NationStates Jolt Archive

Brynesian Embassy Services (Open, MT).

18-01-2009, 03:24
Brynesian Embassy Services.

Article I. The Rights of the Embassy and Diplomats.
During the process of diplomacy on Brynesian soil, all embassies are required to follow all laws enacted in Brynesia, whether they be old or new, and must obey any order from the Brynesian Foreign Ministry, no matter what that may be.

However, Brynesian recognises diplomatic immunity on some levels, such as minor offences such as vandalism. However, harming a citizen of Brynesia, directly or indirectly will result in a trial in a Brynesian court and a possible sentence. This applies to all embassies and diplomatic personal.

Article II. The Limits on Diplomatic Personal, Security Personal, Weaponry and Vehicles.

All embassies are permitted a maximum of 25 diplomatic personal and 25 security personal. Excessive amounts of diplomatic personal and/or security personal are blatantly unneeded, and Brynesia will not allow hundreds of foreign soldiers on Brynesia's sovereign territory.

Weaponry shall only consist of regular handguns, though it shall be made aware that, if a country applying for an embassy is currently involved in major military conflict, they will be allowed, until the end of the conflict, assault rifles for security purposes. Vehicles are to be no bigger than an Armoured 4x4. Armed cars are strictly forbidden for security reasons.

Article III. Location Information.

During this embassy program, three locations will be made available and usable by the nations of the world; the embassy complex in the capital city, Donchester two miles from the Brynesian Parliament, the Woodville Avenue, a small, peaceful embassy bloc on Waterford Island where silence is golden and the Brynesian Barrier, a large ocean with several small tropical islands scattered around it, famous for its tourism income.

Embassy Application Form.
Nation Name:
Government Form:
Head of State:
Head of Government:
Head of Foreign Relations:
Ruling Party:
Citizen Moniker:
Military Information:

Diplomatic Personal:
Security Personal:

Non-Aggression Pact:
Special Requests:
Kingdoms of Cal
18-01-2009, 04:54
Foreign minister Al to Brynesia government:

"We are interested as always in normalizing diplomatic relations with other nations, but as a non-human nation have found this problematic when dealing with human nations as they often do not recognize us as equals or anything more than mere animals.

Therefore before we move further on this topic we require to know your position on non-human sapient people. We can prove that our people are such if only by out technological ability, how ever should your beliefs prevent you from recognizing us then we shall simply drop the subject and take our trade and wealth elsewhere.


Foreign Minster Al
Royal commonwealth of kingdoms, principalities, Baronies and Republics of Cal, Sae and Emass"
Kingsley Bedford
18-01-2009, 05:15
Nation Name: Diplomatic Republic Of Kingsley Bedford
Government Form: Democratic Republic
Head of State: Mikhail Romanov
Head of Government: Pres Mikhail Romanov
Head of Foreign Relations: Matthew Larsen
Ruling Party: United Democratic Party
Population: 654 million
Citizen Moniker: Kingfordian
Military Information: 1 million troops (320,000 border patrol)

Ambassador: Cadise Zakaruthdze
Family: Wife (Elise), son (Arame, 12)
Education: Harvard gradurate of Law and Political science
Diplomatic Personal:19 (6 translators, 3 custom agents, 10 staff)
Security Personal: 25
Weaponry: Assualt Rifles , Pistols (War occuring in neighbouring nation)
Vehicles: 2 diplomatic veichles, 3 armoured cars

Alliance: YES
Non-Aggression Pact: YES
Trade: YES, cars or computers
Special Requests: Flagpole and security gate
18-01-2009, 11:09
The Holy Empire of Zaheran
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Official Communique

Dear Sir/Madame,

After reviewing your message we have decided to request an embassy in your fine nation. We believe that our two nations have much to offer each other, both diplomatically and in terms of trade. Below, you can find our embassy application.

Nation Name: The Holy Empire of Zaheran
Government Form: Absolute Monarchy
Head of State: Emperor Dieter I
Head of Government: See above
Head of Foreign Relations: Foreign Minister Marius Stee
Ruling Party: No official political parties exist, but the noble families hold a strong political position
Population: 4.033 billion
Citizen Moniker: Zaheranian
Military Information: 3 million active soldiers, 50 million reserves

Ambassador: Count Lothar von Steimhof
Family: Wife Therese, daughter Maria(16)
Education: Stahlhelm University graduate in International Relations
Diplomatic Personal: 25
Security Personal: 10
Weaponry: 10 Beretta 92 semi-automatic pistols
Vehicles: 3 Maybach 57 limousines, 5 Mercedes-Benz CL-class

Alliance: Not at the time being
Non-Aggression Pact: Yes
Trade: Yes
Special Requests: None

You are invited to establish an embassy ( in Zaheran.

Yours sincerely,

Marius Stee
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Curacao Island
18-01-2009, 11:34
Nation Name: The Democratic Republic of Curacao Island
Government Form: Parliamentary democracy and Constitutional monarchy
Head of State: Monarch: King Dhrabi Ammuraboh of the AAU
President: David Thompson
Head of Government: Clarence Jones
Head of Foreign Relations: Ted Ginn Jr.
Ruling Party: Party for democracy and prosperity (PDP)
Population: 200,000 aprox.
Citizen Moniker: Curacaoian
Military Information: 4,450 military, 700 Police.

