Training (MT, OPEN)
The Four Heatons
23-01-2009, 22:48
OK, ladies and gentlemen of the Four Heatons Airforce. Wargame time again, keep your weapons on training. Handing Command over to AWACs
<E-3B/C Sentry, Checkmate, Above the Trainng Area>
"All Aircraft this is Checkmate, let's rock and roll, the OPFOR is airline, FHA, lets go" Checkmate instructed
<Aiforce Base 1804>
"All aircraft scramble, code three" The PA announced. From the buildings men and women ran across the tarmac. Within minutes jets were being brought out of the hangers. Fivve minutes after that they were taxiing towards the runway.
"Call the Responders" Checkmate told 1804' tower.
"Checkmate, 1804, two Raptor squadrons, three Eagles and three Fighting Falcons"
"Stratotanker already airbourne, three AC-130's coming out of AB 1940"
"Checkmate to Ground mate"
"Groundmate, go ahead"
"Groundmate, are our targets and men down there"
"Correct, targets are cleared and ready for distruction, our men are ready to start the excersie"
"Good, All units, Thunderbolt"
The F-22's were soon in the air and were speeding at full afterburner to establish Air superiority whilst the other fighters were getting airbourne
The F-15's and F-16's would soon be engageing Simulated SAM Sites and OPFOR airfraft
ooc: nice OP but where are u trying to go with this?
The Four Heatons
23-01-2009, 22:57
OOC: Not sure, my first post, where could I go with it?
OOC: Not sure, my first post, where could I go with it?
OOC: well lol that's entirely your choice. Um just to clarify you are new to NS forums? And if so would u like a bit of a run down on how things work here?
The Four Heatons
23-01-2009, 23:00
OOC: I've read the stikies at the top, and I've done some Rping before, but any help is much appreciated
23-01-2009, 23:05
OOC: Well, I'd recommend either joining a pre-existing RP and setting up some embassies before going straight into wargames and the like. Many a new nations ahve seen their end come overly quick as a result of overly aggressive actions on their part. But if you need any help, I'm here, as is DaWoad.
The Four Heatons
23-01-2009, 23:07
OOC: I've done an Embassy thread, but I'll keep what you said in mind, thank you
23-01-2009, 23:08
OOC: Absolutely. That's why I'm here, lol.
The Four Heatons
23-01-2009, 23:08
OOC: Should I abort this thread then?
Imperial isa
23-01-2009, 23:09
ooc fix your sig ,i think that size puts you over the 8 line limit for them
The Four Heatons
23-01-2009, 23:13
OOC: Would anyone be willing to do a training war with me, mate of mines on here, said he saw a training war a few weeks ago, looked like it helped newbies or something?
OOC: Well, I'd recommend either joining a pre-existing RP and setting up some embassies before going straight into wargames and the like. Many a new nations ahve seen their end come overly quick as a result of overly aggressive actions on their part. But if you need any help, I'm here, as is DaWoad.
OOC: he's got a point. A couple of simplistic things though
-Wargames are considered to be non-cannon (do not really affect you nation) and are usually set up in advance.
-Cannon events (such as real wars, trades, etc.) Are sometimes set up before hand but don't need to be. Generally if you want other people to get involved, though, you have to write something fairly inflammatory (civil wars are standard)
-Before you start Rp'ing its usually a good Idea to set-up a few things. These include a Factbook especially a military one if you plan on doing some military RPs. An embassy program is usually a good Idea as well in that it gives u an idea of who's active and might be willing to give you a hand. Checking out other peoples' factbooks and embassy programs just to get an idea of whats standard.
-check out ns tracker ( to get an idea of what sort of funds you have available for various projects etc. mostly its just a guideline but its useful none the less.
-Joining someone else's thread is always easier than starting your own.
OOC: Would anyone be willing to do a training war with me, mate of mines on here, said he saw a training war a few weeks ago, looked like it helped newbies or something?
Ya I'd be willing to run a training war with u . In this thread if u'd like?
The Four Heatons
24-01-2009, 14:26
OOC: I don't mind, it's completely your choice, I bow to your experiance (Not inteneded to be insulting and/or sarcastic)
OOC: Do you want to do join a war I'm currently involved with? It'll give you some practice of what's it going to be like.
The Four Heatons
24-01-2009, 15:10
OOC: Err, sure, but Dawood, If your still up to it I'd like to still do a training war with you
OOC: Only if you want too. Also, its spelt Dawoad not Dawood. One bit of advice, don't use nuclear weapons as a first option. It's stupid and ruins the RP.
The Four Heatons
24-01-2009, 15:14
OOC: Don't worry, My nation doesn't even have nukes,
OOC: Some newbies have a habit of using them first. Anyhow, good luck and I might see you around.
The Four Heatons
24-01-2009, 15:20
OOC: Whats the name of the war thread you spoke about?
OOC: It isn't a training thread mind you. Its a full scale war between Lynion and Northam-York.
EDIT: You can join if you wish. Nothing much has happened and the serious business is only starting. If you need a summary, just say so.
The Four Heatons
24-01-2009, 15:27
OOC: Summary please, here or in the thread?
OOC: I'll put one in the thread.
The Four Heatons
24-01-2009, 15:29
OOC: Just took a quick look, I'll do my best, hopefully as I do the practice war with Dawoad I'll get better
OOC: Hey, we all needed somewhere to start to get experience. The summary will be up shortly.
OOC: I don't mind, it's completely your choice, I bow to your experiance (Not inteneded to be insulting and/or sarcastic)
OOC: lol oh no worries. Yah here'll work um gimme a day to toss something together though.
The Four Heatons
25-01-2009, 01:19
OOC: Alright
OOC: kk here we go
Opfor Aboard the ASDS Owen Hawk 100km offshore
The Purpose of the exercise was simple, a invasion where the ASDN second fleet would play Opposing force to the Heaton's defense. As the Heatons' fighters warmed up, moving against simulated SAM sites and warming up doing formation flying, the ASDN pilots began launching off of their carriers and flew two ops against each other and then landed again. The objective of the ASDN was simple, protect their carriers and land troops on a designated beach.
