Tarsonis Through and Through
Tarsonis Survivors
04-02-2009, 02:36
Tarsonis: The Pheonix Rising
Under Construction
The following information is all that remains of the Tarsonian archives salvaged on Korhal, after the Cataclysm.
It is estimated that in the year 2115, the governments of Earth, burdened by over crowding, haistily assembled a fleet of starships. On these ships they forced the worlds Criminals, daralict, and other undesirables, and sent them into space with no destination. however among those sihps, was one the Tarsonis. Its crew? a group of 127 Soldiers part of a Special Forces black ops group called Ghost. Their job was to asssinate a general, head of a militant dictatorship. However the plot failed and they were compromised. Running under the radar their nation disowned them denying any such group existed. To escape, they stole the Military Grade Cruiser, and dissappeared into the fleet.
Over the next 100 years the fleet encountered many hazards, from simple malfunctions from shoddy construction to space marauders eager to make a score. The Ghosts tried to defend the fleet, rescuing a few civilians and waisting ammo fending off pirates, but in the end, they were all that remained. Some ships had gone astray, half the fleet had been taken out by a solar flair, and the rest had been destroyed by "other reasons.' the Tarsonis, now piloted by the children of the Ghosts, soldiered on to things unkown.
Around 2220 the ship finally met its end, being struck by rouge astroids the ships crashed upon the Inhospitapal world that would eventually be their home. A planet of desert and rugged blasted landscape, the survivors named their planet Korhal, meanig World of the Damned. However, the planet could provide them food and sustenence, after some creative practices. Over the next few hundred years other ships had found Korhal, drawn by the distress beacon of the Tarsonis. Some were ships that had gone astray, others, Humans who had lived on other worlds that were not suiting. Eventually the world became a thriving civilization, its face changed as technology development allowed for progress of the planets ecosystems.
The first group had named their faction the Sons of Tarsonis. However as the planet progressed other factions to rise up to become nations and the world was much like Earth, a group of large nations. However at the culmination of a 150 year long conspiracy, the Sons of Tarsonis, now a secret society much like the Knights Templar, resurfaced and united the world under a single flag, and under their rule. Their Kingdom was named Tarsonis after the Ship, and the Flag was only known as the Crimson Pheonix and that became their national bird, even though it had Mythical Origins.
Now in the years that followed the Tarsonians once again took to the stars. Amassing fleets of warships the leaders of the Tarsonis constructed a crucade conquering nearby inhabitated worlds. Most were humans other ancesters of the great fleet, and some gladly joined the Ranks of Tarsonis, their compliance getting them favor in the Royal Parliament and getting them fair representation. The others who resisted, were conquered and enslaved. This became the normal policy of Tarsonis as its leaders became power hungry and craved wealth. But as the borders reached its limits that policy would soon change.
In the Tarsonian year of 1584 a distant Space fairing empire attacked Tarsonis unexpectedly and Seized control of Korhal before the massive fleets could return to counter the attack. However unfortunately for the Alanorians another nation had seen the Tarsonians plight and agreed to help. The federation of Amazonia answered the distress calls of a lowlly LT at the time. HIs name was Kevin Kast. He was piloting a ship that escaped the invasion and had gone searching for help. With the Tarsonian Resistance on the Planet of Korhal, and the Amazonian fleets, when the Tarsonian Fleets finally made it back home, the Alanorians were quickly defeated and pushed back. However, not before the ruling family had been publically executed.
Parliament regained power, but a knew King was needed. A man named Alh hadded Coronus arised to power, and with him the face of Tarsonis changed. Subjugated planets were freed from bondage and rebuilt their populations givin representation in government. And after a rebuilding time of 10 years the Tarsonis was back on its feet. Its image in the Galactic Community Changed becoming one of Freedom and Rhiteousnes instead of greed and power.
