NationStates Jolt Archive

Whiskeasian Times (Whiskeasy News Report)

25-12-2008, 19:35
OOC: So yeah... this is another of those news paper type things. But I may throw in my own news report or other interesting media thing. Lets go on.

Scandal Rocks Nation!

Former Secretary for Foreign Affairs Gerald Highclere was arrested last night for treason and the unveiling of state secrets. Highclere, 46, was the Secretary for Foreign Affairs for three years. He was a cabinet member for two and left with the change of the Prime Minister last April. It is alleged that Highclere had started the internet trend of 'blogging'. A popular activity where the 'blogger' puts up certain information on the internet about their life, experiences or occupation. He used a screen name of 'cabinet-man32' and posted several articles telling of unreleased information often saying that the PM gave him 'privileged' information. The information leaked included espionage and 'black-ops'.
Treason is one of the few crimes still warranting the Death Penalty, the Minister for Law and Justice stated Highclere would be dealt with "Severely". He is currently being held in Walworth High-Security Prison without bail pending his trial in "The near future". We shall be watching this situation carefully as it unfolds.

Jane Irvill

War Brewing: Jason Stenit's Column
A war is brewing in the NS world as The Global World Order and Stoklomolvi prepare for a massive face off in ideologies. The world is watching the PM himself is said to be "Monitoring the situation... personally."
The increase in membership for the corporation and fallout bunker owners Bunker-Tek has tripled as people fear a full scale nuclear war. The PM assures the people that the nuclear defense program for Whiskeasy is "incredibly competent". I myself hold a Bunker-Tek membership. This gives me access to my local fallout bunker. The ability to go underground in the time of nuclear war and ensuing aftermath.
The war looms closer and although Whiskeasy remains neutral who knows how long that will last for. I only hope for my family and myself that our government makes the right decision. For once.
06-01-2009, 13:24
Nuclear attack, right or wrong? Jason Stenits Column

As a nation we ask ourselves a question, was last weeks nuclear attack on
Fictions really justified? Well the government says so but our Prime Minister elect seems to disagree. He resigned because of his decision and I don't know whether it was the guilt or professionally but he stood down from office, a very noble deed. So we still ask was it worth it? Fifteen thousand people died in the Fictional Bombings. Another twenty thousand injured, all because we got involved in someone else's conflict. Or was it? We have to think, was this a war of ideology? Probably. A war of freedom? For Fictions perhaps. I would say this war has brought this country together the only way blind fear can, a fear of the end, of a nuclear holocaust. We had our youth problems, our knife crime and thieving yet it all seems to have slowed, people needed to struggle to survive, community became important. The old man next door became the medic, the Muslim your helping hand, the people who you feared came to your aid.

My mother died from the cluster-bombing. She was eighty-two and she fell down the stairs and broke her leg, by the time she had dragged herself outside the bombs were falling. They found her three days later under the rubble of her home. She died in an aid station two days after. Those people that saved her were her neighbours, and I thank them for it. I believe after the horror they wreaked on us, a little nuclear energy can't go amiss. But that's me, I'm bitter, angry and tied. I just hope those Goddamn Fictionals enjoy their freedom, there was a heavy cost.