The Meeting
18-12-2008, 23:36
It had been a while since the US had returned to the world. It had been embraced by many nations, while a tiny handful had threatened war.
The American people were enjoying a prosperous period in the history of their nation. Political and Civil Rights were rated as excellent, and the economy, while no longer the cream of the crop, was a healthy powerhouse.
The State Department had recieved a telegram from the Ryou Black Islands with yet another rant and yet another threat of war. They waved it off as just the Ryous being the Ryous, spouting off typical noncredible statements. The Americans knew the threats were mainly for the domestic consumption of the Ryou people. History has shown that when you country is on bad times, someone always blames the foreigner.
0430 AM Washington DC
Secretary of Defense Alfred Homestead was a 54 year old veteran. Not only had he fought in America's wars but after his service to his country he had served as a mercenary fighting for other counntries as well. He quit the mercenary industry during his ventures in the civil war of a certain country after he met and fell in love with a local woman. She and the child she was carrying in her womb were killed by a bomb of his own making. She had set it off accidentally when she walked by it, unawares of its existence. He tried to warn her but she could not hear over the loud roar of buzzsaws of the workman who were cutting down the trees around the house. The event left him with recurring nightmares and eternal anguish. It turned him into a closet alcoholic. Inquiries found he was not responsible because there was nothing he could have done. He still blamed himself and it affected his mental health though he did a good job of keeping it out of public view. Last night he had gone through 5 bottles of Jack Daniels. He had a huge headache this morning. His head throbbed so much it was difficult to think. The ringing of the phone was painful to his ears.
He picked it up and with the voice of someone with a big hangover he said
"Sir we have something I think you need to see." said Colonel Dwightson.
"What is it?"
"We're not sure. NASA picked it up with Hubble."
"The its a NASA problem, let them deal with it."
"They think it might be a matter of National Security."
"Alright, I'll be there in 30 minutes." He hung up the phone. Why do people always have to run like chickens with their heads cut off over harmless space rocks he thought to himself as he groggily got up to take a quick shower and get dressed.
0445 NASA Headquarters
NASA chief Robert Osborne did not know what to make of what was before him. Asteroid 1441 had been around a long time. It was also one of the few asteroids that had not been settled or mined. Since the dawn of the telescope it had had a predictable ellipitical orbit around the sun with its orbit taking it close to earth once in a blue while. The thing that alarmed NASA was that Asteroid 1441 was misbehaviing today. For one it had changed its orbit. What alarmed NASA and caused them to request consultation with the Secretary of Defense was that Asteroid 1441 was now on a collision course with Earth.
0630 The White House
Secretary Homestead had been taken aback by the presentation earlier in the morning. NASA had spent the early hours trying to figure out what could have caused a change in A1441's orbit that could have put it on a collision course with earth.
By now the President was in on the discussions which were being kept top secret from the rest of the world. Though he was sure other nations were also tracking the object.
NASA aid Ernest Chavez brought a suitcase to Osborne, setting it on the table and opening it, "You need to hear this" he said. He plugged it in to the wall and turned a knob. The device was connected to NASA HQ and was linked into the NASA mainframe. The speakers began to beat with a low steady burst of drumming like morse code.
Puzzled, the President said, "what does this have to do with the asteroid? If someone in the Atantic is distress just send out a coast guard cutter."
"Mr President, " said Osborne, "This isn't coming from the earth nor is it coming from any of earth's sattelites or any of our spacecraft."
The President, Defense Secretary, CIA Cheif, and Secretary of State and National Security Advisor shot him a look.
"Its coming from Asteroid 1441. It just started broadcasting this in the last 15 minutes." Chavez said. "It appears that it is deliberately aimed at the earth. I'm sure the other country's are probably picking it up." The President's jaw dropped and the Defense Secretary sat bolt up. The Secretary of State dropped her cup of hot coffee onto the carpet.
The phone rang and Osbourne was informed that A1441 was now slowing down and that a small peice had broken off from the whole. The main body had entered into an orbit around earth while the small peice had already entered the earth's atmosphere. It was headed to Area 51.
18-12-2008, 23:47
CNN Special Report
The US Department of Defense has gone to DEFCON 2 this morning and all reservists have been activated. The Pentagon has refused to comment and local soldiers have said they don't know what is going except that soldiers have been ordered to be battle ready within the hour. In Littleton Wyoming a group of Hippies is protesting the increased military activity saying it is the first step toward the government's plan to establish a military dictatorship. "We have to resist the government. Fight the man. Fight to keep your rights." said John Nitro as he puffed on a joint. "It's a conspiracy by the President and the world's other leaders to take away our rights." fellow hippie Dog, told the reporter.
In other news, residents in the Western states got to see a nice fireworks display as a bright meteor flew through our atmosphere this morning. It is reported to have crashed somewhere in New Mexico. Without elaborting, NASA scientists with armed escorts are on their way to the area to collect the meteorite. They said the escort was to protect them from crazed pot smoking hippies. The team leader, Helen Romanov, said it was likely to be a typical peice of space rock but that it would be useful in studying the origins of the solar system.
19-12-2008, 00:05
The chunk of asteroid had slowed sufficiently that people were now able to see its true form, a frisbee shaped object the size of two football fields. It had a silver gleam and come to a slow speed that made it appear to be floating in the air as it drifted toward a portion of the field located on Area 51, the location was, by now, surrounded by the base's quick reaction force.
It had already touched down by the time President had arrived. The earthmen looked at the object with puzzlement and awe. Because of the radiation they avoided getting too close. The spacecraft gave a low hum.
THe people on the ground at the time of the landing were briefing the President when what appeared to be entrance to the craft began to open up and a ramp lowered to the ground. Two feet appeared and began to move downward. The pilot of the craft was wearing sometype of spacesuit.
When it was on the ground it looked at the people before him. The soldiers had their weapons at the ready in cased it tried anything. One of the soldiers fired on it deliberately, and it raised an object shaped like a hammer and swung it in the soldiers direction and a beam of light shot out of its blade, knocking the soldier down. The bullets bounced off the spacesuit. It raised its huge hands (double the size of a typical human's) to its helmet and lifted it off its head, revealing a blonde blue eyed human like creature. At least the head was that of a human. It spoke in a deep but loud voice, "Greetings people of the Earth. I come in peace. I am Thor. I have returned home."
19-12-2008, 00:28
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
The director walked into his office the next morning, after receiving a bundle of folders. He sat down at his desk, sipping his coffee every now and then while looking over various reports, when one about an object from space caught his eye. "Clearly must be a hoax.. time will tell, I guess." he thought to himself as he put it to the side.
After sitting for a few minutes doing nothing, he promptly got up, picked up the folder and went to the communications room.
To: NSA, United States of America
From: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Soviet Republic of Chernobyl-Pripyat
Re: Space disk
We had detected a foreign object outside the atmosphere last night, which then quickly adjusted course and appeared to have landed somewhere within your borders. You wouldn't happen to know about this, would you?
19-12-2008, 04:35
NSA Chairmen Bill Aquamine picked up the reply communique to read it before it was sent.
To: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Soviet Republic of Chernobyl-Pripyat
From: NSA, United States of America
Re: Space Disk
The only thing that landed inside our borders last night was an average iron meteorite. There was no change in course by the object. We have had people make such claims over here as well, and we are certain they are the result of optical illusions.
End Text
The CIA's liaiason officer scoffed. Aquafine looked at him. The agent said, "Sir with the mother ship in orbit I don't think anyone is going to believe that was just a meteor. "
The NSA sent the Soviet's a request to simply stand by while they consulted with the President.
