The Shipping Lanes Burn
21-12-2008, 03:21
IC thread here:
This is for all ooc comments, questions, and discussions.
Attack plans etc. also go here
Please join I need more people
21-12-2008, 03:24
So battlehawk would you mind me attack your ships?
21-12-2008, 03:28
ORBAT (Bundesmarine)
3x Falken ( DDG
6x Preußisch ( FFG
16x Schützen ( FC
--480 marines
6x Fox ( FFG
--390 marines
20x FA 15 ( Cardinal fighters (based in Brittanican Adenia)
Cargo types that would tempt the pirates? (figuring that the Principality's Merchie ships probably are mostly-unarmed...)
The Battlehawk
21-12-2008, 03:46
Of course not, merchent veseels fine, attacking the crusiers is probably abit suicidel, but hey what ever
21-12-2008, 03:51
( Pirates would be capable and more than willing to attack your cruisers.
The pirates would be attracted to just about anything that can make them a quick buck but they would probably be really tempted to attack anything transporting weapons.)
The Battlehawk
21-12-2008, 03:52
All four at once?
21-12-2008, 03:52
A CIWS can turn a little boat into Swiss cheese in about five miliseconds--I would agree that attacking a cruiser would be suicide.
The Battlehawk
21-12-2008, 03:54
And then theres the big guns
21-12-2008, 03:55
(I don't need to board them. Just need to wound one of your cruisers and I'll knock out 2 ships all in one shot. Plus....I have a good idea on what to do. An rpg aimed at the hull of a ship can do some serious damage)
21-12-2008, 03:55
Eh. Big guns tend to miss more frequently against speedboats, though I'd agree with you if you're talking about a 76mm or smaller. Faster rate of fire.
21-12-2008, 03:56
Krautz Petroleum
Runs at least 30-40 Suezmax tankers through the areas of west africa and the red sea a month along with 20-40 ULCC tankers moving around the west coast of Africa a month.
Chandler Geneco
Runs 20-30 tankers of the Suezmax class with chemicals.
Stanley Cargo Equipment
Runs 800-4500 ships along the aformentioned route, of various sizes from small trawlers to large 300 ton bulk cargo vessels carrying everything from cars to ammunition the ammunition/weapon laden vessels would be default have some light armed protection force on board
Fertlick Fishing
Operates more than 300 fishing vessels all across the west coast of africa and around 30 fishing vessels in the red sea
Take your pick which vessels you decide to go after, some companies will however be more inclined to start putting armed guards on vessels than others as well as possibly setting traps and such for pirates.
The Battlehawk
21-12-2008, 03:56
I meant if the pirates choose a large vessel to attack with
What about rival pirates?
21-12-2008, 03:58
( Depending on what Stanley cargo ships carry usually I'll probably attack those. The pirates aren't after oil and aren't the hostage taking type so Krautz petroleum will be safe. However Chemicals of any kind can be sold big in Yemen so Chandler will probably be a target.....However I will go after Stanley cargo.
Tiurabo, the pirates are collaborating. Oh and by the way no one knows about the death guard being part of the pirate raids.)
21-12-2008, 04:01
Unkerlantum do you want to rp me attacking a cargo ship or do you want me to do a santa anna type post where I take over.
No, I mean what if I have another group of pirates, or even privateers, in the same waters? Either they wouldn't be callaborating with your gang, or I could just RP them seperately. Having you as the only pirates seems a little narrow, don't you think?
21-12-2008, 04:04
Well thats sort of what the thread is about. Me being the pirate. However if you want to be in this thread and rp as a pirate you will need to collaborate with the pirates. I don't want to be unfair but this rp focuses on a little deeper issue in ralkovia to draw it away from that with other pirates sort of defeats the point of this thread.
21-12-2008, 04:05
Well you can make a post involving any of the above companies, I just giving you some targets for the pirates.
I'll just handle responding to attacks and such, depending on what company gets hit and by what size or type the cargo is will determine my government or the companies reaction.
21-12-2008, 04:12
Okay well I can make up what I want to do then right?
And I can make up what the ship is carrying?
So a cargo ship carrying 8000 luxury cars sounds reasonable?
21-12-2008, 04:16
Yes you can make up whatever you want as to the cargo and load sizes.
21-12-2008, 04:22
(One last question what are common names of people in your region. This for the name of the ship and the crew. Just give me like 13 names)
21-12-2008, 04:36
Pretty much any name found in Western Europe or a Hebrew Name.
Lots of names focus on divinity, the Reich, or the Kaiser.
21-12-2008, 04:37
okay I'll get a post later on tonight
21-12-2008, 04:54
Ralk, I'd be fine with having Tiurabo RP a group of pirates. It might add a little variety to the mix. Of course, it's your call in the end.
