps James the First was aspiring to initiate royal marriages - after all, he had spent several days creating a peerage composed of individuals that he had found to be amiable comrades. These aristocrats were treated like born aristocrats would have been, in countries with monarchies having been ruling for multiple centuries.
The tentacles of Howesian monarchism began to spread all over the nation's public institutions from the schools to the churches. Although there was a bit of discontent expressed by pro-democracy activists, there was no mass organized movement dedicated to reversing the reforms of James the First. There seemed to be no official opposition to his movement, no one to question him on the abolition of democracy in favor of his autocratic monarchism. The Emperor would give speeches in the hopes of explaining to the masses that, yes, the Imperial Court would listen to the citizens. They would be permitted to criticize government openly whenever they wanted, for example, according to the pro-monarchist constitution. The constitution, this controversial document, essentially declared the supremacy of royal rule over the citizens. All political power was centralized within the hands of the Crown, whoever was lucky enough to be born as a prince or princess. The document also declared Her Imperial Highness, the Princess Alexandra was the official heir to the Howesian throne.
As the moon rose over the city of Chelsea during what seemed to be a rather peaceful night, the citizens retiring to their homes or checking out the red light district, the Emperor of Howesia was staying up late to work on responding to the messages from foreign leaders while his wife occupied herself in her chambers, feeling content with looking over family scrapbooks, back when they weren't playing this game - this game of acting, looking, thinking like they were royalty. The aide-de-camp, Stanley Morrison, was standing at his side with occasional glances upon the messages. Morrison was the man who essentially functioned as a male secretary, the Emperor's personal assistant and confidant.
"It seems that the world has taken quite the interest in our nation, Your Majesty, and I would hope that you will know how to deal with it." Stanley said while looking over the messages that the Emperor had discarded, hoping that the Emperor wouldn't make the world want to storm the gates of Chelsea and overthrow him. The last thing that Howesia needed was a conflict with another nation, Stanley thought. The Emperor bellowed out a laugh and smiled at his companion. "I am sure that I’ll be able to deal with all of the interest in an orderly fashion. I am sure, Stanley, that we'll be able to gain their support as Howesia advances onward."
Stanley nodded while he watched the Emperor continue to read the messages he had recieved. After everything was finished, the Emperor withdrew to his wife's chambers while Stanley resigned to his own, Augustine Strickland preparing the official replies of His Majesty's Government for being sent to their respective destinations. Only time would tell how successful the Empire would be in his mission.
From: His Imperial and Serene Majesty, Michael VI of New Chalcedon.
To: James Reagan, Head of State for the nation of Howesia.
Re: Recent Developments.
Your Excellency,
Whilst the Empire of New Chalcedon does not make a habit of interefering in the affairs of sovereign states , We hope that you will not take a few words of advice amiss.
We urge you to remember that the institution of monarchy can, as has happened within Our domain, be tempered by democratic institutions, and emerge all the stronger for having attained the support of the people. Further, We urge you to remember that all of the great leaders of history, good, evil or indifferent to morality, have possessed the affection of their people.
Further, those leaders who made great and lasting changes to their nations did so by enlisting the support of their people, not demanding their adherence. Look through history, Your Excellency. Napoleon, Roosevelt, Churchill, even Hitler, Stalin and Mao embraced the ideal that their people must support them for change to happen. And each of them made great changes thereby. One may argue the nature of those changes, but their substance cannot be argued.
Looking through history, all great leaders have attempted to persuade their people to follow their causes willingly. Caesar, Justinian of happy memory, even the warlord Muhammad of Mecca made their great accomplishments with the willing aid of their people. Likewise, Catherine of Russia and William of Hanover always attempted to secure the affections of their peoples, rather than simply demanding obedience.
We urge you to follow their inspiration. Give your people a say in their leadership - take steps to engage their affections, and your rule shall be far more durable and full of achievement than any number of secret police or troops can make it.
At the present time, the Empire of New Chalcedon, by Our order, shall neither recognise nor deny the new regime of Howesia. Rather, We shall observe the situation and make a further decision anon.
With regards,
Michael Doukas-Palaiologos
Emperor and Lord of New Chalcedon
Father of the People
etc., etc.
From the desk of His Majesty, the Emperor of Howesia, James the First,
Your Majesty,
The Empire of Howesia wishes that the Empire of New Chalcedon will not fall into believing that it is my intention to rule over the masses without hearing their positions, for it is my true intention to bring the people into solidarity with the Crown so that we may mutually bring our nation into the prosperity that we aspire it to attain. The reforms we have implemented, in our nation, have already secured the rights of all individuals to challenge the rulings of the government, should it be a proper act to them.