Message to the Heaton's Force
"This is OPFOR, Ready to run exercise at any time we have switched to simulation systems and are good to go at your word. Opfor ORBAT is as follows
Three Haven class carriers
Six Shield class missile defense and EW ships
Ten Sword class Heavy Battle cruisers
Twenty Strike class missile attack boats
Seven Cloak class SSNs
Twenty Beaver class military transports
Ten Kilaue class Resupply ships
Fifty Liberty Class All purpose Transports
Naval Air wings
15X Eagle class AWACS
75X F-43A Hawk-1 Strike fighters
75X F-43B Hawk-3 Hypersonic interceptors
30X F-43C Hawk-2 STOVL Close Support Aircraft
5X Penguin
5X Hercules medium range air-air refueling planes
5X B-5A Owl-1 Medium Range Stealth Bomber
30X MH-72 Osprey ASW Helicopter
2nd Regiment Marine Expeditionary Unit
50 T-72C Shark Class Amphibious MBTs
100 T-75A Wolf Class Armored Attack Vehicles
100 Lav VII
2 10 Marine Spec ops teams and material
16 Light Combat Squads (160 marines)
4 Heavy Combat Squads (40 marines)
2 Indirect Fire Teams (14 marines)
3nd Regiment Marine Expeditionary Unit
75 T-72C Shark Class Amphibious MBTs
150 T-75A Wolf Class Armored Attack Vehicles
2 10 Marine Spec ops teams and material
16 Light Combat Squads (160 marines)
4 Heavy Combat Squads (40 marines)
2 Indirect Fire Teams (14 marines)
2nd Battalion Combat Engineers
250-Engineers armed with Small Arms
50- Armored Bulldozers"
The Four Heatons
25-01-2009, 01:47
To Dawoad Forces
Heatons Forces ready, ready to go
ORBAT following
Heaton Norris Defence Force's
Eight Raptor Squadrons (46 F22's)
12 Eagle Squadrons (72 F15's)
14 Fighting Falcons (84 F16's)
One Spectre Gunship (1 AC-130)
1st Heaton Norris Force (750 Four Heatons Army Soldiers)
-50 M1A2 Abrams MBT
-400 Bradly IFV's
-500 113 APC's
-250 UH-30 Blackhawks
-15 AH-64 Apache
-25 RAH-66 Commanche
No navel assests deployed, Home Fleet Inveicible class en-route
To Dawoad Forces
Heatons Forces ready, ready to go
ORBAT following
Heaton Norris Defence Force's
Eight Raptor Squadrons (46 F22's)
12 Eagle Squadrons (72 F15's)
14 Fighting Falcons (84 F16's)
One Spectre Gunship (1 AC-130)
1st Heaton Norris Force (750 Four Heatons Army Soldiers)
-50 M1A2 Abrams MBT
-400 Bradly IFV's
-500 113 APC's
-250 UH-30 Blackhawks
-15 AH-64 Apache
-25 RAH-66 Commanche
No navel assests deployed, Home Fleet Inveicible class en-route
OOC: solid orbat. You could probably beef it up if you want to but as an initial force that's solid. Do you have a factbook yet? if not some sort of idea of what your nations Geography is like would be awesome :). Um Microsoft Paint is always a good tool for making a simplistic map.
To:Heaton Norris Defence Force
Going to Radio Silence, Operation Osprey commencing now.
Opfor Fleet
The first action was readily visable. The fleet had been pre-positioned but as the Operation commenced the six Shield class EW craft turned on their entire suite of electronic warfare tools. Radar and sonar went active searching the sky for any sign of ennemy craft. The next was less subtle, 5 Eagle AWACs accompanied by 50 interceptors launched into the sky adding their electronic warfare suites to the Ship based ones. The fleet itself then began to move for the simulated ennemy's shoreline. They were currently 100 Kilometers out and closing.
The Four Heatons
25-01-2009, 02:19
OOC: I've got a Militry one, just saying what I got, I'll work on a normal one, Heaton Norris is basically the 'outback' of The Four Heatons, a lot of fields, some forests, and I'll have some reinforcements come at some point
"Checkmate, spyglass one, enemy aircraft, sector twelve, code 3" Spyglass one reported, a radar station on the coast
"All units, checkmate, go to alert Status two, Raptors, move to sectors eleven Twelve and thirteen, Eagles, provide support" Checkmate instructed "1st HNF mobalise, all personnel to the shoreline.
<F-22 Raptor>
<Hawk Squadron>
"Alright Hawks, snap to heading 120" Hawk One ordered and the hawks turned and burned. The rest of the Raptors followed at various altitude.
<1st HNF>
The 1st HNF rolled out of their barracks, The Apaches and Commanches made their way ahead of the main ground force, led by an arrowhead of Abrams.
OOC: I've got a Militry one, just saying what I got, I'll work on a normal one, Heaton Norris is basically the 'outback' of The Four Heatons, a lot of fields, some forests, and I'll have some reinforcements come at some point
"Checkmate, spyglass one, enemy aircraft, sector twelve, code 3" Spyglass one reported, a radar station on the coast
"All units, checkmate, go to alert Status two, Raptors, move to sectors eleven Twelve and thirteen, Eagles, provide support" Checkmate instructed "1st HNF mobalise, all personnel to the shoreline.
<F-22 Raptor>
<Hawk Squadron>
"Alright Hawks, snap to heading 120" Hawk One ordered and the hawks turned and burned. The rest of the Raptors followed at various altitude.
<1st HNF>
The 1st HNF rolled out of their barracks, The Apaches and Commanches made their way ahead of the main ground force, led by an arrowhead of Abrams.
OOC: Awesome. Shoreline?
Awacs Squadron 1 "Dog Boys"
"minimal Radar contacts, profile suggests possible 22s'. Definite contact on Hawks and Eagles. Vector on target, Snap to line alpha-3."
Ten Hawk-3s hit afterburner and moved out to meet the enemy fighters outside of range of the carriers.
Opfor Carrier Squadron
Strike fighters began rolling off the decks forming in squadrons.The entire fleet continued to move for the shoreline now at 95 kilometers offshore.
AWACs Squadron 7 "Utah"
"Were being pinged! Getting a location now . . .hold, hold . . .got it! We've got a vector on a probable enemy land based Radar station Vectoring Hawk-1 Strike fighter now." As the interceptors moved for the enemy incoming aircraft, the 10 Strike fighters moved in two Aircraft pairs streaking for the target location.
The Four Heatons
25-01-2009, 02:55
OOC: Your attacking the shoreline...aren't you?
<Hawk Squadron>
"Checkmate, Ten bandits heading ourway, 900 knots closure" Hawk one reported
"Understood Hawk one, you are cleared to engage" Checkmate responded.
"Ok boys, Hawks lock a bandit, Titan squadron, watch our back"
The Tweleve fighters were closing in on the OPFOR fighters and activated radar tracking
<F-15 Eagle>
<Destiny Squadron>
"Destiny snap to heading 230, enemy aircraft on course for spyglass one" Checkmate ordered.
"Understood Checkmate, en route"
The F-15's sped towards the strike fighters, trying to reach them in time.
OOC: Your attacking the shoreline...aren't you?
<Hawk Squadron>
"Checkmate, Ten bandits heading ourway, 900 knots closure" Hawk one reported
"Understood Hawk one, you are cleared to engage" Checkmate responded.
"Ok boys, Hawks lock a bandit, Titan squadron, watch our back"
The Tweleve fighters were closing in on the OPFOR fighters and activated radar tracking
<F-15 Eagle>
<Destiny Squadron>
"Destiny snap to heading 230, enemy aircraft on course for spyglass one" Checkmate ordered.
"Understood Checkmate, en route"
The F-15's sped towards the strike fighters, trying to reach them in time.
OOC: yep good point lol.
Dog Boys Interceptor Squadron
As the ennemy Radar Came online the Interceptors flashed on their own targeting radar and launched the first salvo. 2 Amraam 120-Ds launched from every Fighter at a range of 150 km. As they fired the Dog boys separated into sets of two and loosened up in preparation of an ennemy response.
Utah Strike fighter Squadron
"Ennemy Forces Vectoring towards our Strike-Fighters. Having em split, now!"
