New Greston
29-01-2009, 00:20
The Allied Independent Mediterranican Nations Pact
AIMN Pact Membership
Membership Criteria
Membership Criteria are the rules that define whether a country is eligible to join the AIMN Pact. The criteria require that each member state has the ability to remain allied towards member states, that the member state must have either a state of neutrality or a state of war between Mediterranican Union, a functioning market economy and that the member state accepts all obligations, laws and articles of the AIMN Pact.
Geographic Criteria
Unlike the first presentation of the Allied Independant Mediterranican Nations Pact and the Mediterranican Union, to be eligable to join you do not have to reside in the Mediterranican Region. However, member states must take part in Mediterranican Politics, even if they do not reside in the Mediterranican Region. To cover this, any member states outside of Mediterranica but apart of the AIMN Pact must have a stake of land near the Mediterranica or sufficient embassies within the region.
Host Nation
Each member nation will host the AIMN Pact Annual Charter on a circular rotation. The Host Nation will handle new articles and voting, host meetings and represent the AIMN Pact during their term as Host Nation.
AIMN Pact Member States Sovereignty Policies
Member States Co-Existence
All member states must co-exist in a peaceful and politically allied state. Aggression, xenophobia or any action that threatens co-existence between member states will be punished according to the decisions of those member states that have not committed the said actions.
Member States Safety
The safety of other member nations sovereign territory, peoples and possessions should be considered by other member states to be of as high importance as their own sovereign territory, peoples and possessions. In order to ensure the safety of each and every member state, no member state will act in any way that will pose an environmental or health threat to any other member state's sovereign territory, peoples and possessions.
Member States Sovereignty
All member states will remain the keepers of their own sovereignty. All member states must respect other Member States Sovereignty. The AIMN Pact is not a unified nation, all member states must represent themselves but the collective region and the AIMN Pact is to be represented by the current Host Nation.
Member States Travel Codes
Military personel of member states are given access to travel through another member states land with permission granted from the nation whose land it is upon. However, the military personel using the Travel Codes of this Document may not exceed a maximum number of 3,000 combatant personel at a time unless given permission before hand.
AIMN Pact Economic Policy
Open Trade
All member states must be committed to open trade, trade of goods without taxes, tariffs or other trade barriers like quotas on imports. Trade in services without taxes or other trade barriers. Free movement of goods, service and capital as well as the abolition of trusts and cartels. Member states have the right to restrict movement of labour
AIMN Pact National Policies
Immigration Policy
Foreign immigrants that come into the geographic area of the AIMN Pact are subjects of the member state that they are situated upon.
Flag of the AIMN Pact
The AIMN flag is not an official flag of any member state, it represents the AIMN Pact and nothing more.
Should a member face revolution, drought, depression, or any situation needing aid, fellow member states must give aid, monetary or military, no matter how large or small. In the event that the situation has resulted in widespread devastation of the effected nation causing shortages of liveable housing, Pact members are expected to take on as many refugees as they can support for the duration of the crisis. They will also be required to participate in all efforts to repair the damages and if necessary provide refugees transport from and back to their homeland. No nation is required to allow any refugees to remain within their nation once the crisis has ended.
AIMN Pact Security Policy
Mutual Defence Agreement
Should a member be invaded, all member states shall be prepared to provide any form of intervention that the military engaged member asks of them. In the case of a member state already militarily engaged, it may ask the Pact to be pardoned from committing aid.
All nuclear capable states are to defend non-nuclear capable states in the event of a threat from weapons of mass destruction.
In case of possible attack on member state territory with weapons of mass destruction, all member states strategic defences will act against the threat together.
WMD Declaration Act
In the interests of determining which member states can provide weapons of mass destruction capabilities to non-weapons of mass destruction capable states and to ascertain the danger posed to the Pact and the Mediterranican region should revolution, invasion or terrorism threaten to overturn a member nations weapons of mass destruction into non-allied hands, all WMD capable states must announce the size and type of their arsenal to the Pact.
This information will not be revealed to any other party or used for any purposes other than those stated in this article.
Cooperative Anti-crime and Terrorism
All member states fully and actively cooperate in the fight against crime, especially terrorism. All member states agree to actively pursue capturing persons on their territories that are being wanted in other member states for criminal activities. If member states arrest such a person then the criminal should be transferred back to the state where the crimes were committed.
AIMN Pact Force Initiative
Expeditionary Forces of the Mediterranican Coalition
As the on going Mediterranican War rages, a combined, however only temporary, Pact Military will be formed. Forces deployed together will be required to fight together to ensure the best possible results, acting under the direction of the Pact. The forces will plan together and elect an overall commander from amongst the present nations commanders.
Captured Territory
All territory taken by the forces under command of the Mediterranican Coalition is to utilised for the purposes of ending the on going war in the region or to be divided up amongst the member states who contributed forces to the action.
