Waagh! (OOC Sign-up/interest thread)
I've gotten tired of playing as the Clans. I find that I'm too restricted due to their political, social, and military structure. Because of this, I am going to wipe them out and begin anew as Orks.
This is where you guys come in. After the subsequent annihilation of the Clans and the fleeing of Mundus Magicus to wherever I decide they're going to run away to, the Orks, lead by my Warlord, Madnob Skullcrusha, are going to go on an enormous Waagh! through the Milky Way Galaxy.
So, to add to this, the first people who will respond will be, of course, the Clans' and Mundus Magicus' allies. This means, Dornie and Telros get first posting dibs off the bat. Later, when the Waagh! becomes too difficult to contain, others who are NOT allied with my aforementioned nations may have posting rights. I'll give the word when those begin.
Now, the thing about Madnob is that, in essence, he's much like Ghazghkull (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Ghazghkull_Mag_Uruk_Thraka) in that he puts a lot more focus on commanding his boyz rather than fighting. However, unlike his race, he is a lot smarter. Like, forty-IQ-points smarter, making him of near-equivalent intelligence to a human of above-average intelligence. Finally, rather than being green, he's black, but the reason why he's black will be made apparent in the RP itself, so no complaints.
Lastly, for those who have absolutely NO understanding of 40K Orks, please defer to this page (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Ork) and this page (http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Category:Orks).
Main IC thread. (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=586196)
Interested Parties
Tarsonis Survivors
The Wolf Hold
New Dornalia
Orthodox Gnosticism
Soul Drinkers
Star Eaters
German Zerabithea
North/South Defese (for rushing the thread)
I'm up for it. I can rp as my future nation a bit.
04-03-2009, 06:16
I do have an Eldar nation...
German zerabithea
04-03-2009, 06:18
um.. don't know what it is but im game
Tarsonis Survivors
04-03-2009, 06:35
Tarsonian Mercanaries might be available
Amazonian Beasts
04-03-2009, 06:36
OOC: Just to remark...I love this title.
Main post updated.
And thanks, AB. :P
North Defese
06-03-2009, 06:13
I'd like to RP my Trade Federation empire!
@everyone interest: That's fine. Have fact books for them?
The Wolf Hold
06-03-2009, 09:20
Ill do guard if you let me
Okay, I'm going to make this clear: this isn't 40K canon universe. This is NS-verse. I'm looking for people to RP their own nations, not as established, canonical armies.
The Wolf Hold
06-03-2009, 17:43
Oh lol, fair enough, Tainith Empire is up for it.
I will do this and I will put up what info I can give soon.
New Dornalia
06-03-2009, 20:31
I'm in.
Of course you are, Dornie. xD
I'll start putting up a list of people interested and a few guidelines to joining the RP.
South Defese
07-03-2009, 00:55
Can I join as a world in MT?
Tarsonis Survivors
07-03-2009, 03:16
it all depends on who wants to pay me I am a mercanary after all, the only person I go to war with for free is AB
@South D/North D: I don't think an MT world would do too well against the Orks, considering they're...well...let's just say that they're beyond current-day technology's abilities to restrain.
@Tarsonis: Whatever works for you, man.
@everyone: I'll be making another post in the IC thread sometime tonight. For now, I must go. Food awaits! :D
The Star Eaters
07-03-2009, 15:33
Hey I'm in! Either sweet, sweet Necrons or Chaos. I'll decide later, but sign me up!
ooc: would like to join in. new to rp.
Soul Drinkers Chapter
07-03-2009, 17:28
OOC: I would really like to join.
Name: Soul Drinkers Space Marine Chapter, Soul Drinkers
Background: A splinter group of the once proud Space Marine Legion, the Imperial Fists, the Soul Drinkers have existed for well over ten thousand years, fighting for the Imperium on behalf of the God-Emperor of Mankind and their Primarch, Rogal Dorn, from whom they claim descent by the blood that runs through their veins and their gene seeds. When the Imperial Fists Legion was split apart, the Soul Drinkers were formed from the Assault units of that Legion, giving the Soul Drinkers a higher proportion of soldiers that specialize in close combat and ship-to-ship boarding actions.
