Embassy in Takaram
The people of Takaram have decided that is is time for our nation to become more involved internationally. To help facilitate this, Takaram is inviting all peaceful democratic nations to create embassies within her borders. Embassies will be created on Southland Beach, on the edge of Takaram City, and in Sanguard, a district just one block from the Takaram Forum, where Takaram's government meets. More locations will be added as needed.
Because our people are very concerned about the safety of foreign diplomats, the Takaram Guard has a heavy presence in all regions where embassies are located, and security for ambassadors outside of the Embassy Compound will be provided by the Guard. As such, security forces inside the Embassy will be limited to 20, and total staff should not exceed 80 individuals, including security. Personal families will not be included in this count, and exceptions may be made on a case by case basis. All diplomats will receive diplomatic immunity for any misdemeanor committed on Takaram soil.
To help make the process easier, we ask that all applicants please use the following format:
Nation Name:
Chief of State:
Name of Ambassador:
Form of Government:
Number of Staff (Up to 80):
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20):
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives):
Vehicles(Land and Air):
Requested Location:
Special Requests:
Thank you,
Cynthia Rose, Chief Foreign Relations Officer, Takaram
2 Embassy Road:The United States of Aesterland-Craitejk
4 Embassy Road:Confederacy of Laudren
6 Embassy Road:The Republic of Hierphil
8 Embassy Road:
10 Embassy Road:The Republic of the Marktoria State
12 Embassy Road:The Republic Of Australiazia
14 Embassy Road:
16 Embassy Road:Nationalist Federation of Greater Americania
18 Embassy Road:
20 Embassy Road:The Corporate Monarchy of Venti Gen Italia
22 Embassy Road:
24 Embassy Road:
26 Embassy Road:
28 Embassy Road:
30 Embassy Road:
32 Embassy Road:
34 Embassy Road:
36 Embassy Road:
38 Embassy Road:
40 Embassy Road:
Southland Beach
1 Sunset Boulevard:Republic of United Gordonopia
3 Sunset Boulevard:The Constitutional Federal Republic of ViZion
5 Sunset Boulevard:Federation of Serbian Soviet Union
7 Sunset Boulevard:
9 Sunset Boulevard:Theocracy of the United Good
11 Sunset Boulevard:The Federation of Gorno-Altai
13 Sunset Boulevard:The People's Republic of Astholm
15 Sunset Boulevard:The Grand Duchy of Noordeinde
17 Sunset Boulevard:
19 Sunset Boulevard:The Republic of Australiazia
21 Sunset Boulevard:
23 Sunset Boulevard:
25 Sunset Boulevard:
27 Sunset Boulevard:
29 Sunset Boulevard:
31 Sunset Boulevard:
33 Sunset Boulevard:
35 Sunset Boulevard:
37 Sunset Boulevard:
39 Sunset Boulevard:
03-03-2009, 02:18
United States of Aesterland-Craitejk
Official Statement of the Foreign Ministry
To: The State of Takaram
From: The United States of Aesterland-Craitejk
Nation Name: The United States of Aesterland-Craitejk
Chief of State: King William IV
Name of Ambassador: Markus van Hofstadt
Form of Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Number of Staff (Up to 80): 80
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20): 20
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives): HK UMP.45, Steyr AUG
Vehicles(Land and Air): 5 Diplomaitc Vehicles, 1 Helicopter
Requested Location: Any available
Special Requests:Establish an embassy in our nation (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=14538934#post14538934)
Your Embassy will be located in Sanguard. Thank you.
Nation Name: The Supreme Dominion of Xult
Chief of State: Supreme Chancellor Oscar Nikitin
Name of Ambassador: Alexandra Sidorova
Form of Government: Dictatorship (Corporate Police State)
Number of Staff (Up to 80): 40
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20): 20
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives): Each soldier with STIG-77s
Vehicles(Land and Air):1 Light armor transport vehicle, 1 armored limo, 1 armored helicopter
Requested Location: Wherever is closest to your High Councilor's office
Special Requests: An additional 10 sercurity personnel for maximum security and privledged meetings with your High Councilor on a regular basis
Denied on grounds of government type. We do not deal with dictatorships.