After 5 hours, the NSA sent this reply.
"The United States has detected a large spacecraft which has assumed geostationary orbit around our planet. The ship is not new to our solar system as it is the previously known asteroid 1441. We've known of its existence since Galileo pointed his scope at it in 1650. What we didn't know was that it was not really an asteroid but a craft that has been keeping an eye on us if you will.
The small meteor which changed course was a flying saucer. It's occupant claims he is Thor and that he is originally from earth. Our experts believe he might be the Thor of Scandinavian mythology. That is all I know.
He has asked to meet with our President because he has some kind of a message for the world.
We have determined that neither he nor his craft are hostile. He does carry a hammer shaped device which emits somekind of beam weapon. We are speculating that it could be the legendary Thor's Hammer.
Bill Aquafine
Chairman, NSA United States of America
19-12-2008, 05:05
Thor looked at the men before him. "I must speak to your leader."
President Johnson stepped forward, "I am the President."
Thor studied him, "You are the President of the Americans. You are not the President of the world. I know more than you think. I have been watching the planets development for centuries."
The President's face turned to unease. "What do you want?"
"You must give up all of your nuclear weapons, and your fossil fuels if you want your world to survive. I have technology that can power your cities for centuries."
"How do we know we can trust you?"
"You do not need to trust me. I need to trust you. I am one of the guardians of this planetary system. The others are on the mother ship. Usually we do not offer technologies to primitive tribes such as yours. But we do so because of the imperativeness of the situation. "
"You said had returned home. Are you from earth?"
"No. We came from another star system. We came to earth to colonize it but found convergent evolution because there were already beings living here who looked like us but who were much smaller. Your ancestors. We taught your ancestors how to build pyramids and how to build environmentally sustainable cities. We also defended your world against hostile alien forces such as Ragnorok. When we realized that we could not block your impulse for war and destruction we left the earth so your species could develop on its own. But we kept watch should outside forces attempt hostile interference or invasion."
"Why after all these years did you change your policy? Why make yourselves known to us now?"
"We have detected an alien race which has also been visting your world since the year you call 1940. They have been abducting earth people and performing cruel sadistic experiments on them. We did not intervene because they only took two or three humans at a time. But now we have learned that their intention toward your planet and your species is hostile. They want to enslave the human race and take the earth for themselves. Your own people have a term for them: The Greys.
The Greys will soon make themselves known to your world openly. They will offer trade, free technology, and medicines. But in return they will demand total submission and surrender of every nation on your world. If they do not get it, they will destroy your planet. Neither you nor any of your planet's other tribes will be able to survive their onslaught.
In return for your world giving up nuclear weapons and fossil fuels and agreeing to curtail population growth, and an agreement to never make trade agreements with the greys, we will help you defend yourselves. "
"Who are the greys?"
"They will be here soon. You do not have much time to act." Thor got up and left, brushing aside the men who tried to stop him as if they were mere sheets of paper.
"Who are the greys and why do they want to destroy the earth?" asked the Secretary of State. They already knew that none of them had the answer to that.
NSA to rest of the world :
What you have just seen was an authentic message from an alien race. They have come in freindship and to warn us. They claim the so called greys have ships that can travel across dimensions in addition to through space. The President is not convinced the threat is credible and believes that Thor might be making it just so he can get us to give the technology which our civilization is based on. We also think he wants us to give up nukes so we will be vulnerable when his people attack us. We don't trust the Norsemen.
We advise keeping this information secret as it could lead to unnecessary mass panic.
20-12-2008, 01:16
Thor left the compound despite the military's best attempts to hold him.
Sgt Slaughter yelled for him to stop but Thor just kept walking toward the entrance to the underground base. The men were ordered to fire and opened up on Thor with their military issued automatic rifles and their 9 mm. The 5.56 mm rounds bounced off without touching him as if they had hit some kind of invisible wall.
"Shit, he's got a shield." someone called out. Thor turned around, raised his hammer and swung it, sending a powerful beam down the hall at the group of soldiers, killing them as it hit them. In his culture it is ok to kill someone if they were trying to kill you.
Then he pulled out another device, shaped like a stick, and bright warm purple beam emitted from it. He directed it at the fallen troops. The dead soldiers's wound closed up and they began to stir. If he had waited more than a minute he would not have been able to resurrect them. To most people what he did would have been magical, miraculous or outright impossible. But in recent years, even earth scientists had begun to stumble on the realization that it might be possible to raise people from the dead using advanced technology. Thor's people had already found such technology and had perfected it. But even they could not ressurect everyone. It would be too late for anyone who has been dead for more than 2 minutes. That leaves a very small window in which to bring someone back. The device worked by temporirly reprogramming the bodies cells into super healing cells. But it used up half the body's blood supply to do so. The body would naturally replenish itself with in a 24 hour period provided the individual drank plenty of water. As they awakened, their memories and personalities remained intact.
Thor approached the door which did not open nor it did give way when he tried to open it. Picking up his hammer again, he swung. This time no beams shot out. The hammer hit the door with a tremendous thud. Thor continued to whack the 3 foot thick door with hammer, giving way on the 4 swing, breaking open. Thor walked through.
As he left the building he was immediately surrounded by armed troops but they had been ordered not to fire. They dared not attack the craft as Thor entered it, for fear of attracting unwanted attention.
As he approached the craft, another Norse like figure came out of the ship. A female. They spoke to each other an prehistoric Norse language that modern humans could not understand. They entered the craft, the ramp closing behind them.
After a 5 minute wait, the saucer began to lift off the ground at high acceleration. With in 30 seconds it was out of US airspace a minute later it was out of the atmosphere, heading toward the mother ship.
NASA and the NSA tracked it all the way to the mother ship where it docked. The huge object broke from its orbit, maintaining its position as the planet below it continued its daily rotation.
The President began to wonder if he had made a mistake. Maybe he should have consulted the leaders of the other nations instead of just presuming to speak for them.
He held a meeting of his top advisors and kept the military on high alert.
Within 30 minutes however, the invasion he expected, did not happen. Instead, the large object above the earth began to move out of earth orbit. It began moving high speed away from the earth and back to its former position in the asteroid belt. The crises was over. The encounter was over.
Within a day the military stood down and things returned to normal.
The United States resumed daily activities including calling on the Ryous to give up nuclear weapons and holding summit talks with various nations. But the events that had transpired at Area 51 would be kept top secret both from the American people and from the rest of the world.
The government put out a statement saying the object that had entered the atmosphere was just a meteor. It's change of direction and the claims by some to have seen a huge object in orbit above the earth were either the result of faulty equipment or mass hallucinations.
Those who insisted the US was trying to cover up UFO's were quietly arrested and shipped to Guantanamo were the government claimed, falsely, that they were members of Al Qaeda.
20-12-2008, 04:26
3 Days Later
Aracibo Radio Astronomer Gary Gomez was playing minigolf when the alarm sounded again. He tried to fine tune it, to make sure the equipment was not malfunctioning. But it was still there. The sound was insistent with drumming. He called his supervisor who told him to get it unencrypted because it was probably a message from the Norse beings.
The federal government had designated the aliens as the Norsicans to seperate them from scandinavians native to earth.
In the midst of transmitting the signal to a relay station for dicipphering, Gomez realized that there was not one signal being picked up but multiple signals.
2 AM
The Phones began ringing off the hook at the National Astronomical Society HQ in Bellmont Pennsylvania. The callers reporting the mutual discovery of a group of comets that had just entered the solar sytem. A series of 5 comets in total had been discovered. The NAS went into marathon session trying to classify and give names to the comets.
