Coalition Against Nukes (IC alliance)
"...And for this reason, we are putting out a call to the nations of the world, join together. We must protect ourselves from the threat of nuclear weapons. They are used almost every day, in every conflict. Many nations do not see the horrors of a nuclear attack, using these nukes much the same as you would a pistol or a rifle. I ask you, no, implore you, build satelites, missiles, lasers, anything that may stem the tide of this nuclear threat! At the same time, slow the production of your nuclear arsenal, and promise yourselves you will not use them unless you have no choice! If you do not take measures to stop nuclear attacks, your nation, your continent, perhaps the world will be demoted to a glass ball of radioactivity. Above all, I propose we join together to protect ourselves, and the world, from this threat of nuclear weapons. We must join together in CAN. Coalition Against Nukes. Thank you for listening, and I ask you to think upon this."
As Graith Dr'klow, the leader of Daiwiz, completed his speech, it was telegrammed to every leader around the world. It was a hope that never again would nuclear weapons strike populated areas, cities with civilians espeacially. Afterwards, Dr'klow took a seat in his office, and awaited any questions leaders of the free world may have. At the same time, he had sent co-ordinates of a building in central Daiwiz to be used as the convening place for any nations wishing to meet in person. Included within the message, was a link to a certain unnamed storefront as proof of the utter disregard of certain storefronts to selling nuclear weapons. ((Yoo-hoo (
Our Flag. (
Nations that have officialy joined:
The United Socialist States of Daiwiz
The Commonwealth of Jacobiania (WA)
The Dominion of Sarrowquand (WA)
The Democratic Republic of Takaram (WA)
The Republic of Hierphil
The Most Serene Republic of Avenio (WA)
The Allied States of Gun Manufacturers
The Dictatorship of Fictions
The People's Republic of Alanea (WA)
The Republic of The Battlehawk (WA)
Nations interested in this Coalition
The Communist Federation of Stoklomolvi
The Objectivist Region of Gesford
The Paedocracy of The Beatus
The Principality of Belkaland (WA)
The Federation of Serbian_Soviet_Union (WA)
The Magical Oceanic Archipelago of Heirosoloa (WA)
The Armed Republic of The Wolf Hold (WA)
Ideas for ceasing nuclear war:
Create an Internation Fallout Clean-Up Group
Impose Tariffs upon nations using nuclear weapons like they do pistols
Keeping an eye or two on terrorist oraganizations, and very war-like nations with access to nuclear weaponry
A weapons registry, so as to regulate Nuclear weapons
Boycott Nuclear Arms selling storefronts
Investigate Nuclear Arms selling storefronts
Bribe Nuclear Arms selling storefronts (Buy out their rights to sell nuclear weapons)
To pay nations to destroy their nuclear weapons
Gang up on nations that use nuclear weapons so as to force them to destroy their stockpile, or atleast stop using it, through force of numbers. Preferably without anyone on either side being hurt.
Build satellites capable of eliminating nuclear weapons in flight
Psychotic Unstable Rogue Nations (PURN):
The Republic of The New Soivet Union
OOC:We do not require you to take part in eachothers wars, squabbles, or pick eachothers sides in such. This is simply to regulate/cease the use of Nuclear Weapons, and possibly in the future all other WMDs. The OOC thread can be found Here. ( Please note: you are aloud to keep a nuclear stockpile, just don't go over the top. It is meant to be a purely deterrent weapon.
Ok, since everyone is confused about what I meant when I decided to try and create this alliance I will outline it simply:
We are fine with people owning nuclear weapons, its the people that sell those weapons to terrorist organizations, unstable countries, and psychotic leaders that we are against. Included in this, are those who decide on First Strikes. So, those that fire a couple hundred nukes at the beginning of every war we are against. Please don't decide to twist these words again...
As has been said, I do create satellites to destroy nuclear weapons in flight. These will only be used if a nation requests it, a member nation SPECIFICALLY.
07-03-2009, 08:59
Jacobiania is proud to be a member of this fine organization. our nation shall soon begin boycotting the universal defense storefront, due to the large amount of "godsend" nuclear missile satellites. We encourage more members to join and join our protest. our nation is also keeping a very close watch on members of the SCAR, being that they are a direct threat to world peace and holders of hundreds of nukes. we are also looking into a new "soviet" nation that claims to be selling nukes, almost as if a direct challenge to the formation of this coalition.
(OOC: I see you took my suggestions for the name and boycotts! glad i could contribute)
El Centro de tierras
07-03-2009, 09:14
Nations possibly going to join (interested):
The Communist Federation of Stoklomolvi
The Objectivist Region of Gesford
The Paedocracy of The Beatus
The Principality of Belkaland (WA)
[OOC: Lmfao! Sorry for the spam.]
07-03-2009, 09:26
the threat in the New Soviet Union has been assessed. they claimed to have large numbers of nukes for sale, at prices lower that the materials needed to create them. this nation also had neither the funding nor budget to create such weapons, therefore their nukes have been deemed "imaginary" the official statement given to them was this: the CAN has recognized your nation as a threat to direct interests of our organization for the following reasons:
claiming possession of non-existent nuclear weapons
claiming these imaginary weapons are for sale at severely unrealistic prices
supporting the sales and production of nuclear weaponry
on behalf of the CAN Jacobiania is adding you to the list of psychotic unstable rouge nations and shall refuse any trade or acknowledgment of this nation.
one less threat (or in this case one less worry, being that the weapons are nonexistent)
07-03-2009, 13:39
IC: My nation requests to join this coalition, however at this time we will not be a full member of this coalition but to gain the status as an observer due to my nation having a nuclear program which is being put to hold for an additional of two months in real time period untill a final decision has been made whether to fully disbandan the nuclear program or to continue it, however, my nation has sent all it's nuclear stock pile to the United Earthling for the full dismantle of the nuclear warheads and converting them for civilian use, within the next few NS days, my nation will officially be a nuclear-bomb free nation.
The Most Serene Republic of Avenio
Official Telegram - Published by the Cultural Ministry Subcommittee on Official Publications
To: The Nations of The World
The Most Serene Republic is proud to be part of such an organisation, and is considering an investigation of the Universal Defense Corporation as well. The Republic has assesed the New Soviet Union and it's nuclear program and agrees with Jacobiania's statement.
Prime Minister
Sophie D'Invierre
Foreign Affairs Minister
Urbain D'Iberville
[OOC: I have a flag we could use if you want, I made it a month ago when I was making a new flag for my country]
The Battlehawk
07-03-2009, 16:10
Official Message
Republic of the Battlehaw
Department of State
The Republic of the Battlehawk would officially like to request to join this coalition. The repblic realises the need to rid the world of Nuclear threat
Theresa Green
Secutary of State
07-03-2009, 16:25
I’m willing to vouch for Serbian Soviet Union under the following conditions: These are that they A. Allow nuclear inspection teams into their country, either from Sarrowquand or from CAN and B. We have reason to believe that United Earthlings have in fact removed SSU’s nuclear capability.
Rebecca Silinky
1st Speaker of Sarrowquand
07-03-2009, 16:46
_____It has come to the attention of the Shazbotdom Empire that this alliance is against those nations that seek in the proliferation of nuclear weaponry. We within the Shazbotdom Empire feel that every nation has a right to the proliferation of weaponry that will safeguard their nation from foreign entities. The use of nuclear weapons as a deterrent has been widely accepted for many decades throughout the world.
_____There will always be nations that misuse the power of the nuclear bomb and those that will sell their overstock of nuclear weapons to anyone and everyone without doing a thorough background check on the nation that they are selling to, but to create an alliance against any and all nations that have or wish to have nuclear weapons is seen as overkill to us.
_____The Shazbotdom Empire does not seek to join this alliance at all and we wish to make the point clear to the CAN that we will in no way disband our nuclear porgram nor will we give up our nuclear arms to anyone reguardless of who is within said alliance.
I thank you for your time.
To: The Supreme Emperor, Larry Williams of the Shazbotom Empire
From: Graith Dr'klow, Leader of the Politburo, Ruler of Daiwiz
We apologize if our intents were unclear. We have no quarrel with nations that use their nuclear weapons as deterrents, as they should be used. We have a quarrel with the nations that use nuclear weapons without thinking of any consequences, or selling the weapons to nations that are currently unable to properly handle such weapons. They are whom we are against. We do not wish for you to disband your nuclear arsenal comepletely, only that it is never used, is kept properly, and is hidden away so that it may not be stolen.
.::End of message::.
To: All nations currently within CAN
We thank you all for joining together to lessen the nuclear threat around the world. However, Universal Defence is currently run by myself, and my partner Falkasia. I did not know that the GodSend was a nuclear weapon, and has been changed. We apologize for this, the specifications for the weapon were lost within the many documents we have on hand concerning weapons.
