Nuclear Program of FSSU
14-02-2009, 15:12
Government of Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union will launch a Nuclear Program on the 14th, Feburary of 2009. 12.5 Billion Dinars from the Federal budget has been set aside from the Nuclear Program and the program is expected to finish on the 3rd of March.
Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union is planning on building 50 warheads consisting of 500 Megatons each.
Specifications of the FSSU 1,000MT Nuclear bomb
Weight 160 tonnes
Length 40 meters
diameter 20 meters
Blast yield 1,000MT
Production: Non in production
Specifications of the FSSU 500MT Nuclear bombs:
Name of the Nuclear Warhead -
Weight 80 tonnes
Length 20 meters
Diameter 10 meters
Blast yield 500 megatons
Specifications of the FSSU 200MT Nuclear Bomb
Weight 65 tonnes
Length 16 meters
Diameter 8 meters
Blast yield 200 megatons
Specificarions of the FSSU 100MT Nuclear bomb
Weight 50 tonnes
Length 12 meters
Diameter 8 meters
Blast yield 100 megatons
Specifications of the FSSU 50MT Nuclear bomb
Weight 45 tonnes
Length 10 meters
Diameter 8 meters
Blast yield 50 megatons
The Federal Government of the FSSU(Federation of Serbian Soviet Union) has approved an extra fund of $5,000,000,000 dinars in making Kiloton nuclear warheads aswell which will come in quantities of 50KT 100KT, 200KT, 500KT
100 quantities of 50KT, 100 quantities of 100KT, 50 quantities of 200KT and 50 quantities of 500KT and productions of Kiloton versions will begin on the 20.02.09 and be completed on the 25.02.09.
The warheads will not be used against WA members or should the FSSU threaten any nation with nuclear strikes, however these Nuclear warheads will be located in our countries for test use only and in the near future the country will export them to countries wishing to possess nuclear warheads.
Possession of nuclear warheads why the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union increases the security of our country and the region from aggressive nations and nations not members of WA.
Amendments - Instead of the original planned 50 warheads consisting of 500 Megaton warheads. FSSU Nuclear Program will only build 5 of those 500MT Nuclear bombs.
20 Nuclear Warheads consisting of 50Megaton will be built with 15 Nuclear Warheads consisting of 100Megaton Warheads to be built with 10 Nuclear Warheads consisting of 200Megaton to be built.
Program began on the 15.02.09 and it is due to finish on 3rd of March. Productions will begin of the first 500Megaton nuclear bomb.
500MT = not for sale (production completed) - five of the 500 Megaton Nuclear Warhead has been completed
200MT = $26,000,000,000 (26 Billion each) ( production completed) - ten of the 200 Megaton Nuclear Warhead has been completed
100MT = 13,900,000,000 (13.9 billion each) (production completed) - eleven of the 100 Megaton Nuclear Warhead has been completed
50MT = $8,000,000,000 (8 billion) each (production completed) - twenty of the 50MT nuclear warheads have been completed.
500MT will not be for sale. 200MT will be on sale in the near future once an increase of quantity is approved. 50MT and 100MT will be on sale after passing it's first testing, evaluation and inspections.
Possession of Nuclear Arms by the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union
500 Megaton Nuclear Warhead = 5 (Quantity)
200 Megaton Nuclear Warhead = 10 (Quantity)
100 Megaton Nuclear Warhead = 15( Quantity)
50 Megaton Nuclear Warhead = 20 (Quantity)
Other nuclear weapons
1,000 of A61 tactical nuclear weapon
20 of A61B bunker buster nuclear weapon
10 of A61S. strategic version of A61 nuclear bomb
FSSU is in the possession of 30 BI-3 Missile defense sattellite
Missile Defense Sattellite purchase made to universal defense storefront
30 of BI-3 Missile Defense sattellite in possession
2 of BI-4 Missile Defense sattellite
Airforce purchase made to universal defense storefront
500 of F-35 Lightning II in possession
500 of B-63 SuperBomber in possession
500 AV8B Harrier II in possession
500 F-29 Prowler multi-role in possession
Fighters/Bomber purchase made to Phoenix Dynamix Storefront
20 of F/B-4 Phantom III Fighter Bomber
10 of FU-29K Scorpion Unmanned Fighter
10 of F-420B Smoke
50 of B-208 Light Bomber
5 of UB-21 Unmanned Bomber
20 of EC-14 Donkey
purchase made to universal defense storefront
20 of Baikonur-1 in possession
20 of Godsend" Kinetic Strike Munition in possession
Tanks purchase made to universal defense storefront
1,100 T-11 Light Tank
1,100 M80 Patton
1,100 M1A11 Brute MBT
totalling 3,300 tanks in possession.
Purchase made to Phoenix Dynamix Storefront
5,000 of T-1 Scorpion Main Battle Tank
5,000 of T-2 Savage Heavy Main Battle Tank
5,000 of T-3 Warrior Main Battle Tank
20,000 of T-7 Centaur Fast Light Tank
20,000 of T-8 Sprite Light Tank
20,000 of T-8A3 Sea Sprite Amphibious Tank
20,000 of M-124 Tank Destroyer
Air-to-Air Missiles
2,000 of Matra Super 530D
2,000 of AIM-54 Phoenix
2,000 of Molniya R-60.
Missile Silo's purchase made to united earth
20 of Small Missile Silo
20 of Medium Missile Silo
10 of Large Missile Silo
X2 Small Arms Package purchase made to united earth frontstore
40,000 Pistols [HK P30]
20,000 Shotguns
40,000 Assault Rifles [AK108]
20,000 Sniper Rifles [HK PSG-1/6A. HK PSG1A1]
20,000 Sub-machine guns [MP5SD Variants]
20,000 Machine Guns [15A. KPV/KPVT]
20,000 Grenade Launchers [AGS-30]
10,000 Motars [M120 120mm Mortar]
[B]X 10 Ammunition Package purchase made to united earth frontstore
100 million Pistol Cartridges
500 million Rifle Cartridges
100 million Shotgun Cartridges
50 million Hand Grenades
50 million Mortar Cartridges
50 million Anti-Personal Landmines
10 million Anti-Vehicle Landmines
X2 Law Enforcement Package purchase made to united earth storefront
200,000 Pistols (HK P30)
160,000 Shotguns (Benelli M3 Super 90)
4,000 Sniper Rifles (HK PSG-1/6A. HK PSG1A1)
90,000 SMG (choose from our wide selection)
200,000 Uniforms (Shirts, Shoes, socks, pants, so on...)
200,000 Body Armor & Ballistic Vests
90,000 Ballistic Helmets and Shields
80,000 Vehicle Equipment Accessories (Everything needed to turn 80,000 normal vehicles in too effective police vehicles)
Project on hold as of 17.02.09 and project will resume on the 10.03.09
State Budget: Totalling upto $17.8 billion universial dollars
Donations: $200,000,000,000 universial dollars have been donated into this project from the Nation of Cukurica.
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union accepted the donation funds from the Nation of Cukurica and FSSU thanks the nation of Cukurica for it's support in the program.
14-02-2009, 15:47
If needed, i am also willing to hold any bilateral talks and negotiate an agreement of exportation of nuclear warheads with a negotiable price.
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 15:52
The Goverment Of Armed Republic of The Wolf Hold is willing to begin talks on agreements of nuclear weapon trade and mutal assistance in the form of nuclear weapon production and research.
The Wolf Hold Central goverment is also intersted in helping the FSSU produce their nuclear weapons in our own un-restricted factories.
The Philippiniada
14-02-2009, 15:53
OOC: Is your nation capable of having a Nuclear Program?
A Utopian Soviet Union
14-02-2009, 16:02
He has a population of 8 million, A defence budget of 3,183,222,222.18. (NS CALCULATOR)
Financially he can do it from what he's specified and what i've seen, I don't know how much it ACTUALLY costs for a nuclear development program, i'll check the stickies.
A Utopian Soviet Union
14-02-2009, 16:08
According to the sticky it costs roughly 2000 Billion dollars *da da da!* (Dr Evil look), to get a fully operational nuclear force in 5 years. So technically you can't do it my soviet friend.
May I suggest that if you want such a force you instead attempt to purchase said nuclear weapons? I'm not a Modern Technology role player so maybe you should open a thread where your government asks for help on the project or purchasing the weapons. Cooperation may lower the costs required than doing it on your own.
