NationStates Jolt Archive

Breaking the Mold (Closed, FT; ATTN: Anagonia)

26-12-2008, 05:23
The United Nations of Telros had been dealing with some tough times recently. Despite so much time, effort, and money being used on technological advancement, and a bevy of inventions that allowed them to advance their technology by decades in years, they were still behind the nations out there. Their battle with the Serene Kingdom was evidence enough of this. There is also the fact that the xenophobia inflicted upon the populace due to the culture shock of discovering vastly powerful alien races out there, ready to sweep them away, was beginning to pervade every aspect of Telrosian government and culture, and the democratic institutions that they had prided themselves upon were under attack. The United Nations were in a time of turmoil and it was going to be the next few events that decided its fate.

One event was a timely meeting with another nation, one whose focus on democratic process and civil rights would be put to the test with their encounter in Telrosian space.


Telrosian frigate, Hopeless, 0800 hours, border of Telrosian space.

Captain Mary Smith was bored.

No beyond bored, she was ready to commit suicide just for something to happen. There was the war with the Serene Kingdom, but this part of space was as far away from the war as the Moon was from the Sun. It was nearly impossible for her to find anything to do. She didn't like playing the holo-games the rest of the crew did and she'd read her books so much, she could repeat them verbatim to the crew. Sighing to herself, she watched as the crew reached out with their sensors to see what was going on, with aid from probes. And it was a load of nothing; the same thing that had been going on for her past four shifts. The news of the war had excited them all but after a couple days, boredom and fatigue after being so excited had caused them to go into a slump. Morale was hit a bit because of it even.

But there was nothing she could do. She was only-

"Ma'am...we got something." She started, her body filling with adrenaline. Finally, something! "What is it, Ensign?"

The crew member in question looked at the sensor readings in frustration. "Hard to tell, the EM fluctuations of nebula that the reading is coming from is screwing it up. Request permission to send in probes for a closer look."

"Permission granted. I want to know what this is." The crew, excited at the prospect of something to do, hopped to it, relegating orders and hoping beyond hope this wasn't a hoax or something. A quartet of probes, drifting through space, activated their thrusters and shot towards the nebula, their advanced sensor packages working hard to determine what the reading they had been getting was.

No one could have expected what the reading was, not even the most far-sighted Telrosian. Nor could they have predicted the effect it would have upon their culture.....
26-12-2008, 06:08
System designated I-421 - Far Reaches of Federation Space

The Nebula provided no problem for the nine-hundred and fifty foot long bulk of metal as it slowly drifted outside the harmful particles. The CSS Yorktown ( had been traveling for three months on a long-range mission of discovery on behalf of the Galactic Navy, holding within its armored shell the venturing rookies of the Colonial Marines. She was commanded by an experienced war-time Captain whom dragged along an experienced command staff to support him should anything go wrong during any first encounters. The Yorktown sported outdated technology to give her crew of Marines the best of training during their two-year long journey through the stars.

The ship drifted sideways, making it look as if she glided through air as the nebula particles shed from her outcropping wings. Outdated Starfighters ( started to launch from her opening bay doors to the front of the main spear assembly and rear engine assembly, followed by what looked like a glorified Hawkeye for space travel. They all formed a formation around the Yorktown, protecting her as their squadron leaders continued the training for the Marine pilots.

On the bridge, located forward and in the center of the forward spear assembly of the Yorktown, Captain Alexander Yukov stood above the center command outcropping that displayed a flat screen on it's surface depicting the current locations of objects detected by sensors and other devices. Above it was a circular array of flat-screen's that gave information of various sorts. Beside the Tactical Assembly was a raised platform for the flight control station where a woman was busy giving and receiving orders to pilots. To the front of the bridge was the command stations where communications and navigation were stationed, there too was the men and women busy. Finally to the rear was a large manual bulk-head door that thankfully opened automatically due to recent updates. It led to the rest of the ship, while a few feet and exactly to the other side of the Tactical Assembly was the door leading to Alexander's Captain's quarters.