5 years later, the federation of Amazonia was overthrown and the Dominion of Amazonia was born. Tarsonis had fought in the war on the Federations side but was still defeated. However, a some what mutual protection plan was drawn up, as relations with the corrupt dictatorship appproved after some incidents involving rebel third parties increased diplomacy. And after forging an alliance with the nation of Spit Break Tarsonis prospered in what has been called the Golden Years. Before teh Cataclysm.
End of historical Records.
Tarsonis Survivors
04-02-2009, 09:00
The Invasion of the Otari, or better known as The Cataclysm!
The following is a record of Tarsonis's fall from grace and those who remain struggling for survival.
In the Tarsonain year of 1600, a Mysterious plague struck the Kingdom of Tarsonis, spreading like wild fire with a kill ratio of 75% The first to fall was Korhal, Capital Planet. With its fall the government of Tarsonis fell, along with the Military High Command. Only Kevin Kast, Now the Grand Admiral of the fleets, survived due to being off world while fighting the Sagitan Pirates with the Dominion. The plauge quickly spead through out the empire hastend by travel and shipping. The tarsonians almost had the virus Quarentined when the Otari attacked.
When the Otari invaded they struck without warning. Many believed the plague to have been sent by the Otari as a weapon to weaken the Tarsonian forces because it did. With the loss of the Military High command, the Tarsonian military was unable to coordinate a succesful defence. After many battles, in which the fleets of Tarsonis were wittle away and defeated, little was left of the Tarsonian nation, and what was left the Otari incinerated. The Otari didnt just come to conquer but to exterminate all life. And this time, due to the plague Tarsonis's allies, were unable to come to its rescue without signing their own death warrents. As such the nation became no more. After the last purging the Otari left, and now the space that the former Kingdom of Tarsonis occupied, has been quarentined, only pirates freely venture into the space.
While the Otari may have brought the Kingdom to its Knees, the head, they failed to remove. For Kast and his men remained. There were only 7 warriars left including him. And a lone planet, that had escaped the purgings due to its classified status. Elumarnia. It was a rogue planet with no star, so there is no way to detect its existence short of stumbling upon it. And even if one did they would see just a massive life less rock, for the base there, is in the planets core. Elumarnia was the chief weapons testing and development planet, hidden from the rest of the Galacti Community and it was there that Kast and his men decide to survive.
For 8 years his men had hid, in Elumarnia, preying on Pirates to survive. Many had thought them gone for good. However recently they were forced to resurface as a raid turned bad they had to make a run for the Spit Break border, who when alerted to their presence came to their aid. However others had already figured it out. The pirates hired a bounty hunter to track down and eliminate the Tarsonians thinking they were just random marauders. However, they had unwittingly hired another Tarsonian Survivor, the only one to Escape the Nayan Massacre. and it just so happened to be Kast's daughter. Using this to their advantage they ambushed a pirate in attempts to seal their secrecy..but the pirate had information to trade for his life...information of perhaps a large reminant of the Kingdom.
the information lead to the discovery of a small yet efficient fleet, all that remained to their knowledge of the tarsonian military. with a bit of power under them they returned to Elumarnia. since then they ahve set up an advanced communication network of relay probes, to keep themselves hidden. In order to obtain necesssary suplies they act as a mercenary fleet being paid for battle.
Tarsonis Survivors
13-02-2009, 08:53
Nicoli Rapier
Age 41
Rank: High Chancellor
Homeworld: Korhal
Weapon of Choice: Diplomacy
Before the Cataclysm he was the Secretary of War, and Scientific Advisor to King Cerifis Coronus. Now he is the leader of the Restored Tarsonian Government. While leaving the actual workings of the Merchant Military Dealings (a rather nice name for Mercenary dealings) Nicoli concerns himself mainly with the settings for the civilians. He deals mainly with negotiations with forein leaders and appropriation of resources
Kevin Kast
Age: 47
Rank: Admiral.
