Hand of the Winter..[Intro,semi-open,MT,Attn ANTIFA]
27-12-2008, 15:43
2200 hours
It was a cold night in Novovgrad,freezing wind carried the snow through the streets of the sleepy city,no one was on the streets....it was a blizzard.
But someone knew it is going to get hot.Political university studet Vadim Tukov was quietly sleeping and dreaming of free Novermia with no reprecutions,political assasinations,tanks killing peacefull people....But soon his telephone rang...it was his childhood friend-now Republican military officer Major Markus Vilovski he literaly yelled at sleepy Vadim....
"Yes?Oooo,its you Mark..."
"Vadim pack your things immediatly and leave Novovgrad,we will meet at the old threehouse!Dont ask anything just do as i said, our lives are in danger"
"Dont ask anything just do it!!!!"
After that message Vadim knew that something isnt right,he looked through the window and saw a huge number of men with torches and clear Nazistic insignias and flags at the High Premmier square...The Nongrad is curently involved by heavy fighting...
He quietly said to himself....
"Oh,dear god it has started...."
He turned on his TV,and saw huge letters across the screen "Breaking NEWS!",he understood that the nationalists have burned down the Parliament and that they are besieging the Prime Minister's Pallace.The army has been disbanded,and that no one is safe anymore....
He was shocked but he looked himself in the miror and quietly took his suitcase and walked out of the appartment...
Three days later he somehow managed to get to the countryside,he rendezevous with Markus who explained the situation to him in detail...
The Winter War has started.....
Republic of Novermia never been a true Republic,because it was controled by a single man whose title was Eternal Prime Minister of Novermia.He didnt had support of the people but he assured their loyalty with the essence of fear in their minds,his state Securitata police was responsible for several thousands political kills and for a very larger nubmer of missed people.Everyone knew that but no one had the courage to say that...until a year ago,when young political-sociology student started to make speeches on major gatherings...State police tried to arrest him three times but they only managed to get the army on the streets and shoot with live rounds about 70 peacefull protestors.This had bad efect on the population,soon they got themselves divided and the entire oposition had huge nuber of small not so pupular leaders.The leading figure was University student Michil Zaitsev who rounded up huge rallys because of his great charisma and oratory prowess,also he was rather left concentrated and always wanted for everyone to be equal.But still he wasn't the only one who had a minor grip on the people,but his dreams were destoyed when he was assasinated by the Facsist paramilitaries.
After the military killed 70 people,radical and rather racistic polititian rose up...
Hemlich Minorov,as a leader of the ultra-right wing of Novermia's citizens.He wasnt present in Novermia,but instead he spoke from exile as he was expeled from Novermia because of his terrorist attacks.His paramilitary police forces pushed around minorities,anti-fashists even staged a few attack on military instalations.Largest incident they were involved was the ambush of a platoon of goverment loyal regular troops where the Nazi's massacred and decapacitated the entire platoon and posted their heads on their Swastika standards.Most of the Nazi's work underground because their political movement has been banned after the mentioned incident.
The Fascist movement almost destroyed the Liberal-Democratic people in Novermia,very few of their leaders were left alive,and their folowers are scared and constantly terorized for being defenceless.
Facsistic movement had many bad effects on the minorities.
Muslim minority in the south of Novermia had many fundamentalists and extremists and their ideology was triggered when the Fascists killed and tortured many of them.Now they have rebbeled and seek independance from the Goverment.
Current factions in the Winter War:
1.Goverment[good equipment State police forces,Securitatea,,Loyalist Paramilitary units] -50 000 men,also they will rule as a corrupt dictatorship
2.Red Army of Novermia Supported by The Federation,The Liberal Republic of Parilisa
[weak equipment,huge numbers,good morale] -200 000 men,looking to establish People's Republic
3.White victory Supported by Buddha C
[great equpment,good morale,paramilitary groops,fear factor, guerilla tactics] -70 000,will rule as fascistic,nazistic military dictatorship ...
4.Liberal Democrats Supported by Alliance Star,Tagmatium
-70 000 looking to establish a Capitalis Republic
5.Muslim Liberation Army-[B]Supported by Lundastal
[great morale,mujahaedeens,moderate equipment,semi-guerilla]-35 000 Looking to take as much land they can from Novermia
Map >>MAP (http://i489.photobucket.com/albums/rr256/Nerzulon/Mapa2.jpg)<<
OOC1:Map isnt very detailed because i made it for about 15 mins.Ill hope it will find its use.
OOC2:Well my country history depends on you guys.Ill try to make a detailed map soon..
Some rules: NO[i got n00ks i n00k u] and no invasions,but you can involve you military to help the faction you support.
Everyone can join but please keep the numbers real,so NO
100000000000000000000000 soldiers.
Thank you.
And just for notice currently the Fascists are in lead.
27-12-2008, 16:03
The Federation of Cukarica
Official comunique
Official response of the Federational goverment is rather disgust of current bloodshed and anarchy that has digested Novermia.
We officialy recognize the Red Army of Novermia as rightfull military force that is curently in Novermia,the true will of the people has been enacted.
We condemn the Fascist movement in Novermia and we show disgust at their horrible,racisitc and fascistic actions against other factions in Novermia.
Also the Federation is wiling to help Red Army economicly.
We are also willing to aid you in miltary troops and our Southerh fleet has been put on high priority alert and soon we will decide shall we dispatch you military aid.
May the Justice guide you to victory.
Official dispatch from the Ministry of Foreign affairs
The Federation of Cukarica
27-12-2008, 16:11
Prime Minister Vladimir Fedotov simply stared at the documents the Lundastalian Security Agency chief, Pavel Petrovich, had brought him. Petrovich was a young man, dark brown hair and green eyes. He had killed many a Soviet man, before that certain state had fallen and a massive burden lifted off Lundastal. Though, military service was still mandatory, which President Alexey Petrenko wished to end.
The documents were mostly intelligence reports from LSA agents in Novermia, covering the fact that the country was virtually about to enter a civil war. One agent, KREMLIN, was doing well in these reports, but nobody as of the moment had made it into one of the groups.
"Well, the government, communists and fascists are clearly idiotic. Dictators usaully turn states into a bucket of blood, while communists do exactly the same and the fascists start world wars," Fedotov sighed. "The only groups who appear half sane are the Liberal Democracts and the Muslims."
"Muslims, sir?"
"They've never invaded us, they've never raped us, they've never fed us to rabid dogs," explained Vladimir. "The Democrats will probably turn the nation into a cesspool of corruption."
"So, you're supporting the Muslims?"
"I guess I am."
Republic of Lundastal Government Communiqué.
To: The Muslim Liberation Army, Republic of Novermia.
From: V. Fedotov, Prime Minister, Republic of Lundastal.
Subject: HIGHLY ENCRYPTED - Lundastalian Support.
Dear sir/ma'am,
The Republic of Lundastal pledges our support to your cause. The fascists who cruelly tortured your people have tortured our people during World War II, and the Republic will do all it can to assist you in your goal. Please accept our offer, and we will begin supplying you very soon.
