Creotian Embassy Exchange Program
The People's Republic of Creote would like to invite all foreign nations to apply for official diplomatic relations with our country, in turn we will also open embassies within your nations(only upon request).
A maximum of 40 diplomatic staff is allowed
A maximum of 25 security officials are allowed
Pets are welcome
Full Diplomatic Immunity will be granted to staff
NOTE: If a member of staff (excluding Ambassador) is found guilty of murdering a Creotian citizen, they will be arrested and tried in a court of law.
NOTE: If a member of staff (excluding Ambassador) is found guilty of environmental crimes they will be arrested and will appear before a court of law which will deport the foreign citizen if found guilty.
No Tanks, warfare machinery or vehicles with mounted weaponry will be allowed
A maximum of 5 official Ambassadorial vehicles are allowed
NOTE: Of these 5 vehicles, 3 must be hydrogen/ethanol-powered vehicles.
No Automatic weaponry will be allowed into the country
All embassies will be opened in Laibach, the capital and largest city in Creote. The following are available locations in which you may apply for an embassy:
1) Laibach Gardens:
This is the largest park in the city of Laibach, situated within an area of eco-friendly homes and office buildings. The People's Republic has decided to convert a section of the Northern edge of the park (bordering the Verd River) into a Diplomatic Quarter. This area is perfect for smaller (and/or eco-friendly) nations. This area is 45 minutes away from LAIBACH INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT.
2) Republic Boulevard :
Republic Boulevard is the longest street within Laibach. We have marked out several plots on this stretch of road for your nation to place their embassy/diplomatic compound. This boulevard is famous for its entertainment, shopping and high-rise apartment buildings. Large private and government-owned corporations are scattered along the road and provide your embassy with good trade and development opportunities.
2) Diplomatica :
This massive newly established suburb nestled between the southern suburban developments of the city and the Verd River, has specifically been built for embassies and diplomatic residences. Three new malls have been built to cater for your needs, with the establishment of five international/private schools for the diplomatic staff's children. Also, many open plots exist for the development of businesses/religious and educational institutions from your respective countries. This suburb is also near to the LAIBACH PRIVATE AVIATION AIRPORT (LPAA).
Kindly fill out the following application form:
Official Name of Country:
Head of Government:
Type of Government:
Current Government Ideology:
Name of Ambassador:
Brief Biography of Ambassador:
Ambassador's Family:
Number of Diplomatic Staff:
Number of Security Staff:
Number and Type of Weapons:
Number and Type of Vehicles (MAX: 5, 3 fuel-efficient or hydrogen/ethanol-powered):
Special Requests:
Trade Negotiations:
Treaty Negotiations:
Hanger space, and at which Airport?
Area in which you would like your Embassy to be situated:
Thank you for your time.
24-12-2008, 13:26
Official Name of Country: Soviet Republic of Chernobyl-Pripyat
Head of Government: Premier Viktoria Kotenko
Type of Government: Single party state
Current Government Ideology: Socialist
Population: 750,000,000 [cap]
Name of Ambassador: Dimitri Bolinski [35]
Brief Biography of Ambassador: Graduated from Trenseka University in foreign relations, applied for position and was approved by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Ambassador's Family: Alena Bolinski [30], Vanya Bolinski [11]
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 15
Number of Security Staff: 8
Number and Type of Weapons: 8 Simonov Carbines, 8 PYa pistols
Number and Type of Vehicles (MAX: 5, 3 fuel-efficient or hydrogen/ethanol-powered): 2 Lada 1500, will procure a fuel efficient car on site
Special Requests: Feel free to open an embassy in our nation.
Trade Negotiations: negotiable
Treaty Negotiations: negotiable
Hanger space, and at which Airport? Laibach IA
Area in which you would like your Embassy to be situated: Laibach, hanger space provided for an Antonov-10.
Thank you for your application Comrade, It has been accepted. The People's Republic of Creote has allocated you an open embassy lot in Laibach Gardens. A hanger has been rented and will be ready for your use at LIA. Our BEC (Bureau of Environment Crimes) will inspect your embassy within 2 months of opening to ensure that you have bought a fuel-efficient car.
Also, as you will be given a lot in Laibach Gardens (an eco-friendly suburb) the Government of Creote will allow you to use a government Architect to ensure your embassy building meet environmental requirements, free of charge. Your nation will also be happy to know that Creote subsidses the building of environmentally friendly buildings.
Have a fantastic day.
