23-01-2009, 22:01
Is with great honor that I inform you that under the administration of the 8th Primus of the Most Serene Republic of Ciryatania is inaugurated the Office for Establishment of Embassies within Ciryatanian Territories, for those nations that wish to stablish an embassie to serve their citizens on Ciryatanian soil, and to strech boundaries among our nations I leave here the form for establishment of embassies on Ciryatania.
Form for Establishment of Embassies and Diplomatic Bodies within Ciryatanian Territories
Full Name of Nation:
Form of Government:
WA Membership: (YES) (NO)
If yes specify rank:
Full Name and Title of Ambassador:
Total Number of Civil Personnel (max.:200):
Total Number of Security Forces (max.:100):
Weaponry Requirements (Number and Specifications)
Vehicle Requirements (Number and Specifications)
Special Requests
Nations with embassies on Ciryatania:
-The Glorious Republic of Neo-Erusea
-Allied States of The Four Heatons
Form for Establishment of Embassies and Diplomatic Bodies within Ciryatanian Territories
Full Name of Nation:
Form of Government:
WA Membership: (YES) (NO)
If yes specify rank:
Full Name and Title of Ambassador:
Total Number of Civil Personnel (max.:200):
Total Number of Security Forces (max.:100):
Weaponry Requirements (Number and Specifications)
Vehicle Requirements (Number and Specifications)
Special Requests
Nations with embassies on Ciryatania:
-The Glorious Republic of Neo-Erusea
-Allied States of The Four Heatons