Jalanese Uranium Deposits
our country is known to support Nuclear power but not the Nuclear weapons. for that reason our incoming uranium resources are greater than the number we need, for that reason we decide to sell the Uranium to other countries if they promise to only use it for power plants and such.
We hope that our prices are adequate and that you would consider buying the Uranium.
We also have special offers, you can also order a power plant to be built in your country. our men will build a Jalanese Style Power Plant then and you should agree to the following terms.
- A Jalanese banner must be out at all times
- This Banner must have a minimum size of 1 meters in diameter.
- If any of the Uranium is being tapped from the power plant for the use of Nuclear weapons we will have the rights to demolish the power plant.
- 5% of the power produced in the power plant should be connected to Jalanat.
Prices Uranium:
$5,000 per kilo
Power Plant:
$8,000,000,000 per power plant.
(power plants produce around 1000 Megawatt)
OOC: first of all if the prices are off please do not flame the topic but tell me how i need to change it, i mean i have no clue on what those plants should produce and stuff, not any reason i should know :P
07-03-2009, 17:28
Comorostan would like to purchase two power plants for $4,000,000 and 10 kilos of uranium for $50,000 to power these plants. We will comply with all regulations.
To: Comorostan
From: Jala Soma
We cannot accept your order yet as you did not gave a proper variable number for the Ammount of Uranium you wish to buy. pleas relook your order and change your mistake or else our calculating computers won't be able to tell how much you should pay for the Uranium and Power Plants
Jala Soma, President of the Federation of Jalanat
07-03-2009, 17:36
OOC-edited above post to show number of kilos
07-03-2009, 17:45
For a band spanking new Gen III+ design like the AP1000 you would be looking at approx $2billion per 1000MWe power plant. That would mainly be for the actual reactors and thier own systems by the time you incldue the rest of the power plant $6-$10billion wouldbe far off depending on the number of reactors and how much other infrastructure you would have to build.
This is based a breif read through of a few wiki articles but the numbers sound about right.
Comorostan would like to purchase two power plants for $4,000,000 and 10 kilos of uranium for $50,000 to power these plants. We will comply with all regulations.
From: Jala Soma
To: Comorostan
thank you, your order has been filled in, the total price will be aproximately
$16,000,050,000 please note that the prices have changed because our price list showed the wrong valuta. if you still wish to buy it please send us a message back. we are sorry for the inconvenience but our hardware was newly installed.
ooc: that was just an rpish excuse for the correction of the prices :P
Jala Soma, president of the Federation of Jalanat
07-03-2009, 17:55
The new prices are fine. Payment will begin immediately.
The Democratic Republic of Jakra is starting a civil nuclear power grid, we wish to purchase 2 reactors and 10 kilos of uranium for $16,000,050,000. We would also be interested in a mutual nuclear exchange (ooc-your nuke nerds teach my nuke nerds how to build ractors and such) between our countries.
The money will be wired upon confirmation of the deal.
Your order has been filled in, however our nation is not willing to sell their blueprints or their technologies on how to build these power plants to other nations as we fear the nations might try to sell power plants to other nations making money of what was our technology, we hope you understand this.
Message to the Jalanat state.
The Alanean White Corporation will purchase any remaining uranium. Please respond for talks over a possible trade.
White Corp. Rep.
thank you for your offer, we would however wish to know how much exactly you would wish to buy.
The People's Republic of Alanea does not have a literal currency. We operate an internal electronic chip credit system. Therefore we would offer something other than money. We are currently offering to trade 300 of our citizens for foreign work placements. If your government would prefer another form of payment, please inform us.
Purple Corp. Press.
we accept your form of payment, however we would like to know what you would buy and i will see if it will be a fair trade for the both of us.
We are interested in establishing a power plan in our northern region.
Purple Corp. Press.
thank you for buying our Power Plant our workers have been sent to your northern parts of the land and will start building as soon as you wire the sum of $8,000,000,000
ooc: little confused..i just told you we don't operate a currency system, so we don't have money :P that's why i offered the 300 foreign workers :)
The People's Republic of Alanea does not have a literal currency. We operate an internal electronic chip credit system. Therefore we would offer something other than money. We are currently offering to trade 300 of our citizens for foreign work placements. If your government would prefer another form of payment, please inform us.
Purple Corp. Press.
ooc: that message :)
OOC: alright enough with the :) that face scares the crap outta me for some reason.
ok offer accepted
ooc: haha ok.
The Alanean government have safely transferred the 300 subjects to the Saint Arthur City's airport, ready for deportation. Please let us know which airport you'd like them sent to.
Purple Corp. Press.
the airport at Derelict is having a rather calm day, not a lot of airplanes today landing there.
An especially large plane has been sent with the 300 passengers on board.
Sanit Arthur's City Airport Press.
uhm i should have asked this earlier, how big does the runway have to be?
The plane is a standard width and so requires only a standard runway. It is however twice the standard size in height.
Saint Arthur's City Airport Press.