However regal and majestic the history of the chapter is however, its future is dark and unknown. Due to misfortunes, caused by the machinations of Chaos deities that followed the Changer of Ways, the Soul Drinkers were declared Excommunicate Traitoris by the authorities of the Imperium, causing them to become outcasts. After shedding both the hypocritical yoke of the Imperium and the slave chains of Chaos, the Soul Drinkers have become a renegade Space Marine Chapter set on the ultimate goal of destroying Chaos and defending Mankind from all its enemies, regardless of whether they be from within or without.
System of Government: The Codex states that a Space Marine Chapter should be split into 10 companies of 100 Marines each, plus a Space Marine Captain, Apothecary, Company Standard [Bearer] and Chaplain for each company.
Existing outside the Company level organization, each chapter has an Armoury consisting of the chapter's Techmarines and tanks, a Librarium consisting of the Chapter's Librarians, a Chapter Fleet and the Chapter Master, plus various headquarters staff and the Chapter's Servitors and human serfs.
The Soul Drinkers have however shrugged off the tenets of the Codex Astartes, feeling that they are simply more boundaries set by a system of tyranny. As such, a full two extra Space Marine companies have been added over time, making the Chapter well over strength, at 1,200 full battle-brothers.
Internal Interaction: The Soul Drinkers is a chapter that has torn itself apart on two separate occasions, each time rising from the ashes to become stronger. Sarpedon, former Librarian and now Chapter Master, has served as the leader of the nascent chapter for over thirty odd years, through the overthrow of Chapter Master Gorgoleon; the rise of Eumenes; and other crises that have threatened the existence of the chapter. However in the ten years since the Second Chapter War the Soul Drinkers have recovered their strength, the Great Harvest taking place, allowing for more recruits that are not touched by the mutations that Lord Sarpedon suffered from the Changer of Ways. Though Sarpedon had always led the Soul Drinkers, Chaplain Iktinos, one of the last and eldest of the chapter’s Chaplains, has an unknown agenda for the chapter.
Ships: The main ship used by the chapter is the space hulk the “Brokenback”. A Space Hulk is a massive conglomeration of lost ships and wrecks fused together. They drift in and out of the warp through space and during the millennia the lost ships join together into one enormous body. Many times they are so huge that they have their own atmosphere and gravity. The Brokenback is no exception, being one of the largest in recorded eras. Within the hulk are numerous smaller vessels and fighters that the Chapter uses.
Holdings: None.
The Star Eaters
07-03-2009, 22:18
OOC: I would really like to join.
Name: Soul Drinkers Space Marine Chapter, Soul Drinkers
Background: A splinter group of the once proud Space Marine Legion, the Imperial Fists, the Soul Drinkers have existed for well over ten thousand years, fighting for the Imperium on behalf of the God-Emperor of Mankind and their Primarch, Rogal Dorn, from whom they claim descent by the blood that runs through their veins and their gene seeds. When the Imperial Fists Legion was split apart, the Soul Drinkers were formed from the Assault units of that Legion, giving the Soul Drinkers a higher proportion of soldiers that specialize in close combat and ship-to-ship boarding actions.
However regal and majestic the history of the chapter is however, its future is dark and unknown. Due to misfortunes, caused by the machinations of Chaos deities that followed the Changer of Ways, the Soul Drinkers were declared Excommunicate Traitoris by the authorities of the Imperium, causing them to become outcasts. After shedding both the hypocritical yoke of the Imperium and the slave chains of Chaos, the Soul Drinkers have become a renegade Space Marine Chapter set on the ultimate goal of destroying Chaos and defending Mankind from all its enemies, regardless of whether they be from within or without.
System of Government: The Codex states that a Space Marine Chapter should be split into 10 companies of 100 Marines each, plus a Space Marine Captain, Apothecary, Company Standard [Bearer] and Chaplain for each company.
Existing outside the Company level organization, each chapter has an Armoury consisting of the chapter's Techmarines and tanks, a Librarium consisting of the Chapter's Librarians, a Chapter Fleet and the Chapter Master, plus various headquarters staff and the Chapter's Servitors and human serfs.