Eight Strike Fighters broke away from the group and moved for the incoming ennemy F-15s. The other two Continued to bore in on the Radar Station and hit afterburner to close the distance as soon as possible.
Opfor Fleet.
The Carrier Squadron continued in towards land And Shields Continued to search for the location of the ennemy naval base. The Squad was now 80km offshore and closing. Radar Jammers Screamed to life broadband Jamming in an attempt to foil ennemy Radar.
Delta Interceptor Squadron
A single AWACs accompanied by ten Interceptors were keeping a relatively
low profile and used the radar jamming to move inshore following the track of Utah.
The Four Heatons
25-01-2009, 03:23
The leading two Raptors had been targeted and launched against the deployed countermeasures and broke off into evasives. The other ten aircraft in the squadron fired on the aircraft they had their sights on, they tehn paired off and followed the enemy aircraft
As the Strike Fighters headed for the F'15's two of the twelvve aircraft rapidly decreased speed whilst the rest of the squadron covered their descent as they attempted to get max range lock on.
"Sir!" One of the analysts shouted "There's something with a very small profile in Sector tweleve"
"Send two Falcon squadrons to investigate"
"Checkmate to Falcon 1-1 and 2-1, take your squadron to sector 12, more info en-route"
"Wheres my reinforcements?"
"1804 has just reported that they'll have more aircraft in the air in twenty minutes, more are coming in from 1940"
The leading two Raptors had been targeted and launched against the deployed countermeasures and broke off into evasives. The other ten aircraft in the squadron fired on the aircraft they had their sights on, they tehn paired off and followed the enemy aircraft
As the Strike Fighters headed for the F'15's two of the twelvve aircraft rapidly decreased speed whilst the rest of the squadron covered their descent as they attempted to get max range lock on.
"Sir!" One of the analysts shouted "There's something with a very small profile in Sector tweleve"
"Send two Falcon squadrons to investigate"
"Checkmate to Falcon 1-1 and 2-1, take your squadron to sector 12, more info en-route"
"Wheres my reinforcements?"
"1804 has just reported that they'll have more aircraft in the air in twenty minutes, more are coming in from 1940"
OOC: good so far but one issue. What are u firing with? lol I'll hold off till you respond but its looking good.
The Four Heatons
25-01-2009, 12:52
OOC: Simulated missiles, i guesss
OOC: Simulated missiles, i guesss
OOC: Right but generally you need to give a number and a type so that I know what kind of losses to rp (for example 10 Fairey Fireflash missiles are gonna do nothing whereas 20 Aim-9xs are more of a threat). Also, (this isn't a criticism, its just a heads up) at some point your going to have to RP losses for yourself. When you get to that point (both during training wars and real wars) try to make it realistic if possible but don't Overdo it.
The Four Heatons
25-01-2009, 18:02
OOC: Alright, AIM-120 AMRAMMS and AIM-9 Sidewinders, simulated of course
OOC: Alright, AIM-120 AMRAMMS and AIM-9 Sidewinders, simulated of course
OOC: lol definitly again one more point (sorry! lol) you should generally fire in salvos so launch once with AIM-102s then close and launch again with AIM-9s. Also your still gonna need to edit to show numbers (entirely your call whether you wanna flush all missiles or only use one or two per aircraft or w/e)
The Four Heatons
25-01-2009, 19:52
Two AIM-120's lept from each of the ten raptors, resulting in a full Twenty missiles in the air.
The raptors kept on thier tails with their Sidewinders armed as the AIM-120's got closer they fired a sidewinder each.
Two AIM-120's lept from each of the ten raptors, resulting in a full Twenty missiles in the air.
The raptors kept on thier tails with their Sidewinders armed as the AIM-120's got closer they fired a sidewinder each.
The twenty AIM-120s Launched by the ASD continued to Bore in on the two Heaton aircraft though 4 lost lock and spiraled away and two more went after Countermeasures.
As the enemy fired AIM-120s Radar Jammers aboard the AWACs went full online blinding and confusing the radar guarded Missiles. At the same time the ASDN Fighters hit the deck and went to full afterburner only 20 feet above sea level literally dodging waves in an attempt to outmaneuver the AIM-9s as the flight loosed Chaff and Flares. The flight of ten Managed to loose the AIM-120-s with the countermeasures but the 9xs were harder too dodge and two planes were marked "killed" and moved out of the engagement zone. One of the pairs of fighters pulled a High Yoyo maneuver ( putting em directly behind the enemy fighters. As they reached that position they launched off the rest of their AIM-9x sidewinders and the twelve missiles screamed towards the enemy tail pipes.
The F15-s
the eight Strike fighters had only one option, They were not maneuverable enough to dogfight with the enemy F-15s but they did have large numbers of missiles 8 apiece streaked out at the maximum possible range as the Strike Fighters launched every missile they had on their racks. the instant they loosed reefed through high-G turns, running for the fleet in a vain attempt to open the distance between themselves and the incoming F-15s.
Radar station
the Two Separated Strike fighters were closing on the radar station and within 5 minutes they'd be at the maximum engagement range for their JSOWs.
The Four Heatons
25-01-2009, 20:44
The Two Raptors that had been targeted were killed and headed away from the warzone.
"Checkmate, someone find the enemy AWAC's they just naused up our guidence" Hawk one said
The rest of the Raptors swore as two of the enemy fighters who hadn't retreated got behind them. One of the pilots put his engines to full after burner, making his plane the hottest there and the most of the Sidewinders followed him resulting in his 'Death'. The Rest of the Raptors applied the air brakes sending the trailing fighters past them
"Got you now" Hawk one laughed as they all launched a sidewinder each
The Formation scattered and coutner-measures filled the sky. Three Planes were 'Lost'. The Remainiing Eagles formed up again and all locked on and fired a salvo of three AIM-120's each shortly followed by two sidewinders each.
<Radar Station>
The two Eagles that had detached we're approaching the radar station on the coast and we're tracking the approachin stike fighters
The Two Raptors that had been targeted were killed and headed away from the warzone.
"Checkmate, someone find the enemy AWAC's they just naused up our guidence" Hawk one said
The rest of the Raptors swore as two of the enemy fighters who hadn't retreated got behind them. One of the pilots put his engines to full after burner, making his plane the hottest there and the most of the Sidewinders followed him resulting in his 'Death'. The Rest of the Raptors applied the air brakes sending the trailing fighters past them
"Got you now" Hawk one laughed as they all launched a sidewinder each
The Formation scattered and counter-measures filled the sky. Three Planes were 'Lost'. The Remaining Eagles formed up again and all locked on and fired a salvo of three AIM-120's each shortly followed by two sidewinders each.
<Radar Station>
The two Eagles that had detached we're approaching the radar station on the coast and we're tracking the approaching strike fighters
The two Interceptors that streaked by didn't even have time to react but as they were "lossed" the six remainders had gained valuable space and time, They streaked out of the sun Launching off their full complement of 9xs for a total of 24 and opening up with simulated Auto-cannon fire from very close range.
The F-15s
The Strike Fighters had managed to outrun the AIM 9xs but the AMRAAMs Caught em no problem. 4 Strike fighters were "lossed" and They rest continued at high speed actually gaining on the pursuers.
