Nation Information
Edwards Street
21-01-2009, 20:13
For the purposes of role-playing/war, please state the following information about your country:
3 largest cities: (including the national capital)
Primary racial/ethnic groups:
Offical, and/or widely used languages:
National citizen adjective: (if someone from France is French, then your nation's citizens are.....)
Notable national parks, landmarks, historical sites:
Current population:
Current WA government classification: (Civil Rights Lovefest, etc)
Edwards Street
21-01-2009, 20:22
I'll start:
3 largest cities: Granite City (capital), Paradise, and Esperenza
Climate/topography Mostly mild, similiar to the central and lower Midwestern United States, the Northern Plains in Edwards Street, and the Central mountains are much colder during winter
Ethnic groups: British, Italian and native Gregorian peoples
Langugages: English (offical), Italian and Gregorian
National adjective: Edwardian
Notable places: Central Mountains National Park, Liberty Square in Granite City, (where King John the III surrendered to pro-democracy revolutionaries in 1941)
Current population: 1.097 billion people
WA classification: New York Times Democracy
21-01-2009, 20:28
3 largest cities: Burtistan (capital), South Suddamn, Big Burt
Climate/topography: tropical; marine, hot and humid, moderated by trade winds
Primary racial/ethnic groups: Micronesian, Caucasian
Offical, and/or widely used languages: English, Burti
National citizen adjective: Burtilanian
Notable national parks, landmarks, historical sites: Burtilana National Forest, Paradise Forest, Paradise Mountain Range, Mountain Village, Embassy Tower, The Palace, Lakeside Manor, Little Chobham Island.
Current population: 1.064 billion (What I RP with)
Current WA government classification: Scandinavian Liberal Paradise. RP as a Democratic Socialist
The Battlehawk
21-01-2009, 20:32
3 largest cities: (including the national capital) Tren'Lar (Capitol) Hells Gate, Runcorn
Climate/topography: Similar to the USA, Mild but with some extreams, Ie, in the northwest montains
Primary racial/ethnic groups: Mixed
Offical, and/or widely used languages: English, Battlehawkian
National citizen adjective: (if someone from France is French, then your nation's citizens are.....) Battlehawkian
Notable national parks, landmarks, historical sites: Battlehawk Park, Signing of the constitution
Current population: 707 Million
Current WA government classification: (Civil Rights Lovefest, etc) Democratic Soclialists
21-01-2009, 20:49
For the purposes of role-playing/war, please state the following information about your country:
3 largest cities: Veblensk[capital], Naszran, Treneska
Climate/topography: varies, primarily open plains and forest, with a few mountainous regions
Primary racial/ethnic groups: Caucasian
Offical, and/or widely used languages: official languages are Russian and Ukrainian, English is used to some extent
National citizen adjective: Chernobylskayan
Notable national parks, landmarks, historical sites: Red Forest
Current population: fixed 460,500,000
Current WA government classification:Father Knows Best State
3 largest cities: 1. Lein (Capital), 2. Oro City, 3. Magafora
Climate/topography: Dessert/Barren landscape but with various patches of vegetation
Primary racial/ethnic groups: Mixed
Official, and/or widely used languages: English, Italian
National citizen adjective: Garlanian
Notable national parks, landmarks, historical sites: Arel Tower, Garlano Stadium,
Current population: 5 million
Current WA government classification: Inoffensive Centrist Democracy
3 largest cities: (including the national capital) Caprica City, Delphi, Ambrosia
Climate/topography: Many lush green river valleys, covered in Diciduous forest, huge meadows, and a large desert in the west. Cold in north, mild in south, and warm in west.