From the desk of Supreme Chancellor Oscar Nikitin
Attempting to regulate the arms of another nation is interfering and legally unacceptable. Each nation is ruled under its own laws and programs and therefore permitted to obtain nuclear energy and warheads. The Supreme Dominion of Xult will not tolerate CAN forces in my nation and appropriate legal action will be taken against them under Xultan Law if they attempt to enter Xult. This is your warning.
Supreme Chancellor Oscar Nikitin
SCAR will not tolerate this coalition. Now that SCAR ihas obtained nuclear weaponry, we are naturally interested in this illegal coalition. Watch yourselves.
Ivan Nikitin
07-03-2009, 20:46
Quote from our nation
our nation is also keeping a very close watch on members of the SCAR, being that they are a direct threat to world peace and holders of hundreds of nukes
quote from Xult
SCAR will not tolerate this coalition. Now that SCAR has obtained nuclear weaponry, we are naturally interested in this illegal coalition. Watch yourselves.
need we say more? this organization needs to be watched very closely
this organization needs to be watched very closely
Good Luck. You'll need it.
Ivan Nikitin
07-03-2009, 20:52
Official Communique from The Most Serene Republic of Masburel
To: All Nations involved with the CAN
Our Nation, although it is young, wishes to help to educate new nations, or any older/existing nations who feel the need to abuse nuclear weapons. We understand that some nations wish too keep a stockpile of nuclear weapons and we are not against the safe storage of weapons to use in adverse situations where there are no other options and we ourselves are not going to rule out the stockpiling of nuclear weapons in the future when we feel that our country is better equiped to cope.
In short we would like to request membership into this coalition
President Montravel
07-03-2009, 21:20
Hierphil is alarmed at the sudden successful purachase of nuclear weapons by SCAR. Appropriate steps should be taken to find who sold the weapons and prevent further similar sales.
On another note, the Confederation of Defense Corporations should be held in high esteem by this coalition for refusing nuclear weaponry to SCAR.
Kind regards
Prime Minister Remus York
08-03-2009, 03:24
The Dominion of Sarrowquand is also concerned over SCAR's announcement however we believe that this is most likely a boast with few foundations in reality. We call for an investigation into these claims.
Edmund Edison
Grey 1
IndentThe Binarian Empire declares the Coalition Against Nukes, a terrorist organization. What gives C.A.N. the right to infringe on other nation’s sovereignty? Who gave you the authority to tell us what we can and cannot use to defend ourselves? You condemn us for defending ourselves, but at the same time, you demand that we give up our means to defend ourselves, in the name of self-defense? The people that founded the Coalition Against Nukes are a bunch of fascist hypocrites. The nation that make up C. A. N. are hereby no longer recognized as nations in the eyes of the Binarian Empire, and reclassified as terrorist organizations.
To: Binarian Empire
From: Takaram
I believe that you misunderstood the purpose of C.A.N. We are an organization against the offensive use and proliferation of nuclear weaponry. We have no issue at all with a nation owning nuclear weapons as a deterrent. Indeed, several member nations do own nuclear weaponry, but have sworn only to use it as a deterrent, not to attack other nations.
The Wolf Hold
08-03-2009, 03:49
Offical Statement From Wolf Hold Central Command
We are very worried at the fact that we are classed as a nation that has officaly joined. We like the principles of reducing nuclear weapons however the methods that CAN seems to want to employ are somewhat cirmcumspect. We respectfully request that we be dropped from the offical list and be listed as just a nation who has show interest.
OOC: i guess the name fooled me off. i posted an application
myself but deleted it when i saw the true purposes of CAN. takaram, i
disagree with your statement but i do agree with you on the part of
using technology to disable nukes, but the part where it says the
member nations of CAN use nukes as a deterrent, kind of
goes against the purpose of CAN, as stated at the post,
to stop the use of nukes. i think the purpose of CAN is more
of an alliance of nations defending each other from nuclear attack rather than
the ban of it. but, then again its my opinion. you can disagree with me, and
i have no problem with that.
Plans for ceasing nuclear war:
Create an Internation Fallout Clean-Up Group
Impose Tariffs upon nations using nuclear weapons like they do pistols
Gang up on nations that use nuclear weapons so as to force them to destroy their stockpile, or atleast stop using it, through force of numbers.
Build satellites capable of eliminating nuclear weapons in flight
To: Binarian Empire
From: Takaram
I believe that you misunderstood the purpose of C.A.N. We are an organization against the offensive use and proliferation of nuclear weaponry. We have no issue at all with a nation owning nuclear weapons as a deterrent. Indeed, several member nations do own nuclear weaponry, but have sworn only to use it as a deterrent, not to attack other nations.
Official Binarian Department of State Communication
ooc: when did I ever say using technology to disable nukes?
ooc: when did I ever say using technology to disable nukes?
OOC: i meant the statement posted by Daiwiz, creator of CAN. sorry :)
he employs the use of satellites and whatnot to disable nukes.
i didnt mean you because i didnt read anything from you that stated that.
ooc: ok, never mind then. And I do disagree with the whole thing about making everyone destroy their stockpiles.
08-03-2009, 04:00
Stoklomolvi Commissariat of State
7656 Hegemony Drive, Administrative Compound, Office Complex 7C, Hallway 52L, Room 89
Vladistov, Stoklomolvi
Encryption Level 0, Null Encryption
Subject: General Statement
We of Stoklomolvi will not join this organisation as a full member, for we maintain a very, very large nuclear stockpile that we will not be unwilling to use if necessary. Although, for whatever reason in our current war usage of nuclear weapons results in the disappearing of our foes as if they disconnected from the world, we will not hesitate to use nuclear arms. It is our sovereign right.
That being said, we will be more cautious with our weapons stockpile if given access to this organisation as an observer.
ooc: cool. haha i hope that the conversation in the 2nd page evokes
the true meaning of CAN. i dont support the coalition at all to this point.
it uses aggression and brute force to harass and interfere with nations
who possess nukes, which i believe is wrong in all cases, due to the
fact that ANY nation has the right to possess nukes with the exception of
the nation being a member of any non-nuke organizations.
08-03-2009, 05:04
OOC: Asiom please remember that there is an OOC thread. This is the IC thread.
All readers the CAN coalition has not adopted any formal measures or standards yet. At the moment all possible/sensible methods are being listed to gain interest and gage responses. After this I'm sure that an IC conference will be held to determine what measures CAN members feel are acceptable.
This is why at the moment there appears to be some confusion and hypocrisy in CAN ideology as there are at least three different factions wanting to deal with nuclear weapons in different ways. I'm certain that once we hold a conference some form of compromise will be reached
This is why at the moment there appears to be some confusion and hypocrisy in CAN ideology as there are at least three diffenrent factions wanting to deal with nuclear weapons in different ways. I'm certain that once we hold a conference some form of comprimise will be reached
OOC: Asiom please remember that there is an OOC thread. This is the IC thread.
All readers the CAN coalition has not adopted any formal measures or standards yet. At the moment all possible/sensible methods are being listed to gain interest and gage responses. After this I'm sure that an IC conference will be held to determine what measures CAN members feel are acceptable.
This is why at the moment there appears to be some confusion and hypocrisy in CAN ideology as there are at least three different factions wanting to deal with nuclear weapons in different ways. I'm certain that once we hold a conference some form of compromise will be reached
This is why at the moment there appears to be some confusion and hypocrisy in CAN ideology as there are at least three diffenrent factions wanting to deal with nuclear weapons in different ways. I'm certain that once we hold a conference some form of comprimise will be reached
You will still not be recognized as nations by me. No matter what you do.
08-03-2009, 14:48
To: All Concerned
Subject: Coalition Against Nuclear Weapons...
From: Imperial Ministry of Diplomacy
The Empire of AfrikaZkorps would like to officially announce membership in the Coalition Against Nukes and would also like to extent an invitation for other nuclear free nations to join the alliance. The looming threat of nuclear warfare has lurked over many nations and now we as a whole can resist nuclear proliferation with incentives. This announces a new era in world diplomacy and world wide sanity.
Sincerely, Veltur Nokojal
The New Soivet Union
08-03-2009, 20:59
We will not become a member of this!
OOC:Ok, dudes. LISTEN. This alliance is not a terrorist organization, a nation utilizing brute force, or an alliance forcing nations to conform to very strict rules. It goes more like this: you can have nuclear weapons, but they must be kept safe, maintained, and so on. Essentially, they must be unable to do harm to anyone unless actually launched by your leadership. As was said by Sarrowquand, I put up Plans For Ceasing Nuclear War as POSSIBILITIES. Not actual rules. Stop assuming that we are a bunch of idiots who would prefer to force nations to completely destroy all nuclear weapons. The plan is simply to regulate the use of said nukes because I haven't come across a single war thread that goes until the war is finished that doesnt include 500+ 1000 mt. nukes being fired. It's designed like NATO, more than anything.