(I don't need to board them. Just need to wound one of your cruisers and I'll knock out 2 ships all in one shot. Plus....I have a good idea on what to do. An rpg aimed at the hull of a ship can do some serious damage)
An RPG would not do anything too serious to modern warship, even with their thin skins. You'd have to hit the bridge or some of the electronics masts to really impair any major systems. RPGs are notoriously inaccurate, especially when fired from a moving boat, and it'd have to moving since a stionary boat makes for an easy target. Also, dontt forget that a warship carries weapons with greatr range and accuracy then RPGs, the pirates would be hard pressed to get close enough to use them.
21-12-2008, 08:15
(I'm not only planning that but something else.)
21-12-2008, 22:29
Okay Unkerlantum I finished my post for you
Hmmm...they like weapons...and shiny things.
Shiny things...
I want to bounce this idea off of you in TG, Ralkovia, I had an Idea..
22-12-2008, 22:35
okay I read you post.
New Greston
23-12-2008, 00:06
x2 Thalberg Class LSD
GMNS Iris - 491 Naval Marine Infantry Units
GMNS Island Binder - 491 Naval Marine Infantry Units
Subtotal: 982 Naval Marine Infantry Units
x1 Wirbelsturm Class DDG
GMNS Gollevainen - 71 Marine Infantry Officers
Subtotal: 71 Marine Infantry Officers
x1 Storm Class BB
GMNS Lord Gray - 400 Naval Marine Infantry Units, 72 Marine Infantry Officers
Subtotal: 400 Naval Marine Infantry Units, 72 Marine Infantry Officers
Total: 1,525 Naval Marine Units/Officers
There will also be a shitload of merchants in the area.
23-12-2008, 18:46
Your orbat is fine
Now, then, the cavalier and irresponsible way that a cargo like that... Pirates assault cargo ship, thinking there's treasure on board. Pirates break open the container that looks most likely to have something really valuable.
There will now be a chorus of embarassed coughing an' sputtering from the owner (former owner) of said cargo-ship, since it was carrying something as blackly dangerous (in many ways-like, say, being really a fairly hot item for rogue states and terrorists?) as breeder-recycled plutonium 240. Not to mention the hazard to navigation from the now-un-guided (I assume the Pirates don't have a disposeable man to take the helm of an irradiated superfund site that was under power when it was boarded...) vessel in the shipping lanes that has what amounts to a near-critical exposed radiation source that's dumping gamma into the iron (and what happens, class, when you radiate Gamma into iron? Yup, it gets radioactive TOO.)
I think things got messier.
Depending on how long it actually took the Pirates to get word out...
24-12-2008, 15:50
Ralk, I apologize profusely for not responding sooner. I'll get a response up ASAP.
Also, if anyone's cargo ships come under attack, radio a distress signal to the Leistungi Bundesmarine directly with the coordinates of the attack. Unless you want to handle it yourselves, of course.
24-12-2008, 15:54
the death guard will survive Sudova, they are extremely smart and will figure a way out but for now they want to contain it because the last thing they need is everyone snooping around.
the death guard will survive Sudova, they are extremely smart and will figure a way out but for now they want to contain it because the last thing they need is everyone snooping around.
Well, that was to the plan-it wouldn't do to kill too many in a single bite or event. The idea was to create a moment of Heroism for the Death Guards, and maybe for the non-DG pirates who survive this. It just might be that they have gained a martyr and a hero now.
A kind of "First Real Legend" among them that isn't tied to their past (pre-explusion) deeds, but to their very hard, very real present, and maybe their future as well.
An Inspiration to the "Garden variety" cutthroats, and a reminder to the Death Guards of what they were and are. (and Maybe what they should be.)
I left him un-named, because that's YOUR job-if you want to use it. Un-named can work too, the important part is that the man sacrificed everything when he could have run (and his comrades run behind him). Anyone might sacrifice on a sure thing-sacrificing on a narrow chance? That's heroic.
26-12-2008, 08:28
That was epic
That was epic
I try. Need a "Next Act" though. Some way for my own troops to reach the bar set by our un-named Death Guard.
I suspect, in the aftermath, that the Pirates' more...pragmatic leaders are going to look at the cargo from that ship, and realize that even the items left undamaged are now "marked goods"-hard to dump on the market without blowing the contacts they use to translate captured goods into cash.
The ship itself is "marked goods" for that matter-once the original owners realize they don't have a ship anymore, and presuming they knew what it was carrying, they'll be looking for it, and with the iron content of a freighter being what it is, and with that much gamma hitting, it's going to be pretty easy to track if it's still above the waterline.
The World Strider's going to have to be scuttled somewhere over deep water in a hurry.