It was when they tried to calculate the orbits that they realized that something was wrong. The comets were slowing down and had changed direction and were on a mass collision course with the earth.
4 AM
The NSA and the DOD of Defense had, by now, been alerted. NASA and the NSA, after the NSA failed to decipher the signal, realized it came not from Asteroid 1441 but that the signals were coming from the comets and it was leakage. The comets were talking to each and the earth was picking up the leaked radiation much like the earth's own TV signals would leak into space and be picked up by anyone who happened to be out there.
The NSA calculated the objects would arrive in Earth's orbit in about 1 day at their rate of speed.
20-12-2008, 04:47
Discovery 5, a sattillite that had been examing the atmosphere of Saturn, was redirected toward the comets to get a closer look and to analyze their composition. As it got in place, the ground controllers sent it a command and the optical camera zoomed in on the objects focusing on one of them.
A beam of light shot out of the nearest object, blasting Discovery 5 to smithereens.
On the earth the US government scrambled into a warlike footing. US defenses on Mars, which were virtually nonexistent went into alert for the first time in their existence. The objects had fired upon a United States exploration sattellite demonstrating their hostility. Or were they? Some in the administration argued that the newcomers might have interpreted the positioning of the American sattellite as a hostile act and might have been acting in self defense.
21-12-2008, 08:41
The government began seeking top secret contractors to construct a defense system against the aliens. But barely a day after the comets were spotted....
The objects assumed a geosolar orbit around the sun, between the orbit of Mars and Earth. At this time of year, Mars was on the other side of the Sun.
A small tea saucer shaped object left one of the comets and headed on course for earth. It's huge electromagnetic feild knocking power to many of earth's sattellites and space craft whose electronics were not shielded against such radiation.
11 pm New Mexico Local Time
The President was again at Area 51. The place had become the default meeting place for meeting new races. As the object approached, the lights on the ground went out. People driving down the freeway in its path found their cars dying on them and the batteries going dead for no apparent reason. Most of them could not help but notice the strange object that seemed to pass silent overhead. At one intersection, in the middle of the desert, it stopped over a stalled Yuckon pickup truck. As the occupants of the Yukon stood out of their vehicle gawking at the craft, it beamed a ray light that knocked them unconscious. A tractor beam locked on to the female and pulled her onto the ship. The poor soul would be taken to the mother and cut open for medical experimentation. Much the way humans use rats and other lower animals for medical experiments on earth.
As it got closer to the base, the power to Area 51 mysteriously shut down because it was not prepared to deal with ships emitting EMF's.
When the craft landed, two occupants came out. The soldiers around the ship found themselves paralyzed and unable to move or speak. For the entire time the aliens were on the base, they could not move and this caused fear. The occupants of the craft floated toward Building 7. The building the President was in.
President Johnson realized something was amiss when he noticed that his staff and his secret service agents stopped moving and did not respond to his attempts at conversations. Moments later, he found himself confronted by something he thought was a myth.
He, by now, had also been paralyzed but had been released for this meeting. He regarded the creatures before him. They were 4 feet tall, large bug like eyes, small mouths. The chins pointed downward and the craniums were huge. Their bodies were stick like and they had three insect like fingers on each hand. They communicated with via sometype of psychic connection. They looked identical to the greys of urban legend. He was afraid but he could not flee. Soon his staff were unparalyzed as well.
"We come in peace." one of the beings said.
"My God, they're real." Johnsonthought to himself.
"Yes, we are real." one the Greys said.
"Who are you?"
"We are from far far away. We come for your own good."
"How long have you been visiting earth?"
"We have been here since 1940 but only now do we show ourselves because
we want to trade with your world."
"In that case, we are all for trade. What do you offer?"
"We offer technology. Technology you can use to dominate your enemies on the battlefield. You can take over the world with our tech. We also offer medical cures. "
"What do you seek in return?"
"Not much. Our offer is free with only minor string. We want ownership of your planet and we wish to be allowed take some of your world's people to serve us and to be used as guinea pigs so we can continue to create new cures. "
"I'm not sure I can agree to that. My country's constitution protects the right of Americans to be secure in their persons torture and slavery."
"Maybe not your people. We are willing to accept a deal if you agree to exchange our technology in return for letting us abduct the citizens of other states. "
"I can't make decisions for other countries. I would have to consult with their leaders. That takes time."
"Human, you fool, you have no time. You must decide now. Or we will just take what we want."
The President thought about it.
"Do not try to conspire. We can read your minds."
If they tried anything they will have been martyred for nothing.
"I have to reject your offer."
"Regrettable" the Grey said verbally.
They pulled the woman off the craft, and in front of the President and his staff, proceeded to cut her limbs off and dissect her. When the secret service agents tried to intervene they were paralyzed. One of the Greys shot two of them with some type laser weapon, killing them on the spot.
"This will be your people and your species if you don't agree to our terms. You can already see that you don't have the ability to resist us. Give us what we want or we will just take the whole thing."
"Enough" Anderson said, "I'll sign the agreement. We'll agree to host your craft and let you take some of our people at random."
"Wise decision."
The agreement signed the Greys returned to their craft and left the earth.
Once the ship was gone Johnson turned to his Secretary of State. "Those bastards. How soon will our new weapons be ready. We need it soon."
"We are still in negotiations with the arms industry."
"The first chance we get we're going to blow those SOB's out of the sky."
The large craft began moving toward earth again. This time they intended to land. The President had thought he could get good terms based on a mutual respect for freedom and human rights. Instead, America found itself in a forced surrender of sorts.
22-12-2008, 04:50
The large craft entered into earth orbit. Small peices began breaking away and heading for the earth. As they entered the atmosphere people began taking phoots out of curiosity. Calls were made to 911. Power went out in areas that were the landing zones of the crafts.
CNN Special Report
People around the world are reporting UFO's in American airspace today. Federal authorities are keeping mum but say they are aware of the phenonmenon.
The military is on alert but has ordered its members not to talk to the media.
We have some photos that were sent in by amateur photographers:
.........the broadcast abruptly ended as the power to the city suddenly shut down. Several large craft arriving over the city.
22-12-2008, 05:21
BBC in Los Angeles report:
There is a report out of Tuscon of an F117 trying to attack one of the objects with devastating results as you can see from this home video.
Three large spacecraft took stationary positions over the city. Someone said something and the camera turned around to the south where 2 F117's were coming up. The camera tracks them. As they approach they fire several sidewinder missiles at the alien craft. The missiles exploded in midair without hitting anything. The craft responded by firing lasers at the planes causing them to blow up.
Back to the anchor.
We have just recieved word of a fleet of F117's being shot down by UFO's from 2 miles away as they leaving the ground.
Later that night broadcasts began reporting a retaliatory strike at the White House.
The images struck fear in the hearts of Americans everywhere.....
The Steppe Empire
22-12-2008, 05:44
OOC: Mind if I joined in?
22-12-2008, 07:21
OOC: Go ahead.
The Steppe Empire
22-12-2008, 07:26
OOC: Go ahead.
OOC: k, just to let you know, I am a FT nation and I am going to do a raid on you.
Just a warning.
22-12-2008, 07:31
Fortunately, the President was not in the White House during the attack. He was on his way back to Washington on Air Force One.
The first lady was in New York pushing literacy. He was shocked, when he heard the news about the White House. He ordered the military to stand. Clearly the US military was no match for the invasion force.
Through wireless communications he was again contacted by the Greys. He asked them to withdraw so that he could address the people. The Greys agreed but had already begun to abduct people for use as slaves and for experiments.
