The Immovable object and The Irresistable Force(FT)
The Eternal Swarm
09-01-2009, 04:24
Once on a peaceful Swarm Free day in the galaxy...
"This is the Galactic Network News with the Afternoon update. On our top story today The Inter-Galactic Science Consortium reports the theft of a Top Secret Psi-Emitter used in the research of the swarm. We go to Kaitlyn Xilinthis for more."
Meanwhile aboard a Hive Ship in The Warp...
"Awaken my children and attend to my words. We have rested, and been at peaceful accord with the galaxy, neither sowing rebellion nor devouring worlds. Yet someone dares pull us from our Hibernation, and call us to their side. It is not one of our allies, few though they may be, and it is not Nasagori, for his mind feels different than all others. It is not our glorious masters of Chaos, for powerful their voices are, and weak this call is.
I wish to know more of the strange entity that would dare beckon The Swarm and with that spirit in mind, let Hive Fleet Ultimus descend upon this location, and re-teach the lessons of fear sown so long ago. From the tower of White where the powers that be are harnessed and learned I call back my precious Daughter via Dimensional Recall" The Overmind said.
At The White Tower, a few days after Irene's Arrival...
Irene heard the voice of The Overmind, and knew it was time to go. She had just barely woken up too, hadn't even used the Recycler yet. She grumbled to herself, glad she kept a hive outside the teleportation proof walls, and steeled herself for Dimensional Recall.
After the Chaos finished flowing around her, she spoke her mind.
"Why Ultimus? Why not a few scouts? Why me? Does this so called weak call have that great a hold on you?" Irene asked, irate that she had been disturbed.
"Be patient my daughter, for my senses extend far beyond your own, and this may prove the swarm's toughest challenge yet."
In a place safe from prying eyes, a man that was not a man, but infact a male alien sat wondering if he had don the right thing.
Rezengul, Prelate of the Templar of Ruia, could only fear for the future of his people. The Conclave had grown intolerent of late, even more than normal, and so deeply rooted were they in the past, and tradition, that when Rezengul's own brother peacefully suggested an improvement to the engines the Rotes used, he was branded a Heretic and executed, much to the accolades of the public, who didn't want such a dangerous man in their midst.
Rezengul felt disgusted, but try as he might, he could find no alternative to the salvation of his people, except to summon the one thing that could overpower The Conclave, the swarm said to have devoured entire worlds elsewhere. Yet no he wondered if by summoning them, had he doomed his people to extinction.
He looked at the Psi-emitter before him, happily humming away with power.
It had been easy to sneak aboard the ship that held it. He was afraid of being caught, but that man scientist, Nasagori, he was simply standing there, as though he could see through Rezengul's invisibility field, and yet pretended as though he couldn't. It disturbed Rezengul so much that he lost his concentration and dropped the field, and yet still Nasagori just stood there, unblinking, and unmoving. Rezengul felt sure this man was a droid duplicate, yet it had all the signs of a real person.
"I know." Was all Nasagori said, before disappearing, stepping backwards into an active Teleportation field.
Rezengul stood there for several seconds in silence, before remembering what he was there for, and grabbed the Psi-emitter, then he too, left.
Rezengul felt tempted to smash the thing, and turn it off, but resisted, unable to compel himself to resist the course he had started.
Above Ruia...
Nasagori sat in the research station Causa, entering notes by hand into the computer. The station went undetected, not only because of it's field, but for other, mysterious reasons...
"Nasagori reporting on experiment # 465,398,712: The effects of Extreme Law, and Perfect Chaos, also known as the meeting between The Immovable Object and The Irresistable Force.
Subjects 839 have reached a state of preparedness for the final execution of the experiment started over ten thousand years ago, when the first sightings of the swarm were first recorded by The Consortium. At the same time, The Swarm itself has reached it's full force, having combined it's two primary broods once more. Now it is simply a matter of size, but an irresistible force is still equal to all other irresistible forces, per Grengald's Law of greater Magnitudes.
Subject 840 has been given the Emitter, which in turn has been reported as stolen to absolve The Consortium of any and all liability in the matter. Estimated time of Swarm Arrival is in three to six days. The Supernova Cannon is in full readiness, in case Experiment# 465,398,712 gets out of hand."
OOC: Not open yet, but it will be.
The Eternal Swarm
09-01-2009, 06:30
"Over the past three days, Subject 840 has tried consistently to contact me, and find me. To maintain the integrity of the project, I have remained unavailable, hiding as always in pocket Universe X. Subject 840 appears to be unnerved both by the execution of the final phase, and by our encounter when I handed over the Emitter.
Meanwhile, The Swarm is coming, inexorably, slowly, and yet swiftly. Subject 840 has tried on ten separate occasions to stop or destroy the emitter, indicating strong ties to subjects 839. On each occasion, the inhibitor has accomplished it's task and stopped Subject 840.
The bulk of the Swarm shall arrive at 0800 Zulu tomorrow. Than we shall see, than we shall know. The Experiment shall be completed. Meanwhile, I have a meeting to attend to with Subjects 839 and 840, to keep them on track."
Razengul fled through the halls of The Conclave, terrified of what he had done. The Initiates honored with guarding the building stepped out of his way, afraid of colliding with the honored Prelate of The Templar.
Razengul turned into the private meeting hall, each Prelate of the twelve orders of Adunar in their offices at The Conclave. twelve monitors blinked on, his remaining blank.
"Rezengul, why have you called us here today?" asked one Rota, the leader of the Conclave known only as The Executor. The Executor was an enigma, terrible and unknowable, or so it was said. The Executor was immortal, and always shrowded in a deep and impenetrable darkness. All Rota eyes glowed, but only The Executors glowed white, neither pulsing nor moving, always there, almost as if they weren't eyes at all.