OOC:Ok, dudes. LISTEN. This alliance is not a terrorist organization, a nation utilizing brute force, or an alliance forcing nations to conform to very strict rules. It goes more like this: you can have nuclear weapons, but they must be kept safe, maintained, and so on. Essentially, they must be unable to do harm to anyone unless actually launched by your leadership. As was said by Sarrowquand, I put up Plans For Ceasing Nuclear War as POSSIBILITIES. Not actual rules. Stop assuming that we are a bunch of idiots who would prefer to force nations to completely destroy all nuclear weapons. The plan is simply to regulate the use of said nukes because I haven't come across a single war thread that goes until the war is finished that doesnt include 500+ 1000 mt. nukes being fired. It's designed like NATO, more than anything.
OOC: Then stop RPing with people that use them in every thread. And I don't care, my statement stands. I will not revoke it.
08-03-2009, 22:46
OOC:Yes, we CAN
all right, that is out of my system.
[Encryption level - Medium]
To whom it may concern within the High Offices of Daiwiz
FROM: The Diplomatic Ministry of the Liberated Pataari Republic
SUBJECT: The Coalition Against Nuclear Weapons
The Liberated Republic of the Pataari People fully expresses it's wishes in opening relations with CAN nations and seeks membership into the coalition. But due to recent events, it cannot be fully active and engaged in the dealings of the coalition until the events that make full activity impossible cease. We will revel in seeing at least some nations stop trying to evade getting any sort of relations with us due to the current strife that has birthed us.
09-03-2009, 01:59
FSSU Official Statement
We as a nation expresses interests in establishing diplomatic relations with all the nations who are fully fledged members of the CAN including those who are observers such as my nation, we also wish to cooperate fully within all the nations of the CAN, open trade routes, establish free trade routes and to also establish a non-aggression/neutrality pact between all the members of the CAN, including those with nuclear arms possession, to increase the security within the members of CAN and to cooperate fully in terms of international security, millitary and such.
09-03-2009, 21:42
ooc: bump
09-03-2009, 23:23
Gang up on nations that use nuclear weapons so as to force them to destroy their stockpile, or atleast stop using it, through force of numbers. Preferably without anyone on either side being hurt.
OOC: You claim to have no problem with nations stockpiling nuclear weapons, yet one of your ideas is to ban their usage by nations. I can't speak for II, but if I'm actually firing ICBMs, there's a damn good reason, and trust me, no Coalition Against Nukes is going to be ganging up on me without serious repercussions.
Rolling Dead
09-03-2009, 23:37
From: Henry Slater (His Holiness)
My Nation, Rolling Dead, would be thrilled to join a group such as this.
If there is anyway possible to be let in, I will sign all papers this instant.
Third Spanish States
09-03-2009, 23:47
It was pointless to seek any pressure to stop them, for the people knew that might makes right, and that those who seek pacifism and refuse nuclear armaments over moral high grounds will sooner or later end like Kahanistan, wastelands in a world without mercy, without principles, without morals, with their few survivors subjugated and enslaved. First, the project wasn't exactly on the public domain, second, diplomatic isolationism paid off on avoiding meddlers, and third, nothing would stop the Confederacy from continuing Project Rain and seeking partnerships and procurements with Izistani nuclear and aerospace companies for the goal of constructing an uranium enrichment facility in the nearest Lagrange point from orbit in the next years, once the design phase of the project was concluded, among other things.
Nobody sane would voluntarily throw away a pistol in a dark street filled with thugs who kill at the slightest provocation or simply for amusement, likewise, nobody sane would throw away the capability of assuring mutual destruction should it get to such point, in a world filled with irresponsible and inhuman nations who would deploy nuclear weapons at the slightest provocation or simply for amusement, but as traditionally held, nobody would bother stating the pointlessness of such alliance officially.
10-03-2009, 00:03
Republik Grammarreich
We condemn the efforts of the "Coalition Against Nukes" to violate the sovereignty of nations and attempts to impose their will upon others through large numbers and force. The fascist Reich will never bow down to these nations, and upon acquisition of the technology required for nuclear weaponry we will not hesitate in the slightest to build up nuclear deterrent forces. We must also take into consideration your insistence on using improper grammar in your messages including those sent by nations insisting on joining this pitiful alliance, taking for example, "My Nation, Rolling Dead, would be thrilled to join a group such as this. If there is anyway possible to be let in, I will sign all papers this instant." It is quite simply, pathetic. The fascist Reich will refuse to trade with any nations collaborating with this alliance.
Adalrich Stärke
Führer of Grammarreich
10-03-2009, 03:16
Republik Grammarreich
We condemn the efforts of the "Coalition Against Nukes" to violate the sovereignty of nations and attempts to impose their will upon others through large numbers and force. The fascist Reich will never bow down to these nations, and upon acquisition of the technology required for nuclear weaponry we will not hesitate in the slightest to build up nuclear deterrent forces. We must also take into consideration your insistence on using improper grammar in your messages including those sent by nations insisting on joining this pitiful alliance, taking for example, "My Nation, Rolling Dead, would be thrilled to join a group such as this. If there is anyway possible to be let in, I will sign all papers this instant." It is quite simply, pathetic. The fascist Reich will refuse to trade with any nations collaborating with this alliance.
Adalrich Stärke
Führer of Grammarreich
Too: Republik Grammarreich
From: Federation of Serbian Soviet Union
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union urges the Republic of Grammarreich to withdraw from producing any nuclear weapons as your nation is deemed unstable, hostile and is not capable of possessing such weapons of mass destructions as it will fall into the wrong hands of the people, your nation does not provide any adequate security for storing them, your nation does not have the budget to produce them either, either withdraw from your nuclear development or we will take all actions by all means to stop your nation from ever getting a hold of any of the weapons of mass destructions, we will take actions through political, economic and millitary means to stop your nation from producing them and ever getting a hold of these weapons as your nation is a threat to the national security of the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union and a threat to the international security, this is a strong warning to your nation, either withdraw now or we will be forced to act.
Vojislav Ljubicic
Mark Luburic
The President
Foreign Minister
Too: Republik Grammarreich
From: Federation of Serbian Soviet Union
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union urges the Republic of Grammarreich to withdraw from producing any nuclear weapons as your nation is deemed unstable, hostile and is not capable of possessing such weapons of mass destructions as it will fall into the wrong hands of the people, your nation does not provide any adequate security for storing them, your nation does not have the budget to produce them either, either withdraw from your nuclear development or we will take all actions by all means to stop your nation from ever getting a hold of any of the weapons of mass destructions, we will take actions through political, economic and millitary means to stop your nation from producing them and ever getting a hold of these weapons as your nation is a threat to the national security of the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union and a threat to the international security, this is a strong warning to your nation, either withdraw now or we will be forced to act.
Vojislav Ljubicic
Mark Luburic
The President
Foreign Minister
Binairan Diplomatic Communication
Does the word "sovereignty" mean anything to you people?
10-03-2009, 05:34
easy SSU, lets not start a nuclear war over preventing nuclear war.
10-03-2009, 07:12
Binairan Diplomatic Communication
Does the word "sovereignty" mean anything to you people?
Yes and i will use my sovereign rights to take all measures appropriate when our national security is at threat when a nation decides to arm itself with nuclear weapons and using them to threaten another sovereign nation, i will ease up abit, but i will be keeping a close eye at Grammarreich and see what happens within the next few days or so.
10-03-2009, 07:38
Based on the current misunderstandings that have arisen over the motives of the Coalition Against Nukes (CAN) the Dominion of Sarrowquand moves that a conference be held immediately to clarify the aims, membership and methods of CAN.
This conference should deal with what methods CAN will employ to decrease the threat that nuclear weapons pose to the world as well as draw up an accord for members to sign regarding there status on nuclear arms. The conference should also establish levels of membership that will accommodate participant nations that support some of CAN’s aims but are unable or unwilling to support all measures of the organisation.
The conference will be held in Tranquillity City, Sarrowquand. Any queries regarding arrangements for the conference should be sent to Henry Smith (Grey 555,500, assistant to the office of the First Speaker)
More details will follow once confirmed.
Edmund Edison
Grey 1
ooc: SSU Gramerwhatsist unlike your own nation seems to be the kind of puppet created to annoy people on purpose, loosing your temper to them will only make the hand that holds the puppet laugh and give your opponent pleasure. Save your efforts for people who are serious, and of course don't forget to consider what tactics are appropriate ;)
10-03-2009, 07:54
OOC: Lul. Well, might as well make a statement. I am bored.
Santheres' formal opinion of this alliance is one of disapproval. While a venture to help rid the world of nuclear arms would be a noble movement when led by citizens across the world, it is more an attempt at intimidation when done by nations. CAN's mission statement itself even suggests intimidation and terror tactics to force other nations to destroy their nuclear stockpiles.