Radar Station
the two Remaining Strike fighters launched a pair of bunker Buster JSOW Simulators a piece the turned towards the incoming fifteens.
Delta Interceptor Squadron
keeping a low profile the deltas continued to to follow the Utah track watching as the Strike fighters went "down".
Carrier Fleet
Penguin Class Transports took off from the Decks of the carriers carrying an initial assault Force. 50 Strike fighters and twenty interceptors along with All of the Stovl fighters.
The Four Heatons
26-01-2009, 18:26
The F-22 Vs Interceptor battle soon became a tough, bloody dogfight as all the Raptors switched to cannons. Two Raptors were 'Lost' from the original missiles and a futher four we're damaged by the cannons.
<F 15's>
The remaining F-15's continued to hound the enemy strike fighters all the way to the coast line.
<Another F-22 Squadron, from AB1940, Twenty Aircraft>
"Checkmate, this is Ghostrider, coming into the zone now, where do you need us?" Ghostrider lead asked
"Reports of an AWAC's in the zone, seek and destroy" Checkmate ordered
<Radar Station>
The 15's were too late to save the radar station but as the enemy turned towards them they each looses two AIM-120's each, four missiles in total, followed by a AIM-9 Each.
101st paratroopers
26-01-2009, 18:30
ooc: This sounds nice, I'm doing something just like it lol
The F-22 Vs Interceptor battle soon became a tough, bloody dogfight as all the Raptors switched to cannons. Two Raptors were 'Lost' from the original missiles and a futher four we're damaged by the cannons.
<F 15's>
The remaining F-15's continued to hound the enemy strike fighters all the way to the coast line.
<Another F-22 Squadron, from AB1940, Twenty Aircraft>
"Checkmate, this is Ghostrider, coming into the zone now, where do you need us?" Ghostrider lead asked
"Reports of an AWAC's in the zone, seek and destroy" Checkmate ordered
<Radar Station>
The 15's were too late to save the radar station but as the enemy turned towards them they each looses two AIM-120's each, four missiles in total, followed by a AIM-9 Each.
Of the Six Interceptors, a single one was lossed outright and 3 more were "damaged badly". The 5 remaining interceptors Limped back towards the fleet.
Radar Station
Both Strike fighters were lossed but not before each loosed everything remaining on their racks. 4 Jsows hit "possible" targets though those possibles could easily have been unusual trees. 16 Aim-9xs were also loosed but without the electronic systems aboard the strike fighters their tracking capabilities were slightly reduced.
Delta Squadron
The deltas stopped being quiet as the strike fighters streaked passed them. The F-15s following the Strike Fighters were light up by the AWACs and the interceptors loosed 2 AIM-120s each for a total of 20 missiles.
Marine Primary invasion force
Following Delta the Special forces landing division and their plane escort. the 4 ten person Squads Prepped for their "aerial insertion".
Carrier fleet 50km offshore
There were 5 AWACs aloft aboard the Carriers with a CAP in place still, though the CAP was now only 55 Interceptors strong.Amphibious transports began Launching from the fleet as Marines prepped to launch a landing.
The Four Heatons
26-01-2009, 18:59
<Radar Stations>
The F-15's flew low and fast as they evaded the missiles. The Trailing F-15 took the missile to the engines and would have crashed if it wasn't simulated.
The F-15's were caught completly off-guard and what was left of the squadron was 'lost'.
Checkmate picked up the AWAC's and interceptors and vectored the Ghostriders towards them. The Ghost Riders, running on full after burners were soon within firing range. They locked onto the apparently regrouping Interceptors and fired a pair of AIM-120's each, resuitling in fourty missiles in the air. They then fired a futher AIM-9 Each at the enemy.
The remaining Raptors headed back to 1804 to regroup and rearm
<Radar Stations>
The F-15's flew low and fast as they evaded the missiles. The Trailing F-15 took the missile to the engines and would have crashed if it wasn't simulated.
The F-15's were caught completly off-guard and what was left of the squadron was 'lost'.
Checkmate picked up the AWAC's and interceptors and vectored the Ghostriders towards them. The Ghost Riders, running on full after burners were soon within firing range. They locked onto the apparently regrouping Interceptors and fired a pair of AIM-120's each, resuitling in fourty missiles in the air. They then fired a futher AIM-9 Each at the enemy.
The remaining Raptors headed back to 1804 to regroup and rearm
OOC: sorry which Awacs? the one above the fleet?
The Four Heatons
28-01-2009, 18:10
OOC: THe one that's infiltrated with those Inteceptors that just 'stopped bein quiet' sorry for not clarifying
OOC: THe one that's infiltrated with those Inteceptors that just 'stopped bein quiet' sorry for not clarifying
OOC:Oh no no thats totally ok man. I may have been being a little dense lol
The Four Heatons
28-01-2009, 22:03
OOC: Alright, I await your reply
<Radar Stations>
The F-15's flew low and fast as they evaded the missiles. The Trailing F-15 took the missile to the engines and would have crashed if it wasn't simulated.
The F-15's were caught completly off-guard and what was left of the squadron was 'lost'.
Checkmate picked up the AWAC's and interceptors and vectored the Ghostriders towards them. The Ghost Riders, running on full after burners were soon within firing range. They locked onto the apparently regrouping Interceptors and fired a pair of AIM-120's each, resuitling in fourty missiles in the air. They then fired a futher AIM-9 Each at the enemy.
The remaining Raptors headed back to 1804 to regroup and rearm
OOC: lol no I gotta figure out what our orbats look like now. . .I'll get on that ina bit.
Delta Squadron
"What the, Multiple missile tracks! evasive maneuvers pop- decoys" Yelled an operator aboard the AWACs
Seconds later the console pinged them as "dead" and one operator turned to another . " Damn," He said "They came outta nowhere, we're really gonna have to up our EW capabilities".
"yah," Replied the second operator, "At least we Managed to pull all of the 120's too us. I'm just glad this wasn't a real war."
The Awacs circled then headed out of theater for the designated "dead" airstrip.
The Awacs had pulled the 120s to itself along with 5 of the 9s by Boosting up its electronic signal to the point that it was the biggest target around. The 15 remaining Aim-9s went after the 10 ASDN interceptors. Those interceptors, angered by the lost of their AWACs, Closed to knife range with the enemies within a half a second and launched four aim 9s a piece right back into their teeth before opening up with cannon fire as they passed. The 15 AIM-9s streaked after the interceptors who's last minute evasion, after firing on the enemy fighters, proved useless and 4 Interceptors circled out of battle "combat lossed".
Primary Invasion Force
The ten man Marines special forces "sticks" began their HALO jump 40 km Back of the dogfight between delta and the "ghostriders". Alongside them the massed escort force waited to see the outcome of the dogfight before attempting to launch Araams into the mix.
Landing Beeches
The Landing of ground forces was just coming underway, First off the Boats were loaded Porcupine class IFVs Who disgorged they ten-man marines platoons and began to set up defenses. Now was they're most vulnerable point and the IFVs scanned the forest line watching for the first sign of trouble.