The Philippiniada
14-02-2009, 16:11
OOC: Bah. Beat me to the punch there, But sorry. Soviet. It's still a little early for a Nuclear Program. but you can join in with other threads or establish your own embassy for the moment.
Daniels Island
14-02-2009, 16:21
Daniels Island would be prepared to contribute to the costs of the program if this is possible
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 16:24
Same for the Wolf Hold, our goverment proposes that a coalition is formed in an attempt to gain enough money to produce the nuclear weapons
14-02-2009, 16:27
Federation of Cukarica
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Official Diplomatic Depeche
Federation of Cukarica donates 200 billion dollars of "economic help" to Serbian_Soviet_Union.
Good luck with whatever youre trying to acomplish.
ooc good that settles it,now to get my store done xD
Daniels Island
14-02-2009, 16:31
Daniels Island shall be willing to sign up in order for the coalition
14-02-2009, 16:37
OOC: Just to clarify, each of these nuclear bombs has five times more blast yield than the (theoretical) yield of the single largest nuclear weapon ever constructed in real life? A weapon that was not put into production because it was too large to be practical, and produced so much fallout that it would shower the nation that dropped this bomb as much as the nation attacked by it?
Not trying to rain on the parade here, but I don't think there are even any NS-designed heavy bombers large enough to carry this thing, including the B-22. The only way you'd ever be able to use one, besides as a demonstration that would likely irradiate most of your country (at current population levels), would be if you put it on a train and drove it into enemy territory. Though I suppose it would work if your nation were being attacked, and you cooked one of these off to blow up your country, as an act of spite.
My advice would be to cut the yield down to something manageable, like 50 MTs, and reduce the dimensions as well. Then it'll be "light" and "small" enough to mount on heavy bombers, making it a weapon you could actually use, once your population hits 100 million (the accepted minimum for developing nuclear weapons on II).
A Utopian Soviet Union
14-02-2009, 16:42
I didn't see the megatons secction, personally i'd say go for something smaller, you can blow the enemy up without blowing yourselves up that way :D
Just saying ;)
14-02-2009, 17:05
In all fairness though this is one of the better intros for a nuclear program and they are just starting there program right? Maybe the completion of units is march 3rd 2019 or the dates are in real world time so that when march 3rd comes in the forums SSU will have a nation that is about the right size for a nuclear program and has been polite enough to introduce it?
14-02-2009, 17:09
OOC: Along the lines with Salz, you may have the funds, but your country is just too small to be making nukes at this time. Wait until you're at least over 100 million people, and then start very small. Lastly, as a word of advice, don't let the power of nulcear weapons go to your head. I've seen many a new nation go down the drain becuase they got trigger happy and took it upon themselves to police the world. And anyways, Salz and I could just shoot the missiles out of the sky with our satellites (, lol.
The Glorious People's Republic of Falkasia officially condemns the construction of so-called "500 megaton" nuclear devices, dismissing them as mere propaganda tools to make way for increased international aid on behalf of the world. Although they aren't overtly threatening, the People's Republic would like it know that is these devices are used against the free world, or any country at all for that matter, that they will be forced to interviene with the full force of the Falkasian military.
A Utopian Soviet Union
14-02-2009, 17:27
OOC: Hay, it's not very often a new player comes in whose role playing skills are actually on par or withen the stickies boundaries, go easy on them.
14-02-2009, 17:31
OOC: Hay, it's not very often a new player comes in whose role playing skills are actually on par or withen the stickies boundaries, go easy on them.
OOC: Agreed. I think this thread just needs some constructive criticism, about a month's worth of patience from the TC until he/she hits the population limit, and of course, MORE COWBELL
A Utopian Soviet Union
14-02-2009, 17:36
OOC: Yes, i'd say he cannot develop nukes independatly at his current population, but as a suggesstion i'd advise that if these nations actually formed a coalition and pooled their resources there is nothing really to stop them from carrying out a joint program. In either case, theres nothing to stop them from purchasing the accursed things on the market.
14-02-2009, 17:39
[OoC] i just donated him 2000 bill $ they definetly can start a nuke program.
14-02-2009, 17:40
OOC: Though I don't know of any storefronts that would sell nuclear weapons to states with less than 100 million people. In fact, the consensus seems to be fairly clear against selling nuclear weapons to states that small.
As you suggested, were they to form a coalition and co-develop weapons, that would be the only way they could proceed with starting a nuclear weapons program immediately. Funding would still be an issue that the coalition nations would have to settle (specifically who would contribute, and how much money), as well as the actual size of the nuclear warheads produced and who would receive possession of said weapons. A nuclear bomb larger and heavier than an M1 Abrams tank, for example, is physically impossible even for NationStates, because there are no MT or even PMT bombers/missiles capable of delivering it, as previously mentioned.
Edit to add: Thus, it would be in the coalition's best interest to begin with the development of smaller nuclear weapons. This would have the added benefit of allowing them to produce more, at a lower cost, creating a lower likelilhood of one member feeling "cheated" by paying a certain percentage of the costs for the program (including upkeep), while receiving a "less than fair" share of the weapons.
Also, Cukarica, are you seriously going to spend like 20% of your national budget just on giving these guys access nukes? With a 100% tax rate, wouldn't you have more pressing needs for that money, such as feeding your people? I mean, if you do it's cool, because it's your nation, but still, maybe a smaller contribution with matching funds from the coalition nations would be more in-line with your interests?
A Utopian Soviet Union
14-02-2009, 17:44
OOC: Yes, a co-development plan would work. As for the nuke itself, maybe when their leader returns he will reconsider its yield, and with Cukarica's donation then they certainly can.
Not to self, check Cukarica's stats... :P It's a sad yet nessacery eveil that we have to nitter and nibble over these points.
14-02-2009, 17:46
[OoC] Yup check,check please xD
A Utopian Soviet Union
14-02-2009, 17:47
OOC: *throws up hands*
I'm not good with maths but from what i'm seeing he can certainly make that donation, indeed he could drive my nation into the ground even though i'm three times large than him in population. He has a trade surplus as well, for me that's a sign of acheivement :L
14-02-2009, 17:47
OOC: Did already. Please refer to my previous post for concerns about the level of funding you're contributing, as well as a possible suggestion to alleviate funding problems created in your country by this arrangement.
Dostanuot Loj
14-02-2009, 17:47
OOC: A few notes.
- A 500mt bomb will weigh at least 120 tonnes, likely more.
- Even boosted, you will require a lot of base material. Unboosted it will take a lot more.
- Nations with well developed nuclear industries and scientific basis RL (Like Canada, Japan, and Germany) that do not have the bomb will take 2-3 years to develop it if they so choose. A nation without these top-level developments are stuck even longer, think a decade.
- The vast majority of the cost is infrastructure development. Building, testing, and perfecting the capabilities to produce such a weapon, to use them, to maintain them, and to use, maintain, and replace the support systems, construction elements, and so on. Any idiot with high-school physics can do the math to produce a functional nuclear weapon, but not the maths needed to produce the elements to make it (Like various forms of Uranium).
- Finally, for reference, Tsar Bomba in it's high-yield form was deployed as a production weapon. It wasn't useful, but they did build a few for actual use. They only tested a cleaner (inadvertently) version. The tested version (Which could be used operationally) produced relatively no fallout with it's efficiency rate of some 97%. Clean bombs are very possible, but their yield/weight ration plummets. Consider Tsar Bomba's two ratios at the dirty 100mt (4.17) and 50mt (2.08), or for a US example, the B41 at 25mt dirty (5.15) and 3.5mt clean (0.72). So in short, fallout is a factor of bomb design and area hit, although reducing it in design will drastically reduce it in area hit, it won't work the other way around.
Dostanuot Loj
14-02-2009, 17:52
[OoC] i just donated him 2000 bill $ they definetly can start a nuke program.
OOC: You can't afford that kind of donation, even with NS's wanked economic stats. If you pull it from any single budget that area falls to pieces. It's almost 2/3rds of your defence budget. You will turn your nation into a worse economic slum then the DPRK trying to donate that much of your economy to them, for what gain?
14-02-2009, 17:53
OOC: Actually, the Tsar Bomba was tested as a deployment weapon, then abandoned because it was too large to be practical. According to Wikipedia (yes, I'm aware of its untrustworthiness as a source and am only using it because of time constraints) only two were built, with one tested. The Soviets realized that, besides the propaganda value of testing such a large weapon, they could accomplish the same thing with a weapon a fraction of the TB's size and cost.
