Sky of Blood(OOC/Intrest)
101st paratroopers
19-01-2009, 00:47
Does anyone want to do a WWII era plane thread?
Care to expound/ expand a little on the core concept - early WWII, late? set where?
Probably late, he's thinking of this (
I still have the WWII jet I designed for that - if thats his inspiration.
101st paratroopers
20-01-2009, 23:42
bump, yeah it's late.
Ustio North
24-01-2009, 16:30
Hmm, well since this still has some interested people, I think (if said people are still interested) we could do something. Maybe not using puppet nations either, so it may be non-canon.
Give me a couple of days to think something up, and you could probably use that.
101st paratroopers
24-01-2009, 17:32
YAY!!! Ustio North is finally in this. lol, I got this idea from an old thread he started.
Ustio North
24-01-2009, 17:48
YAY!!! Ustio North is finally in this. lol, I got this idea from an old thread he started.
OOC: Blimey, that's the best reception i've had yet :p Ahem, but enough about that.
Also, in the original thread I did not know that the plan to kill Hitler was called Operation: Valkyrie. Just chose the name at random I guess.
Looks intresting, i had tryed to kick one of these off before, lots of people got in on it too...but then it lost it's purpose when aimless dogfights with no real objective started to occur . Will we create land/sea/air objectives before we embark on missions? The enemy willl be other players with NPC wingmen? just afew questions i have right now...
Ustio North
24-01-2009, 18:00
Looks intresting, i had tryed to kick one of these off before, lots of people got in on it too...but then it lost it's purpose. Will we create land/sea/air objectives before we embark on missions? The enemy willl be other players with NPC wingmen? just afew questions i have right now...
Well, since this is technically 101's thread, I can't give definate answers. All I can say is that in the last one I did, we had other players as enemies. I'm going to write an IC intro to see if anyone likes what I have in mind. Can't right now, but expect it by about monday afternoon (GMT).
Alright. Sounds good to me. I'll be on it when i see yours, im also going to look into your last Rp and see what i can get from it.
Modern Outlaws
24-01-2009, 20:32
I could be interested....
It sounds cool eh? I love WW2 RP's. I collect items and read up on my history in RL. I don't know that much about air operations but im gonna give it a go.
24-01-2009, 20:44
I need to know more besides just random dogfights, but I might join
I imagine that there will be objectives on both sides that will have to be completed during flight time. Sometimes the objective may be to stay alive in a dogfight, defend airfields/bombers, support ground forces, blow bridges ect...
Kagetora;14436410']I need to know more besides just random dogfights, but I might join
It would be random dogfights plus character interaction on the ground essentially.
101st paratroopers
24-01-2009, 20:54
Well, all are accepted but MO please stay with the story. And UN, you could be the co-Gm if you want. It it isn't exactly random dogfights but I havent thought of a story line.
24-01-2009, 20:55
No purpose to them? Just two planes, they fight, one gets shot down, the other goes home? No backstory or anything?
101st paratroopers
24-01-2009, 20:59
Kenny, your not the GM! Well, backstory I'm working on it.
Kagetora;14436436']No purpose to them? Just two planes, they fight, one gets shot down, the other goes home? No backstory or anything?
Well, last time there was the objective of defeating the enemy over a while. Plus staying together, character motives, stuff like that.
See my last post for basic operations...
As for the storyline we can create that easily, and everyone run with it. We can work together, develop what keeps our individuals going in this theatre of war.
Ustio North
24-01-2009, 21:06
Alright. Sounds good to me. I'll be on it when i see yours, im also going to look into your last Rp and see what i can get from it.
Chances are all you'll get from it was a total and utter breakdown in communications. By the way, what i'm writing begins with a surprise attack on someone (probably me), followed by an extensive bombing campaign, during which the nation being attacked calls for volunteer pilots to bolster the ranks that have been lost. Something like this:
Port St. Stanley, Ustio North, 1944
A new dawn broke over the naval port of St. Stanley. The sun blazed high in the sky, promting most of the people there to head down to the beach and enjoy the good weather while it lasted. Men, women and children sat and played on the beach, not three miles from some of the most powerful warships afloat. A couple of Prince Of Wales Class Battleships sat alongside Fletcher Class Destroyers and Renown Class Battlecruisers. The might of the Royal Navy sat anchored at the port town. Further up the beach, men of the Observer Corps, supposed to be manning their Quad-50s, snoozed against the sandbag walls of their gun emplacements. Overlooking the bay, massive coastal guns built into the rock face served as the stalwart defences of the otherwise unprotected bay. It was idyllic, beautiful, quiet.