The Soul Drinkers have however shrugged off the tenets of the Codex Astartes, feeling that they are simply more boundaries set by a system of tyranny. As such, a full two extra Space Marine companies have been added over time, making the Chapter well over strength, at 1,200 full battle-brothers.
Internal Interaction: The Soul Drinkers is a chapter that has torn itself apart on two separate occasions, each time rising from the ashes to become stronger. Sarpedon, former Librarian and now Chapter Master, has served as the leader of the nascent chapter for over thirty odd years, through the overthrow of Chapter Master Gorgoleon; the rise of Eumenes; and other crises that have threatened the existence of the chapter. However in the ten years since the Second Chapter War the Soul Drinkers have recovered their strength, the Great Harvest taking place, allowing for more recruits that are not touched by the mutations that Lord Sarpedon suffered from the Changer of Ways. Though Sarpedon had always led the Soul Drinkers, Chaplain Iktinos, one of the last and eldest of the chapter’s Chaplains, has an unknown agenda for the chapter.
Ships: The main ship used by the chapter is the space hulk the “Brokenback”. A Space Hulk is a massive conglomeration of lost ships and wrecks fused together. They drift in and out of the warp through space and during the millennia the lost ships join together into one enormous body. Many times they are so huge that they have their own atmosphere and gravity. The Brokenback is no exception, being one of the largest in recorded eras. Within the hulk are numerous smaller vessels and fighters that the Chapter uses.
Holdings: None.
OOC: Ah, Soul Drinkers. Awesome book, a real improvement and enjoyable idea after Counter's abysmal Grey Knights series.
South Defese
07-03-2009, 22:24
ooc: I can join as an MT world that gets waaaghed.
And ive always wanted to RP independance day! :P
NERV arms conglomerate
07-03-2009, 22:36
i would love to join... my military is based loosely on the imperium but my navy is my own design
i could perhaps receive a distress call from one of the waaaghed worlds?
and perhaps send a small battle force to investigate?
07-03-2009, 22:42
Is is too late to join? Sounds kind of fun.
I get the impression that a nation with a solid dose of fantasy wouldn't be a problem, as long as it's kept reasonable. Yes?
Orthodox Gnosticism
08-03-2009, 01:36
I would like to join as the Colonial faction of my nation.
Tarsonis Survivors
08-03-2009, 06:56
If someone wants to subscibe for my services put a post IC Tele on my merc thread, and post including the fact you want me on the thread.
@everyone: Updated first post. Please review.
@S/N Defese: I'll mull it over in my head. For now, you're in the pending stage.
@Rinsing: Sure, so long as you have a fact book I can review.
@Heirosoloa & Alanea: Sure thing. Have an FT nation?
@Star Eaters: Make up your mind and I'll say yes. xD
@Soul Drinkers: Confirmed.
I would like to join, but I wish to ask several questions:
1. Do I understand correctly that the numbers of the Orks are essentially unlimited for plot purposes, as are the numbers of WH40K Orks?
2. Can I attack the Clans for my own bizarre reasons?
The Star Eaters
08-03-2009, 12:23
Ok I have decided. I'll be Eldar, for a change. I'll see what they're like to Roleplay
The Wolf Hold
08-03-2009, 16:51
I defintaly want to be in this
Ok details for the Empire Of Tainith,
The Tainith Empire consists of a multiple races of Anthtomoprhic animals (AKA Furries). They have a rather standard military setup, with a Navy for space action with an acompanying army to provide ground action capabilites. It consists of several worlds controlled from one central location and in times of emergency the mobile command ship. They are on a mission to bring as many planets into the empire at any cost but also to improve relations with the other anthromorphic races out in space. They use a mix of mostly BSG, SG-1/A, 40k and some others I cant rember at this specific point in time.
NERV arms conglomerate
08-03-2009, 17:00
I defintaly want to be in this
Ok details for the Empire Of Tainith,
The Tainith Empire consists of a multiple races of Anthtomoprhic animals (AKA Furries). They have a rather standard military setup, with a Navy for space action with an acompanying army to provide ground action capabilites. It consists of several worlds controlled from one central location and in times of emergency the mobile command ship. They are on a mission to bring as many planets into the empire at any cost but also to improve relations with the other anthromorphic races out in space. They use a mix of mostly BSG, SG-1/A, 40k and some others I cant rember at this specific point in time.
