A Slogan for your nation
18-01-2009, 22:04
(Don't know if this belongs in nationstates or in international incidents.)
Just a little something to get your nation better known. I give credit to this thread to Whiskeasy. A Slogan for your nation can be something funny or serious but please keep it down to around 10 words. You can make slogans for other peoples nations as well.
If you need some examples of this check mine:
Ralkovia....We're unbelievably militaristic
GWO...Are capital is Megapopadopolis
Greston...We see mountain krauts at our borders
Leistung...We are mountain krauts
The Grand World Order
18-01-2009, 22:07
GWO - If she likes it hard, we're the man for the job.
GWO - Ralkovians can't spell Magna Polis.
GWO - Hob-Commies fear our moxie.
18-01-2009, 22:09
Fictions- One minute our city stands the next its gone
18-01-2009, 22:12
Ralkovia– We our bad spellers because we don't educate are kids.
18-01-2009, 22:13
chazakain...Killing Dragons since 09
chazaka...flipping up noobs since late 08
18-01-2009, 22:13
Tocrowkia....we're unbelievably racially pure.
18-01-2009, 22:13
*sniff* is that all people remember about me?
Fictions; that bloody mad terrorist nation that got nuked.
Fictions; We're not normally like this
18-01-2009, 22:18
Whiskeasy - Yeah I nuked Fictions, who asking?
18-01-2009, 22:20
Whiskeasy; We just want oil
18-01-2009, 22:21
Tocrowkia- 9 billion vikings...CRAP!!!!
Defense Corporations
18-01-2009, 22:23
CoDC - corporate socialists
CoDC - those shopkeepers out in the Pacific
CoDC - buyer beware?
Ralkovia - Ooh, we've got fanatics!
18-01-2009, 22:23
"We are mountain krauts?" That doesn't make very much sense...
Defense Corporations
18-01-2009, 22:27
Freidlichen - Like the Swiss, but even more neutral
Bévue-Ville - the most arrogance per square meter in all Europe
18-01-2009, 22:28
Tocrowkia- 9 billion vikings...CRAP!!!!
Yeah, that's better.
The Grand World Order
18-01-2009, 22:30
Ralkovia– We our bad spellers because we don't educate are kids.
Bevue-Ville - We can't determine whether to use are or our because we don't educate our kids.
Ustio North
18-01-2009, 22:30
Fictions - Slightly More Radioactive Than Before
Ustio North - Making Cybermen Dance Since Early '09
GWO - Anti-Obama Since Early '08
18-01-2009, 22:31
Questille - The World must be in unity.
18-01-2009, 22:31
Bevue-Ville - We can't determine whether to use are or our because we don't educate our kids.
I sincerely hope you're joking.
18-01-2009, 22:31
Fictions- Xenophobic little bastards
Fictions- We are NOT third World, seriously.
Defense Corporations
18-01-2009, 22:32
Questille - coherent ideology? What's that?
Defense Corporations
18-01-2009, 22:32
Fictions - Juppis raus, Fictin yaus!
18-01-2009, 22:34
Fictions - Looks better with a glow in the dark crater.
Ustio North
18-01-2009, 22:36
Fictions - Looks better with a glow in the dark crater.
Whiskeasy - Nuke Now, Ask Questions Later
18-01-2009, 22:37
Questille - coherent ideology? What's that?
Defense Corporations - ...
18-01-2009, 22:37
Whiskeasy - Nuke Now, Ask Questions Later
That would actually make a better motto for us.
Defense Corporations
18-01-2009, 22:38
Korintar - Aliens, dragons, and ramming, oh my!
Astholm - Auto fanatics of the UK unite!
18-01-2009, 22:38
(keep this civil)
18-01-2009, 22:41
Don't worry Ralk, it's just a gentle ribbing and on that note....
Ralkovia - Yes, 90% of our children have been turned into super soldiers
Ustio North
18-01-2009, 22:42
Freidlichen - Economy, Coming Soon
18-01-2009, 22:45
Freidlichen - Economy, Coming Soon
Have at you! I demand you apologize for my procrastination!
Defense Corporations
18-01-2009, 22:45
CoDC - functional surnames, dysfunctional families
Rifugio e Sicuro
18-01-2009, 22:46
"We are mountain krauts?" That doesn't make very much sense...
Since me Leis are good friends and like making or nations very realistic we created racial slurs for our nations, one of his was Mountain Kraut because his populace is majorily of German decent and the nation is covered by mountains.
Freidlichen - The lack of racism is amazing!
Greston - You can't have a Grestonian Government without an aggressive drunk
Greston - Getting into massive wars that never end since 1999
18-01-2009, 22:47
Whiskeasy: Exchanging democracy for oil- whether you want it or not
18-01-2009, 22:48
Whiskeasy: Exchanging democracy for oil- whether you want it or not
That's right I'm going to give you the choice! I want my Oil damn it!