It is our hope that our administration shall be recognized as legitimate by the Empire of New Chalcedon, which we seek to establish full diplomatic relations with over the next few days, the next few weeks. We are more than willing to offer you an embassy in our nation, provided you reciprocate our goodwill. I can only hope you will consider our goodwill, accepting it without hesitation, reciprocating it to us. I can only hope in such things from you, Your Majesty.
James the First,
Emperor of Howesia
Imperial Diplomatic Communication
I find it unusual, though mildly pleasing, that such a revolution took place in non-violent fashion. If the reports my intelligencers give me are correct, the new government has come into being without a shot being fired.
I am forced to assume faith in the previous government system was horribly low if so few people objected, and no organized resistance came out to fight it. Of course, I could be wrong, and this could all be a deception. As such we intend to withhold recognition until such time as we have investigated events in Howesia leading up to the present state of affairs.
~ Her Imperial Majesty Taunja I Lockeheart, of the Imperial Federated States of Romandeos.
Your Majesty,
It is the hope of the Empire of Howesia that the Imperal Federated States will not deny our administration the status it seeks from the world's nations, the status as a legitimate government over the citizens of our beloved homeland. Should you wish to hold a conference between representatives of our respective nations, I would be more than willing.
James the First,
Emperor of Howesia
"An interesting place"
That was the thought of the woman (http://www.hji.co.uk/hjimages/images/qhs27243/hji/medium/2006-redhead-vibrant.jpg) who walked down Chelsea main street on her way towards an important interview with the new Minister of Transport. She could sense the air of fear amongst the Locals, the worries of the average People against this man who had seen fit to declare himself as an Emperor in a formerly democratic people. She was interested in how it had come about, how a Parliament had given away to a Dictator for life. This...James the First was intruging for her.
Her name was Ella Bannon. She had been born in Illesia City, the capital of the Alversian Republic, a peaceful Democracy that took it's freedom and civil liberty very seriously indeed. Her Mother and Father, both Civil Servants, had watched her acedemic progress with pride and indeed they might, for she had graduated from both Grammar School and University with high marks and notable attention from the Journalist Collegues that she had then attended. Upon her graduation from St. James Collegue, Illesia, the biggest and most reputable Journalist Collegue within Alversia, she had gone freelance and ended up here.
Her intentions were simple, to investigate rumours of corruption within the new government and simply see if she could dig up any dirt on the new Government, stuff that she could sell to the papers in Alversia. She reached the Headquarters of the Department of Transport and headed to the main Desk,
"Hello, my name is Mrs. Bannon and I am here to meet with the Transport Minister," She explained.
Some of the citizens would occassionally stare over at Mrs. Bannon, studying her alluring looks with their lustful eyes, wondering if she was an eligible woman for them to attempt to claim but none of them really approached her, let alone try to claim her heart. As she got into the headquarters of the Ministry of Transportation - one of many ministries, departments - the clerk at the main desk smiled. "Mrs. Bannon? Hmmm...what business would you have with the Minister? Did you book some sort of appointment?"
14-03-2009, 16:38
"Me?" She smiled slyly, lifting a stand of her brilliant red hair out of the way, "Of course I do,"
She went into the back pocket of her tight, blue jeans. The material was stretched tightly across her rear and encased her thighs fully in the demim material. This led up to her white shirt under a demin jacket. It wasn't long before she pulled out a small piece of paper from the Ministry confirming her appointment date and time.
"If you could tell him that I am here, then we can get this over with" She smiled again. She had pulled a lot of strings to get this interview and she knew that she could uncover signs of corruption and worse if she was careful with her questioning. It may take some work to get beneath his defences but she knew that it was possible. She was one of Alversia's brightest talents. She would get her story.
The Fanboyists
14-03-2009, 16:49
OOC: Thank you.
From the desk of His Majesty, the Emperor of Howesia, James the First,
I wish to thank you for the support that you have given me, following my ascension into power in my beloved homeland. I assure you that it is my goal to provide strong and efficient leadership for the citizens of Howesia and that my reforms are part of my overall plan to secure this. My goal is to see to it that a future for Howesian children has been secured, that the people will become prosperous, and that the world will look upon Howesia as being a fully developed nation. This will never cease to be my goal as long as I shall live.
