Dogs of War OOC Thread
The Steppe Empire
06-03-2009, 05:01
The OOC Thread to the Great Galactic War as I call this war.
Question for GPI: Is this ( information on your nation accurate? Also, a list of your holdings and their function would be great. Thanks! :D
A Utopian Soviet Union
06-03-2009, 20:44
I second Otagia on that G.P.I :D
It had been a Secret for many years, kept from the eyes of The Galaxy as it was built. 35,000 meters wide, it was saucer shaped, from with many weapons, such as Turbolasers, Ion Cannons, Phased polaron beam cannons, Missile Launchers, chroniton torpedo launchers and it's most powerful weapons, four Superlasers.
This was The Dreaded Hyperborian Super weapon: The Death's hand.
As an OOC observer and potential IC combatant, I have a few questions about this giant metal frisbee.
Firstly, how do you fit 4 planet destroying superlasers on something around 4.5 times smaller than one that could only house one?
More importantly how does a nation with a just over half the population of Earth, develop superlaser technology, which took an empire, with control of an entire galaxy and all of its resources, almost 20 years to delvelop.
I smell something techwanky.
Realms under the GPI
07-03-2009, 01:15
to Ogita and the perfect union. Yes that information is one hundred percent accurate. As to my holdings... they'll be evaporated soon enough so I might just do a quick listing. as to the steppe's super weapon, I smelled that too but the issue is resolved I say 'play on' I'm really waiting for more wankerage from certain parties who know who they are.
The Fedral Union
07-03-2009, 01:32
There are much better ways of blowing up a planet, or hell just cracking it. C fracs for example or well placed high yield torpedoes on fault lines (I call them tectonic implosion warheads)
A Utopian Soviet Union
07-03-2009, 01:32
I hope you rnot pointing the finger at me there GPI :L Technically i'm the weakest here, although that's voluntary I cold be bigger if i wanted to :D On the other hand i'm the sneakiest.
The Fedral Union
07-03-2009, 01:36
Well what ever I have no need to bring in super weapons, I'll just lunge big rocks at planets, or slag them from orbit.
A Utopian Soviet Union
07-03-2009, 01:43
That's my job ;)
Righto, late is better than never, right? 2nd Fleet ORBAT!
Sobek, a Flight II super dreadnought. Weighs in at 9 klicks. Big, mean, not completely statted as of yet. Primarily armed with (relatively) short range weapons as befits his namesake, although he still boasts multi-million strong SCCAM banks (pray you don't see what Ptah can pull off ;) ).
3 Mut-class carriers, which I am too damn lazy to name. Not much besides point-defense weapons (read: anti-capital CREWs), but each holds a million or so Athame drone fighters (singularity-propelled smallcraft, each with CREWs and a pair of SCCAMs).
9 Arachne IV-class battle cruisers. (
27 Ammut-class cruisers. Like the Arachnes, but weighing in at 1240 meters and less heavily outfitted. Able to sprint a bit better too, being pretty much the fastest vessels in the fleet. Oh, and they can planet-kill.
81 Khonsu-class destroyers. 600 meters long, primarily armed with SCCAM launchers and the molecular forges to make more of them in the field. Each can put out at least half a million of the things in one drumload.
243 Apophis-class frigates. 350 meters long, loaded out for point defense with a spinal anti-capital CREW, numerous smaller CREW lenses, and a reasonable amount (a few thousand) SCCAMs for interception duty.
Sobek's splinter group consists of one of the carriers, three Arachnes, twelve Ammuts, 30 Khonsus, and ninety Apophises (Apophi?). Virtually all of the Athames are still with the main swarm, along with most of the SCCAMs, with only enough to provide for Sobek's shield wall splintering off.
Will get a post up detailing the main group's offensive against the planet soon. Ish.
The Steppe Empire
14-03-2009, 19:56
seems that war is ending. I think that on the other hand, GPI should stay and fight a defensive against the invading allies, fight a Guerrilla war against them, Not run and hide.
The Ctan
15-03-2009, 00:30
For me, the task is just beginning. I will be having something of a gurilla war with GPI, or at least, GPI's zombies...
Incidentally, the immensely self-important proclamation by my characters should, by my reckoning, only affect TFU and GPI. They're only claiming juristiction of the actual planets, not anyone else in the system. As TFU has troops on Alvara, that's a conflict with him - but he could beam them up before they're detected.
Order of... err, Crisis Response, consists of one IoM type Dictator-class cruiser, modified as detailed in the thread, and two Sword-class frigates. I'd provide more details, but I don't actually anticipate getting into a fight.