Official Diplomatic Telegram from The Federation of Prycuse
To:Creotian Embassy Exchange Program
The Federation of Prycuse would like to establish an embassy in The People's Republic of Creote. The required information is below:
Official Name of Country: (The) Federation of Prycuse
Head of Government:Chancellor Billy Williams
Type of Government:Federal Republic
Current Government Ideology:Liberalism
Population: 1.44 Billion (RP with 175 Million)
Name of Ambassador: Edward Turk
Brief Biography of Ambassador: Age: 41, 6 year degree in International Diplomacy, Served in the Departmental Branch as a assistant councilman for 4 years, Ambassador to several Nations over a period of 10 years.
Ambassador's Family: Wife: Lisa (Age: 39), Son: Luke (16)
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 15
Number of Security Staff: 5
Number and Type of Weapons: 5x FN_Five-seven Pistol (
Number and Type of Vehicles (MAX: 5, 3 fuel-efficient or hydrogen/ethanol-powered): 3 Hydrogen Powered Rolls-Royce Phantom Coup (
Special Requests: Set up an embassy in Prycuse (check sig)
Trade Negotiations: Free trade
Treaty Negotiations: None at this time
Hanger space, and at which Airport? none
Area in which you would like your Embassy to be situated: Laibach Gardens (if possible)
If there are any problems please contact us, thank you.
David Sanders
Council chief for the Department of Foreign Relations
Great Majorca
24-12-2008, 16:03
Official Name of Country: Kingdom of Great Majorca
Head of Government: King Marek I
Type of Government: Constitutional Monarchy w/ heavy emphasis on the Monarch
Current Government Ideology: Conservative Catholic nation
Population: 2.65 Billion
Name of Ambassador: Baroness Beverly Emsley
Brief Biography of Ambassador: Phd. in International Affairs and Business - Ostol University, Former CEO Cytron Industries
Ambassador's Family: Husband - Gerald and 3 grown children - Alssy, Ben, & Chris
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 30
Number of Security Staff: 15
Number and Type of Weapons: 45 Glock 19c handguns
Number and Type of Vehicles (MAX: 5, 3 fuel-efficient or hydrogen/ethanol-powered): 4 Lincoln Navigator
Special Requests:
Trade Negotiations:
Treaty Negotiations:
Hanger space, and at which Airport?
Area in which you would like your Embassy to be situated: Diplomatica
TO: Federation of Prycuse
Thank you for your application, it has been accepted. We will apply for an embassy in your nation without any hesistation. As our nation believes in Fair Trade and not Free Trade, we hope you will still be open to investing in the fine nation of Creote.
Also, as you will be given a lot in Laibach Gardens (an eco-friendly suburb) the Government of Creote will allow you to use a government Architect to ensure your embassy building meets environmental requirements, free of charge. Your nation will also be happy to know that Creote subsidses the building of environmentally friendly buildings.
TO: Kingdom of Great Majorca
The humble and hard working people of Creote welcome your diplomatic staff to our nation. The Government of Creote does however want to remind Great Majorca that the vehicles allowed into Creote must meet the minimum requiremnets. As you have 3 cars, one of those 3 must be energy-efficient in some way. Thank you for your application.
24-12-2008, 17:26
The Federation of Cukarica
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Official comunique
Official Name of Country:The Federation of Cukarica
Head of Government:President Srecko Ilic
Type of Government:Federal Goverment
Current Government Ideology: Liberal Democracy
Population:around 300 000 000
Name of Ambassador:Hesser Kovalov
Brief Biography of Ambassador:Ex-major in the Federational Skyguard
Ambassador's Family:wife and two kids
Number of Diplomatic Staff:20
Number of Security Staff:20
Number and Type of Weapons:Mp5
Number and Type of Vehicles (MAX: 5, 3 fuel-efficient or hydrogen/ethanol-powered):
2x Armoured limousines,1x SUV (type of propulsion is picked by you)
Special Requests:none
Trade Negotiations:Zaitsev class carrier request
Treaty Negotiations:
1.Contracting Federational institute of warfare to supply your army;[Pending]
2.Mutual Economic,biohazard,Nature dissaster,Military assistance treaty [Pending]
Hanger space, and at which Airport?you should pick
Area in which you would like your Embassy to be situated:your choice
Gratefully yours President Srecko Ilic.
The Federation of Cukarica
OOC:Ill edit the post as soon as i get some time =)
We wish to thank the The Federation of Cukarica for your application and grant it without hesitation. We have granted your nation an embassy on Republic Boulevard. You have also been given a hanger at the LPAA.