V. Fedotov.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Lundastal.
27-12-2008, 16:32
Red Army HQ official response
Great Federation of Cukarica we gratefully accept your honorable sugestion to help our just cause.
We are currently in a ver hard position as we have only assault rifles,anti-tank weapons and grenades we have seized from the corrupt goverment forces.
We would be eternaly gratefull if you would militarily help us in our just cause to help our people to free ourselves from the tyranical,corrupt goverment,nazistic and capitalistic filth.And also the traitors to our country those who wish to take huge of our Motherland's piece from us and from our harts.
Red Army 1st Political Commissar Wadim Tukov
Pomski forest
HQ of Holy Mujahaedeen forces of God
We accept your kind help offer,may the Allah smile uppon your great and righteus country from heaven.
Thank you for supporting our holy jihhad.
We also have took some infidels hostage,we shall trade them for our martyrs
We have suffered many crimes from the goverment and rest of those infidels.
With our martyrs we shall have the final victory!
27-12-2008, 16:50
A stealth helicopter, bought from Russia, flew above the Pomski Forest at a steady speed. It was owned by the Lundastalian Air Force, and was quite a new addition to the military of a nation where the threat of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics had cornered it from the 1950s to the collaspe of the Union. What a glorious day that had been for the Lundastalian people.
Controlling the helicopter was a certain Dmitri Zubov, nicknamed 'Tooth', thanks to the Zubov coming from the Russian zub, meaning tooth. Another reason for that nickname was thanks to nursery school, where he bit his archenemy, Yuriy Illyin, a real bastard. Good thing Illyin had his legs blown off by the Russians.
"Mikhail, start dropping the supplies," he ordered, as Private Mikhail Ivanovich started throwing food, water and weapons down into the forest, hopefully to be picked up by the Muslim Liberation Army very soon.
Republic of Lundastal Government Communiqué.
To: The Muslim Liberation Army, Republic of Novermia.
From: V. Fedotov, Prime Minister, Republic of Lundastal.
Subject: HIGHLY ENCRYPTED - Supplies and the Infidels.
Dear sir/ma'am,
We thak you for accepting our offer, and we truely hope your jihad goes well. Our military has dropped supplies near your location in Pomski Forest, with food, water and, most importantly, weapons.
As for the captured infidels, we would advise you to end their lives or hold the group they belong to to ransom. If I was in your situation, I would torture them for infomation, then kill them and let the final judgement be Allah's Will.
We know of the crimes the government and the rest of the infidels have commited on you. They are horrible, and we truely hope your jihad goes successful.
V. Fedotov.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Lundastal.
((OOC: Fedotov isn't Muslim, he's just trying to make himself appeal to the Jihadists.))
Alliance Star
27-12-2008, 17:06
Immediate Message from the Alliance Star Confederation
In the state of civil war, the Alliance Star Confederation has declared in an emergency meeting of Congress a declaration of intend to engage hostile forces and install a Democratic government of the people. We will be deploying en force to the nation of Novermia, and any forces, foreign or domestic, that are detected by Allician forces will be engaged accordingly by Alliance Star Military forces without hesitation or restraint. In such ways we recognize the government of the Liberal Democrats as the sovereign rule within the nation of Novermia, and pledge to support their cause and means through any and all means needed.
((OoC: Forces deployed, In reserve, etc. to be posted soon!))
27-12-2008, 17:08
OOC: please inform me about the type of weapons you have dropped.
Pomski forest
Soon the mujaheedins reached the landing zone.About 20 wraped up crates awaited them in about 200 square meters...
They were overjoyed and their morale was high,now they could even take on the Fascistic troops.But they were not alone.....
A platoon of Fascistic troops were camping in the nearby field....they have informed their HQ about the drop the Muslims recieved...
Now the stage was set....
The troops of the fascists opened mashine gun fire on the unexpecting Muslims...They easily captured the suplies as they were encamped on higher ground then the MLA.
Now the Muslims had nothing yet again...
High Premmiere square
Intense fighting happened between the Fascists and the Red Army....
The White victory had a firm grip on the major building in the center of the city,while the Red Army tried to capture it from the suburbs...
Red Guardsmen atacked vigorously the baricaded Nazi's...They managed to capture the National TV building and to gain a small high ground against the fascists baricaded inside of the half-burned parliament building....
A firestorm was spreading through the ravaged city.
The 2nd Guardsmen army had lost almost 20% of its men but the Red's had almost indepletable human resource factor,and they were brought wave after wave on the battered Nazi's.
The Nazi's managed to stabilise their frontline only after they got help from their Motorized battalion.
27-12-2008, 17:09
To: the leaders of the Liberal Democrats of Novermia
From: the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium
Re: Support
Dear sir or madam,
The Imperial Government of the Greater Holy Empire has been watching the situation unfold in your nation with some interest. Whilst the Imperial Government seems some merit in preserving the status quo within your nation, as it is often best to deal with something one is familiar with, no matter how reprehensible they are, as well as the fact that it potentially sets a dangerous precedent for foreign nations intervening in matters that are purely internal and of no business of foreign powers, it has been realised that remaining aloof may not be a course of action that benefits the people of Novermia or the wider world.
As such, the Greater Holy Empire is prepared to offer you and the forces under your control some aid in your efforts to bring a measure of peace to your fractured nation. At this point, the Imperial Government believes that the forces under your control would be best served by the sending of supplies of arms and armaments. If there any further developments in the internal situation within your nation, this may be revised, especially if evidence comes to light that other, less benevolent factions are being aided by other nations in a more overt manner.
Eugenius Wilson
Minister for Foreign Affairs
Of the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium
27-12-2008, 17:25
Liberal Democratic League
Official response
To:Tagmatium,Alliance Star
We accept your help,gratefully and honestly.
Our country is being torn by a bloody civil war,between corupt goverment forces,comunists,fascists and Muslim separatists.
Our Army and Police have failed us,free citizens of Novermia.
If you install us as rightfull goverment we are willing to open elections for the first time in 40 years...
We seek immediate help from the free world,in every possible resource they could give us.
Also we thank you for the every trouble we caused to your Godblessed and Justice inspired country.
27-12-2008, 17:35
((OOC: AK-47s, Desert Eagles, Frag Grenades, Smoke Grenades, Knifes, RPGs and, if you want to roleplay using them, flamethrowers may be on the next supply list.))
"Tooth!" cried Mikhail. "The fascisti are closing in on our comrades!"
Zubov sighed and a tear hit the ground. This helicopter was not made for attacking, just for supply drops and the like. The Armed Forces had made a slight alteration to it to make the helicopter, along with quite a few others, stealth aircraft. The Russians would never give Lundastal stealth aeroplanes, helicopters or anything along those lines.
The nearest military base was the LNS Blitz, an aircraft carrier which the helicopter was part of. There was several attack aircraft there, mostly Sukhoi Su-27s, an aircraft of Soviet origin and an Air superiority fighter. There was a few Mikoyan MiG-29s as well, but by the time such aircraft could arrive in Pomski Forest, it would be too late.
"Shit!" shouted Mikhail. "The fascists have slaughtered them, and they're stealing the supplies!"
"We can't fight them," sulked Dmitri. "We can't fight them..."