Too quiet.
"Rubbish!" scoffed Owen Vance
His friend, Thomas Williams, drove the jeep that they both sat in. Although it was a weekend, and Owen was on leave, he had offered to keep Tom company during his otherwise mind-numbingly dull shift manning the observation post for the coastal guns. Owen, a Pilot Officer in the Royal Air Force, laughed at Tom. Tom, a Sergeant in the Observer Corps, retorted to this with an edge of annoyance in his voice.
"I'm telling you, she was into me" Tom said, trying to keep his eyes on the road and convince his friend that the girl he had attempted to chat up while severely drunk the night before was interested in him
"Okay, what was her name?" Owen asked, looking at him
Tom struggled for words. Obviously, that last whiskey had probably been a mistake. He sighed
"I can't remember" he said, resignedly
"Zhana" Owen said confidently
"You spoke to her?" Tom asked, as the jeep pulled up to the coastal gun checkpoint. Tom flashed his card at the guard who raised the barrier for them
"Of course I did" Owen said once they were past the guard post "Someone had to apologise, and it wasn't going to be you"
The jeep pulled into the small parking space outside a steel door into the rock face. Tom opened it and headed inside, followed quickly by Owen.
Some Time Later
Owen leaned back in a chair. He had a book rested on his chest, and a glass of Whiskey on the floor next to his chair. He slowly let his mind wander, and with the heat like it was, it wasn't that hard. His hand slipped off his chest and he awoke with a start. Looking over, Tom had fallen asleep too.
"Oi" he called "Wake up"
Tom merely mumbled something. Since he was comfortable, he threw the book at Tom, which hit him square in the back of the head
"Ah!?" he said, sitting up "What?"
"Come on, it's your shift remember"
That's what I had in mind as a start, anyway. If you like that, there's no reason why we can't use it.
101, I wouldn't mind being Co-GM. I would ask that if you wanted to roll with this storyline, that you let me post the thread as I may expand that post some more before we begin.
That's pretty good, I really like it.
101st paratroopers
24-01-2009, 21:15
yeah sounds good, but I want to wait a while and revise it.
Ustio North
24-01-2009, 21:16
yeah sounds good, but I want to wait a while and revise it.
Sure thing. I'll keep working on it, and it'll give people a chance to express their interest.
I like it and will support it's use. Count me in.
24-01-2009, 21:20
I still don't see why we'd be dogfighting.
Ustio North
24-01-2009, 21:23
Kagetora;14436515']I still don't see why we'd be dogfighting.
Well, the next few posts would probably be someone, possibly you, preparing to launch a massive surprise attack on the Naval Dockyard and nearby Airbase. Although you could say it would become a war, the idea is to only focus on the aerial element. If it was my nation, I don't particularly want to be invaded, but i'd certainly be open to some sort of prolonged bombing campaign.
Kagetora;14436515']I still don't see why we'd be dogfighting.
Ustio North wrote...
By the way, what i'm writing begins with a surprise attack on someone (probably me), followed by an extensive bombing campaign, during which the nation being attacked calls for volunteer pilots to bolster the ranks that have been lost. Something like this:
24-01-2009, 21:25
ok. I'll join as a pilot in a counterpart to the WWII Flying Tigers (American unit helping the Chinese against the Japanese)
I could perhalps play out the 'Blitzkreig' assault? I could also work on the side of the Axis possibly
........ ? it's just an idea? or i could serve the nation in need of assistance (Ustio North)
I think I am going to bow out from this.
Ustio North
24-01-2009, 22:02
I could perhalps play out the 'Blitzkreig' assault? I could also work on the side of the Axis possibly
Just keep in mind that this is still NS. By 'Axis', I assume you mean those nations termed that in WW2. This is not actually WW2, but somthing that takes place around that time.
I think I am going to bow out from this.
Dude, what's up?
I know. This is NS based, i didn't know how else to put it lol. By Axis i ment that i could play the opposing side, LIKE the Japs or the Krauts. I do understand that the time and things that go with it are the only factual elements of this role play.
Everything else is Nationstates. With this particular story i am looking for team work and co-opertive play.
When we gonna kick this off? more people would be good too..
101st paratroopers
24-01-2009, 23:26
ok, first off who wants to be on the invading team?
101st paratroopers
24-01-2009, 23:39
Where do you want to go? Basically the Idea is there is the invading nation with the bombers and fighter escorts against the fighters on the other side. So it is basically battl of Britian all of again.