Official Name of Sovereignty: Kiravian Empire
Head of Government: Emperor Irasur Seawind
Type of Government: Supranational Republican Federacy
Current Government Ideology: Capitalism, Colonialism, Social Libertarianism
Population: 3.9 billion
Name of Ambassador: Ambassador-Lieutenant Têrin Norþfjord
Brief Biography of Ambassador: Norþfjord hails from the Colony of Iothia, where he served as Vice-Secriatist of State for three years. This is his first extra-imperial assignment.
Ambassador's Family: None
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 1 (3 support staff)
Number of Security Staff: 0
Number and Type of Weapons: N/A
Number and Type of Vehicles (MAX: 5, 3 fuel-efficient or hydrogen/ethanol-powered): 1 ethanol-drive SUV
Special Requests: None.
Trade Negotiations: Welcomed
Treaty Negotiations: Possibly
Hanger space, and at which Airport? None wanted.
Area in which you would like your Embassy to be situated:
Lumpy Custard
24-12-2008, 23:00
To:Creotian Embassy Exchange Program
The Custardian Republic of Lumpy Custard would like to display our interest in opening an embassy in Creote. The required information is as follows:
Official Name of Country: The Custardian Republic of Lumpy Custard
Head of Government:Chancellor Hostellor Fuls
Type of Government:Republic
Current Government Ideology:Liberalism, Cultural Conservatism
Population: 3.083 billion
Name of Ambassador: Holfun Gostel
Brief Biography of Ambassador: At 38 he is a fresh face of the Custardian Senate but has already shown extensive knowledge and understanding of international politics, making him an ideal candidate.
Ambassador's Family: His wife passed away two years ago, only 4 years into the marriage, but she left him with a 14-year-old son, Tol, who will accompany him. He will also bring his faithful Hobgoblin, Kisp.
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 9 (excluding Ambassador Gostel).
Number of Security Staff: 10 Starguard (special-ops type thing).
Number and Type of Weapons: All Securiy staff will be equipped with standard issue sabres and SL34 pistols. Ambassador Gostel will also carry, at all times, an SL32 pistol.
Number and Type of Vehicles: 5 Hydrogen-powered Culor Cruise-Cars.
Special Requests: The senate feels it would be desirable if a Creotian Embassy was established in the Lumpy Custard Capitol, Custardin, and a fine plot of land in the Administrative Quarter.
Trade Negotiations: Free trade
Treaty Negotiations: Possible, though not imperative.
Hanger space: Not necessary.
Area in which you would like your Embassy to be situated: No definite preference.
Official Name of Country: The Chazaka Empire
Head of Government: Nyx Darkrider
Type of Government:Chazaka Democracy
Current Government Ideology: Center-Left
Population: Over 600 million
Name of Ambassador: Waldo O'Beal
Brief Biography of Ambassador: Has worked in governmental offices all of his life. Comes from a rather large family that is nearly all in Ambassador Services.
Ambassador's Family: Wife: Alda O'Beal
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 20
Number of Security Staff: 14
Number and Type of Weapons: Tasers, 15 IMA MB 50s (
Number and Type of Vehicles: 2 "staterights" armored limos
Special Requests: Embassy in Chaziton, link in sig
Trade Negotiations: Yes, freely
Treaty Negotiations: Sure
Hanger space, and at which Airport? None thanks will take normal chartered flights.
Area in which you would like your Embassy to be situated: Laibach Gardens
25-12-2008, 03:11
Official Name of Country: Second Federation of Pacifica / Pacifican Federation
Head of Government: Prime Minister Anthony R. Wittrock
Type of Government: Constitutional federal parliamentary democratic republic
Current Government Ideology: Progressive Liberalism
Population: 156,319,983 (RP pop)
Name of Ambassador: Sylvia McTeague Greene
Brief Biography of Ambassador: Slyvia McTeague Greene (born 03 March 1957) in Newcastle, Pacifica to parents Margaret and David McTeague. Married James Greene in 1976. Graduated Bachelor of Arts in Political Science in 1976. Earned JD in 1979. Called to the bar in 1982. Elected to National Assembly in 1997 as Progressive League candidate resigned in 2006. Appointed Ambassadorship to Creote in 2008.
