Take me to your leader(MT/ FT crossover, Sighnups/ OOC)
17-01-2009, 00:06
Firstly, let me explain why this is an MT/ FT crossover, while explaining the story. Baisicly what's happened is a Dragona dragon wing class scout frigate has been exploring the planet when encounters technical problems and crashes/ gets shot down (thats the FT part by the way). I'll need someone to be the nation I (the Dragona) crash in and ofcourse other people are welcome to apply, in which case I'll leave it to the-nation-I-crash-in to put somesort of global broadcast out with some 'gentle persuasion' *brandishes assult rifle*
Just to claify (I feel the need to) this is suposed to be a UFO encounter, but I crash...
So tell us the following:
Nation name:
Peoples name:
How do you know about the crash (Told by the 'host' nation or spy satolite style?) :
Key charicters:
Initial militery presance at crash site (the first response) :
The position of 'Host' nation is filled so I've changed the tempalte a little
17-01-2009, 01:06
Only aplicable if you ask me via TG, msn or even email.
FT template:
Method of arival on the planet:
Number of people (crew of your ship) :
Ship class (Both name and actual class. E.G. Skunthorp class battleship) :
Image of ship:
Main charicters:
Main charicter pictures:
Landing site location (you might need to ask the host nation on this) :
Why there?:
Anything else?:
The Great Lord Tiger
17-01-2009, 02:53
lol. I suggested something like this a few weeks ago:
Might be interested in being a FT nation, I'll TG you.
Id' be willing to be the nation that is crashed in:
Nation Name: The Free Nation of Ursava.
People's Name: Ursavians.
Location of the Crash: Approximatelly two miles outside the capital Saáry.
Key Characters: President Saáry, Major Botond Makai, Doctor Patrik Kárpáthy.
Initial Military Presence At Crash Site: Several members of local law-enforcement, three Brigades (3,000 men and support total) of Ursavian Democratic Guards, one Platoon (125 men and support total) of Ursavian Naval Marines, and one Wing (five aircraft) of F-35s.
17-01-2009, 21:35
Tiger, i await the TG, but im loath to allow many FT players.
Ursava, acepted gladly, thanks for offering. Hey, maybe the F-35's blow me out of the sky?
Yeah, that'd work. Also, if the response seems extreme: you are crashing two miles outside my capitol. lol.
Anyways, when will you set up the IC thread and is this RP non-canon?
18-01-2009, 12:53
Well I'm waiting for VT to post his aplication (I aproved him as an FT player) so probably not long.
How do ou mean Non-cannon?
Void Templar
18-01-2009, 13:10
Got permission off that thur OP.
Race: Templarian
Method of arival on the planet: ODER (Orbitally Deployed Espionage Recon)
Number of people (crew of your ship) : 5 crew, 2 marines
Ship class: VTN Itopiel, Archon-class LRRC (Long Range Recon Craft)
Image of ship: Main Craft (http://i188.photobucket.com/albums/z107/Kain1235/Nuubari-classLightCarrier.jpg)
Entry Pod (http://nikon.bungie.org/misc/sloftus_hev/images/HEV-ODST-scaled.jpg)
Main charicters: First Lieutenant Deon Payne
Main charicter pictures: Armored (http://www.bungie.net/images/Games/JKLSKESUDLD/concept_art/characters/Halo3-ODST_CharConcept-05.jpg)
Landing site location (you might need to ask the host nation on this) : Pod misfires, is meant to hit outside the city but hits near the center. That ok?
Why there?: Gathering intelligence, destroying proof of their presence.
Anything else?: As only 2 men are deployed, they are using the Bdaqefr Qosyl Doctrine (Literally the Flowing Water Doctrine) of avoidance, relocation and rapid strikes. The two marines are also Crimson Guards, which means that they're pretty damn scary. Think SAS combined with Spetznaz, on PCP.
Void Templar
18-01-2009, 13:12
How do you mean Non-cannon?
He means that it's not included in things that 'actually happened', that he doesn't have to put in a factbook that his nation got dive-bombed by some dragons.
18-01-2009, 13:13
Oh, well in that light, no its not cannon
lol, I like it, your in. I'll leave it to Ursava as to weather you can land there, ill post the IC soon.
