Plane Hijacked in Parilisa (OPEN MT)
14-02-2009, 14:36
Just by looking at the young priest as he sat nervously in the seat you would certainly not be able to tell what atrocities were running through his mind. As he used the reflection of the plane’s round window to adjust his collar his head was filled with thoughts of killing, with vengeance and hate. Five years ago he had been a prosperous and content Inquisitor in a concentration camp in the south of Parilisa. Now the peasants had revolted against the king and the church and had fashioned a new republic under the ideals of the President Klein. How the priest longed to return to the traditional ways, to the way it was before foreigners and heretics filled his beloved nation with their putrid lies.
He looked around him, spotting a family of Asian origin a few seats in front. The man wore the turban which all Sikh men wore and the sight of this wicked blasphemer filled the priest’s heart with hate. If only that misguided moron knew what awaited him in the life after death, the priest thought, he would repent his sins and join the loyal flock of the Holy Church.
Standing, slowly and steadily, fearful despite the justification for what he was about to do in the words of the scriptures, he strode down the aisle of the plane and loosened the knife in his sleeve. The rest of the plane was completely oblivious to the man’s intention and his armament. He reached the door to the pilot and moved to open it.
“Can I help you sir?” Asked the stewardess. “Sir, you cannot go in there,”
She moved towards the priest but with sickening accuracy and shocking strength the ordained minister of god shoved the knife into her chest and twisted it. A gurgle of violently coloured fluid babbled from her mouth as she fell to the floor and the priest burst through the door.
“This plane,” he shouted to the pilot. “Has been seized for the service of Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Church. May God forgive your sins.” The priest locked the door and slashed the man’s throat before he could even be fully aware that the plane had been hijacked.
The co-pilot could do nothing but exclaim the name of God as his comrade fell to the floor and the priest moved towards him.
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 14:56
(OOC: So what you actually looking for , some one to be air-port security? Cause i would do it)
14-02-2009, 15:09
OOC: Yeah, whatever. International government responses, people on the plane, airport security, whatever!
Imperial isa
14-02-2009, 15:10
ooc to get International government responses you have to Tell the world
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 15:13
OCC: Got it!
"Attention Flight 234 you have been granted runway clearance, why have you not yet left your holding pen? I repeat Flight 234, Parilisa Airways why have not yet left your holding pen?" The flight cheif sitting in the control tower was getting more and more agitated with each repet of his mesage, this wa the 4th time now he had repeated his message, he was really considering having airport police to a check up on them.
Daniels Island
14-02-2009, 15:16
(OOC: Need a bit more to go on if it was made clear the plane was hijacked I would offer international assistance possibly)
14-02-2009, 15:26
“I’m sorry,” the priest lied into the device which connected them to the control tower. “We were just having some trouble with a passenger; we’re heading onto the runway now.”
In the main behind him people were starting to scream as they noticed the corpse of the stewardess. The Priest had dragged the two pilots into a heap on the corner, so there were two long red smears left on the floor of the cockpit. Now he used his training, which had begun 5 months ago in preparation for this moment, to begin the drive to the runway. Another stewardess was banging on the door, but the security measures put in by the company meant she didn’t have a chance of getting in, nor of getting out of the plane.
OOC: When the government are aware of the issue a statement will be made.
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 15:35
"Affirmative Flight 234, had me worried for a second, leae head to taxi way 4 and hold there we have a priority landing comming in" The flight was still suspicous, the person on the radio had not sounded like the pilot when they had first spoke, and he also thought he had heard a scream before the transmisson cut. Acting on his gut feeling he telephoned airport security. "This is Control Tower, I need you to to a check on flight 234, holding on taxi way 4, Over"
"Confirmed Control tower, Patrol cars en-route" The police dispatcher relayed over his radio.
As soon as they had finished speaking, two Volvo Poice Interceptors began to ake there way to the runway acsess ramp.
The young Geph monk - shaven head and white robes -, sat near the front of the plane, hastily jabbed at the key pad of his cell phone. A moment later he was put into contact with his Superior, Brother Barlow.
"High-Brother!" he hissed into the phone, "I've been hi-jacked!"
"What are you saying, you young fool? I hope you've been observing your adstinance..."
"Please, High-Brother! I am not inebriated! The plane hasn't even left the holding pen... and I've been hi-jacked!"
"Calm yourself, Brother...."
"I've... we've been hi-jacked... I heard the proclamation... he's in the cockpit now..."
"Easy, easy, Brother Meff... I will contact the Consulate... or the Embassy....Ummm"
"Whatever, High-Brother!" hissed the frightened monk."But please hurry! The man's a lunatic!"
14-02-2009, 15:57
The priest decided to follow the instructions to wait where he was told so as to avoid suspicion, but he could see no harm in announcing the hijack to the passengers.
“Sit down.” He shouted down the in-flight announcement. “And shut up. This plane has been seized for the work of God and his Church. Cooperate with me and you will not come to harm. I advise you all to seek solace in the words of Jesus Christ, who has promised eternal life to all those who believe in him. Trust in him and you shall not perish.”
The Philippiniada
14-02-2009, 16:02
An Filipinian Passenger is onboard the plane. A middle aged Businessman traveling for a business trip. When he heard the announcement he immediately panicked and shouted...
"GOD, THEY ARE GOING TO KILL US!!" Exclaimed the man before taking his seatbelt off...
14-02-2009, 16:16
The F-35s screamed through the air on a routine patrol. Suddenly their radar began to show a strange jet liner. Its movements were akward and jerky and the two Chernoblian Air Guardsmen decided to investigate. They lowered their altitude and locked their AIM-9s onto the jet liner before sending a transmission. "Paralisan airways flight 234, why are you off course?" The pilot waited and transmitted again. Then they decided that a transmission to command would be the smartest. Their message contained word of a Parilisan airways vessel flying in akward motions. The pilot suggested a hijacking.
President Greenes phone rang. He picked it up and held it to is ear.
"Mister President, there is a situation over Parilisa. Two pilots on patrol over their nation, via one of our airbases abroad, spotted a strange and badly flown plane. Suspected to be a hijacking. I have put the pilots on standby and I am waiting for your orders."
"I'm going to contact our Parilisan friends. If we can alewrt their government in time, this can be stopped. And we won't have another pesky situation like the one in Kurabastan."
He picked up his direct line phone to Parilisa and waited for an answer.
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 16:21
(OOC: Erm the jet still hasnt taken off, and the pilot is dead)
Meanwhile, in the Gephian Prime Minister's office;
"A call from our consulate in Parilisa, sir"
"Thank you Sandra... And may I add how very attractive you look today...."
"Why, thank you, sir..."
"Not at all, not at all..." Prime Minister Jim McDoon smiled at his own charm and pressed the 'connect' button on the phone in front of him. "Simon, how are you?"
"Hello, Jim... I'm as well as can be expected, thank you...."
"And the children? And Mallisa?"
"Yes, yes, all fine, Jim... Listen, we might have a bit of a problem on our hands here in Parilisa..."
"Oh, dear... what kind of problem exactly..."
"Well, a hi-jacking, actually.... I wouldnt have bothered you with it but it seems we have a Geph National aboard.... One of the Brotherhood..."
"Well, quite... And I've recently picked up reports that the aircraft has blundered into Chernobl air space...."
"Good grief.... This could become an International Incident..."
"Yes, indeed it could, Jim..."
"Hold the line, Simon," the PM pressed another button. "Sandra. Be a sweet and get me Colonel Mathews, could you...."
"Very good, sir"
A moment later and Colonel Mathews was on line.
"Colonel. I think we should put our interceptors on five minute notice... I have a nasty suspicion we might lose one of the Brotherhood, and you know what the might mean...."
A few minutes later in the Gephian Prime Ministers Office;
The phone chimed and the PM picked up the receiver.
"Colonel Mathews on line two, sir."
"Thank you Sandra. Colonel?"
"Sir. We have some information regarding the hi-jacked flight. It seems the Chernoblians have been persuing a completely different jet... The hi-jacked flight is still on the tarmac in Parilisa...."
"I see. And any further news from on-board? How is the Brother? Do we know?"
"As yet, we have no further information regarding the Brother, nor what is happening on the plane, sir."
"Very well, Colonel. Keep me in close contact with all the details, won't you?"
"Yes, sir."
Brother Meff hunkered lower in his seat as the middle aged Filipinian Businessman started shouting from just behind him. Things were starting to look bad...
Meff scanned the faces of the other passengers...
Maybe there were other hi-jackers on the plane, just waiting for someone to make a move.
Behind him, Meff heard the Filipinian undo his belt.
14-02-2009, 17:12
The Priest was watching events unfold in the plane behind him on a CCTV screen installed in the cockpit with a smirk of amusement on his face. He laughed manically as the business man got out of his seat screaming in fear, and the peculiarly dressed man at the front of the plane talking into his phone. He was a danger, if he had told anyone too much he could endanger the mission. It was imperative that he was stopped.
“Listen to me. All of you.” He shouted into the microphone. “I want the bald man in the white dress to come to the door of the cockpit with his hands in the air. Everyone else sit down and shut the hell up!”
OOC: Is the Geph consul going to contact the Parilisan government?
(OOC: Most certainly!)
Back onboard the jet;
“I want the bald man in the white dress to come to the door of the cockpit with his hands in the air. Everyone else sit down and shut the hell up!”
Brother Meff glanced about him. Nope. No other bald men in the vacinity and certainly none wearing ceremonial robes. Taking a deep breath he raised his hands and made his way slowly towards the door of the cockpit....
Meanwhile, back in Geph....
"Well, it's no use, Colonel... I can't wait any longer.... We'll just have to contact the Parilisians and found out what the hell's going on over there...."
"Shall I stand the interceptors down, sir?"
"No. Better keep them at readiness... God alone knows what the Chernoblians might do next...."
"Righto, sir..."
"Sandra? Get me the Parilisian Ambassedor or consul, or whoever... I'm not even sure they have an embassy here do they? Or a consulate for that matter...."
"Let me just check the Yellow Pages sir... Mmmm, here we are. They do have a consulate... Used to be an old meat packing factory..."
"Good lord... We really must do something about our Foreign Relations, Sandra..."
"Yes, sir. Right away sir. And I have the Parilisian consul on line 3...."
"Excellent..... Hello, there. This is the Gephian Prime Minister.... Of whom to I have the Pleasure of speaking to?"
The Philippiniada
14-02-2009, 17:49
The Filipinian Businessman then ran through the pilot's cabin door and knocked on it very heavily...
Imperial Intelligence Agency
Somewhere in Philippiniada
09:29AM Local Time PST
The scene on the Situation Room Wing of the Agency has been terrible like a Monday Rush Hour, with the boys in the computers decoding messages of nations which seems to indicate a hijacking is taking place on a Commercial Plane at Parilisa. The Director has been called early by his office mates because of the debriefing of the situation...
"Ok. So, We got a Commercial Plane being hijacked by an unknown identity..." The Director confirmed
"Can we get the manifest for that plane?" An agent asked
"We don't have the manifest in our hands but our Airport Agency has confirmed that one Filipinian Citizen is onboard"
"Then what are we going to do then?"
"We are gonna contact the Parilissan Authorities... Get me their Foreign Affairs Agency on the line" The Director demanded..
The boys at the computer typed in some commands and a ringing sound is heard...
Brother Meff was shouldered aside as the businessman charged past him to hammer at the cockpit door.
Meanwhile, in the Geph Capital of Geph, High-Brother Barlow was pacing to and fro in his office.
After contacting the government, he had tried ringing Brother Meff again, but the young monk had turned of his cellular.
"Brother Plem!" the High-Brother yelled. "Brother Plem, I need you!"
Brother Plem rushed in, his bald head shiny with persperation, his big eyes staring out through the heavy lenses of his spectacles.
"Yes, High-Brother? What is you're bidding?"
"Brother Meff is in danger... He's on board a hi-jacked plane, would you believe it! What are we to do, eh? What are we to do?"
"Does the Brother have the, ah, merchandise? I mean, High Brother, did he make the transaction in Parilisa?"
"Yes, yes... He phoned me before boarding. He met with the contact, he has it in his case, all went according to plan, and now this. this!" He waved his hand at the desk as if it was the hi-jacked jet. "It's His blessing that this should happen! I just knew we would be made to suffer for it...."
At that moment, the phone rang.
Leaping to the desk, his robes like wings, the High-Brother snatched up the receiver.
"Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Right away, sir." Finished, he placed back the reciever in its cradle alomost reverently. "That was the PM, Plem. He wants to see me. Pronto."
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 18:10
"Attention Victor 2-4 and 2-5 get the Fu*k out of there! We have just recived confrimation that the plane has been hijacked, get your sirens on and pull back to the end of the Taxi way! I repeat immediate evacuation of area!" Klaxons all around the airport began to blare as it became known that there had been a hijacking. "This is the control tower to all Civillians , please evacuate the airport, I repeat please evacuate the airport, This is not a drill!"
Meanwhile at Airport Security
"Go! Go! Go!, We need to seal off that Taxi way! Hijack in progress on Parilisa Airways Flight 234, Deploy in full force, Lethal Force at the moment is Not I repeat NOT authorised!" Police Commisoner in charge of Airport Security yelled into his head set, as he thumbed the safty on his MP5 to safe. The police at the airport were highly trained and minutes within the call going out all 200 police were moving towards the Taxiway.
14-02-2009, 18:16
"Excellent..... Hello, there. This is the Gephian Prime Minister.... Of whom to I have the Pleasure of speaking to?"