Edit: I think what we're all trying to say is, that when the TC returns to this thread, that it would be possible for him to join a coalition of nations working to develop low-yield (Hiroshima-esque) nuclear weapons, as a stepping stone toward larger weapons at some point down the road.
14-02-2009, 17:53
[OoC] Yes everyone agreed that the 500 mT nuke is plausible only in far,far,far.......far future,no way that can even lift of if its being used as Intercontinental missile,not to talk about incapability of getting it on a airplane.
Conclusion:BUILD SMALLER NUKES!this is a waste of good money,try to throw rock at people they dont hurt you when you throw them(last time i checked)
OOC: You can't afford that kind of donation, even with NS's wanked economic stats. If you pull it from any single budget that area falls to pieces. It's almost 2/3rds of your defence budget. You will turn your nation into a worse economic slum then the DPRK trying to donate that much of your economy to them, for what gain
Yes i just noticed as i checked on sunset calc. gonna re-edit
A Utopian Soviet Union
14-02-2009, 17:56
ooc: Well we've given our input, let's leave the thread to the interested parties to negotiate over the terms rather than spamming it with our incessant chatter.
The Philippiniada
14-02-2009, 18:02
OOC: Ok. Let this guy grow and develop. All of us has gone through this stage and let's admit. A nuke program has passed our minds. :)
14-02-2009, 18:10
OOC: Ok. Let this guy grow and develop. All of us has gone through this stage and let's admit. A nuke program has passed our minds. :)
It's not passed mine *evil laugh*.
If these small countries start a coalition with a goal to make nukes,i sugest the to start developing Topol-M type missiles as i realy doubt they could make anything better with their budget and leave 500 mT nuke lay to rest.
RIP mother of all nukes.
Official Depeche from the Ministry of Finance
Federation of Cukarica
We hope the funds we sent to you help you to improve social and infrastructure standard of your country and to improve your bilateral bank reserves and your economy rating.
Ministry of Finance
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 18:16
Telegraph from Wolf Hold Central Command
The Wolf Hold Central Command yet again asks if the concerned partys are interested in coalition, with the aim of producing nuclear weapons. This would be mutually beinifical for all partys both economically and militarly.
Daniels Island
14-02-2009, 18:22
Daniels Island Response
To: Wolf Hold Central Command
Daniels Island Is Interested In A Coalition...
14-02-2009, 20:27
OOC: Ok. Let this guy grow and develop. All of us has gone through this stage and let's admit. A nuke program has passed our minds. :)
OOC: Alright then. Got my two cents in. Oh, and Philippiniada, I don't use nukes that often. Instead, I use.... BOTOX (! :hail:
15-02-2009, 01:30
The Goverment Of Armed Republic of The Wolf Hold is willing to begin talks on agreements of nuclear weapon trade and mutal assistance in the form of nuclear weapon production and research.
The Wolf Hold Central goverment is also intersted in helping the FSSU produce their nuclear weapons in our own un-restricted factories.
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union will like to thank The Wolf Hold Central Government for expressing their interests in helping us with the Nuclear Program and i as the President of FSSU is more then happy to receive the help from you. When you, the government is available, my country is more then happy to hold bilateral talks and come to an agreement ASAP on the Nuclear Program and on Nuclear trade.
15-02-2009, 01:35
In all fairness, i suggest a coalition of nations who already possess nuclear warheads, or interested in possessing them or are happy to be involved in the program, we could create a international organisations based on a coalition, alliance of nations, associations of nuclear program. etc..
The Wolf Hold
15-02-2009, 01:42
Central Command is most willing to conduct talks as of now, whilst we are still developing our political system allows for complete and un obstructed maufacture capabilites.
15-02-2009, 01:52
OOC: Bah. Beat me to the punch there, But sorry. Soviet. It's still a little early for a Nuclear Program. but you can join in with other threads or establish your own embassy for the moment.
It already began and we already began on our first Nuclear Warhead construction which is due to be completed by tonight, it will not be tested yet due to obvious reasons in the next few days we are going to be testing the first nuclear warhead unless it is met with criticism.
OOC: Just to clarify, each of these nuclear bombs has five times more blast yield than the (theoretical) yield of the single largest nuclear weapon ever constructed in real life? A weapon that was not put into production because it was too large to be practical, and produced so much fallout that it would shower the nation that dropped this bomb as much as the nation attacked by it?
Which is why we cannot put it to test due to obvious reasons, perhaps the government of FSSU will consider your advice and only create 5 of them, after 5 have been completed we will be producing a very similiar version but in a decrease of dimensions including the decrease from 500 Megaton to perhaps something to like 50 Megatons, 100 Megatons and 200 Megatons.
Not trying to rain on the parade here, but I don't think there are even any NS-designed heavy bombers large enough to carry this thing, including the B-22. The only way you'd ever be able to use one, besides as a demonstration that would likely irradiate most of your country (at current population levels), would be if you put it on a train and drove it into enemy territory. Though I suppose it would work if your nation were being attacked, and you cooked one of these off to blow up your country, as an act of spite.
That is a great suggestion but at the moment this country does not have any enemies at all however reason in creating a 500Megaton Nuclear Warhead is to increase the security of my country as there are many aggressive nations out there including those who are not a member of WA.
However, if needed in the future if my country feels threatened in anyway or if there is a threat of an invasion from a specific country, by all means we will do to minimise the effect of the threat and even eliminate it if it is neccessary.
I would love to have you join our nuclear program and want you to join in the coalition if we get enough nations who are interested to join, if so, perhaps we can hold the first Nuclear Program summit and be founders of an Important International Organisation, perhaps even a Military Alliance of Cooperations, Nations in a coalition.
15-02-2009, 02:15
OOC: Along the lines with Salz, you may have the funds, but your country is just too small to be making nukes at this time. Wait until you're at least over 100 million people, and then start very small. Lastly, as a word of advice, don't let the power of nulcear weapons go to your head. I've seen many a new nation go down the drain becuase they got trigger happy and took it upon themselves to police the world. And anyways, Salz and I could just shoot the missiles out of the sky with our satellites (, lol.
The Glorious People's Republic of Falkasia officially condemns the construction of so-called "500 megaton" nuclear devices, dismissing them as mere propaganda tools to make way for increased international aid on behalf of the world. Although they aren't overtly threatening, the People's Republic would like it know that is these devices are used against the free world, or any country at all for that matter, that they will be forced to interviene with the full force of the Falkasian military.
For now, these bombs will only be used for exporting purposes those who my country has a bilateral agreement with in Military Cooperation and Economic Free Trade Agreements.
However the 500Megaton bombs will not be for sale, the 200Megaton bombs will be on sale at a later basis.
The constitution of FSSU is being drafted as we speak and one of the points will be included that the FSSU will not be an aggressive nation, it will be taking on a neutral role in international causes and in it's involvement in international issues. The only time the FSSU will be taking sides if it is in anyway effecting the security of my nation, interests based on economics, trade, security or etc.
15-02-2009, 02:36
The United Socialist States of the Techno-Soviet
The Technocratic Council
To the FSSU,
We are willing to provide your nation with uranium, scientific assistance and financial aid in the form of fifty billion roubles. In exchange, we ask for one 50MT nuclear warhead when it is completed, for evaluation, testing and possible reproduction.
15-02-2009, 02:49
The United Socialist States of the Techno-Soviet
The Technocratic Council
To the FSSU,
We are willing to provide your nation with uranium, scientific assistance and financial aid in the form of fifty billion roubles. In exchange, we ask for one 50MT nuclear warhead when it is completed, for evaluation, testing and possible reproduction.
That can be arranged, i am willing to accept your offer and one 50MT nuclear warhead will be delivered to you as soon as it has finish it's first construction so that it can be evaluated and tested and possible for reproduction for your nation.
Would you also like to be included in the coalition of Nuclear Associations of Nations in the form of scientific research/assistence, free trade, financial aid and ofcourse being in the coalition i am willing to expend and extend the program to all coalition members in the form of free trade and shared profit.
15-02-2009, 02:57
OOC: I'm going to go, "OMG NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION TO UNSTABLE STATES" in about ten seconds unless you spell out what the Nuclear Association of Nations is. Oh, and on a side-note, you're quite a good writer for a newbie. Unfortunately your breed is becoming more and more rare nowadays, so I'll just savor this one glimmer of hope for the future ;)
15-02-2009, 03:05
Leistung, if you don't have anything constructive to say or nothing to contribute then please just don't post in this thread in the future.