Americans watched as the craft began to leave American airspace, going back in to orbit above the earth where all the unprotected sats lost power. Across the US the power came back on. The media began trying to dissect what had just happened.
Within about 30 minutes they cut to the President who was about to give an address.
22-12-2008, 07:35
OOC: k, just to let you know, I am a FT nation and I am going to do a raid on you.
Just a warning.
OOC: That's fine. The US has been put out of commission by the Greys. There won't be much in terms of resistance. The AMerican military is grounded.
The Steppe Empire
22-12-2008, 07:38
Of all the races out in The Milky Way Galaxy, non were was deadly or warlike as The Hyperborians and the races they controlled in their ever expanding Galactic Khanate. a Ruthless and deadly Race, they were originally from Earth it self, till Humans forced them off the planet and made them into Semi-Nomadic Beings that soon conquered others in their bloodlust.
The Hyperborians had heard of The Greys, those little Bug-eyed Creeps, and their plans for the Earth nation known as USA. and The Greys would know one thing.
Never leave the Hyperborians out of anything.
Ayame Khan, The Grand Khan of The Galactic Khanate decided it was time to get some slaves and these "Americans" would do the job well. The Hyperborians were going to start a Invasion. Ayame soon ordered The First Fleet ( and over 120,000 Hyperborian Warriors with Vehicles to launch a all Out Assault on The USA and take many humans as slaves to the Khanate.
It was time for The Hyperborians to come a killing
22-12-2008, 07:48
The President began his address:
My fellow Americans,
Today the question of whether or not our planet has been visited covertly by extraterrestrial races in the past as well as the present has been answered. Yesterday I recieved a guest at one of our top secret bases. They were representatives of the Grey race. They have offered us advanced technology and miracle cures. The offer tempting and I am sure they intended it as such. However it came with strings attached. They asked for a transfer of title. Not to our nation but they wanted me to sign over the entire planet. As President of the United States I tried to explain to them that I would have to speak with other world leaders. I cannot act on the behalf of other states, only that state which I represent.
They also wanted our consent to grab random people to use as slaves and for medical experimentation. Our constitution bans involuntary servitude and I cannot grant that request. Their request to use Americans for medical experimentation is something we have always done to dogs, rats and certain monkeys. It was beneath me to agree to allow fellow Americans to be harmed when they had no input in the decision making.
I ordered a test of the aliens technology when they entered our air space. The results of the challenge have caused loss American lives. They have made clear to me that their attack on the White House was just a mere fraction of their fire power.
Consequently, in order to avoid bloodshed and prevent the total annihilation of our nation, I am forced to agree to their terms. This is for the good of America. Good bye.
22-12-2008, 07:55
The Norsicans monitored the situation from their location. They had warned the USA and had offered an alliance but had been rebuffed. Now the Greys were having their way with the earth. The Norsicans would not intervene unless the humans of earth asked them to.
The Norsicans were aware of the Hyperborian fleets now heading to earth, attracted by the arrival of the Greys which had probably attracted the attention of many other galactic civilizations to the earth.
Again, the Norsicans would not intervene on the Americans behalf.
The Steppe Empire
22-12-2008, 08:02
Near Earth's Moon
The Hyperborians first Fleet dropped out of Hyperspace near The Moon. Getting ready for the coming Invasion of Earth.
On Board The Flag Ship Hyperboria, Grand Admiral Dunea Kalith was speaking to Ayame via The HoloNet.
"the Fleet is ready for the attack, O Khan of Khans." the Hyperborian said, bowing. "Good," Ayame said, pleased at this Invasion, "I will arrive my self to see to it that we sre victorious against these Humans of Earth."
The Fleet was now preparing for war
22-12-2008, 10:49
NASA began attempting a transmission from its sattellites an SOS distress call to any galactic civilization that could pick it up. It was hoped that at least part of the SOS would get out before the sattellites were destroyed. And that any who picked it up would be able to tell where the signal had come from.
The Norsicans continued to monitor the Hyperborean fleet and the actions of the Greys. ut they still took no action because of America's refusal to give up nuclear weapons and fossil fuels.
America had been rendered defenseless to the invasions. It's atomic shield had been taken off line by the Greys who had commenced with the abduction and torture of Americans. Many Americans were taken aboard ships and sent to their homeworld for use as slaves.
The Greys, aware of the arrival of the Hyperboreans, ignored them as long as they did not interfere with jobs of the Greys on the earth. In return the Greys would not interfere with the actions of the Hyperboreans. The Greys considered most other sentient species in the galaxy to be lower lifeforms than themselves.
Many atrocities were being committed against the Americans: abduction, torture, forced servitude, rape, terrorization. The Grey's behavior was pretty much demonic and indeed many American preachers referred to the Grey's as demons sent by God to punish America for abortion and homosexuality.
This did not prevent them from being among the abductees. For years the Greys had taken people in secret in the middle of the night, returning the a couple of days later, sometimes they were returned three months afterward. Now the Greys were taking people in broad daylight in front of everyone.
They also began giving the US government new technology to supposedly conquer the rest of the planet. But the main reason they gave the tech was that they intended that whereever America went, the Greys would go and take more slaves from the conquered nation.
The Steppe Empire
22-12-2008, 18:58
The Hyperborian Fleet was closing in on The planet it self. But something else was being prepared for The Invasion. For years, the Hyperborians had been building a powerful weapon for their dreams of Galactic conquest. The weapon was Codenamed Star Reaper
And the weapon was to be sent to Earth to handle a few.....Problems.
But For now, The Hyperborians were now nearing The Target.
The Steppe Empire
22-12-2008, 21:40
bump of US
OOC: Can i join? My nation isnt an FT nation but.....if you dont want me in here just disregard this post.....
From: Emperor Douben
To: The President of the USA
Thalent has not actualy made contact with the hostile aliens yet. They have been abducting people form a very small town on our border though. We have a plan that we feel might have a chance at working. We are going to implement it here and would like to offer the supplies to you to implement it in your fine nation as well. We have been working on an experimental bioweapon that was man-made over here. It is very deadly. We are almost certain that they could not possibly have a cure for it. We intend to infect a certain number of people with our disease in the areas where the most abductions are taking place. We are hoping to infect the aliens on the ships by having the infected people abducted. We have prisoners who are infected and they are ready to be shipped out to you immediatly! We placed infected people in our own towns already. Please reply ASAP!
Emperor Douben
23-12-2008, 02:36
OOC: USA- is a MT nation. I just got the idea for this from the Art Bell show. LOL It sounded like an interesting idea for an rp. A MT versus FT type war.
From the President of the United States
To: Emperor Douben
The United States thanks you for your offer. The time is urgent and we accept your assistance. The United States proposes a clandiestine alliance against the aliens. We already have made top secret contract with an unnamed corporation to build a weapon for use against them.
The concept of a bioweapon sounds good and I like it. Except that the aliens will probably find a cure for it pretty rapidly. But we have to try everything in our arsenal that they can't shut down.
NASA has detected another fleet in orbit and we have begun tracking them too. They don't appear to be Grey ships.
The President
((OOC:Mind if i joined in as the Soviets?))
23-12-2008, 02:45
[OOC: UnitedStatesofAmerica- is not the RL USA, as doing so would be violating alternate history rules. There are no Soviets.]
I Know
But seeing as this:
My People came from the USSR In Colonization times (1922) and thus we still call them Soviets
so basicly thats what i mean
(Lots of people seperated from real nations or were colonized by them and as such so is mine)
23-12-2008, 04:34
OOC: I see no problem. Also, as Stock said, I'm not rping the real USA. If I was trying to do somekinod of alternate history thing it would prevent me from being able to rp attacks on my country by alien races and stuff. Alt Hist rps take away from freeform rps and restrict freedom to develop your nation as you want.