"My friends, my allies, something terrible has happened, an enemy beyond comprehension approaches our borders!" Rezengul said, hoping they wouldn't call for evidence.
"What? This is nonsense. Not even The Galactic Empire dares to disturb the sacred order of Adunar. Give me proof of these outlandish claims." a Prelate said, the Prelate of the order of Judicators, an order that kept Justice among the Rotas, and the very one responsible for the death of Rezengul's brother.
"Judicator Artanis, you must listen to me! We have no time for this while our defenses remain unprepared we must..." Rezengul argued, feeling sick to be pleading with the man he hated so much for the right to defend him. He almost got sick when Artanis interrupted him.
"No Judicator, he's right!" Another Prelate interrupted, the prelate known as The Matriarch, for she was in charge of the order of healers and the educational system. In a way, as the second oldest Rota alive, she was everyone's mother, with the exception of The Executor.
"Matriarch Keshal, What proof can you lend to these arguments?" Judicator Artanis asked, suddenly very polite and formal. No one in their right mind crossed The Matriarch, for though she was always peaceful and kind, she was also the most powerful of all Rotas, even The Executor respected her power. Swirling vortexes of energy swirled around her, a sign of how angry she was.
"Judicator Artanis, it must be that I am the only one capable of recieving reports from the far edges of our orders, for just this morning I recieved word from Vestigus of the passing of a monsterous swarm of creatures. The swarm ignored Vestigus for the most part, but a number of them set down and began to eat the entire world! My healers sent word just as something mysterious blocked all long range communications with Vesitgus."
Rezengul felt relief, and let out a sigh of relief inwardly. He was safe.
"This is why I have come before The Conclave. If we are to survive and continue our proud traditions, we must prepare our defences quickly!" Rezengul asked.
Judicator Artanis started to speak, but was muted, by The Executor. The prelates gasped in surprise, for always The Executor stayed out of the meetings, directing it only as necessary. He never used his authority before on anyone.
"Then it is abundantly clear to me, Prelate Rezengul, that you must leave these halls now, and prepare our defenses. On behalf of The Conclave, bring swift Justice to the enemies of Adunar!" The Executor said.
Irene sat in the Primary Hive ship, at the center of Hive Fleet Ultimus. Nearby, in separate Hive Ships, Zasz and Dangaloth stat in Myscetic Hive Spores, waiting to be dropped to the battlefield.
"My children, what plans have you made for our upcoming assault tomorrow?"
"Dangaloth and I shall meet the brunt of their main forces head on with our broods, while Irene and her brood clears a space for a Hive Cluster, and then establishes it."
"Very well then, let it be so." The Overmind said.
The Eternal Swarm
09-01-2009, 14:45
"Meeting with subjects 839 and 840 went smoothly, as always. Ruia is steeled for the coming of The Swarm. Outposts were attacked and devoured yesterday, as well as a few outlying colonies. The Swarm has arrived."
Rezengul looked with abject horror at the telemetry from outlying worlds, the destruction left behind in the wake of the swarm was unlike anything he had ever witnessed before. No prisoners, no captives, no terms of surrender, only death, cruel and inevitable. What had he done?
"Lord Adunar, please forgive me." Rezengul whispered silently to himself.
"What's this? The Prelate of The Templar order shaking in his boots? We will defeat this enemy, as we have all others before. Come, get out your flyswatter, it's time to swat a few pests." Judicator Artanis said, full of confidence in his people's abilities.
Meanwhile, The Hive Fleets dropped out of The Warp, and drifted closer to the world of Ruia.
The Fleet of The Executor, and The Fleet of The Matriarch shifted into place via Dimensional Recall, a storm of energy flickering about the world, coalescing into the two fleets.
"Come then Zasz, let us engage the enemy. Irene, you will have to take care of any ground forces yourself." Dangaloth said.
The two Hive Tyrants exited their spores, and took flight with swarms upon swarms of Jets.
The Executor himself took command of the fleets.
As the first shots were fired, an undetected station nearby could barely contain an excited scientist, watching the battle with child-like glee. A part of him worried about the movements of The Executor, but felt confident in the leader's abilities.
The Eternal Swarm
09-01-2009, 15:10
"This is now a direct update of my thoughts as they occur, with some measurement given to restraint, least classified information leak out. It seems subject 839A has taken lead over the defense fleets of his people. I pray he doesn't die, for if he does, then our hold over all of 839, and the 840 variant will shatter. Meanwhile, no solid data has yet been established in relation to the project. So far, the species of Swarm known as Jets have swarmed out of their ships, lead by the ever elusive Cerebrate Hive Tyrants Zasz and Dangaloth. No sighting of Infested Irene. The Carriers of 839 have launched their fighters in retaliation against the jets and Tyrants. It's too clustered in the battlefield to establish clear data. More updates as it becomes relevant."
The Jets, Zasz, and Dangaloth did their best to distract the fleets from the Hive ships, in which a number of jets, ground troops, and Irene were all loaded into the Mysetic Hive spores aimed at the world below. Once launched into the planet, the spores would grow into a hive cluster to support and defend the swarm.
Razengul felt sick. He had erred, and not on the side of caution, or reason! Clearly he had gone mad when he decided to summon the swarm and shake his people out of their catatonic state. No matter how many jets were shot down, there ALWAYS seemed to be more. Surely his people weren't missing that badly.
A group of twelve jets beset a Carrier, it's launching doors jammed open by a wayward shot. It's shields could not rise while the doors were open, a safety measure when first instituted to keep the fighters from running into them. So the jets were able to sneak in easily, six going in through the outside exhaust ports and attacking everything that looked vital along the way, and many things that didn't just incase. The other six flew into the launching bay and attacked the workers there trying to fix the doors, and began shooting the place up and causing damage and mayhem as they went.