United Gordonopia
15-02-2009, 03:07
According to the sticky it costs roughly 2000 Billion dollars *da da da!* (Dr Evil look), to get a fully operational nuclear force in 5 years. So technically you can't do it my soviet friend.
May I suggest that if you want such a force you instead attempt to purchase said nuclear weapons? I'm not a Modern Technology role player so maybe you should open a thread where your government asks for help on the project or purchasing the weapons. Cooperation may lower the costs required than doing it on your own.
is that 2 trillion or did you mean to say 200 billion?
15-02-2009, 03:23
500MT = 5 in production. not for sale (5 quantity in production)
200MT = $6,000,000,000 (6 Billion each) ( 10 quantity in production)
100MT = 3,900,000,000 (3.9 billion each) (15 quantity in production)
50MT = $2,000,000,000 (2billion) each (20 quantity in production)
500MT will not be for sale. 200MT will be on sale in the near future once an increase of quantity is approved. 50MT and 100MT will be on sale after passing it's first testing, evaluation and inspections.
Kilotons bombs will be made at a later point.
15-02-2009, 05:37
It's not passed mine *evil laugh*.
If these small countries start a coalition with a goal to make nukes,i sugest the to start developing Topol-M type missiles as i realy doubt they could make anything better with their budget and leave 500 mT nuke lay to rest.
RIP mother of all nukes.
Official Depeche from the Ministry of Finance
Federation of Cukarica
We hope the funds we sent to you help you to improve social and infrastructure standard of your country and to improve your bilateral bank reserves and your economy rating.
Ministry of Finance
500MT is already along the way. Uranium is one of the biggest stockpile of natural resources my country has. The first 500MT bomb should be completed soon however it will not be put on sale.
15-02-2009, 05:46
OOC: Serbian, Leistung meant it as a compliment. Also, best of luck with your nukes, lest I ahve to watch you the whole time from space ;).
15-02-2009, 06:16
Falkasia, why will you need to watch my country from space?
Leistung, if you don't have anything constructive to say or nothing to contribute then please just don't post in this thread in the future.
ooc: It has to deal with the fact that the alliance that he manages is more or less against nuclear missiles being launched by "unstable"(aka new) countries.
Falkasia, why will you need to watch my country from space?
.....precautionary measures? :)
15-02-2009, 06:21
ooc: It has to deal with the fact that the alliance that he manages is more or less against nuclear missiles being launched by "unstable"(aka new) countries.
.....precautionary measures? :)
You will find that it's a breach of Security? And also in a way of interfering with another countries internal affairs?
You will find that it's a breach of Security? And also in a way of interfering with another countries internal affairs?
Wondering what exact "coalition" is forming? Or watching a nation from space?
If its the second one, its already happening in RL, even Google is watching you right now.
If its the first one, then he at least has the right to know if this is to become a international organization.
15-02-2009, 06:30
OOC: Along the lines with Salz, you may have the funds, but your country is just too small to be making nukes at this time. Wait until you're at least over 100 million people, and then start very small. Lastly, as a word of advice, don't let the power of nulcear weapons go to your head. I've seen many a new nation go down the drain becuase they got trigger happy and took it upon themselves to police the world. And anyways, Salz and I could just shoot the missiles out of the sky with our satellites (, lol.
The Glorious People's Republic of Falkasia officially condemns the construction of so-called "500 megaton" nuclear devices, dismissing them as mere propaganda tools to make way for increased international aid on behalf of the world. Although they aren't overtly threatening, the People's Republic would like it know that is these devices are used against the free world, or any country at all for that matter, that they will be forced to interviene with the full force of the Falkasian military.
You, your country is not a member of WA and therefore the Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union takes the threat very serious and will be forced to act upon this and will be bringing this issue up in the WA Assembly at the next summit which is to take place.
The Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union will not be using the nuclear warheads to threaten another nation's security or will be using them in any mean to destablise the nation or the region.
The Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union is arming itself, in the next 3-6NS months, the expenditure for both Defense and the Law and Order will double along with Healthcare, Administration and Education. If your government, your nation is willing to take part in this nuclear program founded by the FSSU, in the next few days i will be hosting a summit of the Nuclear Associations Summit and will welcome any Nation states to attend and to negotiate a free trade agreement, cooperation on military and a coalition of states on the Nuclear Program founded by the FSSU.
15-02-2009, 06:33
Wondering what exact "coalition" is forming? Or watching a nation from space?
If its the second one, its already happening in RL, even Google is watching you right now.
If its the first one, then he at least has the right to know if this is to become a international organization.
It will become a International Organisation, A Military alliance on a bilateral level, which will include contributing to the Nuclear Program, Negotiation of Free trade agreements amoung the member states, a Military cooperation agreement to be signed amoung the joining members and etc.
There is no name yet for such an International Organisation but anyone can be opened about the issue.
Gun Manufacturers
15-02-2009, 06:33
Government of Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union will launch a Nuclear Program on the 14th, Feburary of 2009. 12.5 Billion Dinars from the Federal budget has been set aside from the Nuclear Program and the program is expected to finish on the 3rd of March.
Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union is planning on building 50 warheads consisting of 500 Megatons each.
Specifications of the first FSSU Nuclear bombs:
Name of the Nuclear Warhead -
Weight 80 tonnes
Length 20 meters
Diameter 10 meters
Blast yield 500 megatons
The warheads will not be used against WA members or should the FSSU threaten any nation with nuclear strikes, however these Nuclear warheads will be located in our countries for test use only and in the near future the country will export them to countries wishing to possess nuclear warheads.
Possession of nuclear warheads why the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union increases the security of our country and the region from aggressive nations and nations not members of WA.
Amendments - Instead of the original planned 50 warheads consisting of 500 Megaton warheads. FSSU Nuclear Program will only build 5 of those 500MT Nuclear bombs.
20 Nuclear Warheads consisting of 50Megaton will be built with 15 Nuclear Warheads consisting of 100Megaton Warheads to be built with 10 Nuclear Warheads consisting of 200Megaton to be built.
Program began on the 15.02.09 and it is due to finish on 3rd of March. Productions will begin of the first 500Megaton nuclear bomb.
500MT = 5 in production. not for sale (5 quantity in production)
200MT = $6,000,000,000 (6 Billion each) ( 10 quantity in production)
100MT = 3,900,000,000 (3.9 billion each) (15 quantity in production)
50MT = $2,000,000,000 (2billion) each (20 quantity in production)
500MT will not be for sale. 200MT will be on sale in the near future once an increase of quantity is approved. 50MT and 100MT will be on sale after passing it's first testing, evaluation and inspections.
**Begin 1024 bit encryption**
**Begin message**
FROM: unknown
RE: Nuclear warheads
Hello there. We have an offer that you may want to consider. We currently have in our possession a 30 kiloton Peace of Hell nuclear warhead, that we would be willing to sell to you for $30 million USD, payable in negotiable bearer bonds. If you are interested, please send an encrypted reply to make arrangements. Keep in mind, this is not an offer from the ASoGM government, we are a private organization.
**End message**
**End encryption**
15-02-2009, 06:55
**Begin 1024 bit encryption**
**Begin message**
TO: Gun Manufacturers
FROM: Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union
RE: Nuclear warheads
Hello i am willing to accept your offer and willing to buy as many nuclear bombs as possible but willing to ask you, how many 30kiloton Peace of Hell nuclear warheads do you have in possession?? And how much in quantities are you willing to sell me for $30 million USD?
**End message**
**End encryption**
Gun Manufacturers
15-02-2009, 07:07
**Begin 1024 bit encryption**
**Begin message**
TO: Gun Manufacturers
FROM: Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union
RE: Nuclear warheads
Hello i am willing to accept your offer and willing to buy as many nuclear bombs as possible but willing to ask you, how many 30kiloton Peace of Hell nuclear warheads do you have in possession?? And how much in quantities are you willing to sell me for $30 million USD?
**End message**
**End encryption**
RE: Nuclear warheads
The ASoGM is not in the habit of selling nuclear weapons, and did not make you any offer. We think that you have us confused with some other nation.
**End message**
**End encryption**
OOC: It wasn't my government that sent you the first message, it was Iron Fist, the largest criminal organization in the ASoGM. The ASoGM has no knowledge of this offer, as was stated in the first message.