Primary racial/ethnic groups: Gaelic peoples, Asian, other European peoples
Offical, and/or widely used languages: English, Gaelic
National citizen adjective: (if someone from France is French, then your nation's citizens are.....): Augmarkan
Notable national parks, landmarks, historical sites: Ambrosian Highlands, Gemenon national park, Quorum Building
Current population: 1.004 Billion
Current WA government classification: (Civil Rights Lovefest, etc): Capitalist Paridise
In MT here:
3 largest cities: Tengrad (National Administrative Centre & capital of Oversector One -- population about 670,000,000), Ithaë (capital of O§3, population about 440,000,000), Yraöth (capital of O§9, population about 365,000,000)
Climate/topography: Arctic and subarctic, with terrain consisting mostly of tundra, desert, desertified land, mountains, more mountains, and icy wastes.
Primary racial/ethnic groups: A mixture. Racial and ethnic divides have been more or less eliminated.
Offical, and/or widely used languages: Tenurian is the only official language, and has been altered from its original state by official fiat sufficiently that it bears little resemblance to the Finno-Ugric language family it is nominally part of, or any other common language.
National citizen adjective: Tenurian once again.
Notable national parks, landmarks, historical sites: None whatsoever. One of the first things the si'Thaluö did upon consolidating power was to destroy all historical and archaeological sites, all notable landmarks remembered from the Imperial era, and all remnants of tourism in order to establish among its citizens the belief that no government but the si'Thaluö had ever held power in Tenuria, and that the world outside Tenuria did not exist.
Current population: A little under 5 billion.
Current WA government classification: Father Knows Best State, I think.
Obviously OOC, of course.
21-01-2009, 22:42
For the purposes of role-playing/war, please state the following information about your country:
3 largest cities: Phegues(captial), Phineas, Phineus, Phocus
Climate/topography:Link (
Primary racial/ethnic groups: German, Greek, Native Chazakains, English
Official, and/or widely used languages: English, German, Greek
National citizen adjective: Chazakain
Notable national parks, landmarks, historical sites: see link
Current population: 416 million
Current WA government classification: Compulsory Consumerist State
Current Tech Level: Modern Tech, and anything within 10 years.
For the purposes of role-playing/war, please state the following information about your country:
3 largest cities: Chaziton(capital), New Chaziton, Chazaka(yes Chazaka Chazaka) and Eureka.
Climate/topography:Linky (
Primary racial/ethnic groups: 10% Native Chazakas, 25% various Europeans(mostly German), 15% various Asians, 33% South American(mostly Brazilians), 27% Mixed/Other
Official, and/or widely used languages: German, English
National citizen adjective: Chazakan(singular), Chazakans(plural)
Notable national parks, landmarks, historical sites:
Current population: 806 million
Current WA government classification: Left-wing Utopia
Tech level: Modern Tech,(anything avaible from now plus anything likely in 10 years)
Fiduses and Diuses
21-01-2009, 22:53
For the purposes of role-playing/war, please state the following information about your country:
3 largest Planets: Dius Fidus Prime II, Dius Fidus Prime III and Gregoria
Climate/topography: varies, main planet is tidally locked with one side always facing the sun and burning and the other cold and no sun, leaving only a small area suitable for habitation.
Primary racial/ethnic groups: Fiduses, Diuses and a small human population onf F&D Prime II's larger moon.
Official, and/or widely used languages: Galactic Basic, various native languages
National citizen adjective: Fiduses, Diuses and humans
Notable national parks, landmarks, historical sites: Larger Main moon of Prime II has a rather large underground complex.
Current population: 462 million officially, unofficial/rp i use 10 times that so currently 4 and a half billion.
Current WA government classification: Democratic Socialists
Tech Level: Future Tech, almost anything and everything.
For the purposes of role-playing/war, please state the following information about your country:
3 largest cities: Reichstag(capital), Bern, Lothair and Otto.
Climate/topography: Tropical and Moutains
Primary racial/ethnic groups: Chazadains, Germans, English
Official, and/or widely used languages: English, Native Language
National citizen adjective: Chazadians(plural) Chazadian(singular)
Notable national parks, landmarks, historical sites: Mt. Fruto, highest peak in Chazada.
Current population: 438 million
Current WA government classification:
Tech Level: Post Modern Tech(anything below actual ftl drives)