The Overmind reached out with it's great senses, and could feel no incoming fleets, but realized they could still send out a cry for help, and erected The shadow in The Warp, spreading it's essence across the warp, cutting off all long range communications and disrupting FTL travel in the process.
The twelve jets met up again in the engine, all twelve almost dead due to the damage caused by their separate paths. The shot out the engine, knowing it would kill them.
The first major loss to The Conclave came when the carrier Prometheus fell to The Swarm. It's great nose tipped down toward the world, and crashed.
Nasagori strained at the windows, trying to save the ship through sheer force of will, for The Executor was on that ship! His plans were failing!
The executor, always shrouded in darkness and mystery stepped forward into the light, seconds before death, naught but a machine controlled by The Consortium, killed by it's own programming to lead the people it created at all costs. A true Rotan to the core, even if not a real one, it would not cower before death, but even The Executor closed it's eyes in sadness as the ship hit the ground, pained that it's end should take so many innocents on the world below.
Little Tassadar and Aldaris were friends for a whole year. This practically made them ancient friends being so young. All the grownups were running about in excitement about something, and neither knew what was happening. Something scary had come from somewhere, but The Executor would protect them to the very end, and not let a single one of them die.
"NOOO!!!!!" Nasagori screamed, echoing the sentiment expressed in the hearts of every Rotan alive when the news of what just happened reached them.
However, the news of The Executor's death didn't dishearten them, it encouraged them to fight even harder in his memory. The events provided a small window of opportunity that The Swarm did not waste, launching all their Mysectic Hive Spores at the world below.
The Eternal Swarm
10-01-2009, 03:37
"The Executor is dead! The consortium's control over the experiment and subjects 839 and the 840 variant are broken. This is an experiment of the truest sort. As always, The Supernova cannon shall be used if need be."
The order of The Templars sent out their Novices, the basic foot soldier of the Rota. These have not yet gained mastery over the energies innate to every rota, but they are mastered enough to yeild a formidable opponent.
Behind them came The Royal order of The Dragoons. A Dragoon was a machine, inside of which was the body of a Rota, barely able to live. In this fashon, every Rota could serve Adunar. The Dragoons excelled at long range fighting, while the Novices excelled at melee combat.
Irene smiled as she waded into the ranks of the Novices, claws and blades flying every which way. Her wing blades cracked like whips as swung them about. Her tail darted here and there, serving more as a distraction than anything.
Behind her came The sons of Chaos, and these waded into the enemy ranks with unequaled Vigor. Only the sons of Tzeentch hung back, and these took aim at the Dragoons and occupied them with their own long range shots.
Rezengul felt immense guilt weighing upon his shoulders. The swarm was plowing through the novices and Dragoons like they weren't even a factor! They needed more power.
The starports began to flicker and blink, pulling the carriers down from space was a tricky task, for if done incorrectly, they'd all blow up. Meanwhile, the Rota Gateways began glowing, erecting fields with which to call more forces. Rezengul knew they'd only have one option, and gave the command to summon forth the one thing that could turn the tides for them.
From out of the gateways came a force not seen on Ruia for years. The common people, huddled in their defensive shelters, gasped with awe and amazement, for The High Templars had been called forth by their prelate. Even the Judicators and other orders were amazed at the sight of the Rotan High Templars, for the High Templars were masters of the energies flowing within their body, and were without peer or equal, save for each other, and The Matriarch. Even The Swarm paused for a moment at the arrival of The High Templars, for in their wake flowed a ghostly image of themselves, naught but an echo of the energies at their command.
The Eternal Swarm
11-01-2009, 02:32
The High Templar were not a force to be taken lightly, master of the energies within them, they were thought to be the deadliest of all Rotan. As they walked, static ghostly echos in their shape trailed in their wake, fading away quickly. The sight of such a thing stopped even the swarm for a minute, but then, only a minute, and they turned to rush this new advancing foe. The High Templars let loose with their greatest attack, The Psionic Storm.
A great storm of energy let loose all through the ranks of the swarm, slaughtering every single swarmling within it's field of effect.
"Perhaps I've underestimated subjects 839. Their tenacity and willpower is amazing. I doubt there is anything that can truly disturb them, even the mighty swarm seems unsuited for the task. Perhaps my fears were in vain, or perhaps not, for the swarm is highly adaptable."
"What was that?" Zasz asked Dangaloth in confusion as they felt the power of the Psionic Storm.
"Something down there has more power than we do!" Dangaloth replied.
Irene meanwhile smiled, and walked calmly toward the High Templar.
"Thank you gentlemen for that marvelous display of incompetence. You know all those swarmlings you killed? It was an exercise in futility. Oh boys!" Irene called out.
The Hive Clusters began pulsing and throbbing, as more swarms poured out of the hive.
The High Templar shrugged and trued to let loose another Psionic Storm, but Irene reached out with her power and blocked it.
"This has gone far enough. I don't know why you came to attack our people, but I will not allow it to progress any further. Come then, if you can stop The High Templar then I've truly found a worthy foe." Matriarch Keshal said, pushing her way to the fore.
She was in her ceremonial armor, thick plated armor that covered her body. Her power flickered in the air about her, her eyes glowing and pulsing in anger and fury.
Irene smiled.
"Lets make it a duel, no wide area effecting attacks, put a one to one ratio on our troops, and you've got a deal." Irene said.
"Less talk, more action whelp." A high Templar replied from the backround.
Irene let out a gurgling hiss that seemed to put the high templar in his place, but it sent the swarm surging around The Matriarch and Irene. Both sides left a large, clear space for them.
Zasz and Dangaloth meanwhile lead the jets down into the atmosphere to attack the outlying areas, but at that same time, The Rotan had finished calling down their air power from orbit and far away.
In a space station above orbit, the watching Nasagori wished he had a bag of popcorn.
The Eternal Swarm
13-01-2009, 03:25
Irene and Keshal eyed each other warily.