Nation Name: Confederacy of Laudren
Chief of State: Vice Roy Jhonn Herrscher
Name of Ambassador: Mandy Greens
Form of Government: Confederacy
Number of Staff (Up to 80): 20
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20):15
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives):
Vehicles(Land and Air): The Royal Laudren Limousine(1) Guard Transport(unarmed), (5)
Requested Location: Sanguard 4th Embassy Road
Special Requests: the building of a small Laudren History Museum ( not needed, but preferred )
Your embassy will be constructed, and I suppose we can allow the museum, to educate our people on other nations
United Gordonopia
03-03-2009, 03:50
Nation Name: Republic of United Gordonopia
Chief of State: Prime Minister Gordon Smith
Name of Ambassador: Admiral Howard Blakeley (Ret.)
Form of Government: Republic
Number of Staff (Up to 80): 40
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20): 20
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives): 18 ACR-2 Assault Rifles, 2 LR-50 Sniper Rifles, 20 SR-45 Handguns
Vehicles(Land and Air): 4 Armored Black Sedans, 4 Unarmed Transport Humvees, 1 DT Helicopter, 1 Cessna Citation Columbus
Requested Location: None
Special Requests: Near an airport, with a reserved hanger for the Columbus.
The closest location to Takaram International Airport in Southland Beach. Enjoy
03-03-2009, 04:46
Nation Name: The Republic of Hierphil
Chief of State: Prime Minister Remus York
Name of Ambassador: Edward Rodell
Form of Government: Republic
Number of Staff (Up to 80): 70
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20): 10
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives): Generic Rifles
Vehicles(Land and Air): 3 Armored SUVs with appropriate police lighting, one armored limo, helicopter
Requested Location: Close to the high councilor's office (for easier commute to further relations)
Special Requests: direct phone access to your high councilor's office
The closest available spot is 6 Embassy Road, and it is yours. We'll work on the phone line.
03-03-2009, 04:55
Thank you. And just so you now, I haven't forgotten your interest in that anti-SCAR alliance.
United Good
03-03-2009, 04:59
Nation Name, Long Form:Theocracy of the United Good
Form of Government: Theocracy (liberal democratic)
Head of State:Brother Tom Connor
Head of Government:Father Randy Apostle
Name of Ambassador:Brother Steffan Winn
Number of Staff: 23
Number of Security Guards:16
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives):all staff are trained in passive martial arts
Plot Requested (will be assigned randomly if none selected):9 Sunset Boulevard
03-03-2009, 05:03
Nation Name: Federation of Serbian Soviet Union
Chief of State: Vojislav Ljubicic
Name of Ambassador: Josip Poljec
Form of Government: Conservative Right Wing/Capitalist-Paradise
Number of Staff (Up to 80): 45
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20): 10
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives): 10 AFK7-Riffles, 10 handguns
Vehicles(Land and Air): 1 Transfer Helicopter, 5 aramoured bullet proof/bomb proof black vehicles
Requested Location: anywhere is fine
Special Requests: to have an embassy in my nation to establish communications between the two nations, to establish diplomatic relations, trade routes as such
Granted, where might I go to request an embassy in your nation?
03-03-2009, 05:09
ooc: its in the signature
03-03-2009, 05:14
OOC: Here is my embassy FSSU Embassy (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=583691)
Venti Gen Italia
04-03-2009, 02:54
Nation Name:The Corporate Monarchy of Venti Gen Italia
Chief of State: Doge Stefan
Name of Ambassador: Bob Cunningham
Form of Government: Corporate Paradise
Number of Staff (Up to 80): 50 -mostly from the Department of Trade and Development
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20): 20
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives):light side arms
Vehicles(Land and Air):2 armoured personel carriers; 1 armoured car
Requested Location:20 Embassy Road:
Special requests:Free Trade between our nations. We would like to establish a branch of Banco Gen Italia International in your capital to assist in trade and mutually beneficial industrial development. Consular Economic development centres in all regions.
Embassy request Granted. Free trade granted. Branch in capital and all regions... granted.