"Good evening." said the Ambassador. "My name is Helena Hans, how can I help you?" Hans was quite glad to be doing something for a change; her horrible job in this horrible place was not quite what she expected when she went into politics.
"I'm going to give you some advice you f*cking nutter." the Priest whipsered angrily into the microphone. "Shut up and sit down, for your own safety. My quarrel is with baldy here, so sod of before you get yourself involved in something you realy don't want to get involved in."
He took the small parcel out of the depths of his pcoket which contained the bomb and the pistol. His main task now involved the latter, which he took out and loaded.
14-02-2009, 18:21
The Priest looked up from what he was doing to see the police moving in across the runway. That damn monk had called them after all!
“Call of the police!” he screamed down the microphone to the control tower. “I’m warning you, call of the police or I’ll blow up this fucking plane! I swear with God as my witness that I will do it if the law comes any closer!”
14-02-2009, 18:21
OOC: I'm going now, but will be back later. Don't do anything major while I'm away please. :D
The Philippiniada
14-02-2009, 18:32
The Filipinian has been visibly shaken... but he continues bang on the door with increased intensity by the moment..
Imperial Intelligence Agency
Somewhere in Philippiniada
09:38AM Local Time PST
The phone just keeps on ringing and ringing...
"Sir, This is the 5th time we have--"
"We're not gonna stop until we have an answer.. you hear me?" The Director said with an commanding tone
"Ah- Ye- Yes Sir!" The young officer typed again some codes on his computer and the same ringing sound echoes throughout the room...
OOC: Parilisa, I'm calling you!
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 18:38
OCC-Would we ever?;)
"Sir I have got a communication from the Hijacker, he is threatening to blow up the plane if we don't call off the police" A Aircraft controller called out, the police liaison grimaced and spoke into his radio "All Police units Immediate stop! Stop now! Hijackers are threatening to blow the plane up" Looking out of the control tower windows they watched the police vehicles put on there breaks and stop with there sides facing the aircraft, the police pilled out and aimed there weapons at the plane. They were further away then they would like to be but at least they had a perimeter.
"Get on the horn to the capital we are going to need reinforments!" The Police liaosn called out to one of his subordinates.
14-02-2009, 18:56
OOC: I hope you'll allow me to join this. After our fun RP about Violet and Nathaniel, which I can't recall if I've post in the relevant thread, I'm hoping that this ends up being pretty good. I'll be posting, as best as I can, as a family of tourists from the Free People's Republic. You're more than welcome to harm them but killing them should be discussed with me first.
There had always been days in a person's life when they wished that they hadn't done something they once thought wouldn't be a problem. It wasn't in the mind of the members of the Braithwaite family that their plane to Parilisa, a nation that had been well liked in Foreland, would be hijacked by a fanatical Christian terrorist bent on scaring the people into becoming believers of the Lord. At least that's what was in front of them. A fanatical Christian terrorist. Mr. Braithwaite firmly held his wife's hand, hearing her heavy breathing, praying that his son and daughter were alright in their seats.
He knew that Foreland had always been a secular nation which emphasized the need to keep religion out of the government for the sake of equality and human rights. It seemed like a horrible hypocrisy to hear the priest's words about seizing the plane for Christ but Mr. Braithwaite did not bring it up. He was someone who didn't want his head blown apart. That wasn't how he imagined his death.
While his son remained an emotionless approach to the situation, looking like he wasn't even scared of the man who had hijacked their plane, his daughter was absolutely nervous but yet had found a way to resist bursting into tears and lamentation. She had a cross hanging around her neck, gold with a jewel in the middle of it, and gripped onto it in the hopes God, the Creator of the Universe and the Ultimate Judge of Evil, would save them. She had always believed that something lurked beyond the boundaries posed by her own mortality but would it come to save the passengers or would it watch while they all suffered and died?
She looked to her brother and whispered some words to him before stopping to look if the priest was watching them. She could imagine that he'd grab her by the hair and teach her a lesson, angrying her parents and her brother, perhaps leading to a confrontation. Who knew what could happen? The future was a bitch.
OOC: You may disregard this part of my post if you don't think that it's possible.
The Free People's Republic had always dealt ruthlessly with anyone who dared to harm its citizens by sending out the authorities it deemed most suited for the task of eliminating that person. When the Braithwaites had left Foreland for their family vacation to Parilisa, the police force of a small country town announced that they had arrested a man in suspicion with the murder of a young girl and that he'd be eligible for a swift execution. Yet, Foreland had never really dealt with citizens being on a plane that had been hijacked. This stiffened the government of Foreland as they learned of the situation. Isabella Cullen, the leader of the Free People's Republic, could not believe that a priest was leading this little charade - God didn't need more blood shed in his name by idiotic clergymen.
As she read over the reports rightfully deemed urgent by the National Intelligence Agency of Foreland, the Consul began to worry about what could happen to the people onboard but this worry didn't last long, it soon manifested itself in an emotionless outrage, a driving force for Isabella's decisions. "Contact the Parilisan ambassador and tell him that we wish to speak with him about this little problem."
The call was made but what would Foreland get from it?
The Grand World Order
14-02-2009, 19:22
Official Response of the Fascist Federation of the Grand World Order
Serves the libby Parilisans right. The Order announces its support for the Holy Church, but as we are a secular government, we are not taking action other than stating that we will not extradite Holy Church personnel.
With love, the Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs.
"Good evening." said the Ambassador. "My name is Helena Hans, how can I help you?" Hans was quite glad to be doing something for a change; her horrible job in this horrible place was not quite what she expected when she went into politics.
"Ah, Ms. Hans. This is Prime Minister McDoon... I'm so very sorry to disturb you on such a pleasant evening, but I was wondering whether you had heard anything from your govenment concerning the hi-jacking of a jet at Parilisa Airport? It's just that we have a national aboard... Quite an important national as it so happens, a member of our Religious Order, The Brotherhood of Geph... This is all very complicated... Is there anyway we can discuss this face-to-face, so to speak? I can send a limo?"
14-02-2009, 20:02
A'ahil Mohammad sat near the back of the front-most section on the large plane, his face slippery with sweat. His turban lilted a little on his head as he leaned into the aisle to see what was happening. The priest was talking over the microphone, some garbled transmission that A'ahil couldn't quite hear all the way back where he was. Then, suddenly, as the monk in the white stood up with his hands in the air, guess that settles what was said, an Asiatic man started freaking out, screaming and cursing. Then he unbuckled his seatbelt and vaulted up to begin pounding on the cockpit door, begging for his life. A'ahil had a bad feeling about this. There's no way that priest had just a knife, no. He was much too calculated to do something that stupid. That poor man was about to die. It positively emanated from his frantic, reckless behavior.
However much he hated to do it, A'ahil needed to use this man's death as cover for escape. He stood, adjusted his tie, and promptly bolted for the rearmost door. A minute or so later, he reached the door and tugged---oh, no. The hijacker had activated the in-air lock mechanism. He should've known. He quietly took a seat next to an old man. The old man looked at him calmly. Then A'ahil noticed that he was wearing a clerical robe with a small white collar...
14-02-2009, 21:36
"Good evening." said the Ambassador. "My name is Helena Hans, how can I help you?" Hans was quite glad to be doing something for a change; her horrible job in this horrible place was not quite what she expected when she went into politics.
"Ah, Ms. Hans. This is Prime Minister McDoon... I'm so very sorry to disturb you on such a pleasant evening, but I was wondering whether you had heard anything from your govenment concerning the hi-jacking of a jet at Parilisa Airport? It's just that we have a national aboard... Quite an important national as it so happens, a member of our Religious Order, The Brotherhood of Geph... This is all very complicated... Is there anyway we can discuss this face-to-face, so to speak? I can send a limo?"
“A hijack?” exclaimed the Ambassador. “Yes, yes I’ll be there right away. I must contact Parilisa first, and then I will be with you.” The colour drained from Helena’s face as she dialled the number for the Government Emergency Security Department.
"Sir, This is the 5th time we have--"
"We're not gonna stop until we have an answer.. you hear me?" The Director said with an commanding tone
"Ah- Ye- Yes Sir!" The young officer typed again some codes on his computer and the same ringing sound echoes throughout the room...
“Hello, this is President Klein’s office.” Charmed the voice of a young woman. “How can I help you?” Behind her raised voices could be heard as the Prime Minister ranted on at a security guard about the crisis.
However much he hated to do it, A'ahil needed to use this man's death as cover for escape. He stood, adjusted his tie, and promptly bolted for the rearmost door. A minute or so later, he reached the door and tugged---oh, no. The hijacker had activated the in-air lock mechanism. He should've known. He quietly took a seat next to an old man. The old man looked at him calmly. Then A'ahil noticed that he was wearing a clerical robe with a small white collar...
The second priest grinned at the turban wearing blasphemer beside him as he drew the pistol from his pocket and pointed it calmly at the man’s temple.
“Did you realy think you could get of that easily?” he laughed. “No, we’re much better than that. We’ve been planning this moment for months, and now we have this whole plane packed with heretics all to ourselves.”
The priest stood, the gun still pointed at the Asian man.
“All of you!” he shouted. “Will do exactly as me and my friend say. You screaming mess at the door, get over here now before I blow your brains across this fucking aircraft. Let the monk into the cockpit.”
He walked down the aisle of the plane, stopping when he saw the Foreland girl with the cross around her neck. Manic laughter rippled from his lips as he snatched it from her and put it into his pocket.
“I’ll keep that; Our Lord wouldn’t want some filthy bitch like you touching his divine symbol. The rest of you: repeat after me. Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, factorem caeli et terrae….”
14-02-2009, 21:44
Meanwhile President Klein was trying to keep in control of the situation from his office. Numerous calls were coming in from across the world as governments rushed to protect their citizens, who sat locked up in a tin can on a tarmac runway with only a psychotic terrorist for company. Security measures at the airport seemed to have been put in place effectively, but now the nutter on board was threatening to detonate a bomb. Klein was almost constantly on the phone and he was putting it down as the Prime Minister walked into the room.
“Another call from…” he began.
“Sod that. We need to get a statement written up, I want people to know that we’re in full control of the situation and that we’re confident that the situation will get sorted soon. Get someone on the phone to the governments of everyone who we think is on that plane and tell them we’re doing our best. Meanwhile have the police on the ground try to negotiate with the scumbag.” Said Klein.
“At least find out what he wants. Who is he? A religious loon? A political loon? An attention seeking loon? How many of them are there? Find out who he is and then we can start to find out how to sort it. Get me a psychologist in here, I’ll need his advice.” The President replied. “For him, not me.” He added with a grin.
The Prime Minister smiled and headed for the door, pausing momentarily to tell Klein about the letter from the Grand World Order.
“Oh well.” Smiled Klein. “I can’t keep everybody happy can I?”
14-02-2009, 21:56
“Did you realy think you could get of that easily?” the old man said, “No, we’re much better than that. We’ve been planning this moment for months, and now we have this whole plane packed with heretics all to ourselves.”
He turned to yell at the crowd, but it was hard for A'ahil to hear over the pounding of his heart as the cold steel barrel was pressed into his temple. He tried to stay calm. Then the man stood up, moving with surprising speed, keeping his gun trained on A'ahil. He began shouting at the crazed Asiatic man, and took a cross from a young girl who was twirling it in her fingers.
"Father...please, listen to reason!" A'ahil choked out, hoping those wouldn't be the last words he'd ever utter.
14-02-2009, 22:10
“Reason?!” The priest exclaimed hysterically. “Reason? Tell me, what reason would you have me listen to? Your reason? Your reason is a lie, heretic. That turban on your head marks you out as a blasphemer and a liar. Your god is not the true God but a false idol, sinful in the eyes of the creator as recorded in the Ten Commandments of the Covenant. In what reason then would you judge me, but the true reason, the justification for this deed in Holy Scripture? There is no reason, I have no conscience; God is my reason and God is my conscience. I must do my holy duty to God, can you not see that. Parilisa has betrayed itself, has betrayed the Church. Klein gives us freedom but in doing so rapes our morals. We must return to the old ways, surely even you can see that heretic?”
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 22:13
At the police line, they had finnaly got the sniper team in position, set up in the rear of a Police Snatch Land Rover, they were sweeping the windows of the Airliner with there L9A6 Sniper Rifle. Chambering a round as the sniper saw a man holding a gun and threatining several passangers, he clicked on his radio "This is Red Fox 4 I have a bead on the target, appears to be white male, requesting permission for lethal force"
At the Control tower the police liason contemplated his options. "Hold fire Red Fox 4, I repeat Hold Fire" Flicking his radio off he picked his mobile phone off a desk and selected a number from his contacts "Hello?....Yes this is Captain Shaw, Can you get me the president? Thank you"
14-02-2009, 22:18
"We follow the teachings of the same God, you and I! I do not worship golden cows or other false gods! When our Lord tells me not to turn around, I do not! I am not from your country, I know nothing of your country's betrayal to itself, but these people hold no part in it! God said to both yours and my people 'Thou shalt not kill'! What do you intend to do here? This is not a Holy War, this is simply psychosis and cold-blooded murder! God will not forgive you for this, and you will burn in hell for killing these people, but if you give up now, you just might still get into heaven."
14-02-2009, 22:18
At the Control tower the police liason contemplated his options. "Hold fire Red Fox 4, I repeat Hold Fire" Flicking his radio off he picked his mobile phone off a desk and selected a number from his contacts "Hello?....Yes this is Captain Shaw, Can you get me the president? Thank you"
No sooner had Klein put down the phone than another call came in and he picked it up, by now so stressed that his initial reaction was not quite what he intended.