Meanwhile, The Swarmling Jets transitioned into the atmosphere, to take on the Protoss Air power. Hive Ships slowly made their way down to counter the mighty carriers.
On the ground, The sons of Khorne went toe to toe with The High Templars, while The Sons of Nurgle kept the Novices at bay. The Children of Slaanesh joined the sons of Tzeentch in keeping the Dragoons at bay.
Irene lashed out at Keshal with her wing blades, cracking them like a whip against her armor. To Irene's surprise, Keshal was surrounded with a shield, comprised of her own energy. Keshal smiled, as she raised her energy blades, and charged Irene.
The jets swarmed around the fighters of the carriers, even in numbers. This left the fleets of scouts, Corsairs, and Arbiters unattended. The scouts and Corsairs of course were busy with the Hive ships, which in turn were busy trying to destroy the Corsairs and Scouts.
The Arbiters drifted slowly accross the battlefield, occasionally warping in unites to troubled spots, and freezing others until help could arrive.
The Eternal Swarm
13-01-2009, 03:42
Irene looked around, as the air began to shimmer about her. She wondered what was going on, her sense of time and space seemed distorted. Was this the Matriarch's doing?
Suddenly the Matriarch was on top of her, and Irene turned and parried her attack with her own claws, now shimmering with energy of their own. The matriarch took a step back and sent a kick flying at Irene's side, and Irene backflipped in time to avoid it, as she landed she sent her wing blades into the ground. Matriarch Keshal leaped backwards and avoided the three blades that popped up beneath where she had previously stood.
Irene felt dizzy, and realized what was happening, The Matriarch wasn't distorting her sense of Time and space, she was physically distorting time and space itself! These Rotan must be Dimensional Masters!
Keshal took out her sidearm, and shot Irene with it in the thigh. Irene was wounded, and somewhat disabled, but the swarm had the power of regeneration, and so her wound began to visibly close.
Irene limped towards Keshal and sent her claws flying at the old nimble woman. She felt success when Keshal's block came a second too late, and Irene tore through the energy shield.
Keshal suddenly looked concerned.
Rezengul looked over the situation, wondering what he could do. The Rotan might batter the swarm, but the Rotan could never beat the swarm. They needed something more.
Out in orbit, ships capable of negating The Shadow in The Warp approached the planet. They were completely undetected, all parties being interested in other things, which was part of the trick these ships employed to remain undetected. They stood there and observed.
The Eternal Swarm
13-01-2009, 16:18
Rezengul looked over his world, sadness in his eyes. Why in the name of Adunar had he summoned the swarm?
Scouts and Corsairs buzzed around with the jets, the two sides seemingly even, but Rotan do not reproduce like Swarmlings do, and slowly it seemed, there was a steadily growing advantage on the side of the jets.
Rezengul watched one of his own scouts artfully dodge and weave about a group of Jets. It kept firing into the mass of flesh, as shots were absorbed by it's steadily weakening shields. Bam, two went down, bam, another two went down. The remaining two jets looked at each other and separated, only to be shot down by Carrier fighters.
His eyes turned toward the ground battle, overseen by The Silent Witnesses, cloaked cameras that recorded everything, without exception. He wasn't familiar with the swarm, but he had heard of The Gods of Chaos, and was familiar with their religion. He could see one breed, appearently devoted to Nurgle, all laying about the battlefield, all of them completly wasted by his own Novices. He knew a bunch of novices that just earned a promotion to Squire. Yet what devilry was this? The Nurgle breed still moved, despite ungodly wounds. their attacks were as feeble as sheets of paper, yet novices began to drop all the same.
There was a breed that reminded him most strongly of Slaanesh, and to his horror he found the aliens somewhat pretty. These attacked with long stinging whips, cooperating with monsters that must serve Khorne. Rezengul thought this a bit unusual, seeing as he heard Khorne and Slaanesh despised each other. Then he shrugged and figured the hold of The Swarm must be stronger. Where one whipped to leave in agony, the other moved in and killed. He saw a disturbing pile of skulls and bones adding up, and these little roaches were building into a chair of all things! They were diverting the blood and pooling it around the throne, using what blood they needed to bind the bones together into a throne. Rezengul wished he was blind, that he might never have to see the sight of Rotan bones converted into a chair for some careless alien god.
He diverted his head, and saw swarmlings who changed almost as often as Tzeentch did. These ones seemed to manipulate energy almost as well as High Templar did. They fought at range, keeping the Dragoons busy, and unable to help their Templar brethren against the Khorne breed.
Keshal's shield had never been dropped, never! This strange abomination was deadlier than she seemed. But she was old, and she was prepared. If she died, she would be immortalized in The Khala, the great neural network of The Rotan. Why die, when one's memories and knowledge could be preserved forever?
Irene smiled as she felt her claws shatter Keshal's shield. Her scorpion tail swung deadly and fast, and stung Keshal in the neck, releasing a slow but deadly bio-toxin that would bring excruciating pain.
Keshal winced, and struggled through the pain. She enhanced the distortions of time and space. She thought she had over done it, for her own head was spinning.
Irene rushed forward, the old woman had proven an insufficient challenge.
With a great swing of her claws, Matriarch Keshal met an honorable and glorious end in battle, and so the oldest living Rotan died at the age of 1,562 years of age, on her birthday.
High Templar do not cry, this is what Rezengul tried to convince himself of, but despair had begun to overtake him. It was hopeless. His people were doomed. Not even the fallen and slaughtered fields of The Swarm made him smile.
Then he realized what he saw, and struggled to his feet. Death was coming to The Swarm! But what was it?
The invisible ships had long since disengorged their passengers, but this, no one knew, or suspected, for no one knew of the ships at all...
Rezengul strained against the barrier, wanting to know what was going on.
Suddenly a monitor lit up.