Ambassador's Family: Spouse/husband – James Greene; no children
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 15 diplomatic personnel
Number of Security Staff: 10 security personnel
Number and Type of Weapons:
10x Beretta M9 pistols
Number and Type of Vehicles (MAX: 5, 3 fuel-efficient or hydrogen/ethanol-powered):
x5 Chevrolet HydroGen4 automobile
Special Requests: -
Trade Negotiations: Yes
Treaty Negotiations: Yes
Hanger space, and at which Airport? Yes, Laibach Private Aviation Airport
Area in which you would like your Embassy to be situated: Diplomatica
Official Name of Country: The United Island States of AHSCA
Head of Government: Kaena
Type of Government: Federation
Current Government Ideology: Center-Left
Name of Ambassador: Koroah Ku
Brief Biography of Ambassador: Koroah is a native to Aurora Island and was a care-taker for Marcella Villa
Ambassador's Family: none
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 25
Number of Security Staff: 10
Number and Type of Weapons: semi-auto M1 riffles
Number and Type of Vehicles (MAX: 5, 3 fuel-efficient or hydrogen/ethanol-powered):
Special Requests:
Trade Negotiations: If discussed
Treaty Negotiations: if discussed
Hanger space, and at which Airport?: no
Area in which you would like your Embassy to be situated: Republic Blvd.
NOTE: If a member of staff (excluding Ambassador) is found guilty of environmental crimes they will be deported without appearing before a court of law.
Err how is that possible? unless you have guilty until proven innocent approach to law in which case we may need to withdrawal our embassy request.
That should probably be cleared up Comrade - Creote has a Bureau of Environmental Crimes (BEC) and if an employee of the Chazakan Embassy were to commit a crime for which the BEC had sufficient evidence against that employee, the Embassy of Chazaka would be notified and the process of expulsion would begin.
Do not misunderstand us, our nation believes in justice and a fair and free trial; but if the employee was found guilty of an environmental crime (which carries a maximum sentence similar to murder or treason) the People's Republic of Creote feels it would be far more simpler (and cheaper) and beneficial towards the Chazakan citizen and state if they were deported back to Chazaka. It is not unreasonable, in fact this regulation serves to protect our diplomatic relations and actually protects the Chazakan citizen from having to serve a sentence of anything ranging between 25 and 1000+ years.
Please try to understand our reasons, and if needs be the People's Republic of Creote will change this regulation to suit your nation and the many others.
PLEASE NOTE: The People's Republic of Creote has changed its regulations, a foreign diplomat found guilty of environmental crimes WILL appear before a judge who will hear the state's case and the defense's case. If found guilty the diplomat will be deported with immediate effect, this at the end of the day saves the state from having to imprison the foreigner for a very long time.
A change in the Creotian Constitution was made to facilitate this arrangement, as courts could not deport any person living within Creote. This tiring process of amending the Constitution also shows Creote's willingness to open its borders to citizens and diplomats from foreign nations. In the Creotian House of Representatives the Social Democrats and their coalition partners (the Socialists and Liberal Party) were only narrowly able to amend the constititution, with many parties and people within the ruling party disagreeing with the change.
Please accept Creote's apologies for appearing to be a lawless and unfair in its dealings; and remember an Embassy in Creote means much more for your nation.
TO: Kiravian Empire
Your request has been accepted, You have been given a plot in Diplomatica. We hope this move will be start of great relationship between our two nations.
TO: The Custardian Republic of Lumpy Custard
Your request has been accepted, our nation will gladly open an embassy in your country. We thank you for the time spent applying and we the humble and hardworking citizens of Creote salute you. You have been assigned a lot on Republic Boulevard, near to the People's Bank building.
TO: The Chazaka Empire
Our country would like to inform you of our decision to accept your country's application. We welcome your diplomats with open arms and will open an embassy in Chazaka soon. We hope the steps taken by our government to ensure that your concerns about our justice system are answered. Our hardworking people do not hesitate to open our doors to our comrades in Chazaka.
Also, as you will be given a lot in Laibach Gardens (an eco-friendly suburb) the Government of Creote will allow you to use a government Architect to ensure your embassy building meets environmental requirements, free of charge. Your nation will also be happy to know that Creote subsidses the building of environmentally friendly buildings.
TO: Pacifican Federation
We wish to inform you of our acceptance of your application. We welcome Sylvia Greene and have assigned your embassy a large plot in Diplomatica. The LPAA Hanger is currently being rented and will be ready for your arrival. We would also like to congratulate your nation on investing in our future, and for being very environmentally-friendly through your choice of Hyrogen cars.
TO: The United Island States of AHSCA
The People's Republic of Creote has accepted your application, in future be sure to fill out the application form in its entirety. Thank you for your interest in diplomatic relations with Creote. Your embassy has been assigned an open lot on Republic Boulevard, next to the Department of Health's national HQ. We sincerely thank you and wish your nation a Merry Christmas.
25-12-2008, 21:08
OOC:Also Creote i updated my application it has some new treaty sugestions...take a look =)
OOC: Thanks Cukarica, really want to discuss option 2. Must I create a seperate thread?