“What?” he demanded, before adding: “Sorry, I mean, how can I help you? With all due respect could you talk fast because I have about 50 other people trying to talk to me right now and I’m going mad.”
14-02-2009, 22:21
“Who do you think you are, to tell me who will or will not get into the Kingdom of God. Oh, you may claim to worship the same creator, nut true blessing comes only through Jesus Christ. He came to us and you have refused him, you follow your own lies. You may not worship a golden cow, but you do the equivalent each time you bow down to your false idol. Now shut up and pray for your soul through the creed of the Church. Credo in unum Deum, patrem omnipotentem, factorem caeli et terrae, visibilium omnium et invisibilium…”
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 22:22
"This is Captain Shaw, In charge of Security at the airport, I have a sniper with a bead on the hijacker and he is requesting permission to open fire, I thought you would like to give the order sir, so do you want him to shoot?" The whole of the control tower went silent waiting for the presidents answer.
14-02-2009, 22:27
A'ahil saw that there was no reasoning with this psychopath, so he gritted his teeth and prayed...Credo in unum Deum, patrem omnipotentum, factorem caeli et terrae, visibilium omnium et invisibilium...
14-02-2009, 22:29
Klein almost dropped the phone. The order was so dangerous, so fatal. A wrong move now could endanger the entire affair.
“I want you to listen to me very carefully Captain Shaw. You must be absolutely certain that you will not be putting anyone’s lives in danger if your sniper pulls that trigger. I don’t want any civilians injured; I don’t want anybody to be even harmed. The terrorist must be got by all means, but no citizen other than him will die.”
He sighed and rested his head in his hands.
“If you think it will save lives, Shaw, do as you will. If there is the smallest chance that anyone else will be injured then do not dare fire upon them.”
14-02-2009, 22:33
The priest in the cockpit was pleased with how things were going as he sat the bomb on the chair beside him and readied it. Once he pushed the button the countdown would begin, but that would wait for a while.
The plan had been to get the plane above Parilisa first, so that the wreckage from the plane could do some damage to the cities of the nation, but the priest could see no objection to killing a bunch of policemen and security officers instead. On the CCTV screen he could see the people on the plane begin to bow their heads and declare the creed; he was glad to have given them the gift of eternal life, for in dying here and now in the hands of two of God’s most loyal ministers as they declared the most holy words of the faith they had surely earned themselves a seat in heaven.
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 22:36
"Aknowledged Sir,Thank you for the vote of confidence, I will be back in a few minutes" Placing the phone down on the desk, he flicked on his radio. "Red Fox 4, Red Fox 4 Lethal Force is authorised, bring that bast*rd down, be warned there must be no civiy casulties" The sniper smirked and shouldered his rifle. "Recivied Sir" Placing his eye to his scope, he waited for his spoter to call out the final corrections. "Range 600, Wind speed 3 knots, elevation 50 degrees, Target window 3rd on right of wing" The sniper changed the settings on his scope and settled the cross hairs on the hijackers centeral mass, "Target Aquired....Fire....Fire....Fire" On the 3rd uternace of 'fire' the sniper pulled the trigger. The 7.62 mm round left the barrel of the L96 heading straight for the target.
(OOC: I'll leave the bullets damge up to you)
14-02-2009, 22:37
The Comorostani ambassador was ushered into Klein's office. "Mr. President, I have disturbing news," he handed Klein a file, "My intelligence service has found information linking the hijacker to the group that committed that car bombing in our capital recently. These people may be more widespread than we thought."
14-02-2009, 22:44
The window shattered with a peculiar crunch. Instinctively the sniper had chosen an empty space on the plane; he knew that Parilisa would not look kindly on the unnecessary death of a civilian and Shaw’s message reinforced this.
“Deum de Deo, lumen de lumine…” chanted the priest, seconds before the projectile tore through the side of his head and blew his pious brain into shreds of violence within the shattered cavity of his skull. He fell to the floor of the aisle, blood spurting out over surrounding passengers who started to scream insanely.
The priest in the cockpit’s initial reaction to what he was seeing on the screen was horror, but he quickly discarded that. His comrade had been willing to die for the cause anyway, and the sniper had only made him a martyr.
“Not wise.” He said down the microphone to the control tower. “Oh, poor misguided morons, oh fools!”
He pushed the button which activated the 20 second timer on the bomb and whispered to both the control tower and the main plane: “May God have mercy upon your souls.” The sinister sound of his voice rang down the metal interior amongst the hideous screams of the blood soaked passengers.
OOC: Sorry everyone, but your characters on board the plane will almost certainly perish.
14-02-2009, 22:46
The Comorostani ambassador was ushered into Klein's office. "Mr. President, I have disturbing news," he handed Klein a file, "My intelligence service has found information linking the hijacker to the group that committed that car bombing in our capital recently. These people may be more widespread than we thought."
“Finally!” smiled Klein. “Somebody who will tell me who the fuck this is! Excuse my language, sir, but I have been desperate for any details of these loons and nobody had got anything on them. Who do I have the pleasure of addressing?”
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 22:49
OOC- Opps, maybe that wasn't wise, oh well
"Target Down, I repeat Target Down! That is a confirmed Kill!" The sniper gave a small whoop of joy, The his spoter broght him to his senses "2nd Target, Cockpit, same windspeed, Range 621, Elevation 55 degrees" The sniper adjusted his scope and set the cross hairs on the mans skull. "Fire...Fire...Fire" The gun banged again and the bullet sped stright through the cockpit window.
Meanwhile Captain Shaw Picked up the phone to the president "Mr President, We have a kill"
14-02-2009, 22:52
OOC: In all likelihood, with a bomb small enough to be carried on to an airplane hidden on one's person, the damage to the aircraft itself would be minimal, especially with the bomb locked in the cockpit shielded by a heavy door. Certainly it would be insufficient to destroy the craft, or threaten the wing fuel tanks. So a vast majority of the people on the plane (basically everyone still alive at this point) would, in fact, survive.
14-02-2009, 22:53
There was a crunch, and the priest fell to the ground with a thump.
May god have mercy upon your souls... came a sinister whisper over the loudspeaker.
Running completely on instinct and adrenaline, A'ahil stood up, picking up the fallen priest's pistol and knife on the way. He ran towards the cockpit, brandishing the knife. Using the knife, he was able to pick the primitive lock, simply sliding the thin edge of the knife between the door jam and the frame. He pushed open the door with a twist of his wrist, and a thrust of his shoulder. He switched to the pistol, hands shaking violently, aimed at the back of the priest, and fired.
(OOC: Ok?)
14-02-2009, 22:54
The priest was praying in the knowledge that he was about to meet with his God and his saviour. His martyrdom would grant him sainthood in heaven.
Almost silently and without leaving much damage to the window the bullet cut a gash through the glass and plunged into the soft tissue of the priest’s neck. Instincts in his brain covered up the pain with shock but he was not scared as his vision quickly receded and a high-pitched ringing sound grew in his head. He muttered an amen as the blood gushed out of his mouth and down his windpipe into his lungs and he slumped backwards, to lie alongside the pale corpses of the pilots. The second bullet dug into his corpse with an awful sound as the foreginer burst into the cockpit.
The seconds on the bomb were nearly out.
14-02-2009, 22:57
There was a quiet bang, and the priest fell near the pilots. A'ahil ran to the pilot's control panel and frantically searched for the right button to unlock the airtight doors. He found it, and pressed it. He shouted into the intercom, trying to keep calm, and knowing he was about to die. "Get ou-"
The timer on the bomb read 0:01
14-02-2009, 22:57
“I’ll keep that; Our Lord wouldn’t want some filthy bitch like you touching his divine symbol. The rest of you: repeat after me. Credo in unum Deum, Patrem omnipotentem, factorem caeli et terrae….”
Emily could have tried to keep the cross at the risk of having her head blown apart by the priest's gun but she was restrained by her silent and emotionless brother who didn't seem afraid of the priest at all. Indeed, he didn't even seem to think that there was any threat around him at all. He just gave a look to Emily that told her to be quiet before he looked over to his parents who were in a similar situation. Emily's mother remembered how she had given that cross to her daughter after recieving it from a dying relative whose mother was a devoutly religious woman. She couldn't believe the priest would do something like that. Not only did he call her daughter - her precious baby girl - a filthy bitch but he also snatched the necklace from her neck. It was enough to enrage her but her husband made sure that she didn't move from her seat. Emily's mother and father stayed silent before they began to utter the words of the Creed but, then, Emily's mother began to speak in French. It wasn't an affirmation of believing in Christ but had been a prayer to God to spare her family from death or, at the very least, spare her children. She hoped that the priest didn't know how to speak French which Emily's mother always spoke back during her childhood.
Jeanne looked up to the God who guided her namesake to victory at Orleans and uttered a sincere plea to Him in the hopes He would answer and save everyone from being the newest residents of His kingdom: "Le seigneur, nous protègent, seigneur, sauf nous, seigneur, nous aident."
She said those words over and over again in her mind. "Le seigneur, nous protègent, seigneur, sauf nous, seigneur, nous aident."
14-02-2009, 22:58
OOC: In all likelihood, with a bomb small enough to be carried on to an airplane hidden on one's person, the damage to the aircraft itself would be minimal, especially with the bomb locked in the cockpit shielded by a heavy door. Certainly it would be insufficient to destroy the craft, or threaten the wing fuel tanks. So a vast majority of the people on the plane (basically everyone still alive at this point) would, in fact, survive.
OOC: Well, whatever. Thanks for the information, but nevertheless the bomb is going to a hell of a lot of damage and the shrapnel will probably harm the police surrounding it considerably, right?
(OOC: Ok?)
OOC: Yeah, but he's dead already.
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 22:58
OOC- Actually depends on what the explosives consist off, also for the RPs sake shall we say it blew up
14-02-2009, 23:01
Meanwhile Captain Shaw Picked up the phone to the president "Mr President, We have a kill"
"Well done, Shaw, and thank-you. Tell your sniper that there's a reward waiting for him at the Presidential Offices, and you to Shaw. I'll get someone to send you more details. Now get everyone of that plane safely!"
14-02-2009, 23:01
OOC- Actually depends on what the explosives consist off, also for the RPs sake shall we say it blew up
OOC: I agree.
14-02-2009, 23:02
OOC: I agree.
OOC: So we should just say the plane is nothing than rubble now? I just want to make sure before I start posting again only to find out that this isn't what we're doing.
14-02-2009, 23:02
OOC: The suspense is killing me
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 23:04
OOC: Sounds good, Parilis would you do the honours
14-02-2009, 23:05
OOC: No, it probably wouldn't do much damage at all. Depending on the size (for something that could fit inside a box in someone's pocket, along with a pistol), I'm guessing that this is at most a ten pound explosive device, which is rather generous for this situation. It would certainly blow out the cockpit windows, and send some shrapnel flying from the nose of the plane out onto the surrounding runway. Passengers in the front rows of the first class section might be at risk of death or shrapnel injury, but beyond that, a majority of the passengers (and the police perimeter) would likely escape unharmed.
A better plot would've been (as you mentioned) to get the plane airborne, then detonate the device in the cockpit. With the loss of any means of control the plane would crash down into whatever city it was over. The ensuing crash would release (and detonate) the tens (if not hundreds) of thousands of pounds of aviation fuel carried by the jet, making for a much more catastrophic incident.
Remember, modern airliners are meant to fly at altitudes in excess of twenty thousand feet, while containing a pressurized atmosphere inside them. These are not paper-thin craft, like Hollywood depicts, where a tiny pinprick in the hull will cause the entire aircraft to catastrophically fail and explode. Hell, look at the plane that crashed in the Hudson River in New York City just a few weeks ago... that certainly hit the water with the force of more than 10 pounds of explosives, but not only did it not explode, but everyone evacuated it safely.
Though if the consensus is that it blew up, then it blew up. It is, after all, up to the RP-ers to decide what happened. Just say that one of the priests was wired up to a 200 pound bomb in the cargo compartment or something, on a deadman's switch. That would certainly do it.
14-02-2009, 23:05
The explosive tore through the cockpit and its open door, destroying all in its path. Though the damage was relatively small it was enough to get to the fuel tanks, as the priests had planned and flames began to sear through the floor of the aircraft. Two more explosions burst outwards, sending chunks of sharp metals out across the runway, spinning towards the police in flaming spears of steel. Fires roared through the small amount that remained of the aircraft and the stench of burning flesh filled the air. Somewhere in the destruction was a group of screaming survivors, lucky enough to have huddled around each other in a secluded part of the airplane.
OOC: I'm using a bit of liscence here if what you're sayng about explocives is right, but I don't think anybody has any objections do they?
14-02-2009, 23:10
A'ahil was caught in the belly of the beast, and was incinerated almost instantly. I wonder if I said goodbye to my daughter today? he thought as his body boiled and bubbled like a vat of soup. Then, a piece of shrapnel caught him in the temple. The life of A'ahil Mohammad, hard-working, god-fearing family man, ended in a hellstorm of fire and brimstone.
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 23:14
OOC- Whilst realism is important, the RP should not suffer
"Oh Fu*k........" Was the last thing the sniper could manage before a section of fuselage ripped through the police road block sending the vehicles up in fire balls. Out of the 200 hundred police that had responded to the hijacking only 10 would survive.
