Battlehawk Airforce Shoots down unidentified aircraft (OPEN)
The Battlehawk
19-01-2009, 18:35
"Unidentified Aircraft, this is your last warning" Hawkeye one ordered "Alter coruse to heading 030 and leave battlehawk airspace"
The unidentifed Plane continued, almost oblivious to the six fighters that swarmed around it.
Hawkeye one, this is northan command, you are cleared to shoot that plane down, under battlehawk Airforce regulations section 12 paragraph 45B,
"Understood command" Hawkeye one said before trying one last time "Unidentified aircraft, if you do not comply immediatly you will be shot down"
After twenty seconds of no responce Hawkeye on moved into a firing postion behind the plane. His finger tensed on the trigger before pressing it
"Fox Two!"
The missile sped to short distance and hit the plane between the wings on the dorsal side. The Plane soon dropped out of the sky
The Battlehawk
21-01-2009, 00:06
101st paratroopers
21-01-2009, 01:04
OOC: Is this FT and could I play as a pilot that survived the crash?
21-01-2009, 01:32
Ten Minutes Earlier, Bévuesque Dasault Raphale
"Raphale-un, est-ce que vous m'entendez?"
"Roger, contrôle. Est-ce que vous m'entendez?"
"Roger, Raphale-un. Fort et claire."
"Où suis-je, contrôle?"
"Vous approchez l'espace aérien de Battlehawk. Revenez immédiatement."
Several seconds passed.
"Contrôle, comment?"
"Comment puis-je retourner?"
"...Je ne sais pas."
Just then, another voice appeared:
"Unidentified Aircraft, alter coruse to heading 030 and leave Battlehawk airspace."
"Contrôle, j'entende un voix."
"Ma voix?"
"Non, il a parlé anglais, je pense."
"Qu'est-ce qu'il a dit?"
"Je ne sais pas."
"N'est pas important, probablement."
Several minutes later, the voice came again:
"Unidentified Aircraft, this is your last warning. Alter coruse to heading 030 and leave Battlehawk airspace."
"Encore, contrôle, la voix."
"Vraiment? N'est pas important."
"Ouais, vous êtes–"
The missile struck the plane and it began to plummet. The confused pilot tried to steer the plane up.
"Je suis quoi?" Asked the controller. There was no answer. "Rafale-un?" Another pause. "Raphale-un, est-ce que vous m'entendez?"
101st paratroopers
21-01-2009, 01:41
OOC: I'm playing as the pilot! Or should I be a bystander helping the pilot?
The Battlehawk
21-01-2009, 16:26
"Bluestar, Bandit is down" Hawkeye one reported to the AWAC's
"Roger Hawkeye, dispaching Blackhawks, stay in the area until futher notice"
"Understood Bluestar"
Penguin Protection
21-01-2009, 21:57
A few minutes later, there was a roar as several USSPP heavy cargo aircraft flew overhead, and dropped into a holding pattern around the military base. "This is Penguin-Bravo-Alpha two niner, requesting permission to land and refuel. Heard you popped a bogey?"
The Battlehawk
21-01-2009, 22:06
"Penquin-B-A-2-9, cleared to land, runway two-six" The tower replied "That's correct"
Daniels Island
21-01-2009, 22:47
We've just recieved news that one of our planes was shot down over battlehawk airspace..
I thought we had duristriction?
So did I sir..
Is there any reason in to why this could of happened?
Well weve had reports from from our southern runway that they were having problems with the communication signals onboard the plane..
What was it carrying...?
Top secret Items From Forest Mountains (island 4)
Where The Government testing is carried out?
Yes sir..
You better hope that what ever was on that plane was destroyed!
We cant be for sure sir..
Request duristriction to land on battlehawk land to retrieve any unharmed cargo and make sure non was bio hazardous!
Yes sir..
The Battlehawk
21-01-2009, 22:55
OOC: err, someone else is already the pilot
Daniels Island
21-01-2009, 22:55
Few Hours Later...
Two MH-60S Seahawk Helicopters Are Approaching BattleHawk Air Space..
Come In control tower.. Battlehawk this is D.I Black Knight 1 and 2 Requesting permission To enter battlehawk airspace and landing permission...
Daniels Island
21-01-2009, 22:56
OOC: err, someone else is already the pilot
Sorry my bad can I try for something else
The Battlehawk
21-01-2009, 22:58
OOC: Sure
101st paratroopers
22-01-2009, 00:04
ooc: Could I be a 101st ground team sent to investigate?