Secondly, the establishment of full open trade is fully supported by the Empire of Howesia. I suggest that we discuss this, the possibility of an alliance, and other diplomatic matters over a diplomatic conference which, I believe, ought to be held in your nation. Keep in mind that you are invited to tour the Empire of Howesia whenever you wish and that you will be an honored guest in the palace where my family and I live. My newfound responsibility force me to cut my reply short. Adieu, Generalissimo, and may we become good friends.
James the First,
Emperor of Howesia
From the Desk of Generalissimo Steven P. Grimmeberger;
To Emperor James I of Howesia,
I would like to first, in case this intent in my original message was unclear, add that the Fanboyist Federation of North Atlantic Territories hereby grants full diplomatic recognition to the government of James I of Howesia.
A meeting would, I believe, then, as you seem to have given your approval (correct me if I am wrong) be wise, as well as in order. I would like to invite you to a conference between the two of us, and any necessary aides, in the Federal Capital in Vienna. Once there, we can iron out the necessary terms and guidelines of free trade agreements and, if you would find it acceptable and beneficial to you, a proper alliance.
Generalissimo Steven Phillip Grimmeberger,
Head of State, Fanboyist Federation of North Atlantic Territories (FFNAT)
New Chalcedon
14-03-2009, 17:11
From: His Imperial and Serene Majesty, Michael VI of New Chalcedon.
To: His Excellency, James Reagan, Head of State of the nation of Howesia.
Re: Diplomatic Recognition.
Your Excellency,
The Empire of New Chalcedon is a power that has, as its guiding principle, the care of the nation and the people. If We can be assured that your goals are the same, diplomatic recognition and trade ties will follow from that. Key to this understanding is the basis of the laws of Howesia as they stand today in certain key fields. These fields include the following areas:
1. Civil rights - what rights (if any) are guaranteed to the citizenry?
2. Judicial independance and due process - What is the (basic) format of criminal proceedings, how are judges appointed, and can they be fired at the will of any individual?
3. The political process - How do laws come into being?
We await your response with interest.
Michael Doukas-Palaiologos
Emperor and Lord of New Chalcedon.
From the Desk of Generalissimo Steven P. Grimmeberger;
To Emperor James I of Howesia,
I would like to first, in case this intent in my original message was unclear, add that the Fanboyist Federation of North Atlantic Territories hereby grants full diplomatic recognition to the government of James I of Howesia.
A meeting would, I believe, then, as you seem to have given your approval (correct me if I am wrong) be wise, as well as in order. I would like to invite you to a conference between the two of us, and any necessary aides, in the Federal Capital in Vienna. Once there, we can iron out the necessary terms and guidelines of free trade agreements and, if you would find it acceptable and beneficial to you, a proper alliance.
Generalissimo Steven Phillip Grimmeberger,
Head of State, Fanboyist Federation of North Atlantic Territories (FFNAT)
From the Desk of James the First, the Emperor of Howesia;
We are thankful for the official recognition which the Fanboyist Federation has given our government, looking forward to the full establishment of diplomatic relations between the Fanboyist Federation and the Empire of Howesia. It is my pleasure to invite you, and prospective companions, to the capital of Howesia, Chelsea, for a friendly discussion over world affairs along with anything else that comes to mind. You would be hosted at the Royal Palace of Chelsea where I reside, with my wife and children, and given the respect that foreign leaders such as yourself ought to attain.
It would be a pleasure for me to attend a diplomatic conference in Vienna, I am hopeful that such a conference will prove to be mutually beneficial for both of our nations. Please notify me as to what date you think would be most suitable for the conference to be held.
James the First,
Emperor of Howesia
To: Emperor James I
From: Office of High Councilor, Takaram
First, allow me to congratulate you on your rise to power. Although Takaram is a republic, we have no issues in dealing with those who have taken down democracy, so long as they rule justly, which it appears that you have. Let me also applaud your swift persecution of those guilty of such horrid crimes as rape. I also was pleased to hear of your rapid movement toward a separation of church and state, as Takaram has also taken such steps. And your education reforms are also fine as far as Takaram is concerned.
I like what I have seen with your nation, and would like to propose a full trade agreement between our two nations.
David Marshall, High Councilor, Takaram
15-03-2009, 05:17
TO: Emerpor James I
FROM: The Republic of Hierphil
I would like to congradulate you on your rise to power. Hierphil officially recognizes your leadership within your nation and we encourage a merciful and just rule. Although Hierphil is currently as of this date a republic, we have been and possibly will become again a monarchy and therefore have no issues with the idea of a monarchy. However, we feel obligated to be a voice of reason for your people in stating that your power is not a right. You rule over your people as long as they allow you too and for this reason it is vital that you do what is best for the nation and not only best for yourself. Additionally, respect for human rights and human life is paramount to absolutely everything else, including justice. If you bear this in mind, we expect a very prosperous rule for your nation.
