Miami Shorerian Herald News Briefs.
Miami Shores
31-01-2009, 10:14
Vote & Post comments only IC mode its easy to do. Reports 1,2,3. Report 1. 30 More La Habana Cuban Balseros reach Miami Shorerian Soil.
2. 20,000 La Habana Cuban Spaniard Citizenship requests so far.
3. President Raul Meets President Dmitri Medvedev.
Report 1.
In the ongoing Balsero Crisis Saga 30 more La Habana Cuban Balseros have misteriously reached Miami Shores soil. Apparently helped by smugglers on speedboats paid up to 10,000 Miami Shorerian Pesos USD per persons by Miami Shorerian family members.
Under the laws of Miami Shores all La Habana Cuban Balseros who reach Miami Shores soil are given Miami Shorerian citizenship once setting foot on Miami Shores soil.
Report 2.
According to the Madrid España Consul General in La Habana Cuba up to 20,000 La Habana Cuban citizens of Spaniard descent have filled out Spanish nationality request forms in the firt month of Jan-09.
A 38 year old doctor was the first to turn in his request form and is already a Spanish citizen who expects to recieve his spaniard passport in the next few days.
2,500 hundred forms have been processed so far but only 40 have received Spaniard nationalityship without recieving thier passports so far from the Minister of Foreign Affairs Ana Palacio and the Spaniard Council of Ministers.
Despite the slow start of about 90 forms a day by March they expect to process 325 a day. The consul embassy estimate is anywhere between 300,000 to 400,000 forms will be requested.
Report 3.
After an 8 day visit by LHC Cuban President Raul Castro to Dmitry Medvedev of Russia at the Kremlin his first in 25 years.
As their Comandante en Jefe Fidel Castro Ruz not seen in public by his people except for a few world leaders continuous to rest in a safe undisclosed location after two years of his operations.
Writing articles in the nation's official national independent newspaper. Being consulted on all important matters of state.
According to our undisclosed La Habana Cuban sources Russia will lend LHC a $ 20,000,000 dollar loan to buy Russian construction, energy and agricultural equipment.
A statement realeased by an anti LHC pro Human Rights group based in Miami Shores stated the folowing: The LHC government needs $ money and will take it from anyone without human rights preconditions.
Miami Shorerian Herald reporter Jose Diaz-Balart reporting.
Miami Shores
06-02-2009, 11:30
1. LHC Cardiologist Doctor First Spaniard Citizen:
2. Semi Private Guajiro Farmers:
1. LHC Cardiologist Doctor First Spaniard Citizen:
According to the Madrid España Consul General in La Habana Cuba the 38 year old doctor of Cardiology of Spaniard descent from Canario Isleño grandparent immigrants to La Habana Cuba, received his Spanish passport thursday-09. As he was the first to turn in his Spaniard citizen request form.
25,000 requests by internet have been recieved in the first month of Jan-09. In a nation were internet access is strictly regulated. Many La Habana Cubans turned to thier Miami Shorerian family members in Miami Shores to request their forms for Spaniard citizenship by internet.
It is estimated by the Madrid España Consul General Embassy 150,000 La Habana Cubans will become Spaniard citizens in the next two years as they obtain the dual citizenship not recognized under LHC laws and constitution as they officially loose thier LHC citizenship.
Yet many obtain dual citizenship from different nations with the hope to eventually emigrate to the respective nations.
The LHC government still has too issue an exit Visa to depart or travel abroad to any citizen.
The young doctor will live in Valencia España where he has been offered work as general doctor while he becomes a certified doctor under Madrid España laws.
Plans to visit his family in LHC every year.
2. Semi Private Guajiro Farmers:
The LHC socialist government has distributed 45,000 parcels of farmland to semi private farmers. The land while still owned by the state is rented to the farmers who must meet a production quota sold to the state. Any access agricultural production may be sold privately in farmer markets to the local population.
The government received 96,416 requests approving 45,518 requests for fallow state land.
Covering 1,6000,000 acres (658,000 hectares) according to LHC Deputy Minister of Agriculture Alcides Lopez.