22-01-2009, 00:46
Jean-Auguste Airport, Bévue: Military Sector
The flight controller repeated himself again, "Rafale-un? Allô?" He turned to the officer next to him, "Je pense que nous avons un avion déchu. Rafale-un était dans l'espace aérien de Battlehawk."
"Je vais téléphoner le duc."
Prince's Palace, Bévue
Duc François Pascale Bévue lazily answered the phone in his sun-soaked office in the palace. As minister of defense in a nation with a military smaller than most book clubs, the phone was rarely an urgent priority. However, today was different. As his listened to the story of the downed plane, the duke's brow furrowed.
"Je vais prendre soin de celui-là."
To: The Battlehawk
We have reason to believe your forces, loose cannons the lot of them, have shot down a Bévuesque military aircraft. We lost radio contact with a Dassault Rafale approximately half an hour ago. According to the coordinates provided by our flight controllers, it was entering your airspace due to navigational errors. We demand an immediate explanation for the disappearance of our plane.
Penguin Protection
22-01-2009, 02:35
The cargo planes touched down, and began refueling processes, the pilots leaving their aircraft to relax some. Sitting inside the terminal building, they discuss the developments, and radio home. A few hours later, a return transmission comes.
Transmission to Battlehawk:
Greetings. Some of our transport pilots have informed me of your latest success in defending your airspace. Let me congratulate you. However, there may be repercussions with the plane's native government. My pilots believe the language over the radio was French, which is spoken by several nations, but unfortunately not ours. We are prepared to help you defend yourself, and will send a force if you need it.
Penguin Premier, Kor Kalashvok
101st paratroopers
22-01-2009, 02:47
12 101st jump troopers silently dropped into the battlehawk night.
Silently they crept, through bushs, trees, and rivers.
They were there to investagate a UFO crash, 101st spy plane had seen it and reported it.
They were top secret and were order to shoot to kill. And to shoot anyone they saw, even thier own soldier if not in the squad.
Operation Intrepid had begun.
22-01-2009, 02:47
My pilots believe the language over the radio was French, which is spoken by several nations, but unfortunately not ours.
OOC: You do realize that the pilot never responded to the warnings, right?
12 101st jump troopers silently dropped into the battlehawk night.
Silently they crept, through bushs, trees, and rivers.
They were there to investagate a UFO crash, 101st spy plane had seen it and reported it.
They were top secret and were order to shoot to kill. And to shoot anyone they saw, even thier own soldier if not in the squad.
Operation Intrepid had begun.
OOC: Let me get this straight. A spy plane was violating Battlehawk airspace watching as a place was shot down for violating Battlehawk airspace. Then you flew a transport into Battlehawk airspace (i.e., violated it) to drop troops to investigate a plane crash caused by a violation of Battlehawk airspace. What kind of logic is that?
Penguin Protection
22-01-2009, 03:31
((Heh heh... Good thinking, Bevue. I think the 101st might be having some trouble now that we're in on the deal...))
Above the invading troopers, there is a roar as a flight of three USSPP HCAD aircraft thundered overhead. The HCAD, a slightly improved version of the A-10 Warthog, was especially adept at reconnissance, its heavy gatling cannon and Air to ground missiles enabling it to deal with any threat it might find. They peel off, and head back to their base, the USSPP Leviathan.
Transmission to Battlehawk:
I think you might be interested to know that there is a force of commandos sneaking around in your forests. Also, a spy plane passed over the crash site earlier. It is presumed the commandos are going to the crash site.
101st paratroopers
22-01-2009, 03:33
ooc: you would never know that a force of commandos were dropped. Also you just don't notice SR-71s flying at full speed 7000 feet above the ground
22-01-2009, 03:37
OOC: You do realize that a Blackbird can barely go Mach 3 at 7000 feet? It's designed for 80,000 feet, where there is significantly less air resistance. Also, it's stealth capabilities were defeated 10 years ago. It has a massive IR signature when going at Mach 3, and it has been seen on civilian Air Traffic Control many times. The only reason that none were ever shot down is because they were far too high and too fast for the missiles, something which you clearly negated.