And with that, the stealth helicopter fled from Pomski, but before doing such cowardly actions, they had made the required communicatons to bring in two Kamov Ka-50, single-seat attack helicopters which had been bought recently from Kamov Company.
((OOC: We can do fluid time and skip ahead to whenever the Kamovs arrive, or I can post the arrival in a few hours or so.))
27-12-2008, 17:37
OOC:lets fluid...Also budha C you can join mate,we need a fascist suporter =)
Alliance Star
27-12-2008, 17:37
ASV Russel Krammer
Krammer Carrier Strike Group
Alliance Star Navy
The calm seas gently graced the hull of the large carrier as it churned the water around its rear, maneuvering itself better toward the nation that currently engulfed itself in a civil war that bound to better determine their future for the many years to come. With urgency from not only the Congress, the President, Military Leadership of the Alliance Star Confederation; but the people of whom the men and women of the vessels served under as they progressed toward the nation as a whole. The Five Destroyers deployed in a tight formation with active SONAR and RADAR screenings active, an F/A-18E/F Squadron in flight with a multi-role ordinance package designed to protect the Strike Group at any cost during the situation. Cruisers were negotiating their VLS tubes and helping organize the Strike group, deploying the tender vessel and submarines to better serve the Carrier and the rest of the combat vessel within the strike group as a whole.
Within the Carrier, squadrons prepared for the briefing for their combat stories within the nation; planning targets, important locations for Air Superiority, and securing various locations within the nation for the Marines to come shortly. The Admiralty was dictating the Captain aboard his own carrier for overall fleet actions in the theater, while informing him of inbound forces in various forms and means from additional naval support to inbound Naval Air Force transports, fighters, and bombers to deploy the various combat forces needed to secure the region; and help the local Democratic nation better install itself as the government of and by the people.
(( OoC:
Forces en route:
2x Carrier Strike Groups
3x Amphibious Strike Groups (with attached Marines)
2x Destroyer Squadrons
1x Submarine Squadron
Forces awaiting Air Superiority
8x Stryker Brigade Combat Teams
2x Heavy Brigade Combat Teams
2x Infantry Brigade Combat Teams
2x MARSOC Companies
4x Air Superiority Squadrons
4x Multi-Role Squadrons
8x Logistics Squadrons (i.e. Transport and Supply)
1x Electronic Warfare Squadron
2x Refueling Squadrons
1x Special Forces Squadron
If more details are needed, just ask. Also, can I get any information about domestic forces? Aircraft, Naval Vessels, etc? ))
27-12-2008, 17:44
As proffesional army was disbanded they mainly joined the fascists and the fascists have T-84,T-72 tank along with artillery rocket systems and similar...
They also have 5 MiG-29....Heavy equipment..
Red Army has a brigade of T-55 and a mechanized battalion in BOV-3...they are all armed with AK-47...poorly armed...have 3x Gazzelle atack heli's...
Democratic guys have the worst stuff,they have a lot of angered men,but they are still largery undernumbered and they hold out mainly in major cities...They have 3 Bov-3,one T-72,and a number of low and high caliber infantry weaponry...
Muslims are in the south fighting a guerilla war in the forests they have ak-47,Rpg's,huge amounts of c-4 for suicide bombers..
If you need more detail just ask.
Buddha C
27-12-2008, 17:50
The Autocratic Theocracy of Buddha C declares that the Fascist party is the rightful government of Novermia. But we require two things for support from our government. You cease the death of innocents, and allow the Muslims a autonomic province en the south. For this we will allow asylum en the Buddha C Main province, and restricted access to our surplus, for 10% of the actual cost. The stockpile include, but is not limited to, T-80 Main Battle Tanks, G-36 Assault Rifles of various configurations, 80mm Mortars, AT-4 Disposable Tank-Buster, MiG-29s, MiG-21s and a small fleet (36 en total) of Mi-8 transport helicopters. All of these will also include trading from the troops garrisoned en this province.
27-12-2008, 17:59
White victory response
TO:Buddha C
I,Great Fuhrerr of Novermia cannot alow that to happen,in that way our Reichstroopen would leave Great Novermia in hands of filthy comunists and corrupt JEWZ of those Democrats!
If you realy are a truly fascist country you would have help us militarily.
If you decide to do that and make Novermia we are willing to accept your Great Reich as a Patron of Novermia and you as our Great Protector.
Novermia and Buddha C UBER ALLES!
Buddha C
27-12-2008, 18:03
[OOC: *Sigh* Why does everyone have to RP Fascist as rascist?]
Twenty-eight massive barges sailed indescremiately (sp?) towards a Fascist-controlled port. Inside it housed thirty-six Mi-8s, seventy-six thousand G-36 Assault rifles, six MiG-29s and ten T-90s.
We will continue to ship equipment to any listed port secretively. Actual military involvement may take place soon, but even this would probably be limited to under fifteen thousand troops.
27-12-2008, 18:07
OOC:my appologies i took some hitler speach stuff....Also would you be interested to RP as White victory because im not sure i could reproduce fascist ideology vey good because my knowledge of fascism is only elementary.
Buddha C
27-12-2008, 18:09
[OOC: Well if I did that means that faction would essentially become a puppet of mine until the war was over, and I would RP a different way then you would, probably more humanitarian, and possibly change the name, and since that seems to go against the description of it thus far, IDK if you would accept that. If you would however, I would happily RP them, but my time ATM is limited, so posts some days may be numerous or some weeks perhaps only one.]
27-12-2008, 18:12
OOC:i would gladly give you control on the Fascists as its realy hard to RP 4 factions =).
Alliance Star
27-12-2008, 18:22
((OoC: Oh yeah. A map with cities. That'd be nice for further activity. Then, I'll post sum moar. =P ))
27-12-2008, 18:29
Propaganda letter given to the citizens
The Red Army has captured the Prime Ministers Pallace
The Red Army Guardsmen have captured the Prime Ministers Pallace and destroyed the filth that was guarding it.Our Freedom fighter have renamed this den of evil Liberty's Call Pallace.We have acquired the jewel of the former dictatorship for the Motherland.
Revolutionary greetings to all citizens of Novermia.
OOC:The Map is coming lads soon =).
27-12-2008, 19:07
OOC:link to map is on first page
27-12-2008, 19:21
“Is sending weapons to a nation we know little about really that wise?”
The question had remained unspoken throughout the morning meeting of the Imperial Government, but had dominated it nonetheless. Tagmatium rarely meddled in the affairs of nations outside of the confines of the region in which the country lay and the pledge of arms to the Liberal Democratic faction in Novermia had surprised some members of the Imperial Cabinet. However, most members understood the Holy Emperor’s decision to aid the only faction that closely matched the Greater Holy Empire’s own political stance, although Tagmatium itself was considerably more socialist than the Liberal Democratic faction was. Of course, most within the Greater Holy Empire could remember Tagmatium’s own civil war, where right-wing factions within the army and navy had risen up and attempted to overthrow the Imperial Government after assassinating the then-Holy Emperor, Theodosius I.