"En Taro Adunar, Lord Prelate Rezengul. I am Prelate Zeratul, leader of The Dark Templar. It seems we have come at a bad time. I shall have my unseen brethren disengage the horde and return later, when we can more freely discuss undoing our long and torturous exile from Ruia." a Rotan hidden in vortexes of dark energy said.
The Eternal Swarm
15-01-2009, 15:05
"Assada Templari, Zeratul. Your trespass upon Ruia comes at a most welcome time." Rezengul said, turning to the monitor.
"Tresspass? Is that anyway to speak to the very ones now slaying that which you are unable to slay yourselves? Our first duty has always been to Ruia, even when Exiled." Zeratul returned.
"Of course, I pray you will forgive me, I am merely troubled by the sight of a seemingly unkillable entity." Rezengul said.
"Indeed, we have watch The swarm for years, and followed them from a discreet distance. Always they have been watched by many eyes, but they are not why I have returned, but they are apart of why I have returned." Zeratul said.
"Your exile has driven you mad. You speak in circles, are they, or are they not why you have returned?" Rezengul asked,
"Listen Templar, There have been scientists watching us, human, alien, Sith, a great many species, far too many to name. They all ally themselves with a consortium. This Consortium is here now, watching us, watching the swarm, always watching. In our travels, we have seen them trailing the swarm, always watching, never really doing. We have discovered a dark and terrible secret, The Consortium has been experimenting on sentient beings without their consent, and we have been chief among their experiments, alongside The Swarm." Zeratul said.
"Us? But that means, perhaps it wasn't, but, What proof do you have of this?" Rezengul asked.
"Turn your scanners to Anodular Frequency and scan the planetary environment. You will see us, the Swarm, and..." Zeratul left it hanging.
"A station! It wasn't there before, or was it. I recognize that scientist peering out the window, he's the one I met before!"
Irene decided now was as good a time as any to flee to the safety of the Hive and hide. Invisible somethings were killing the swarm, and the Hive Fleet. It even masked it's heat signatures and Life Signs!
The Swarm retreated from this new threat, as Irene Burrowed beneath the Hive for her own protection. The remaining swarm on the world below went inactive, and hibernated, until this new threat could be assessed, and worked through.
Zeratul called off his dark brothers, and had them slip away in the confusion of the Swarm's retreat. The Rotan forces were battered, and decided to let sleeping dogs lie while the Rotan repaired their fleets enough to chase away the remaining invaders who had appearently just fallen asleep.
No one knew where the green skinned woman went that slew The Matriarch.
Nasagori meanwhile thought about the situation, and decided it wasn't ended yet. The arrival of Subjects 839-B upset his plans a little, but he realized it made perfect sense. The Dark Templar fascinated him, he never truly got a chance to study them, or know the limits of their powers.
Little did he know, he was being monitored by them closely, for they too, were interested in him.
The Eternal Swarm
15-01-2009, 15:40
"Where is Rezengul?" Judicator Artanis asked, wanting to celebrate the victory with him and the rest of The Conclave.
The other Prelates looked confused, and looked about them as though Rezengul was just suddenly going to appear out of thin air for them.
"Perhaps he is off honoring the memory of The Matriarch and The Executor privately." said offered one Prelate.
"Yes, we'll need to decide The Matriarch's replacement, and then elect the new Executor. But we cannot without Rezengul." Artanis asked.
Rezengul was aboard a spacecraft he had not seen in centuries, an old Rotan Mothership.
It looked like a giant wire frame pyramid, built out of a yellow metal called The Randun, an exceptionaly strong metal, and within the wire frame was a Khadarin Crystal Lattice, inside of which further was more Randun which comprised the main part of the ship.
It held all the ancient and forbidden ways of war banned by the conclave, by his very hands, so long ago. He shivered at the thought that it might be needed again.
"So, your saying it was this consortium that was behind the swarm's attack, not me?" Rezengul asked, relieved to be free of the guilt he felt.
"Yes, for the Consortium knows how to control us, and the secret as aboard that very station. The swarm will not rest forever. If we are to save our people, then we must follow the plan we have created." Zeratul said.
Rezengul nodded as the two left the mothership, and walked back toward the captial, Zeratul faking an attempt to struggle free.
"Rezengul, There you are! Who is this unseemly character you have within your grasp?" Artanis asked as The Conclave rushed to the city square when they heard news Rezengul was seen with a captured Rotan in his grasp, unlike any Rotan seen before.
"Judicator Artanis, I release into your custody as duly commanded by the Khala's Law, Zeratul, Prelate of The Dark Templar. I discovered him trying to sneak into Ruia with scores of his followers. As was my duty, I successfully snuck aboard their mothership, and locked The Dark Templar aboard, taking only their leader with me to face trial for breaking the law of Banishment." Rezengul said.
"You'll never take me alive, Judicator!" Zeratul taunted, elbowing Rezengul in the gut and breaking free. As he ran he again cloaked himself, hiding from the rotan pursuing him.
Rezengul pursued him, Artanis beside him.
An Arbiter zoomed overhead, and trapped Zeratul in a prison of reinforced Dimensional walls.
Meanwhile, The Swarm quietly regrew, and renewed itself, even as a scientist aboard a station wondered if perhaps, he had been wrong about it all being over.
The Eternal Swarm
16-01-2009, 08:06
The Arbiter Tribunal, four hours later...
The Conclave had gathered in the Tribunal, Judicator Artanis taking the stand.
"So Zeratul, you return home after four hundred years. Why now? What was your aim in all this, what did you hope to gain?" Artanis asked.
"Pah, Are the Judicator really so blind? I saw the Swarm distracting you, so I moved in to try and seize control while you were weakened. I thought to finally end my people's long exile for refusing to become a part of the Khala."
"As I expected. A cut and dried case. The law is quite clear on this. Punishment is eternal Stasis." Judicator Artanis said.