We are proud to not be considered a true nuclear-armed state. Our weapons are few and outdated, and better suited for future research than use. We have materiel and tactics capable of achieving similar effects without the environmental destruction. We strongly disapprove of the use of the nuclear weapons. This does not mean we would support the fashion which you have deemed appropriate to help disarm the world.
Should CAN threaten in any way any of our allies for their maintenance of nuclear stockpiles, we will not hesitate to react in a most disagreeable manner.
Thank you for your certain cooperation.
OOC: First post. Ha. Not like I could ever afford nukes or anything.
Official Communique of the Kingdom of Syrells
The Kingdom of Syrells wishes to apply to join the Coalition Against Nukes. We realise that the eradication of nuclear warfare results in a safer world.
John Mantras
Prime Minister of Syrells
10-03-2009, 13:43
OOC: This coalition is great and large nations who join the coalition will serve as a great role model and a great example that nations who do not possess nuclear arms still have a very large strong millitary and a great defense without producing or possessing nuclear arms, there are still bombs which does just as much damage as a nuclear bomb will do, except there is no radiation fall out and it does not ecologically damage the environment as opposed to a nuke.
There are ways of producing bombs which the same yield blast as a nuke, one great example is building a warhead with 100% oxygen liquids, tnt and once it goes off, the explosion is very strong and deadly, 1 litre of oxygen liquid produces over 868 barrels of oxygen, if one litre of oxygen isnt handled properly, the explosion would be massive enough to take out an entire building the size of a world trade tower in newyork which was bombed im september the 11th. Imagine 1Ton of oxygen liquid being extracted into a warhead missile, including like 20tons of tnt and if it goes off, how big the explosion radius would be.
Daniels Island
10-03-2009, 16:03
We have Decided it wise to join this Coalition against Nuclear weapons.
Internatinal Production CEO, Charles Green.
10-03-2009, 23:01
TO: All Nations Positively or Negatively Related to CAN
It is the view of Hierphil that this coalition will be disbanded or seriously misunderstood unless a conference is held to define its basic doctrine. Misunderstandings are the last thing we need in a world so unstable. I believe that the foudner of this coalition should coordinate the conference.
Kind regards,
Remus York, Prime Minister of Hierphil
Binarian Diplomatic Comunication to All C.A.N. Members
IndentAny meeting or conference held by this terrorist organization will be broken up by force, its leaders arrested, the rank and file killed, and the hosting territory annexed. If you value your lives, do not attempt to hold a meeting. You have been warned.
10-03-2009, 23:21
Department of International affairs Official Telegram
It is a sad day when people cannot accept that some nations do not agree with the great evil that is the nuclear bomb, and while we support this coalitions ideals and will not become nuclear ourselves we must sadly say that we withdraw our membership. The hostility that is shown towards this fine organization is proof of a risk that we are simply in no position to take, we have yet to recover from war and risking another is something we simply cannot do. Again we apologize for this, but it is done for the good of our nation but we wish you luck in your fight to bring awareness of the evil that is such a threat in our world.
10-03-2009, 23:48
Binarian Diplomatic Comunication to All C.A.N. Members. -- Snipped --
OOC: Wow ... for someone who was crying "sovereignty!" you really don't actually care about it, huh? I might respond IC later.
11-03-2009, 00:27
Binarian Diplomatic Comunication to All C.A.N. Members
IndentAny meeting or conference held by this terrorist organization will be broken up by force, its leaders arrested, the rank and file killed, and the hosting territory annexed. If you value your lives, do not attempt to hold a meeting. You have been warned.
OOC: Then the best solution is to fire the ignore as this is seen as godmodding. Even if the ignore cannon is not fired, the entire international community would be on your arse and you will be the loosing party out of all of this, this coalition is fine and legal, if you don't stop with your threat, the ignore cannon will be fired the same way as the ignore cannon was fired at Ih8uwannakillu for making the same old threat.
OOC: Then the best solution is to fire the ignore as this is seen as godmodding. Even if the ignore cannon is not fired, the entire international community would be on your arse and you will be the loosing party out of all of this, this coalition is fine and legal, if you don't stop with your threat, the ignore cannon will be fired the same way as the ignore cannon was fired at Ih8uwannakillu for making the same old threat.
OOC: Godmoding? How is making a threat godmoding?
11-03-2009, 01:00
OOC: I certainly think that your threat is out of line. Invading another nation to break up an international meeting of respected sovereign nations is not in your power and would be considered an act of war by any sane nation.
11-03-2009, 01:45
OOC: But it's certainly not godmodding.
11-03-2009, 01:49
Binarian Diplomatic Comunication to All C.A.N. Members
IndentAny meeting or conference held by this terrorist organization will be broken up by force, its leaders arrested, the rank and file killed, and the hosting territory annexed. If you value your lives, do not attempt to hold a meeting. You have been warned.
Your threats are outrageous to the point that we can hardly believe that you would follow through with them. To threaten the invasion of a country over holding a conference, why I can only think that the military industrial complex has a death grip over sense and reason within your lands; my friends I mean no offence but is this what your people consider humour.
I offer no false bravado and say openly to the world that such a threat disturbs the comfort of my mind but as things stand we are unwilling to be cowed at this point and should members still wish to journey to Tranquillity City of the peaceful state of Sarrowquand they shall be welcome to discuss CAN values and methods in conference with their peers.
Yours (or not, as you like it)
Edmund Edison
Grey 1
ooc: oh yeah thanks for switching to IC by the way :)
11-03-2009, 01:51
ooc: SSU Gramerwhatsist unlike your own nation seems to be the kind of puppet created to annoy people on purpose, loosing your temper to them will only make the hand that holds the puppet laugh and give your opponent pleasure. Save your efforts for people who are serious, and of course don't forget to consider what tactics are appropriate ;)
OOC: No this nation was made with the full intent on being RP'd with seriously, although of course I must add the sort of humor to a post you'd expect from someone claiming to be a "grammar nazi." Nonetheless I expect my IC to be taken quite seriously.
IC: Too: Republik Grammarreich
From: Federation of Serbian Soviet Union
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union urges the Republic of Grammarreich to withdraw from producing any nuclear weapons as your nation is deemed unstable, hostile and is not capable of possessing such weapons of mass destructions as it will fall into the wrong hands of the people, your nation does not provide any adequate security for storing them, your nation does not have the budget to produce them either, either withdraw from your nuclear development or we will take all actions by all means to stop your nation from ever getting a hold of any of the weapons of mass destructions, we will take actions through political, economic and millitary means to stop your nation from producing them and ever getting a hold of these weapons as your nation is a threat to the national security of the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union and a threat to the international security, this is a strong warning to your nation, either withdraw now or we will be forced to act.
Vojislav Ljubicic
Mark Luburic
The President
Foreign Minister
Republik Grammarreich
Der Republik Grammarreich will not refrain from advancing our nuclear weapons development, and we will not discard any data or material regarding our nuclear weapons program. Furthermore we will uphold the decision to embargo all goods from nations participating in the "CAN" alliance, and we will also deport all Serbian Soviet Union nationals residing within our borders. Diplomatic relations with the Serbian Soviet Union will also be terminated.
Adalrich Stärke
Führer of Grammarreich
11-03-2009, 03:47
Any meeting or conference held by this terrorist organization will be broken up by force, its leaders arrested, the rank and file killed, and the hosting territory annexed. If you value your lives, do not attempt to hold a meeting. You have been warned.
The CAN will NOT be bullied by unreasonable and unprovoked threats. the meeting shall continue as planned (OOC: as soon as we have a plan, that is...)
Der Republik Grammarreich will not refrain from advancing our nuclear weapons development, and we will not discard any data or material regarding our nuclear weapons program. Furthermore we will uphold the decision to embargo all goods from nations participating in the "CAN" alliance, and we will also deport all Serbian Soviet Union nationals residing within our borders. Diplomatic relations with the Serbian Soviet Union will also be terminated
in response to this action Jacobiania has taken measures to order people of Grammarreichian descent to leave the country. they are now considered a threat to our nation and other members of the CAN. those who refuse to leave or those who are harboring Grammarreichians shall be jailed without trial. we will not tolerate nuclear ideals nor Grammer Nazi-ism in our country. our diplomatic relations with you has also been terminated.
(OOC: this thread has had more and more hostility's, and it may be necessary to organize via telegrams or some other form of contact away from the eyes of hostile country's.)