Ambassador: Mary Jacobs
Family: Husband Dre Jacobs, two children Michelle and Randy Jacobs
Education: International Relations degree, minored in Political Science
Diplomatic Personal: 25
Security Personal: 12
Weaponry: 12 Smith & Wesson Model 27s, 5 Nighthawk Custom 10-8s
Vehicles: 2 Maybach 87's and 3 Escalades

Alliance: None right now
Non-Aggression Pact: Yes
Trade: Not at this time
Special Requests: Pool
18-01-2009, 14:57
Nation Name: The Twelve Colonies of Augmark
Government Form: Federal Republic
Head of State: President Richard Adar
Head of Government: The people of Augmark
Head of Foreign Relations: Gaius Tyrol
Ruling Party: Colonial Libertarian Party
Population: 987 Million
Citizen Moniker: Augmarkans/ Colonials
Military Information: 6 million active, 8 million rserve

Ambassador: Kara Hollister
Family: none
Education: phd in Political Science, major in Law
Diplomatic Personal: 18
Security Personal:6
Weaponry: Tasers, Glock Pistols
Vehicles: 1 armored limousine, 1 Dodge charger

Alliance: Yes
Non-Aggression Pact: Yes
Trade: Yes
Special Requests: A small temple be built within the embassy for spiritual purposes
18-01-2009, 17:09
To the Kingdoms of Cal, we are not interested in the main 'species' of your nation and the fact the Kingdoms are non-human; we are only interested in if you wish to establish diplomatic relations with us.

To Kingsley Bedford, your embassy application form will be accepted if more information is given on the war in a nation bordering you and how Kingsley Bedford is involved.

To Zaheran, your nation's embassy application has been accepted and we will soon request an embassy in Zaheran.

To Curacao Island, we request that the Island states what the Nighthawk Custom 10-8 is before your embassy is confirmed.

To Augmark, the embassy application is denied due to the rule established by the 2nd Paragraph of Article II. UMPs are not allowed. Please revise the Augmarkan application.
Curacao Island
18-01-2009, 19:12
The Nighthawk is simply a .45 cal handgun. Nothing more, nothing less.
Kingdoms of Cal
18-01-2009, 21:29
Embassy Application Form.
Nation Name: The Royal Commonwealth Of Cal, Sae and Emass
Government Form: Parliamentary Democracy(1)
Head of State: Barron Leck(2)
Head of Government: Prime Minister Eye Salato en
Head of Foreign Relations: Foreign Sectary Al
Ruling Party: Minority coalition: United Liberal Party, Freedom Party And Quien.
Population: 86 Million
Citizen Moniker: Cali (3)
Military Information: Very large navy, sizable air force and a small army. Currently involved in a police action due to a failed nation allowing pirates to raids shipping routes. Exact size of navy and air force is classified how ever the army has only two hundred thousand personnel in total, including territorial units. The commonwealth has sizable militia and tribal forces but they have no real offensive capability.

Ambassador: Lady Yie
Family: None living.
Education: MA Law, PHD
Diplomatic Personal: 7
Security Personal: 6
Weaponry: Ceremonial swords, daggers and bows. A small number of assault rifles and side arms.
Vehicles: One Sulant (Rolls Royce type car), One Matis (read MG B).

Alliance: YES
Non-Aggression Pact: YES
Trade: YES (Selling: consumer electronics, communication systems, mass transit rail systems (Urban, local and long distance high speed), rail based freight systems and financial services)
Special Requests: The ability to set up consulates in cities other than the capital to allow for easier trade links with economic centres out with the capital.

Recognition of those carrying commonwealth passports as equal under law to all other foreign nations no matter their nature.

Foot notes
1) Strictly speaking the commonwealth is a conglomerate state with a single unified parliament (OOC: Think EU fifty years down the road)
2) Barron Leck is the head of the Lucan council and is as close to a head of state as the commonwealth has. The Lucan council is made up of the monarchs, Barons and a president of the now unified states. None were willing to give up their head of state at unification. This is not an issue as though the council has massive theoretical power it has no real power and basically rubber stamps the laws passed by the parliament. Though it is a safety valve should something go horribly wrong and the parliament starts blatantly acting against the peoples interest. No politician has direct control over the military, police or civil service and they owe them no allegiance.
3) Most subjects/citizens of the commonwealth tend to use their pre-unification terms (Teerie, Teuie, drewn,etc) (OOC: think UK, scots will call them selves scots, English, english, welsh, welsh, etc)
18-01-2009, 22:37
To Curacao Island, after the confirmation that the Nighthawk is a handgun, your embassy application form has been accepted.

To the Kingdoms of Cal, the embassy application form has been accepted.
Endenia Restos
19-01-2009, 13:56

From The Ashes, We Rise Once More

Official Communique From The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs

We would be interested in forming solid diplomatic relations with your nation and extend an invitation to create an embassy in our nation.

Nation Name: The Allied States Of Endenia Restos
Government Form: Democratic Alliance
Head of State: President Marco Silas Crona
Head of Government: Prime Minister Sarah Stein
Head of Foreign Relations: Minister Angela Johnson (Concurrent Appointment Deputy Financial Minister)
Ruling Party: The Restoration Party
Population: 6,000,000
Citizen Moniker: Endenian
Military Information: Active Personnel: 293,230, 312,500 Reserves. Military Forces undergoing massive upgrading and retrofitting. Current conflict involved is the suppression of rebels in the Blasted Land Region of East Endenia. Emphasis placed on Navy and Airforce as force deterrent while Army is trained most in counter-insurgency.

Ambassador: His Excellency Ambassador George Ranger
Family: Nil
Education: PhD In International Relations
Diplomatic Personal: 7
Security Personal: 5
Weaponry: Pistols
Vehicles: 1 Limo, 2 General Purpose Vehicles (SUVs)

Alliance: No
Non-Aggression Pact: Yes
Trade: The Nation of Endenia Restos would gladly invest money in any green technology.
Special Requests: Nil.

Enclosed below are our Dossier and Embassy Exchange Program Form.

Dossier (
Embassy Form (
19-01-2009, 21:17
Endenia Restos accepted, but sadly Brynesia does not use green techonlogy all that much.