Congradulations again and I you wish to discuss further relations between our nations, simply have your foreign minister contact our Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Kind regards,
Prime Minister Remus York
The Fanboyists
19-03-2009, 21:19
From the Desk of James the First, the Emperor of Howesia;
We are thankful for the official recognition which the Fanboyist Federation has given our government, looking forward to the full establishment of diplomatic relations between the Fanboyist Federation and the Empire of Howesia. It is my pleasure to invite you, and prospective companions, to the capital of Howesia, Chelsea, for a friendly discussion over world affairs along with anything else that comes to mind. You would be hosted at the Royal Palace of Chelsea where I reside, with my wife and children, and given the respect that foreign leaders such as yourself ought to attain.
It would be a pleasure for me to attend a diplomatic conference in Vienna, I am hopeful that such a conference will prove to be mutually beneficial for both of our nations. Please notify me as to what date you think would be most suitable for the conference to be held.
James the First,
Emperor of Howesia
OOC: Which would you rather hold the meeting in: your country or mine? I'm impartial, which would you rather? I can make a seperate thread if its in mine.
20-03-2009, 20:28
Emperor James I of Howesia,
You are to be admired for achieving a revolution and a ensuring stable Government all within such a short period of time. The Duchy of Rechburg has long been a nation of strong Government, as such we are advocates of limited democracy and controlled individual liberties.
If the reports I am receiving are correct it would seem Howesia will be fortunate to have a leader such as yourself that has the same strong belief in National pride and self determination that we in the Duchy of Rechburg share.
The Duchy of Rechburg does not usually involve itself in areas far beyond the South pacific region and almost never in alliances so far from its shores.
It would however seem advantageous for both of our nations to open communications at Ambassadorial levels as well as perhaps discussing trade and other areas of mutual interest.
My Secretary of State Admiral Ney will travel to Howesia to confirm these initial proposals and to ratify any agreements if this is acceptable.
Meanwhile please once again be assured of the goodwill of myself and the Government of the Duchy of Rechburg
In Highest regards
Duke Blaise
20-03-2009, 21:31
To Emperor James I of Howesia,
I, along with the entire Principality of Vaarshire, congratulate you on the foundation of your empire. The change in government which marked the formation of your empire is a sign that drastic change need not happen with mass amounts of violence.
Vaarshire, too, is a country with English roots. Our nation's origins are traced back to the English colony of Farshire founded on an island in the North Sea in the fifteenth century. To this day, English culture remains firmly engrained in our society, alongside Dutch culture.
While there are differences between the politics of our nations, the elected monarchy of Vaarshire and the Howesian Empire are not so different. As I understand, we both value the seperation of church and state, protection of the civil rights of the individual, a defense-oriented military and education as a cornerstone of society.
Though my government has some concerns over the treatment of those who are deemed to "oppose" the Empire and incarcerated persons, on the whole I can see that the Howesian Empire, with you at its head, has only the best interests of its citizens at heart. The Principality of Vaarshire hereby recognizes your rule over Howesia and hopes that we can form a strong diplomatic relationship.
With warmest regards,
Johannes de Vaar
18th Prince of Vaarshire
Despite the loss of most of their political rights, the Howesians did not seem to live their lives any differently than they once had. It was observed by commentators that the Howesian people simply wanted nothing more than peace and freedom, and if it meant being under an autocratic madman who called himself a monarch, then so be it, let it be all done for the sake of preserving peace and freedom in Howesia. The Imperial Armed Forces experienced a resurgence in numbers following the recent spree of military parades while the famous band, White Rose, continued to sing all over Howesia as they had since the seventies. Henry Bates, the lead vocalist, could still pack a punch after all those years, it seemed, and the fans craved every moment of it.
The Emperor of Howesia, James the First, basked in the knowledge that he hadn't been significantly opposed by the masses and, it seemed, that they loved him for his policies. The conservatives would, for example, congratulate him on his criminal law reforms while the people were thankful that he would recognize their right of freedom of speech and expression. The people were happy to see that he desired peace and freedom, as much as they did, so they didn't challenge him. Whenever they looked upon him and the Empress Stephanie who often accompanied him, along with their beloved children, the people cheered. He was their best choice for leader at the moment, they couldn't bear to see Howesia torn apart. As James the First sat with his wife, Stephanie, at the dining table during lunch, his aide-de-camp read the news from Vaarshire and Rechberg which delighted James and satisfied the Empress, who had never really been too inclined to politics in the first place.