The control tower could only sit there and watch in horror. Then the radio came alive "10-00, 10-00 Officer down, officer down, the plane just detonated, Jesus H christ the plane just detonated, 10-00" The radio operator cut the radio after the officer on the other end broke off in sobs. Captain shaw in a feeble voice picked up his line to the president "Mr President.....the hijackers....detonated the plane......"
14-02-2009, 23:15
The explosive tore through the cockpit and its open door, destroying all in it’s path. Though the damage was relatively small it was enough to get to the fuel tanks, as the priests had planned and flames began to sear through the floor of the aircraft. Two more explosions burst outwards, sending chunks of sharps metals out across the runway, spinning towards the police in flaming spears of steel. Fires roared through the small amount that remained of the aircraft and the stench of burning flesh filled the air. Somewhere in the destruction was a group of screaming survivors, lucky enough to have huddled around each other in a secluded part of the airplane.
Pitch black.
Where am I?
Emily Braithwaite could smell the burning flesh but she couldn't see where it was coming from nor could she seem to find a way out of the pitch black darkness that she had been thrown into after the explosion occured. What happened to all those people onboard the plane with them? What happened her to her brother and her parents? As she stood up in this pitch black world, she noticed a little light flickering in the distance and she proceeded to walk towards it, thinking that it must have been the light of Heaven, thinking that she had died. No, she thought, she couldn't have died. As she walked, she heard her mother singing in French. Had she lived? Had she been spared? She could hear the singing grow louder and louder with every step towards the flickering light. When she finally stepped through the light, she noticed that she was one of those survivors. She couldn't believe what she had seen. Flames were everywhere and charred flesh was all around them.
Her father and mother were both dead. They held hands as they burned, the fires roasting them alive without concern for what they were going to leave behind. It seemed ironic that Jeanne Braithwaite died in flames like her namesake back in the Middle Ages. Emily's brother was nowhere to be found, well, except for his charred remains. He had thrown Emily out of the way, hoping to somehow have her survive the explosion, and he died without knowing whether or not he had done that for his only sibling. Emily couldn't speak. She reached for the little cross that was covered in blood, obviously that of the now deceased passengers, and she stared at it while bitter tears began to form in her eyes.
Emily wept. She had lost everyone she loved. The only question she could ask was one that would never be answered and which, if she had sought the answer to the question, would hurt her in new and varied ways for the rest of her life.
14-02-2009, 23:16
OOC- Whilst realism is important, the RP should not suffer
"Oh Fu*k........" Was the last thing the sniper could manage before a section of fuselage ripped through the police road block sending the vehicles up in fire balls. Out of the 200 hundred police that had responded to the hijacking only 10 would survive.
The control tower could only sit there and watch in horror. Then the radio came alive "10-00, 10-00 Officer down, officer down, the plane just detonated, Jesus H christ the plane just detonated, 10-00" The radio operator cut the radio after the officer on the other end broke off in sobs. Captain shaw in a feeble voice picked up his line to the president "Mr President.....the hijackers....detonated the plane......"
Klein felt sickened the moment he heard the words, and from the screaming he could hear in the background he knew that the explosion had been terrible.
“You told me he was dead.” Said the President, tears beginning to fill his eyes.
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 23:20
"There must off been two Sir....My god..." He moved the phone away slightly but his voice still carried down it "Get the emergency crews over there! I don't give a flying frack if they are stuck in a traffic jam, ram the cars off the road, the president is on the end of this line and i have just failed him, i will not do so again."
Meanwhile down at the wrecakge, secondary explosions were continuing, a police officer climbed out of his wrecked patrol car only to be decapitaed by a wing section as its fuel tank went up in flames.
14-02-2009, 23:21
[OOC: What now? Political and national backlash?]
14-02-2009, 23:24
The President was angry; angry at the sniper, angry at Shaw, angry at the terrorists but mot of all he felt a burning anger to himself. He could of and should have stopped it.
“Shaw.” He said, tears now flowing down his trembling cheeks. “Get out any survivors, clear up the wreckage and make sure nobody else dies. This is a fucking disaster, Captain Shaw. Do your best, do more than your best.”
14-02-2009, 23:25
OOC: Parilisa, should Violet be with Nathaniel at this time? Just making sure.
14-02-2009, 23:25
[OOC: What now? Political and national backlash?]
OOC:Certainly, perhaps even the arrest of people linked with the plot. That should be controversail, seeing as most of them will be men of God. I'll pick this up again tomorrow, I'm calling it a day now. This has been interesting, thanks everyone.
14-02-2009, 23:26
Certainly, perhaps even the arrest of people linked with the plot. That should be controversail, seeing as most of them will be men of God. I'll pick this up again tomorrow, I'm calling it a day now. This has been interesting, thanks everyone.
OOC: No problem, Parilisa. I'm looking forward to continuing.
14-02-2009, 23:27
OOC: Parilisa, should Violet be with Nathaniel at this time? Just making sure.
OOC: Yes, that would certianly be interesting. I think they've kept in touch and are getting to know each other, but they're just friends at the moment. Perhaps Violet could take a special interest in Emily Braithwaite.
14-02-2009, 23:30
OOC: Yes, that would certianly be interesting. I think they've kept in touch and are getting to know each other, but they're just friends at the moment. Perhaps Violet could take a special interest in Emily Braithwaite.
OOC: I have no problem with that. Just tell me when, if at all, you want them to be more than just friends. Violet would be deeply concerned for Emily with all that she's gone through and would try to comfort Nathaniel as well. She's a true friend.
The Wolf Hold
14-02-2009, 23:31
"Yes sir, understood sir, my best sir" Putting down the phone, he glanced around at the control tower staff. Tears emerging at the corners of his eyes he watched as the fire engines sped towards the plane wrecakge. "Im going down there, ill need voulnteers" All the control staff but up there hands, nodding Shaw headed down the steps to the two police cruisers parked outside the tower. Clambering inside th cars they speed of for the wreckage.
OOC- See you tommorow, this has definatly been very interesting
15-02-2009, 01:00
Mr. President, I'm sorry to hear about the plane. We believe these people people are working with the People's Liberation Battalion, which recently blew up several government building in our capital. These people have the money and the connections to pull off something like this.
OOC: sorry, i posted my earlier comment a wile back and when i came back there was all this new stuff
The Grand World Order
15-02-2009, 01:05
Across the GWO
Videos of the plane explosion had reached the public. Within hours of the event, hundreds of videos had begun to poke fun at the explosion, with titles ranging from "Parilisans Getting Smited" to "COMMIE REDS GET OWNED IN A HELLFIRE." The GWO Broadcasting Corporation was planning to make a movie about the event, simply called Parilisa. The movie would cover the background information of the event, criticizing how the governments involved handled the situation (Along with a comparison of what the GWO would do in the situation), and even bringing up evidence accusing the Parilisan government itself orchestrating the attack, with the motive of killing wealthy "Bourgeoisie" citizens to further advance a secretive Communist agenda, despite the killing of many accused Socialists (Parilisans.)
Official Response of the Grand World Order
The Order is now launching investigations to see if the government of Parilisa committed an act of violence against peaceful foreigners. Such an act, only to advance Communism, is utterly despicable. Be warned, Parilisa, that should we find that you intentionally killed foreigners, we WILL NOT hesitate to inform the victimized nation of your act of war.
On the other hand, if the investigation is inconclusive, we still will provide sanctuary for the perpetrators of this act, so long as they are not Leftists.
With love, the Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs.
15-02-2009, 01:12
Mr. President, I'm sorry to hear about the plane. We believe these people people are working with the People's Liberation Battalion, which recently blew up several government building in our capital. These people have the money and the connections to pull off something like this.
OOC: sorry, i posted my earlier comment a wile back and when i came back there was all this new stuff
The People's Liberation Battalion are a splinter faction of The Holy Freedom Fighters of Light, a Hijim separatist group fighting for independence from Comorostan. We've suspected they might ally with other terrorist groups, but we didn't imagine anything like this.
The Wolf Hold
15-02-2009, 01:22
Offical Statement Issued By Central Command Of The Armed Republic Of The Wolf Hold
In the recent trajedy that has transpired in the Nation of Parilisa in which Parilisa Airways Flight 234 was hijacked and subsequently blown up by members of The People's Liberation Battalion a splinter group of the The Holy Freedom Fighters of Light. 4 Wolf Hold Nationals were among the deaths in this trajedy, the Wolf Holds Centeral Command condolences go out to the families of these nationals and the families of any innocents that perished on that plane or in the vicinity.
In the repsonse to this attack and the recent car bommbing in Comorostan, Central Command has upgraded the Defcon Level to 3 and is awating the permiton of the Comorostan and Parilisa goverments to deploy military forces to help assit them.
15-02-2009, 01:28
To: Foreign Relations Office, Parilisa
From: Office of the President, Salzland
CC: The World Community
Dear Sirs and Madames,
Having recently heard of the dastardly terrorist attack which took place in your nation, I wish to offer the condolences of our nation for the tragedy that just occurred. Please, do not hesitate to ask should there prove to be anything we might do for you and your people in these trying times. Additionally rest assured that, should your any of those individuals involved with planning or executing this operation escape your national boundaries and find themselves within the reach of the Armed Republic, all efforts will be made to extradite said individuals for trial in your country.
May better days be ahead for you and yours,
William Phillips
President of Salzland
The Philippiniada
15-02-2009, 07:08
The Filipinian Buisnessman who was knocking on the cockpit door instantly perished from the blast, Fire consumed the front end of the Airplane. Hell itself rained down on the passengers on the First Class Cabin. Nothing First Class but having a First Class Death by being consumed by fire and being scared to death by a maniacal priest/terrorist...
Imperial Intelligence Agency
Somewhere in the Philippiniada
09:46AM Local Time PST
“Hello, this is President Klein’s office.” Charmed the voice of a young woman. “How can I help you?” Behind her raised voices could be heard as the Prime Minister ranted on at a security guard about the crisis.
"Oh. Thank You!, This is Director James of the Imperial Intelligence Agency of the Empire of the Philippiniada, according to our sources, a situation is developing in one of your airports on Paralisa. An hijack is being --" The Director is then cut by an agent, "Sir, Take a look in the news on Screen 4, Channel 09 International Breaking News" The Director paused on talking to the other line and saw the banner for the story, "Paralisan Commercial Airline hijacked and bombed!"
"Holy.. Ok, May i speak with any official of your Government?!" The Director said in a pissed way. "I'm too late.."
The officers at the IIA then contacted the President of the Philippiniada, letting him know about the situation. The President ordered to send a official response regarding the situation..
The Philippiniada
15-02-2009, 07:19
The Empire of the Philippiniada
The Office of the President
Maniylad, Philippiniada
Subj: Terrorist Attack.
CC: International Community
To the Government of Paralissa
In lights of the recent terrorist attacks on your nation, The Empire is offering it's deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this horrible tragedy. The Empire's Intelligence Agency has confirmed that at least one Filipinian is onboard while this terrible hijacking is occurred. Though we are wishing that he is safe and alive. We wish that the Government of Parallisa allow US to send in an team of IIA Agents to help investigate with the culprits responsible behind this, Also we are offering the Government of Paralissa a $30 Billion worth of financial assistance to the victims of this tragedy.
We hope that this would shine a new light to the world against the dangers of terrorism, and let us all join forces against the fight for a world without terrorist.
Respectfully yours.
Darren Anselmo
President, The Empire of the Philippiniada
Walter Adriano
Vice President, The Empire of the Philippiniada
The Philippiniada
15-02-2009, 07:24
Across the GWO
Videos of the plane explosion had reached the public. Within hours of the event, hundreds of videos had begun to poke fun at the explosion, with titles ranging from "Parilisans Getting Smited" to "COMMIE REDS GET OWNED IN A HELLFIRE." The GWO Broadcasting Corporation was planning to make a movie about the event, simply called Parilisa. The movie would cover the background information of the event, criticizing how the governments involved handled the situation (Along with a comparison of what the GWO would do in the situation), and even bringing up evidence accusing the Parilisan government itself orchestrating the attack, with the motive of killing wealthy "Bourgeoisie" citizens to further advance a secretive Communist agenda, despite the killing of many accused Socialists (Parilisans.)
Official Response of the Grand World Order
The Order is now launching investigations to see if the government of Parilisa committed an act of violence against peaceful foreigners. Such an act, only to advance Communism, is utterly despicable. Be warned, Parilisa, that should we find that you intentionally killed foreigners, we WILL NOT hesitate to inform the victimized nation of your act of war.
On the other hand, if the investigation is inconclusive, we still will provide sanctuary for the perpetrators of this act, so long as they are not Leftists.
With love, the Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs.
Level 1 Security CLEARED
Respect the victims of this tragedy, Investigate accordingly and don't investigate the Paralisan Government. The Philippiniada is full with your atrocities and will put in trade sanctions upon your nation.
The Empire wishes you love this Valentines.
-E N D-
The Grand World Order
15-02-2009, 08:18
Level 1 Security CLEARED
Respect the victims of this tragedy, Investigate accordingly and don't investigate the Paralisan Government. The Philippiniada is full with your atrocities and will put in trade sanctions upon your nation.
The Empire wishes you love this Valentines.
-E N D-
To: Philippiniada
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
The Order will continue its investigations, and has already established the motive, as well as confirming that the hijackers obviously got their materials from the government of Parilisa. How would bomb-making materials get through security, especially enough to blow up just about an entire plane? Clearly, there was inside work.
As for the trade sanctions in response to our so-called "Atrocities" (Which we challenge you to name three uncalled for "atrocities"), as long as you don't send any ships, we really don't mind. However, if we spot one military unit hindering our economy, we will not hesitate to take swift and decisive action against the offending fleet/battlegroup.