Penguin Protection
22-01-2009, 03:40
((Sattellites can see everything, my friend. And there's something called thermal cameras. Your commandos stand out like black on white. Unless they're wearing thermally reflective suits, in which case they're sweating like pigs. Also, probably dehydrated.
101st paratroopers
22-01-2009, 03:41
ooc: then a F-22. It really doesnt matter. I'm guessing this is PMT. And by how advanced my military is, I've developed something.
22-01-2009, 03:44
ooc: then a F-22. It really doesnt matter. I'm guessing this is PMT. And by how advanced my military is, I've developed something.
Wow. Great job. You've clearly defeated all our arguments with simple logic and mountains of evidence.
22-01-2009, 03:46
I'm guessing this is PMT.
OOC: No, it's not. And you do realize that your "UFO" is just a 4.5 generation French fighter, right?
101st paratroopers
22-01-2009, 03:49
ooc: no it was aliens. Of course it was a french fighter plane. I know that.
22-01-2009, 03:50
ooc: no it was aliens. Of course it was a french fighter plane. I know that.
OOC: Then why are you sending special forces to check it out?
101st paratroopers
22-01-2009, 03:51
ooc: you know what? If you guys are just going to argue about me getting into it none of this ever happened. So just calm down.
The Battlehawk
22-01-2009, 16:16
Official Transmission
From. The Battlehawk
To: Bevue
AT 1430hrs, local time, an unidentified aircraft was detected viloting Battlehawk Airspace. A squadron of F 28 Talons were sent to intercept it. They attempted to communicate with the plane however no responce was received. As the Aircraft was penetrateing Futher and futher in the order was given to shoot the Plane down.
The Battlehawk Airforce has yet to identify the plane.
End Message
23-01-2009, 03:05
To: The Battlehawk
Forsooth! You pilots must be dunces indeed! Even an Empoté can identify a fighter plane, and those plebeian fools don't even own any! Naturally, once you identify the plane as ours, which it certainly is, you will be obliged to provide a replacement. Otherwise, we must warn you, we have one more where that came from.
Prince Jean-Auguste le Pourpre
North Defese
23-01-2009, 05:35
Meanwhile, at the North Defese International Operations Center in Noavi...
*There is a oval office type room, and 2 people a man and a woman, dressed in important official looking suits and shaded sunglasses walk in, and decline the General Officers offer for a drink"
GO: (General Officer) "How may I help you then?"
Woman: "A spy satillite over The Battlehawk airspace recorded fighter planes firing a missle and shooting down a UFO. If this causes an international incident, it could mean benifits for us. The President has ordered your men keep a very close watch on this."
Man: "Money can be made in arms sales, missles, nuclear or non."
GO: "None of our satilites are over The Battlehawk airspace? How did you---"His voice trailed off.
GO: *gasp* No! You didnt!
Woman: It was deemed necassary.
GO: But hijacking a satilite?
Man: Enough. This is not of your concern. You are under direct orders from the Commander in Chief himself to keep an eye on this.
20 minutes later
GO: What do you mean we cant intercept their telegrams!?
Aide:Its all French programming sir...The computer techs only speak Defese...A few English.
GO: Then get me a damned Frenchmen! Or a translater!
Aide: Its not that simple...
GO: *sigh* Fine. Put an agent into the Bevue embassy, try to get some information. Ill see if I can get authorization to put a satilite over The Battlehawk.
Aide: Yes sir, right away sir.
No comment about the incident is on any legal Defese channels, since they are all goverment controlled.
23-01-2009, 05:42
Put an agent into the Bevue embassy, try to get some information.
OOC: Bévue doesn't have any foreign embassies. They're convinced that their diplomats will be kidnapped by troublesome hooligans the minute they leave the safety of Bévue.
New Kereptica
23-01-2009, 05:50
OOC: Bévue doesn't have any foreign embassies. They're convinced that their diplomats will be kidnapped by troublesome hooligans the minute they leave the safety of Bévue.
OOC: Well they have good reason for that, seeing how brutally they treat foreign Ambassadors to Bevue D:<
23-01-2009, 05:53
OOC: Well they have good reason for that, seeing how brutally they treat foreign Ambassadors to Bevue D:<
OOC: That was not a government-sanctioned operation and should not reflect on the central government of Bévue! D:<
North Defese
23-01-2009, 05:53
OOC: Well then change it to put agent into The BlackHawk Embassy
23-01-2009, 05:56
OOC: Well then change it to put agent into The BlackHawk Embassy
OOC: Battlehawk you mean? And their embassy where? They don't have one in Bévue.