Commander Franklin Rollins stood on the opposite side of Alexander, leaning over as Alexander did to observe the flat display. He had been with the Captain through many command changes, and the Academy where Alexander and he eventually graduated from. He casually pointed towards a blue dot on the flat screen that blinked, linking it to an unknown contact. Alexander nodded, standing to look out through the bridge view-ports and examine space. "We might have company," he said in an aged voice. "Have the Yorktown position itself in a non-threatening manner, but ready the weapons systems."

Franklin watched as Alexander put two hands behind his back. He then started relaying the orders through out the bridge for the Captain.
27-12-2008, 04:11
The probes penetrated the nebula and began to cast about with their sensors. The EMP interference was bad but their combined sensors managed to get a clear picture of what it was....and they saw a large ship, with its weapons online, coming in through the nebula. The data was transmitted to the Hopeless, and the sensor officer was struck dumb for a moment. There was an unknown ship, cruising through the nebula, with its weapons armed. Shaking herself out of it, she turned to the Captain. "I got the data back, Ma'am. You're going to want to see this."

Smith nodded. "Put it on-screen." The officer relayed the data and when the ship appeared, everyone started. The Captain stared, in a mix of shock and awe. This was a possible first contact....they had made plenty but she got to make one, that was definitely a bonus for her career. The officer interrupted her dreams of fame, with a cold dose of reality.

"Ma'am, they have weapon systems activated. The ship is in a passive stance, however." Mary narrowed her eyes as the Telrosian suspicion, common to their culture, kicked in. "Activate weapons systems and scramble fighters. Prepare to record a message and relay it through the probes to the ship. I don't want any EM interference to fuck this up."

"Aye, ma'am."

The alarm sounded as they automatically went to Code 2, which was the battle readiness alert. It was automatically sounded if weapons were armed and fighters deployed. Pilots rushed from bunks, recreation areas and the cafeteria to the equipment bays and then their fighters. Two squadrons were deployed and a distress call was readied, just in case. Mary stood firm as they informed her that they were ready to record.

"This is Captain Mary, United Nations Navy, onboard the frigate UNS Hopeless. You are in Telrosian space and in violation of several territorial laws. State your identity and purpose, and power down your weapons. Any attempts at hostilities will be met with deadly force."
27-12-2008, 04:29
Alexander Yukov sighed as the transmission ended. He had broadcast the message across the bridge, and everyone stood there in disbelief. It was custom for ships to have their weapons systems activated, namely as a precaution. How anyone could overlook this was beyond him. He rubbed an aged hand across his head. Gray hair showing from all his years in command. He had a darkened completion, a show of his native and caucasian heritage. Franklin came up to his side then with a smirk on his face as if expecting a usual reply. Alexander merely chuckled, waving a hand. "I say we play this safely."

"Aye Captain," Franklin said. He alerted the bridge, the ship going to condition red.

Battlestations were readied, the new recruits rushing to beat their previous time. A signal was sent ensuring them this was no test, and so everyone had a seriousness about them. The fighter's outside the Yorktown started to make battle formations as the large strike carrier started to ease gently to her side, turning as if in flight on some planet towards the direction of the Telrosian ship. The speed and manner in which she moved would make any computer calculate that by the time she righted herself she would be right beside the UNS Hopeless. From the Hopeless's point of view, no action was taken to power down weapons or assume any other stance than a passive one.

On the bridge, Alexander snapped his fingers. A PAD was given to him from one of the bridge officers and he made a personal reply.

This is the Colonial Union Attack Carrier Yorktown, designation CVA-020. I am Captain Alexander Yukov and represent the Galactic Federation of Anagonia. By our charts this region is just outside known Federation space, and we are in all rights to maintain our weapons systems. You will power down your weapons and prepare to have the Yorktown come at rest beside the UNS Hopeless. We will then begin diplomatic negotiations. Any attempt to resist or any signs to provoke will lead to your system being clusterf*cked with Federation Starships.

Franklin stood at the side wall where many stations had flat panel screens that activated by touch. He pressed one of the screens, stopping the transmission as he looked at the Captain. "Are you sure?"

Alexander glared at Franklin, "I am. They seem honest enough, but I'm willing to bet they've never encounter an alien species. Therefore, I'm going to give them a taste."

Franklin looked dumb for a moment, then sighed as he allowed the transmission to be sent. "Aye Captain."