The Philippiniada
15-02-2009, 08:28
Level 1 Security CLEARED
Don't stick your nose onto a business that doesn't concern YOU. The Empire has your Fascist Government on our radar and will not tolerate any acts of you harboring terrorists.
Starting an world war, Making an movie without the consent of the victims of the tragedy, and investigating the Paralisan Government with intent of pressuring them for their ideology. If you wanna talk ideology. Come back when your Ideology is just as clean as you claim.
The Empire wishes you a good day.
-E N D-
The Grand World Order
15-02-2009, 08:39
Level 1 Security CLEARED
Don't stick your nose onto a business that doesn't concern YOU. The Empire has your Fascist Government on our radar and will not tolerate any acts of you harboring terrorists.
Starting an world war, Making an movie without the consent of the victims of the tragedy, and investigating the Paralisan Government with intent of pressuring them for their ideology. If you wanna talk ideology. Come back when your Ideology is just as clean as you claim.
The Empire wishes you a good day.
-E N D-
To: Philippiniada
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
We can stick our noses wherever we want, really. As for the so-called Empire having the glorious Spire on their radar, what are you going to do?
The Communist Federation of Stoklomolvi started the World War, not us. We simply defended ourselves, and continue to do so. As for the movie-making, that is not the government, thus does not concern us. Investigating the Parilisan government? Parilisa has shown acts of aggression to us once before, sending bombers on a course for Magna Polis before pulling them back. We have every reason to be suspicious of everything they do.
And ideology, isn't that the thing that makes this world so... imperfect? If only the Left would simply disappear, our world could be one, our world could be much more peaceful. Fascism is pure, Fascism is natural. Fascism is the light that all must see to achieve true Enlightenment. Those who refuse it must be re-educated or encouraged to accept it, and those who fight against it must be cast from Humankind.
The Philippiniada
15-02-2009, 08:58
Level 1 Security CLEARED
The Empire will monitor if you are harboring terrorists.
The nation of Stoklomolvi was provoked by your provocative actions on the nations of the world. And ever since, your nation has been met with heavy criticism.
You have claimed the world is imperfect, which we agree. But on the comments you made on Fascism. You are almost saying that it's perfect. and you suggest that all in the world must accept it. We will respect your view. but we are not saying this is correct.
Then if you are going to NOT take any action. Then our lawyers would meet them in court.
-E N D-
The Grand World Order
15-02-2009, 09:07
Level 1 Security CLEARED
The Empire will monitor if you are harboring terrorists.
The nation of Stoklomolvi was provoked by your provocative actions on the nations of the world. And ever since, your nation has been met with heavy criticism.
You have claimed the world is imperfect, which we agree. But on the comments you made on Fascism. You are almost saying that it's perfect. and you suggest that all in the world must accept it. We will respect your view. but we are not saying this is correct.
Then if you are going to NOT take any action. Then our lawyers would meet them in court.
-E N D-
To: Philippiniada
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
Provocative actions? Since when has defending OUR OWN land from filthy Communists like Afullia been provocative? Is that some sort of pastime of democracies, to sit there with tiny and weak militaries with a giant "INVADE ME, COMMIES!" sign?
Half the world is trying to watch us, sir(s). Our counter-espionage divisions usually kill off most of these spies. But of course, we are already watching you.
Are you suggesting a court action against a Federation entity? That is rather odd. There is very limited Civil Court in the Order, and it is reserved for actual torts, not petty things like "Emotional Suffering." Even still, attorneys are not required, and if any of the three judges assigned to the case say so, litigators can be barred from the courtroom, leaving only the actual parties to testify and whatnot. In short, the Order has a much different legal system, and it benefits us rather handsomely.
The Philippiniada
15-02-2009, 09:42
Level 1 Security CLEARED
Don't be ridiculous. You know to yourself what have you done. and don't give us that Democracy hate or that Communist hate. We are respecting your ideology. Respect ours.
And that's the way you fascists modify and brag the world on how good you are, but the truth is contrary.
Well, court action is indeed impossible ON YOUR TERRITORY. but if our court's verdict is guilty. We will stop that movie from even hitting the production stage.
-E N D-
The Grand World Order
15-02-2009, 10:43
Level 1 Security CLEARED
Don't be ridiculous. You know to yourself what have you done. and don't give us that Democracy hate or that Communist hate. We are respecting your ideology. Respect ours.
And that's the way you fascists modify and brag the world on how good you are, but the truth is contrary.
Well, court action is indeed impossible ON YOUR TERRITORY. but if our court's verdict is guilty. We will stop that movie from even hitting the production stage.
-E N D-
To: Philippiniada
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
First of all, your courts mean nothing in the Order. And the movie is being made in the Order. Your legal actions would be dismissed as frivolous in our nation, simply because there are no real damages. If your court verdict is guilty, nothing will happen. The GWOBS Corporation would continue on, and any attempts by you to stop the production would simply be ignored. How do you think you'd stop the movie if they really don't care what your courts say?
The Philippiniada
15-02-2009, 10:48
Level 1 Security CLEARED
We simply laugh at your pitiful attempts to undermine everyone around you. We courts will recommend actions on what to do. Military action will indeed be taken. Don't dismiss this as a threat. It's serious. and we will not hold a single missile back if you continue to go with your plans
-E N D-
The Grand World Order
15-02-2009, 10:53
To: Philippiniada
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
That made one of my co-workers spill hot coffee over his crotch on accident because he was giggling too much.
The Order can crush the "Empire" with ease. If a single Order citizen is killed, we will not hesitate to turn Philippiniada into another Province of the Order. Simply put, touch us, and you die. If we can fight off the armies of TPF, Lyras, Stoklomolvi, TLA, and the entire UWR alliance, we certainly can flick you like a piece of dust.
Imperial isa
15-02-2009, 10:54
ooc wow Military action over a dumb movie,that the dumbest thing to do
The Grand World Order
15-02-2009, 10:56
ooc wow Military action over a dumb movie,that the dumbest thing to do
((OOC: Indeed. I'm just defending myself.))
The Philippiniada
15-02-2009, 10:57
OOC: LOL. Ok. It's just not because of a dumb movie. If you look into the thread. He suggested harboring the terrorist. It's like US-Iraq all over again.
15-02-2009, 11:13
Parilisa has never suffered a terrorist attack such as this before, and the shock and devastation it has caused to our proud nation has been evident in the way we have responded. Across the country thousands upon thousands of people have participated in memorial services, have left flowers along the side of the airport entrance and have joined together in a show of love, patriotism and solidarity. Let it be known to the world and to the world’s terrorist that whilst this may be a tragic event it will take more than this to ever stop Parilisa. Freedom still remains, and the pathetic perpetrators of this incident have gained nothing but the hate of billions of people.
Many suggestions as to who organised the attack have been given, but I am almost certain that intelligence officials are right that the attack was conducted by two priests who, angered by the way in which we have liberated Parilisa from an oppressively religious government, can see no finer way to serve their god than to murder themselves and countless others in a heartless and amoral attack. If this awful crime is allowed by the religion they profess then I am sure the world will agree with me when I say I would rather not be subject to their religion.
Meanwhile the usual conspiracy seeking types have decided to find a conspiracy at the heart of all this. I can understand this need, for the attack has been so shocking that people want answers, and as we cannot understand the sick motives of a handful of religious lunatics we turn to other reasons. I must stress that the Parilisan government had no knowledge of, no warning of and no part of this violent attack. Be assured that full and comprehensive investigations will be made to find who organised this atrocity and punishment will be delivered harshly and firmly.
The Government must accept, however, that more could have been done to stop this. Airport security has for too long been inadequate, as we have feared to impose strict measures on people for fear of destroying their liberty. This relaxed attitude allowed a weapon to slip through our net and lead to this awful incident. I will be meeting with Parliament later this week to discus new security measures which will hopefully ensure that an attack like this will never be repeated.
Finally, if foreign filmmakers wish to mock this tragedy then I cannot stop them, but they should be warned that the free world, shocked by this devastation, will certainly not look kindly on those who choose to have such heartless disrespect. Those who spread such hate are worthy of our pity, so degraded are there minds that they feel the need to revel and laugh at a time of death and despair.
Yours Sincerely,
President Nathaniel Klein
The Philippiniada
15-02-2009, 11:13
Level 1 Security CLEARED
Hugging all the glory and not giving credit to his allies. Very Fascist-like.
Crushing us will not as easy as you think. If every single family of the victims agrees to make the accident to a movie. Go right ahead. We won't bother you. but if you continue despite their pleas to stop. You and your Government will suffer the consequences
-E N D-
The Grand World Order
15-02-2009, 11:17
To: Philippiniada
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
Don't act like we really *care* about you attacking.
The Wolf Hold
15-02-2009, 12:38
From:Wolf Hold Central Command
Our Goverment has had it to the hilt with you, first your meddling in the Four Heatons incident and now this! If you continue these actions we have no option but to support the Philippiniadaian Empire in there stance towards you. Also if we discover that you have been habouring these terrorists which have been the direct cause of the deaths of 4 Wolf Hold Nationals, you will regret it!
Now we demmand that you drop these acusations against the Parilisa Goverment and also that you stand down in the Four Heatons Incident.
Central Command Out
-1st Wolf's Marshall Cain
15-02-2009, 16:15
OOC-wow that got interesting fast
15-02-2009, 19:48
OOC-this attack was committed by religious fanatics right?
15-02-2009, 20:03
The people of the Free People's Republic were awakened to the horrible tragedy in Parilisa that apparently claimed the lives of several Forelanders according to the reports that were issued. It was not hard, afterwards, to hear everyone from your town barbers to your parish priests talking about how horrible it was for those people to have died, to have gone to Heaven, to have bolstered belief in atheism by being horribly burned to death. The Consul, Isabella Cullen, delievered her condolences on national television while there were reports that one Forelander survived the tragedy and was with the other few survivors in Parilisa. In a secret message to Nathaniel Klein, Isabella demanded that the survivor from Foreland be well treated and eventually sent back to Foreland to whatever friends or relatives may be living in the said survivor's home town.
The Braithwaite family had many friends and relatives who watched the news reports and who had become horrified by the prospect that the entire family could have been killed in that act of barbarism as Emily's uncle labeled it while he waited to hear if his brother - her father - had survived the attack. Emily's paternal and maternal relatives would often meet at her paternal uncle's house to talk about the reports. When they were eventually notified that only one Forelander on the plane survived, they all were heartbroken. Who could have been the survivor? Was it Jeanne Braithwaite? Was it Emily? One of the guys? Just trying to guess who it had been haunted them. Isabella Cullen had already made a speech about Klein's declaration, scathingly criticizing the inadequate security measures at Parilisan airports along with plenty of Foreland's nationalists who believed some of the blame had to be put on Parilisa for this reason.
OOC: Hope you don't mind, Parilisa. Since there seems to be no other survivors actually being RPed, I'm going to play around with Emily for a while.
Emily Braithwaite had been able to acquire first aid from the local doctors who would shower her with their condolences. She would be stuck in a hospital, thinking about the parents and brother that she had lost in the attack, thinking about being an orphan according to the law of Foreland. Sure, she'd probably be adopted by one of her many relatives, but it was still a heartbreaking task, that is, to even think that you'll have to be adopted. Her house would probably be bought by some other family and she'd be haunted by the tragedy in new and varied ways for the rest of her life.
She was able to get a hold of one of the hospital's many phones and, remembering the information her father told her about contacting friends back in Foreland, decided to call her uncle and tell him what happened. On his end, the gathering of friends and relatives sat silently around the television. They stiffened when they saw Uncle Charles walk out of the room to talk with Emily - he knew she was the only survivor from Foreland - and he listened to her explain what had happened.
She told him how her parents held hands as they burned to death, how her brother pushed her out of the way so that she would live, how the terrorists were fanatical Christians who called her a filthy bitch and so on until Charles had enough. He hanged up the phone after telling her to be careful and then returned to the gathering. "Emily was the only survivor of the attack from Foreland. She was the one I was just talking to."
Jeanne's ailing mother began to weep violently while shouting in French, her husband stoicially sitting in his seat with nothing to say about his daughter's death. There was crying all around him, Charles noticed, and all he could do was emotionlessly watch them and stay silent. He knew that he had lost his brother to those terrorists, he knew that the amiable Jeanne died in the manner of the woman after whom she was named, he knew that he'd have to call his nephew a hero forevermore for his work. Charles walked out of the house and went for a walk in the cold city night with nothing on his mind but poor Emily Braithwaite, his niece, the daughter of the brother he had lost.
OOC: You may send Emily back to Foreland if you wish, Parilisa, but at least let's give her some post-tragedy memories to go home with. I want to give her story more detail.
15-02-2009, 20:14
The church in the Comorostan was known to have expressed views that were in agreement with the philosophy of the hijackers and The Holy Freedom Fighters of Light. So naturally the government had to respond in the wake of the tragedy in Parilisa. A SWORD team was sent to arrest the leader. The church was in mid-service when the body-armor clad commandos barged in. The congregation shot icy stares at the team as they delivered the warrant and marched towards the podium. As they were marching between the seats, a woman hurled herself toward one of the commandos, knife in hand. The man's response was, naturally, to fire his weapon three times. The woman's head exploded in a red cloud and her body dropped to the floor. Then the rest of the congregation rose, and turned as one towards the commandos.