"Wait Judicator. I ask that you reconsider, for this is one part I did not tell you before, waiting until this very moment. It was Zeratul and his people that defeated the Swarm, not I, or our forces. Zeratul and his people, their energies run similar to the Swarm's own, and their weapons are as of yet, the greatest threat to the swarm." Rezengul said.
The Swarm had been ignored, and many hours had passed since their defeat. Now, now they were strong. The Hive had been busy producing record numbers of Swarmlings to send against The Rotan. What had started as an expidition to reinstill fear and be left alone, became a push to eliminate the one threat to The Swarm. The invisible threat had been identified, and accounted for. The Prophets now worked their energies in new ways to reveal hidden enemies to The Swarm.
The Legions of The Sons of Chaos sprang forth from the ground, as Jets poured in from the Hive Ships in orbit. Assuming the Swarm was defeated was a bad decision on the part of The Conclave.
"You lie." Judicator Artanis snarled viciously.
"I tell you the truth, why do you think large swaths of the swarm suddenly began dropping like flies for no particular reason? Because they were tired and needed to lie down? Your smarter than that Artanis." Rezengul said.
Klaxons began ringing in alarm.
"It seems your tired swarm woke up from it's nap. But we're not going anywhere. While OUR forces deal with the threat, Rezengul, you are under arrest for the Heresy of consorting with The Fallen Ones. Do you think us blind or just stupid? We saw you walking with Zeratul back to their ship. There will be no trial, the evidence is insurmountable. You will both be placed in permanent stasis." Artanis said.
Zeratul and Rezengul both felt cold fear, this was not in the plans!
The Eternal Swarm
16-01-2009, 08:50
The Rotan Fleets were headed for the Swarm, and Zeratul and Rezengul felt this was to be the end, for the Dark Templar really were sealed inside the Mothership, who would give them a signal?
Irene cloaked herself to go undetected. She wanted to see more of these strange people, not fight them. Something was drawing her to them, an idle curiosity that had to be her upbringing as a child. She spied two Rotans being taken away in what appeared to be a crystal prisin, but it was too shiny. She realized it wasn't a solid prison at all, but what it was exactly was beyond her comprehension.
Prisoners? Now? While we're attacking? They look too well dressed to be mere criminals.
She decided to follow, and free them. The two Novices guarding the Judicator Prelate were easily killed with multiple stabbings and clawings from Irene, who took them both on at once.
She pinned Judicator Artanid to the wall, and was swinging her claws around to kill him, when two hands stopped hers.
"Not entirely as we planned, but at least it happened." Zeratul said.
"LET ME GO, OR I WILL KILL YOU!" Irene screamed.
"Oho, a threat is it? I do not fear death, go ahead, kill me." Rezengul said.
Irene stopped struggling, realizing she was well contained by her enemies.
"I shall take this into consideration." Artanis said quietly. He could not admit that he was wrong, and felt deeply ashamed.
"Listen, Swarm woman, I will not kill you, if you agree to assist us." Rezengul said.
"Hah, I know what three men would want with a woman. You won't find me that easy."
"What? no, you misjudge us, we need the assistance of the entire Swarm!" Zeratul said.
"My what egos you have." Irene said.
Irene gritted her teeth in pain as Artanis backhanded her.
"Listen to us." Artanis said.
"Thank you Judicator. What do you know of The IGSC?" Rezengul asked.
"Their a pain in the neck that think they have to investigate everything. We destroyed the original consortium because they tried a little too hard to discover our secrets, and often sliced open live Swarmlings. This one is a little more relaxed, but still tiptoeing on being a target." Irene said.
"We know your pain, for we have proof that the Consortium manipulated you into coming here and attacking us, by causing me to rebel against the Conclave and steal one of their Psi Emitters and use it to call you. The Consortium is behind the whole thing! Your not one of their Weapons, are you?" Zeratul asked.
"We are no one's dog to be called when commanded, and sent away when no longer needed. I take it you want the swarm to do the brunt of the dying and destroy the Consortium again." Irene said.
"No, we want the Swarm to work with us, and bring The Consortium to Trial for their crimes. We know they've experimented on other civilizations before. Some are far worse than we are." Rezengul said.
"But, they have wronged us both, don't they deserve to be destroyed?"
"Don't you deserve to be destroyed for attacking us? If the law were that simple, why have it? The Conclave is prepared to forgive you and draw up a list of was to make amends for your attack, if you agree to help us." Artanis said. Zeratul and Rezengul both looked surprised by Artanis's offer. The Judicator it seemed, was full of surprises.
Irene closed her eyes, and hung her head, concentrating.
"We will agree, call off your forces, and we will call off ours."
As the Rotan forces turned away, so too did the Swarm. Nasagori was pressed against the viewer, excited by these developments.
"So the two can Co-exist!" he said excitedly.
"Prelate Zeratul, while we are not yet prepared to welcome you home, for bringing this information forward, and proving where your loyalties lie, your welcome to stay for the funerals of The Matriarch and The Executor. As well, once the new Matriarch is appointed to the Conclave, and the New Executor elected to office, we will decide further then, what will happen." Artanis said.
"What about us?" Irene asked.
"We would appreciate it if you could refrain from eating our world. That will be the first step toward lasting peace. Otherwise, you may watch. Once we have finished with Zeratul, we will turn towards you, and the Consortium."
The Eternal Swarm
17-01-2009, 00:40
The Ruian Capital, three days later...
The Rotan Mourning ceremony was touching, of that much Irene was certain, that she was responsible for it and she didn't feel concern, didn't even alarm her. Truly, she was of the Swarm.
Sensors showed that the IGSC had not moved any, and now she was sitting in on the trial of Rezengul and Zeratul.