Homeworld: Elumarnia
Weapon of Choice: Beamsabor
History: Before the Cataclysm he was the commander of the Mornarian Special Forces Division. He is now the Commander of the Entire Navy, or what remains of it after the Cataclysm. His wife Sywe'en was killed during the Cataclysm though his daughter has recently Resurfaced. Kast is the most powerful Psyonic, some say in the universe and a very capable commander. He led the Seven Horseman until recently and answers only to Chancellor Nicoli Rapier.
Keslia Kast
Age 19
Rank: lieutenant
Homeworld: Korhal
Weapon of choice: Peace maker: A curved assasins dagger that was once her fathers.
Keslia was born on Korhal while her parents lived there. She was saved during the Cataclysm by Daggar, one of Draconis's friend, who was killed. He stuffed her on his Valkarye fighter, "the Sword and Retribution" and sent her off into space. Since then she became a Mercenary, a rather succesful one at that, until her services brought her into contact with the Tarsonian Survivors. A psyonic like her father she has been inducted into the Mornarian Division, and is part of the top 7 officers known as the 7 horseman.
June Rapier
Rank: Major
Homeworld: Sobrias
Weapon of Choice: Scatter Rifle
At the time of the Cataclysm she was a fresh graduate from the Mornarian Training Program. Graduating top of her class she was quickly assigned to Admiral Kast's newly formed special forces program known as the seven horseman. She quickly made her bones as a capable comander during the Sagitan Pirate incident. Now the horseman are mainly a special group of commanders who are strategically placed throughout the fleet to lead mornarian divisions into battle and she is their commander.
Tarsonis Survivors
06-03-2009, 03:16
Capital Ships In The Tarsonian Fleet
UltimaX Class Assualt Carriar
Length. 21.025 km
Width: 5 km
Height: 6 km.
Propulsion: AntiGravity Propulsion Engines.
Hyperdrive: Hyperion Class Mark 5 hyperdrive.
Transports:Payload of 1000 Wraiths and 500 Valkarye Fighters
100 Defiant Class Gunships
1000 Acrolite seigetanks
1500 Scorpion Tanks
2000 Avenger Class APC
1000 Retribution Class Goilath Mech Walkers.
1000 Vulture Class Hover Bikes
100,000 Marines
10,000 Mornarians.
Armaments 1 Hyperheavy AntiShip Cannon.
200 Heavy AntiShip Cannons.
4000 10 Cm ChainRailDriver AntiFighter Cannons.
6000 Point defense AntiMissile/fighter Cannons
500 AntiShip Missle Launchers.
1000 torpedo bays.
Shielding: Trilayer Titan Class Particle Shields
Dual Layer Mercury Ray shields
Purpose: Multipurpose Assault Carriar
Sovereign Class Air Craft Carrier
Length 8.5 Km
Width 3.5 Km
Height 1.5 Km
Transports: either 1000 Wraiths or 1000 Valkarye Fighters
100 Defiant class Gunships.
Armaments: 1000 point defense anti fighter/missle cannons
500 6cm chain railgun antifighter cannons.
Propulsion: AntiGravity Propulsion Engines.
Hyperdrive: Hyperion Class Mark 5 hyperdrive.
Shielding: Trilayer Titan partical Shields
Dual Layer Merdcury Ray shields.
Puropose:Fighter/Gun ship carriar.
Insurrection Class Battle Cruiser.
Length: 6km Meters
Width: 2km
Height: 1km meters
Propulsion: AntiGravity Propulsion Engines
Hyperdrive: Hyperian Class Mark 5 Hyperdrive
Armaments: 1 Yomata Cannon
100 Heavy Antiship cannons
200 AntiShip Cannons
750 Point Defense AntiMissle/figher Laser Cannons
350Torpedo batteries.
Shielding: Trilayer Titan partical Shields
Dual Layer Merdcury Ray shields.
Purpose: Battle Cruiser type Capital Ship.