15-02-2009, 07:13
RE: Nuclear warheads
The ASoGM is not in the habit of selling nuclear weapons, and did not make you any offer. We think that you have us confused with some other nation.
**End message**
**End encryption**
OOC: It wasn't my government that sent you the first message, it was Iron Fist, the largest criminal organization in the ASoGM. The ASoGM has no knowledge of this offer, as was stated in the first message.
It's the same person and same profile and it came from you.
15-02-2009, 07:15
Very well, if you do not wish to sell any of your arms or any of the nuclear bomb stated in your first offer, that is fine as we are already in the production of creating the first 500MT Nuclear Bomb warhead.
15-02-2009, 07:20
The Federal Government of the FSSU(Federation of Serbian Soviet Union) has approved an extra fund of $5,000,000,000 dinars in making Kiloton nuclear warheads aswell which will come in quantities of 50KT 100KT, 200KT, 500KT
100 quantities of 50KT, 100 quantities of 100KT, 50 quantities of 200KT and 50 quantities of 500KT and productions of Kiloton versions will begin on the 20.02.09 and be completed on the 25.02.09.
Gun Manufacturers
15-02-2009, 07:24
OOC: Let me explain it. My nation is a relatively responsible nation that doesn't sell nuclear weapons. If it were to, it would be to a nation that it has observed for quite a while (you're new, so there was no chance for my nation to observe yours). Unfortunately, there is a criminal organization called Iron Fist in my nation that does not share this responsible attitude. It is not part of the government of the ASoGM, and the government would do everything legally in its power to stop Iron Fist from selling you a nuclear warhead. Yes, I sent the first message, but as Iron Fist (the fact that it's from Iron Fist is why the sender line was listed as unknown). You responded to my government, hence the denial of an offer.
15-02-2009, 07:30
OOC: Let me explain it. My nation is a relatively responsible nation that doesn't sell nuclear weapons. If it were to, it would be to a nation that it has observed for quite a while (you're new, so there was no chance for my nation to observe yours). Unfortunately, there is a criminal organization called Iron Fist in my nation that does not share this responsible attitude. It is not part of the government of the ASoGM, and the government would do everything legally in its power to stop Iron Fist from selling you a nuclear warhead. Yes, I sent the first message, but as Iron Fist (the fact that it's from Iron Fist is why the sender line was listed as unknown). You responded to my government, hence the denial of an offer.
What would happen if i was to accept Irons fist offer?
Gun Manufacturers
15-02-2009, 07:33
What would happen if i was to accept Irons fist offer?
OOC: You'd have to send a message to them, accepting. And depending on what arrangements were made between you and Iron Fist, would determine what, if anything, the ASoGM would do.
The Philippiniada
15-02-2009, 08:01
We have developed a very concentrated amount of Botox. As it was, a 100 grams was suitable to kill the entire world. However, it obviously would not spread from person to person, or be suitable for weapons as it had to be injected.
15-02-2009, 09:44
The Government of the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union announces that the first 500 Megaton Nuclear Warhead has been completed. The 500 Megaton Nuclear Warhead will not be put to use, however the same Nuclear warhead with the same specifications and the exact same bomb will be used and put to test when a smaller version of the Warhead is completed which will consist of a 50 Megaton Warhead.
News Article from Lynion
News of untold power in the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union bought many Lynion Offical Leaders wondering if such a weapon is possible to create. However, taking all matters seriously, the Vamperial Kingdom was put on Code Yellow and its Anti-Nuclear Defence System came back online following the Code Yellow. Many Military Leaders of Lynion, take the 500 Megaton Warhead as not required and vastly a dream.
15-02-2009, 10:40
News Article from Lynion
News of untold power in the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union bought many Lynion Offical Leaders wondering if such a weapon is possible to create. However, taking all matters seriously, the Vamperial Kingdom was put on Code Yellow and its Anti-Nuclear Defence System came back online following the Code Yellow. Many Military Leaders of Lynion, take the 500 Megaton Warhead as not required and vastly a dream.
In response to the article. It is true that FSSU has built it's first nuke. It's first nuclear warhead of 500 megaton, however the FSSU will not be using them as there are no reasons to use them, a smaller version of the nuclear warhead of 50 Megaton will be put to test which is to be put into evaluation and into test.
The Lynion Nation, the government and it's officials should not be worried or alarming about the issue as the FSSU will not be using them to threaten the security of the Lynion Nation or any other nation in particular.
15-02-2009, 11:01
News Article from the Federation Times
The Government of Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union on the 14.02.09 approved the Nuclear Program of FSSU which was put into the Parliament up for debates, for the approval and of the ratification by the parliament which required 2/3 of the MP votes, The approval for the program came to 237 for the approval of the project while 13 were against it.
The national investment plan approved a 12.5 billion dinars investment into the program. The original plan was to develop fifty quantities of the 500 Megaton Nuclear warhead, however it was met with criticism while it was also met with expression of interest by certain Nations who wishes to join in to the Project and help fund the program, research on the program and to also build a coalition of nations in support of the Nuclear program and for nations to possess nuclear arms. The plan was then organised in creating only five quantities of the 500 Megaton Nuclear warheads, fifteen quantities of 200 Megaton Nuclear Warhead, fifteen quantities of 100 Megaton Nuclear Warhead, and fifteen quantities of 50 Megaton Nuclear warheads. One of the 50 Megaton Nuclear Warhead will be put to test for inspections, testing and going through the evaluation process before being put to the Nuclear Arms Markets. However the Government of Federation of the Serbian Soviet Union will not be putting 500 Megaton Nuclear Warheads on the market. The 200 Megaton Nuclear Warheads will be put on the market at a later date. When the productions of 500MT,200MT,100MT and 50MT are completed, only the 50MT and 100MT Warheads will be put on the market.
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union is also going to build Kiloton Nuclear Warheads at a cheaper price to be added to the market prior to completions of MT warheads.
15-02-2009, 11:07
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union announces two quantities of 200 Megaton Nuclear Warhead, 3 quantities of 100 Megaton Nuclear Warhead has been completed.
The Grand World Order
15-02-2009, 11:11
((OOC: Holy pissant, 500MT would offset the trajectory of the entire planet.))
15-02-2009, 11:13
((OOC: Holy pissant, 500MT would offset the trajectory of the entire planet.))
Which is why they will never be put to use. The 500MT will be stored in a safe underground place in high volts, high security highly authorised top secret area and by all means never to be launched or see the daylight of the sun.
15-02-2009, 11:20
The Nuclear Program may be speed up and we may finish the 50,100,200,500 versions of MT Nuclear Warheads by the 25th of Febuary, 2009 instead of the initially planned date which was on the 3rd of March.
15-02-2009, 12:06
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union has plans on building Nuclear warheads of 1Gigaton, 2Gigaton and 5Gigaton along with 900Megaton however it will not happen anytime soon as FSSU will not grant funds for building these large Nuclear Warheads in the near future as it will be met with high oppositions and criticism of other nations such as members of WA and non members of WA.
Between the 25.02.09 and 3.03.09, Kiloton Nuclear warheads will be built. Consisting of 500 quantities of Kiloton warheads will be put to productions.
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union expresses it's self for concerns the other nations they feel or have concerning the Nuclear Program.
15-02-2009, 12:09
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union has 10 bases scattered around the nation which will be used for storing all nuclear warheads.
15-02-2009, 13:19
Each nation wishing to possess nuclear arms have the rights to possess them, this is a right of everysingle sovereign nation.
I strongly encourage small nations to possess nuclear arms if it means increasing the level of security in their nation.
Vamperial Kingdom Newspaper Article
With the alarming concerns about smaller nations processing nuclear armaments, the Vamperial Kingdom had halted purposed aid packages to smaller nations unless proven to have capabilites of controlling themselves. This comes after a short announcement was given to the Vamperial Order by a response from the Serbian Soviet Union Government. However, even though it does express a concern and a safety procedure has being taken for the nuclear weapon, the Vamperial Order and the League of Wolves had placed Project Guardian online to protect the entire Vamperial Kingdom including its colonies.
High King Vamp was able to give a reply stating the purposed nuclear projects by the Serbian Soviet Union is utterly stupid and is a waste of money since the weapons were going to be used as a show of power. He has stated that the League of Wolves and the Vamperial Order have confirmed orders to reject all and any telegrams from the Serbian Soviet Union Government or Private Sectors and halt all and any attempts for trade purposal's.