Landless Guajiro farmers may request about 33 acres (13 hectares) semi private Guajiro farmers can request to increase thier land to 100 acres (40 hectares). Under leases for up to 10 years which may be extended for another 10.
All semi private Guajiro farmers belong to the National Association of Small Farmers ANAP under government administration. Directed by LHC ANAP Orlando Lugo Fonte and María del Carmen Concepción under LHC Minister of Agriculture Ulises Rosales del Toro.
Reporter Jose Diaz-Balart Miami Shorerian Herald.
Miami Shores
12-02-2009, 08:23
LHC Cuban Runner & Coach Defection.
A long distance runner and his coach have defected in Montevideo Uruguay. The two just simply disappeared a few days before they were scheduled to return LH Cuba. Leaving behind a cell phone given to them for thier use by the local track federation.
We were surprised of the defections said the local track federation president.
An opposition parliment member has stated his party's support for the defectors.
Despite LH Cuba's excellent relations with the government of Montevideo Uruguay a ruling party lawmaker of the parliment's International Affairs Commission claims to have been in touch with the two defectors through a former LHC Cuban defector. The defectors stated they were tired of the ways things are in thier nation.
According the the parliment member the defectors will have no problems asking for Uruguayan residency permits despite the excellent relations between the two governments.
An Uruguayan sports official clearly upset, worries the defections could affect future sports exchange programs between both nations. As the LHC government might cancel the program fearing more defections in the future. Once the defections are truly confirmed it wll be up to our government to make an ethical and legal decision stated the sports official.
A miracle if it actually works out that way.
In Nov 2008 an LHC Cuban doctor in a health program also defected.
The LHC Cuban Director General of Sports confirmed the defections. The LHC Cuban Embassy in Monteviedeo Uruguay refused to comment further on the defections.
The runner placed 47 th in the Athens Olympics yet has won numerous regional titles. The names of the defectors have been withheld for the time beign.
It is not know at this time if the defectors have family members in Miami Shores.
El Nuevo Miami Shorerian Herald english edition reporter Jose Diaz-Balart reporting.
La Habana Cuba
12-02-2009, 09:01
LHC Cuban Runner & Coach Defection.
A long distance runner and his coach have defected in Montevideo Uruguay. The two just simply disappeared a few days before they were scheduled to return LH Cuba. Leaving behind a cell phone given to them for thier use by the local track federation.
We were surprised of the defections said the local track federation president.
An opposition parliment member has stated his party's support for the defectors.
Despite LH Cuba's excellent relations with the government of Montevideo Uruguay a ruling party lawmaker of the parliment's International Affairs Commission claims to have been in touch with the two defectors through a former LHC Cuban defector. The defectors stated they were tired of the ways things are in thier nation.
According the the parliment member the defectors will have no problems asking for Uruguayan residency permits despite the excellent relations between the two governments.
An Uruguayan sports official clearly upset, worries the defections could affect future sports exchange programs between both nations. As the LHC government might cancel the program fearing more defections in the future. Once the defections are truly confirmed it wll be up to our government to make an ethical and legal decision stated the sports official.
A miracle if it actually works out that way.
In Nov 2008 an LHC Cuban doctor in a health program also defected.
The LHC Cuban Director General of Sports confirmed the defections. The LHC Cuban Embassy in Monteviedeo Uruguay refused to comment further on the defections.
The runner placed 47 th in the Athens Olympics yet has won numerous regional titles. The names of the defectors have been withheld for the time beign.
It is not know at this time if the defectors have family members in Miami Shores.
El Nuevo Miami Shorerian Herald english edition reporter Jose Diaz-Balart reporting.
National Collective Institute of Sports Ministry.
Our government of LHC is considering asking the Montevideo Uruguayan government with whom they have excellent relations for the return of the long distance runner and coach despite lack of an extradition treaty between both nations.
The National Collective Insitute of Sports Ministry is anxious to have these traitorous escoria scum gusano worms no doubt influenced $ by the Miami Shorerian government Mafia tried in its court of laws.
National Collective Institute of Sports Ministry.