Pact Signatures
President Jerry Striker, The Imperial Republic of Greston
President Martin Watson, The Imperial Republic of Greal
Prime Minister Frederick Gordons, The Commonwealth of Whiskeasy
President Joseph Keupir, The Allied States of New Kereptica
The Allied Independent Mediterranican Nations Pact
AIMN Pact Membership
Membership Criteria
Membership Criteria are the rules that define whether a country is eligible to join the AIMN Pact. The criteria require that each member state has the ability to remain allied towards member states, that the member state must have either a state of neutrality or a state of war between Mediterranican Union, a functioning market economy and that the member state accepts all obligations, laws and articles of the AIMN Pact.
Geographic Criteria
Unlike the first presentation of the Allied Independant Mediterranican Nations Pact and the Mediterranican Union, to be eligable to join you do not have to reside in the Mediterranican Region. However, member states must take part in Mediterranican Politics, even if they do not reside in the Mediterranican Region. To cover this, any member states outside of Mediterranica but apart of the AIMN Pact must have a stake of land near the Mediterranica or sufficient embassies within the region.
Host Nation
Each member nation will host the AIMN Pact Annual Charter on a circular rotation. The Host Nation will handle new articles and voting, host meetings and represent the AIMN Pact during their term as Host Nation.
AIMN Pact Member States Sovereignty Policies
Member States Co-Existence
All member states must co-exist in a peaceful and politically allied state. Aggression, xenophobia or any action that threatens co-existence between member states will be punished according to the decisions of those member states that have not committed the said actions.
Member States Safety
The safety of other member nations sovereign territory, peoples and possessions should be considered by other member states to be of as high importance as their own sovereign territory, peoples and possessions. In order to ensure the safety of each and every member state, no member state will act in any way that will pose an environmental or health threat to any other member state's sovereign territory, peoples and possessions.
Member States Sovereignty
All member states will remain the keepers of their own sovereignty. All member states must respect other Member States Sovereignty. The AIMN Pact is not a unified nation, all member states must represent themselves but the collective region and the AIMN Pact is to be represented by the current Host Nation.
Member States Travel Codes
Military personel of member states are given access to travel through another member states land with permission granted from the nation whose land it is upon. However, the military personel using the Travel Codes of this Document may not exceed a maximum number of 3,000 combatant personel at a time unless given permission before hand.
AIMN Pact Economic Policy
Open Trade
All member states must be committed to open trade, trade of goods without taxes, tariffs or other trade barriers like quotas on imports. Trade in services without taxes or other trade barriers. Free movement of goods, service and capital as well as the abolition of trusts and cartels. Member states have the right to restrict movement of labour
AIMN Pact National Policies
Immigration Policy
Foreign immigrants that come into the geographic area of the AIMN Pact are subjects of the member state that they are situated upon.
Flag of the AIMN Pact
The AIMN flag is not an official flag of any member state, it represents the AIMN Pact and nothing more.
Should a member face revolution, drought, depression, or any situation needing aid, fellow member states must give aid, monetary or military, no matter how large or small. In the event that the situation has resulted in widespread devastation of the effected nation causing shortages of liveable housing, Pact members are expected to take on as many refugees as they can support for the duration of the crisis. They will also be required to participate in all efforts to repair the damages and if necessary provide refugees transport from and back to their homeland. No nation is required to allow any refugees to remain within their nation once the crisis has ended.
AIMN Pact Security Policy
Mutual Defence Agreement
Should a member be invaded, all member states shall be prepared to provide any form of intervention that the military engaged member asks of them. In the case of a member state already militarily engaged, it may ask the Pact to be pardoned from committing aid.
All nuclear capable states are to defend non-nuclear capable states in the event of a threat from weapons of mass destruction.
In case of possible attack on member state territory with weapons of mass destruction, all member states strategic defences will act against the threat together.
WMD Declaration Act
In the interests of determining which member states can provide weapons of mass destruction capabilities to non-weapons of mass destruction capable states and to ascertain the danger posed to the Pact and the Mediterranican region should revolution, invasion or terrorism threaten to overturn a member nations weapons of mass destruction into non-allied hands, all WMD capable states must announce the size and type of their arsenal to the Pact.
This information will not be revealed to any other party or used for any purposes other than those stated in this article.
Cooperative Anti-crime and Terrorism
All member states fully and actively cooperate in the fight against crime, especially terrorism. All member states agree to actively pursue capturing persons on their territories that are being wanted in other member states for criminal activities. If member states arrest such a person then the criminal should be transferred back to the state where the crimes were committed.
AIMN Pact Force Initiative
Expeditionary Forces of the Mediterranican Coalition
As the on going Mediterranican War rages, a combined, however only temporary, Pact Military will be formed. Forces deployed together will be required to fight together to ensure the best possible results, acting under the direction of the Pact. The forces will plan together and elect an overall commander from amongst the present nations commanders.
Captured Territory
All territory taken by the forces under command of the Mediterranican Coalition is to utilised for the purposes of ending the on going war in the region or to be divided up amongst the member states who contributed forces to the action.
Pact Signatures
President Jerry Striker, The Imperial Republic of Greston
President Martin Watson, The Imperial Republic of Greal
Prime Minister Frederick Gordons, The Commonwealth of Whiskeasy
President Joseph Keupir, The Allied States of New Kereptica