15-02-2009, 13:39
Vamperial Kingdom Newspaper Article
With the alarming concerns about smaller nations processing nuclear armaments, the Vamperial Kingdom had halted purposed aid packages to smaller nations unless proven to have capabilites of controlling themselves. This comes after a short announcement was given to the Vamperial Order by a response from the Serbian Soviet Union Government. However, even though it does express a concern and a safety procedure has being taken for the nuclear weapon, the Vamperial Order and the League of Wolves had placed Project Guardian online to protect the entire Vamperial Kingdom including its colonies.
High King Vamp was able to give a reply stating the purposed nuclear projects by the Serbian Soviet Union is utterly stupid and is a waste of money since the weapons were going to be used as a show of power. He has stated that the League of Wolves and the Vamperial Order have confirmed orders to reject all and any telegrams from the Serbian Soviet Union Government or Private Sectors and halt all and any attempts for trade purposal's.
If you do not wish to take part on this program then it is the right of your nations, but do not try to stop other nations on taking a joint project with the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union. The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union officials have already reassured the Vamperial Kingdom that these weapons will not be used to destablise any nations or regions or threaten the security of a Nation or a Region.
The Philippiniada
15-02-2009, 13:49
Imperial Intelligence Agency
Somewhere in the Philippiniada
11:24AM Local Time PST
Director James has exhausted himself just mid-day. He decided to take his lunchbreak early. He walked away from the Situation Room. His steps are not heard because of the recent fuss on a Commercial Plane being blown to smithereens with a Filipinian Citizen on board which is probably killed. That thought crossed his mind and a sense of guilt has ruled over him. He opened the door and closed it silently, He just needs a break right now.
But a worker from the Foreign Intelligence Department of his Agency walks to him and gave him a folder document. with the stamp "LIST OF SMALL NATIONS WITH NUCLEAR CAPABILITY. When he opened it, he immediately saw the Federal Serbian Soviet Union's Nuclear Program topping the list.
He immediately called the President and told the details and the threats of the Serbian Soviet Union by creating a 500MT Nuclear Weapon...
The next day, The Maniylad Bulletin has a story about this with the headline "COMMIES SHOW OFF NEW 500MT NUCLEAR WEAPON
15-02-2009, 13:52
500MT Nuclear Warhead will never see itself put to test as it is too risky and it is 10 times bigger then the 50MT Nuclear Warhead which was put to test in the 60's.
Vamperial Temple, Lynscert Island
Main Council Chambers
0931 Hours
"Has anyone seen the reply we got from one of our news articles lately?" Woff asked the Council as the holograms of Rathma, Longshanks, Rommel and Sherman joined them.
"Being stuck over here has limited me to the newspaper," Rathma replied as the others waited for the response. "Spill the beans Woff,"
"Some of you may have known that a nation called the...Serbian Soviet Union has developed a number of nuclear weapons," started Woff. "Now, usually this doesn't matter to us but what does everyone think to a number of 500 Mega Ton Nuclear Weapon being developed and only being displayed as a show of power?" Woff asked.
"That's the best joke I've heard from you Woff," laughed Rathma as many of the Council Members started to laugh. "You won't even be able to launch the damn thing. What are they going to use it for? Last ditch effort to save their nation only to be turned into a wasteland?"
"That's basically what they want it for," replied Woff as the Council was suddenly in an uproar of laughter. "Basically a show of power, to stuff their nation and for a laugh,"
"Wait a second," shouted Longshanks in a serious voice as the room quieten down. "Going by theory, if we say...attacked their government house, would that mean they blow up their nation in the process?" smiled Longshanks as the Council was suddenly in a roar of laughter again. This was the most laughter the guards had heard from their commanders in a long time. They tried not to laugh as they held it back while the Council was cracking jokes left, right and centre.
"Nevertheless," stated Woff as a hologram of Vamp appeared in the room. "We got orders to block all attempts of trade and request of aid from their country. We'll allow them to beg else where and until further orders are given Vampire, Werewolf, Omega, Jango and Zulu are on Code Rust. This means are new nations requiring aid will have to go through an interview. Our allies and friends on the other hand won't be affect by the sudden changes,"
"Adding to the order, all aid programs and packages are hearby cancelled unless its to our allies, friends or to a nation whose governments has brains," ordered a firm and calm High King Vamp.
Vamperial Kingdom Newspaper Article
In the recent 'suggestions' made by Serbian Soviet Union in the reply to an article in yesterdays newspaper, a firm ordered was put into power with trade being limited to friends and allies of the Vamperial Kingdom including all purposed aid programs and packages. The Vamperial Order and the League of Wolves have no respect to Serbian Soviet Union, won't be interested with later issues with them and will be ignoring all telegrams, requests and calls for help. This comes as High King Vamp saw the 100MT, 200MT and 500MT Nuclear Weapons as a joke and only to show the world that they have power. The public has being confirmed that the safety of the Vamperial Kingdom comes first and that the Serbian Soviet Union Government wouldn't have the capabilities of firing the weapon without destroying its nation first.
15-02-2009, 14:07
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union announces two quantities of 50 Megaton nuclear warhead has been completed with another 18 more in production.
15-02-2009, 14:17
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union will be discussing a Resolution on the Safety of Nuclear Bombs and another resolution will be discussed on passing another Resolution on Non Aggression Pact for the use of Nuclear Bombs which will strictly prohibbit the use of Nuclear bombs towards other nations or the use of the nuclear bombs in the region.
15-02-2009, 14:41
Small, Medium or Large Nations, we are all equal sovereign nations and the power vested in the sovereignty, each nation has the rights to possess nuclear weapons if it wishes to do so. We have the funds, we have the resources and the capabilities of producing such weapons and we will continue to do so.
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union will soon establish a state own Nuclear Weaponary Storefront and we will be exporting our nukes to countries who have bilateral agreements with us, when the productions of nuclear weapons have been completed, we will be putting them up in the markets with prices and we will be selling them, exporting them and reproduce more nuclear weapons. Therefore every sovereign nation has the rights to possession of nuclear weapons and they will definently not get rejected.
Daniels Island
15-02-2009, 14:55
Daniels Island wishes to contribute either by Storage and/or Manufacuring along with other nations and/or Funding
Steve Clark D.I.M.O.D Productions
15-02-2009, 15:02
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union has agreed Daniels Island in his wishes to contributing to the Project. Manufacturing and Storage will be located in the FSSU. However, the FSSU has announced funding the Daniels Island in building two nuclear storage facilities capable of storing more then 50 nuclear warheads.
The Government of Federation of Serbian Soviet Union sends a letter asking the Government of Daniels Island on how much your government is wishing to contribute in the funding of the Nuclear Program?
The Government of Dederation of Serbian Soviet Union approved an investment plan on 4.7 billion dollars which is roughly 5 billion dinars to invest in Daniels Island in building two nuclear storage facilities capable of storing 50 nuclear warheads. It is waiting on the approval by the Daniels Island government. The inital project will take place on the 18th and the construction will finish on the 23rd of Febuary 09.
Vujidin Boksic Foreign Minster
Stefan Vukaz Defense Minister
Veljko Mijatovic Prime Minister
Vojislav Ljubicic President
Daniels Island
15-02-2009, 15:27
The Following Project Plans Have Been Approved. Daniels Island Shall Invest What The FSSU Feels Needed.
Steve Clark: D.I.M.O.D Projects
Sidney Daniels: Vice President
Kyle Shearing: Defnce Minister
Connor Daniels: President
15-02-2009, 17:51
Leistung, if you don't have anything constructive to say or nothing to contribute then please just don't post in this thread in the future.
OOC: Erm...yeah, I was asking you what this little association you've dreamed up actually is. I also complimented you.
You're not going to get very far here if you can't accept a compliment, my friend.
15-02-2009, 18:52
OOC: Now this is kinda..... getting out of hand.
15-02-2009, 19:36
OOC: 1GT is a bit excessive.
The United Socialist States of the Techno-Soviet
The Technocratic Council
To the FSSU,
Per our previous agreement, the Technocratic Council is eagerly awaiting the delivery of their 50MT warhead.
Osea 767
15-02-2009, 19:43
To: The Serbian Soviet Union
From: The Holy Empire of Osea
Considering the size of the nuclear weapons you intend to develop and your membership of the CIS, we request that you allow us to send a team of nuclear inspectors to examine your nuclear resources. We expect that you will give full access to the inspectors.