I like the tech!! i really like the tech!!!
The Wolf Hold
08-03-2009, 17:09
erm...Thanks...I think
Name: The Telrosian Union, the Union.
Background: The Union came about when the United Nations of Telros, with its other allies, won the Battle of Tenetia and was left a power in the aftermath of the Galactic Empire's fall and splintering due to the plague which ravaged its planets and the death of its leaders Palpatine and Vader. With so many allies ready to aid it, with its power and prestige increasing daily, the United Nations were ready for peace and prosperity. But it was denied this since the founding of the United Nations was a hasty and patch-up affair, so when there were no enemies to unite against or problems that required full focus, it splintered and fell apart. A devastating, massive civil war consumed the United Nations for over a decade, with many groups vying for power. It was not until the formation of the battleplate and the subsequent technology that allowed one group to partially ascend so they could essentially awaken their psionic potential and link to the minds of those similarly awakened, that the war was ended and they were united once more.
Every Telrosian was awakened and the intellect link was born, allowing them to contact each other across great distances of space at FTL like speeds. This removed the need for the clumsy form of government most nations had, as they could make decisions in seconds by combining the process of the entire mental capacity of their species. They recovered and rebuilt from the war, and the United Nations was changed to the Union. Now, with their small but powerful Army and Navy, they have the capability of defending themselves and of slowly increasing Union power over the centuries. It's alliances still hold and its enemies are few. But it is only a matter of time before a great enemy comes forth to challenge the Union and they will be ready.
System of Government: The Union has no government in reality, since for any major decisions, it simply has all Telrosians link with each other to vote on it and combine their mental capacities so the decisions are made in seconds. Since the Link allows instantaneous, FTL messages to be sent to each other, government is finally, as promised by democracy and communism, in the hands of the people. They do keep a small fake government, to ensure other nations do not get faked out by their change. They have a President and a Congress, but that is all.
Internal Interaction: The Telrosians have automated most of the actions that take place in ordinary society. Mining, agriculture, industry, all are automated by sentient, ever-changing A.I. constructs who are considered full citizens by the Union. They work together with a few Telrosian overseers who meld their intellect link with the A.I.'s to ensure that no hacking or viral code like the Cylons used can take place and ruin their society from the inside out. With these and the fabbers that make anything from common raw materials, they are a post-scarcity society and as such, are more focused on philosophical pursuits. There are common debates between Telrosians about the meaning of life, whether or not they should pursue full ascension and such things. They are also collectors of knowledge and ancient artifacts; much of their attention is on studying the universe through science and logic, and they have scouting fleets searching for ruins of older civilizations by the day. A side effect of their rise to power and the partial ascendancy is that religion as they know it, aside from a single cult dedicated to the Shrouded Ones, has been wiped out.
Ships: The Union Navy consists of five fleets, each one having a battleplate as the foundation. The battleplate is the pinnacle of Telrosian power and technology, being able to withstand entire fleets worth of barrages and able to crush entire ships with its gravitic guns. To accompany these ships are a group of seven cruisers, along with five strike groups, consisting of a HQ sensor ship, several strike frigates and cruisers, and multiple fighters and gunships, all designed to support the Battleplate and its defending group of cruisers.
09-03-2009, 00:11
I probably won't have time to get in on this, but int he meantime I'd just like to point out that in Ork/c grammar it's always spelled "WAAAGH!!" That is, all capitals, at least three "As" and no fewer than two exclamation points :P
Solar Communes
09-03-2009, 00:17
As the Thousand Sons and World Eaters aren't going to invade Gliese 581c for now...
There is only one way to reach the system that bypasses special relativity(a Van Grothe's rapidity built of pure solipsism), but it won't matter because I intend to use the 2200s version of Solar Communes for this, which had only one system and a limited Space Armada.
Because so far, most Xenos Solarians dealt with were easy to wipe out.