11-03-2009, 04:21
OOC: Although I are not willing to join, nor likely ever will; and I do not necessarily agree with the motives of this alliance, I will defend it's basic underlying ideas through diplomatic and verbal means. Such an alliance's sole intent is not that of physical or forced disarmament of sovereign nations, but the regulation of atomic weapons and who possesses them. Such a cause is quite noble, in a sense that a band of nations have come together to fend off nuclear terrorism and help prevent unwarranted nuclear proliferation of unsuspecting or undeserving nation states. This is much more than can be said for a great deal of large nations who seem to feel as though it is their duty to take over indepentent nations whom participate in organizations that they do not believe in? To put it in perspective, for those Americans out there or people who are familiar with American politics; do you see Republicans going outside and slaughtering Democrats simply because they believe in different things that the Republicans might not necessarily agree with? No. On a more international scale, do you see the US going after OPEC, simply because we don't like them regulating our oil and making it as expensive as hell? No. This is because no sane nation, no sane leader would go after a nation or organization without any grounds whatsoever, but also the fact that it would cause a massive political incident in the world. I understand that this alliance may threaten your ideals, but if you're large and politically stable, then you should have no worries as per the tenets of this alliance. To attack an organization just becuase you don't like its beliefs is uncalled for, and in a sense, IGNOR[E]able.
11-03-2009, 04:32
To: Jacobiania
We are very disconcerted by Jacobianian injustices of imprisoning without just trial Grammarreichians who do not wish to be uprooted from their homes, and those who attempt to keep their friends, neighbors, and loved ones from being losing their livelihoods.
If this is the face of the nations of CAN, Santheres must declare the Coalition Against Nukes a failed, anti-republican venture with little sense of justice.
Should any Santherese national living within your borders be imprisoned in such a manner, we will take action. Likewise if they are nationals of any ODECON nation.
Thank you.
OOC: Disagreements and hostility are a part of II. I think you should keep it here, do a semi-closed thread for the summit itself (only for CAN members and nations approved to send reporters to ask questions), and simply try to be diplomatic here. Also, Falk, well said. However, certain CAN members really need to learn how to be more diplomatic in their responses, though.
11-03-2009, 06:50
OOC: Godmoding? How is making a threat godmoding?
OOC: What your doing is against international law and will not be tollerated, it is also godmodding, you in OOC/IC have no rights to dictate what an international organisation/coalition can or cannot do, and what sovereign nations are allowed to do and not to do, the summit will go ahead and all nations who are full members or observers will be attending the summit those who wish to join will join and your nation will not be disrupting the summit, any such hostile act or any further threats towards any other sovereign nations are made or towards the CAN, it will be considered as an act of hostility and such will be treated as severily, actions will be taken and will be put forward and taken all the way.
11-03-2009, 06:55
Der Republik Grammarreich will not refrain from advancing our nuclear weapons development, and we will not discard any data or material regarding our nuclear weapons program. Furthermore we will uphold the decision to embargo all goods from nations participating in the "CAN" alliance, and we will also deport all Serbian Soviet Union nationals residing within our borders. Diplomatic relations with the Serbian Soviet Union will also be terminated.
OOC: There are no SSU nationals residing inside the Republic of Grammerreich, any of the SSU nationals who do reside in the border of Grammereich, any of them who are in anyway threatened or considered in danger, my nation will declare it as an act of war and as an act of hostility and we will use our force to disarm your nation and imprision anyone who fires at our nationals from inside the borders of your nation.
In the mean time, our intelligence service will be watching your nation through our sattelites on the nuclear development, if your nation decides to go along with it and use them for anything other then defensive purposes, appropriate actions will be taken to dismantle your nuclear proliferation and dismantle the fascist government in your nation.
11-03-2009, 07:03
[OOC: FSSU, Binaria can do what he pleases, and you have no control over him. What he did is not godmodding, it is threatening. Did he state any casualties? Did he control your people? Did he, in any way, shape, or form, control your nation? No, he threatened you. That's perfectly fine. And there is no international law in International Incidents. If I wanted to, I could nuke you. Nothing prevents me from doing so. Surely, only an irrational leader would perform such an action without provocation, but I can do that. It's within my ability. It's within my own sovereign rights to do as I please for as long as I don't control your country without your explicit approval.
Also, learn to discern between IC and OOC. If, in a diplomatic message, said, "The leader of FSSU is <insert cursing>," then you can't lift a finger OOC but can yell all you want IC. If, in OOC, said, "FSSU is a <insert cursing>," then you can take moderator action or ignore or whatever.]
11-03-2009, 07:14
[OOC: He has all rights to disrupt any meeting with IC action. Nowhere did he say he was going to harass you using OOC action. Also, learn to watch your mouth. Binaria has over six billion people. You have only one hundred million. He could field an army larger than your entire population if he so wished. He can declare war on you and stomp on you until in IC you're nothing. He can blow you to pieces with his own nukes, which you may or may not be able to stop. That said, most nukes nowadays are designed to circumvent the usage of anti-ballistic missiles. The one I use is the Topol-M, which is designed to resist anti-ballistic missiles, lasers, and EMP. So, if I so wished, I could fire a mere ten thousand of them at you, and you would be no more in my book.]
11-03-2009, 07:20
@FSSU: Check your Telegrams
11-03-2009, 07:25
[OOC: Using nuclear missiles as a justification is not really a justification. However, using nuclear missiles in retaliation for the intervention in another country's internal affairs is legitimate and has been done. You toss the words "troll" and "godmodder" too liberally. You yourself do not deserve this right, as you confuse "trolls" and "godmodders" with unfair roleplaying. For instance, I posted a legitimate, in-character attack on your country through saying that "your country is worth seventy cents, a sock, a used kleenex, and a soggy French fry" or something like that, and calling me a troll in OOC won't get you anywhere, since it was an in-character post. Granted, you have the right as OP to boot me out, but it was because of an in-character post, which is in bad form.
Here, you're claiming you're using your sovereignty to breach other states' sovereignty. I say I possess nukes. You say it is your sovereign right to remove my nukes. You're breaching my sovereignty through removing my nukes, and if you do that I reserve the right to glass you. Just the same if I decided to glass you for no reason. I violated your sovereignty. In addition, firing the ignore cannon is a very serious affair; fire them at trolls at will, but firing them at other players can earn you a very bad reputation. I will tell you that as a fellow player who plays a communist country, by starting off as a communist country in-game most people will hate you and out-of-character there will be those who will dislike you. Acting elitist and such and as if you're a big fry will earn you nothing more than disdain. Watch others before taking your first steps, lest a large country stop on your doorstep.
EDIT: I admit that I am guilty of ignoring a mass glassing because I wanted to preserve my country during the Stoklo-GWO War, but I will say that the entire ordeal was due to some misunderstandings.]
11-03-2009, 07:40
(OOC: Stok, I hate to say it, but I think you're misrepresenting the rights of a player, here. He does have the right to ignore a massive nuclear strike because it is extremely bad RPing to just go "hur hur, nuclear first strike." Tossing nukes around like candy is as bad as tossing ignores around, even with unstable leaders. It ruins the game for people.
That said, there's nothing to stop any nation, FSSU, from invading you, bombarding the hell out of you, blockading you, and generally pillaging the crap out of your country. Nukes or not. It's perfectly acceptable. I hate dogpiles on newbies and will try to stop them if I can, but if you really deserve it, you can very well get curbstomped.)
11-03-2009, 07:44
[OOC: I agree that an unwarranted nuclear first strike is ignorable, but that was not my point. Even I ignored a massive nuclear retaliation on a hilarious scale [hur hur], but here, he's running around, attempting to strip nuclear nations of their nukes and I personally believe that the nations he is attacking to force them to rid them of their nukes have the right to retaliate with said nukes.]
11-03-2009, 07:50
(OOC: Maybe if they were led by insane leaders (I mean that seriously). I still don't think any real, sane leader would actually do that. What threat does he pose? If Luxembourg threatened Russia, would Russia nuke it? They'd ignore it. If Iraq threatened Iran, Iran might invade. Nuking is really uncalled for an still ignorable, I would think. There just isn't cause for it. Nukes are too frequently tossed around way too easily here just because you can insta-heal -- and then certain people are criticized for insta-healing [and others aren't].
I don't know. I really don't like how nukes are used around here. That's why I don't employ them and ask they not be used in war threads I'm involved in unless there's a very good plot reason for it.)
11-03-2009, 07:59
[OOC: The sheer scale of NS throws things off dramatically. If, say, a country the size of half Monaco with a bunch of tanks started threatening a country the size of Europe or the entirety of Asia, the huge country could toss a nuke if he chose to and blow up the tiny country. Sure, the tiny country reserves the right to ignore the huge country, but the huge country has no reason to care about the tiny country. Nor does it have reason to care for the well=being of its inhabitants because, well, it's just so large.
Think of it this way; if I decided to say, "Santheres, I don't like your leader, I'm going to kill him," and you're thinking "what the hell," that would give you enough reason to go to war with me. Same here; if FSSU decided to say, "Stoklomolvi, I don't like your nukes, I'm going to take them away," I can say, "what on earth...?" and blow him to pieces because I perceive him as a threat. How he would respond is not actually my concern here, for the role of the government is to maintain its sovereignty through defending its people and its right to sovereignty.]