Achilles Class cruiser
Length 1.25 km
Width 425 meters
Hights 200 meters
Transports: 20 Wraith fighter Complement
2 Defiant Class Gunships
Armaments:4 hyper heavy anti ship cannons
12 heavy Anti ship cannons
20 light Anti-ship cannons
200 Point defense Antifighter/missle cannons
100 15 cm chain rail gun, anti ship/fighter cannons
25 anti ship missle bays
75 torpedo bays
Propulsion: AntiGravity Propulsion Engines.
Hyperdrive: Hyperion Class Mark 5 hyperdrive.
Shielding: Trilayer Titan partical Shields
Dual Layer Merdcury Ray shields.
Purpose: PatrolShip/Attack cruiser
Corsair Class AntiShip Frigate
Length 800 Meters
Width: 200 Meters
Height:100 Meters
Propulsion: AntiGravity Propulsion Engines.
Hyperdrive: Hyperion Class Mark 5 hyperdrive
Armaments. 1 Hyper Heavy AntiShip Cannon
10heavy Anti ship
10 Anti Ship Missle Launchers
150 Point Defense Lasers Cannons
50 6 cm Chain railgun antifighter cannons
20 Heavy Anti Ship Torpedo Bays.
Shielding: Trilayer Titan partical Shields
Dual Layer Merdcury Ray shields.
Purpose: Fast attack anti ship Frigate
Scout AntiShip Intercepter Frigate.
Length 830 Meters
width 415 meters
height 100 meters
Propulsion: Subspace Rift Propulsion Engine.
Hyperdrive: Hyperion Class Mark 5 hyperdrive
Armaments: 3 ultra heavy Antiship Cannons
40 Antimatter Missle Launchers
60 light antiship cannons
120 Point defense Batteries.
Shielding: Duallayer Pluto Class Partical Shields
Duallayer Andromeda Class Ray Shields
Purpose: Long Range Predater/ fast attack anti ship frigate
Valkarious Class Missle Frigate
Lenght: 400 m
Width: 175 m
Height: 100 m
Propulsion AntiGravity Propulsion Engines
Hyperdrive: Hyperion Class Mark 5 hyperdrive
Armaments: 5 light anti ship cannons.
50Point Defense Antifighter/missle laser Cannons
30 AntiFighter/lightship Gemini cluster anti matter missile Silos.
Shielding: Trilayer Titan partical Shields
Dual Layer Merdcury Ray shields.
Purpose: Blanket Cluster Missle Frigate
Saint Class Hospital Ship\
Length 800 meters
Width 550 meters
Height 80 meters
Shielding Trilayer Titan partical Shields
Dual Layer Merdcury Ray shields.
Armaments: none
Propulstion: Anti Gravity Propulstion Engines
Hyperdrive Hyperion Class Mark 5 hyperdrive
Auxillery Craft: Two Daggar Class Lander's moddified for Medical Transport
Purpose: Medical Frigate
Scimitar Class Hunter Killer
Length 890 Meters
Width: 1350 Meters
Height of main body:100 Meters
Armaments: 6 Hyper Heavy AntiShip cannons
20 Heavy Anti Ship cannons
25 light Anti-ship cannons
200 Point defense Antifighter/missle cannons
100 15 cm chain rail gun, anti ship/fighter cannons
35 anti ship missle bays
100 torpedo bays
Transports: 20 Wraith fighter Complement
2 Defiant Class Gunships
Propulsion: AntiGravity Propulsion Engines.
Hyperdrive: Hyperion Class Mark 5 hyperdrive.
Shielding: Trilayer Titan partical Shields
Dual Layer Merdcury Ray shields
Purpose: Anti Capital Ship attack ship.
Tarsonis Survivors
08-03-2009, 06:31
Auxillery ships of the Tarsonian Fleet
Defiant Class Gunship
Length: 120 Meters
Width: 100 Meters
Height: 25 Meters
Propulstion: Hyper Ion Propulsion System
Hyperdrive: None
Armaments: 4 forward Heavy antiship cannons
12 6 cm Chain railgun anti fighterr cannon
20 Point defense Antimissile/fighter cannon
8 torpedo bays
Purpose: Deployable Gunship.
