A Utopian Soviet Union
14-02-2009, 17:24
Well, this thread is doubling as an OOC and Sign Up thread for what I hope will be my upcoming thread. Perhaps some outlining information is in order?
Essentially my newly space able race has discovered a long abandoned megatropolis covering a remote planet, in a remote system, in a remote area of space, to convieniently explain away why much more advanced races have not yet discovered it. A corporation has established a research team on the world, but unknown occourances causes a situation which sets my planned storyline into progress.
Now what I am hoping to do here is something slightly different from the usual RPG threads in that the subjects of this thread, that is the research group, are more or less absent from the role playing itself. There will be none of the usual "hi there, we found your signal what's going on?" "oh we're being attacked, land there please, then go down the corridor, i dropped my datastick can you pick it up please?", that kind of hand holding which is crucial to RPG's in most cases will be absent here. There will be no dialogue on my part for most of it.
Instead I intend to lay out the scenes and situations, whilst I have already thought out the lines along which the RPG can travel it will be up to you and your characters to find their own way by investigating the situations and scenes as well as possible paths. Aside from the more obvious routes and pieces of information I will hint at in my scene describing posts I will also lay out hidden gems of information whilst not nessacerily crucial could prove to be either interesting or helping a great deal in solving problems and mysteries; these more obscure parts will rely on your own initiative and free thinking to uncover them, for example, say that in a room there is a selection of books which could hint greatly at the kind of mind your men are up against, a selection of novels and published papers outlining a master races desire for supremacy, to find these it is not merely enough to direct your men to "search the room thouroughly" for that is far to vague even if you get them to check everything, instead you have to specify for one of your men to maybe wander up to the book case I described and glance over the titles.
Needless to say, this is different from anything i've ever come across but hope that it will work well, and as for those of you who choose to participate I hope that as we get into the swing of things I can make the nuggets of information and path ways to be found far more obscure to make it more challenging.
This also raises the question of what happens when you hit a dead end, or maybe cannot figure out what is required for further progress. Well, maybe i'll lay out a more indepth description of the situation to help you somewhat if i've been unacceptably vague, but if you become stuck, your stuck. My research team will not be trapped somewhere with a comm device telling you what to do; if you get stuck your stuck, your men can either think hard, back track, or give up and return to their ships, deriding the mission off as a lost cause. Also your characters actions will determine and alter the course of the plotline to varying degrees.
Given the complexity and "difference" of this thread I have had to swallow my normal open-thread beliefs in order to get this to work well; as such i'm laying out a few "requests" for potential players to fulfill or follow.
1. The first guideline is simple, you've managed to read the whole post before getting here. Congratulations! It's proved your interested enough for this! If you've skipped the above and come down to here then shame on you!
2. Having a good sense of initiative and free thinking is vital, it is not so much having good "role playing" skills that are integral here, it's being able to think outside the box and draw connections to help you progress. So if you feel you can't draw the link between me saying that theres a computer terminal sitting in the corner and you don't think of checking it then you're obviously not suited for this.
3. Your race does not come blundering shooting everyone, nor are you willing shoot the shoes off everyone you encounter at a whim for the sake of it. I'd like you to approach it with essentially peaceful intentions, I don't care if your people are motivated to explore by greed, nationalism or honest helpful intentions. Just don't ruin the thread by firing at everyone else.
4. It does not matter how many ships you initially bring in, a fleet to investigate, a recon ship, provided you don't go overboard in terms of 3.
5. Try and keep ground forces to small groups, armies would be... useles in terms of role playing.
6. More of a request this, don't contact my government. In anycase there can only by... five at most who are aware of the Phale A'Theins, and only one out of those who I would say knows where my homeworld is.
7. What can I say, once you've read that lot it should be clear sailing, a few bumps we might enounter but i'd like to give thsi a try since I feel it holds alot of potential.
So, if you're interested, willing and able then please specify below, maybe giving a brief outline of the people you would send in, although it isn't nessacery. I'll specify who i've decided to acecpt for this. Any specific queries them please send me a PM.