Penguin Protection
18-01-2009, 22:49
Somebody think of one for me! =D
New Greston
18-01-2009, 22:50
Whiskeasy - You know our cheif export, why else is the Grestonian Foreign Affairs Minister a drunk?
New Greston
18-01-2009, 22:52
Brittanican Adenia - You don't get much smaller than this
18-01-2009, 22:52
Brittanican Adenia - You don't get much smaller than this
Bévue – Yes you do.
18-01-2009, 22:55
Chernobl-Damn this shits cold!
18-01-2009, 22:56
Somebody think of one for me! =D
Penguin Protection: Protecting black and white flightless birds since mid 08
18-01-2009, 22:59
Brittanican Adenia - You don't get much smaller than this
Greston - We wish we weren't so small.
New Greston
18-01-2009, 22:59
Penguin Protection - We're not PETA, so you can abuse your dog. Just don't bug our penguins
18-01-2009, 23:00
Penguin Protection: If you don't wear 15 pairs of jackets your ass will freeze
18-01-2009, 23:04
Ralkovia: What government shall we have today?
18-01-2009, 23:06
Ralkovia: Where everything is named after old dead guys
Ralkovia: Where insulting an old dead guy will get you beheaded
Ralkovia: Where smoking will get you beheaded
Ralkovia: Where smokers kick the habit...and the bucket
Ralkovia: Hypocriticism is our number 1 export
Defense Corporations
18-01-2009, 23:06
Van Luxemburg - We've got damn fine cars.
Aentarkik - Thirty below? No problem!
18-01-2009, 23:07
Leistung--where we didn't actually post that slogan.
Ursava - Communisim is the epitome of EVIIIIILLLLLLLLL!!!!!!
18-01-2009, 23:09
Ursava- We can't spell communism
18-01-2009, 23:13
Leistung- We forgot to buy the sour kraut
Santhere- We write hour long posts and then cry when the guy with 3 sentences wins
18-01-2009, 23:16
Leistung- We forgot to buy the sour kraut
Ralkovia - We can't spell sauerkraut.
Santhere- We write hour long posts and then cry when the guy with 3 sentences wins
Ralkovia - We look down at people who think out their posts and write in proper English.
New Nicksyllvania
18-01-2009, 23:17
Nicksyllvania - We have the highest standards of living on the continent! We bombed the competition.
Nicksyllvania - Where the serfs are revolting and never revolt.
Nicksyllvania - We are not rascist, you just smell funny.
18-01-2009, 23:17
Santheres- We write hour long posts and then cry when the guy with 3 sentences wins
Weren't you the one asking to keep this civil? Or are you flamebaiting? You didn't "win" through anything of your own, you "won" because the newb doesn't know what he's doing. Hell, he even posted an election thread afterward where the two candidates are communist and republican -- not a fascist in sight.
By the way, my longer posts take less than 10 minutes to write. Do you know why? Because I know how.
Maybe because there was no news-covered fascist canidate for his country's leader. Dude, this is just some friendly ribbing. Like Ralkovia got on me for having accidentally pressed the 'i' key and making it 'Communisim' instead of just 'Communism' but I'm not all:
"Ralkovia, you *blah**blah**blah**blah**blah**blah**blahbidy*blah**blah*!"
18-01-2009, 23:26
Maybe because there was no news-covered fascist canidate for his country's leader. Dude, this is just some friendly ribbing. Like Ralkovia got on me for having accidentally pressed the 'i' key and making it 'Communisim' instead of just 'Communism' but I'm not all:
"Ralkovia, you *blah**blah**blah**blah**blah**blah**blahbidy*blah**blah*!"
While I would normally agree, Ralk's comment was a little...strange. Especially considering their past history.
The Grand World Order
18-01-2009, 23:26
GWO - It's all about the five foot long .50BMG sniper rifles!
GWO - Our capitol building is bigger than yours!
GWO - We're not racist, that CCU officer is simply beating that coon because he can!
18-01-2009, 23:28
I sincerely hope you're joking.
Originally Posted by The Grand World Order
Bevue-Ville - We can't determine whether to use are or our because we don't educate our kids.
I sincerely hope you're joking.
I was addressing that. Not the whole poke fun issue.
And by the way santheres I was just kidding. You posted in the thread that you spent an entire day posting and it was wasted so I was just making a joke.
18-01-2009, 23:29
While I would normally agree, Ralk's comment was a little...strange. Especially considering their past history.
My past history?
18-01-2009, 23:30
GWO - Where Hitler is revered as a God.