Shielding- TryLayer Hades Partical Shields
Unilayer Ares Ray Shields
Wraith Fighters
Length: 12 meters
width: 15 meters
Height: 10 Meters (bottom exfoil extended)
4 meters (bottom exfoil retracted)
Propulsion: Twin Ion Propulsion system
Hyperdrive: None
Armaments:2 heavy Blaster cannons
2 Antiship/fighter missle Launchers
1 light antiship cannon
Shielding: Unilayer Eos Class Partical and ray shield.
purpose: Fast Attack fighter
Valkyrie Fighter
Fighter Mode
Length 20 meters
width: 18 meters
hight: 8 meters
Height: 18 meters
Width: 10 meters
Lenght: 6 meters
Propulsion: Twin SlipStream Class Ion Propulstion System
Hyperdrive: Mercurary MircoClass 1 Hyperdrive
Armaments: 2 blasters on 1 on eachwing that upon switch to Soldier mode become beam rifles, one primary, one back up.
2 Armmounted beamsabors: only available in Soldier Mode
8 Antimatter Micro missle launchers: on legs and torso in Soldier mode
under wings in Fighter mode
Shielding Unilayer Eos Class Partical and Ray shield
Purpose: Variable Fighters, Used by mornarians
Coronus CLass Heavy Assault Lander
Lenght: 150 meters
Width: 95 meters
Height: 30 meters
Armaments 20 Point defense antimissle/fighter cannons
Shielding: Trilayer Titan Class Particle Shields
Dual Layer Mercury Ray shields
Propulsion Quad Mule Class Ion engines
Hyperdrive: none
Purpose: Heavy Assault Troop Lander
Daggar CLass Forward Lander
Length 120 Feet
width 40 feet
Height 30 feet
Armaments: 5 point defense anti missle/ fighter cannons
2 anti infantry chaingun.
4 Anti armor/infantry moltenrain rockets
shieldsShielding: Duallayer Pluto Class Partical Shields
Duallayer Andromeda Class Ray Shields
Propulsion: Twin Waverunner Class Propulsion engines
Purpose: Forward Hotspot Troop Lander/Extractor
FirefLy Class transport
Length 190 feet
width 60 feet
height 45 feet
Propulsion: Twin Submarine class Subspace propulsion engines.
Hyperdrive: Firefly class 1 Hyperdrive
shielding: Shielding: Duallayer Pluto Class Partical Shields
Duallayer Andromeda Class Ray Shields
Armaments: 5 Point defense antifighter/missle cannons
Cloak: Silent Running Class Cloak device
Purpose: Longrange/ longterm special ops transport
Acompaniment: 2 6 person microshuttles
Tarsonis Survivors
10-03-2009, 03:28
Arclite seige tank
length 9 meters
width 5 meters
height 3 meters
Armor:heavy: 5 inch carbon mydrahyte
max speed: 100 mph
powersource: microfusion reactor, life span of 15 years
Armaments, Tank mode:
1 antipersonel chain gun.
2 swivel heavy plasma cannons
2 antipersonel grenade launchers.
Seige mode
1 antipersonel chain gun
1 swivel heavy condensed plasma shock cannon.
purpose: heavy mobile artillery
King Tiger VII Tank
Length: 6 meters
Height: 4 meters
width:5 meters
Armaments: 2 long range 6 inch massdriver cannon.
2 antipersonel pulse laser cannons
Armor: heavy: 5 inch carbonmydrahyte
Max speed: 25 MPH
Power: microfusion reactor.
Purpose Heavy Forward Anti Armor
Panzer 16 tank
Length: 7 meters
width:4 meters
height:3 meters
Armaments: 1 longrange 4 inch massdriver cannons
2 antipersonel machine guns.