16-02-2009, 01:12
To: The Serbian Soviet Union
From: The Holy Empire of Osea
Considering the size of the nuclear weapons you intend to develop and your membership of the CIS, we request that you allow us to send a team of nuclear inspectors to examine your nuclear resources. We expect that you will give full access to the inspectors.
I am not a member of the CIS yet. I will not allow you full access or will i allow such authorisation to take place as it goes against the national security of my country.
16-02-2009, 01:27
OOC: 1GT is a bit excessive.
The United Socialist States of the Techno-Soviet
The Technocratic Council
To the FSSU,
Per our previous agreement, the Technocratic Council is eagerly awaiting the delivery of their 50MT warhead.
The second 50MF warhead has been produced and will be sent to your nation.
16-02-2009, 01:48
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union has allocated for the budget for adequate security and storage of these nuclear warheads to be stored safely and securely. The FSSU has approved the funding of $ billion dollars which is about $15,000,000,000 dinars which will be spent on creating a storage facility of nuclear asernals of 500. A security system will be put to place in the next few NS Days and the place will be heavily armed guarded an the only access to the warheads will require an encryption 12,512KBPS password to access these warheads.
16-02-2009, 02:01
The program will go ahead as initially planned and it will end on the 25th. After the 25th, we will be building 50KT,100KT,200KT,500KT,1MT,5MT and 10MT warheads. Which we will have a quantity of over 500 and we will be exporting to nations those that have requested the Nuclear arms.
16-02-2009, 02:37
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union announces that three more quantities of 100MT nuclear warheads has completed it's production.
16-02-2009, 03:59
Distribution of Nuclear Arms to non coalition members will not be available till the 15.03.09.
16-02-2009, 04:33
Nuclear Facilities and Capabilities of Production of Nuclear Weapons include
6 Nuclear Power Plants scattered around the nation that provides the FSSU the adequate energy for the electricity for the entire nation. 4 Research facilities of Chemical, Biological and Nuclear. 10 Storage facilities in each capable of storing more then 100 Nuclear Warheads, Chemical and Biological Weapons. 10 Factories where Nuclear Bombs are produced with all comes to a total vallue of 1.7 trillion dollars.
Including a minning factory which where we produced Depleeted and enriched uranium and Plutonium.
16-02-2009, 05:09
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union invites the Techno-Soviet to join the coalition of Nuclear Mutual Defense Treaty (NMDT).
16-02-2009, 06:04
The Glorious People's Republic of Falkasia officially condemns the blatant creation and maintenance of said nuclear devices within the FSSU, and is considering severe sanctions on behalf of the country's numerous trade comissions and Ministry of Commerce.
16-02-2009, 06:08
Falkasia is not a member of WA and therefore such authorisation cannot happen and as FSSU has no trade agreements made between the FSSU and Falkasia.
16-02-2009, 06:10
OOC: Just so you know, the WA has no affect on International Incidents. It's often completely ignored in regard to what goes on here. On a side note though, you make a good point, lol. Guess I have no agreements or trade routes.
16-02-2009, 06:13
OOC: Just so you know, the WA has no affect on International Incidents. It's often completely ignored in regard to what goes on here. On a side note though, you make a good point, lol. Guess I have no agreements or trade routes.
I wouldnt mind if my country was to become one of your trade partners and perhaps we could even come up with a compromise which can make both nations happy. If necessary funds are provided, we can even work out a deal where my country builds warheads of Kilotons and Megatons and sells them to you at a warehouse price for you to put them in the international market at your frontstore market at a retail price.
16-02-2009, 06:14
I believe that would be negotiable, and is very tempting. We will get back to you on the matter shortly. ((Going to bed))
16-02-2009, 06:17
Get back to me and perhaps we will organise a meeting between the CEO's of Falkasia's Storefront and the FSSU.
16-02-2009, 10:28
Requesting 12 F-35 Lightning II on order aswell please.
16-02-2009, 14:21
The second 500 Megaton Nuclear warhead has been completed and it has been stored safely in a high security heavily guarded and armed in the Nuclear Storage facility.
OOC: Ok, can you stop with the double posting of just short posts? If your going to say something, then at least put it all into one post with dividers on different topics and other issues/ideas etcra.
16-02-2009, 14:24
OOC: Ok, can you stop with the double posting of just short posts? If your going to say something, then at least put it all into one post with dividers on different topics and other issues/ideas etcra.
Updates will occure each time when there is an update on the FSSU Nuclear Program and it's production on Nuclear Warheads.
In the next comming days we are hoping to complete the remaining three quantities of the 500 Megaton Warheads, including completing the rest of the quantities of the 200 Megaton Warheads which will be stored safely after they have been produced.
Imperial isa
16-02-2009, 14:24
ooc Lynion save your beath,SSU has no idea what ooc and ic are (as seen by post above),so no way they going to do what you saying
16-02-2009, 14:31
Everysingle nation is equal regardless of its size.
OOC: What the blazes is going on? Your creating these freakin' massive nuclear weapons (500MT for example) and then storing them in a blasted underground storage facility with a large number of blasted security systems never to see the blasted day light. What is going through your mind? Nobody is going to take you seriously if you waste your money on useless nuclear weapons that'll never be used and making freakin' short posts. There's being better newbies who had the ability to read the STICKIES on the main page of II. Save the world and read the stickies!
16-02-2009, 14:43
OOC: What the blazes is going on? Your creating these freakin' massive nuclear weapons (500MT for example) and then storing them in a blasted underground storage facility with a large number of blasted security systems never to see the blasted day light. What is going through your mind? Nobody is going to take you seriously if you waste your money on useless nuclear weapons that'll never be used and making freakin' short posts. There's being better newbies who had the ability to read the STICKIES on the main page of II. Save the world and read the stickies!
These Nuclear Warheads will be sold on the international market once the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union establishes a State owned Military Storefront. Any Nation will be eligable to buy these nuclear warheads aswell as missiles and smaller warheads once they have been produced. Big Nations will not be the only ones with Nuclear Arms, so will smaller and medium sized nations.
If you have nothing positive to contribute then please leave this discussion and give it a rest.
Vamperial Kingdom Newspaper Article
With the recent developments in the world, the Vamperial Kingdom and its Colonies were forced to halt all aid programs and cancel all aid packages being produced. This comes after an unstable announcement was made by the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union concerning the threat of possible friendship being developed with smaller nations that may process nuclear weapons with an unstable system.
In the mean time, all Federation of Serbian Soviet Union aircraft, water crafts, telegrams or any forms of communications were blocked today after the International Airports were ordered to denie landings of any Federation of Serbian Soviet Union aircraft attempting to land. Further more, Hell's Ring went to Code Rust early before this article was written. The Vamperial Order and the League of Wolves have offically turned down the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union.
16-02-2009, 15:10
Vamperial Kingdom Newspaper Article
With the recent developments in the world, the Vamperial Kingdom and its Colonies were forced to halt all aid programs and cancel all aid packages being produced. This comes after an unstable announcement was made by the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union concerning the threat of possible friendship being developed with smaller nations that may process nuclear weapons with an unstable system.
In the mean time, all Federation of Serbian Soviet Union aircraft, water crafts, telegrams or any forms of communications were blocked today after the International Airports were ordered to denie landings of any Federation of Serbian Soviet Union aircraft attempting to land. Further more, Hell's Ring went to Code Rust early before this article was written. The Vamperial Order and the League of Wolves have offically turned down the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union.
The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union will not be effected due to the fact there is no diplomatic, economic or trade ties between the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union and the Vamperlial Kingdom.
OOC: It basically means I'm ignoring you.
16-02-2009, 15:14
OOC: It basically means I'm ignoring you.
Federation of Serbian Soviet Union has no desire in making contacts with your government and no desire in establishing any diplomacy dialog or any economic activities, trade or free trade with your nation.
OOC: I've given up on this one. Have a nice day.
16-02-2009, 15:23
Good day to you too.
17-02-2009, 00:10
The remaining three quantities of 500 Megaton nuclear warhead has been completed. Eight quantities of 200 Megaton nuclear warhead has completed it's production, five quantities of 50 Megaton nuclear warhead has completed it's production and five 100 Megaton nuclear warhead has completed it's production.
These nuclear warheads have been stored safely and all safety precaution matters have been taken care of ensuring the security of these nuclear warheads.