"It seems that our nation gains more and more support as every day passes," Stanley began with confidence, "and I can only foresee even more being lavished upon us in the coming weeks, Your Majesties. I believe that tomorrow you will be attending the conference in Vienna, right?"
James laughed while Stephanie merely grinned, sipping her tea while her husband replied to his trusted confidant. For Stephanie, the idea of the world supporting her husband ensured she wouldn't need to worry about him, that her children wouldn't need to learn where to go if enemies attacked, and that Howesia could live in peace while the rest of the world crumbled into ashes and bits. With their tanks, and their bombs, and their guns. "Of course I will be attending the conference. Stephanie will maintain the nest here in Chelsea while I'm gone."
Stanley smiled. He had known the Empress since he had been given such closeness by the will of the Emperor of Howesia, who didn't suspect his young and dashing aide-de-camp could try to steal his wife from him. Stanley, for all that he was, never really took an interest in women. Perhaps it was because he simply hadn't found the right one for him. Stanley wasn't the sort of man who ran around in pursuit of women, hoping to become some legendary conqueror of their hearts. "The nest shall not be in disarray, my love." Stephanie calmly told James, sipping her tea before casting a warm gaze on Stanley who would, as well, accompany her husband. "Make sure he behaves himself, won't you?"
As Stephanie withdrew into the confines of the palace to be with her children, as James the First went into his chambers to be greeted by the heir to the throne he had created ex nihilo, and as Stanley went to do whatever it was that he did, Foreign Minister Strickland sent up replies to the men of Vaarshire and Rechberg, to those men from Hierphil and Takaram and all the others. They were the usual sort of replies. Yes, we want to be friends with you. Yes, Davout can visit us in Chelsea. Yes, send ambassadors and the like and we shall do the same. The Emperor had been, by then, instructing his heir, the Princess Alexandra, in the ways of responsible and efficient monarchism. Alexandra was gorgeous, at least that is what the men of her father's court claimed. When they looked at the Crown Princess, they saw nothing but a gentle heart behind pale white flesh, a tender soul behind the sea blue eyes, a crown of auburn upon her head. Alexandra was her father's most important child, if only for the reason that she was to inherit the throne upon his death. Her sisters, Princesses Anne, Beatrice and Victoria and her only brother, the Prince Charles, all had their own looks and personalities and equal love from their parents, and the masses.
As Henry Bates, once again, proved that epic power flowed through his veins as his late, successful counterpart had, back in the mother nation, the Emperor slept soundly in the knowledge that Howesia would be recognized as an Empire, as a nation which simply wanted to be recognized.
Imperial isa
21-03-2009, 07:41
Stratocracy Monarchy Government of Imperial would like to know who are you and why should we care that you now have a Emperor
From: His Imperial and Serene Majesty, Michael VI of New Chalcedon.
To: His Excellency, James Reagan, Head of State of the nation of Howesia.
Re: Diplomatic Recognition.
Your Excellency,
The Empire of New Chalcedon is a power that has, as its guiding principle, the care of the nation and the people. If We can be assured that your goals are the same, diplomatic recognition and trade ties will follow from that. Key to this understanding is the basis of the laws of Howesia as they stand today in certain key fields. These fields include the following areas:
1. Civil rights - what rights (if any) are guaranteed to the citizenry?
2. Judicial independance and due process - What is the (basic) format of criminal proceedings, how are judges appointed, and can they be fired at the will of any individual?
3. The political process - How do laws come into being?
We await your response with interest.
Michael Doukas-Palaiologos
Emperor and Lord of New Chalcedon.
It has always been said by the dictators of the world that there are just some nations who will not leave them alone, constantly questioning their every move in the name of human rights. It must be said, though, that the Emperor of Howesia had never once said this, for he knew that he was not dictatorial in the usual sense of the word, although he had effectively paralyzed democracy in Howesia by creating a monarchy ex nihilo, leaving the people to look at him and wonder what his plans for them, for their nation, would result in. It was possible that this was only the first phase of his plan to create a totalitarian regime or that he was simply hoping to capitalize on the fervor he had for making Howesia a great nation in the world. Is that not what all leaders regardless of ideology want? Do they not all want their nations to become great?