I wouldn't prefer the center of the city but actually in it or just outside it would be fine VT.
Also, I like you're terminology. How would I put that down?
"Date: ##/##/## - Attacked by a Puff and the rest of the dragon clan."
Also, Naval Marines are like the Special Forces of the special forces. Pretty much "*Normal guy looks at special-forces guy* wow, he's bad-ass. *Special-forces guy looks at Naval Marine* wow...he's bad-ass."
Void Templar
18-01-2009, 20:17
I wouldn't prefer the center of the city but actually in it or just outside it would be fine VT.
Also, I like you're terminology. How would I put that down?
"Date: ##/##/## - Attacked by a Puff and the rest of the dragon clan."
Also, Naval Marines are like the Special Forces of the special forces. Pretty much "*Normal guy looks at special-forces guy* wow, he's bad-ass. *Special-forces guy looks at Naval Marine* wow...he's bad-ass."
Fair enough. Some random location in the city it is.
"Amendment: Aggressors appear to be led by a luckdragon. God help us all."
Heh. In that case, the Crimson Guard are the Special forces of the special forces of the special forces. Elite marines ftw.
lol, nice analogy and amendment.
"Amendment #2: Attackers have began to sing 'Puff, The Magic Dragon'. God have mercy on our souls'.
Can't wait to see a firefight between the Naval Marines and the Crimson Guard. Also, if that's then the Naval Marines are the special forces of the special forces of the special forces of the special forces...of the fish. :D :p
18-01-2009, 21:27
Well im confused
Anyway heres my bio, whic his diferent again for variuos reasons that I can rember but were valid.
Species: Dragona
Ship class: Scout frigate
Ship size: Length:400m Width:200m Height: 100m
Image: The dragonwing (http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh161/dragonsclaw56/renderedDragonwingfrigate.jpg)
Status: Crashed- shot down. Weapons, shields, cloak and most life suport inactive
Crew: Origional compliment- 250
After crash compliment- 50- of which 10 are wounded
Composition- 2 Human-phybreeds
-30 dragona of lieutenant or lower
-10 droids (maintanence and other small tasks)
-5 bridge officers
-3 Human-phybreeds in stasis
Systems failed before crash: Weapons, shields and cloak (shortly before crash)
Key charicter: Captain Hun, Phybreed H-2341 (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=HSF5w6mfRbs&feature=channel)
All i can think of for now and im a bit busy, will update when I can
Void Templar
18-01-2009, 21:41
lol, nice analogy and amendment.
"Amendment #2: Attackers have began to sing 'Puff, The Magic Dragon'. God have mercy on our souls'.
Can't wait to see a firefight between the Naval Marines and the Crimson Guard. Also, if that's then the Naval Marines are the special forces of the special forces of the special forces of the special forces...of the fish. :D :p
Ha! It's a good thing that my men are trained in anti-fish warfare! :p
"Sir! Flying fish, 10 o'clock!"
'Get some Javelins up here damn it!'
*SAM missiles attack fish*
"Sir, theres too many of them!"
'Well... We only have one choice. Fire the Ion Cannon!'
*Ion cannon destroys the fish and the continent*
How about you don't destroy Ursava, eh?
18-01-2009, 22:00
lol how did we get onto fish?
Void Templar
18-01-2009, 22:07
How about you don't destroy Ursava, eh?
It depends.
What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
18-01-2009, 22:09
lol, ic will be up in a moment just gotta make it and post an intro
18-01-2009, 22:10
It depends.
What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
What do you mean? An African or European swallow?
Void Templar
18-01-2009, 22:21
What do you mean? An African or European swallow?
I knew someone would call my bluff :D
18-01-2009, 22:34
IC thread (http://forums.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?p=14412977#post14412977) is up
I knew someone would call my bluff :D
"Well, maybe an African swallow..."
"An African swallow, maybe but not a European swallow, that's my point."
20-01-2009, 00:16
Suppose there's no room for another FT nation here?
20-01-2009, 02:11
I'd prefer it if you were an MT one but them more I've been thinking about it, its seeming more and more plausable. Send me an FT aplication via TG or something then, I look forward to it. Oh and I feel I should also say now incase I have'nt told everyone already that the FT nations should be stealthly about thier business. Preferably anyway.