NationStates Jolt Archive

A test day to remeber (Open? FT?)

The Fedral Union
23-02-2009, 20:12
February 22nd 2811, The New Trinity system. 0900 hours:

“This is Alpha zero one, reporting in, We’re charged up and ready to go...”

A man crackled over the D radio, it came through the USS Bismarck’s comn system all the way to the bridge. The captain sat down on his hovering leather like chair, as he crisply responded to the man through the com system.

“All-right, Ready the drone and open launch bay doors...”

With the upmost speed and efficacy a hand could be seen pressing a blinking holo button. As a result the fighter bay doors had opened, with a slight mechanical noise and then a loud knock as they stopped fully opened, the lights of the bay brightly shining out in to the utter darkness of space. A medium sized object was lowered via tractor beams and held in tow behind the massive nine hundred and fifty meter temporal battle cruiser. Its sleek smooth body was silhouetted against the endless sea of stars. The light blue hue of the beam engulfing the spheroid shaped drone.

The man came though the com system once more speaking in a loud clear voice..

“Charging up FTL... Count down starting at thirty seconds...”


“29..... 28.... 27...”

As the count down continued a federation fleet was over a light year from the system using FTL sensors to scan for the explosion. On the Bismarck sister ship the USS Hood several high ranking generals including the secretary of defense. They stood on the well lit bridge of the ship peering out towards the Bismarck and its tractored weapon , they waited, the countdown continued..

“22... 21....”

Bester kayborn stood shoulder to shoulder with uniformed admiralty and generals, his brown eyes focused on the star in-front of them. This was the first time in the history of the Federation that a weapon of this magnitude was tested. The system was on the edge of the steppe and chronosian neutral zones a few light years from fort liberty...

“10.... 9..... 8.... 7..”

The time of lunch was near many thought if what they where doing is right, many thought if this thing would form some thing so monstrous it would destroy them along with the system, tensions ran high, heart rates began to beat faster and faster, sweat started to dribble down the crew of every ship in the area. A beacon was placed advertizing a no fly zone in the Area of effect of this weapon. The final countdown started ...

“5... 4....3....2.....1"

The man tapped another glowing button, the tractor beam cut the drone off, it free floated in to the darkness of space, its engines revved up, and with a sudden burst of energy a slip point opened in-front of it, it rushed in to the crackling portal. Every one waited now holding their breath.

The drone made its way towards the star another portal opening above it, the spheroid object fell in to the star digging slowly through the high energy plasma as if it was cutting through the utter hellish heat and radiation of the sun it self. Several seconds passed, suddenly how ever. The sun began to change, it began to grow dimmer and dimmer and for a split second seemed to die out but after that one minute second of no it exploded, a massive crackling energy wave ripping through space and time across the system, the star in the middle was engulfed in a blue hue for a split second as it totally disappeared, planets, moons asteroids and any object with in the system soon followed with the same crackling hue, the shockwave traveled at faster than light speeds engulfing empty space in its path the very fabric of space and time began to bent and brake tares and energetic shockwaves of mini explosions filled the area behind the shock wave as it dissipated before reaching the fleet, the bonds of broken space and time create their own miniature explosions.

The radiation created as a result of this detonation would bath every system for a few light years, creating temporal anomalies to un shielded ships and planets, it would be visible for several parsec in every direction, the disruptions and static and noise would travel FTL. If this didn’t bring enough attention, the entire test was documented by holo-net and D net and it had been sent to every corner of the galaxy.

How ever this had seemed to peter out contrary to every ones belief that it would wipe them from history, bester shook the hands of the generals and cheers broke out across the deployed fleet, this was the dawn of a new age. The Federation had gone from generic power to a new temporal power. Or at least this would have marked the start of the transformation.

(OOC basically feel free to come and investigate this event))
A Utopian Soviet Union
23-02-2009, 22:33
Four thousand and twenty seven astronomical units from from New Trinity system an indistinct blur sped across the interstellar void. This indistinct blur was the independant trading vessel Lucky Aiii travelling at faster than light speeds to a trading outpost it frequented reguarly the crew felt safe in the comfort that their vessel was in fact two A.U's ahead of the indistinct blurry trail it left behind; in space no one can here you scream, but in FTL no one can catch you to do such a thing. As such, the crew of the Lucky Aiii under the command of self appointed captain and trader Ieaz Oii O' was thrown into a disarray as their ship rocked violently and dropped further down into sub-space.

Sir we are detecting energy fluctuations across subspace!
Captain we are taking dama-
Sensors going wild sir radiation readings off the charts!
What is the cause of thi-
Damage to exterior passageway!
Evacuate external areas!
We have dropped further into subspace sir, Sub-Mersive field energy output increased!
Lower it!
Inadvisable sir!
Well what do yo-
Ieaz passageways three four and seven breached!
Bring us out of subspace!
But sir! I really do not thi-

The Phale A'Thein crew was spared any more disturbances when their vessels Sub-mersive field overloaded, bobbing like a cork out of subspace into realspace their twisted craft drifted, it's exterior light flashing as the engineering team scrambled to secure it's intact circuitry. A few minutes passed, then the now disfigured Lucky Aiii turned, heading back the way it had come it returned to M.R.A space.

(OOC: To be followed up, sorry it's not interactive on your part yet)
The Fedral Union
24-02-2009, 03:47
(( Reserved for post))