@Rinsing: Sure, so long as you have a fact book I can review.
I don't have a fact book up yet, but I can give you an overview and answer any questions about the country.
The Elevated Council of Rinsing is actually an alliance of sorts, made up of ten small nations. Treaties limit warfare among the members, and the Council organizes cooperation for common goals and against outside threats. The members vary widely in population and culture.
The population of the Ten Nations includes humans, dwarves, elves, goblins, and kobolds, along with less conventional beings, genetically modified variants, and an assortment of crossbreeds. Technology varies somewhat between the nations, but emphasizes kinetic manipulation. Each of the members has different approaches to the military.
Part of the fantasy aspect is simply that many of the species are generally associated with fantasy. Beyond that, there's some fairly minor magic. Runes can be used to reinforce armor, but the alloys used and design are considerably more important. Someone with the proper skills (mostly elves) can learn quite a bit about an unfamiliar plant by sitting next to it and meditating, but lab analysis is usually quicker. There are a few other things along those general lines. Spell-type magic is not unheard of, but is quite rare, and won't come up unless another player is also using it.
The least balanced of the main species are probably the varthun. They can breathe fire and survive extreme heat, and possess very hard scales and some other advantages. They are also the least common by far, living in a few settlements in one mountain range. There are also four 'powers' present, including three demons who rule over most of the goblins. Under most circumstances, these being are simply very large, and very tough, but otherwise unexceptional; they can't fight armies, or anything like that. If one of them happens to be present when someone invokes powerful magic or something similar against the people under their leadership, that'll be a different matter. It's also worth mentioning that some powers can be restored, if killed, though this is a long and difficult process.
Geographically, the Elevated Council is currently in control of a single star system with one inhabited planet - Osatar, the Absolute Lands. They have only developed FTL technology recently, and possess little more than a handful of warships. Several members of the Council, in fact, are currently still constructing their first combat vessel.
Do you want a brief description of each of the member nations? Any questions about anything?
Soul Drinkers Chapter
09-03-2009, 02:27
Nice segue Star Eaters.
Soul Drinkers Chapter
09-03-2009, 06:00
Is it possible that you have a world map of Seongbong? Since the events of the RP are taking place there, it would be nice to have a pretty picture to go by.
@N/S Defese: What part of DON'T POST UNTIL I SAY do you not understand? Did you even bother to READ the first post again after I said that I EDITED IT?! You are denied entry unless you can come up with a good reason not to be.
@everyone else: I'm sorry about this, but I had a different path set for this RP before general RPing could be done. In lieu of someones (please see above message) lack of patience and/or understanding, I will be making a new IC thread.
To make it further and more abundantly clear, I will be putting, in bold, italic, underlined font on the main page what the rules are on posting until I feel the time is right to take them down.
For those of you who have been patient thus far, I ask that you have more until I give the word to post.
@Kar: I'll make sure to make that edit for the new IC thread.
@Tel: you're already cleared, dude, but we're going to go about this differently.
@Tel & ND: When I can catch you both on, I'll be conferencing with you to get things settled and moved along.
@Soul, Star, Rin, & Wolf Hold: confirmed.
@Allanea: 1. Kinda. I'm mulling that over in my head for now. 2. By the time you understand what's going on, the Clans will be all but non-existent. Anything left will be under a predetermined nations protection.
@Solar: What?
I understand, Skaugra. I am sorry if my post screwed things up for you.
The Star Eaters
09-03-2009, 12:58
Sorry dude, I did read the first post but everyone had already started, so I got the impression you had given the go-ahead somewhere.
Edit: Nice segue Star Eaters.
Soul Drinkers Chapter
09-03-2009, 17:03
Oops. Sorry Skaugra. I figured that everyone was posting then. My mistake. When do you plan to have the new IC thread up? Also, this rp will all take place on Seongbong, right?
NERV arms conglomerate
09-03-2009, 17:06
i too am sorry for entering early but N/S defense needed support:)
anyway i join on your command!(please tell me when to join?)