11-03-2009, 15:16
Republik Grammarreich
Der Führer of Grammarreich has issued a proclamation to all citizens of Grammarian decent to leave Jacobiania and the Serbian Soviet Union as soon as possible to avoid imprisonment and/or capital punishment which may be put upon them by those specific nations of "CAN." Furthermore all reports of Grammarian citizens being displaced in either of these nations will result in an FSSU or a Jacobianian national being imprisoned in consequence. Lastly Grammarreich will begin to actively pursue the acquisition of nuclear materials such as uranium from the world market in order to hasten our nuclear weapons program.
Adalrich Stärke
Führer of Grammarreich
11-03-2009, 15:35
While the Armed Republic of Salzland supports efforts aimed at limiting the proliferation of nuclear weapons (or any weapon of mass destruction), it believes that such a compact should be limited only to those nations that freely enter it, and that it would be unwise to attempt to impose such arms control imitations on those unwilling to accept them. The Armed Republic wishes to add that it maintains nothing but respect for the founding nation of this coalition, Daiwiz, and believes that with a bit of revision to the proposed charter as well as the institution of a clear distinction between which nation(s) is/are authorized to speak on behalf of the entire alliance (rather than merely for themselves), that the CAN could become a very productive alliance and stabilizing force in world politics.
OOC: What your doing is against international law and will not be tollerated, it is also godmodding, you in OOC/IC have no rights to dictate what an international organisation/coalition can or cannot do, and what sovereign nations are allowed to do and not to do, the summit will go ahead and all nations who are full members or observers will be attending the summit those who wish to join will join and your nation will not be disrupting the summit, any such hostile act or any further threats towards any other sovereign nations are made or towards the CAN, it will be considered as an act of hostility and such will be treated as severily, actions will be taken and will be put forward and taken all the way.
OOC: On II, international law does not even exist. I am not godmoding. And about my threats, you cannot really do anything about it. As Stok said, I could crush you like a cockroach under my heel, with about as much effort. If so inclined, I could invade you, demolish your cities, turn you entire country into farm land and use your population as all-natural fertilizer. For the sole reason of "Why not". But no. Instead, I am asking you to comply, and having a valid IC justifcation of you infringing on my sovereignty.
11-03-2009, 21:44
Our nation believes that we have been... unjust in this alliance taking an extremist view. no Grammarreichians have yet to be jailed, and Der Republik Grammarreich will be permitted a license to allow unarmed Grammarreichian transport helicopters under strict Jacobianian supervision evacuate their people. being that every citizen is bar coded in our nation, we will have every one of their locations wired to the helicopters. those found harboring De-coded Grammarreich immigrants will have a fair trial, but being found guilty results in 2 years of prison.
(OOC: ok... so i went a little overboard. I am RPing a nation with a VERY extremist view against nuclear weapons. i realize that most of the hostility against this coalition is mostly directed towards me or SSU, and want you to know that we do NOT represent the coalition as a whole. if my nation needs to be removed from this coalition for its own protection, so be it, but but we would like to stay a part of it. needless to say we can give in to international pressures (clearly show in my post above) but I also think we should have this meeting on the motives of this coalition on a closed thread so the rules are more clear, and so this coalition does not get more hostilities.)
11-03-2009, 22:30
Republik Grammarreich
We see no need to have to waste resources on transporting helicopters to your region in order to evacuate our citizens. If you have airports available it would be more favorable to deploy unarmed transport planes and airliners directed to pick up our civilians. It is good to see that some sensible decisions can be made without overreactions causing harm to the innocent. This is very much a contest of will between your government and our own. Needless to say we do not wish to carry on diplomatic relations with either Jacobiana or the Serbian Soviet Union, and we are closing our borders to citizens of either nationality.
Adalrich Stärke
Führer of Grammarreich
OOC: Don't worry about it too much. You're a relatively new nation and its natural I think to want to be able to throw your weight around on this "international" scale.
11-03-2009, 22:57
To: Jacobiania
We are very disconcerted by Jacobianian injustices of imprisoning without just trial Grammarreichians who do not wish to be uprooted from their homes, and those who attempt to keep their friends, neighbors, and loved ones from being losing their livelihoods.
If this is the face of the nations of CAN, Santheres must declare the Coalition Against Nukes a failed, anti-republican venture with little sense of justice.
Should any Santherese national living within your borders be imprisoned in such a manner, we will take action. Likewise if they are nationals of any ODECON nation.
Thank you.
OOC: Disagreements and hostility are a part of II. I think you should keep it here, do a semi-closed thread for the summit itself (only for CAN members and nations approved to send reporters to ask questions), and simply try to be diplomatic here. Also, Falk, well said. However, certain CAN members really need to learn how to be more diplomatic in their responses, though.
OOC: Thank you Santheres. I do what I can, although I must agree with you that there are multiple members on CAN who still need to learn to RP and when the time is appropriate to keep their mouths shut.
11-03-2009, 23:23
OOC: I would not hold them to it, really. Some of these guys as I said earlier are particularly new nations, and really I'm thinking they just want to be able to take the change to throw their weight around a bit.
OOC: Agreed. Yeah I think we all take time in the beginning to get the hang of RPing and what is considered a diplomatically acceptable reply and what is considered ingnorance.
The Most Serene Republic of Avenio
Official Telegram - Published by the Cultural Ministry Subcommittee on Official Publications
To: All nations involved in the CAN dispute
The Most Serene Republic would like to state that CAN has no right to interfere with anyone's nuclear stockpile. CAN's policies will only apply to member states, and we will only boycott a nation or corporation after all other diplomatic measures and sanctions have been applied, has shown itself to be an inherently unstable state, or uses its nuclear authority without grounds. This Coalition has no place involving itself with the international affairs of its member nations, so in short, take it outside. Hopefully this clears things up.
Prime Minister
Sophie D'Invierre
Foreign Affairs Minister
Urbain D'Iberville
12-03-2009, 00:56
OOC: my bad, i knew that post would cause trouble, just not THAT much. I think i should explain myself. in an earlier ic telegram i sent to the SSU i told them that their threat towards Grammarreich was a little too extreme and sounded like a declaration of war, but i also told him that his nation has my support, whatever the reaction my be. that led to me throwing out Grammarreichian people after Grammarreich threw out people of the SSU. the best thing to do would have probably just been to say nothing, being that this got a very negative reaction from the community. but hey, i told him he had my support, i guess i overreacted with my response. guess its a little hypocritical on my part. I have been ignorant and i apologize.)
12-03-2009, 01:47
OOC: Well, you are still establishing yourself really. I mean when I was new I remember doing some pretty stupid crap myself, which turned into a pretty nasty war against three nations at the same time.
But it was fun to RP I think. And of course remember OOC cannot affect IC, you do have a precedent to follow and now our nations are pretty hostile to each other.
OOC: Amen! Its a good thing that OOC doesnt affect IC cause I'm nothing like Xult. I'm a democracy favoring republican haha.
12-03-2009, 02:51
It is my pleasure to announce that the CAN conference in Tranquility is now ready to take place.
Representatives of CAN applicant states are encouraged to join the conference and send representatives.
Journalists of recognised and reputable news sources are also invited to observe the proceedings.
States wishing to engage CAN in discourse at this stage may also dispatch a representative with up to five aides to ask questions and provide input on the second day of the conference. Nations that have issued threats against CAN members may be subject to additional security checks or denied entry to Sarrowquand.
The itinary for the first three days are as follows.
Day 1: Discussion of CAN tactics and methods.
Day 2: Debate over CAN legitimacy.
Day 3: Refinement of CAN principles and official founding of the CAN organisation.
The itinary may be subject to change based on events during the conference.
Tomas Coin, Grey 40,100, of the Bureau of Foreign Affairs has been placed in charge of the conference; please address any concerns to his office in Tranquillity City.
Edmund Edison
Grey 1
ooc: link to thread
United Earthlings
12-03-2009, 22:24
Unlike many, we fully see the horrors that nuclear weapons can create when used, we however are also not blinded to the fact that the development of nuclear weapons have lead to the overall positive development of humanity as a whole with the advancement of our understanding of nuclear physics. To deny the good from the bad is to deny reality. It has always been our nation's policy to promote the safe use of nuclear technology, while respecting the sovereignty of other nations in their pursuit of acquiring their own nuclear capability whether that be for peaceful purposes or more as a nuclear deterrent. While, we would perfer nah hope nations of the world would eventually see the folly in possessing all forms of weapons of mass destruction most notablely nuclear weapons, that reality sadly will never exist and as such our national policies have reflected that.
Still, our nation is very much interested in joining this Coalition as we can see it's guiding priciples are as close to our heart as it is to the founding members, however before fully committing to this Coalition we would require a few things first to be in a place, starting with a fully certified charter all members agree to. In that regard, we have a few comments, ideas and suggestions we would like to bring to the attention to the interested parties of this coalition.