Thank you in advance!
Essentially my newly space able race has discovered a long abandoned megatropolis covering a remote planet, in a remote system, in a remote area of space, to convieniently explain away why much more advanced races have not yet discovered it. A corporation has established a research team on the world, but unknown occourances causes a situation which sets my planned storyline into progress.
Now what I am hoping to do here is something slightly different from the usual RPG threads in that the subjects of this thread, that is the research group, are more or less absent from the role playing itself. There will be none of the usual "hi there, we found your signal what's going on?" "oh we're being attacked, land there please, then go down the corridor, i dropped my datastick can you pick it up please?", that kind of hand holding which is crucial to RPG's in most cases will be absent here. There will be no dialogue on my part for most of it.
Instead I intend to lay out the scenes and situations, whilst I have already thought out the lines along which the RPG can travel it will be up to you and your characters to find their own way by investigating the situations and scenes as well as possible paths. Aside from the more obvious routes and pieces of information I will hint at in my scene describing posts I will also lay out hidden gems of information whilst not nessacerily crucial could prove to be either interesting or helping a great deal in solving problems and mysteries; these more obscure parts will rely on your own initiative and free thinking to uncover them, for example, say that in a room there is a selection of books which could hint greatly at the kind of mind your men are up against, a selection of novels and published papers outlining a master races desire for supremacy, to find these it is not merely enough to direct your men to "search the room thouroughly" for that is far to vague even if you get them to check everything, instead you have to specify for one of your men to maybe wander up to the book case I described and glance over the titles.
Needless to say, this is different from anything i've ever come across but hope that it will work well, and as for those of you who choose to participate I hope that as we get into the swing of things I can make the nuggets of information and path ways to be found far more obscure to make it more challenging.
This also raises the question of what happens when you hit a dead end, or maybe cannot figure out what is required for further progress. Well, maybe i'll lay out a more indepth description of the situation to help you somewhat if i've been unacceptably vague, but if you become stuck, your stuck. My research team will not be trapped somewhere with a comm device telling you what to do; if you get stuck your stuck, your men can either think hard, back track, or give up and return to their ships, deriding the mission off as a lost cause. Also your characters actions will determine and alter the course of the plotline to varying degrees.
Given the complexity and "difference" of this thread I have had to swallow my normal open-thread beliefs in order to get this to work well; as such i'm laying out a few "requests" for potential players to fulfill or follow.
1. The first guideline is simple, you've managed to read the whole post before getting here. Congratulations! It's proved your interested enough for this! If you've skipped the above and come down to here then shame on you!
2. Having a good sense of initiative and free thinking is vital, it is not so much having good "role playing" skills that are integral here, it's being able to think outside the box and draw connections to help you progress. So if you feel you can't draw the link between me saying that theres a computer terminal sitting in the corner and you don't think of checking it then you're obviously not suited for this.
3. Your race does not come blundering shooting everyone, nor are you willing shoot the shoes off everyone you encounter at a whim for the sake of it. I'd like you to approach it with essentially peaceful intentions, I don't care if your people are motivated to explore by greed, nationalism or honest helpful intentions. Just don't ruin the thread by firing at everyone else.
4. It does not matter how many ships you initially bring in, a fleet to investigate, a recon ship, provided you don't go overboard in terms of 3.
5. Try and keep ground forces to small groups, armies would be... useles in terms of role playing.
6. More of a request this, don't contact my government. In anycase there can only by... five at most who are aware of the Phale A'Theins, and only one out of those who I would say knows where my homeworld is.
7. What can I say, once you've read that lot it should be clear sailing, a few bumps we might enounter but i'd like to give thsi a try since I feel it holds alot of potential.
So, if you're interested, willing and able then please specify below, maybe giving a brief outline of the people you would send in, although it isn't nessacery. I'll specify who i've decided to acecpt for this. Any specific queries them please send me a PM.
Thank you in advance!