The Star Eaters
09-03-2009, 17:41
Oops. Sorry Skaugra. I figured that everyone was posting then. My mistake. When do you plan to have the new IC thread up? Also, this rp will all take place on Seongbong, right?
The new thread is already up.
NERV arms conglomerate
09-03-2009, 20:31
so can i start to post in it?
The Star Eaters
09-03-2009, 21:46
so can i start to post in it?
No... when he tells us to.
10-03-2009, 00:49
Oh, can I have in? My FT nation is heavily based on 40k, and I've been itching to use it for some time.
NERV arms conglomerate
10-03-2009, 00:50
No... when he tells us to.
i was asking him
no offense!(plz):)
Solar Communes
10-03-2009, 02:29
@Skaugra: @Solar: What?
I'm basically asking for an invasion of Solar Communes home system, which is by extension their only system. As I RP two versions of Solar Communes(Type I and Type II civilizations at 2200 AD and 5k AD respectively) and as the first will make the invasion more interesting as its technology was far more limited, I'd like to have it as the victim of the WAAGH!!
Here is nearly everything about their defenses:
@Angenteria: confirmed.
@NERV: What Star Eaters said.
@Solar: Alright then. You're welcome to it. You'll have to wait a bit. I'm still setting the stage for the full blown WAAAGH!!
New Dornalia may now begin posting.
Soul Drinkers Chapter
10-03-2009, 19:27
So I can post now?
The Ctan
10-03-2009, 20:26
I'm tempted to do something, as the C'tan, but not using the nation's main forces (who are busy, get enough face-time anyway, and probably wouldn't fit the thread). It's got a few military groups that are associated with it (though they're all nominally sovereign entities) that are likely to be interested in killing some orks.
The Silver Dragons Space Marine Chapter - In brief, a full strength Imperium of Man Space Marine chapter, with some bunch of extra stuff (see 2) and no psykers to speak of. They're a renegade (IE, in cahoots with necrons) chapter whose mission is functionally as the militant arm of (2) but they also seek to kidnap or kill human psykers (on general principles) wherever they may be found, and generally serve the cause of humanity. They'd also - beyond killing orks and saving lives - be there to try and find new recruits - they don't get recruits from my main nation.
They've been in a couple of threads. My posts in this one (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=518815&highlight=Silver+Dragons) feature them in some detail.
Their assets consist of a fortress monastery roughly equivalent to a Ramilies Star Fort, two battlebarges, one light cruiser, four strike cruisers, forteen escort ships, one thousand space marines, plus various tanks (including Horus Heresy era designs; the payoff of being traitors that venerate the villainous star gods - you might not get psykers, but you get flying rhinos).
The Mechanicum - In brief, the mechanicus version of the above. They're a renegade group in league who worship the Void Dragon. They're more high profile than the Dragons, who're something of a plausible deniability force for my main nation - these guys, on the other hand,
They're a miniature rendition of the Adeptus Mechanicus, with more concern for looks and socially acceptable behaviour - they don't use servitors, but rather androids containing a tiny amount of organic tissue (Simulacra, I stole 'em from Dark Heresy) and their Skitarii-equivalents are combat androids.
Their production capacity is immense: they produce arms and war materiel for the Dragons, and another player's (space-marine based) nation, and will generally provide scientific and material support to any human or near-human group that wants it. They'd be there to serve humanity, recruit, test combat designs, study orks, and so on.
Their assets consist of sixteen military vessels in various sizes, seven civillian vessels (including two huge factory ships), around five thousand ground forces, and three lesser (warhound and reaver) titans.
Farsight Tau - In brief; Farsight Enclave Tau, inspired by a page Games Workshop had on their website until last year, showing a converted army merging Tau and necron aestetics.
They're mercenaries, but they also like to shoot orks, and might reduce their rates here, or just simply turn into pirates and steal things to pay for their services. They'd also quite like to shoot any other Tau societies they come across.
Overall, they're less powerful than the Silver Dragons, having a similar sized (but less effective, most Tau ships aren't great) fleet. They've around twenty thousand ground troops, supported by a full airspace contingent.
