05-01-2009, 11:42
In line with our declaration as an independent state, the People's Republic of Wastravia hereby establishes itself as a socialist republic under the leadership of the Communist Party of Wastravia. But before a more permanent constitution is established, the Politburo of the party has released to the public and to the world a charter of principles which the new state shall be based upon.
Provisional Charter of Principles for the establishment of a People’s Republic of Wastravia.
Article I.
The People’s Republic of Wastravia derives its existence not as singular and isolated, but as part of the international struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie ruling class, as a stronghold of socialism in world, standing heroically against the imperialists. The People’s Republic of Wastravia shall offer fraternal aid and every assistance possible to foreign socialist countries and organizations, as we are brothers to all the world proletariat in their struggles for national liberation and for socialism.
Article II.
The Communist Party of Wastravia is the sole leading political force in the country, and comprises the entirety of the government of the country. The Communist Party is the vanguard of the ruling working class, which expresses and defends the interests of all the working people. The People’s Republic of Wastravia unceasingly develops the revolution by adhering to the class struggle and aims at ensuring the final victory of the socialist road over the capitalist road, at achieving the complete construction of socialism and communism.
Article III.
The dominant ideology of state and society is Marxism-Leninism, that is to say scientific socialism. We emphasize Leninism because we recognize this as the only valid interpretation of Marxism in this imperialist epoch. We stand in the tradition of the great proletarian leaders Marx, Engels and Lenin, and we are proud of this.
Article IV.
Citzens of the People’s Republic of Wastravia are not ‘nationals’, and the practise of dividing humanity along nationality, race, sexuality and culture shall be forbidden, as they represent tools of imperialism. Citzens of the People’s Republic of Wastravia are class-conscious revolutionaries, marching in one beat under the leadership of the Communist Party, to the tune of the Marxist-Leninist ruling ideology. Every citizen is a citzen of the world, a working class man or woman who happens in reside in this country, in the ultimate goal of revolution in the whole world.
Article V.
The People’s Republic of Wastravia completely renounces imperialism, warmongering, military aggression, and the politics of big-state, big-nation chauvinism, and declares that the only righteous use of violence is the violence used to free the working class from its chains of capitalism, to crush neo-colonial exploitation, and banish forever the weapons of war, to achieve world peace and world socialism, and to construct a communist future for the masses of humanity.
Article VI.
The People’s Republic of Wastravia renounces and stands resolutely opposed to the practise of religion as a chauvinist tool for the bourgeoisie to divide humanity against itself and ensure the rule of the rich. The only ‘worship’ a great citizen shall have is a ‘worship’ of freedom for the working masses of the world,’worship’ for our noble struggle. Religion is banned by the state, which supports atheist propaganda for the purpose of inculcating the scientific materialist world outlook in people.
Article VII.
The armed forces of the People’s Republic of Wastravia firmly renounces the old privileged cliques of officers and generals, and steadfastly affirms that the Red Guard, the armed wing of the Communist Party of Wastravia, is the only legitimate arms bearer in the country. The state and society works to smash the old system of the military-bureucratic apparatus, and establish the armed proletariat as the only defender of the socialist construction and victories of the revolution from the forces of imperialism.
Provisional Charter of Principles for the establishment of a People’s Republic of Wastravia.
Article I.
The People’s Republic of Wastravia derives its existence not as singular and isolated, but as part of the international struggle of the proletariat against the bourgeoisie ruling class, as a stronghold of socialism in world, standing heroically against the imperialists. The People’s Republic of Wastravia shall offer fraternal aid and every assistance possible to foreign socialist countries and organizations, as we are brothers to all the world proletariat in their struggles for national liberation and for socialism.
Article II.
The Communist Party of Wastravia is the sole leading political force in the country, and comprises the entirety of the government of the country. The Communist Party is the vanguard of the ruling working class, which expresses and defends the interests of all the working people. The People’s Republic of Wastravia unceasingly develops the revolution by adhering to the class struggle and aims at ensuring the final victory of the socialist road over the capitalist road, at achieving the complete construction of socialism and communism.
Article III.
The dominant ideology of state and society is Marxism-Leninism, that is to say scientific socialism. We emphasize Leninism because we recognize this as the only valid interpretation of Marxism in this imperialist epoch. We stand in the tradition of the great proletarian leaders Marx, Engels and Lenin, and we are proud of this.
Article IV.
Citzens of the People’s Republic of Wastravia are not ‘nationals’, and the practise of dividing humanity along nationality, race, sexuality and culture shall be forbidden, as they represent tools of imperialism. Citzens of the People’s Republic of Wastravia are class-conscious revolutionaries, marching in one beat under the leadership of the Communist Party, to the tune of the Marxist-Leninist ruling ideology. Every citizen is a citzen of the world, a working class man or woman who happens in reside in this country, in the ultimate goal of revolution in the whole world.
Article V.
The People’s Republic of Wastravia completely renounces imperialism, warmongering, military aggression, and the politics of big-state, big-nation chauvinism, and declares that the only righteous use of violence is the violence used to free the working class from its chains of capitalism, to crush neo-colonial exploitation, and banish forever the weapons of war, to achieve world peace and world socialism, and to construct a communist future for the masses of humanity.
Article VI.
The People’s Republic of Wastravia renounces and stands resolutely opposed to the practise of religion as a chauvinist tool for the bourgeoisie to divide humanity against itself and ensure the rule of the rich. The only ‘worship’ a great citizen shall have is a ‘worship’ of freedom for the working masses of the world,’worship’ for our noble struggle. Religion is banned by the state, which supports atheist propaganda for the purpose of inculcating the scientific materialist world outlook in people.
Article VII.
The armed forces of the People’s Republic of Wastravia firmly renounces the old privileged cliques of officers and generals, and steadfastly affirms that the Red Guard, the armed wing of the Communist Party of Wastravia, is the only legitimate arms bearer in the country. The state and society works to smash the old system of the military-bureucratic apparatus, and establish the armed proletariat as the only defender of the socialist construction and victories of the revolution from the forces of imperialism.