25-12-2008, 22:22
OOC:No need for new thread if you dont want...also feel free to make an embassy in is in the sig but ill post it again :) Embassy (
Official Name of Country: The Confederacy of Laudren States
Head of Government: Vice Roy Vice Roy Jhon Herrscher
Type of Government: Confederacy
Current Government Ideology: Socialist
Population: 267 million
Name of Ambassador: Analise Blovent
Brief Biography of Ambassador: The First female ambassador. She is only 29 years old, and has been in the law profession for 6 years, and is viewed as a hero.
Ambassador's Family: Husband: Jeff Blovent, 3 yr old son: Nick Blovent
Number of Diplomatic Staff:20
Number of Security Staff:15
Number and Type of Weapons: Class 1 Tasers, M9 pistols
Number and Type of Vehicles (MAX: 5, 3 fuel-efficient or hydrogen/ethanol-powered): 2 hybrid Imperial Class Limos, 1 hydrogen powered Royal Guard Transport(unarmed)
Special Requests: establish an embassy with laudren
Trade Negotiations: We would like to establish trade agrements
Treaty Negotiations: most likely
Hanger space, and at which Airport? none
Area in which you would like your Embassy to be situated: 2) Republic Boulevard
New Kereptica
26-12-2008, 01:04
Official Name of Country: The Allied States of New Kereptica
Head of Government: President Joseph Keupir
Type of Government: Representative democracy
Current Government Ideology: Liberal capitalism
Population: 1,448,000,000
Name of Ambassador: Konsta Hentunen
Brief Biography of Ambassador: Ambassador Hentunen served as the Representative for the Vatlangin State to the Allied Congress for 15 years, and has had experience acting as the Allied State's ambassador to other nations.
Ambassador's Family: None
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 30
Number of Security Staff: 15
Number and Type of Weapons: 1 Desert Eagle .50 AE per guard
Number and Type of Vehicles (MAX: 5, 3 fuel-efficient or hydrogen/ethanol-powered): 2 Hydrogen fueled SUVs
Special Requests: Please establish a reciprocate embassy in New Kereptica (OOC: Link in sig)
Trade Negotiations: Not at this time
Treaty Negotiations: Not at this time
Hanger space, and at which Airport? Not at this time
Area in which you would like your Embassy to be situated: Diplomatica
26-12-2008, 01:11
Official Name of Sovereignty: (the) oppressed Peoples of Stolychnaya
Head of Government: Carl Panzram
Type of Government: Corperate Police State
Current Government Ideology: Liberation, Authoritarion
Population: 729 million
Name of Ambassador: Andrei Chikatilo
Brief Biography of Ambassador: Born in Stolychnaya City to diplomatic parents he was sent to University where he got a psychology degree along with world politics and business degrees.
Ambassador's Family: Beverley Allit
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 10 (4 support staff)
Number of Security Staff: 10
Number and Type of Weapons: 2 Bor rifle, 8 Glocks
Number and Type of Vehicles (MAX: 5, 3 fuel-efficient or hydrogen/ethanol-powered): 1 ethanol-drive Aston Martin DB9
Special Requests: None.
Trade Negotiations: Welcomed
Treaty Negotiations: Hopefully
Hanger space, and at which Airport? yes, upto you
Area in which you would like your Embassy to be situated: Your choice
The People's Republic is busy processing the above applications.
27-12-2008, 19:19
OOC:Also Creote im awaiting response for the above mentioned trade-aid negotiations.
Official Name of Country: The Empire of Orinion
Head of Government: Emperor Joshua Cloudao (Aged 26)
Type of Government: Democatic Monarchy
Current Government Ideology: Trys to be democatic but boils down to what the Emperor wants, the Emperor gets.
Population: 240 million
Name of Ambassador: Markus Trynia
Brief Biography of Ambassador: Age 28, up and comer in the Government. One of most gifted polictions in the Empire.
Ambassador's Family: Wife: Slivea Trynia
Number of Diplomatic Staff: 30
Number of Security Staff: 20
Number and Type of Weapons: 20X Osprey .45 Bladed Pistols
Number and Type of Vehicles (MAX: 5, 3 fuel-efficient or hydrogen/ethanol-powered): 3X Lada 1500, Hydrogen powered.
Special Requests: The Emperor would like a bottle of your finest wiskey.
Trade Negotiations: Welcomed
Treaty Negotiations: Interested
Hanger space, and at which Airport? Enough room for a T89 Flying Fortess MK2 (Depomatic Version) at LLA.
Area in which you would like your Embassy to be situated: Laibach Gardens