"My fellow Prelates, I wish that we had no reason to gather here today, but sadly we must. One of our own brethren, Prelate Rezengul of The High Templar has committed Heresy by consorting with The Fallen Ones. Though the reasons behind his heresy are most admirable, the law is most clear." Judicator Artanis said in opening.
The new Matriarch, a Rotan that was younger than most Prelates, about Middle Age for a Rotan and that's 400 years old to be exact, raised her hand.
"Pardon me honored Judicator, but what exactly is it that has happened? I, like most people are still a little confused over the matter." Matriarch Zenisha said.
"I'm glad you asked. As is well known, approximatly three days ago, a new threat emerged and was made known to us. That we have made amends now and co-exist is beside the point. At the time, The Swarm invaded our territory, called forth by Prelate Rezengul in a vain attempt to bring about change through illicit channels. He then Proceeded to regret his actions, and lead our forces to fight the swarm. As we were losing, Zeratul of The Dark Templar chose our weak position as a sign to invade Ruia in an attempt to end his rightful banishment from our homeworld.
I have recorded video footage that shows Rezengul walking side by side with Zeratul into their space craft, despite full knowledge of the law against his actions. Thus he is guilty of Heresy. I now step aside that he might speak in his own defence." Artanis said.
Rezengul stood up as Artanis sat down.
"My fellow Rotan, I come before you a broken man. I admit that everything Artanis has said is true, but there is more to it than that. An entity known as The Inter-Galactic Science Consortium has been using us against our will and without our consent for their own experiments. Zeratul has proof of these allegations. The Consortium had been using others as well, including The Swarm.
It was The Consortium that caused me to turn against The Conclave, and it was the Consortium that lead me to the device that lead the swarm here. Even now they sit above our world watching us, running the data from the attack, thinking of it as no more than one of their experiments. It is them that should be on trial, not I, or Zeratul. How much of our history can any of you say was truly our own doing, and how much of it can you say was The Consortium's doing? I ask that you end this and join me in bringing The Consortium to Justice!" Rezengul pleaded.
"Zeratul, can you provide this proof Rezengul has said you have?" Artanis asked.
"It lies within the data banks of the Mothership, if you were to come with me to the ship, I could easily hand it over to you." Zeratul said.
"And ambush us in a trap no doubt. No, we won't be taken quite so easily. Perhaps there is some other way to get it to us, perhaps a transmission?" Artanis asked.
"Our systems have changed since the days of the mothership, the two are incompatible." Rezengul said.
"Then there is no proof of your outlandish claims." Artanis said.
"Look at our own networks then, you'll see the station in orbit." Rezengul tried.
"I am well aware of the Templar ability to create hallucinatory copies of themselves. It stands to reason that with some effort, you could create the image of an alien ship in orbit." Artanis said.
"Then go test it for yourself!" Rezengul growled.
"now now, let's not be testy. Conclave, we have given Rezengul a chance to speak for himself, and have already tried Zeratul for his crime, but not yet enacted his punishment. Let us convene now to consider Rezengul's fate, unless someone has anything else to add." Artanis said.
"I DO." Irene said, her voice echoing with the innate horror of the swarm. She stood, and blinked onto the platform on which the trial was being held. while Artanis adopted a look of shock.
"You claim Rezengul has no proof of the Consortium's claims, yet they have offered it plainly. It is only your own arrogance that prevents you from accepting it. The Swarm also has proof, we have our memories, and we remember well the tortures inflicted on us in the name of Science. If you doubt me, look into my mind, and you will see them. You claim Rezengul might have faked the station. I have been aboard that very station. Even still, my ships are in orbit, and they verify it's accuracy. I promise you it is real." Irene said.
"You might have been duped, and as for looking in your mind, I shall not taint my own mind, nor our powerful networks with your alien thoughts." Artanis said.
"Then let me go to their ship and bring back the proof." Irene said.
"And what's to stop you from forging such proof?"
"How about the fact that the Swarm does not use technology? How about the fact that if it were written in your own native tongue, I'd have no idea what it said? How about I bring The Dark Templar with me as proof of it's authenticity, or better yet, have them bring their mothership?"
"Better yet, how about we come to you?" asked a voice behind Zeratul.
"Xigniss, how did you know to come?" Zeratul asked incredulous.
"Yes, how did you know to come, a prearranged signal?" Artanis asked.
"Yes, as a matter of fact it was, but it was the lack of one that prompted me to come. We were expecting Zeratul to contact us awhile back, and when no call came, I decided to bring proof of the Consortium with me, whilst attempting to discover brother Zeratul's fate. It is a good thing I did, though I was prepared to do alot more." The Dark Templar said, handing over ship logs.
Artanis and the Conclave looked through the logs, their faces growing more astonished by the minute.
"This evidence proves, but it must be false, yet there are the secret authenticity marks. It, it changes nothing, both are still guilty of their actions, the law is absolute." Artanis said.
"If the law were that simple, why have it?" Irene asked, throwing the Judicator's own words back at him.
"Yes, of course." Artanis said quietly.
The Conclave retired to decide what the outcome was to be.
Nasagori had waited three days for something to happen, and nothing did. This experiment turned out to be a failure. He'd have to find a new way to control subjects 839 again, and the 840 varient.
"Initial experiements show that an irresistible force and an unmovable object will reconcile and not directly affect each other beyond their initial meeting. Yet I cannot help but feel as if an unknown third variable has caused this outcome, if only I could find out what it is."
The ten prelates deciding Rezengul's fate returned, and all ten returned the same verdict.
"In the light of the knowledge of The Consortium's actions, we cannot in good conscience find you guilty, not knowing if it was truly your own doing, or The Consortium controlling you. Additionally for those same reasons, The Dark Templar are Exhonorated and welcomed home to Ruia, Prelate Zeratul is asked to join The Conclave, that the concerns of his Brethren might be fully considered and justly addressed by The Conclave."