However, the current Holy Emperor, Commodus, was a virtual autocrat. Democratically elected, he made nearly all the policies of Tagmatium personally and used his ministers only as advisers, often already deciding on matters of policy before calling a meeting of the Imperial Government. The events in Novermia had been monitored for a period and the decision to send equipment hadn’t come as much of a surprise and it had been left to the Ministers of Foreign Affairs and War to put it in to action.
It was Honorius Kontarian, the Minister for War, seated at a desk opposite the Minister for Foreign Affairs, who finally voiced the question that had been going through the minds of the entire Imperial Cabinet. The room they were in was high-ceilinged and brightly lit, but was full of swarms of officials from both ministries as well as intelligence agents and one or two soldiers. The Foreign Minister shrugged and shook his head.
“I think Commodus has begun to realise we need to develop more relations outside of the region, Honorius. What better way to win allies than helping them in their hour of need?”
Kontarian looked up from the papers he was thumbing through, lists of stockpiled or cast-off assault rifles and other military equipment. “By the looks of it, we could well be supporting one of the losing sides.” He paused as he shuffled through some dossiers and selected one, flourishing it in front of the Foreign Minister. “This report indicates that it’s the fascists who are currently winning. As much as I hate to go against old Commodus, but I think we’d do better than to keep out of the whole affair.”
The other man waved away the document, having already read it several times. “Maybe so. I don’t think the situation can be passed up, though. Especially if at this stage our involvement is just kept to sending them our surplus equipment and perhaps some soldiers in order to make the Greater Holy Empire’s presence known.”
The Minister for War sighed. “Fair enough.” He rose to his feet in order to return to his Ministry’s small office within the labyrinthine Imperial Palace Complex. All Ministries, no matter how small or large, maintained an office within the Imperial Palace Complex in order to be close to the heart of the Greater Holy Empire. “I shall make the arrangements. Assure our friends in Novermia that they can count on Tagmatium.” The man turned and left the room whilst the flunkies from his ministry gathered up some of the documents and papers that were spread across the desk.
***Heavily Encripted***
To: the Liberal Democratic Faction
From: the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium
Re: Aid
Honoured friends,
The Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium will be dispatching to your aid a small naval taskforce whose primary duty will be to guard the shipment of arms that is also being sent. The first shipment will consist primarily of small arms from our nation’s stockpiles, mainly ex-Tagmatine Army L85 assault rifles and ammunition as well as body armour, light vehicles and squad support weaponry. Accompanying this shipment will be a regiment of the medium infantry from the People’s Guard who will help train your forces in the use of these weapons.
We hope to send some heavier forces later in the week, although this timetable may well be revise, pending on how the situation in your nation develops.
Your sincerely,
Eugenius Wilson,
Minister for Foreign Affairs of
The Greater Holy Empire of
27-12-2008, 19:36
Liberal Democratic League
Official response
You have done great deed indeed,people of Novermia will be eternaly gratefull.
It is good to know that we aren't alone in this heavy and sad situation we are.
Also our reports indicate that a large Goverment Taskforce will try to wipe out our souther section of control.They have scrambled Special Police Units.Our southern section has no chance of defending against their elite,veteran and heavily equiped taskforce.
We tried to find a diplomatic way of ending this but the only faction willing to negotiate are the communists but they too arent very cooperate.
We wil greet your troops and equipment with open arms.
Thank you friends of Novermia.
Alliance Star
27-12-2008, 19:40
(( OoC: I'll assume you're landlocked save the "Golden Sea".))
ASV Russel Krammer
Krammer Carrier Strike Group
68 Nautical Miles off the Coast of Novermia
Alliance Star Navy
The roar of the fighters as they prepared to taxi, was something hard to miss as the single engined F-35Cs entered their final stages before deployment. Targets to be engaged first were simply establishing Air Superiority over target locations throughout the nation, as the Alliance Star Confederation was quickly securing the sole waterway into the nation, embargoing any foreign assistance to the warring factions other than those in support to the Democratic movement. E/A-18G Growlers were just recently in the air, alongside the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye that had also recently taken flight providing an Air Superiority role to the Squadron for Super Hornets providing a CAP over the Strike Group as a whole. The raw energy given by the engine of the pair of F-35Cs were staggering, as they launched from the deck of the Aircraft Carrier, and were thrown into the air. By twos the pair of squadrons destined for the Air Superiority role would make way into the air; their payload an internal Air-to-Air armament. Within a short amount of time, the 40 F-35Cs would be in the air; in formation and preparing for their sortie in country.
Shorty to arrive was another Carrier Strike Group, a Destroyer Squadron and a pair of Amphibious Strike Groups.
27-12-2008, 19:42
OOC:Yup landlocked =).
27-12-2008, 19:53
Finally, the Kamovs were on their way.
Two of them, bought from the Kamov Company, were speeding through the air, fully armed and fully fueled as they prepared to destroy the nemisis of Lundastal, fascists. They had attacked the Homeland, as Lundastal was often called by her many patriotic citizens, though the Lundastalian Armed Forces fought the National Socialists off. Soon afterwards, the Soviets had started attacking the nation, making many years of plight certain. Whenever the USSR collasped, celebrations went far and wide across the small nation of Lundastal.
The pilots, one for each Ka-50, started flying above the Pomski Forest, where it was assumed the Muslim Liberation Army were located, and where fascist terrorists had stolen supplies dropped by the Air Force.
They scanned over the forest, searching for any sign of people, who would hopefully be the fascists who had stolen the supplies which their comrades had given the Jihad.
The first military operation of the Lundastalian Armed Forces since last month had begun. Codenamed 'Takbir'. This operation was purely secret operations, and only a traitor would inform the enemy of it...
27-12-2008, 20:28
The Golden Sea
100 nautical miles east of the coast of Novermia
The Federational southern Fleet has been seent on a pretext of military excercise to the Golden sea.No one knew their real intentions.The Battlegroup was constantly surounded by Suhoi-33 air-superiority fighters who provided the aircover for the main fleet.They sailed towards Novermia ob a longer route to avoid suspition.
FES "Varangian" Admiral Kuznetsov class carrier
FES "Red Dawn" Zaitsev class carrier
FES "Red Dawn" Zaitsev class carrier
FES "Securitatus" Zaitsev class carrier
FES "Sombor" Kirov class battlecruiser
FES "Admiral Malovich" Kirov class battlecruiser
FES "46" Neustrashimy class frigate
FES "57" Neustrashimy class frigate
FES "97" Neustrashimy class frigate
FES "7" Neustrashimy class frigate
FES "11" Neustrashimy class frigate
FES "63" Neustrashimy class frigate
FES "Empire" Aspire class battleship
FES "Vuckovh" Aspire class battleship
FES "Sabertooth" Aspire class battleship
FES "Belovnitza" Gepard class frigate
FES "Iskovnich" Gepard class frigate
27-12-2008, 20:33
OOC: Why "Attention ANTIFA"?
27-12-2008, 20:37
OOC:something like a training war to learn to coop
27-12-2008, 20:38
OOC: huh? Novermia isn't an ANTIFA member. Why would this be a training war?
27-12-2008, 20:39
OOC:Novermia is a puppet
27-12-2008, 20:43
OOC:Of you?