I assume that as long as you are not rping the Soviet Union from real history it is ok??????
Besides, my country is completely different from the real US. My country owns Iraq and has a state on the moon and an active colony on Mars. LOL It's much cooler. LOL
The Steppe Empire
23-12-2008, 05:28
The Hyperborian first Fleet was now over the area known as "North America". The Hyperborian Khanate was now Ready for the attack on USA.
While the fleet was now over the enemy nation on Earth, a Shuttle soon dropped out of Hyperspace and soon headed for The Hyperboria.
Ayame had come.
Bridge of The Super Star Destroyer Hyperboria
Grand Admiral Dunea Kalith soon turned to Ayame as the Grand Khan of The Hyperborians entered the Bridge. "My lady" Dunea said. "The Fleet is ready for the assault on the enemy nation" "Good," Ayame said, "have all ships start a Bombardment of one of their cities."
The City to be Bombarded was a city on the Eastern Coast of the Continent now from The Human Communications as "Boston"
The Ships turbolasers soon started firing on the enemy city. Raining Fire on the Humans with as much hate and malice to the primates that drove them off as any being would if they were forced off their world.
The Invasion had started.
From: Emperor Douben
To: The Greys and the other alien races seeking human slaves
I would like to give you a peace offering. I have 138 prisoners who I will gladley give to you as slaves. I hope that we can both prosper and make peace with each other.
With fear and respect,
Emperor Douben
From: Classified
To: The President of The USA
Subject: Classified
Encryption Level Alpha
Status Report for Operation Infection:
Three infected persons have been abducted. A fake peace offering was made by Emperor Douben to The Greys moments ago but no response as of yet. the peace offering was 138 prisoners. ALL have been infected with the virus and a few with other misc. viruses. NOTE: Aprox. 76 of the people that have been offered are wearing radiation proof mini-cameras and micophones in an attempt to spy on the enemy. Also, from what the emperor has heard only the normal kind of jets have been used for attacks. Depending on how the enemy became aware of incoming fighter jets and missiles The Emperor suggests using stealth bombers and extremely high heat missiles.
23-12-2008, 07:57
From: The Greys
To: Emperor Douben
Are the leader of the whole planet. These are the terms we demand:
1. The right to seize your people at random for use as slaves and for the conduction of medical experiments. You will give us right to all of your people. We will make the same deal with you that we "gave" the Americans.
If you don't accept these terms we can take your people whenever we want. As saw with America we can disable your military forces and we are not above attacking your cities.
The Grey Collective
From; The Greys
To: The Hyperborians
You are killing our medical experiments. Please halt your attack on the American cities until we pull our Guinea pigs out. Thank You.
The Grey Collective
23-12-2008, 08:09
The people in Boston had no chance or prewarning. They were incinerated instantly by the Hyperboreans death beams. They were lucky because they didn't have to suffer.
But the city was obliterated from North America. The military reflexely tried to fire missiles but the missiles would not fire because the systems remained offline due to the Greys.
The President sent a new message, encrypted, to the Hyperboreans, offering total surrender just as he had been forced to do for the Greys. The Americans knew nothing about either the Greys or the Hyperboreans.
President Johnson thought of resigning. But he knew God put him here for a reason. So he soldiered on. It would discourage Americans and their allies to see the nation's President resign in the face of adversity. But he was filled with self doubt, always wondering if he was making the right decision. He knew that no matter what he did, America was screwed. He was meeting his cabinet. It was the Secretary of State's idea to try surrendering to the Hyperboreans.
Later he sent a direct message to several allies.
To: Emperor Douben
From: President Theodore Johnson
A second group of aliens has wiped Boston off the earth without provocation. We attempted to respond with a missile launch but the Greys still have our forces disabled by their electronics. In fact our nation has ground to halt because most of our cities power systems are being blocked.
23-12-2008, 08:48
The Greys had forced the Thalentians and Americans into one group. The abductees were completely paralyzed and unable to move.
At the first stop, some of the Greys thought the humans might be hungry so they forced them to eat the Greys themselves a fruit shaped like an apple but softer. It was like an apple that been sitting a long time and had gone to spoil. .
It left a sour and rotten decay taste in the mouths of the humans who had forced to ingest it. "This will keep you healthy" the Greys told them psychically. But the humans did not have the option of saying no. Those humans would later recall in hypnosis sessions that the Greys worked as if they were worker bees in a hive.
As the humans were being forced through processing, an alarm sounded and the room they were sealed shut air tight. A screen came up showing an optical image of them and somekind of infrared of their insides. The infrared showed what appeared to be microbes on some of them. Greys in black came into the room and grabbed the infected humans, shoving needles into their eyes, ears, and other body parts to extract samples of the microbes. Once they had the samples they began to dissect the paralyzed humans in front of the others. They examined the internal organs before putting them back and then sealing the body back up and reviving them. Like the Norsicans, the Greys had the technology to revive the dead. So to speak.
Three days later the Greys returned their abductees. But before they did, the reinjected the microbes back into the infected. But this time the microbes had been reengineered to attack humans. Their cameras had been found and passed through some type of electromagnetic device to completely wipeout what ever was on them.
When they woke up, the infected saw those who had touched dropping dead with boils and bloody vomit. So they started warning people to stay away from them. Some even killed themselves.
President Johnson was receiving a briefing from one the Americans through a hypnotic session to recall the blocked memory. The Greys would zap your memory to force you to forget what you saw and experienced before they returned you. He learned of the hive like culture of the Greys and the type of food they eat. He even learned, to his dismay, that the Greys had discovered the microbes and had sought to turn against the earth.
Johnson, horrified, thought out loud: "If we can't even infect them with earth germs what hope do we have???"
He sent a message to the Thalantiens asking if they had been able to recovery any thing from the tapes????? He also knew an attempt to attack the aliens would result in retaliation so he warned Emperor Douben of a possible attack.
23-12-2008, 09:01
Outside Kansas City Missouri: 3:00pm
Tom the Trucker was driving down the road with hiis load. He stopped by the side of the road to pick up young female hitchhiker. They chatted a bit and got in the rig and went into town. Stopping at the truckstop they went to the diner where he bought her a late lunch.
Karen was trying hitchhiking from Georgia to California.
The people in the diner were conversing in their own groups with the news talking something about the President and his cabinet. The ground shook causing the conversations to stop. Some type of vortex opened up right behind Karen and a pair spiderlike fingers attached to stick like arms grabbed her and yanked her into it as she screamed in horror. Before anyone could move it had closed.
Soon, inside the local sheriff's station, the police were getting ready to respond to the call at the diner when the ground shook again and the radios went static as if they were experiencing electromagnetic interference. A vortex opened in the briefing room and the police began firing their 9mms at it as soon an arm appeared. It closed shut instantly, the arm withdrawing quickly. But another one opened up, this time in the most horrifying of places, inside one of the officers belly. It sucked him inside before anyone could do anything.
The Greys were now using their wormhole technology to facilitate their abductions.
From: Emperor Douben
To: The President
Encryption Level Alpha
As it appears the virus and cameras were a failure I can think of only one possible course of action to attempt to defeat these hostile aliens. You have tried to blow them up from the outside. My final idea is to implant explosives inside of people who will most likely be abducted....once they are aboard the alien ship we blow the ship up from the inside. Once again I am willing to donate people....but I unfortunatly cannot supply explosives....I would like to know what you think of this plan....there has to be a way to defeat these guys....