"Then let me ask, who now shall be The Executor?" Zeratul asked.
"Let us worry about that, after we have The Consortium."
Minutes later...
"Inter-Galactic Science Consortium, you are under arrest for crimes against Sentient Beings. Prepare to be boarded and arrested." the voice came over the Intercom.
Nasagori's heart beat wildly. He had the cannon deactivated, he was trapped! Or was he? A idea came to him, it was time to try, them.
The Station began to shimmer and appear as large bay doors opened. Hordes of small machines shot out of them towards the Arbiters. The Consortium would not go down so easily.
The Eternal Swarm
20-01-2009, 03:10
The combined forces of The Rotan and The Swarm shot towards the Consortium station, even as their Drone Swarm shot out towards them. The Rotan opened up with a salvo of Disruptor pulses, taking down some drones, but not many. The Jets opened up with their blasters as well, achieving similar results.
The Drones reached the fleet by that point, and collided with both fleets, ripping through them with ease.
"We're powerless against these things!" Artanis called out.
"We're not having better luck either!" Irene called back.
"Heh, did you really think we would study either of you for so long and not come up with countermeasures?" Nasagori asked.
"Then it seems we must evolve beyond your Countermeasures." Irene said.
"Yes, we must evolve. Though we are loath to do so for the life it takes, I call upon my Fellow High Templar to join, and summon forth The Archons." Rezengul said.
"The Dark Templar have Archons of their own, and will not be left out of this." Zeratul said.
As the Rotan fleets reached the outer platforms of the station, everyone watched as all the High Templar and all The Dark Templar found others of their own cast. Where two High Templar joined, or two Dark Templar joined, a great Nexus of energy formed around them.
The energy never subsided, but eventually it began to move, and Irene could faintly see a single Rotan in the center of that energy, emitting more energy than she thought possible for an organic being to emit. That must be why their called Archons.
The Archons moved faster than even the jets, running, dodging, and leaping, and Irene thought that if they were so inclined they could probably breech Warp.
Behind them the areas that they touched exploded into clouds of Debris. These The Dark Archons manipulated with their powers, moving at an equal rate of speed, throwing the debris back at the approaching Drone Swarm.
The Drone swarm approached, and the Dark Archons threw their Lighter brothers directly at the Drone Swarm, and then leaped after them, gathering all the debris behind them.
Nasagori couldn't believe what he was seeing, two Rotan had merged into one! The energy readings were off the scales, they were more energy than organic matter. He stepped backward into the X Device, intending to go to X. Things had gotten bad, Galaxia Prime needed to be sealed. However at that moment the Debris trailing the Dark Archon slammed into the station, and coupled with the blasts of the Light Archons, caused the transporter to malfunction. Nasagori didn't go to X, he went to The Warp, to the center of Ultimate Chaos, where it turns upon itself.
After Nasagori left, things suddenly calmed, frightened scientists and ill-equipped soldiers were all the consortium had. It depended on it's controls never breaking.
The Eternal Swarm
22-01-2009, 09:40
As The Swarm and The Rotan went through the files, Zeratul finally asked about something that had been bothering him.
"Artanis, why did you and the Conclave welcome us back so easily, and offer me a seat on the council?" he asked.
Before Artanis could answer, the computer had finally cracked, and began sharing all of it's information.
Consortium records concerning subjects 839, the Rotan, and 840, Rezengul, The Twilight Templar.
Species found on Stardate ******* on the verge of Sentience. Consortium boosted intelligence immensly, and tied them closely to the Quantum Plane, allowing them to control a Myriad of energies.
******** The Rotan are lawless and without a social order, introduction of an advanced AI called The Executor to instill and force an order successful. Executor controlling The Rotan.
******** Executor forms Conclave, and Khala Network. Secretly forms opposition group to keep some Rotan individualistic and more free-willed. Group becomes known as The Dark Templar and are expelled from Ruia.
******** Rezengul's brother kidnapped by Consortium and put under Mind Control, sent to Conclave with idea of engine based on Dark Templar Energies. Summarily tried and executed, Subjects 839 ready for testing, Rezengul's implant activated to summon him to The Consortium for Emitter.
Rezengul couldn't hear the rest through his anguish and grief. Where they just experiments to The Consortium?
He stood as the rest of The Rotan and Swarm forces returned from Galaxia Prime, the Consortium in hand. He grabbed a scientist and shook him vigorously, yelling at him
"AM I JUST AN EXPERIMENT TO YOU?" the man paled and quivered, messing himself in the process.
"Irene, we must talk." Artanis said.
"You seem awfully mollified after meeting are Dark Brethren, We can restrain them, but if you don't cooperate fully, then I'm not sure for how long we can restrain them. Soon we shall open our borders and look beyond ourselves at the Inter-Galactic Community, maybe even share an idea or two. We shall start by inviting the Establishment of Embassies. When that happens, you will immediatly apply for an Embassy and Declare The Hive Cluster your Embassy. You will keep it at it's current size, large though it is, and not allow it to grow any more. Secondly, you will maintain peace and Decorum with the rest of The Galaxy for the rest of the foreseeable future, am I understood?" Artanis asked.
Yes." Irene said quietly, one could smell the fear radiating off her. The Rotan deeply disturbed The Swarm.
"Now just to prove we're not all monsters, your Overmind may copy the contents of the IGSC databanks into it's own memory, AFTER we have likewise uploaded it into The Khala Network." Artanis said.
So it was, that The Swarm came to be contained and controlled, not through might, but though fear, not from something larger than itself, but from something smaller, but for how long? The Overmind did indeed copy the databanks into it's mind, and The Swarm mostly departed, except for the few Swarmlings left behind for The Hive.
And as for The Rotan, well....
The Rotan
22-01-2009, 09:42
You'll just have to wait and see what happens to them, now won't you?