Making an Introduction
101st paratroopers
19-12-2008, 22:37
Hi, I'm new to RPing and I know lots of nations make introduction threads. What do I put in it? Please help.
Welcome to NationStates! If you want to make an intro post, right here in International Incidents is good. Also for Tips advice and a general how-to, read the sticky threads at the top of the forum. You can also Telegram me if you have any questions.
101st paratroopers
19-12-2008, 22:39
Ok! thanks. I'm not exactly new to NS i just never use the forums.
Ok! thanks. I'm not exactly new to NS i just never use the forums.
Oh well in that case welcome to the NationStates forums! :D
Well, tell us a little more about your nation - not so much the things we could see on your NS page but more
give us a touch of your nations hsitory; how your government came about; are you looking to excell in trade, or military, or education; do you want to join an alliance or lone wolf it; what is your culture/ civilization like; what is your nations terrrain, weather, and ecology like; what tech level are you / AND SO ON
or you can start a thread offering to exchange embassies
101st paratroopers
19-12-2008, 22:41
101st paratroopers
19-12-2008, 23:35
Thanks guys, Any more tips?
Thanks guys, Any more tips?
Find a 'gag' and run with it. Something that makes your nation unique or different (or just interesting). It could be anything-cultural, foods, habits, or style that's just...different.
FOr instance, the 'gag' I'm running with wrt Sudova is the perpetual client-state gag-they never seem to be able to be 'on top' of any alliances they make, instead they're always a kind of "Sidekick Status" nation. (oh, and the weird cultural thing, and the hints of general strangeness...)
101st paratroopers
20-12-2008, 00:11
ok thanks. Also does anyone have an example of a good fact book?
20-12-2008, 01:42
Yeah my 'gag' is that I try to make stuff in my country Whiskey related. It is really hard. Hmm, look at some of the other threads. And click on links in peoples sigs to their Factbooks. It's what I do.
Hurtful Thoughts
20-12-2008, 07:59
Ok! thanks. I'm not exactly new to NS i just never use the forums.
Find a 'gag' and run with it. Something that makes your nation unique or different (or just interesting). It could be anything-cultural, foods, habits, or style that's just...different.
FOr instance, the 'gag' I'm running with wrt Sudova is the perpetual client-state gag-they never seem to be able to be 'on top' of any alliances they make, instead they're always a kind of "Sidekick Status" nation. (oh, and the weird cultural thing, and the hints of general strangeness...)
My country summed-up by a pathological liar (
ooc: your military seems rather... well actually more like extremely small for a nation of your size. Your numbers of vehicles in service is incredibly low as well as your troop numbers.
And they're all highly trained and well equipped, and since PROHT actually has a grasp of tactics.. he can probably defeat an enemy 5x the size with this.
Course, my historical/infamous 'kill ratios' were achieved at great cost. (
Except my soldiers never climbed out of their bunkers...
And they weren't exactly mine...
In alliances, I rationalize an awful lot of "loose-cannon" bahavior for the greater good.
"WTF hero?" indeed...
101st paratroopers
21-12-2008, 18:56
Ok thanks