North Defese
23-01-2009, 06:02
Agent: (into a radio in his cuff) Sir ive made it into a Battlehawk domestic radio station, its a news radio. Shall I proceed with the mission?"
*voice: You have authorization.
Agent: Right-o.
*The agent shadows a female reporter into the back ally, were she is throwing away a bag of trash, he sneaks behind her, and grabs her by the head and shoulder, covering her mouth with a wet cloth dipped in sedative, she passes out immediatly. He then drags her by the chest into a parked car in the parking lot nearby. And carries her to the meeting point...*
The Battlehawk
23-01-2009, 16:30
Official Transmission
From. The Battlehawk
To: Bevue
Threats will get you no where. The Plane was told multiple times to alter course and it refused, there was no contact.
It is you who should be explaining yourselves
23-01-2009, 17:37
To: The Battlehawk
You arrogant, anglocentric swine! Of course the pilot didn't respond, we hadn't the slightest idea what your warnings were saying.
Prince Jean-Auguste le Pourpre
The Battlehawk
23-01-2009, 17:42
"Right I'm not even replying to that" President Clark replied reading the latest telegram "What a load of..."
"Mr President!" SecState cut him off
"Sorry Theresa, but they could have said something, If they'd have said a a word we could have got a linguist to contact them" Daniel commented
"Yes but swearing and ignoreing them will make them do something rather stupid" Thersa commented.
"Alright fine"
Official Transmission
From. The Battlehawk
To: Bevue
If your pilot had at least responded to the hail, under the circumstances that is the advisable course, our airforce would have been able to get a linquist to translate. Do not attempt to blame us for the lack of contact.
23-01-2009, 19:37
USoP Presidential Compound
Situation Room
Nancy McNally the USoP national security adviser stood at the end of the table trying to compose herself, meanwhile the freshly berated intel officers around the table sat quietly knowing that when the doors opened what their boss just did to them would be nothing to compared to when her boss showed up.
The elevator doors open and Bartlet stepped out briskly, the room stood up. "What the hell happened to my satellite Nancy?"
"Not sure sure. We lost Eagle Eye 1 about 10 minutes ago. It. It seems as though it was hijacked sir."
"Hijacked?" the President repeated.
"Yes sir, we lost command and control 10 minutes ago, however other satellites in the area have located it and indicate it has moved over Battlehawk airspace." Nancy returned
"Remind me of Eagle Eye 1's purpose"
"Strictly recon sir and intelligence gathering sir?"
"Thank God for small favors." Bartlet muttered. "Options"
"Only one that we can think of sir."
"Yea, same here. Do it."
"Yes sir, we can't initialize the auto destruct so we are going to use one of the nuclear defense grid satellites to do the job. Once it's down we can launch the shuttle and go up to retrieve it."
"What's going to stop whoever hijacked this satellite from taking another one?"
"Security encryption has been increased on all satellites in the grid, as well as the three space labs. " Nancy responded.
"Don't you normally have to wait for me to say takes us to Situational Awareness Level 3 before that happens?" The president said.
"Yes sir, should I rescind the order?" Nancy said.
"No, but if you keep doing that there's going to be no need for me to come down here." Bartlett quipped.
"We have to have someone to blame if something goes wrong sir... might as well be you. "
"Fair enough, disable the satellite madam security adviser. Then take a glance at our chain of command." Bartlet turned and left the room.
Eagle Talon 7 turned silently in space, and began to align it's laser with the coordinates sent from USoP Space Command. When the older and less advanced satellite Eagle Eye 1 came in range, 7 fired it's laser. The bright red beam struck the energy cells, releasing a shower of sparks. Eagle Eye 1 went dark and silent.
North Defese
23-01-2009, 21:06
North Defese International Operations Center
Officer 1: Ok, weve got all we need, give them back contr--What the hell happened?!?
Officer 2: Weve lost contact with Eagle 1, contact the General Officer.
Officer 1: Ill keep trying to hail the sat...
Officer 2: What is it?
Officer 1: Its navigational system wasent erased before it went offline...If another nation gets it back online... they will find it was hijacked while moving over *our* nation...
Officer 2: Muff it all!
Officer 1: Get the General Officer. NOW!
