Land of the Fading Sun (IC, Open)
10-01-2009, 22:21
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Pan-Hourain News Corporation
Council of Hourai Votes To End Isolation
August 24th, 1960 (Hourain Calendar)
Cornsfield, Fataria -
The Council of Hourai voted yesterday to multilaterally establish relations outside of the continent. This revoked Article IX of the Treaty of Lesann, in which both the winners and the losers of the Second Great War promised to not establish foreign relations outside of the continent.
While there were no votes cast against the resolution, North Lacania, Haikan, Mersan, and Tartarystan abstained. The resolution passed 8-0-4, right at the 2/3rds required threshold, and acquiring no NAY votes, or vetoes.
As of August 24th, all twelve nations of the Council of Hourai have separately sent out telegrams, dossiers, and messangers to a variety of distant nations in an attempt to curry diplomatic relations. While none have responded as of yet, all nations are expecting a reply soon.
According to a PHNC survey, Resolution #7 is quite controversial. Averaging across the 16 nations, 42% of respondents supported it, 36% opposed it, and 22% were undecided. However, this may have been skewed by the population of Fataria, Yalse, and Rhoshire, who supported it by a margin of over 3-1.
The Hourai Stock Exchange soared after the resolution. Investors, expecting greater trade with the world outside of Hourai, ate up stock of many of Hourai's already lucrative corporations. Agricultural, mining, and manufacturing companies were responsible for most of the boom.
The foreign affairs departments of all twelve nations in Hourai, with exception of South Lacamia, due to internal turmoil, are on full-alert in preparation for diplomatic reply from the world's other nations.
10-01-2009, 23:46
Pan-Hourain News Corporation
Tartarystan Permits Election Monitors
August 25th, 1960 (Hourain Calendar)
Tataria Magna, Tartarystan -
The Holy Empire of Tartarystan has permitted election observers to enter their nation for the first time in their history. The secretive, frigid, and far-northern Empire has permitted a handful of election monitors to enter the nation in preparation for the parliamentary elections scheduled on September 1st. The Imperial Diet of the Holy Empire of Tartarystan adjourned its session yesterday in preparation for the upcoming elections.
From what PHNS has been able to ascertain, the rule of the leading Liberal Democratic Party will be contested primarily by the opposition Progressive Party. PHNS reporters have been allowed into the streets of Tartarystan for the duration of election season, and will be gladly bringing you this news.
The Scandinvans
11-01-2009, 00:31
]To Prime Minister Ivanovich Delgado of the United Empire of Lacamia,
Before my nation begins to invest in your nation I would like to inquire as to what sort of resources your nation has available in significant quantities and what areas would like my nation to invest in.
As well, I would wish to inquire whether or not you would be willing to legalize 'indentured servitude' for those persons who are either heretics, heathens, certain troubling groups in your nation, etc.
Thank you for your support and correspondence with my new government.
Emperor Godfrey III
11-01-2009, 00:47
Diplomatic Communique
From: Prime Minister Ivanovich Delgado
To: Emperor Godfrey III
The United Empire of Lacamia boasts the most productive high-yield farms in all of Hourai. In addition to our highly productive farms, Lacamia's northwestern provinces are blessed with huge reserve of iron, coal, and chemical products. Our southwestern provinces are blessed with some of the most fertile soil in the continent.
Unfortunately, indentured servitude is not an issue we can budge on. The emancipation of serfs has been a part of our party platform since the 1840's. (We succeeded.) There is no coerced labor within the borders of North Lacamia.
However, that is not a problem. We have no problem with heretics, or heathens, or others of those kind. However, if we find such kinds, we would be willing to encourage them to 'emigrate' to the Scandivan Empire if given appropriate compensation.
We thank you for heeding our call.
The Scandinvans
11-01-2009, 01:06
To Prime Minister Ivanovich Delgado,
Excellent, your nation has resources that my nation has sufficient demand for me to justify large scale private and Imperial invest in your nation’s enterprises, as long as any said industries receiving any Scandinvan support are capable of making either decent profits or have long term profit potential.
To aid in your nation’s agricultural growth I shall personally invest, out of the Imperial family treasury, a sum of one hundred billion standard dollars to specifically aid in the development of your nation’s sugar, grain, maize (corn), barley, cotton, and potatoes crops.
Further, myself and a large group of noble houses have mustered eighty billion dollars to invest in expanding and improving your nation’s iron, coal, and chemical mining extraction companies.
Added to this, private investors and I have gathered ninety billion dollars to help the growth of your nation’s manufacturing sector, namely the steel sector.
As well, I shall personally give a gift of twenty billion dollars to help your nation expand its service sectors to better accommodate your nation’s growing population and trade.
All said loans shall be backed by the Imperial treasury, my personal wealth, so there is no fear of Scandinvan investors directly assailing your nation with demands to pay off any debts.
In regards to any persons who are troubling to the stability of your country, we shall gladly pay a sum of ten thousand standard dollars in exchange for said individuals.
Emperor Godfrey III
Defense Corporations
11-01-2009, 02:49
To: Council of Hourai
From: Mondo Advertising, C. of DC
Re: Towards a Strengthened Defense
We invite you to look at our catalog ( for your defense needs.
Defense Corporations
11-01-2009, 02:56
To: Council of Hourai
From: David Law, C. of DC
Re: Investment
We would like to establish a Special Economic Zone on your continent, in which our labor standards would apply. In this SEZ, we would establish shipyards, factories, assembly plants, and housing for employees (with, naturally, all the proper amenities - stores, markets, clinics, entertainment venues, etc.) from our various member corporations. We would include hiring preferences for Hourains at all facilities.