The Fra'al - Most mysterious of these, based on an alien race from beyond the Halo Stars in Battlefleet Gothic, whose ships used necron parts, and were only encountered as a random encounter - they possessed very long range but a limited number of weapons on their vessels, and what would become signature traits of necron ships (regeneration and phasing out) when they were released. They're known for arms trading, and this would be their major reason for involvement here. To my mind, they're aliens who've over millions of years, learnt many necron secrets. Needless to say, they have little contact with other races save to trade.
To quote the original source "The Fra'al deploy battlecruisers into deep space and use them to either protect their worlds from orbit (usually single ships), or use them in pairs to raid various convoys and systems. No one knows why they fight in this way, what technology they use, or who they are." To this, the Dark Heresy RPG added that they're "highly psychic" trade fairly trivial weapons, in exchange for various things from humans, including slaves. What they do with them is... unknown. Though I have a good idea what mine are up to, I shan't post it here!
They would be involved either for mercenary purpouses (pay us to shoot Ork ships), trade (hey, a war, want to buy some guns?) or perhaps to enact their own mysterious agenda.
They've some twenty odd ships at present, consisting of pairs of battlecruisers (roughly equivalent to the IoM equivalents) and squadrons of three smaller escorts. They disdain ground combat almost completely. If they can't get what they want by the rather impressive power of their spacecraft, they don't want it.
Of course, all of these have very limited resources in comparison to my main nation, but they're perhaps more interesting in this context. If you're interested, feel free to pick any or all of the above for involvement. None of them are likely to deploy their entire resources in such a campaign, of course.
Would it be possible for Skaugra to communicate with me via MSN at microbalrog@hotmail.com or some other IM client?
Soul Drinkers Chapter
10-03-2009, 21:45
@ C'tan: Might I interest you in this ---> LINK (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=586287)
The Ctan
10-03-2009, 21:55
I'm afraid not. I'm not terribly into NS2, nor am I really into roleplays (on these boards) that don't at some level involve my nations. Most 'Warhammer 40,000' roleplays are in some way constrainted to the canonical setting, which can be fun, but isn't something I'd do here.
Soul Drinkers Chapter
10-03-2009, 21:59
Might if I chat with you MSNM and try to convince you by explaining the plot?
The Ctan
10-03-2009, 22:02
You can try. It's Ranisath @ the usual old hotmail.com account. (I break e-mail addresses up as a matter of course, just to defy spam-bots a little).
Soul Drinkers Chapter
10-03-2009, 22:09
Added you, but you're offline...
The Ctan
10-03-2009, 22:12
I'm not. Feel free to send me a message. Or post yours.
Soul Drinkers Chapter
10-03-2009, 22:13
I'll TG you then, and maybe hope to see you online at some point.
@C'Tan: 1 and 2 are approved for this. I'm iffy about 3. I'll consider it.
Is it too late for some more people? I'd be interested in joining as some Ork Freebooters. I'm thinking something along the lines of they got stuck in the warp and wound up in clan territory, joining the WAAAGH! for a 'propa scrap' and maybe some choice loot.
@Ran: Maybe. I'll think about it.
14-03-2009, 02:43
I probably won't have time to get in on this, but int he meantime I'd just like to point out that in Ork/c grammar it's always spelled "WAAAGH!!" That is, all capitals, at least three "As" and no fewer than two exclamation points :P
When I posted this, I had not read the IC thread and had no idea what it was about, other than it involved Orks. And now I find out that it's Orks and Battletech. Oh. My. God. This thread is bursting with epic at every seam!
Solar Communes
14-03-2009, 02:57
I don't like mechas.
However, as I have submarine aircraft carriers*, maglev + hovercraft based landships and ridiculously huge dropships able of loading carriers and destroyers inside them and dropping them on another planet, I can't argue against it <.<
Except my maglev tanks are far more efficient in firepower and armor for their size, far more mobile, besides being cheaper and requiring less maintenance. Have some Minovsky Particles ready for your Boyz to pose a greater threat, this isn't going to be canon so I don't mind breaking some Scientific Laws I claim to be nearly entirely unbreakable in canon Solar Communes universe, and besides, it's not 100% Hard science.