"Dead" strip SITREP
ASDN Losses
-9 Hawk-III Interceptors
-6 Hawk-I Strike Fighters
-1 Eagle Class Awacs
Heatons' Losses
-11 F-15s
-5 F-22s
-1 Land Based RADAR station
Updated orbats
Three Haven class carriers
Six Shield class missile defense and EW ships
Ten Sword class Heavy Battle cruisers
Twenty Strike class missile attack boats
Seven Cloak class SSNs
Twenty Beaver class military transports
Ten Kilaue class Resupply ships
Fifty Liberty Class All purpose Transports
Naval Air wings
14X Eagle class AWACS
69X F-43A Hawk-1 Strike fighters
66X F-43B Hawk-3 Hypersonic interceptors
30X F-43C Hawk-2 STOVL Close Support Aircraft
5X Penguin
5X Hercules medium range air-air refueling planes
5X B-5A Owl-1 Medium Range Stealth Bomber
30X MH-72 Osprey ASW Helicopter
2nd Regiment Marine Expeditionary Unit
50 T-72C Shark Class Amphibious MBTs
100 T-75A Wolf Class Armored Attack Vehicles
100 Lav VII
2 10 Marine Spec ops teams and material
16 Light Combat Squads (160 marines)
4 Heavy Combat Squads (40 marines)
2 Indirect Fire Teams (14 marines)
3nd Regiment Marine Expeditionary Unit
75 T-72C Shark Class Amphibious MBTs
150 T-75A Wolf Class Armored Attack Vehicles
2 10 Marine Spec ops teams and material
16 Light Combat Squads (160 marines)
4 Heavy Combat Squads (40 marines)
2 Indirect Fire Teams (14 marines)
2nd Battalion Combat Engineers
250-Engineers armed with Small Arms
50- Armored Bulldozers"
Heatons Force
Eight Raptor Squadrons (41 F22's)
12 Eagle Squadrons (61 F15's)
14 Fighting Falcons (84 F16's)
One Spectre Gunship (1 AC-130)
1st Heaton Norris Force (750 Four Heatons Army Soldiers)
-50 M1A2 Abrams MBT
-400 Bradly IFV's
-500 113 APC's
-250 UH-30 Blackhawks
-15 AH-64 Apache
-25 RAH-66 Commanche
The Four Heatons
28-01-2009, 22:37
OOC: Got to go for tonight, I'll reply tomorrow
OOC: Got to go for tonight, I'll reply tomorrow
The Four Heatons
29-01-2009, 17:29
<Ghost Riders>
The Raptors tried to evade the AIM-120's, the sky was soon full of countermeasures, never the less four Raptors were 'lost' outright, several more were 'damaged' and exited the fight. The remaining fighters soon came under Cannon fire and returned fire, taking damage, two planes were 'killed' and five others damaged.
<Landing Beachs>
Ten Commanche Scout attack helicoptors popped up from the trees. Their stealth capibility allowed them to approach undetected. They lauched a a barrage of simulated Hydra rockets at the landing teams before firing with their cannons mounted on the front off the chopper.
Futher back in the forest line, quietly sat half of the 1st HNF and a dozern Abrams swere waiting on the other side of the trees
The remaining forces were no where to be seen.
<Ghost Riders>
The Raptors tried to evade the AIM-120's, the sky was soon full of countermeasures, never the less four Raptors were 'lost' outright, several more were 'damaged' and exited the fight. The remaining fighters soon came under Cannon fire and returned fire, taking damage, two planes were 'killed' and five others damaged.
<Landing Beachs>
Ten Commanche Scout attack helicoptors popped up from the trees. Their stealth capibility allowed them to approach undetected. They lauched a a barrage of simulated Hydra rockets at the landing teams before firing with their cannons mounted on the front off the chopper.
Futher back in the forest line, quietly sat half of the 1st HNF and a dozern Abrams swere waiting on the other side of the trees
The remaining forces were no where to be seen.
The landing teams were "dug in" but none the less 5 IFVs went systems dark as the simulated missiles struck. In exchange, though, Nearby Ships opened Fire with anti-air missiles, nearly 100 Missiles targeted the scouts and closed the less than ten kilometers in what would have seemed like no time at all and Marines continued to Land on the beeches and "dig in"
Spec. Fors.
The four ten man teams were moving through the forest very very quietly. ASDN Spec. Forces were very very good at moving quietly and their active cammo armor and heat suppressants helped to give them an even lower profile. They were moving towards the beeches.
The six Interceptors took heavy losses in the dog-fight with 4 more dying in seconds. only one got clean away and the other hit the deck after taking light damage. They managed to clear themselves enough space from the enemy though and from the tailing ASDN squadron 50 AMRAAMs went after the few remaining ghostriders. Half the ASDN squadron, including all the stovls and ten strike fighters, then turned, heading for the beech at high speed.
The Four Heatons
01-02-2009, 15:24
"Time to go!" The Lead Commache called as the Missiles approached. The Standard escape was to duck back behind the cover of the trees, but for most of the commaches it was too late. All but two were 'dead' within seconds
"Boys, if we're going to go out, we're going out firign!" Ghostrider one orderd. What was left of the Squadron turned and activvated ther afterburners. THey just made it in range of the beach as the missiles hit. Each plane laucnhed two GBU (Sorry, don't know full name) at the dug in men. The 8 bombs dropped down towards the beach as the squadron was 'Killed'.
<F15 Squadrons 2,3,4 and 5>
The Collection of 20 Eagles made their way towards the landing beachs. They had kept low and the Commanche's had been used as a distraction as they made their way. They had just seen Ghostrider squadron be destoyed. Ten Aircraft suddenly climbed going after the half of the enemy squadron that hadn't retreated. The Ten remaining sped over the trees and in sight of the beach. They launched multiple missiles at the dug in postions before banking away to try to avoid the inevitable fire from the ships
"Time to go!" The Lead Commache called as the Missiles approached. The Standard escape was to duck back behind the cover of the trees, but for most of the commaches it was too late. All but two were 'dead' within seconds
"Boys, if we're going to go out, we're going out firign!" Ghostrider one orderd. What was left of the Squadron turned and activvated ther afterburners. THey just made it in range of the beach as the missiles hit. Each plane laucnhed two GBU (Sorry, don't know full name) at the dug in men. The 8 bombs dropped down towards the beach as the squadron was 'Killed'.
<F15 Squadrons 2,3,4 and 5>
The Collection of 20 Eagles made their way towards the landing beachs. They had kept low and the Commanche's had been used as a distraction as they made their way. They had just seen Ghostrider squadron be destoyed. Ten Aircraft suddenly climbed going after the half of the enemy squadron that hadn't retreated. The Ten remaining sped over the trees and in sight of the beach. They launched multiple missiles at the dug in postions before banking away to try to avoid the inevitable fire from the ships
OOC: not a problem GBU is enough of a description for me:)
Landing Site
The dug in IFVs tooks the missile and bomb fire badly. 15 More were "lossed" along with the two member crew of each. On the other hand, shield class MD ships opened fire with with every anti air missile on the racks and 500 SAM type missiles went after every enemy plane in the sky including the ten that were moving for the second half of the squadron.