18-01-2009, 23:30
GWO; Me ne frego
18-01-2009, 23:30
Wait, now I'm confused--did you not get that Freid was mocking the fact that GWO didn't get BV's comment about "are" versus "our" in the OP?
18-01-2009, 23:32
(No. He said are you joking? so I wasn't really reading all the slogans so I just assumed it was something bad.)
GWO – What war with Stok?
18-01-2009, 23:37
(No. He said are you joking? so I wasn't really reading all the slogans so I just assumed it was something bad.)
No, GWO didn't get the joke BV was making.
The Grand World Order
18-01-2009, 23:41
And neither of you got the joke I was making.
18-01-2009, 23:41
(OH I just read it again. LOL)
18-01-2009, 23:43
And neither of you got the joke I was making.
Probably because it was one of the worst jokes in recent memory.
18-01-2009, 23:45
Fictions- State sponsored terrorism? Us? Never!
18-01-2009, 23:46
Stoklomolvi- We got more nukes per square mile then people
18-01-2009, 23:46
Ralkovia- The Emperor IS NOT AN EGGPLANT
18-01-2009, 23:48
Ralkovia- The Emperor IS NOT AN EGGPLANT
Ralkovia:But he is a fascists/commie/ah we don't know
Chazaka: Puppet what puppet?
18-01-2009, 23:49
Ralkovia: Where billy mays is considered a rapper (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tyct9l-fD8)
Third Spanish States
18-01-2009, 23:54
Confederacy: Organizing for anarchy since 2023
18-01-2009, 23:55
Fictions- The government may be corrupt, the government may be opressive, but at least it's not foreign
Penguin Protection
18-01-2009, 23:59
The USSPP- Penguins and advanced technology with a dash of communism.
The Grand World Order
19-01-2009, 00:00
No need to get sour, Leistung.
TSS - More deaths per month than our entire population!
19-01-2009, 00:06
No need to get sour, Leistung
No need to get fascist.
19-01-2009, 00:08
GWO: Credere, Obbedire, Combattere
Defense Corporations
19-01-2009, 00:11
GWO: Travail, Famille, Patrie
Defense Corporations
19-01-2009, 00:13
CoDC: pragmatism, meritocracy, multiracialism, communitarianism
19-01-2009, 00:13
*Because english is overrated
Vetalia: If it exists, we can sell it.
Blackhelm Confederacy: Scaring children since 1955.
Allanea: False nationality of choice for Vetalians abroad.
19-01-2009, 01:57
Penguin Protection-Owned by Buddla C and Fighter4u since 08
Whiskeasy- Hiding from Fighter4u invasion cuz he doesn't got enuff nukes
Leistung- Small Guy, BIG friends.
Greston- And people say I paranoid?
Fiction- Really Should Get Some Nukes
GWO- Invasion? What invasion?
Ralkovia- We will probably just change the slogan a million times
Stoklomolvi- Don't like my slogan? *Nukes*
Whiskeasy- Been their, done that.
Fighter4u- Nuff said.
19-01-2009, 03:11
Merkonia- What do you mean 'defense budget'?
19-01-2009, 03:11
Stoklomolvi - Where did you buy your nuke today?
Lord Sumguy
19-01-2009, 03:36
Lord Sumguy - a happy mix of enormous wealth, a militant culture, and religious fanaticism!
Lord Sumguy- Excuse me, but is your country for sale?
Lord Sumguy - What are these "taxes" of which you speak?
Ralkovia - Too cool for political stability.
Greston - Everyone loves a happy drunk!
"Nimen fan shi xintongxing. >|["
Third Spanish States
19-01-2009, 04:01
Now serious bizness:
Luchemos con verdad y liberdad, incapaces solo luchan con fusis.
19-01-2009, 04:02
Korintar - Aliens, dragons, and ramming, oh my!
Astholm - Auto fanatics of the UK unite!
I never said anything about aliens, :rolleyes:, just that our airforce is often mistaken for UFOs- and that we have a well developed MT+3 to PMT space force! Also my nation's actual motto translates to "The Law of the Grace of God: Life, Liberty, and Equality":D
19-01-2009, 06:16
Ralkovia: Where passive resistance means that you let the enemy pass before you kill them
Ralkovia: Where the sewers are red from blood
Ralkovia: Largest waster of blood
Ralkovia: "We still haven't figured out what to do with those Pirates Yet."
Sudova:"We have to get drunk with you before we sign a treaty."
19-01-2009, 06:35
Sudova: *drunken mumbling*
Kagetora;14414255']Sudova: *drunken mumbling*
Sudova: Drunken SHOUTING!!! and dancing!!! and telling long, Boring Stories, and Eating!!! (and maybe a fight afterward, or during...)