Venti Gen Italia
04-03-2009, 02:57
Dinner Theatre Actors
05-03-2009, 10:26
Nation Name: Nomadic Peoples of Dinner Theatre Actors
Head of State: Ron Rohr
Head of Government: Loretta Switt
Name of Ambassador: Kelly Franci
Form of Government: Centralist Democracy (hedonists)
Number of Staff (Up to 80): 8
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20): 12
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives): semi-automatic pistols and epees
Vehicles(Land and Air):4 armoured Hummers
Requested Location:7 Sunset Blvd
Special Requests: As per our customs, we would like to integrate the children of the Embassy staff into your education system. The youngest is 11 years old - the eldest 18 years old. Can you recommend good schools in the neighborhood? Also as per our customs, the Ambassador will require a nearby, but not too near, residence for his current lover.
05-03-2009, 11:04
Nation Name:The Armed Republic of Nachmere
Chief of State:Ray Ginger
Name of Ambassador:Tina Smith
Form of Government:Republic
Number of Staff (Up to 80):25
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20):12
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives):SLC 7.62 rifles, 0.45 pistols.
Vehicles(Land and Air): 6 armored diplomat cars, 1 armored security SUV
Requested Location: as you see fit.
Special Requests: we woud like you to build an Embassy in Nachmere-
Nation Name:The People's Republic of Astholm*
Chief of State:In exile in Merseyside - currently a stand-in prime minister
Name of Ambassador:Richard Jackson
Form of Government:Republic
Number of Staff (Up to 80):80
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20):20
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives):This is for Takaram to take responsibility for.
Vehicles(Land and Air): Multiple amounts of vehicles
Requested Location: See below.
Special Requests: We may need multiple embassies due to being a continent rather than a nation. Also, we would like to be able to export automobiles, olive oil, wine and timber to your nation.** Negotiations can commence whenever you feel it is appropriate
*Astholm is a continent/region with 40+ nations but the largest one is Astholm (where the continent takes its name from).
** Exports vary between nations within the continent/region of Astholm, although all nations manufacture automobiles (and olive oil, wine, grapes, olives, wheat and timber to some degree). Some nations will export other products not made/grown in other nations.
You are represented as one organization, thus you get one embassy. You can work out the power split between yourselves. The trade, however, is certainly welcome.
You are represented as one organization, thus you get one embassy. You can work out the power split between yourselves. The trade, however, is certainly welcome.
Thank you for accepting us. Your trade is warmly accepted.
OOC: Please start a new thread if you wish to open a trade route with us! Thanks!
This also applies if you wish to start motor vehicle export/imports too.
01-04-2009, 09:05
Nation Name: The Republic Of Australiazia
Chief of State: Ashley Brown
Name of Ambassador: Anthony Wells
Form of Government: Republic
Number of Staff (Up to 80): 12
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20): 5
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives): Pistols (http://world.guns.ru/handguns/hg12-e.htm), Assualt rifle (http://www.fnherstal.com/index.php?id=184&backPID=182&productID=12&pid_product=232&pidList=182&categorySelector=1&detail=)
Vehicles (Land and Air): 1 UH-60 Blackhawk, 2 Dozor b's (http://www.morozov.com.ua/eng/body/dozorb.php) (no mounted guns)
Requested Location: 12 Embassy Road
Special Requests: None
01-04-2009, 09:25
Nation Name: The Constitutional Federal Republic of ViZion
Chief of State: President Barry Gio
Name of Ambassador: Mario Freza
Form of Government: Constitutional Federal Republic
Number of Staff (Up to 80): 40
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20): 20
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives): Pistols; daggers; swords; automatic shotguns; shotguns; light, medium, and heavy machine guns; assault rifles; rocket launchers; flame throwers; sniper rifles; grenades; flash grenades; smoke grenades.
Vehicles(Land and Air): Two Ando-Trephin Chieftain luxury sedans; two LAV-150 Light Armored Attack Vehicle (unarmed)
Requested Location: Best view of water or mountains.
Special Requests:
To note about the weaponry, we require heavy weaponry due to the fact that every embassy we have may house the President, Vice President, and/or ViZionarian civilians should our nation come under attack. This is for their protection. Should you not accept this, we will have no further interest in having an embassy in your nation.
01-04-2009, 15:23
To:Cynthia Rose, Chief Foreign Relations Officer, Takaram
From: The Department of State of The Grand Duchy of Noordeinde
Nation Name: The Grand Duchy of Noordeinde.
Chief of State: Prime Minister Jonathan Roosevelt.