Fighter Heading for the beech
Airborne radar picked up the Comanches and the enemy fighters both and as the ship-based SAMs went after the fighters from one direction the Strike fighters launched 80 AMRAAMs from the other. The enemy fighters would be caught in a vice grip between the two.
Special Operations Force
The ASDM special forces caught sight of the ennemy tanks hiding in the tree line. Seconds later Sword class Battle Cruisers Had opened fire with heavy cannon and there were enough of them to blanket the area. 200 Tlams followed, armed with Anti-Armor sub munitions all targeted to the same area and planning on falling just short of the ASDMs who had backed off a little.
The Four Heatons
01-02-2009, 22:00
<All Four Heatons Aircraft>
With the forward Fighters destroyed the remaining aircraft pulled back to 1804.
The Tanks took a beating as they attempoted to retreat back into the forest, not succeded
The Soldiers that were in the trees threw themselves to the ground and made thier wayy into the deep forest.
"Reports suggest we've got enemy personeel inside the Defence permiter, all aircraft have pulled back" An operator reported.
"Alright, roll out the SAM's" THe CO ordered.
<Various places along the coast and the countryside (40 sites)>
From under camoflage a mobile SAM lancher roared into life. They rolled out and turned on thier tracking. They picked up any aircraft in their range and fired missiles.
<All Four Heatons Aircraft>
With the forward Fighters destroyed the remaining aircraft pulled back to 1804.
The Tanks took a beating as they attempoted to retreat back into the forest, not succeded
The Soldiers that were in the trees threw themselves to the ground and made thier wayy into the deep forest.
"Reports suggest we've got enemy personeel inside the Defence permiter, all aircraft have pulled back" An operator reported.
"Alright, roll out the SAM's" THe CO ordered.
<Various places along the coast and the countryside (40 sites)>
From under camoflage a mobile SAM lancher roared into life. They rolled out and turned on thier tracking. They picked up any aircraft in their range and fired missiles.
Airborne invasion force
The forward half of the initial assault force came under heavy fire from ground based SAMS and jinked , attempting to throw of gunners aims as they popped countermeasures. 60 Simulated HAARM missiles streaked of the rails of the strike fighters as the remainder of the squadron 4 "down" and 7 "damaged" lighter, turned for the carrier fleet.
Landing Beach
Near the beech the unloading process continued and Helicopters along with a ten Interceptor and 1 AWACS CAP stayed in place above the beach. in the forest Marine Spec. Ops troops moved quietly following the retreating enemy in hopes that they would give up the location of the remainder of their army. Aside from the two CAPs the ASDN aircraft has landed on carriers and were undergoing real and simulated refueling, rearmament and repair.
The Four Heatons
04-02-2009, 21:57
The SAMs were able to fire another salvo of missiles before all but three were destroyed
<Landing area>
The Soldiers in the Forest had pulled back to an area of trenchs and sandbags. They had set up a main area. Most of the 350 soldiers were in this 'fortress'. The few that weren't were runners who's job was to lead any enemy's back to this 'Fortress' were they would be killed. At the centre sat a M1A2 Abram.
The SAMs were able to fire another salvo of missiles before all but three were destroyed
<Landing area>
The Soldiers in the Forest had pulled back to an area of trenchs and sandbags. They had set up a main area. Most of the 350 soldiers were in this 'fortress'. The few that weren't were runners who's job was to lead any enemy's back to this 'Fortress' were they would be killed. At the centre sat a M1A2 Abram.
4 more interceptors went down but the rest were outta range and on deck aircraft we're still simulating refueling and repair.
Landing area
the special forces were still following the "runners" not knowing that they might be following them straight into a trap.
The Four Heatons
08-02-2009, 15:49
"Hold your fire" Was the whispered order as the first sign of the runners came. The Abrams, under camoflage sat silent.
<AB 1804>
The Aircraft had been refuled and rearmed and were back in the air.
The Eagles and Falcons mantianed postion halfway between the shore and the Airbase.
The Raptors flew towards teh coast
"Hold your fire" Was the whispered order as the first sign of the runners came. The Abrams, under camoflage sat silent.
<AB 1804>
The Aircraft had been refuled and rearmed and were back in the air.
The Eagles and Falcons mantianed postion halfway between the shore and the Airbase.
The Raptors flew towards teh coast
The ASD spec. forces were still following but somewhat more cautiously now. They had expected a short contact followed by being forced to back off by the unit re-integrating into a larger heatons force but that hadn't happened and the ASD'ians were beginning to wonder. They'd fallen to a stealth pursuit format. With a single squad following close behind and three more following slightly off the pursuing squad.
ASDN Air Elements
With only the CAP in place and only ten "ready" interceptors on the deck, the ASDN air elements we're not going to move to engage the Interceptors. Instead they moved forward of the carriers into a blocking position as 50 Ground based SAM emplacements, put up by combat engineers (landed from the fleet), Opened fire on the incoming interceptors. Ship based AA missiles would follow before the enemy could get into range of the CAP.
The Four Heatons
08-02-2009, 17:55
The Soldiers kept deathly quiet as they waited
"Raptors, zulu" The Leader raptor ordered and the raptors filled the air with countermeasures and decreased altitude. They were able to advoid most of the missiles but four Raptors were 'killed'. They returned fire with HARM missiles at the SAM's
The Soldiers kept deathly quiet as they waited
"Raptors, zulu" The Leader raptor ordered and the raptors filled the air with countermeasures and decreased altitude. They were able to advoid most of the missiles but four Raptors were 'killed'. They returned fire with HARM missiles at the SAM's
Embedded CWIS systems opened fire at the missiles and low flying jets both. 15 of the SAM sites went down anyway, but a follow on salvo launched before the HARMs struck and Boat launched SAMs opened fire as well. Just out of range, Strike Fighters and interceptors armed AMRAAMs.
Special forces Squad, "wolverine"
The chase squad was providing over watch as the lead squad moved forward.
"This is just, odd." Muttered Hawk to himself as he and Ghost hunkered down into their latest sniper, spotter hide. "Something shoulda happened by now."
"there!" Muttered Ghost as he spotted something, " That's not, aw hell, Ambush close! I repeat ambush close!" he said as his MacMillan TAC-50 rifle tracked onto the odd, human like outline he had caught site of and squeezed the trigger very gently.
As much in reaction the shot as the radio message, the four squads went to ground and began searching for targets to shoot.
The Four Heatons
08-02-2009, 18:29
"Thimes to pull back" The Lead raptor ordered and the raptors turned and burned away from the incoming missiles. six were lost
<On the Ground>
"Open fire!" Was the order as the first man was 'killed'. The soldiers had theraml imageing devices so they were able to see the enemy soldiers and the entire area was filled with automatic weapons fire.
"Thimes to pull back" The Lead raptor ordered and the raptors turned and burned away from the incoming missiles. six were lost
<On the Ground>
"Open fire!" Was the order as the first man was 'killed'. The soldiers had theraml imageing devices so they were able to see the enemy soldiers and the entire area was filled with automatic weapons fire.