27-12-2008, 20:43
ooc:yup?well wanted to try out something new,so we could lear to coop and a little alliance warfare to get some experience
27-12-2008, 20:45
OOC: Oh right. I'll get a post up in a bit then. I'll join on the side that you're supporting for ANTIFA reasons, but I have more sympathy with the Lib Dems.
27-12-2008, 20:47
OOCwell im also lib. dem. supporter but wanted to mix things a bit this time,also because we have lot of communist states in ANTIFA
27-12-2008, 20:59
To: Red Army of Novermia
From: The Liberal Republic of Parilisa
Dear Sir/ Madam,
As a member of ANTIFA, the recently founded anti-fascist organisation, I feel somewhat inclined to join this war in your defence. I do not speak for the whole of ANTIFA, I do not represent ANTIFA as a movement, I simply speak on behalf of Parilisa in accordance with our anti-fascist views. The Government are corrupt, the Fascists are our universal foe, the Muslim liberation army are insane racists and the Liberal Democrats are weak. In such circumstances the only side we can ally with to suppress the rise of fascism in Novermia is yours. I am not a communist, but in this case you seem to be the only justifiable faction.
As such the government of the Liberal Republic of Parilisa will be sending troops to your nation with all speed. We will position ourselves in the north, near Pyotrgrad, and from there we will drive forth into the fascists.
Parilisan Land Forces ORBAT:
Infantry: 50,000
Main Battle Tanks: 500
Infantry Fighting Vehicles: 800
Armoured Personnel Carriers: 1000
Transport: 10,000
Parilisan Naval ORBAT:
27 Type 23 frigates
Parilisan Air ORBAT:
20 Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25
750 Eurofighter Typhoons CAG/362
Other support craft
Yours Sincerely,
President Nathaniel Klein
Alliance Star
27-12-2008, 20:59
(( OoC: You do know I control the Golden Sea. Nice move. ))
Strike Fighter Squadron 27 (VFA-24) "Red Lighting"
Currently engaged in CAP
Alliance Star Navy
"Lighting, this is Open Skies, out-copy," as radioed from the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye, to the patrolling the airspace in and around the Carrier Strike Group around the ASV Krammer noting the approaching, and unknown fleet.
"Open Skies, this is Lighting Actual. Ready to receive, out-copy," noted the flight lead of the patrolling F/A-18Es that were maintaining the Carrier Air Patrol (CAP) over the Strike Group maintaining superiority in all forms, means, and ways.
"Be advised, we have unknown inbound of both nautical and in the sky. Unknown faction, nor their intent. Request that you divert and investigate their intent. Out-copy."
"Copy, Open Skies. Red Lighting diverting now. Out."
"Roger, Red Lighting. Open Skies, out."
The 18 F/A-18Es that made up the sole Hornet Squadron of the Carrier Air Wing, diverted with over watch from the E-2D Advanced Hawkeye. They'd dip from 32,000 feet to an altitude of 27,000 feet in order to best judge the fleet overhead and take into consideration the threat level presented by the vessels. Taking into a loose formation, and braking into a pair of groups of 9, with the Executive Officer over one, and the Commanding Officer of the Squadron covering the others, the fighters would be in the best position to note the situation. Fitted with their multi-role package, the Super Hornets prepared for the worst to present itself.
Krammer Strike Group
68 Nautical Miles from coast
Alliance Star Navy
The Strike Group as a whole were also notified by Cruiser, of the impending naval group inbound on the Allician Naval Task force. The pair of Submarines broke off to engage, if needed from secrecy, the unknown naval group. The Destroyers broke from their normal flanking position of the Carrier to a loose formation with the pair of Cruisers port and starboard of the Carrier. The F-35Cs halted their maneuvers toward the nation, as they waited for the second Carrier Strike Group to arrive, alongside additional support from the Naval Air Force. The pair of Squadrons, totaling 40, would form a loose CAP over the Carrier Strike Group, alongside the E-2D and the E/A-18Gs already in flight over the strike group. The Captain aboard the Carrier already notified the Joint Naval Command back in New Liberty, as they were also informed of the short to be arriving Destroyer and Submarine Squadrons, as well as the four various Strike Group packages also in route. The VLS tubes aboard the vessels were primed, and anti-fighter/missile defenses were in full readiness in relation to the situation unfolding.
An open communication on all available frequencies was opening to the on-coming naval group, from the ASV Krammer:
"Be advised. You are approaching on Allician Naval vessels in a hostile manner. Divert course now, or you will be fired upon. Again. This is the ASV Krammer of the Alliance Star Confederation Navy. Divert course now, or you will be fired upon."
27-12-2008, 21:11
Radio Comm officer on board FES "Varangian":
"Sir we have an incoming message from unknown fleet"
"Be advised. You are approaching on Allician Naval vessels in a hostile manner. Divert course now, or you will be fired upon. Again. This is the ASV Krammer of the Alliance Star Confederation Navy. Divert course now, or you will be fired upon."
Admiral took the radioman's post to respond:
"This is Federational Battlegroup South,commander in charge Admiral Mihalov,state your bussiness in the Golden Sea Confederates,and please do not treaten us.
27-12-2008, 21:14
OOC: Shit, I didn’t know. :D
The Parilisan army had something of a joke in circulation, which seemed prophetically appropriate now. Parilisan Military Intelligence, they said, discovered fire. By telling an army to march into a volcano. Not hilarious, especially considering the famed humour of Parilisan citizens, but still-bitterly appropriate.
Captain Frederick Frank of the RS Zephyr swore loudly as the radar screen showed the masses of the Alliance Star Navy. They had not come to fight anyone but the fascists, and the enemy that a citizen of the Liberal Republic was least wishing to fight were supporters of the Liberal Democrat faction.
“What the fuck do we do now?” spat the Captain.
“Explain our situation” replied the Lieutenant calmly.
“This is a message from RS Zephyr. We are not hostile towards you, far from it. We are here to fight the fascists, certainly not supporters of the Liberal Democrats. We are not hostile to you or your allies, only the fascist faction. Do not fire.”
Alliance Star
27-12-2008, 21:23
ASV Krammer
Krammer Carrier Strike Group
68 Nautical Miles from coast
Alliance Star Navy
The pair of Petty Officers in the CIC within the Krammer looked over to the Executive Officer of the Krammer, a aged Commander with a Silver Oak Leaf on his shoulder.
"Commander. We're receiving a message from the unknown vessel. They're identifying themselves as the "Federation" and are wondering our intent in the theater. Our response?"
The Commander lifted a headset as the message was spooled and replayed in the headset for the Commander to hear in detail. He took a moment as he leaned slightly on the side of the TAC-map within the CIC, tapping the interactive map as the message played along. He lowered the headset as he nodded to the pair of Petty Officers that watched in silence.
"Alright. The following is to be sent:
Attention Federation vessels. Our intent, nor our mission is not to be disclosed nor is it of importance to you. You are presenting a threat to current presence, and any further movement toward our vessels will be viewed as hostile. Divert course now, or prepare to be engaged. Again, Divert course; now."