19-01-2009, 06:39
Sudova: *dies of alcohol poisoning*
19-01-2009, 20:53
West Ponente
19-01-2009, 20:55
Ralkovia: Land of too many slogans
19-01-2009, 20:58
Freidlicher Bankgesellschaft - We're legal, we swear.
Ustio North
19-01-2009, 21:00
Fictions- The government may be corrupt, the government may be opressive, but at least it's not foreign
Fictions- The government may be corrupt, the government may be opressive, the government may be radioative dust, but at least it's not foreign
New Kereptica
19-01-2009, 21:18
New Kereptica - Sad because they don't get sloganized by anyone. ;_;
19-01-2009, 21:22
New Kereptica - Not being destroyed by crazed robots since 08.
Chazakain-also sad no one made a slogan about them.
19-01-2009, 21:25
Chazakain: Founding member of the "We're so sad 'cause we ain't got slogans society".
The Beatus
19-01-2009, 21:35
The Beatus: Capitalism Before All Else!
Scandavian States
20-01-2009, 22:32
Scandavian States - Where the secret carpet nuking of a nation is an important foreign policy tool.
Just a little something to get your nation better known. I give credit to this thread to Whiskeasy. A Slogan for your nation can be something funny or serious but please keep it down to around 10 words. You can make slogans for other peoples nations as well.
A slogan? Surely you don't mean some kind of, oh, I don't know, national motto? What an original idea!
20-01-2009, 22:46
A slogan? Surely you don't mean some kind of, oh, I don't know, national motto? What an original idea!
No, more like little phrases that take the piss out of yourself and others (in good spirit of course)
20-01-2009, 22:47
(Nope perhaps you should read more of the thread. A motto is one thing a slogan is different.)
No, more like little phrases that take the piss out of yourself and others (in good spirit of course)
To be fair, there are also a lot of national mottos like that.
Well, meh. (I and the rest of the international community are anyway not that well acquainted, and I can't think of any good ones for myself, so I'll take my leave.)
20-01-2009, 23:07
The Beatus- There is only one true Bob, and that is Bob.
Defense Corporations
20-01-2009, 23:13
Tenuria - [classified]. Neat article on NSWiki.
Third Spanish States
20-01-2009, 23:16
To be honest, others have done them for me:
Then I selected the best:
For Zeppelin, for Anpu, for the Zeplands.
20-01-2009, 23:37
Hoyteca- He has an affinity to Zepellins
Hoyteca- A fetish towards giant gassy balloons.
21-01-2009, 05:02
Chazakain- paranoid monarchy trying to get nukes since '09!
21-01-2009, 05:04
Chazakain-Isn't Paranoia when its true.
Chazaka-Flipping out over Chazakain since time immortal
21-01-2009, 06:38
Chazaka- Bye Bye Mew II and Aelita
21-01-2009, 07:02
Moar for Tocrowkia. D:<
German zerabithea
22-01-2009, 00:22
If you got the boom i got the doom
12-02-2009, 05:53
Zinaire- Your storefront is crappy, you cannot spell, you sell blackmarket uranium and everybody in your nation drives a limo arrrghhh!
The ASD- Wait size matters?
The ASD- Breaths There the Man
The ASD- nex ex mare ut mare
The ASD- nil desperandum
Ralkovia - Invasion is futile!
Tocrowkia- The difficult is already done, the impossible will take a few more words.
Greal- Amazingly still a nation
CoDC - Invading us? That's MY gun your holding and the repo company will be coming for your country tomorrow!
Chazakain - Paranoia? What paranoia? and why are you all out to get me???
Defense Corporations
12-02-2009, 07:12
Chazakain - [slogan burned in accordance with quarantine procedures]
CoDC - We swear we're not a real nation - honest!
CoDC - Where the arts come out to bomb! (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showpost.php?p=14499745&postcount=8)
Saint Clair Island
12-02-2009, 07:37
Kregaia: Slogan? We don't need a slogan, infidel dogs! Death to the heathen scum and their 'slogans' and continued glory to the Imperium!
The Kraven Corporation: We will.... invade.... your Nation.... with the Power.... of.... Ellipses.....
Novacom: Xkght thjjakl zgkgkh gnzakath Zkthalakakthathk lothkaztha.
Macisikan: The Macisikani Foreign Ministry is aware of these 'slogans' and is strongly considering writing a letter.
Fascist White States: [Slogan unavailable due to being transported ten years into the future]
Allanea: Friends! NSers! Allaneans! Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat!! And may God bless Allanea!
Kahanistan: We don't have the money to write a slogan right now. Can someone rebuild our nation again?
and since it wouldn't be fair if I didn't make fun of myself:
Saevitian Archipelago: We're not well developed enough to have a slogan. Come back never.
Greal - Too many officers
Greal - Invaded too many times
Greal - Pretty much too many times.