Ill be on the Enemy side.
Modern Outlaws
25-01-2009, 07:21
Dude, what's up?
Tanaara is a dudette for one, and like her, I'll be bowing out.
Ustio North
25-01-2009, 11:49
Tanaara is a dudette for one, and like her, I'll be bowing out.
Yes, I know. Again, why?
101st paratroopers
27-01-2009, 02:47
Sorry for the wait but everyone who is still interested please fill this out:
Small Arms:
Hair Color:
Hair Type:
Eye Color:
Character bio:
Name: Walter Christoph
Age: 24
Rank: 1st Lt.
Squadron: 27th Fighter Squadron (Black Falcons)
Plane: Focke Wulf FW 190 fighter
Small Arms: Luger 9mm
Height: 5'8
Hair colour/style: Dark brown, short
Weight: 175Lbs
Eye: Dark Green
Charactor Bio: Rookie.
Name: William Fredricton
Age: 19
Rank: Corporal
Squadron: No. 1 Squadron KRAF
Plane: Curtiss P-40N Warhawk
Small Arms: 9mm pistol
Height: 6'0"
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Type: Short
Weight: 165lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Character bio: William was just simply another one of those boys off to seek adventure. However, his aptitude for flying was quickly realized, and he was quickly promoted to a Corporal in only a few missions.
Hurtful Thoughts
27-01-2009, 04:56
Kagetora;14436528']ok. I'll join as a pilot in a counterpart to the WWII Flying Tigers (American unit helping the Chinese against the Japanese)
Flying Tigers were re-intigrated into the USAAF/RAF by 1942, notably when they were used to assist the Doolittle raid and to escort cargo planes flying 'the hump'.
At that rate, I'll claim US Marine flying F4U Corsair of VMF-214 (
Oh, right...
*removes US markings and replaces with Hurtian ones in Pacific/Oceanic region*
Lulz: HOI air-corps = AVG
So now for a Hurtian "Greggory Boyington"...
Name: Radley Peck
Age: 32
Rank: Major
Squadron: VMF-???
Plane: Chance-Vought F4U Corsair
Small Arms: Colt M1911A1
Height: 6'4"
Hair Color: light-brownish-red with a side of motor-oil
Weight: 160 lbs
I'd also like to request 3 wingmen and a ground-crew.
Name: Owen Hawk
Squadron: "eagle" Squad ASDAF
Plane: P-51H Mustang (
Small Arms: M1917 revolver (hip Holstered), Walther PPK (Shoulder holster)
Height: 6'2"
Hair Color:Brown
Hair Type: mid length (for male)
Weight: 140 pounds
Eye Color: Deep Blue
Character bio: A flying Sargent in the ASDAF with 8 years of experience in his plane.
Ustio North
27-01-2009, 17:23
Name: Owen Vance
Age: 25
Rank: Pilot Officer (Will Be Bumped Up To Lieutenant After The Initial Attack. See Bottom)
Squadron: 9th Naval Fighter Wing
Plane: Grumman FM-2 Wildcat (Standard 9th NFW Aircraft)
Small Arms: Webley Mk IV
Height: 5'9
Hair Color: Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
Character bio: A four year veteran Pilot, Vance rose through the ranks to pilot officer quicker than most of his peers. He is an expierenced pilot, despite having never seen combat.
101st paratroopers
28-01-2009, 01:03
Name: James Moss
Age: 18
Rank: Captian
Squadron: Screaming Eagles
Plane: P-51D Mustang
Small Arms: Luger 9MM
Hieght: 6 foot
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Type: Medium/Messy
Wieght: 220 Lbs.
Eye Color: Blue
Character bio: I wrote one out but it was way too long.
Ustio North
28-01-2009, 13:59
Hold off on posting this. I've been talking with someone through TG's, and they made some good points to me. As far as i'm concerned, this thread needs a good GM, and that's not me, unfortunatley. Sorry 101, but i'm out, and it's probably for the best. Feel free to use the intro I wrote, just change the places from places in my nation.
Again, sorry chaps.
Hold off on posting this. I've been talking with someone through TG's, and they made some good points to me. As far as i'm concerned, this thread needs a good GM, and that's not me, unfortunatley. Sorry 101, but i'm out, and it's probably for the best. Feel free to use the intro I wrote, just change the places from places in my nation.
Again, sorry chaps.
Too bad. See ya Ustio.
101st paratroopers
28-01-2009, 22:59
ok, btw i'm going to close this thread for a while because I need to work things out between be and someone who declared war on me.