"Shit! yelled Sargent sanders as he and most of his "lead squad" were marked "killed". The three tailing squads were firing though at any target they could find and Ghost on his Tac-50 was firing methodical from a range of 1 500 meters as two of his sniper compatriots did the same. Single and double round bursts targeted the enemies in ambush and simulated air-bursting rifle grenades began to fly back into the face of the enemy automatic rifle fire.
The ASDN Carriers expedited launch and soon more aircraft were flying off the deck moving too chase the enemy fighters 60 ASDN interceptors. Essentially the entire unwounded contingent streaked out towards the enemy airbase followed by 50 Strike Fighters duel armed for Anti-Air and ground attack. 2 AWACS followed hopping to pin-point the enemy air strip.
The Four Heatons
08-02-2009, 20:06
"Warpig, time to rock and roll" The Captain called down the radio.
The Tank roared into life and locked onto the heat signitures and fired with it's main cannon.
<Air forces>
"Checkmate this is Jupiter two-6, where is the back-up from 1940?" Jumpiter 2-6 aske
"ETA, ten minutes" Checkmate replied
"Warpig, time to rock and roll" The Captain called down the radio.
The Tank roared into life and locked onto the heat signitures and fired with it's main cannon.
<Air forces>
"Checkmate this is Jupiter two-6, where is the back-up from 1940?" Jumpiter 2-6 aske
"ETA, ten minutes" Checkmate replied
"god damn!" Said Hawk, Impressed as a simulated main gun round blew the hell out of the remainder of second platoon. "Well hell." He grabbed the M34 Grenade launcher and emptied the eight chambered HEAT round straight into the side armor of the Tank. Ghost too, continued to fire the Macmillan TAC-50 "servicing targets" as his MILES system pick up more than a couple of "near misses". Unfortunately on his HUD he could see that first platoon was absolutely gone, second platoon was down to a single rifleman firing from a divot in the ground and third platoon was at about half strength. His platoon, "the Wolverines" we're mostly still together and still downing enemies with clockwork precision.
The Interceptors each launched 4 AMRAAMs a piece at the distant enemy fighters as they streaked in at max possible speed. Behind them the strike fighters were lagging back a little timing it so that their AMRAAM launch would coincide with the interceptors launch of AIM-9Xs.
The Four Heatons
08-02-2009, 21:27
The tank was out of commisionm the whilst the majority of the soldiers held the enemy's attention a small platoon made their way wide and round in an attempt to get behind the enemy.
The Raptors took more hits as they retreated, the Eagles were nearby waiting to pounce
The tank was out of commisionm the whilst the majority of the soldiers held the enemy's attention a small platoon made their way wide and round in an attempt to get behind the enemy.
The Raptors took more hits as they retreated, the Eagles were nearby waiting to pounce
"Jesus!" Yelled Hawk over ghost's last shot. "They're hitting us hard Ghost. The hell do we do.?"
Hawk was Firing stead bursts from his XM18 Marksman's rifle. Third Platoon and Fourth had essentially collapased into one another and were holding something that could be generously defined as a perimeter but they we're running out of Ammo and, despite inflicting plenty of damage, including a downed tank, They were running out of ammo. Point in fact, Ghost and Hawk were the only two still outside the perimeter and "alive" mostly because Ghost was nailing every single .50 cal round he had shot while Hawk was handling "close" threats in short order.
"Shit," Replied Ghost Flatly as he fired again. "Get the admiral on and pull as much close support fire as you can. Drop it everywhere but on top of us got it?"
"Aye sir." Said Hawk flatly. Then into his radio. "Destruction imminent, I repeat destruction imminent. Target everything but our singles."
"on it," Crackled the radio. "Ranging in 5." A pause, then "Take cover boys, fire's incoming."
The ASDN paint rounds were falling from the sky, bursting and spewing paint from fifty feet above the ground. onto everything in the area, simulating"kills" if it struck.
The interceptors continued to chase as did the Strike fighters, closing the distance with the Eagles. AWACs began Jamming across every spectrum except one which jumped erratically allowing the ASDN planes to function almost normally. On the deck of the carrier 5 Stealth bombers took off and went to high altitude, moving inland relatively slowly compared to the fighters.
The ASD troops were moving out. Combat engineers manned defenses, but they were all that was left of the securing force. The rest of the ASDN land forces moved inland towards the estimated point for the enemy airbase. Scouts riding in IFVs moved out first scouting for any enemy resistance and we're followed by regular IFVs and tanks held in 10 vehicle squadrons moving through the forest.
The Four Heatons
09-02-2009, 17:34
"Christ!" The Captain yelled as the first artllery hit "Take cover!"
The Men took hits as tehy threw themselves to the floor.
The Small unit ahd made it to withing 50 metres were they hunkered down and crawlked closer ready to fire. They were spooted and the all opened fire, four on each flank fired two M203 rounds in quick succesion.
The Raptors bugged out and teh Eagles pounced on the enemy interceptors, from the ground two Squadrons of Falcons began to climb aiming for the trike fighters.
Once in range the Eagles fired three AIM-120's a peice, 60 missiles, followed by a salvo of two AIM-9s each, 40 missiles. The Falcons continued to climb, and began to lock targets
"Err, groundmate" A spotter commented as he overlooked the beachhead in his guillie suit "Their moving out"
"Is your shooter stll ok?" Groundmate asked.
"He's fine, we're under guillie and camoflage above the beach"
"Tell him to fire on enemy troops who are remaining as a security force, we've got two other snipers in the area, they'll fire as well, break, all snipers fire.
Three teams of Snipers had made their way to the beach once ID'ed and had hunkered down to wait for the main force to leave. they opened fire
The Four Heatons
11-02-2009, 18:22
The Four Heatons
12-02-2009, 11:28
BUmp again
"Christ!" The Captain yelled as the first artllery hit "Take cover!"
The Men took hits as tehy threw themselves to the floor.
The Small unit ahd made it to withing 50 metres were they hunkered down and crawlked closer ready to fire. They were spooted and the all opened fire, four on each flank fired two M203 rounds in quick succesion.
The Raptors bugged out and teh Eagles pounced on the enemy interceptors, from the ground two Squadrons of Falcons began to climb aiming for the trike fighters.
Once in range the Eagles fired three AIM-120's a peice, 60 missiles, followed by a salvo of two AIM-9s each, 40 missiles. The Falcons continued to climb, and began to lock targets
"Err, groundmate" A spotter commented as he overlooked the beachhead in his guillie suit "Their moving out"
"Is your shooter stll ok?" Groundmate asked.
"He's fine, we're under guillie and camoflage above the beach"
"Tell him to fire on enemy troops who are remaining as a security force, we've got two other snipers in the area, they'll fire as well, break, all snipers fire.
Three teams of Snipers had made their way to the beach once ID'ed and had hunkered down to wait for the main force to leave. they opened fire
"Damn damn damn" Chanted Hawk as the enemy opened upon the remainder of the Platoon, Stranded. Hawk Continued to hold back any attempted rush at him or ghost but otherwise was essentially helpless.
"Rockfall" Said Ghost into his radio. Then "MOVE!"
As Hawk and ghost dashed from cover the really artillery storm came down, "obliterating" anything in a kilometer radius of the platoon in a single massive TOT salvo.
Ghost and Hawk managed to clear the fire zone but only just and the rest of the Spec. For team was down along with whatever enemies they might have taken out.