As of now this project will be put to hold for no longer then three weeks then the remaining of the nuclear warheads will complete it's production. Next phase of the nuclear program will continue once the population of this country has reached 100+ and once there is a fully confunctional Military in the FSSU which we are in the next phase of arming ourselves. As of now we will be concentrated on creating Non nuclear bombs, missiles, vessels and we will be in the process of developing Tanks, fighter and bomber jets, armour vehicles and we will take part in a joint project of developing these military tanks, jets and armour vehicles with the funding approved by the government of FSSU and the funding of other nations.
OOC: Just so we're clear:
FSSU is building nukes ten times larger than the largest weapon ever tested on the face of the Earth. Keep in mind they are building them in a fraction of the time, and with a tiny fraction of the manpower the Soviet Union possessed.
FSSU is burying, yes burying these devices on their own soil. These are not deterrent devices. These are not defensive devices. These devices are useless for everything the nuclear weapon was ever or ever will be useful for. There is no purpose to these weapons. No delivery system. No retaliatory threat against aggressor nations. These weapons pose by their very existence, because of their size, not only a complete existential threat to every citizen of the FSSU, but a marginal one to every single person on the planet.
FSSU has openly admitted to their plans for the other, smaller (smaller being only relative. 200MT is just as delusional a yield for a warhead as 500MT) weapons. Sale on the international arms market. How on earth is this being ignored? This itself makes any nuclear proliferation regulation they may have agreed to utterly and absolutely meaningless. This is a small state coordinating the construction of the most (ludicrously) destructive devices even the biggest RL megalomaniacs never dreamed of, and freely admitting to their intention to sell them. To anyone.
The fact that no-one has yet commented on either of these facts has me flabbergasted.
No FSSU, I'm not finished with you yet.
You seem to be under several illusions about the nature of nuclear weapons, and the nature of your own situation. Nuclear weapons are not an equalizing factor in any international diplomatic relationship. They are a purely destabilizing element in foreign policy, for obvious reasons. You say they "even out the playing field"? They completely shatter any and all trust necessary for meaningful international relations. You say you need them, that you have the right to defend yourselves with them? You forfeit all diplomatic respect when your default response to nations that have a very real concern about this sort of coalition (whose stated goal is the proliferation of nuclear weapons of an irresponsible size and in an irresponsible way) is simply "smaller nations have the same right as larger ones to have nuclear capabilities", or "larger nations shouldn't bully smaller ones", or "larger nations should not be the world police". Those are not effective counterarguments. Those are phrases that reinforce the generally bad image that you have made for yourself with this coalition. Forming a coalition with the stated goal of bringing more nuclear weapons into existence and then openly admitting to an intention to sell these devices is the very opposite of the security you wanted, the defense these things were supposed to bring.
You need to understand that to other nations, regardless of whether or not, as you say, these weapons will be used against them, the very existence of such devices is a real and pressing threat, not just to their national security, but to the world order that keeps civilization from falling into chaos. There is no way you can assure a country that they are safe when you have the power to annihilate them. This is why Amero-Soviet relations fundamentally did not work. You cannot negotiate when a man has a gun to your head and you have a gun to his.
This coalition and its stated goal is, whether you say so or not, a threat. A destabilizing factor in the world. It's very nature makes it so. There can be no argument about it. You cannot respond simply with, as you are apt to do, "but we will never use these offensively or to destabilize the region". That is simply impossible, considering the weapons involved. They are by their nature threatening, and by their existence destabilizing. There is no way you can do a thing like this and not expect heavy opposition from the international community.
You have brought no security, only hostility, scrutiny, and the very real possibility of a devastating war. Your coalition's own actions have brought it, no-one else's, and you cannot deny that this is a possibility you have made for yourself. The building of nukes is and always will be a threat, and your threat, whether you call it that or not, is taken very seriously.
I can't understand why your allies haven't seen the obvious foreign policy suicide this sort of coalition is. It is literally akin to painting the largest set of cross-hairs in the world on your country's soil, with the message, "I dare you".
In closing, there are no moral, legal, or even "fairness-based" justifications for this coalition. It is not a right to have nuclear weapons. It is a very costly burden, buying almost nonexistent (truly nonexistent, the way you are planning to sell these and bury the largest ones) security at the cost of certain distrust from everyone else. I hope you're happy with it, because that's what you got.
Also, appeals to the WA are useless. It doesn't exist in International Incidents. Neither does the "World Court", which has even less relation to NS than the WA.
OOC: Why does it concern you if other nations have nuclear bombs in possession? What makes your nation so unique to possess them and that other nations cannot possess the same weapons?
OOC: We don't possess nuclear weapons. We possess the systems necessary to defend our nation from them, but we do not possess any weapons of mass destruction, period. We believe that within the current international environment, they are unnecessary and to a degree, self-defeating.
In fact, I would estimate that many of the frequenters of International Incidents to not have nuclear weapons.
It all comes back to the fact that they are often more trouble than they're worth. You will make more enemies than friends possessing and selling these devices, and you will lose more security than you will gain engaging in this kind of proliferation. Is it fair that the international community feels threatened by the prospect of more nations having nuclear weapons? Maybe not. But they feel threatened all the same. And they respond to that.
I'm really not trying to pick on you. I just want you to understand why the mere existence of such weapons is so vividly disturbing on so many levels to so many nations in the world. They are an existential threat. Their very existence, no matter how secure anyone can make them, seriously destabilizes a region and seriously undermines the ability of nations in that region have meaningful, earnest diplomatic relationships.
Its not that your countries aren't good enough, or aren't well-run enough to handle the weapons (although some would make the argument that nations should be a certain size before engaging in this level of production). It's that the ability of one nation to seriously affect the state of the world (via a 500MT nuclear explosion, I still can't get over how insane a weapon that powerful would be to possess, let alone manufacture) is not, in anyone's view, conducive to positive international relationships.
Do you see what I mean? We aren't judging you, or the coalition. We are judging the existence of such devices to be dangerous, threatening, and disturbing in the hands of any nation, and the sale of weapons like this to be even worse, regardless of the one carrying out the act.
The world has enough nukes to doom us all. Defense isn't even an issue anymore. I can say with a certain degree of confidence that any nation, large or small, efficient or inefficient, well-aligned or maladjusted, would be internationally condemned, attacked, and hunted down for the unprovoked use of such weapons. Isn't that defense enough, without condemning entire continents or worlds to nuclear holocaust?
In closing, I don't want you or any of the other coalition nations to take this personally. We have no problem with you. The scale of the condemnation that has been associated with the forming of this coalition has had nothing to do with the coalition or its members. It has everything to do with the consequences, the raw power, of the items in question. A nuclear proliferation pact (essentially what this is) is very different than a pure, non-nuclear defensive pact. The implications are not so far reaching, and the damages associated with missteps and even slightly irrational actions are not so catastrophically costly.
OOC: Gasford, are you a gifted speaker?
OOC:This is off-topic, but what the hell, this thread doesn't make sense anyway, and he'll probably respond to all this with something like this:
Everysingle nation is equal regardless of its size.
In answer to your question, I view mastery and proper use of language as essential to meaningful discussions. I would love to have a language police on the internet, but that is another topic for an entirely difference place. In short, I think so.
18-02-2009, 00:42
OOC: Gasford, are you a gifted speaker?
OOC: Probably about as gifted a speaker as that terrorist us Americans voted into office, but I won't express my political beliefs here. Just wanted to lighten the mood. ;)
Probably about as gifted a speaker as that terrorist us Americans voted into office, but I won't express my political beliefs here
OOC:He does have a golden tongue. I voted for Dr. Paul anyway.
18-02-2009, 04:24
OOC: Yea, it would have been a great election for third parties, had the typical lunatics not shown up again.
18-02-2009, 08:39
Government of Federation of Serbian Soviet Union announces limited sale of it's nuclear weapons to nations due to international comdemnation and pressure comming from the international community and the oppositions. The Federation of Serbian Soviet Union will only be exporting and selling it's nuclear weapons to nations who are members of the coalition, nations over the population of 250,000,000, nations with special trade agreements, special military cooperation agreements with stable nations.
19-02-2009, 07:55
In the next few weeks, real life time, the Federation of Serbian Soviet Union will be testing a nuke in it's own territory after the FSSU had produced a baby version of it's original nukes produced in the Nuclear Program of the FSSU. The FSSU is planning on testing a 150Kiloton Nuke in it's own territory.
19-02-2009, 10:04
Major Industry: Uranium Mining of Federation of Serbian Soviet Union.