The Petty Officers went to work over their headsets as the Commander looked over to the Master Chief Petty Officer eying him, with walkie in hand to contact the Captain on the Island about what the Commander suggests.
"Battle Stations," the Commander ordered, as the Chief of the Boat would relay such request to the Captain atop the Carrier directing and overseeing launch of aircraft from his ship's deck. The Captain agreed, and ordered a Group-Wide call to stations, as the vessels were in their early methods of combat stations.
“This is a message from RS Zephyr. We are not hostile towards you, far from it. We are here to fight the fascists, certainly not supporters of the Liberal Democrats. We are not hostile to you or your allies, only the fascist faction. Do not fire.”
"Commander, we're receiving additional traffic. Inbound vessels inbound of a second faction, sir. They're relaying their intent, now." Noted the second Petty Officer, as his eyes slightly grew as he once again returned to his headset of which he heard the second message. He stood calmly as he over watched the pair of Naval Enlistees that awaited orders.
"Alright, relay the following:
RS Zephyr, you are cleared to proceed with well wishes. Respect a maintained distance of twenty-five nautical miles in any direction of our vessels, and do not make any hostile gestures to our vessels or you will be engaged. Any moves that proved hostile intent will be viewed as such, and we will engage without hesitation. Good-luck, and God-Speed."
The Commander would lower his headset, as the message would be relayed word-for-word to the fleet on the channel of which it was received.
27-12-2008, 21:24
The Federation of Cukarica
Official comunique
Nations with interests here, we could come to a deal,of sepparating the country in two.One part under the patronate of ANTIFA and other par under the patronate of Alliance Star and its respectfull allies.This is a proposal,also we think that the fascists and the goverment pose the largest threat to all nations involved national security.So basicly our proposal is half of the country to the Red Army,Half to the Democratic Socialists.The Fascists and the corrupt goverment will be wiped.Muslim will gain basic autonomy and peacekeeping military bases will be stationed throught the area.
Official dispatch from the Ministry of Foreign affairs
The Federation of Cukarica
27-12-2008, 21:28
Radio Comm officer on board FES "Varangian":
"Admiral they have gone to full alert"
"All,halt and turn the ships until we get orders or a permission from the high command to engage their fleet"
"Aye,sir!Attention all ships set coarse 90,123 assume defensive formation"
The Fleet was on high alert,due to threats,and the Admiral knew that it wouldnt look best that he attacked a neutral countries fleet...
27-12-2008, 21:30
((OOC: Awaiting response to last post..))
27-12-2008, 21:35
OOC1:here it is..
Muslim Liberation Army
The Muslim Liberation Army Head Sehid would be honored to inform you that many mujahaedeens are willing to provide ground based support to your Kamov airborne attack.Our mujahaedeens are awaiting your information.
May Allah smile uppon your troops.
ooc:ill post a response tomorow im off for now have fun lads
Alliance Star
27-12-2008, 22:07
((OoC: Democratic, SOCIALISTS?!? You do know I'm more of a Democratic-Republic guy. Not much of a fan for Socialists.))
To:The Federation of Cukarica, Ministry of Foreign affairs
We, the Alliance Star Confederation, can concede to these terms; pending talks with Democratic members of said party and their intent. We have no further wishes or requirements for the nation, save that the government is of and by the people of whom dwell within it. Until the security is in a secure state, and when ground forces arrive to better ascertain the situation within the nation; we cannot commit to such an agreement without formal talks with the leaders of the Democratic movements.
We applaud your movement for peace, and we hope it can be ascertained in the near future.
Jason C. Ryan
Secretary of State
Alliance star Confederation
27-12-2008, 22:15
OOC:Sorry mistake Liberal Democrats i was reading something earlier on Democratic Socialists in newspaper so it made me mistype.My appologies.
Alliance Star
27-12-2008, 22:18
(( OoC: No worries.))
ASV Krammer
Krammer Carrier Strike Group
68 Nautical Miles from coast
Alliance Star Navy
"Captain, the inbound fleet of unknown intent has diverted course, and are no longer posing a threat to our vessels," the sole Lieutenant Junior-Grade noted, as she stood just a few steps from the Captain. He nodded, and would then proceed to give orders to the fighters in the sky.
"Divert the F/A-18s in a CAP once again, and order the pair of F-35 squadrons toward the nation. Notify Joint Naval Command in this change, and make it known of our initial push into the nation," the Captain ordered, as he dawned a pair of binoculars and scanned the skies for potential threats and his own aircraft.
"Also, the Liberty Carrier Strike Group and Destroyer Squadron Twelve are now entering combat range; whereas the Leo and the Virgo Amphibious Strike Groups will be in ferry and strike range within ten."
The Lieutenant JG would once again note the message from the CIC, as the Captain nodded, and would remain silent as the second group entered the theater would mean Admiralty would take charge of the Allician Naval Groups as a whole, leaving the Captain to his Carrier alone. A task he was all the more willing to surrender to the staff at the JNC back home.
27-12-2008, 22:37
The small Tagmatine fleet was still some way from its destination in Novermia, consternation reigned amongst the senior officers of the taskforce. Fleet consisted of a small aircraft carrier with deck-space for two dozen aircraft, two light missile cruisers and half a score of frigates and destroyers, as well as transport ships for both the infantry regiment and the shipment of arms and armaments of the LibDem forces. It was a modest force, significantly smaller than the brigade-sized expeditionary forces the Greater Holy Empire usually deployed in situations like this. Intelligence received from the LibDem forces pointed to a large Government force was descending on the southern LibDem stronghold meant that the Tagmatine Expeditionary Force was facing a race against time to bring their rather paltry offering of arms and troops to their new allies. The fact that Novermia was landlocked compounded the feeling of going in to this less than well prepared.
The commodore in command of the fleet rubbed at his chin thoughtfully. A map of Novermia was displayed on the table in front of him, with the areas currently held by the differing factions displayed in various colours. The colonel in command of the People’s Guard Scutatoi regiment and the major of the Naval Guard marines of the small taskforce were in attendance as well, along with a handful of naval, marine and army officers of varying ranks. The commodore himself had been planning on effecting a “wait-and-see” tactic to supplying the LibDem militia once the Tagmatine force had arrived in the gulf to the south of Novermia, but now that plan had been snatched away from him.
“We could try to convince the Muslims to allow us to use a port in their area” volunteered the army colonel. The idea sounded reasonable to him, but the man wasn’t entirely aware of the political situation in the area.
“I doubt they would be all too keen on letting weaponry for one of their rivals pass through their territory” replied the commodore. “They’re more likely to deny us use of any port at best, and attack us at worst.” The tiny air compliment the force had been playing on his mind. They were mainly fighter-bombers and might not be able to act in an interceptor role to defend the naval force against the depredations of enemy aircraft.
The marine officer had been intently staring at the map whilst the army and naval officers had been exchanging comments “What about trying to land in this country to the south, and moving north?”
The others in the room looked down at the map again. Any such route would take them close to Muslim-held, therefore potentially hostile, territory, but it seemed better than trying to go through the Muslims.