Creating an International Fallout Clean-Up Group is in our opinion a good start as most nations already have agenices and highly trained first responders that handle natural disasters, but we feel this idea could be taken even further. Not only would this group be trained in cleaning up nuclear material spills or dealing with radition fallout, but also be able to act as neutral inspectors between two parties wishing to verify that each has disposed of their nuclear stockpile. In addition, this group would have a section devoted to assisting nations in devoloping their nuclear technology for more peaceful purposes.
Imposing Sanctions or Tariffs has been shown time and again to not only cause the needless suffering of those citizens the sanctions have been imposed on, while at the same time doing little to persude the offending country into the desired course of action. In fact, it usually results in the opposite happening with the nation having the sanctions imposed upon them becoming even more resolute in their resolve to carry on that course of action for which the sanctions have been imposed upon them for. As we feel this act is not only going to be viewed by most nations as an act of war, but is completely redundant for what we feel this coalition wishes to achieve, we feel this idea should be abadoned and furthermore, should in the unlikely event this idea become permenant our government will not follow through and will refuse to impose any sacations on any nation for any reason. Coalitions are built through goodwill and a shared interest not through intimidation.
Having a separate branch of the coalition with the express purpose of monitoring terrorist organizations and more aggressive nations is again redundant, but even more so then imposing sanctions or tariffs as most nations already have a fully functioning intelligence agency or agencies that handle this capability. The same applies to the weapons registry as they both attempt to do the same thing, monitor suspicious nations of interest. Still, some type of interagency corroboration among the coalition members intelligence agencies to coordinate our gathering of information on nuclear capabilities of various nations is an idea worth investigating.
Boycotting industries or nations that sell nuclear weapons like sanctions would have little to no effect due to the large number of defense industries/nations that sell nuclear weapons. In the interest of full disclosure though, as one of those nations who’s defense industries sells nuclear weapons while this may seem as a conflict of interest, we have much experience in this regard and as the overall percentage of sales we conduct when it comes to weapons of mass destruction is minuscule compared to that to the rest of our defense industry, boycotting would have little to no effect on our business as a whole. However, the majority of nations at some point in time are going to acquire nuclear weapons either on their own or through a third party. By choosing our nation as a third party, this allows us to not only monitor at least unofficially which nations have gone nuclear, but also to hopefully impart our wisdom and beliefs concerning nuclear weapons to the purchasing nation. What better way to influence a nation in it’s policies on nuclear weapons and their use then to assist said nation in acquiring that nuclear arsenal.
Investigating defense industries that sell nuclear weapons is better covered by each nations intelligence agency(ies). In the interest of full disclosure, our nuclear stockpile is open to government review and to the citizens of our nation. This also applies to those foreign agencies that know where to look.
Bribing defense industries that sell nuclear weapons to desist and paying nations to dispose of their nuclear arsenal is essentially the same thing in that we are encouraging nations to convert their nuclear weapons to more peaceful applications like civilian power generation or medical research. We fully support this idea and would even be willing to go so far as to set aside a yearly budget exclusively for this purpose.
Using force to persuade nations to destroy their nuclear stockpile will only result in more nations pursuing nuclear weapons as the only means of defense to prevent this and having this Coalition viewed as nothing more then a bully organization spreading our ideas by force. Our nation is absolutely opposed to this idea and as a peaceful nation we would utterly refuse to take part in any action that resulted in an aggressive war against said nation(s) to remove their nuclear stockpile by force. We should be encouraging nations through various incentives to give up their nuclear stockpile, not encouraging more nations to seek nuclear weapons as the only means of defense against a holy crusade bent on imposing it’s will on other nations sovereignty. Using force will only result in needless bloodshed on all sides while accomplishing nothing and only showing this Coalition to be petty international bullies.
Building weapons capable of destroying or at least disabling nuclear weapons in flight is a practical goal most nations are already pursuing, however we feel this idea is beyond the scope of what this Coalition is designed to deal with. With that stated, some type of international nuclear defense research institution might be an idea worth considering some time in the future once the basic guidelines of the Coalition are in place.
A few fellow member nations have expressed their desire to hold a high level meeting to begin discuss on a Coalition charter and we fully support this idea. We have also been made aware that a few nations have made threats against various Coalition members should this meeting be held. In that regard, our nation would like to offer it’s services as neutral ground for the meeting place to take place in. As an officially neutral country, we are currently not involved in any international alliances, thereby showing the nations of the world that our nation has no conflicts of interest to speak of. In addition, our nation has never in it’s history launched an aggressive war against any other nation nor been involved in any kind of defensive war. As an added benefit, as one of the largest nations so far wishing to join the Coalition, few nations would have the nerve to attack us. Furthermore, in proving our desire to remain as neutral as possible to suspicious nations, our government would be willing to go so far as to withhold our membership within the Coalition until such time as the Coalition is seen as more stable within the eyes of the international world.
We look forward to hearing from the various members of the Coalition on our ideas and suggestions as well as seeing this Coalition develop to it’s full potential.
Sincerely, Chancellor Wolfgang Muller
I’m willing to vouch for Serbian Soviet Union under the following conditions: B. We have reason to believe that United Earthlings have in fact removed SSU’s nuclear capability.
OCC2: That’s correct, those nuclear weapons that SSU has delivered are being or have been dismantle into their various components and shipped back to their nation for more peaceful purposes.
OOC: On II, international law does not even exist. I am not godmoding. And about my threats, you cannot really do anything about it. As Stok said, I could crush you like a cockroach under my heel, with about as much effort. If so inclined, I could invade you, demolish your cities, turn you entire country into farm land and use your population as all-natural fertilizer. For the sole reason of "Why not". But no. Instead, I am asking you to comply, and having a valid IC justifcation of you infringing on my sovereignty.
OCC3: Actually, international law does exist just not to the same degree as it does in the real world, but none the less a form of NS international law does exist. Alliances, embassies, respect for a nations sovereignty are all forms of international law. About the threats should this Coalition take up my offer to hold the meeting within my nation, the various nations your threatening may not be able to really do anything about it, but I certainly can, but then I’m not threatening you in anyway nor do I have any desire to infringe on your national sovereignty as you can see from my IC post above. However, should the meeting do indeed take place in my nation and you stupidly declare war on my nation for a silly reason one of two things are going to happen. A: By the time I get through with you, your nation will simply cease to exist as a political entity in it’s current form. B: After tiring of getting, what was it you said “crush like a cockroach under my heel” or in your case it would be more like an ant, you will probably proceed to fire the IGNORE cannon and we’d be back to A, your nation being a non-entity. I [my people] don’t view war as a game, but as a life and death struggle. You’d be wise to remember that, I [my people] are peaceful and only wish to be left alone in peace, but they will not take aggression from others lying down.
Again, I’m not any threat to you nor are these statements to be viewed as a threat against your nation nor do I wish to interfere in your nations sovereignty, but tangle with me and it will be the last act your [current] nation ever commits.
12-03-2009, 22:38
OOC: Holy crap, I don't think I've ever seen UE throw down the gauntlet before. Bravo
12-03-2009, 22:57
Metropolis, March 12, 2009
TO: The CAN Nations
FROM: The Constitutional Monarchy of Valladares
The Constitutional Monarchy of Valladares wishes to apply to join the Coalition Against Nukes. Valladares is alarmed by the increasing proliferation of nuclear weapons, nukes and massive destruction weapons and we want destroy them. We realise that the eradication of nuclear warfare results in a safer world.
King Charles V,
King of Valladares
Stephen Bowles,
Prime Minister of Valladares
13-03-2009, 03:24
Open Communique to United Earthlings
We are happy to hear that yet another peaceful and third way loving state is interested in joining the coalition. The CAN conference in Tranquility City is already begining,
however we are willing to cooperate over security for the conference should you so desire and hope that your nation will attend. Our own vision of CAN is that the alliance should concern itself firstly with creating several levels of guidelines that nation states can voluntarily sign up to and adhere to and secondly to create those international taskgroups that would deal with nuclear aftermath, voluntary disarmament and voluntary inspection along similar lines to those you yourself suggested.
We have already drafted our own proposal for CAN which, though unfinished we shall place here for interested parties to look through and form a response:
The Coalition Against Nukes shall hence forth be made up of members belonging to three different categories which detail the level of involvement and promises to the world over their management of nuclear weaponry. These are:
Permanent Members:
• Member state maintains no nuclear weaponry.
• Member’s head of state has signed the Tranquillity, nuclear peace accord.
• Member state agrees to participate in relevant CAN initiatives for limiting the world nuclear threat.
Non-permanent Members:
• Member state has adequately secured its nuclear arsenal both physically and through launch code security in such a way that will prevent theft or unauthorized launches.
• Member state possesses and maintains only a small (1) nuclear arsenal which falls within CAN guidelines (2) for the number of weapons, size and distribution of warhead yields.