It had been Stanley Morrison who brought news of the Emperor of New Chalcedon's questioning to the Emperor of Howesia, who had been planning to go on a publicity stunt - a set of them - to make sure everyone loved him, appreciating his rule over them. The only ones who had not, it seemed, were drowned out by the majority of citizens who just wanted to accept him. Perhaps that was just the result of extensive propaganda, or perhaps it was a sincere thought that they had. Either way, the Emperor was pleased. So were those who he had handsomely rewarded. "My counterpart must know that I do not mean to reign over the Howesian people cruelly - I simply wish to bring them into their deserved greatness." The Emperor of Howesia, James the First, said this with a sly smirk. "It is essential that the world understand this, but I am willing to fight if there's ever a need for it. Howesians will follow in the footsteps of our forefathers, who ruled much of the world from a small island, though I consider such bloodshed to be needless."
Stanley nodded his head in emotionless affirmation. It had been his personal opinion that war should only be relied upon if there was a true need for it. He knew that the Howesian Armed Forces were capable of defending the nation, but testing their capability to fight off foreign aggressors was something he never wanted to see first hand. He was nothing but the handsome gentleman who was a pacifist only until the time was right to shed it off, revealing the coldhearted brutality that the officers of the Armed Forces would lovingly lavish upon any of their enemies.
While the Emperor personally typed up a response to for his counterpart in Chalcedon, explaining that his absolutism did not negate the role of the people in government as would be expected, Stanley stoically watched, wondering how the more ancient empire would react to the response from his liege lord. He remembered that the Emperor was hoping to spend the night with his wife and thus this would probably be his last foray in politics until the next day approached. Stephanie had always been somewhat apathetic towards politics, simply saying that only the virtuous should rule, but she never defined her ideal politician in any other form than that he or she should be virtuous. Rule with the people in mind. That's all that mattered to Empress Stephanie of Howesia. After the Emperor sent the message to Emperor Michael, he withdrew into his wife's tender embrace and ordered Stanley to deal with any other messages sent directly to him. He nodded. The Emperor had simply told Emperor Michael that judges were appointed by the Emperor himself based on merit, that the people had the right to voice discontent against government policies, and that all laws came into being via the medium of the Emperor's council of ministers. The people's civil rights, and their right to make their voice heard, were to always be respected.
As this all unfolded, the Howesian people were growing accustomed to the new laws and legislation introduced from the Imperial Court. Several high profile criminals were denied parole and even bail, for example, which delighted the usual clique of conservative writers in Chelsea. They loved the Emperor's iron fisted approach to criminals and his enthusiastic support for capital punishment - after it was fully proven that the criminal in question deserved it, and that the crime leading him to his death was actually committed by him. The Emperor understood that one little problem with killing undesirables, that one little undesirable may have been one little desirable person. Liberal commentators were mixed, respecting his appreciation of civil rights while disliking his abolition of Parliament. If there was anything that could be said of James Reagan, it was that he slept comfortably amidst an atmosphere that seemed to be supportive of him, but how long could this support last?
02-04-2009, 08:58
Mehmet Çeau was visiting a newly constructed school in Terevesti. As usual tv camera's were capturing the moment. Young Pioneers in thier white tops, black pants and red neckerchiefs were standing in a line clapping in unison along with the teachers clapping in unison as Mehmet Çeau and Humar Manici walked by. They were all wearing a small pin on thier chest of the former leader Provoçe.
When they left the school Mehmet's staff were quick to come to him with news of the monarchy in Howesia.
"Well I dont know. How is he treating the communists?" asked Mehmet
"the treatment doesnt sound too good I think all opposition has been crushed" said an aide
"Well I'll get around to sending a letter and cut off diplomatic relations. We wont recognize the new government" Said Mehmet.
He drove of to the Palace of the Revolution to get to work on his letter.
The Government of Bulgislavia does not recognize this illigitimate siezure of power and so we will cut off any diplomatic relations we may of had with your country.
The treatment of left wing and communist citizens in your country have also severly strained our relations. The people will overthrow your corrupt regime. Traitors have been severly punished for altering constitutions in such a way. I dont know what more has to be said except that the People of Bulgislavia hope conditions for our Comrades in your country improve
From the President of the Peoples Republic of Bulgislavia
General Secretary of the Communist Party of Bulgislavia
Mehmet Çeau
The Government of Bulgislavia does not recognize this illigitimate siezure of power and so we will cut off any diplomatic relations we may of had with your country.