Comorostani News-A SWORD team attempting to deliver a warrant on a leader of a pro-Hijim church was attacked by a mob after a member of the team killed a woman in self-defense. 23 people were killed before the commandos were able to evacuate the scene with the church leader. One SWORD team member was killed by a handgun carried by a member of the congregation.
15-02-2009, 22:08
Klein was on the phone to Isabella Cullen the moment he woke. He was desperate to visit the young survivor in hospital; he wanted to find out more about what had gone on on the plane and he wanted to comfort this young girl who, according to reports, had lost most of her family in the inferno. The President was aware that foreign laws may clash with his interests and he wanted to make sure he was not breaking any boundaries or traditions by talking to the girl.
“Consul Cullen, this is Nathaniel Klein. I was looking for your advice about something. First, may I send my condolences to the people of your nation who have lost friends and relatives in the attack. I wanted to go and talk to young Emily Braithwaite, the Forelander girl who survived. Would that be acceptable with you?”
Comorostani News-A SWORD team attempting to deliver a warrant on a leader of a pro-Hijim church was attacked by a mob after a member of the team killed a woman in self-defense. 23 people were killed before the commandos were able to evacuate the scene with the church leader. One SWORD team member was killed by a handgun carried by a member of the congregation.
Similar measures were being put in place in Parilisa, though less violently. 4 Priests who were believed to be directly involved with the attack, as well as 6 laymen and women were arrested and taken for questioning. Rumours began to circulate that the head of the right-wing coalition in Parilisa’s government, Cardinal Salieri, was involved, but Klein was hesitant to accuse him for the time being.
15-02-2009, 22:30
There was a commotion as Premier Akos stepped up to the podium. The reporters fired question after question at him, but Akos held up his hand. "Today, Comorostani forces have begun taking action against any and all institutions and people believed to be linked with either the Holy Freedom Fighters of Light, or the hijackers of the Parilisan plane. These people, when caught, will be subjected to the maximum punishment appropriate, and may be handed over to the Parilisans for trial if requested. That is all." Akos stepped down and walked away as reporters continued to ask questions.
15-02-2009, 22:35
Dear Premier Akos
My advisors have alerted me this morning to recent action taken in your nation against those linked with the recent devastation in Parilisa. I can only applaud and thank you for this decision and I hope that through working together we may bring the perpetrators of this dreadful crime to a swift and firm justice.
I must also add that anybody suspected of being linked with the attacks carried out on Parilisan soil should be sent to Parilisa for trial, as our legal system should protect and uphold the rights and memories of those murdered by these evil killers.
Yours sincerely,
President Nathaniel Klein
The Grand World Order
15-02-2009, 22:53
From:Wolf Hold Central Command
Our Goverment has had it to the hilt with you, first your meddling in the Four Heatons incident and now this! If you continue these actions we have no option but to support the Philippiniadaian Empire in there stance towards you. Also if we discover that you have been habouring these terrorists which have been the direct cause of the deaths of 4 Wolf Hold Nationals, you will regret it!
Now we demmand that you drop these acusations against the Parilisa Goverment and also that you stand down in the Four Heatons Incident.
Central Command Out
-1st Wolf's Marshall Cain
To: The Wolf Hold
From: The Grand World Order Office of Foreign Affairs
Don't "demmand" things from us, child. Our military alone has over 10 times the amount of people as your entire nation (75 million). Our capital city has over 20 times the population (205 million). We will continue on as planned, and there is not a thing you or the "Empire" can do about it.
15-02-2009, 23:06
I must also add that anybody suspected of being linked with the attacks carried out on Parilisan soil should be sent to Parilisa for trial, as our legal system should protect and uphold the rights and memories of those murdered by these evil killers.
Very well, any suspects we apprehend will be handed over to your security forces, unless we have need for them in our current conflict with the Hijim
OOC-if confused, check out "Terrorist Bombing" RP, it explains a lot
15-02-2009, 23:48
A Prisoner Transfer had been set up at Eagle Air Base. Two trucks loaded with prisoners connected to the hijacking or the Holy Freedom Fighters of Light drove up to the airstrip, escorted by BTR-90 IFVs. The prisoners were escorted to the plane by SWORD commandos, then loaded onto the Parilisan transport. The transport lifted off and headed for Parilisa.
16-02-2009, 06:27
Klein was on the phone to Isabella Cullen the moment he woke. He was desperate to visit the young survivor in hospital; he wanted to find out more about what had gone on on the plane and he wanted to comfort this young girl who, according to reports, had lost most of her family in the inferno. The President was aware that foreign laws may clash with his interests and he wanted to make sure he was not breaking any boundaries or traditions by talking to the girl.
“Consul Cullen, this is Nathaniel Klein. I was looking for your advice about something. First, may I send my condolences to the people of your nation who have lost friends and relatives in the attack. I wanted to go and talk to young Emily Braithwaite, the Forelander girl who survived. Would that be acceptable with you?”
"President Klein, I do not see any reason why you would be unable to speak with the child in question. Perhaps you may find the truth about the horrible tragedy from her but don't keep her in Parilisa too long because Emily's relatives are probably hoping to see her back home in Foreland. As well, she may find it a pleasurable honor to meet you. After all, you are the President of Parilisa. I was planning to inquire about a meeting with you but, I believe, that such an event will have to wait. I wish you all the best in capturing the pathetic scum responsible for this incident and my condolences go to the Parilisans who unfortunately perished. Farewell, President. Good luck."
Isabella hung up the phone and sighed. She was going to make sure such incidents didn't occur in the Free People's Republic of Foreland. Terrorists would be decimated by the vanguard of liberty and freedom.
16-02-2009, 11:22
Klein always made an effort to talk to the press, he was famous for it, but here on the steps of the hospital he felt suddenly uncomfortable as the questions rained down on him.
“Mr President, have you come to visit the survivors?” shouted one journalist.
“Yes,” he replied “I’m visiting a survivor from Foreland. A young girl. I realise many of you will want to talk with her but for the time being that’s not allowed. We want to get her better and we want to get her home. I must stress that if I hear of any indecency on behalf of the press the perpetrators will be punished most severely.”
“Is this an admission of guilt, Mr President?” asked another journalist, taking a photo as he did so.
“It is not. The Government are completely innocent of the claims made against it by the Fascist Federation of the Grand World Order. This, sir, is common human decency, something quite lacking in many of the people I have talked to today. That is all, I’m going to meet with Miss Braithwaite now.” He turned around as the flashes began to blaze from the cameras and pushed open the door to the hospital. Flanked by a pair of advisors he strode down the corridor. An old woman in the clerical gown of a nun stopped him and, with a voice as fragile and crisp as parchment whispered:
“You did your best, Klein. May God bless you.”
“God?” laughed the president. “Wasn’t this murder carried out in his name? Isn’t your God responsible for the orphanage of the child I’m about to meet with? I’m quite happy without the wishes of your bloody God!”
He found Miss Braithwaite’s room and entered quietly, telling the advisors to wait outside. The Parilisan National Health Service was one of the finest in the world, mainly through the careful instruction of Nathaniel Klein himself.
“Good morning Miss Braithwaite.” He said with a reassuring smile. “I’m President Klein. How are you feeling today?”
16-02-2009, 12:52
Stier Castle, Royal City of Stier, Principality of Belkaland
2200 Hours
A tall balding man looks out a window at a calm, moonlit lake at the base of a mountain range when a knock is heard coming from a heavy oak door.
"Enter." States the man.
A rather bald, thick-set man enters the room. "Lord Razgriz, I have word on our 'friend'. It seems the plane he was using to escape was hijacked & destoryed."
"And the datafiles, General?" Asked Razgriz.
"Unknown at this time." Replied the General. "Our assassin has tried to get to the wreckage to confirm the files' destruction. But the Parilisan forces have locked the area down, so our guy can't get close enough."
"Damn, if those files survived, we must retrieve or destroy them at all cost." Stated Razgriz. "Tell the assassin he has 48 hours to complete his objective or we'll go with Plan B. In the meantime George, contact the Parilisan Government. Offer them our assistance in the investigation. Maybe that'll give our guy the oppertunity needed to complete his mission."
"Yes Grand Duke, as you wish." Replied Gen. George.
Principality of Belkaland
Grand Duke Razgriz H. Demon
SecDef Maj. Gen. George Hammond
The Principality of Belkaland has heard of your loss and offer you our condolences. The act that has been inflicted upon your nation is despicable & an international crime. You have our support in hunting down those responsible and to assist in the hunt, the Principality of Belkalnd offers to send one of Belkaland's top Terrorism Investigator, Spc. Lt. John Sheppard.
With our hearts with you,
Razgriz H. Demon
George Hammond
The Order can crush the "Empire" with ease. If a single Order citizen is killed, we will not hesitate to turn Philippiniada into another Province of the Order. Simply put, touch us, and you die. If we can fight off the armies of TPF, Lyras, Stoklomolvi, TLA, and the entire UWR alliance, we certainly can flick you like a piece of dust.
You most certainly did NOT fight off TPF and Lyras. You raged OOC at them for having more stuff than you, then refused to acknowledge their posts.
Lyras and TPF are both decent people, who try hard to RP fairly and well, and to claim that you fought them off, when you essentially wriggled out of losing by being OOCly spineless, is wrong.
16-02-2009, 14:45
Dear Mr Demon & Mr Hammond,
I thank you sincerely for the kindness and cooperation you have shown, and I am more than happy to accept your offer. You are probably aware of the incorrect allegations made against the Government and I, and hopefully your expert will be able to clear up this false claim.
Yours Sincerely,
President Nathaniel Klein
The Grand World Order
16-02-2009, 21:08
You most certainly did NOT fight off TPF and Lyras. You raged OOC at them for having more stuff than you, then refused to acknowledge their posts.
Lyras and TPF are both decent people, who try hard to RP fairly and well, and to claim that you fought them off, when you essentially wriggled out of losing by being OOCly spineless, is wrong.
((OOC: Um, no, they stopped posting or posted long after I had even forgotten about the thread. I checked that thread every single day for at least a month before giving up on the thread. OOCly spineless? If I had been spineless I would have ICly avoided war with them. Don't rant on stuff you weren't a part of. In other words, GTFO, kkthxbai.))
16-02-2009, 23:11
Principality of Belkaland
Grand Duke Razgriz H. Demon
SecDef Maj. Gen. George Hammond
Encription: Delta-Charlie-Foxtrot-4-4-0-8-Zulu-10
Yes, we have indeed heard of the false accusations be leveled at your nation by the GWO. Considering their stance on this, it is possible that it is the GWO that is funding these terrorists. We have no evidence at this time, but the possiblity is still there.
As for our Terrorism Investigator, Spc. Lt. Sheppard is currently in route to the airport. Upon receiving this message, he'll arrive in 2 hours. He has requested that all data on the attack be gathered & ready for him to review upon arrival so that he may make informed decisions..
Razgriz H. Demon
George Hammond
17-02-2009, 03:53
He found Miss Braithwaite’s room and entered quietly, telling the advisors to wait outside. The Parilisan National Health Service was one of the finest in the world, mainly through the careful instruction of Nathaniel Klein himself.
“Good morning Miss Braithwaite.” He said with a reassuring smile. “I’m President Klein. How are you feeling today?”
Emily had been quite happy to know that there were people caring for her at the local hospital but nothing but returning to Foreland had been on her mind during her stay in that hospital room, being catered to by generous nuns and helpful doctors, and having food that was actually recognizable as food. When she overheard the little spat between Klein and the nun, Emily sighed. The nuns weren't to blame for what happened. Not all Christians were evil. Emily knew this from experience. When she noticed Klein walking into the room, she gave him a small smile.
"I must say that it's an honor to meet you, President Klein. I'm quite alright despite the occassional pains and aches that I feel from time to time here at the hospital."
Emily looked at a nearby nun and sighed. "You shouldn't be so cruel towards those nuns, President. You can not blame them for the sins of those people onboard that plane and I don't really think that God delights in such activities. Don't jump to conclusions."
Emily pulled out the cross that her mother had given her from under her gown and smiled. "My mother came from a religious family that had named her after Joan of Arc and she gave this necklace to me after one of her relatives (the one who gave her the necklace) passed away from heart problems. I can't believe that my mother left this world in such a repugnant fashion. The last thing that I had seen of her was that she held hands with my father as they burned. It's ironic that she did like her namesake did. Do you have any questions for me, President? I'm sure you think that I ought to know something about those terrorists. For one, they seemed to be speaking in Latin....."
17-02-2009, 11:49
“Latin?” said Klein, looking at the cross. “That would make sense. The Church here is extremely conservative and all their masses are said in Latin. I know a little bit, when I was a child it was legally compulsory to attend mass once a week and so I slowly picked a little up. You are right about the nuns, they had no part in this, but the entire Church seems to be against me right now. Cardinal Salieri has even launched a claim that I am the Anti-Christ.”
He decided not to add why he felt so uncomfortable in the presence of members of the Church. Whilst he was open minded and had helped protect all religion in Parilisa the Cross still inspired fear in him; at the age of 19 he had been tied to a wooden cross by a priest and had been whipped and left out in the cold all night as a punishment for his heresy. Since that moment he had never been able to see the crucifix as a sign of peace, but as a sign of torment, punishment and dread.
“I am incredibly sorry to learn that your parents have passed away in this attack. I know what it feels like to loose someone close to you, and you must be incredibly strong to be able to talk about it like this. Now, I don’t want to quiz and interrogate you about all of this, but if there is anything you do want to talk about you had better say it to me and not to the press, as they will have every word you say emblazoned across the pages of their rags.”
