NationStates Jolt Archive

The Time Has Come (Open, MT/PMT, OOC Comments Welcome)

Ustio North
01-03-2009, 20:17
"Everything Has It's End, And Everything Dies"

The House Of Knights, Hydria, Ustio North

It had been some time since McArthur had seen the House Of Knights so full of politicians. Despite the fact that the Labour party was incumbent, the shadow cabinet was also present in the cabinet office. Such a monumental desicion was not to be left to the incumbents. But the votes were in, the people had been offered their choice, and they had chosen. McArthur and the rest of government had to go along with that choice. With the recent developments, especially since the end of the war with The Grand World Order and the IFA, the people had become increasingly wary of outsiders. Although there were no ethnic cleansings happening, there was definetly tension between people.

McArthur's voice broke through the chatter in the room

"So, we're agreed?" he asked

The Shadow Chancellor spoke on behalf of the Conservative Coalition

"Yes, Prime Minister" he said

"Very well. I shall call a press conference in ten minutes" he stood up "Gentlemen"

They also stood up, and they all quickly shuffled out of the room. As they did, McArthur picked up the phone on his desk.

Ten minutes later, a large crowd of reporters and camera crews had gathered at the base of the steps of the House. There was no discussion about why McArthur had called a press conference. Everyone knew.

McArthur stood at the top of the steps, behind one of the pillars. His aide, David LaSalle, stood next to him

"Did we do the right thing, David?" he asked

"Yes, Prime Minister, we did" LaSalle replied

McArthur smiled, then headed down to the awaiting press crews.

"Good afternoon. As you know, we recently held a referendum. We asked you, the people, what you thought should happen. We have lost faith in several members of the International Community, and the future is uncertain for us" he said. He paused, cleared his throat and then continued "I am here to announce to you that the United Kingdom will go into isolation. That is all, thank you"

With that, he turned and headed back to the House, deciding it was better not to get into a Q&A session.

OOC: Yes, this is the announcement that Ustio is going into Isolationism, in IC. (This goes for my FT nation too.) As far as any threads i'm a part of, you should consider my presence retconned.

For OOC, I am taking a hiatus from NS and II. I don't have a set date for my return, and I may not return at all. But hey, it was fun. (That's it, i'm not really much of speech person)