Air Combat Zone "Freddy"
Interceptors moved for eagles and the single massive salvo launched right back into the enemies' teeth. over 200 Amraams and Aim 9s had fired then jammers squeeled to full active power and countermeasures deployed EN mAss. 15 ASD Aircraft were "lost" but ther other interceptors we're hard on the heals of their missiles screeching into Gun range as they tried to clear a path for the strike fighters.
Shots range out along the perimeter and Combat Engineers began to go "down" but STOVL replied with strafing runs into the target areas. Lightfire Attack Helicopter's launched next, Ready to provide close air support and to suppress any further ennemy fire.
The Four Heatons
12-02-2009, 16:33
The Few soldiers that had 'survided' pulled themselves to theri feet. The Captain gathered them together and they retreated out of the forest.
<Air Combat Zone "Freddy">
The Eagles took heavy damge and almost all we're 'killed' the two that surivied evaded the emey and tried to lead them as far as possible. The Falcons from below choose this moment to pounce on the strike fighters. Coming up from below they fired their compliamet of AIM-120's, thats 80 missiles altogher, and half their AIM-9 Complimant, 40 alltogther, half of teh second squadron turned their attention to the interceptors
The Snipers we're stupid and the two teams that survieded didn't contiue firing down at the beech.
<Down The Coast, Entering Combat Area>
"Checkmate, this is the FHS Independance, entering the area, launching fighters, support ships shall move into postion" The Admiral onboard the Carrier Independance announced as the first of teh non-CAP aircraft roared off the desk. Within minutes 50 F/A-18's were in the air and headed first for the enemy fleet.
The Few soldiers that had 'survided' pulled themselves to theri feet. The Captain gathered them together and they retreated out of the forest.
<Air Combat Zone "Freddy">
The Eagles took heavy damge and almost all we're 'killed' the two that surivied evaded the emey and tried to lead them as far as possible. The Falcons from below choose this moment to pounce on the strike fighters. Coming up from below they fired their compliamet of AIM-120's, thats 80 missiles altogher, and half their AIM-9 Complimant, 40 alltogther, half of teh second squadron turned their attention to the interceptors
The Snipers we're stupid and the two teams that survieded didn't contiue firing down at the beech.
<Down The Coast, Entering Combat Area>
"Checkmate, this is the FHS Independance, entering the area, launching fighters, support ships shall move into postion" The Admiral onboard the Carrier Independance announced as the first of teh non-CAP aircraft roared off the desk. Within minutes 50 F/A-18's were in the air and headed first for the enemy fleet.
OOC: whats the objective in this combat sim? any suggestions?
The Remainder of the ASD Spec forces platoon, Ghost and Hawk, were picked up by the lead scout elements of the ASDN ground force. The LAV VIIs were moving through the forest looking for the enemy forces as they headed for the airstrip.
Combat Zone "Freddy"
The Interceptors and Strike fighters were taken completely by surprise, out of formation and recovering from attempted evasions of incoming missiles and the Falcons coming off the deck were an issue. A big one. the 45 remaining interceptors dove for the deck, 10 went down before they could close the distance. But 35 interceptors were then within gun range of the enemy forces and they went after them with a vengeance. The strike fighters did less well, Armed down as they were with Air-Ground missiles and the 4 Aim 9-xs they were all carrying there would have been no way to dodge the enemy strike. All 50 strike fighters threw every one of their 400 AIM-9s back into the enemies' faces. As they did so, though 25 went down to missile strikes. ten more broke off and headed for the enemy airbase with their JSOWs Armed and ready. The other 15 Strike fighters lived up to the second part of their name as they went for the enemy Falcons as well.
The remaining Combat Engineers were still working on the temporary base, but Heat and motion trackers were now in place along with AA defenses. Emplaced artillery positions we're underway and Combat engineers had manned heavy machine gun positions. The Base was now the last fallback point for the ASDN forces.
ASDN Second Fleet, OPFOR
"Damnit!" Said Captain D'orville flatly. "I was hoping we had more time before their fleet elements would show."
He sat silent for a second, then,
"Advance the wolfpack and send up the rest of what we have against those incoming fighters."
19 Strike fighters, 6 Interceptors and 30 STOVL fighters were in the air, the remainder of the ASDN air element. They circled a single AWACs that was directly overhead the ASDN fleet. Active and passive defenses on all the fleet elements went full active and tracking and homing RADAR lit up the incoming fighters. Beneath the seas 7 ASDN submarines were running entirely silent, without even engines running, but they were receiving telemetry updates from the ASDN fleet and two of them were in a blocking position between the second fleet and the incoming force.
The Four Heatons
14-02-2009, 18:18
OOC: Out of Character it's to get me experiance in all combat IC it's for either me to repel your forces or you capture AB1804 as part of a larger offensive
<Combat Zone 'Freddy'>
The Falcons fired another salvo, the reminders of their AIM-9's as four of their number were 'downed' the 16 remaininding took a lot of hits fro the missiles and 6 more were 'downed' from the strike fighters AIM-9's. The Ten Remaining switched the guns and the meley deceded into a feroucious dogfight.
"Checkmate, this is Falcon 12-4, we've been engaged, 1804's SAM defences will have to do" Falcon 12-4 reported.
"Understood 12-4" Checkmate replied "Break, 1804, Activate SAM defense"
The 8 SAM launchers that defended 1804 activated, as did the AAA guns that were pottered around the base.
"Alright, hold us here" The Admiral ordered "Keep checking on SONAR, have them four fire Harpoon missiles at the enemy fleet"
The fleets 4 cruisers moved into postion and fired at the ASDN fleet. The F/A-18's stayed just out of range of the ASDN's anti-aircraft weapons range and waited to see if the enemy would come out to them.
OOC: Out of Character it's to get me experiance in all combat IC it's for either me to repel your forces or you capture AB1804 as part of a larger offensive
<Combat Zone 'Freddy'>
The Falcons fired another salvo, the reminders of their AIM-9's as four of their number were 'downed' the 16 remaininding took a lot of hits fro the missiles and 6 more were 'downed' from the strike fighters AIM-9's. The Ten Remaining switched the guns and the meley deceded into a feroucious dogfight.
"Checkmate, this is Falcon 12-4, we've been engaged, 1804's SAM defences will have to do" Falcon 12-4 reported.
"Understood 12-4" Checkmate replied "Break, 1804, Activate SAM defense"
The 8 SAM launchers that defended 1804 activated, as did the AAA guns that were pottered around the base.
"Alright, hold us here" The Admiral ordered "Keep checking on SONAR, have them four fire Harpoon missiles at the enemy fleet"
The fleets 4 cruisers moved into postion and fired at the ASDN fleet. The F/A-18's stayed just out of range of the ASDN's anti-aircraft weapons range and waited to see if the enemy would come out to them.
OOC: sweet so I'm trying to capture the Airstrip complex and your trying to hammer me back into the ocean :D works for me. As to the OOC, your doin real well. Hell of a lot better than a lot of the RP'ers around here.
(Soon I promise)
The Four Heatons
14-02-2009, 22:24
OOC: Thanks, I do try :-)