At that moment the nun entered the room with a jug of water for Emily. She left it on the desk without a word, throwing a nasty look to Klein as she did so. The President simply watched her calmly and thanked her as she left, but the woman said nothing in response.
OOC: How old is Emily?
17-02-2009, 11:53
Principality of Belkaland
Grand Duke Razgriz H. Demon
SecDef Maj. Gen. George Hammond
Encription: Delta-Charlie-Foxtrot-4-4-0-8-Zulu-10
Yes, we have indeed heard of the false accusations be leveled at your nation by the GWO. Considering their stance on this, it is possible that it is the GWO that is funding these terrorists. We have no evidence at this time, but the possiblity is still there.
As for our Terrorism Investigator, Spc. Lt. Sheppard is currently in route to the airport. Upon receiving this message, he'll arrive in 2 hours. He has requested that all data on the attack be gathered & ready for him to review upon arrival so that he may make informed decisions..
Razgriz H. Demon
George Hammond
Dear Mr Demon& Mr Hammond,
I have made sure that your man has access to all evidence upon his arrival, but this is on the condition that he undergoes thorough security checks by the police. You must understand that in the current climate this is absolutely necessary. Mr Shepphard will not be able to carry weaponry or any similar equipment during his stay in Parilisa and all his tools and possessions will have to be looked at by a group of security experts before they are allowed to pass through.
If you have any further enquiries do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours Sincerely,
President Nathaniel Klein
17-02-2009, 15:50
"Latin?” said Klein, looking at the cross. “That would make sense. The Church here is extremely conservative and all their masses are said in Latin. I know a little bit, when I was a child it was legally compulsory to attend mass once a week and so I slowly picked a little up. You are right about the nuns, they had no part in this, but the entire Church seems to be against me right now. Cardinal Salieri has even launched a claim that I am the Anti-Christ.”
"You will always find people hostile to your actions, President. It's a common household truth, I think, among politicians. Some people in Foreland didn't vote in the last election because they couldn't trust their politicians but, as I recall, Consul Cullen seems to be doing alright."
“I am incredibly sorry to learn that your parents have passed away in this attack. I know what it feels like to loose someone close to you, and you must be incredibly strong to be able to talk about it like this. Now, I don’t want to quiz and interrogate you about all of this, but if there is anything you do want to talk about you had better say it to me and not to the press, as they will have every word you say emblazoned across the pages of their rags.”
Emily sighed. "I lost my parents and my brother to the attackers, President, and I do admit that I'm heartbroken but I've got to deal with my grief and I don't want to pose as such a hard patient for the nuns and doctors. I usually weep and lament when I'm alone during the night. Thank you, President, for the condolences. I'm pretty sure I'll be staying with my relatives when I return home."
At that moment the nun entered the room with a jug of water for Emily. She left it on the desk without a word, throwing a nasty look to Klein as she did so. The President simply watched her calmly and thanked her as she left, but the woman said nothing in response.
OOC: How old is Emily?
OOC: Fourteen.
Emily looked at the nun and thanked her in French before her gaze returned to the President. "I'm sure that I won't have a problem with the Parilisan press unless the security around me grows lax like your airports. President, why didn't you have stronger airport security? A part of me wants to blame you for what happened and I am sure that there are many who are, as we speak, blaming you. I admit that a part of me sort of, well, hates you. Yet, I don't totally hate you. It's nice that you took the time to meet me. I've never met a foreign leader - let alone a foreign politician - before. If you have any questions for me about the attack, just ask them. I don't mind."
17-02-2009, 16:37
"You will always find people hostile to your actions, President. It's a common household truth, I think, among politicians. Some people in Foreland didn't vote in the last election because they couldn't trust their politicians but, as I recall, Consul Cullen seems to be doing alright."
Emily sighed. "I lost my parents and my brother to the attackers, President, and I do admit that I'm heartbroken but I've got to deal with my grief and I don't want to pose as such a hard patient for the nuns and doctors. I usually weep and lament when I'm alone during the night. Thank you, President, for the condolences. I'm pretty sure I'll be staying with my relatives when I return home."
Emily looked at the nun and thanked her in French before her gaze returned to the President. "I'm sure that I won't have a problem with the Parilisan press unless the security around me grows lax like your airports. President, why didn't you have stronger airport security? A part of me wants to blame you for what happened and I am sure that there are many who are, as we speak, blaming you. I admit that a part of me sort of, well, hates you. Yet, I don't totally hate you. It's nice that you took the time to meet me. I've never met a foreign leader - let alone a foreign politician - before. If you have any questions for me about the attack, just ask them. I don't mind."
“It is the belief of my nation and my Government that there is nothing greater nor more important than freedom. Our laws and our constitution uphold this belief. It seems, however, that in this circumstance we let our sense of freedom be clouded, for we were so relaxed that airport security was inadequate and we have lost a fair many decent people as a result. I know that others are blaming me, I can see why you are blaming me. I blame myself. I know that I can never give you anything to compensate for your loss, but the government met today and decided that you and your relatives are entitled to a fair bit of money, if you want it.”
“I can give you protection from the press if you want. I’ll keep giving statements and speeches but if you don’t want to talk to them then that’s fine. They can be pretty heartless.”
Klein paused for a moment, looking at the cross in Emily’s hands again.
“There is one thing I want to know.” He said after a while. “Did anybody resist? Did anybody fight back?”
18-02-2009, 00:32
It is the belief of my nation and my Government that there is nothing greater nor more important than freedom. Our laws and our constitution uphold this belief. It seems, however, that in this circumstance we let our sense of freedom be clouded, for we were so relaxed that airport security was inadequate and we have lost a fair many decent people as a result. I know that others are blaming me, I can see why you are blaming me. I blame myself. I know that I can never give you anything to compensate for your loss, but the government met today and decided that you and your relatives are entitled to a fair bit of money, if you want it.”
"Sometimes you can make a mistake that can turn into a really horrible tragedy but it takes a great man to have the courage to not only accept his mistake but to help those affected by it. That's what some author once wrote in a book but the title escapes me at the moment. President, I believe that my relatives will probably ask for compensation but I'm just happy that I am alive and well, despite the aches and pains I'm suffering, and that I've even had the honor of meeting a foreign leader despite the circumstances looming over us."
“I can give you protection from the press if you want. I’ll keep giving statements and speeches but if you don’t want to talk to them then that’s fine. They can be pretty heartless.”
Emily nodded her head. "I would appreciate it if you could protect me from the press because, while I don't mind answering questions, I feel that they may overpower me and make a whole new set of problems for me here in Parilisa. That's not what I want."
Klein paused for a moment, looking at the cross in Emily’s hands again.
“There is one thing I want to know.” He said after a while. “Did anybody resist? Did anybody fight back?”
"I believe that there was a person or two who tried to fight back; once we heard the gunfire from outside the plane, the lead priest set off the explosives and then all went silent before the explosions began. I cannot believe that I have actually seen someone's flesh literally burn off of them. That's how my parents died. They held hands and were calm as the explosion tore through the plane, they were always lovebirds, and they kissed before they were consumed. My brother pushed me down so I wouldn't be too burned, or even dead, and so I think he sacrificed himself for my benefit. That's something that I will never forget. Any more questions, President? I'm probably going to be here for a few more days before I head back to Foreland. I want you to know that I'm happy you came to meet with me even if, to be honest, I'm pretty angry at you."
18-02-2009, 01:46
A single BAF PerCraft ( soared through the skies preparing to land. The pilot of the PerCraft, Capt. Renolds, seeing the airport come into view, opened a comm. link to the airport's Control Tower.
"BNA Flight 206 to Control Tower, our passenger has requested that we taxi directly to a private hanger. He wants a secure place for us to stay and for him to prepare."
18-02-2009, 03:07
The Comorstani Embassy Personnel were on full alert after the hijacking. Their AKS-74Us were fully loaded with a round chambered. They patrolled the Embassy ground in full body armor. When the man came running up to the gate, the guards' first thought was to put several 7.62mm round through his head. But as he got closer, he held something up in his hand: a certificate of dual citizenship to Parilisa and Comorostan. He finished his run, stopped at the gate, and turned to one of the guards. "I need to see the ambassador!!" he shouted, "Now!!"
18-02-2009, 03:23
The man gave his name as one Kharl Samira. He was an undercover operative working for SWORD, trying to ferret out the terrorists linked to the hijacking. He had information about a group of PLB terrorists in the city. "I don't know what they're planning, but they're here." The ambassador digested this information, and then picked up the phone. "Get me a line to the Parilisan government."
The Grand World Order
18-02-2009, 06:17
((OOC: Comorostan, it does get on some people's nerves to double post instead of putting it in one post. Not telling you it's against any rules or anything, just that some people might get annoyed by it.))
18-02-2009, 11:10
"Sometimes you can make a mistake that can turn into a really horrible tragedy but it takes a great man to have the courage to not only accept his mistake but to help those affected by it. That's what some author once wrote in a book but the title escapes me at the moment. President, I believe that my relatives will probably ask for compensation but I'm just happy that I am alive and well, despite the aches and pains I'm suffering, and that I've even had the honor of meeting a foreign leader despite the circumstances looming over us."
“There is nothing honourable about me, Miss Braithwaite, though I am glad you do not hate me quite as much as I expected. Compensation will be quite easy to organise, I’ll write to your relatives at home if you like, and ask them what they think should be done. Please don’t hesitate to ask for anything; if you want a different room or a different bed or whatever you can have it. I hear the food is quite nice here, but if you have any other preferences just let somebody know. You must have the best Parilisa has to offer whilst you are here; I am determined to look after you.”
Emily nodded her head. "I would appreciate it if you could protect me from the press because, while I don't mind answering questions, I feel that they may overpower me and make a whole new set of problems for me here in Parilisa. That's not what I want."
“No, you’re right. I know all to well what the press can be like, they’re like a bunch of professional stalkers. They’ve been needlessly cruel to me in the past, and its flaring up now. I can understand that people are blaming me for lack of security and all that but those people who believe the lie that I planned the attack must be absolute morons. The problem is that these conspiracy theorists seem to have infiltrated the newspaper companies and are spreading their horrible counterknowledges.”
"I believe that there was a person or two who tried to fight back; once we heard the gunfire from outside the plane, the lead priest set off the explosives and then all went silent before the explosions began. I cannot believe that I have actually seen someone's flesh literally burn off of them. That's how my parents died. They held hands and were calm as the explosion tore through the plane, they were always lovebirds, and they kissed before they were consumed. My brother pushed me down so I wouldn't be too burned, or even dead, and so I think he sacrificed himself for my benefit. That's something that I will never forget. Any more questions, President? I'm probably going to be here for a few more days before I head back to Foreland. I want you to know that I'm happy you came to meet with me even if, to be honest, I'm pretty angry at you."
“I’ve seen people die before, and I know how traumatic it can be. If you want to talk to someone then I can have a therapist or a psychologist or whatever in here with you. I can sympathise with the need to return to your family and the doctor has informed me that if you wish to leave you may do so. We could send you by private jet if you wish, but it has been suggested that you might not wish to travel by plane after these awful events.”
“Miss Braithwaite, I wish to offer your brother, rest his soul, a medal for his bravery during the attack. He saved your life and risked his own and he deserves Parilisa’s highest award.”
18-02-2009, 11:18
A single BAF PerCraft ( soared through the skies preparing to land. The pilot of the PerCraft, Capt. Renolds, seeing the airport come into view, opened a comm. link to the airport's Control Tower.
"BNA Flight 206 to Control Tower, our passenger has requested that we taxi directly to a private hanger. He wants a secure place for us to stay and for him to prepare."
The control tower answered almost instantly.
“Permission granted Flight 206, hangar A is open and ready for you. There are a group of policemen waiting to talk to your passenger upon arrival.”
18-02-2009, 11:18
The man gave his name as one Kharl Samira. He was an undercover operative working for SWORD, trying to ferret out the terrorists linked to the hijacking. He had information about a group of PLB terrorists in the city. "I don't know what they're planning, but they're here." The ambassador digested this information, and then picked up the phone. "Get me a line to the Parilisan government."
The secretary entered Klein’s office to find it empty, so she headed down the corridor to the Prime Minister instead.
“Elizabeth, how can I help you?” asked Parl, with a warm and welcoming smile.
“I was looking for the President, Prime Minister, but I can’t find him in his office. There’s a phone call from Comorostan, it sounds rather urgent.”
“Yes, Klein is visiting a survivor in hospital.” Said Parl, grimly. It was no longer necessary to use words like terrorism or attack; everyone knew what you were talking about when you said survivor. “I’ll take it.”
Parl went into the Presidential office and sat in the comfortable chair behind the polished desk, picking up the phone as he did so.
“Good afternoon, this is Prime Minister Hugo Parl of Parilisa. I’m afraid the President can’t talk to you at the moment, he’s busy with things concerning recent events, but if there is anything I can do to help you then I am more than happy to be of assistance.”
18-02-2009, 23:52
"There is nothing honourable about me, Miss Braithwaite, though I am glad you do not hate me quite as much as I expected. Compensation will be quite easy to organise, I’ll write to your relatives at home if you like, and ask them what they think should be done. Please don’t hesitate to ask for anything; if you want a different room or a different bed or whatever you can have it. I hear the food is quite nice here, but if you have any other preferences just let somebody know. You must have the best Parilisa has to offer whilst you are here; I am determined to look after you.”