Emperor Douben
The Steppe Empire
23-12-2008, 15:33
"The enemy city has been destroyed." Grand Admiral Dunea said. Ayame nodded looking down on the Earth and smiled. The Greys had tried "Ordering" Them to stop and the Humans wanted to surrender.
Ayame was not going to listen.
The Hyperborians were a War-like race and were not known of letting their enemies Surrender. Nor were they incline to listen to others wanting the wars to end. To Surrender to The Hyperborians was Futile, The Hyperborians had no word in their Language for Surrender.
But Ayame was already planning another attack. The Greys had been using Technology unlike any known to the Hyperborians. Technology that the Greys had was something The Hyperborians would Want
Ayame was already planning a Attack on the Grey Ships to capture them, find their Homeworld and Conquer it, taking their Technology by force.
Force was the way of The Hyperborians.
While this was happening, The 30 Victory Star Destroyers were soon entering The Atmosphere. The Victory Class Star Destroyer was Unique among Star Destroyers, the Victory featured atmospheric maneuvering surfaces or "wings", making it one of the largest capital ships capable of atmospheric operations. Such ships could take the battle to the enemy on the surface, rather than be restricted to orbital bombardments.
The Landing was heading for a part of the USA known as Kansas.
24-12-2008, 04:01
High Encryption:
To: Emperor Douben
From: President Johnson
I can provide explosives. I was going to have my Secretary of Health and Human Services and the Director of the Centers for Disease Control help you with your efforts against the reengineered virus if you are having problems with it. But Mrs Myers, the Director of CDC here in America pointed out that the our information shows that the Greys' atmospheric craft appear to be live and organic. If we can't infect the aliens themselves, perhaps we can try and infect their airships. Afterall, if it is organic would it not be vulnerable viruses just like the aliens or humans or anyother life form? BUt that leaves the stuff they have in orbit which appears to be made of nonorgnic materials.
We also had an inident in Kansas. The Grey's are using wormholes now. But local police reported that some of their rounds were able to penetrate the aliens skin. So if we can find away around their sheild technology they can be killed just like humans.
We also need to start coordinating against the other aliens. They have not responded to our messages and have begun sending ships into our airspace.
The Steppe Empire
24-12-2008, 07:09
The invasion was going easy...........too Easy. The Greys had not tried stopping The Hyperborians nor had any human Aircraft tried attacking The Star Destroyers. Ayame was hoping that at lest she would get a Mass of enemy Ground Troops to try and stop the landing Hyperborian Warriors.
Near Wichita, Kansas
One of the Hyperborian Victory-I Cass Star Destroyers was landing near a Field of some human Crop near a enemy city. The Hyperborian Ship was soon starting to unload Ground troops, 2,040 Hyperborian Warriors, Many not just the Main ruling Hyperborian Main race or their Sub-Species (the Forest Dwelling Woodmen and The Gyps) But also other races: The Bull like Minotaurs, The Fox-like Vixenians, The Reptillian Korwraths, The Ant like Insectoid Myrmidons, the Raptor-like Ban'shan and many others from all across the Hyperborian Khanate. This Group was a small part of the Invasion force. For the other Victories were landing, and now coming from the rest of The fleet, Troop Transports were entering the Terran Atmosphere, so were The Fighters.
The VSD, named The Ape Killer was also unloading 10 large Kimbola Walkers, large Crab like war machines that had tentacles near The "mouth" of the thing, Eight legs and two arms with Crab like Claws at the end of them, and 15 AFN729 Repuslerlift Tank, a Tank that was hovering over the ground without any Support.
This Force soon started heading for The Farmhouse near by.
OOC: I will let you handle The family in the Farm House..........unless the Greys took them.
24-12-2008, 07:33
The youngish child started babbling about Minotaurs and his mother thought he was talking about a children's book. "That's nice" she said, and went back to cleaning dishes.
The fairy tale of the minotaurs had its roots in the past when a group of Minotaurs had visited greece sometime around 5,040 BC. The original story had it that they came out of the woods and abducted some young children at the time. But since they hadn't been seen since, it has always been assumed they were a creation of Greek mythology.
Now like the Norse Gods, they would turn out to be real.
The father and owner of the farmhouse was working on an old tractor, trying to get to start up again so he could get to work in the fields. When he stopped the electric screwdriver he heard the noise of the alien force. He couldn't see where it was coming from, while he under the vehicle so he crawled out from beneath and looked around until eyes caught the formation of varied alien groups and the crablike craft heading toward him. He ran to the house and grabbed his gun, telling his children to get into the cellar. His wife grabbed the other gun and they pointed them out the windows, at the approaching force. When it got to just a few feet beyond the white fence surrounding the house, (the fence was 20 feet from the house) they opened fire with their shot guns.
But their rounds bounced off the aliens and their craft. The family soon found itself overwhelmed. Prisoners of the of Hyperborians.
The Steppe Empire
24-12-2008, 07:35
The youngish child started babbling about Minotaurs and his mother thought he was talking about a children's book. "That's nice" she said, and went back to cleaning dishes.
The fairy tale of the minotaurs had its roots in the past when a group of Minotaurs had visited greece sometime around 5,040 BC. The original story had it that they came out of the woods and abducted some young children at the time. But since they hadn't been seen since, it has always been assumed they were a creation of Greek mythology.
Now like the Norse Gods, they would turn out to be real.
The father and owner of the farmhouse was working on an old tractor, trying to get to start up again so he could get to work in the fields. When he stopped the electric screwdriver he heard the noise of the alien force. He couldn't see where it was coming from, while he under the vehicle so he crawled out from beneath and looked around until eyes caught the formation of varied alien groups and the crablike craft heading toward him. He ran to the house and grabbed his gun, telling his children to get into the cellar. His wife grabbed the other gun and they pointed them out the windows, at the approaching force. When it got to just a few feet beyond the white fence surrounding the house, (the fence was 20 feet from the house) they opened fire with their shot guns.
But their rounds bounced off the aliens and their craft. The family soon found itself overwhelmed. Prisoners of the of Hyperborians.
OOC: Just to let you know, I would like to R what happens to my forces, just a reminder
IC Post soon.
24-12-2008, 07:45
ooc: ok
The Steppe Empire
24-12-2008, 07:53
The Hyperborians were not like The Greys as their Warriors did not use forcefields. Their Troops wore Armor, which look like Plastic Armor. But like all Armor, it had weak spots and 12 Warriors went down from the slugthrower (what Humans called guns). The Larger Vehicles had tick Armor against Artillery so small Arms were little use against Kimbola Walkers, which were as tall as a seven Story Building. Only The Starships, landers and Starfighters had Shields.
In Infantry soon started surrounding the House and then started firing Blaster Rifles against the house. the Basters looked like 18th Century Flintlock rifles, like they had Ammo clips and it was a Laser weapon. Hyperborian Repeating Blasters were the version of Machine Guns and looked like a Crossbow.
Other weapons in use were battle axes, Swords, Spears, Laser Bows (a Bow, like weapon used by Hyperborian Snipers and can fire a laser beam at a target 70 feet away) and Missile Launchers.
The Warriors were also Destroying any Trucks, Tractors and Cars to keep the family from escaping. They were also taking Livestock and feed for food for them selves and The war beasts and Hyperborian Livestock the other ships bought along when they landed.
Over head, Starfighters zoomed over nd headed for Wichita to cause more damage.
The Steppe Empire
24-12-2008, 07:55
OOC: I am going to bed, see ya in two days (After Christmas is the next Time I will be on the Forms.
