NationStates Jolt Archive

Census Bureau reports: 11 million Sarzonians

01-01-2009, 22:54
Diego Ordoño, head of The Sarzonian Census Bureau in Woodstock, pored over the numbers two, three, four times. He shook his head.

"Hey Bobby!" he called out. "Are these figures right?"

Bobby Masterson, the intern who was responsible for running the tabulation program in the software, called back, "I double and triple checked the figures with every available method short of hand counting every single entry.

"Do you think we should hand count every single entry?"

Ordoño raised both eyebrows with definite surprise. He walked over and ran the verification programs himself and examined the figures personally.

"No," he said finally. "We've run every check known to man. We know these figures are right. They're just ... surprising."

He sent an e-mail with the report to Senior Vice President and External Affairs Officer Grant Haffner, who was responsible for certifying the results. The conversation between Ordoño and Haffner essentially mirrored that between Ordoño and Masterson. But finally, the figures were right.

Haffner walked up to the television cameras, drew in his breath slowly, and spoke.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the press, I am here to officially certify the results of the Sarzonian Census Bureau's five-year survey of population. According to officially confirmed figures, the Sarzonian population is 11.6 million. The largest city, Nicksia, totals 2.3 million. Portland has a population of 1.2 million, while Woodstock's population is 320,000."

[OOC: The original idea behind this was Pacitalia's. I'm going with a RP'd population, obviously. For a country that only began eight years ago, I don't think nearly 8.2 billion people is a very realistic population. Thus, I'm going with 11.6 million.]
04-01-2009, 18:01
bump for reference.
La Habana Cuba
04-01-2009, 18:39
We would like to suggest a better break down of your population by ages similar to ours.

No more, 0-14 years: 18.5% (male 1,088,311/female 1,030,499)
15-64 years: 70.5% (male 4,029,381/female 4,025,154)
65 years and over: 10.9% (male 569,002/female 681,605) (2008 est.)

As it dosent tell us much. Information guidelines on age break downs can be found on RW nation census information. We are willing to voluntarily delete our post on your site should your government adopt our suggestion.

Government of La Habana Cuba.

Age Groups - Males - Females - Respective Percentages - %

01 to 05 --- 626,805 --- 322,829 --- 303,976 --- 05.57 - 05.74 - 05.42

05 to 09 --- 717,153 --- 369,504 --- 347,649 --- 06.38 - 06.57 - 06.20

10 to 14 --- 727,011 --- 373,002 --- 354,009 -- 06.47 - 06.63 - 06.31

15 to 19 --- 855,646 --- 439,833 --- 415,813 --- 07.64 - 07.81 - 07.41

20 to 24 --- 778,362 --- 400,877 --- 377,485 --- 06.92 - 07.12 - 06.73

25 to 29 --- 671,570 --- 347,275 --- 324,295 --- 05.97 - 06.17 - 05.78

30 to 34 --- 950,518 --- 484,448 --- 466,070 --- 08.46 - 08.61 - 08.31

35 to 39 --1,051,252 --- 528,204 --- 523,048 --- 09.35 - 09.38 - 09.32

40 to 44 --1,087,783 --- 541,111 --- 546,672 --- 09.68 - 09.61 - 09.74

45 to 49 --- 734,370 --- 361,147 --- 373,223 --- 06.53 - 06.42 - 06.65

50 to 54 --- 645,045 --- 315,020 --- 330,025 --- 05.74 - 05.60 - 05.88

55 to 59 --- 602,534 --- 293,734 --- 308,800 --- 05.36 - 05.22 - 05.50

60 to 64 --- 520,667 --- 252,872 --- 267,795 --- 04.63 - 04.49 - 04.77

65 to ++ ---1,270,327 --- 598,183 --- 672,144 ---11.30 - 10.63 - 11.9

Totals. ---11,239,043 ---5,628,039 --5,611,004 -- 50.08 - 49.92 %

Rounded off slightly.

These totals can tell us how many school age kids the nation has or close enough. If we know the voting age we can know how many eligible voters the nation has. How many new voters the nation will have. If we dont know the voting age we can still estimated closely. How many middle aged and elderly persons in your nation. 15 to 64 or 70 dosent tell us much.

0-14 years: 18.5% (male 1,088,311/female 1,030,499)
15-64 years: 70.5% (male 4,029,381/female 4,025,154)
65 years and over: 10.9% (male 569,002/female 681,605) (2008 est.)
07-01-2009, 05:46
OOC: Thanks for the feedback. I'll keep that in mind.
11-01-2009, 18:34
11-01-2009, 19:01
Sirs, it is our honour to congratulate you on having achieved this momentous mile stone. May Sarzonia always prosper.
-Note from the Carbandian goverment to the Sarzonian one upon hearing the news
Ruthless Slaughter
11-01-2009, 19:35
OOC: I've been tempted to do similar, what with a population of over 7 billion. My only issue is potential adversaries and contemporaries not choosing to do the same. Granted population management is a good way to preserve the 'realism' of RP's, but how would you negate the potential disadvantage. Granted not too many of us geezers RP anymore, ;) but the issue still stands.
11-01-2009, 21:34
[OOC: Most of the better RPers I've been in contact with have tended to pay less attention to population sizes. When I fought the war against Pantera, he'd decided before the RP'd hostilities happened that it would be a very limited affair.]
Ruthless Slaughter
12-01-2009, 00:09
OOC: Ah ok gotcha. Yeah I'm not one for swarm tactics myself, preferring special forces to do the job when possible. Makes sense considering the past RP's I've been in though it's been forever since I've fought an all-out war. I may just follow suit...