To: the Federation of Cukarica
From: the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium
Re: Your Proposal
Honoured sirs,
We find your proposal towards ending the conflict in Novermia most agreeable. It does the citizens of that nation and the rest of the world for more blood to be split over the future of Novermia. The partitioning of a nation is something that ought not to be taken lightly, as it is a situation that often drives a wedge through the heart of the country and the people affected, but it may often be the best solution to take in light of continuing conflict and bloodshed.
The forces the Greater Holy Empire that are en route to the area will continue there, in case the situation deteriorates further beyond our control.
Yours sincerely,
Eugenius Wilson,
Minister for Foreign Affairs of
The Greater Holy Empire of
***Heavily Encoded***
To: the Alliance Star Confederation
From: the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium
Re: Cooperation
Honoured sirs,
It has come to the attention of the Imperial Government that your nation is aiding the LibDem faction in the current Novermia civil with the aim of setting up a democratic government within that nation, an aim similar to that held by the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium.
To this end, in the interest of the people of Novermia and a quick and speedy end to the conflict there, the Imperial Government would like to suggest mutual cooperation in our activities with the LibDem faction and against the aggressive forces striving to oppress the people of Novermia.
Yours sincerely,
Eugenius Wilson,
Minister for Foreign Affairs of
The Greater Holy Empire of
27-12-2008, 22:52
Southern Novermia
The mujaheedeen have gathered three battalions to assault the LibDem teritory...They moved through the Pomsk forest unnoticed...No one expected them to assault..their goal was strategic Cote 231 overlooking the small gap that was held by the LibDem troops..The LibDem troops were horribly outnumbers and under equiped,their strenght was two companies totaling 200 men who faced 3000 Muslim Assault Martyrs who were eager to take this chunk of teritory to their cause...
Alliance Star
28-12-2008, 00:03
ASV Liberty
Liberty Carrier Strike Group
104 Nautical Miles from coast
Alliance Star Navy
"GOD DAMMIT, Commander. Get your plane into the air!" yelled the Captain over his radio in the direction of the fighter pilot that was halting the launch of the F/A-18E squadron that was to deploy in country with Air-to-Ground munitions in support of ground missions. The F-35Cs had already deployed, and were forming a CAP over the Liberty, and would soon be joined by a E-2D and E/A-18Gs to fill a number of roles needed for the mission to succeed. The Strike Group as a whole filled, in standard formation as a semi-loose whereas adequate anti-missile/vessel/aircraft capabilities were at a decent rate of success if needed. They'd soon pull to the east of the Golden Sea, in order to better sustain combat forces, and continuous sorties in country.
Pulling aft of the Strike Group, would be Destroyer Squadron twelve of which would pull patrols of the area; monitoring for merchant vessels, as well as hostile nations shipping against the wishes of the Alliance Star Confederation. And, shortly pulling behind that, would be the pair of Expeditionary Strike Groups that would deploy Marines into the nation; allowing for the mass influx of Alliance Star Marines into the nation.
(( OoC: Just moving more into the area. No forces "In Country" as of yet. A pair of F-35C Squadrons will be, next post. Course, this is only OoC knowledge. ))
To: The Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium
Ref: Cooperation
We completely agree that we are in harmony in said goal, and completely agree that cooperation in all fields is a welcome addition to our objective within this theater. We believe that with the aid of your nation in this manner, we will be better to establish a successful government of which our own has found so much success. I will redirect your military and government leadership to our Joint Naval Command of which is overseeing all Military actions.
We thank you for this extension of friendship and assistance, as we pursue this goal of establishing freedom for those that so deserve it.
Jason C. Ryan
Secretary of State
Alliance star Confederation
Buddha C
28-12-2008, 01:13
The Fascist quickly unloaded the supplies from the Cnian military and quickly started training three brigades to use the new assault rifles, and other units to have the other equipment set-up. A small group of ex-army helicopter pilots volunteered to fly the Mi-8 helicopters to form the first Air Cavalry regiment. The tanks were also being examined and a batch of troops with college degrees are currently going threw a trial-and-fire with the vehicles. Meanwhile two divisions (30,000~ Troops) moved to attack the capitol of Novovgrad and take it back from the communists. The established name of the movement and its claim to the power was the Federated Provinces of Novermia.
Official Statement to the Muslim Liberation Army
The Federated Provinces of Novermia request a cease-fire between
our two governments and also offers a deal. If you co-operate
with the FPN Armed Forces, then
you will be granted an autonomous province for your
people that will have its own defense force
and policing units.
28-12-2008, 14:52
To: the Alliance Star Confederation
From: the Greater Holy Empire of Tagmatium
Re: Cooperation
Honoured friends,
We thank you for your acceptance of our suggestion of cooperation in Novermia. Together, our two great nations will be able to banish the two spectres of Fascism and Communism from Novermia and replace it with a democratic regime that will truly serve the people of this now-shattered nation.
Once our small force within the region has been able to link up with our LibDem allies in the south of that nation, we will be bolstering the numbers of our forces in the region in order to press hard against the treacherous and imperialistic powers that are putting forth their tendrils in to Novermia.
We will be giving you the coordinates of the Tagmatine Expeditionary Force, in order that you can more closely cooperate with them once they arrive within the region and area ready to begin to deploy against the myriad threats against the people of Novermia.
Eugenius Wilson,
Minister of Foreign Affairs of
The Greater Holy Empire of
Commodore Himerius Dermocaetes paced the bridge of his flagship, the Nobilissimus-class escort carrier HIS Sebastea. The small numbers of the force under his control was the main thought in his mind. Near seven thousand infantrymen with few vehicles other than Land Rovers and trucks and only light anti-armour weaponry would not be able to hold out for long against any reasonably-sized and supported enemy attack, even with the mediocre air-support that the small taskforce could offer.
“Mere coppers won’t be able to threaten us much, commodore. They will be dashed apart by our force of arms and thrust aside, if they dare to stand against our ancient and glorious forces. The fact that they are reactionary and show fascistic tendencies speaks nothing but against them,” spoke the commander of the infantry regiment.
Dermocaetes looked at the colonel. The man had successfully combined the image of a stereotypical member of the officer corps, even down to an old-fashioned moustache waxed to points, with a fanatical adherence to the cause espoused by the Imperial Government, especially after the fascist republican-inspired civil war three years ago. The over-stating of the martial prowess was something that was also common amongst the mid-level officers of the Tagmatine Army, even though it had fostered arrogance and carelessness amongst them which had led to several near-defeats. The commodore sighed. The colonel was turning out to be a bit of a narrow-minded boor.
“The police aren’t going to be unarmed as they are in Tagmatium, colonel. Intelligence from the LibDems themselves points towards these detachments to be the élite of the government’s forces. An early victory here against the LibDems, who are already pretty demoralised and underequipped, could well knock them out of the war.”
The colonel just blew in to his moustache. The Naval Guard CO had been standing in on the conversation as well, shaking his head at People’s Guard colonel. The Naval Guard, Tagmatium’s marines, had a long-standing rivalry with the army, one which the Naval Guard was usually on the losing side of, as they received their funding via the Holy Imperial Navy, which preferred to invest in ships than in a body of men whose job was regularly performed by the army at no cost to themselves.