OOC - see factbook (in my signature) for C. of DC labor standards. They're like Gilded Age labor standards, though with more amenities (always company-run, mind you) and higher pay (though still in company scrip).
11-01-2009, 03:23
From: Council of Hourai
To: David Law, C. of D.C.
We regret to inform you that the ability to interfere within the domestic affairs of its member nations is beyond the powers of the Council of Hourai. If one wishes to coordinate internal affairs with another nation, than one must seek out the sovereign national government of that respective nation. The powers of the Council of Hourai are limited toward being a forum of communication so that member nations may negotiate technically non-binding multilateral agreements.
Defense Corporations
11-01-2009, 03:27
To: Council of Hourai
From: David Law
Please forward our request to your member nations, then.
11-01-2009, 03:30
From: Council of Hourai
To: David Law, C. of D.C.
We have obliged with your request.
Defense Corporations
11-01-2009, 03:31
OOC - wait, you're in the 50s-70s? Damn. This won't work.
11-01-2009, 03:40
Pan-Hourain News Corporation
North Lacamia cuts off food trade with the West
August 26th, 1960 (Hourain Calendar)
Novigrad, Northern Lacamia -
At 6:30 A.M, this morning, the Imperial Duma of the United Empire of Lacamia declared a moratorium on all food shipments to the nations of Fataria, Yalse, and Rhoshire. The Imperial Duma claimed 'trade abuse', 'unjust South Lacamia policy', and 'economic imperialism' as reasons for the moratorium.
The Hourain Stock Exchange dropped nearly 32% as investors rapidly sold off all stocks involving agriculture. The one day impact sent the local markets of the West in a panic.
For an unknown reason, the local Imperial Lacamian Stock Exchange underwent a huge spike. In the agriculturally barren nation of Rhoshire, some speculate that the government may use food rations.
This moratorium comes roughly two months before elections in the three nations. The political impact of the moratorium, is still not known.
No Lacamian government officials could be reached for comment.
The Scandinvans
11-01-2009, 03:59
To Prime Minister Ivanovich Delgado,
Excellent, your nation has resources that my nation has sufficient demand for me to justify large scale private and Imperial invest in your nation’s enterprises, as long as any said industries receiving any Scandinvan support are capable of making either decent profits or have long term profit potential.
To aid in your nation’s agricultural growth I shall personally invest, out of the Imperial family treasury, a sum of one hundred billion standard dollars to specifically aid in the development of your nation’s sugar, grain, maize (corn), barley, cotton, and potatoes crops.
Further, myself and a large group of noble houses have mustered eighty billion dollars to invest in expanding and improving your nation’s iron, coal, and chemical mining extraction companies.
Added to this, private investors and I have gathered ninety billion dollars to help the growth of your nation’s manufacturing sector, namely the steel sector.
As well, I shall personally give a gift of twenty billion dollars to help your nation expand its service sectors to better accommodate your nation’s growing population and trade.
All said loans shall be backed by the Imperial treasury, my personal wealth, so there is no fear of Scandinvan investors directly assailing your nation with demands to pay off any debts.
In regards to any persons who are troubling to the stability of your country, we shall gladly pay a sum of ten thousand standard dollars in exchange for said individuals.
Emperor Godfrey III
Pan-Hourain News Corporation
North Lacamia cuts off food trade with the West
August 26th, 1960 (Hourain Calendar)
Novigrad, Northern Lacamia -
At 6:30 A.M, this morning, the Imperial Duma of the United Empire of Lacamia declared a moratorium on all food shipments to the nations of Fataria, Yalse, and Rhoshire. The Imperial Duma claimed 'trade abuse', 'unjust South Lacamia policy', and 'economic imperialism' as reasons for the moratorium.
The Hourain Stock Exchange dropped nearly 32% as investors rapidly sold off all stocks involving agriculture. The one day impact sent the local markets of the West in a panic.
For an unknown reason, the local Imperial Lacamian Stock Exchange underwent a huge spike. In the agriculturally barren nation of Rhoshire, some speculate that the government may use food rations.
This moratorium comes roughly two months before elections in the three nations. The political impact of the moratorium, is still not known.
No Lacamian government officials could be reached for comment.Scandinvan Imperial Public Message:
“Due to the recent downturn in the economy of United Empire of Lacamia the Scandinvan Treasury, in order to protect the growing Scandinvan interest in said region and for the sake dwelling in said region, it has been decided to reinforce all private Scandinvan loans to the United Empire of Lacamia with gold equaling thirty billion dollars and to offer to the private sectors of the United Empire of Lacamia with twenty billion dollars worth of gold.
It us hoped, that with the aid of the growing Scandinvan investments in the United Empire of Lacamia, the gold will help stabilize the markets and prevent any widespread inflation.”
13-01-2009, 04:06
Pan-Hourain News Corporation
Food Prices Spiral in Western Tripartite
August 28th, 1960 (Hourain Calendar)
Novigrad, Northern Lacamia -
Food prices recently quadrupled in the Western nations of Rhoshire, Fataria, and Yalse. Most hard-hit were staple crops grown particularly in North Lacamia. A North Lacamian government spokeperson had this to say:
It was not a difficult decision for the government of Lacamia. Western intervention in South Lacamia has negatively impacted our security for almost thirty years. Unfair trade practices have squandered our nations economic potential. And unfair foreign policies and provocations have damaged our image abroad. The moratorium on food imports is the only way that Lacamia can protect its national interests.
The stock exchange of North Lacamia took a huge surge in the past few weeks. Although North Lacamia is one of the most impoverished nations in Hourai, far trailing behind the wealthy Western tripartite, the economic surge was still a shock.
The Fatarian government condemned the Unified Empire of Lacamia for a 'history of constant human-rights abuses', 'social oppression', 'military aggression', and 'economic provocation'.