The treatment of left wing and communist citizens in your country have also severly strained our relations. The people will overthrow your corrupt regime. Traitors have been severly punished for altering constitutions in such a way. I dont know what more has to be said except that the People of Bulgislavia hope conditions for our Comrades in your country improve
From the President of the Peoples Republic of Bulgislavia
General Secretary of the Communist Party of Bulgislavia
Mehmet Çeau
From the Emperor of Howesia, James the First,
To the President of the People's Republic of Bulgislavia, Mehmet Çeau
It has come to my attention that you have broken off diplomatic relations between our two nations over the supposed harsh treatment of Communists and other similar groups. First, we must say that left wing individuals are not being persecuted in our nation and that the safety of the said individuals is of the Empire's concern. Second, who are you to be telling us that we are in error? Our corrupt regime? Oh, President, why don't you take the beam out of your own eye? The people of Bulgislavia are practically slaves of the hypocritical Communist regime that you lead and yet you come to me, proclaiming yourself as an icon of the people, telling me that I am an oppressor? Oh, my dear President, do not give me such words. The people of Howesia do not desire the creation of a Communist regime in their beloved homeland, for what better way is there to ruin a nation than to pledge one's loyalty to Communism, only to see that the Party exploits those it believes that it serves? How does the average Bulgislavian sleep at night, knowing that his family must line up in vast lines just for a loaf of bread, that he must kowtow before you like a slave to his master, that the whole purpose of a Bulgislavian's existence is to negate his individuality in favor of the collectivist bullshit that Communists never cease to spout?
President, it is my opinion that we are both men who rule over the nations we love absolutely but while my people bask in the blessings afforded to them by their hard work, by us allowing them to blossom, your people toil under your bondage. The people will overthrow my regime? Oh, I expect your people to overthrow you much sooner than they would me. President, you must understand that you are nothing more than a hypocrite. Do not come to me again with your rhetoric until you understand this. I await, with trepidation, your response, though a part of me is inclined to dismiss the possibility of an intelligent response with the bloodsoaked rhetoric of the Communist ideology - one that I will go to my grave loathing and hating, one that has killed so many people that, well, it can't claim innocence from committing the same crimes as capitalists have supposely done over the years. I could go on, but I'm sure that the work of your fellow Communists speaks for itself.
His Majesty,
James the First,
Emperor of Howesia.
02-04-2009, 09:41
The Howesian message was given straight to Humar (number 2 in the government) they were too scared to give it to Mehmet.
During his 6 months in power Mehmet had never recieved a peice of bad news or critisism unless Humar told him the honest truth... sometimes.
Humar read over the note and screwed it up and ordered the aides to get rid of it. He went into Mehmets Office
"Heard from that basket case?" said Mehmet
"No. None at all. I guess they chose not to reply"
"hmmm well it doesnt matter. Whats the latest progress in the country?"
"Well your invited to view a practice session in the Provoçe Statdium of this Augusts Mass Provoçe Games"
The Howesian message was given straight to Humar (number 2 in the government) they were too scared to give it to Mehmet.
During his 6 months in power Mehmet had never recieved a peice of bad news or critisism unless Humar told him the honest truth... sometimes.
Humar read over the note and screwed it up and ordered the aides to get rid of it. He went into Mehmets Office
"Heard from that basket case?" said Mehmet
"No. None at all. I guess they chose not to reply"
"hmmm well it doesnt matter. Whats the latest progress in the country?"
"Well your invited to view a practice session in the Provoçe Statdium of this Augusts Mass Provoçe Games"
James looked over some incoming reports while his aide-de-camp stood beside him, noticing that his liege was puzzled, for he lacked a reply to his message from the President of Bulgislavia. "Where is his message?"
"It is possible that he has not written yet." Stanley said.
"Perhaps he won't write at all. He's probably angry that I bluntly told him of his hypocrisy."
Stanley smirked. "Don't jump to conclusions. Perhaps he's getting something prepared for you."
The Emperor laughed. "A steaming pile of bullshit, most likely! Well, tell me if he sends anything. I need a good laugh, now and then."
Stanley nodded. "As you wish, Your Majesty."
The doors of the throne room creaked only slightly. This wouldn't be an ostentatious meeting of leaders, simply a courier. The Emperor breathed out a sigh of relief. His personal messenger came in with a handful of vellum parchments, sealed with both the Imperialis, and an unknown wax stamp. An outside interest, he thought.
"My lord, we have received word of the political situation within Howesia." Behind his feature-masking cloak, a blade-thin smile creeped along the Emperor's face.
"Appraise me."