"It would be best if you wrote to them. They'd want to know that I survived the attack and that I'm getting healed in a Parilisan hospital as you can see, President. I'll keep all of what you said in mind and I hope that I can return home soon - my desire to explore Parilisa is still strong but I think my relatives will definately want me home as soon as I am released. President, I hope that I can eventually see all of Parilisa one day in the near future. I really do."
“No, you’re right. I know all to well what the press can be like, they’re like a bunch of professional stalkers. They’ve been needlessly cruel to me in the past, and its flaring up now. I can understand that people are blaming me for lack of security and all that but those people who believe the lie that I planned the attack must be absolute morons. The problem is that these conspiracy theorists seem to have infiltrated the newspaper companies and are spreading their horrible counterknowledges.”
"You'll always find people like that. It's essential that you deal with them properly or you'll only aggravate the situation that you're in. We wouldn't want you to have more problems, would we?"
“I’ve seen people die before, and I know how traumatic it can be. If you want to talk to someone then I can have a therapist or a psychologist or whatever in here with you. I can sympathise with the need to return to your family and the doctor has informed me that if you wish to leave you may do so. We could send you by private jet if you wish, but it has been suggested that you might not wish to travel by plane after these awful events.”
"I would have assumed that a therapist would have immediately checked up on me to see what my mental condition was. I don't feel anything more than immense emotional pain, which I'm trying my best to restrain, and the physical pain I'm currently in. I don't know what to expect, President. I just can't believe that I'll wake up without my parents, without my brother, without them all around me as they'd usually be. I remember hearing my mother singing in French when I came out of the post-explosion trance - it was then that I saw them. The charred corpses. As for flying out on a private jet, I don't know what I'd do."
“Miss Braithwaite, I wish to offer your brother, rest his soul, a medal for his bravery during the attack. He saved your life and risked his own and he deserves Parilisa’s highest award.”
"You may give to him as you wish, President. He surely deserves honors whether he would want them or not."
18-02-2009, 23:59
"This is the Comorostani ambassador. Our intelligence services have uncovered evidence that a terrorist cell in the city. We are sending the last known location of the cell, and we are willing to provide any assistance necessary.
19-02-2009, 02:05
The control tower answered almost instantly.
“Permission granted Flight 206, hangar A is open and ready for you. There are a group of policemen waiting to talk to your passenger upon arrival.”
"Roger that, Control, we are preparing to land." Responded the pilot. "Lowering land gear & deploying flaps. Nelson, contact our passenger, tell him to get ready then help me land this bird."
"Yes, sir" Answered the Co-pilot.
With that the co-pilot told the Terrorism Investigator to get ready. Once that was done, the two pilots lined the PerCraft with Runway 1a when warning lights started flashing. The captain called the Control Tower.
"Control, Control, we've been spiked by enemy radar. SHIT, everyone eject now!"
A missile zoomed in out of the blue and detonated right on the right wing just as three panels blew off the top of the plane & 3 ejection seats came flying out. With the plane no longer having a right wing, it spiraled down until it slammed into the ground only 100 yards from a residentual area.
The Wolf Hold
19-02-2009, 02:08
(OOC- Mind if re-join as Airport Secuirity again?)
19-02-2009, 11:34
OOC: Feel free.
19-02-2009, 11:34
"This is the Comorostani ambassador. Our intelligence services have uncovered evidence that a terrorist cell in the city. We are sending the last known location of the cell, and we are willing to provide any assistance necessary.
“Please do. I will have intelligence on it as soon as possible, thank you very much for alerting me. Am I right in thinking that there is a connection between this dreadful group and your nation, sir?’’
19-02-2009, 11:40
"It would be best if you wrote to them. They'd want to know that I survived the attack and that I'm getting healed in a Parilisan hospital as you can see, President. I'll keep all of what you said in mind and I hope that I can return home soon - my desire to explore Parilisa is still strong but I think my relatives will definately want me home as soon as I am released. President, I hope that I can eventually see all of Parilisa one day in the near future. I really do."
"You'll always find people like that. It's essential that you deal with them properly or you'll only aggravate the situation that you're in. We wouldn't want you to have more problems, would we?"
"I would have assumed that a therapist would have immediately checked up on me to see what my mental condition was. I don't feel anything more than immense emotional pain, which I'm trying my best to restrain, and the physical pain I'm currently in. I don't know what to expect, President. I just can't believe that I'll wake up without my parents, without my brother, without them all around me as they'd usually be. I remember hearing my mother singing in French when I came out of the post-explosion trance - it was then that I saw them. The charred corpses. As for flying out on a private jet, I don't know what I'd do."
"You may give to him as you wish, President. He surely deserves honors whether he would want them or not."
“I’ll write to your family as soon as I can, and you can leave any time you want. I’d be quite happy to pay for a visit to Parilisa again if you so wish. I must depart now, Miss Braithwaite. It has been good to talk to you; you are a brave girl, an intelligent girl, and a far better person than I could ever hope to be. I do not wish to sound patronising, you must understand, but you are a true inspiration.” Klein stood up and prepared to leave.
19-02-2009, 15:34
“I’ll write to your family as soon as I can, and you can leave any time you want. I’d be quite happy to pay for a visit to Parilisa again if you so wish. I must depart now, Miss Braithwaite. It has been good to talk to you; you are a brave girl, an intelligent girl, and a far better person than I could ever hope to be. I do not wish to sound patronising, you must understand, but you are a true inspiration.” Klein stood up and prepared to leave.
"Thank you for the compliments, President. It was pretty nice to meet you despite the circumstances of your visit. Farewell, President, and may I one day actually enjoy a trip to your beloved nation. I'll probably be leaving a couple of days, that is, if the doctors think I'm cured of my ailments and so forth. You and I both know that sometimes doctors try to persuade to wait before doing something. Please write to my family and tell them that I'm fine."
19-02-2009, 17:16
To the family of Miss Emily Braithwaite,
My condolences, and the condolences of my nation, are sent to you for your most terrible loss. Unprecedented in Parilisa, this attack has had a deep and devastating impact on our way of life, and as we are affected by our personal losses so to are you affected by your tragic loss.
I cannot begin to express, nor should I hope to ever convey in words, the sympathy and empathy I feel for you at this awful time. However, I wish to compensate you for the traumatic things currently occurring to you, and the Government is prepared to pay you a large amount of money to try to make up just a small part of your loss. We know that this can never make the sorrow of loosing your relatives fade, but we hope it will help towards the further education and wellbeing of young Emily, who showed inspirational courage to me when I visited her earlier today.
In addition to a monetary form of compensation I wish to grant special honours to Emily’s brave brother, who saved her from the ravages of the blast. His heroism saved the life of his sister, but cost him his own, and he is more than eligible for one of Parilisa’s most prestigious medals- The Hero’s Honour.
Any further enquiries should be addressed to me personally, as I take full responsibility for dealing with this affair. I once again express my sorrow at your loss.
Yours Sincerely,
President Nathaniel Klein
20-02-2009, 02:24
20-02-2009, 02:51
“Please do. I will have intelligence on it as soon as possible, thank you very much for alerting me. Am I right in thinking that there is a connection between this dreadful group and your nation, sir?’’
"Sir, the hijackers were linked to the People's Liberation Battalion. The PLB was linked to the Holy Freedom Fighters of Light, who recently masterminded an uprising in eastern Comorostan. Why they would support the PLB, we don't know, but it is possible they are trying to gain world attention by supporting them. The intellignce is being faxed to your office right now."
20-02-2009, 20:40
"Sir, the hijackers were linked to the People's Liberation Battalion. The PLB was linked to the Holy Freedom Fighters of Light, who recently masterminded an uprising in eastern Comorostan. Why they would support the PLB, we don't know, but it is possible they are trying to gain world attention by supporting them. The intellignce is being faxed to your office right now."
"It seems slightly odd," said Parl "That a group called the People's Liberation Battalion would be apparently resisting the liberation of the people from the Church and monarchy. All our evidence indicates that the attackers were two priests; both were members of the fascist party."
20-02-2009, 20:43
OOC: I'm leaving the reply to your post for the Wolf Hold, whose meant to be RPing security. If there's no reply I'll do the honours, however, so watch this space! :D
The Wolf Hold
20-02-2009, 20:57
Captain Shaw was sitting inside the police barracks deep in thought, thinking about the terrorist attack and how his orders had got everyone killed. No more then 10 surviors, a whole police divison lost, all on his orders. He was thumbing the pistol in his hand, a Desert Eagle 50AE , the big silver handgun was cold against his forehead as he pressed it against his temple, just as he was about to pull the trigger he heard a mighty explosion. He snapped back to reality and holstered the pistol. Running acroos the police coutyard towards the dispatch centre he saw the plane tumble from the sky and crash into the ground. The police station suddenly came alive as alarms sounded and officers made for their vehicles. Shaw knew he had to take charge, he was still acting commisoner and he had a batch of new and untested recruits eager for revenge. Toggiling his microphone on he spoke into his headset, "Attention all units, move to the incident area at once, keep the gunships and helicopters grounded for now" He ran for the garage to board his police cruiser. Meanwhile the sweet voice of the dispatcher drifted across the speakers, "Confirmed terrorist attack, Civillain jet shot down, all services to the area, all services to runway 3 section 5.
The police cuisers began to stream from the station, acompanied by fire and ambulance services. However the newly reinforced security force led the way in 4 Police assault tanks. However they where 4 minutes out luckily a fast responder unit and 4 police cruisers were in the vicinity had sped for where they thought they had seen parachutes land.
21-02-2009, 01:26
At the end of Runway 3, 2 of the 3 men who had ejected from the Belkalandian PerCraft struggled to get out of the ejection seats.
"Damn piece of shit, unhook!" Shouted Lt. Nelson the former Co-pilot.
"Calm down and wait for me, I can you out of that seat." Said the former passenger, a one Spc. Lt. John Sheppard. "This isn't the first time I've had to eject."
"Fine, fine, just hurry up." Responded Lt. Nelson, "Hey, where's Capt. Renolds? I don't see him."
Sheppard looked around "You're right, he's not here. Ah, there we go. I'm out finally, now lets get you out."
"Good, then we can look for Capt. Renolds" Said Lt Nelson as Sheppard worked on his seat, "I hope he's alright."
"Yeah... Hey, looks like the first responders on coming. I can see the flashing lights." Stated Sheppard, "There you go, the lock's undone now."
"Thanks, let's go look for Capt. Renolds now." responded Lt. Nelson.
No, we need to wait for the first responders to get here or we might get in trouble." Said Sheppard as he watch the police cars approached.
23-02-2009, 00:54
To the family of Miss Emily Braithwaite,
My condolences, and the condolences of my nation, are sent to you for your most terrible loss. Unprecedented in Parilisa, this attack has had a deep and devastating impact on our way of life, and as we are affected by our personal losses so to are you affected by your tragic loss.
I cannot begin to express, nor should I hope to ever convey in words, the sympathy and empathy I feel for you at this awful time. However, I wish to compensate you for the traumatic things currently occurring to you, and the Government is prepared to pay you a large amount of money to try to make up just a small part of your loss. We know that this can never make the sorrow of loosing your relatives fade, but we hope it will help towards the further education and wellbeing of young Emily, who showed inspirational courage to me when I visited her earlier today.
In addition to a monetary form of compensation I wish to grant special honours to Emily’s brave brother, who saved her from the ravages of the blast. His heroism saved the life of his sister, but cost him his own, and he is more than eligible for one of Parilisa’s most prestigious medals- The Hero’s Honour.
Any further enquiries should be addressed to me personally, as I take full responsibility for dealing with this affair. I once again express my sorrow at your loss.
Yours Sincerely,
President Nathaniel Klein
I must say that we are glad to know that Emily was able to secure medical assistance in a Parilisan hospital. The news of the attack still rings through our ears and I must admit that the relatives of Emily's mother - especially her still living grandmother - are constantly lamenting the loss of such a fine woman as Jeanne Braithwaite. Indeed, in the years that I knew her, I could not find anyone else so virtuous and pure at heart. Such people are seemingly an endangered species these days. I, myself, lament at the loss of Emily's father - my own brother - who had always been a great companion during our childhood.
The money which you promise us will be gladly accepted; it will be put towards Emily's education so that we may guarantee her a happy and prosperous future amidst the turmoil that this horrible tragedy has caused. I am glad to hear that Emily was receptive to meeting you. She has always been one courageous person over the years. I must admit, however, that public opinion of you is not pretty good. If anything, many in Foreland have condemned your government for the lacking airport security and members of my family have lashed out against you. I must admit, out of my honesty, that I personally believe you are somewhat to blame for what happened. Yet, President, I cannot fully blame you for the sins of others. None of us are saints. We strive to live a good life - confidently and without fear - but sometimes our lives are ended without us even knowing. That's the problem. We never know.
My nephew surely does deserve recognition for the heroism he showed during the attack. It is fitting that he recieve it, the hero that he was, and that he always be remembered amongst us for such deeds. Lastly, it must be said that we request Emily return home as soon as possible. I wish to see my niece again, President, and to make sure she is able to regain the childhood she so rightfully deserves. May those who committed this repugnant attack be swiftly punished, President, and may Parilisa learn from its horrendous mistake.
Charles Braithwaite
01-03-2009, 19:59
"It seems slightly odd," said Parl "That a group called the People's Liberation Battalion would be apparently resisting the liberation of the people from the Church and monarchy. All our evidence indicates that the attackers were two priests; both were members of the fascist party."
"Interesting. We are going to have to look into this. We will inform you of any new developments." The ambassador put the phone down.