*Because surface ships would stand no chance against tactical orbital strikes and could be easily detected even when they were silently riding a stream, so it's a justified trope in this case.
PS: It would be interesting to see how high powered semi-automatic gauss rifles my older Space Marines used would fare against the Boyz... except they also have thermobaric and/or napalm mini-rocket in pods mounted over their shoulders. The 8.7x94mm EC C503 Gauss Rifle is essentially how a Future Tech Mosin-Nagant would be. It's directly inspired by Fallout 2's one
My apologies for my sudden absence, everyone. Family matters took me away from the computer for a time. I shall begin regular posting in earnest.
20-03-2009, 23:56
Is it too late for me to join? I'm fleshing out my FT nation and fighting the Orks sounds fun. I'm a big Warhammer 40K fan, so I know what I'm doing.
Heaven Hieghts
21-03-2009, 00:52
Sounds interesting, can I join?
@Com & HH: Factbooks, please.
Solar Communes
25-03-2009, 02:36
I'm leaving this RP because playing Dawn of War would be less time-consuming and probably bring the same amount of fun. Skaugra, if you have DoW 1 and knows Hamachi Network, just TG me and we may some day arrange for a multiplayer match.
Sorry about that, SolCom. Time isn't exactly on my side these days. I'm trying my best.
However, if you wait a few more posts, we may be able to finally get this going.
Solar Communes
25-03-2009, 04:20
Real-life comes first. That's why I'm leaving.
26-03-2009, 02:12
@Com & HH: Factbooks, please.
Here you go. (Work in progress)
26-03-2009, 22:22
Since there seems to be an opening now, would you mind if I join in? I'd rather not RP an actual nation, but rather some of your troops, like a Jade Falcon star or two, maybe some Orks to provide a returning enemy. Does that work for you?
Shouldn't meeb ab bin autow-mat-klee added on da list since meeb gave ya da idea ter change yer nashun ter Orky in da furst place ya uumie?
Ya missed an "A" in yer title too.
The Star Eaters
30-03-2009, 11:04
Ok, I'm gonna stop watching this thread for a while.
Somebody TG me when this thing starts ;)
I posted, finally. Navy's steppin' on my balls these days. I'm nearly a month from deployment, so I gotta get on the ball.
Everyone may begin posting now. I'm sorry for the wait. I wasn't expecting this to take so long.
08-04-2009, 04:11
Sweet! Bout time, if I do say so myself.
I'd appreciate it if the WAAAGH!! would either attack my home system, or at least come fairly close to it. Otherwise I have to figure out why a rather small nation that currently has no diplomatic contact with the rest of the universe not only knows what's going on, but decides to get involved.
The Wolf Hold
08-04-2009, 09:45
Finnaly! Let the Battlestars roll!
After using a die to randomly determine the result, the first nation that will be accosted by the Orks is OG!
EDIT: Scratch that, new roll-up is...oh, lord...New Dornalia.
I left my most recent post open for those of you who wish to begin RPing immediately. Use your imaginations.
As for Rinsing and Angenteria, it's up to you two to figure out what you do next. You both have separate sections on that post to work with.
Empire of Droplets, border world...
The space around the planet was quiet. Little had ever touched this sector of space being that the Empire and her allies had never made outside contact, travel in this sector was limited to the Empire itself. It seemed as though it would be another peaceful day...
Until the Orks dropped out of the Warp. After taking no more than twenty seconds to look at the planet, the Ork ships began to advance towards the planet...
I've just got one inhabited system at this point. There are mining facilities and construction yards and such in space, though, and different areas are under the control of different factions.
Do you want to show up near my homeworld and head for it, or near the biggest Empire of Droplets space facility, which is orbits with a moon of the innermost gas giant in the system? That'll determine what ships are nearby, and who will be responding first. Also, is this the same group that was here before?
United human countries
14-04-2009, 02:31
Would you allow some Space Marines? (Or Eldar, haven't decided yet....) I don't have an FT nation, so....
The Alliance of Terra
14-04-2009, 10:27
OCC: Is there still room for more nations? Iam fan of battletech and Warhammer 40k. If there is room I will post my fact book for you Skaugra. Thanks