Name of Ambassador: Sir Dwight Hudson.
Form of Government: Constitutional Monarchy- Parliamantry Democracy.
Number of Staff (Up to 80): 5 Diplomats, 6 Personnal Secretaries, 1 Embassy Spokesperson.
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20): 19 in total. 4 Ambassadors protection group, 10 Diplomats protection group, 5 Uniformed Embassy Guards.
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives): All 19 security personnel carry a Walther P5 (http://www.guntechinc.com/WaltherP5_001.jpg) 9 milimeter Pistol.
Vehicles(Land and Air): 4 in total, 1 armoured Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham Limousine (http://www.autoinsane.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/01/prescaddys06.jpg)(ambasadors vehicle), 1 armoured Ford Econoliner (http://govpdcars.fateback.com/ss103.jpg)(diplomats vehicle), 2 armoured Chevrolet Suburbans (http://govpdcars.fateback.com/ss161.jpg)(security vehicle)
Requested Location: Sunset Boulevard 15, Southland Beach
Special Requests: We would like to invite you to apply for an embassy in our country, and we would like a meeting between our Heads of State, to improve our new Diplomatic relations.
Hearby also the "link" to our Embassy programm Application Form: http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=588360
Faithfully Yours,
Louis Wilson VI
Secretary of State
The Grand Duchy of Noordeinde.
03-04-2009, 00:23
Cynthia Rose,
We are glad you have accepted our request for an embassy in your nation. We look forward to having closer ties with your nation in the coming future. I would personally like to invite you to setup an embassy in our Embassy Court (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=532313) as well!
Thank you,
President Barry Gio
19-04-2009, 15:16
To:Cynthia Rose, Chief Foreign Relations Officer, Takaram
From: The Department of State of The Federation of Gorno-Altai
Nation Name: The Federation of Gorno-Altai
Chief of State:Premier Emilian Andropov
Name of Ambassador:Piotr Alexandr
Form of Government:Federal Republic
Number of Staff (Up to 80):50
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20):15
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives):AK-47
Vehicles(Land and Air):5 generic sedan vehicles, 1 helicopter
Requested Location:11 Sunset Boulevard
Special Requests:tell me if something is wrong in this request.
To: The Department of State of the Federation of Gorno-Altai
From: Office of Foreign Relations, Takaram
There is nothing wrong with your request and you may begin moving your personnel in at this time.
Greater Americania
19-04-2009, 18:03
To: Takaram
From: NFGA
The NFGA would be pleased to open an embassy in your nation. All that we require is that you change your foolish policy against non-democratic nations.
From: Office of Foreign Relations, Takaram
We have no issue in dealing with non-democratic nations. We denied Xult's application due to issues we were, and still are, having with their government.
Greater Americania
22-04-2009, 02:34
Nation Name: Nationalist Federation of Greater Americania
Chief of State: President Garrett Curry
Name of Ambassador: Austin DeLore
Form of Government: Nationalist
Number of Staff (Up to 80): 20
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20): 20
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives): Ak-108's
Vehicles(Land and Air): 5 armored vans, 1 helicopter
Requested Location: Any
Special Requests: None
24-04-2009, 08:24
To: Takaram
From: The Republic of Australiazia
The Republic of Australiazia would be pleased to open an embassy in your nation.
Nation Name: The Republic of Australiazia
Chief of State: Campbell Brown
Name of Ambassador: Emanuel Gonzalez
Form of Government: Republic
Number of Staff (Up to 80): 22
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20): 10
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives): Mk-23 pistols
Vehicles(Land and Air): 3 hummer H3's, 1 UH-60 Blackhawk
Requested Location: Any thanks
Special Requests: Embassy exchange.
The Marktoria State
25-04-2009, 22:14
Nation Name: The Republic of the Marktoria State
Chief of State: Prime Minister Mark Davis
Name of Ambassador: Katherine Sureal
Form of Government: Centralized Socialist Republic
Number of Staff (Up to 80): 40
Number of Security Personnel (Up to 20): 10
Security Personnel Armaments (No explosives): pistols
Vehicles(Land and Air): 4 Delorean DMC 12's, 1 armoured Limosine
Requested Location: 10 Embassy Road
Special Requests: Medieval Architecture