"Very well, my lord. Apparently, the Howesians have taken an interesting turn and have decided to implant their own Emperor. James the first is now acting Emperor of the land." A low chuckle emanated from the ebon throne. James is certainly in for a fun time, he thought, tenting his fingers in front of him.
He could remember well the transition Zakuvia had made from a parliamentary democracy, to an Empire. There were riots. There was death. No matter how innocuous the crime, it was all leveled at him. He had shrugged off every criticism and, to his people's benefit, converted the ruling head of the Empire from a stagnant house of serpents more concerned with their own wealth into a burgeoning powerhouse, both economically and militarily, in the continent. His thoughts were interrupted when he noticed the wiry Administrator at the foot of his throne.
"Tell Emperor Jimmy that he has Zakuvian support. He will need it." At this, the scribe bowed and was shown out of the door by the throne guards. So, someone wants to get into the business of Empire, eh? Well, the Emperor thought, we'll see how long he can keep his hand in the oven.
02-04-2009, 20:42
Secretary of State Admiral Ney stepped of the Rechburg 737, pausing at the top of the stairs he paused as he looked around taking in his first impressions of Howesia.
The party of officials waiting for him was small, and for Admiral Ney this was as he hoped and expected.
Despite being instructed by his Duke to open relations with Howesia, Admiral Ney chose to take a low key path to determining whether there was any benefit to be gained for either Rechburg.
In his experience it was virtually impossible to gauge the depth and nature of a nation by being driven from civic reception to civic reception, from flower shows to theatres. What Admiral Ney wanted to know and his people were already out in the country finding out is how the people felt about this new Emperor.
It was why back in his plane, the security staff were collecting electronic data passively; determining the activity within the capital.
Stepping down the ramp he was greeted by a number of officials, he had asked to be housed in a hotel in the capital, as of yet Rechburg had no diplomatic relations with the Empire.
On arriving at the hotel, he was met by more of his security staff who had booked the entire floor and has just completed security checks in each room.
The Admiral swept into the lobby, grumpily acknowledging people as they casually nodded or tried to greet him, he was ushered straight into the lift and taken to his room.
Once there, he immediately made his way to the coffee pot, but he was intercepted by his all knowing PA, Dianne. Realising the futility of arguing with this overly protective woman, he just smiled as she said
"Yes I know Admiral, black and with bullets"
"Thank You Di"
The Admiral made his way to the window and gazed out on the city, Dianne approached the admiral with his coffee.
"Admiral we have sent word of our arrival to the palace to determine when the official talks will begin, however I expect there to be some delay as I'm sure this Emperor will be busy sweeping his plate clean of dissidents".
The Admiral sipped his coffee
"Holy shit Di, are you trying to poison me, what the hell is this shit"
"I'm sorry sir, its Howesian coffee, I thought you would appreciate a local flavour"
He put the coffee down on the table,
"Christ we should declare war on a nation that makes coffee beans that bad, its sacrilege to say the least. Now dig into the supplies and get our regular stuff."
He paused for a moment and then turned to Dianne
"If you ever give me the local blend of anything again, I will put you on the streets where I found you"
"Admiral you didnt find me on the streets, if you care to remember I came with the job"
"Yes well Di, do that a again and you wont have a job, now get some real coffee".
He turned to his security chief Colonel Charlie Evans
"How goes the field work Charlie"?
"Mundane stuff Admiral, some love him, some hate him, its a bit soon to determine if there is a home grown opposition, but we are making good contacts"
"Good man, the last thing we need is to get involved in another crappy civil war like that Aios fiasco"
"Gotcha Admiral, we will keep at it"
Dianne handed the Admiral yet another cup of coffee, he sipped it suspiciously, then with a beaming smile said.
"Damn them is fine beans, you now Dianne I should listen to you and marry you"
"Excuse me Admiral, I have not nor would not ask you to marry me, you are old enough to be my grand father".
The giggles and smirks around the room were quickly stifled as the Admiral looked up, then he burst out laughing.
"Well anyway child, them is damn fine beans"
"Now whats my appointments for tomorrow"?
"You have a free day tomorrow unless we hear from the Palace sir".
Bumped. Rechberg/Zakuvia, can I assume that your nations will be friendly towards the Howesian Empire?
The Fanboyists
03-04-2009, 23:56
OOC: The thread for our meeting, Howesia, is up here (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=588812).
04-04-2009, 20:54
Yes Rechburg will be friendly and is looking to open trade as we are a very much capitalist corporate state, but we are very cautious about who we trade with, hence we would want to find out if there are possibilities of trouble that may interupt trade.