Armor: heavy:5 inch carbonmydrahyte
max speed: 35 MPH
Power: microfusion reactor.
Purpose: Forward rush attack Tank
Mark IV Scorpion Tank
Length: 8 Meters
Width: 5 Meters
Heigth: 5 Meters
Armor: Ultra heavy 7 inch Carbonmydrahyte
Armaments: 1 10 cm mass driver cannon
2 anti personel Chain guns
4 anti personel grenade launchers
max speed: 35 MPH
Powersource: Micro antimater reactor
Purpose: Forward Infantry Support Tank
Marerick Class APC
Length: 6 Meters
Width: 4 Meters
Height: 3 meters
Max speed 125 MPH
Power: Mmicrofusion reactor
Armor: Heavy 5 Carbonmydrahyte
Armaments: 2 anti personel granade launchers.
Interchangable turret: 1 anti personel chain gun.
or 1 6 Cm close range Armor piercing mass driver
Purpose: Forward Amored Troop Transport
Goliath Mech Battle Walker
Height: 9 meters
width: 5 meters
length: 4 meters
Max speed: 85 mph
Power: microfusion reactor
Armor: medium: 3 inch carbonmydrahyte
Armaments: 1 antipersonel Chain gun
2 Armorpiercing highcalber assault cannons
2 hellfire antiair missle pacts.
Vulture Hover Cycle
Length: 12'
width: 8'
Armaments: small antipersonel beam cannon
1 antiarmor grenage launcher
spidermine launcher
armor: light: 1 inch carbonmydrahyte
Max speed: 300mph
Power: micro Fusion reactor
Tarsonian Royal Marine
Height: generally 6'
width: 3 feet
Armaments: 1 Elite Tarsonian Battlerifle, includes: scope, grenade launcher, nightvision scope: and possible heatseaking rocket attachment.
2 6inch armblades
1 close combat arm cannon.
1 armmounted flamethrower.
Armor: heavy :Carbonmydrahyte exosuite
max speed: 15 mph. 35 mph with Stimpack use.
power: oxygen, water and cabon based food stuffs
Tarsonian Mornarian
Armed with: 1 Elite Tarsonian Battle Rifle, with SniperShot Upgrade.
2 Blaster Pistols
30 blades hidden on person.
1 Tarsonian Beam Sabor.
2 ArmBlades
ARmor: Medium. Bullet broof vest, tactical bulletproof pads and tactical clothing.
Max speed: Running: varries; Flying: Varies
Power: Psyonic energy, Oxygen, Water, Carbon based Food Stuffs
Tarsonis Survivors
16-03-2009, 08:04
Importan Locations
Those passing by the rouge planetoid would think its an interetesting oddity but not much worth exploring. Absent of a sun and with no discernable orbit, Elumarnia location cannot be plotted without precise knowledge of the Planets path. However the government knows the planet actually does have an orbit and that Elumarnia is Orbiting an anomli called the Maw, a cluser of 10 super black holes. Average year around the Maw, 1820 standard years. While there is no sun to give life to normal planets, on this planet is was teh therombacteria that evolved into plants. Getting their energy from the thermal vents instead of the planet, plants have managed to create an earth resembling atmosphere, while thermal vents heat the surface to a mild 51 degrees F. However the true Elumarnia lies beneath the surface. A massive ancient undergound city, concisting of a network of tunnels, chambers and canyons stretching all they way throug the hospital portions of the planets core: forms the city of New Korhal.
Formally a Secret weapons research facility in the Holy Kingdom of Tarsonis, Elumarnia's location was kept secret from all but those who were stationed there, and select members of the government. The Goverment paid a steep price for such secrecy but it evidently prove to be a boon. Due to its secrecy, Elumarnia was the only world with Sentient life to escape the Otari Purges. Now 8 years later, New Korhal is the Capital of the Tarsonian Resurgance.