24-12-2008, 08:23
Denecaep National News System- The Place that lets you Know
"Once again we have had someone disappear for no reason, and yet the evidence is the same. Nothing except for one thing. Let's turn to our news detective, Bob Henry. Bob?"
"Yes, all we found near the disappearence of the old lady was some "alien" fingerprints. Not that aliens are real or anything, they just well... They are not from a human. Back to you Sandra."
"Now 134 people have disappeared with the same weird fingerprints. President Billson will be issuing a message to the US soon, hopefully gaining information. After the break we will ask our political analyst, Brad Tokam, if this will affect the election."
24-12-2008, 08:27
President Billson hammered his desk. "Denecaep is supposed to be independent! They do not need help from other countries" But he calmed down, and realized this was what was best for the country. He could not let his people down.
To: The United States of America
From: Denecaep
As you know, there have been many unexplained cases of people missing, with evidence that suggests the culprits are not human. We know you have information we do not, and we beg you to help us know what is going on.
24-12-2008, 08:55
To: Denecaep
From: President Johnson, United States of America
We have a good deal of Americans who are being taken by an alien race known as the Greys. We are trying to find a way to defeat them. So far we and our allies have not been successful. You should be aware that there is another race of extraterrestrials which has chosen to attack our nation. We have not been able to find out the what the other aliens want because they have not responded to our messages. We only know they are hostile but we cannot respond because the Greys have disabled our military capabilities.
Viruses and direct assaults have not worked on the Greys. But we continue to try and find ways around their defenses. So far with no luck.
I should warn you that the Greys' might be using wormholes if they are taking your people.
(OOC: R you MT or FT? I'll let you rp any abductions that occur in your nation by the Greys)
The Steppe Empire
25-12-2008, 22:42
OOC: Merry Christmas, I am waiting of USA to reply to the Attack on The Farmhouse.
The Steppe Empire
25-12-2008, 23:32
Near The Planet Mars
All was quiet near the Red Planet when Something appeared, dropping out of Hyperspace.
These ships looked like Old, Yamato Class Battleships of the Japanese Empire of World War II, only these had two large bat-like wings on the sides. These were Rin-Shi Class Battlecruisers, 20 of them, armed with Four Large Plasma Cannon Turrets, 70 Turbolasers, 70 Missile/Torpedo Launchers and 20 Ion Cannons.
The Ships were crewed by Moe Wraths (, a Goblin like alien, with Large Ears, Large Eyes on the side of the head, Large Ears, slit like Mouths Green Skin, they walked like Apes with their Clawed Hands.
They were also members of the Hyperborian Khanate, ruled by The Hyperborians. They were also Force-sensitive, they were read others minds, or block others from reading their own minds. They were Perfect for facing the Greys.
One the lead Ship, The Red Sakura, there were over 50 Cimmerian Samurai, The Hyperborian Answer to The Sith and The Jedi. Force users, they were good fighters and used the Force as their ally. They were also Strong Willed, hard to control their minds and were to handle the Greys.
"Master Ami," Moe Wrath Admiral Ninkin Tomous said to Cimmerian Master Ami Kissemmei, "We are ready for the attack, all we have to do is wait for Ayame Khan's signal." Very good, Admiral" Ami said.
Ami was a Hyperborian, thick Black Hair and blue eyes, she was one of the more Human-looking Hyperborians, only the pointed ears and the wolf tail showed that she was Hyperborian, so did the Fangs she had.
The Moe Wraths also brought along their own Commandos to help in the Capture of The Three Grey Mother Ships. Armed with Blasters and their claws, they could be deadly, along with the Long 5 inch Teeth Behind their Mouths. One bite, they could inject a deadly Poison that would rot the victim inside out and kill them, turning the Victim's body into slime, never to return.
they were waiting, to capture The Greys Technology.
The Steppe Empire
26-12-2008, 01:08
OOC: waiting for USA to Reply
26-12-2008, 01:18
The local sheriffs got a call about a disturbance on the Jackson farm and sent a patrol unit out. When he arrived on the scene, he did a quick U Turn and radioed for backup.
Soon 20 police cars showed up and the police (30 total) got and started firing at the alien menace.
The Steppe Empire
26-12-2008, 01:27
The local sheriffs got a call about a disturbance on the Jackson farm and sent a patrol unit out. When he arrived on the scene, he did a quick U Turn and radioed for backup.
Soon 20 police cars showed up and the police (30 total) got and started firing at the alien menace.
30 Warriors were shot down, but the enemy force of 30 was soon to meet with one Kimbola Walker. the Walker soon looked down on the small force and soon started using a Plasma Flamethrower. The Blue Flames headed for the enemy to burn them to death.
Another Walker, backed up with two Repulserlift Tanks headed for the Farmhouse, going to destroy it.
26-12-2008, 01:31
The Greys were watching the Hyperborians as their numbers increased. The Greys remained unconcerned.
On schedule, two the Grey mother craft began drifting away from the earth. As soon as the wormhole opened up, they entered it for the return to the homeworld. But they would be back to collect more guienea pigs.
The Hive Collective was debating wether or not to abduct a hyperborian so the Grey's could learn more about them by dissecting one.
After a few weeks, the Grey ships returned. They reentered orbit and began abducting more humans.
They didn't worry about the Hyperborians, because their ships had shields able to withstand missiles, bullets, lasers and blaster rifles. The Grey ships' shielding was strong enough to withstand a photon torpedo. Though this was never tested by the other alien races, it was always assumed.
The saying was, "Mess with the Greys and they come for you in your sleep."
26-12-2008, 01:35
Five cops were hit by enemy fire. The rest fled. The chief called the state for backup. At first the state promised to send state troopers in but the cheif insisted on the military. But the miitary could not respond. So all they had were local and state police to fight the attack with.
The Steppe Empire
26-12-2008, 02:19
The Hyperborians had landed over 61,200 Warriors, just part of the 120,000 they were to use in the Invasion. with many types of Vehicles and War Beasts, the Invasion Army was now on The March, The near by Human City was the target.
Three of the Victory Star Destroyers soon lifted up the ground and started heading fr Wichita, to start spreading Terror among the Humans, and to have Air Cover.
While most Ships had one Shield, The Hyperborians used a Layer of Shielding, several Shields, one over the other to help protect the Ships from enemy Fire, and making it hard to bring The Shields down.
Now it was time for The Humans to see the Attack of The Hyperborians.
The Steppe Empire
26-12-2008, 04:38
Ayame soon decided to try and get The Greys to give The Hyperborians what they want, or be the next conquered race in the Khanate.
To The Grey Hive
We demand that you give us all info on your Technology, all types of it, To us and to leave us to The Conquest of These 'Americans' or you will face our wrath. Also, Any or our Warriors get nabbed by you, and Your Homeworlds will be the next Planets to be conquered by The Hyperborian Galactic Khanate
Long with The Hyperborians!
The Steppe Empire
26-12-2008, 05:44
The Hyperborian Fleets soon left, along with The Ground Forces because thet were forced to.
The Steppe Empire
26-12-2008, 05:45
PS: Thank TFU for ruining this Thread for me.
26-12-2008, 05:57
Ooc: Tfu??????
The Steppe Empire
26-12-2008, 06:00
Ooc: Tfu??????
OOC: The Fedral Union, a real Pain in the neck who bugs people with wanking.
Trust me you do NOT want to meet him.
26-12-2008, 06:16
ok. I'm not sure how he got involved..
The Steppe Empire
26-12-2008, 06:22
ok. I'm not sure how he got involved..
OOC: me and him hate each other OOCly and ICly
The Fedral Union
26-12-2008, 06:33
ok. I'm not sure how he got involved..