“These men won’t just run after a taste of cold steel, colonel. They’ll be fighting hard, as we’re the invaders here. They’ll be fighting for their homes, what they think is right and against those they perceive as foreign puppets. On top of that, they’ll have a very good esprit de corps and have almost shattered the LibDems before. We’re going to be on the back foot from the off.”
OOC, @Novermia: I telegrammed you yesterday, would you mind replying?
Alliance Star
29-12-2008, 00:11
(( OoC: Waiting on Novermia to post again D= ))
30-12-2008, 10:39
MLA repsonse
MLA regrets to inform you that no type of peace treaty can be made until we have cleansed sount and central Novermia of infidel filth.
We hope that you will die honorably.
Allah is with us infidels.
Alliance Star
30-12-2008, 17:58
VFA-152 "Bluejays"
Alliance Star Navy
The roar of the single engined stealth fighters would be heard like distant lighting as it crossed into the southern boarder of the nation. The pilots began their air superiority mission, with internal Air-to-Air weapons; for solely securing the airspace and eliminating those therein with similar fashion. Weapon safeties were cycled, as the missiles aboard where "free" and the pilots mindset in similar fashion as the fighters dropped to 17,500 feet. With cooperation with the airborne AWACS patrolling within the sea, they'd begin to easily spot the few aircraft within their current patrolling area and target those with high value. However, none of which would be airborne combat aircraft. The first F-35C squadron from the ASV Krammer was already in full air dominance, whereas the second from the ASV Liberty were in country within three.
ASV Leo Expeditionary Strike Group
ASV Virgo Expeditionary Strike Group
From the turbulent flight deck were the various Marines of Golf Company, 2nd Battalion 12th Marines (2/12), as they loaded upon the VH-22 Ospreys for the forward deployment of the deployed Battalion. The Marines were led by a competent Captain under the Oak Cluster of the Lieutenant Colonel over them. They were in full white for the on-coming winter warfare, with weapons retrofitted for the extreme weather, alongside their gear, as they entered the tilt-rotor aircraft in full white tactical garb. The Platoon Commanders were also preparing to deploy, as AAVs and LCACs were prepared for the inevitable deployment in country, alongside the bulk of Marines that were en route from the second ESG and the sister Battalion aboard the other "Flat-top." The engines were cycled and roared to life, as the large birds lifted from the platform of the Leo and proceeded in country toward the southern territory. Following suit, were the F-35Bs that were currently spooling up atop the small carrier alongside the Cobras and Knighthawks atop the deck for in country missions.
From the Virgo, 3rd Battalion 8th Marines (3/8) Lima Company also deployed in similar fashion to that of the Charlie Company of the 2nd Battalion, Twelfth Marines (2/12).
30-12-2008, 18:17
The situation was looking desperate. Maps showed the positions of Muslim, Government and LibDem forces in the south of Novermia and it appeared to Tagmatine eyes that the southern position of the faction that they supported was going to overwhelmed fairly quickly unless the Tagmatine forces or their allies were able to move in and support them soon.
The Naval Guard major removed his peaked cap and ran a hand through his greying hair. He, along with the commodore and the colonel, was in the chart room of the flagship of the small Tagmatine flotilla. “I think we’re going to have to force a landing in Muslim territory, commodore. I doubt that they’ll allow us to move our supplies through their lands if they know that it’ll be headed for their rivals.”
Commodore Dermocaetes nodded. He was feeling overwhelmed. He had never really commanded much more than the occasional pirate-clearing squadron along the coasts of the Greater Holy Empire and had rarely had to coordinate his forces with anything more than a few troops of cavalry. The commodore had never been called on to plan a landing in potentially hostile territory with several battalions of infantry with little in the way of support or cope with the unloading of millions of Hyperion Sterlings worth of military equipment.
“I wouldn’t want to write off all of our options yet, major. We’ve not tried to get in contact with the MLA yet, they might be amenable if we’re persuasive enough.”
“I agree with the major, commodore,” said the People’s Guard colonel, emphasising the marine’s lower rank. “It would be better to have a show of force against these people, to make it clear that the Greater Holy Empire is not to be trifled with. If we hit them hard enough, they will undoubtedly crumble and we can move through to support the LibDems.”
Dermocaetes scrubbed at his beard. “I don’t think we can afford to try to force our way through the MLA’s lines. To do so would cause unnecessarily large casualties amongst our own forces and I doubt we’d be able to get within a hundred miles of the LibDem positions. We’re going to hold position here until reinforcements from Tagmatium show up as promised. I think that’s the only way we’ll be able to land our supplies to the LibDems.” The man turned and paced towards a large map of Novermia and stared at it for a while, as if willing it to change to allow his forces better access to their objective. Finally, as the other two officers cast each other glances, the naval officer turned around. “I’m going to send a message to the MLA, to see if they will be willing for us to use a port.”
Both the major and the colonel opened their mouths to protest, but the commodore held up his hand to silence them.
“I know that it will in all likelihood be rejected, but I feel it must at least be tried. If not, I think we must work with,” the man thumbed through some notes he held in his hand, “the forces of the Alliance Star Confederation. It looks like they share our objective of a Liberal Democratic government in Novermia, and maybe they will be able to help us supply the LibDem position in the south.”
To: the leadership of the Muslim Liberation Army
From: Commodore Dermocaetes, commander of the Tagmatine Expeditionary Force
Re: Port Use
Dear sirs,
The forces of the Greater Holy Empire ask permission from yourselves for the use of a port in order to ship aid to our allies in the Liberal Democratic faction to the east of your positions. We would be very grateful if you were to allow us this, as we only wish a stronger and more stable Novermia and no ill against your people or co-religionists.
We realise that you have suffered greatly at the hands of the oppressive government of Novermia, but you must see that continued bloodshed, even against those who have taken action against yourselves, is foolish. Thus, our aid is not to engender more bloodshed within your nation, but to make sure that Novermia is able to resist those who wish to once again set up an oppressive state within her borders, similar in action and ideals to the one which has acted and is still acting so harshly against your co-religionists.
I await your reply with hope.
Commodore Himerius Dermocaetes
***Heavily Encoded***
To: the commander of the Alliance Star Naval Expedition
From: Commodore Dermocaetes, commander of the Tagmatine Expeditionary Force
Re: Help
Sir or Madam,
It appears that our two governments have decided to work closely together in establishing a Liberal Democratic regime in Novermia. To this end, I have been dispatched by my government in order to supply the LibDem faction with a gift of arms and to train them in the use of said arms in order that they can defend themselves, and the future of their nation, against such pernicious foes as the fascist and communist factions, as well as the remnants of the oppressive government.
However, I do not have the forces at my disposal to properly supply our allies with supplies. I have sent a message to the Muslim Liberation Army (MLA) in hopes that they will allow me to pursue my objectives, but I am not very hopeful that they will open a port to us. So, until I receive the reinforcements that I expecting, I propose an attempt to seize a port on the southern coast of Novermia.
Such an action will weaken the hold of the MLA, which appears to be intent on gobbling up as much territory as possible, and allow us to strengthen the LibDem faction, which can never be a bad thing.
Commodore Himerius Dermocaetes