• Member state is not actively expanding its nuclear arsenal.
• Member state is not passing nuclear weapons, or nuclear weapon technology or components to third parties; except for materials that will be legitimately used in civilian nuclear programs; an exception is also granted for weapons technology that increases bomb safety measures.
• Member state has drawn up a launch strategy that does not include first strike tactics or prioritise targets of a civilian nature.
• Member state will not detonate nuclear weapons for test purposes.
Associate Members:
Associate members agree to:
• Limit the sale of nuclear devices within their possession in such a way that will prevent nuclear weapons falling into the possession of non-sovereign organisations or states that are unable or unwilling to secure their nuclear armaments.
• Avoid situations which result high level nuclear tensions
• Not employ a first strike policy for nuclear warfare.
CAN initiatives:
1). internationally composed CAN nuclear inspection teams for use in voluntary inspection of a nation’s nuclear arms.
2). A CAN headquarters constructed within a permanent member’s nation which will house CAN administration and provide a centre for sharing relevant information regarding nuclear development and deployment.
3). CAN nuclear decommissioning teams preferably trained within non-permanent or associate member states
4). CAN nuclear relief task force to provide relief aid and fallout clearance and generally reduce the environmental and human cost of nuclear warfare and accidents as much as possible.
Tranquillity, nuclear peace, accords:
A treaty for a safer tomorrow:
(To be drafted after further research.)
Signatories will abide by the following conditions over there acquisition and maintenance of nuclear arsenals.
ooc: UE why blue italics for your essay? Why! :)
13-03-2009, 05:36
OOC: wow nice proposals UE and Sarrowquand, very impressive indeed.
And of course remember OOC cannot affect IC, you do have a precedent to follow and now our nations are pretty hostile to each other.
OOC: of course, very hostile...
Amen! Its a good thing that OOC doesnt affect IC cause I'm nothing like Xult. I'm a democracy favoring republican haha.
OOC: And I'm a peace hating, evil, Dictator that supports death and destruction! YAY! :P
IC: Jacobiania has sent one of its most ambitious ambassadors the nation has seen, Connor Aksel, to the CAN conference in Sarrowquand. However we are surprised to see nations against even the formation of this Coalition have been permitted access to this conference. None the less, you can assure yourself of our presence and participation.
United Earthlings
14-03-2009, 01:44
Open Communique to United Earthlings
We are happy to hear that yet another peaceful and third way loving state is interested in joining the coalition. The CAN conference in Tranquility City is already begining, however we are willing to cooperate over security for the conference should you so desire and hope that your nation will attend. Our own vision of CAN is that the alliance should concern itself firstly with creating several levels of guidelines that nation states can voluntarily sign up to and adhere to and secondly to create those international taskgroups that would deal with nuclear aftermath, voluntary disarmament and voluntary inspection along similar lines to those you yourself suggested.
ooc: UE why blue italics for your essay? Why! :)
IC: First off, were glad to see that our nation has started on the long road to joining this Coalition and we greatly appreciate the warm welcome we have so far received even though we have yet to become official members of this Coalition. Second, were also glad to see such positive input on our already considered suggestions. Third, our nation would be honored to attend the meeting in Tranquility City and in that regard we have begun preparations to send our Foreign Affairs secretary to be our representative who should arrive shortly.
To the nation of Sarrowquand, we have reviewed your draft you kindly sent us and while we very much support the majority of what your Coalition charter covers, we have a few suggestions for improvements to better reflect the multiple of variables each joining nation will bring to the table. For starters, those items listed under Non-Permanent Members would we feel be better divided up among the other two member states as what is a Non-Permanent Member, but an Observer or Associate member in being. As such, we present the following revised member categories and their underlining guidelines for consideration by Coalition members.
Permanent Member Guidelines:
Member’s head of state has signed the Tranquillity, nuclear peace accord or similar accord to be decided in the future that outlines the Coalition of Nukes regulations to be followed.
Member States may possess and maintain a nuclear arsenal which falls within described CAN guidelines in relation to the number of weapons, size and distribution of warhead yields.
Member States have proven to the Coalition that they have adequately secured their nuclear arsenal both physically and through launch code security in such a way that will prevent theft or unauthorized launches.
Member States will not actively seek to expand its nuclear arsenal beyond designated CAN guidelines. Exceptions will be made to allow nations to replace existing nuclear weapons with more advance ones pending members can prove that the weapons will have a similar or lower overall yield with the weapons their replacing and that the warhead is safer to operate.
Member States will be either refuse to or will limit their selling or transfer of nuclear weapons, nuclear weapons technology or components used to make nuclear material to third parties within their possession in such a way that will prevent nuclear material or nuclear weapons of any kind from falling into the possession of non-sovereign organizations or states that are unable or unwilling to secure their nuclear armaments; an exception for materials that will be legitimately used in civilian nuclear programs or for weapons technology that increases bomb safety measures will be granted.
Member States agree to not employ a first strike policy and maintain their nuclear arsenal for deterrence purposes only.
Member States will limit or not detonate nuclear weapons for test purposes as covered by CAN guidelines.
Member States agree to participate in relevant CAN initiatives for limiting the world nuclear threat.
Associate Member Guidelines:
Member’s head of state has signed the Tranquillity, nuclear peace accord or similar accord to be decided in the future that outlines the Coalition of Nukes regulations to be followed.
Member States may possess and maintain a nuclear arsenal which falls within described CAN guidelines in relation to the number of weapons, size and distribution of warhead yields. [Note: The size of this nuclear arsenal should be permitted to be larger then those under permanent members. Whatever, that size eventually turns out to be. That's my opinion anyway.]
Member States agree to not employ a first strike policy and maintain their nuclear arsenal for deterrence purposes only.
Member States will wherever possible limit their sale of nuclear warheads or nuclear technology within their possession in such a way that will prevent nuclear weapons falling into the possession of non-sovereign organizations or states that are unable or unwilling to secure their nuclear armaments. [A note somewhere within the guidelines should be made that covers the same of Civilian nuclear technology that would be used to build a nuclear reactor either for power generation or research.]
Member States have proven to the Coalition that they have adequately secured their nuclear arsenal both physically and through launch code security in such a way that will prevent theft or unauthorized launches.
Member States will not be required to participate in relevant CAN initiatives, but they may do so if they so desire.
One final thought we felt important to bring to the attention of this coalition, though really not covered under initiatives or regulations to be adhere to, the use of nuclear material outside the use of nuclear weapons specifically the use of DU (Depleted Uranium) rounds and DU armor. Some type of discussion we feel should take place so that it at least get's mention in the charter as like us I'm sure many nations use depleted uranium in all it's forms and can result depending on how much it's used a health risk to those improperly protected against the radiation it gives off when it ends up in large concentrations. While, we are not calling for a limit, we are calling for a discussion on this matter.
Sincerely, Chancellor Muller
OCC: A few reasons, one I like blue so :p. Two, as my Character is giving an official decree or message, it distinguishes the post from others so it seems more official. Three, when you quote someone else’s words if not using an underline or quotation marks, sometimes you see it Italicized. Since, it's not me speaking directly, but through a Character I have created and quotation marks or underlining would look terrible, I used the Italic to show that it is indeed someone speaking that is not me. All in all, I think it makes the posts look much nicer and unique. Since, you specifically pointed it out, it would seem you agree with me.
OOC: Holy crap, I don't think I've ever seen UE throw down the gauntlet before. Bravo
OCC2: That's because I haven't before as I've been content to just let the rest of the world get along without me. I was content to exist in my little corner peacefully coexisting. However, a few months ago I started to realize something. For years my nation has been attending quietly to it's own affiars in it's own little world all the time building up good relations with other nations and acquiring a good deal of influence. Yet, what good were all those favors and influence, if we never used them. So, with that realization I decided to at first slowly bring my nation out of it's sleeping lumber and get a little more aggressive each day.
Now, while some might take aggressive to mean declaring war on other nations or generally making a nuisance of themselves, that just wasn't my nation's style. My aggression is a little more insidious in that instead of using force of arms I'm throwing my nation's diplomatic weight around and making it's voice heard in the same way others using their military to show others what a great power they are. Force is overrated when you can tower over others and give them a scary look or from their point of view a threatening look to intimate them into doing what you want all at the same time cracking a smile every now and then to show them that they are in your good graces. All without the need of shedding one single drop of blood.
So, if you think that was impressive you just wait and see, my nation has awaken and it's not that little kid on the block anymore. There's a lot of respect you get and a lot you can do when you’re a 10 billion+ nation and I've got big plans for this nation. I've been slowly preparing for the day I would officially end my long endured neutrality and when that day finally arrivals, I'm coming out with a bang. :hail::D
Until, then it’s business as usually and isolation neutrality from the rest of the world.
OOC: wow nice proposals UE and Sarrowquand, very impressive indeed.
OCC3: Thank you and that was me just getting started.