Check your TG's
26-12-2008, 06:57
OOC: Regardless. TFU can join but from now all attack/combat sequences must be coordinated in the ooc thread found here.
Let us keep this free. Hopefully posting our ideas in the ooc first will help prevent ooc/ rp style conlicts.
26-12-2008, 07:04
I need all FT nations to post specs to their ships and stuff on the ooc thread please.
26-12-2008, 10:42
OOC: The Fedral Union, a real Pain in the neck who bugs people with wanking.
Trust me you do NOT want to meet him.
The Steppe Empire, do NOT flame. Do NOT flamebait. The Federal Union has only one post in this thread, in response to a query from another player, and is not taking part in the RP. Whatever he does, has done or will do elsewhere is irrelevant to THIS THREAD. Cut it out.
08-01-2009, 06:32
The US had fallen under the total domination of the Greys. All efforts against them had failed. Including joint efforts to attack the Grey's with germ warfare. Unfortunately, the Grey's had detected the bioagent and turned it against the humans.
They had acquired some knowledge of the Grey's, their culture and their technology. Unfortunately, that knowledge was useless knowledge because they couldn't use it.
The other ET's had vanished after ravishing the Kansas country side. They had been quite close to overtaking a major American city. It was a relief to the locals that they had left. Unfortunately, the Grey's remained and continued to "harvest" the humans.
Americans had taken to calling the daily abductions, "harvest". Because it seemed that the Greys were abducting the humans not only for slavery or experiments but had now begun to harvest the serotonin which manufactured by the human brain when a human is under physical stress.
The Grey's had found a way to power some of their devices using the serotonin from human brains. In fact it was more like they had stumbled upon it during their experiments. This meant that the Grey's would never leave.
Another group of Grey's had figured out of way to harvest and use the dopamine that also was created in the human brain. They experimented using it in their drinks because it had a sweet taste to the Grey's palate.
These discoveries prompted the Grey's to research what other substance produced by the human body would be useful to their civilization.
The Steppe Empire
08-01-2009, 18:47
OOC: I will come back soon
08-01-2009, 20:27
OOC: ok
The Steppe Empire
10-01-2009, 04:43
While the Hyperborians had left the Sol Systems, they had left something. In Lunar Orbit, 20 odd looking satellites were soon starting to spread out to star going around the Earth. Shielded against weapons, they were t be part of Operation: Takeover.
Shi Moriea, Hyperborian Khanate Core Worlds Region
"What our dear Khan wants is not what I hoped for" Marquis Sakura Shijiazhuang said to Two Khanate Officials, who were sent to her for a plan for the capture of the Shin Ra (what The Hyperborian called the Greys) own Homeworld, all of what was known as that their homeworld was in the Zeta Reticuli Star System. The System was two Stars, Zeta 1 and Zeta 2.
Sakura was one of the Four Marquis of Astral-Tech, a Corporation that had it's own army and fleet, and now it seemed Sakura was the only person who could help in Subjugating the Greys and making them part of the Hyperborian Khanate.
Because of what Troops she had..........Battle Droids.
"I will see to it that these Greys fall to the Hyperborians" Sakura said as The Officials bowed and left.
Today would be a good day for Astral-Tech.
The Steppe Empire
11-01-2009, 19:43
24-01-2009, 03:02
The colony of Shin Ra was prosperous and thriving. It was jump point for both exploration and conquests. Though, the Grey's were not a conquering people's anymore. They had not engaged in a war of conquest for over 100 million years. Instead, they become powerful enough that they preyed upon species inferior to themselves. Their current target happened to be the earth. But when they had used up the earth, they would move on.
They did not consider Shin Ra to be at risk. So there was no elevation of threat levels.
Instead it was business as usual, they continued harvesting the earth of humans.
Those not familiar with the Grey's social structure, would have thought that Shin Ra was their homeworld. Except there were no battlecruisers or other major warships present to defend it. But this was deceptive. The planet itself had a doomsday device in the event an invasion did occur.
The Steppe Empire
24-01-2009, 03:32
The colony of Shin Ra was prosperous and thriving. It was jump point for both exploration and conquests. Though, the Grey's were not a conquering people's anymore. They had not engaged in a war of conquest for over 100 million years. Instead, they become powerful enough that they preyed upon species inferior to themselves. Their current target happened to be the earth. But when they had used up the earth, they would move on.
They did not consider Shin Ra to be at risk. So there was no elevation of threat levels.
Instead it was business as usual, they continued harvesting the earth of humans.
Those not familiar with the Grey's social structure, would have thought that Shin Ra was their homeworld. Except there were no battlecruisers or other major warships present to defend it. But this was deceptive. The planet itself had a doomsday device in the event an invasion did occur.
The Hyperborians were nearing the Time to start a Three Step Plan of Conquest. Astral Tech was to amass a fleet to take over The Grey Homeworld (at lest they think it is their homeworld) while The First Fleet would Return to Start The Invasion on Earth.
They were nearing readiness.
02-02-2009, 11:00
Jenny was backpacking with her friends in Yellowstone early in the evening. They stopped to rest and sat on some boulders. Suddenly, Brad stood up, his gaze eastward. Lara followed his gaze and froze. Soon everyone was looking in the same direction. Slowly some of the stars in the sky were disappearing as if an object were slowly blocking them out. It was triangular shaped and the size of 10 football fields.
They watched as it slowly moved toward them. The urge to run overwhelmed by petrification as the object came directly over them and a bright beam of light shined upon them.
It was only then that they had the urge to run in horror. But it was too late. The object held them still with a tractor beam as 12 Grays descended from the craft.
However, no sooner had the Grey's left the craft than the ground began to rumble. It was a noticable rumble. A low vibration was normal, caused by the gravity waves of the craft. But this was not a low rumble. They had to take their quarry and get out fast. For the first time, the Grey's showed emotion. Uncertainty.
On the richter scale, the rumble registered a 3.2. But then it was quickly followed by others, going all the way up to 4.0
They took the entire group onto the craft by tractor beam. The huge craft then departed the area. The shifting of the local geology was beginning to play havoc with the crafts planetary positioning system so they had left the atmosphere. Other Grey ships, had by now begun to avoid the Yellowstone area. Or at least most of them.
02-02-2009, 11:09
The quakes became more recurrent and bigger.
A few days, later, one of the Grey motherships moved to collect more humans.
As one of the smaller craft descended on Hartford, the people tried to fight back but their weapons were no match against the Grey's mind control.
They had rounded up 50 locals when the ground shook again, this time a 6.5. It lasted a moment. The Grey's frowned, and looked westward, at their mothership.
Suddenly, as the ground continued to shake for more than a minute, a beam of red molten light shot up from ground, straight through the mothership (as it began to move away but too slowly) and into the stratosphere. The larger craft crashed consequently, killing the Grey's that were on board. As it hit the ground, the remainder of the craft exploded to billions of peices.
The Grey's abandoned their quarry, boarded their small ships and left the area in confusion. But the black volcanic smoke brought even their ships down. They had not come prepared for this. Some were incinerated by the lava that violently erupted from the ground in North America's largest volcanic explosion. The rest escaped by flying below the cloud but above the magma which had already swallowed the town of Hartford.
05-02-2009, 04:39
The Greys who escaped, and made it to the main craft, high in Earth orbit, were immediately executed for negligence. Though they were not the ones who turned off the ships' sheilding, the Greys practiced mass punishment. You are killed for the mistakes of the people in your unit or governmental departmental.
This greatly discouraged individuals from speaking against or protesting Grey policies.