10 minutes later, video conference
President: What are our options then?
General Officer: We can blame it on extremists, that option may cause less feedback...
President: Ill set up a meeting with my staff. Situation Room, 2 hours.
General Officer: Yes sir...
The Presidential Plane, United Flight 11, began the fuelup process, to transport the President from his press conference in Port Royall, to usher him back to the capital.
Press Conference
President: Although our nation is suffering from nuclear winter, our infrastructer is still going strong. People are returning to their jobs, Czerka has promised to keep our economy going. I assure you, People of Defese, we shall prevail. Now---*leans over to PPS (Presidential Protection Service)*
President: I apoligize, a urgent matter has come up, I must return to the capital.
President leaves as scores of reporters shout questions, all wondering what emergancy was going on now
Penguin Protection
23-01-2009, 21:06
Several trajectories turned red, and an alarm sounded in Sattelite City, the home of the Penguin Protection space program. A tech turned to his supervisor. "Sir! We have reports of laser fire between satellites!" The supervisor rests his chin on his hand, and ponders. "Notify the Premier, and bring our weapons satellites online in case of attack."
In orbit, what appeared to be a communication satellite perked up. There was a puff of flame, and the large dish floated away, revealing a large X-ray laser. A second set of solar panels unfurls as the satellite starts a gentle longitudenal rotation. The satellite waits...
23-01-2009, 21:25
USoP Presidential Compound
Office of the President
"What?" The president said not looking up.
"Sir, our steps to disable Eagle Eye 1 have not gone un-noticed" His Chief of Staff Leo McGarrity said. Penguin Protectoin as fired up their defense network.
"Ok, well we kind of figured that, so now what do you suggest."
"We'll issue a statement to them saying in no uncertain terms that we were well within our rights to disable our own hardware after an unwarranted attack."
"Ok, how's the shuttle mission coming along..."
"Shuttle should be up in an hour sir.
"Ok, now let's talk about who might have stolen our satellite.
USoP Department of State
To:United Socialist States of Penguin Protection
Please at 14:46 our time we were forced to disable one of our existing space assets as it had become unstable which was threatening to become a larger problem.
We were forced to act quickly, due to the situation and were unable to notify our allies in space of our intent. We appologize for any concern our actions may have caused you.
Dontella Moss
USoP Secretary of State.
The Battlehawk
23-01-2009, 21:30
The Crew of the Battlehawk Space Staion we're worried...Very worried. From either side they had two sets of laser sattelites on ready status.
"Perhaps we should tell the USoP about that strange transmission we got" The StatioN CO commented
TO: USoP Space Command
FROM: Battlehawk Space Staion
USoP earlier today we piicked up a strange transmission aimed at one of your sattelites, we can send you a copy of the anaslys if you wish?
23-01-2009, 21:41
To: Battlehawk Space Command
From: USoP Department of State Security
We are very interested in any transmissions or information you may have, we are currently investigating the loss off our of our satellites ID CDSR1. Is that the asset you were referring to?
Nancy McNally turned to the SATCOM stations in the intel center. "If the Talon system still active, stand it down. We've stirred the neighbors too much already."
"Aye Mam"
Eagle Talon 7 retracted it's laser system and returned to it's normal geosynchronous orbit.
The Battlehawk
23-01-2009, 21:42
TO USoP Department Of State Security
FROM: Battlehawk Space Station
That is indeed the asset we are refering to, we shall transfer the infromation and transmission within a few minutes
Penguin Protection
23-01-2009, 21:44
Transmission to UsoP: We fully understand. However, we don't keep transponder status on every satellite up at the moment, so we were unaware that you were disabling your own satellite. If you recieve information on the source of the attack, we will gladly assist you in neutralizing it.
Penguin Premier, Kor Kalashvok
23-01-2009, 22:03
To: Battlehawk Space Station
From: USoP Satellite Command (SATCOM)
We have been referred by our Department of State and asked to intervene in the matter, please forward any information you may have to our facility. At your earliest convenience.
FROM: USoP Space Command
Please be advised our reusable space vehicle the USSV Helix is currently prepared for an emergency lift off to retrieve a USoP downed space asset. It should be launching within the hour and will reach it's target within 6 minutes of the launch. It will follow agreed upon trajectories.
The Battlehawk
23-01-2009, 22:36
"Send the information down" The Station CO ordered